path: root/lib/compiler/src
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authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2015-01-29 12:59:24 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2015-02-11 09:57:47 +0100
commitd85d00be70ace6cbdffcf54300b6573dd0f9f771 (patch)
tree33728249db51fedbe7b93e03daf944ad0701c67b /lib/compiler/src
parentef029376067280869683776fc616f8514a2ff81a (diff)
v3_core: Use Core Erlang annotations in a type-safe way
Core Erlang annotations are supposed to be a list of terms. v3_core could temporarily stuff a record in the 'anno' field of a Core Erlang record. That will cause Dialyzer warnings if we would tighten the type specs for annotations. (We want to tighten the warnings in order to catch more real problems.) Avoid abusing the annotation by wrapping the entire Core Erlang record in a #isimple{} record. Reported-by: Kostis Sagonas
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index f0b90ff31c..dc145be78f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
-record(ifilter, {anno=#a{},arg}).
-record(igen, {anno=#a{},ceps=[],acc_pat,acc_guard,
+-record(isimple, {anno=#a{},term :: cerl:cerl()}).
-type iapply() :: #iapply{}.
-type ibinary() :: #ibinary{}.
@@ -125,11 +126,12 @@
-type itry() :: #itry{}.
-type ifilter() :: #ifilter{}.
-type igen() :: #igen{}.
+-type isimple() :: #isimple{}.
-type i() :: iapply() | ibinary() | icall() | icase() | icatch()
| iclause() | ifun() | iletrec() | imatch() | iprimop()
| iprotect() | ireceive1() | ireceive2() | iset() | itry()
- | ifilter() | igen().
+ | ifilter() | igen() | isimple().
-type warning() :: {file:filename(), [{integer(), module(), term()}]}.
@@ -288,13 +290,15 @@ gexpr({protect,Line,Arg}, Bools0, St0) ->
gexpr({op,L,'andalso',E1,E2}, Bools, St0) ->
- {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(L, St0),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(L, St0),
+ {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(Anno, St0),
V = {var,L,V0},
False = {atom,L,false},
E = make_bool_switch_guard(L, E1, V, E2, False),
gexpr(E, Bools, St);
gexpr({op,L,'orelse',E1,E2}, Bools, St0) ->
- {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(L, St0),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(L, St0),
+ {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(Anno, St0),
V = {var,L,V0},
True = {atom,L,true},
E = make_bool_switch_guard(L, E1, V, True, E2),
@@ -707,13 +711,15 @@ expr({op,_,'++',{lc,Llc,E,Qs0},More}, St0) ->
{Y,Yps,St} = lc_tq(Llc, E, Qs, Mc, St2),
expr({op,L,'andalso',E1,E2}, St0) ->
- {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(L, St0),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(L, St0),
+ {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(Anno, St0),
V = {var,L,V0},
False = {atom,L,false},
E = make_bool_switch(L, E1, V, E2, False, St0),
expr(E, St);
expr({op,L,'orelse',E1,E2}, St0) ->
- {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(L, St0),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(L, St0),
+ {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(Anno, St0),
V = {var,L,V0},
True = {atom,L,true},
E = make_bool_switch(L, E1, V, True, E2, St0),
@@ -1763,7 +1769,7 @@ new_var_name(#core{vcount=C}=St) ->
new_var(St) ->
new_var([], St).
-new_var(Anno, St0) ->
+new_var(Anno, St0) when is_list(Anno) ->
{New,St} = new_var_name(St0),
@@ -1990,11 +1996,11 @@ uexpr(#ibinary{anno=A,segments=Ss}, _, St) ->
uexpr(#c_literal{}=Lit, _, St) ->
Anno = get_anno(Lit),
{set_anno(Lit, #a{us=[],anno=Anno}),St};
-uexpr(Lit, _, St) ->
- true = is_simple(Lit), %Sanity check!
- Vs = lit_vars(Lit),
- Anno = get_anno(Lit),
- {set_anno(Lit, #a{us=Vs,anno=Anno}),St}.
+uexpr(Simple, _, St) ->
+ true = is_simple(Simple), %Sanity check!
+ Vs = lit_vars(Simple),
+ Anno = get_anno(Simple),
+ {#isimple{anno=#a{us=Vs,anno=Anno},term=Simple},St}.
uexpr_list(Les0, Ks, St0) ->
mapfoldl(fun (Le, St) -> uexpr(Le, Ks, St) end, St0, Les0).
@@ -2171,7 +2177,8 @@ cguard(Gs, St0) ->
cexprs([#iset{var=#c_var{name=Name}=Var}=Iset], As, St) ->
%% Make return value explicit, and make Var true top level.
- cexprs([Iset,Var#c_var{anno=#a{us=[Name]}}], As, St);
+ Isimple = #isimple{anno=#a{us=[Name]},term=Var},
+ cexprs([Iset,Isimple], As, St);
cexprs([Le], As, St0) ->
{Ce,Es,Us,St1} = cexpr(Le, As, St0),
Exp = make_vars(As), %The export variables
@@ -2286,12 +2293,9 @@ cexpr(#c_literal{}=Lit, _As, St) ->
Anno = get_anno(Lit),
Vs = Anno#a.us,
{set_anno(Lit, Anno#a.anno),[],Vs,St};
-cexpr(Lit, _As, St) ->
- true = is_simple(Lit), %Sanity check!
- Anno = get_anno(Lit),
- Vs = Anno#a.us,
- %%Vs = lit_vars(Lit),
- {set_anno(Lit, Anno#a.anno),[],Vs,St}.
+cexpr(#isimple{anno=#a{us=Vs},term=Simple}, _As, St) ->
+ true = is_simple(Simple), %Sanity check!
+ {Simple,[],Vs,St}.
cfun(#ifun{anno=A,id=Id,vars=Args,clauses=Lcs,fc=Lfc}, _As, St0) ->
{Ccs,St1} = cclauses(Lcs, [], St0), %NEVER export!