path: root/lib/cosProperty/src
diff options
authorLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-25 15:09:14 +0200
committerLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-27 12:05:30 +0200
commit6bcdad20c24457393c0d9eeb385d0ff5aa872cd0 (patch)
tree63162ddfa38d92eaff2193b73277aba18160308c /lib/cosProperty/src
parent87b06e4ab91729f7415578c8ac0aacec28720ad9 (diff)
Move the corba applcations to separate repository
All corba applications are moved to a separate repository. E.g. orber, ic, cosEvent, cosEventDomain, cosNotifications cosTime, cosTransactions, cosProperty and cosFileTransfer.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cosProperty/src')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 2673 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.cfg b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index f10bf843d6..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-{this, "CosPropertyService::PropertySet"}.
-{this, "CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef"}.
-{this, "CosPropertyService::PropertySetDefFactory"}.
-{this, "CosPropertyService::PropertySetFactory"}.
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.idl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 156fb37ccc..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosProperty.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#pragma prefix "omg.org"
-module CosPropertyService {
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Data Types */
- /*****************************************************/
- typedef string PropertyName;
- struct Property {
- PropertyName property_name;
- any property_value;
- };
- enum PropertyModeType {
- normal, read_only, fixed_normal, fixed_readonly, undefined };
- struct PropertyDef {
- PropertyName property_name;
- any property_value;
- PropertyModeType property_mode;
- };
- struct PropertyMode {
- PropertyName property_name;
- PropertyModeType property_mode;
- };
- typedef sequence<PropertyName> PropertyNames;
- typedef sequence<Property> Properties;
- typedef sequence<PropertyDef> PropertyDefs;
- typedef sequence<PropertyMode> PropertyModes;
- typedef sequence<CORBA::TypeCode> PropertyTypes;
- interface PropertyNamesIterator;
- interface PropertiesIterator;
- interface PropertySetFactory;
- interface PropertySetDef;
- interface PropertySet;
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Exceptions */
- /*****************************************************/
- exception ConstraintNotSupported{};
- exception InvalidPropertyName {};
- exception ConflictingProperty {};
- exception PropertyNotFound {};
- exception UnsupportedTypeCode {};
- exception UnsupportedProperty {};
- exception UnsupportedMode {};
- exception FixedProperty {};
- exception ReadOnlyProperty {};
- enum ExceptionReason { invalid_property_name, conflicting_property,
- property_not_found, unsupported_type_code,
- unsupported_property, unsupported_mode,
- fixed_property, read_only_property };
- struct PropertyException {
- ExceptionReason reason;
- PropertyName failing_property_name;
- };
- typedef sequence<PropertyException> PropertyExceptions;
- exception MultipleExceptions { PropertyExceptions exceptions; };
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Interface Definitions */
- /*****************************************************/
- interface PropertySetFactory {
- PropertySet create_propertyset();
- PropertySet create_constrained_propertyset( in PropertyTypes allowed_property_types,
- in Properties allowed_properties)
- raises(ConstraintNotSupported);
- PropertySet create_initial_propertyset( in Properties initial_properties)
- raises(MultipleExceptions); };
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- interface PropertySetDefFactory {
- PropertySetDef create_propertysetdef();
- PropertySetDef create_constrained_propertysetdef( in PropertyTypes allowed_property_types,
- in PropertyDefs allowed_property_defs)
- raises(ConstraintNotSupported);
- PropertySetDef create_initial_propertysetdef( in PropertyDefs initial_property_defs)
- raises(MultipleExceptions);
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- interface PropertySet {
- /* Support for defining and modifying properties */
- void define_property( in PropertyName property_name, in any property_value)
- raises(InvalidPropertyName, ConflictingProperty, UnsupportedTypeCode,
- UnsupportedProperty, ReadOnlyProperty);
- void define_properties( in Properties nproperties)
- raises(MultipleExceptions);
- /* Support for Getting Properties and their Names */
- unsigned long get_number_of_properties();
- void get_all_property_names( in unsigned long how_many,
- out PropertyNames property_names,
- out PropertyNamesIterator rest);
- any get_property_value( in PropertyName property_name)
- raises(PropertyNotFound, InvalidPropertyName);
- boolean get_properties( in PropertyNames property_names,
- out Properties nproperties);
- void get_all_properties( in unsigned long how_many,
- out Properties nproperties,
- out PropertiesIterator rest);
- /* Support for Deleting Properties */
- void delete_property( in PropertyName property_name)
- raises(PropertyNotFound, InvalidPropertyName, FixedProperty);
- void delete_properties( in PropertyNames property_names)
- raises(MultipleExceptions);
- boolean delete_all_properties();
- /* Support for Existence Check */
- boolean is_property_defined( in PropertyName property_name)
- raises(InvalidPropertyName);
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- interface PropertySetDef:PropertySet {
- /* Support for retrieval of PropertySet constraints*/
- void get_allowed_property_types( out PropertyTypes property_types);
- void get_allowed_properties( out PropertyDefs property_defs);
- /* Support for defining and modifying properties */
- void define_property_with_mode( in PropertyName property_name,
- in any property_value,
- in PropertyModeType property_mode)
- raises(InvalidPropertyName, ConflictingProperty, UnsupportedTypeCode,
- UnsupportedProperty, UnsupportedMode, ReadOnlyProperty);
- void define_properties_with_modes( in PropertyDefs property_defs)
- raises(MultipleExceptions);
- /* Support for Getting and Setting Property Modes */
- PropertyModeType get_property_mode( in PropertyName property_name)
- raises(PropertyNotFound, InvalidPropertyName);
- boolean get_property_modes( in PropertyNames property_names,
- out PropertyModes property_modes);
- void set_property_mode( in PropertyName property_name,
- in PropertyModeType property_mode)
- raises(InvalidPropertyName, PropertyNotFound, UnsupportedMode);
- void set_property_modes( in PropertyModes property_modes)
- raises(MultipleExceptions);
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- interface PropertyNamesIterator{
- void reset();
- boolean next_one( out PropertyName property_name);
- boolean next_n ( in unsigned long how_many,
- out PropertyNames property_names);
- void destroy();
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- interface PropertiesIterator {
- void reset();
- boolean next_one( out Property aproperty);
- boolean next_n( in unsigned long how_many,
- out Properties nproperties);
- void destroy();
- };
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5972e8f4d2..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl.erl
-%% Description :
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
-%% Mandatory server functions
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3]).
- next_one/1,
- next_n/2,
- destroy/1]).
-%% Internal exports
- ]).
-%% Records
--record(state, {properties, counter=1, length}).
-%% Macros
--define(CreateInitState(L), #state{properties = L, length = length(L)}).
--define(get_Properties(S), S#state.properties).
--define(get_Counter(S), S#state.counter).
--define(get_Length(S), S#state.length).
--define(set_Properties(S, P), S#state{properties = P}).
--define(set_Counter(S, C), S#state{counter = C}).
--define(set_Length(S, L), S#state{length = L}).
--define(increment_Counter(S), S#state{counter = S#state.counter+1}).
--define(decrement_Counter(S), S#state{counter = S#state.counter-1}).
--define(addto_Counter(S, N), S#state{counter = S#state.counter+N}).
--define(subfrom_Counter(S, N), S#state{counter = S#state.counter-N}).
-%% External functions
-%% Function : init/1
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-%% Returns : {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init(Properties) ->
- {ok, ?CreateInitState(Properties)}.
-%% Function : terminate/2
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns : any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Function : code_change/3
-%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Function : reset
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-reset(State) ->
- {reply, ok, ?set_Counter(State, 1)}.
-%% Function : next_one
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, {bool(), PropertyList}, NewState}
-next_one(State) when ?get_Counter(State) > ?get_Length(State) ->
- {reply, {false,
- #'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = "",
- property_value = any:create(orber_tc:null(), null)}},
- State};
-next_one(State) ->
- {reply, {true, lists:nth(?get_Counter(State), ?get_Properties(State))},
- ?set_Counter(State, 1+?get_Counter(State))}.
-%% Function : next_n
-%% Arguments : N - how many properties we should return.
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, {bool(), PropertyList}, NewState}
-next_n(State, N) ->
- case lists:sublist(?get_Properties(State),
- ?get_Counter(State),
- N) of
- Properties when N+?get_Counter(State) < ?get_Length(State) ->
- {reply, {true, Properties}, ?set_Counter(State, N+?get_Counter(State))};
- Properties ->
- {reply, {false, Properties}, ?set_Counter(State, ?get_Length(State))}
- end.
-%% Function : destroy
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description: Terminate the object
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-destroy(State) ->
- {stop, normal, ok, State}.
-%% Internal functions
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce4f6b303..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl.erl
-%% Description :
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
-%% Mandatory server functions
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3]).
- next_one/1,
- next_n/2,
- destroy/1]).
-%% Internal exports
- ]).
-%% Records
--record(state, {properties, counter=1, length}).
-%% Macros
--define(CreateInitState(L), #state{properties = L, length = length(L)}).
--define(get_Properties(S), S#state.properties).
--define(get_Counter(S), S#state.counter).
--define(get_Length(S), S#state.length).
--define(set_Properties(S, P), S#state{properties = P}).
--define(set_Counter(S, C), S#state{counter = C}).
--define(set_Length(S, L), S#state{length = L}).
--define(increment_Counter(S), S#state{counter = S#state.counter+1}).
--define(decrement_Counter(S), S#state{counter = S#state.counter-1}).
--define(addto_Counter(S, N), S#state{counter = S#state.counter+N}).
--define(subfrom_Counter(S, N), S#state{counter = S#state.counter-N}).
-%% External functions
-%% Function : init/1
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-%% Returns : {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init(Properties) ->
- {ok, ?CreateInitState(Properties)}.
-%% Function : terminate/2
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns : any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Function : code_change/3
-%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Function : reset
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-reset(State) ->
- {reply, ok, ?set_Counter(State, 1)}.
-%% Function : next_one
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, {bool(), PropertyName}, NewState}
-next_one(State) when ?get_Counter(State) > ?get_Length(State) ->
- {reply, {false, ""}, State};
-next_one(State) ->
- {reply, {true, lists:nth(?get_Counter(State), ?get_Properties(State))},
- ?set_Counter(State, 1+?get_Counter(State))}.
-%% Function : next_n
-%% Arguments : N - how many properties we should return.
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, {bool(), PropertyNameList}, NewState}
-next_n(State, N) ->
- case lists:sublist(?get_Properties(State), ?get_Counter(State), N) of
- Properties when N+?get_Counter(State) < ?get_Length(State) ->
- {reply, {true, Properties}, ?set_Counter(State, N+?get_Counter(State))};
- Properties ->
- {reply, {false, Properties}, ?set_Counter(State, ?get_Length(State))}
- end.
-%% Function : destroy
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description: Terminate the object
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-destroy(State) ->
- {stop, normal, ok, State}.
-%% Internal functions
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 722bb45eb7..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl.erl
-%% Description :
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3]).
- create_constrained_propertysetdef/4,
- create_initial_propertysetdef/3]).
-%% Internal exports
-%% Records
--record(state, {}).
-%% Macros
--define(checkTCfun, fun(TC) -> orber_tc:check_tc(TC) end).
-%% External functions
-%% Function : init/1
-%% Returns : {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-init([]) ->
- {ok, #state{}}.
-%% Function : terminate/2
-%% Returns : any (ignored by gen_server)
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Function : code_change/3
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Function : create_propertysetdef
-%% Arguments :
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef reference.
-%% Description:
-create_propertysetdef(_OE_This, State) ->
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, [], [], [], ?PropertySetDef}, [{pseudo, true}]),
- State}.
-%% Function : create_constrained_propertysetdef
-%% Arguments : PropTypes - list of property types.
-%% PropDefs - list of property defs.
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef |
-%% {'EXCEPTION', CosPropertyService::ConstraintNotSupported}
-%% Description:
-create_constrained_propertysetdef(_OE_This, State, PropTypes, PropDefs) ->
- case lists:all(?checkTCfun, PropTypes) of
- true ->
- crosscheckTC(PropDefs, PropTypes),
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, PropTypes, PropDefs, [], ?PropertySetDef}, [{pseudo, true}]),
- State};
- false ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported'{})
- end.
-crosscheckTC([], _) ->
- ok;
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = _Mode}|T], TCs) ->
- case lists:member(any:get_typecode(Value), TCs) of
- true when Name =/= "" ->
- crosscheckTC(T, TCs);
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported'{})
- end.
-%% Function : create_initial_propertysetdef
-%% Arguments :
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef |
-%% {'EXCEPTION', CosPropertyService::MultipleExceptions}
-%% Description:
-create_initial_propertysetdef(_OE_This, State, PropDefs) ->
- InitProps = evaluate_propertysetdef(PropDefs),
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, [], [], InitProps, ?PropertySetDef}, [{pseudo, true}]),
- State}.
-%% Internal functions
-evaluate_propertysetdef(SetDefs) ->
- case evaluate_propertysetdef(SetDefs, [], []) of
- {ok, NewProperties} ->
- NewProperties;
- {error, Exc} ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'{exceptions = Exc})
- end.
-evaluate_propertysetdef([], NewProperties, []) ->
- %% No exceptions found.
- {ok, NewProperties};
-evaluate_propertysetdef([], _, Exc) ->
- {error, Exc};
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = Mode}|T], X, Exc) ->
- case orber_tc:check_tc(any:get_typecode(Value)) of
- true ->
- evaluate_propertysetdef(T, [{Name, Value, Mode}|X], Exc);
- false ->
- evaluate_propertysetdef(T, X, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_type_code,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc])
- end.
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index cc67daa9e0..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1042 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2017. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File: CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl.erl
-%% Modified:
-%% (1) The OMG specification states that a property name may not
-%% be an empty string (""). We may restrict this further
-%% but there is no reason for that.
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
-%% Mandatory callbacks
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3]).
-%% Inherrit from CosPropertyService::PropertySet
- define_properties/3,
- get_number_of_properties/2,
- get_all_property_names/3,
- get_property_value/3,
- get_properties/3,
- get_all_properties/3,
- delete_property/3,
- delete_properties/3,
- delete_all_properties/2,
- is_property_defined/3]).
-%% CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef
- get_allowed_properties/2,
- define_property_with_mode/5,
- define_properties_with_modes/3,
- get_property_mode/3,
- get_property_modes/3,
- set_property_mode/4,
- set_property_modes/3]).
-%% Internal exports
-%% Records
--record(state, {dbKey, defaultMode, okTypes, okProperties, myType}).
-%% Macros
--define(create_InitState(K, D, AT, AP, MT), #state{dbKey = K, defaultMode = D,
- okTypes = AT, okProperties = AP,
- myType = MT}).
-%% Selectors
--define(get_DBKey(S), S#state.dbKey).
--define(get_DefaultMode(S), S#state.defaultMode).
--define(get_okTypes(S), S#state.okTypes).
--define(get_okProperties(S), S#state.okProperties).
-%% MISC
--define(is_NotSetDef(S), S#state.myType =/= ?PropertySetDef).
--define(no_PropertyLimits(S), S#state.okProperties == []).
--define(no_TypeLimits(S), S#state.okTypes == []).
--define(is_NotStatic(S), is_binary(S#state.dbKey)).
-%% Fun:s
--define(Local2Property, fun({N,V,_M}) ->
- #'CosPropertyService_Property'{property_name = N,
- property_value = V}
- end).
--define(Local2Names, fun({N,_V,_M}) ->
- N
- end).
--define(MemberName(N), fun(R) ->
- case R of
- Property when is_record(R, 'CosPropertyService_Property') ->
- Property#'CosPropertyService_Property'.property_name == N;
- PropertyDef when is_record(R, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyDef') ->
- PropertyDef#'CosPropertyService_PropertyDef'.property_name == N;
- _->
- false
- end
- end).
-%% External functions
-%% Function : init/1
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-%% Returns : {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init({DefMode, AllowedTypes, AllowedProperties, InitProperties, MyType}) ->
- Key = term_to_binary({{erlang:system_time(),
- erlang:unique_integer()},
- node()}),
- _F = ?write_function(#oe_CosPropertyService{key=Key,
- properties=InitProperties}),
- write_result(mnesia:transaction(_F)),
- {ok, ?create_InitState(Key, DefMode, AllowedTypes, AllowedProperties, MyType)};
-init({static, DefMode, AllowedTypes, AllowedProperties, InitProperties, MyType}) ->
- {ok, ?create_InitState(InitProperties, DefMode, AllowedTypes,
- AllowedProperties, MyType)}.
-%% Function : terminate
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns : any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, State) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF = ?delete_function({oe_CosPropertyService, ?get_DBKey(State)}),
- catch write_result(mnesia:transaction(_DF)),
- ok;
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Function : code_change
-%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Interface CosPropertyService::PropertySet
-%% Function : define_property
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-define_property(_, _, "", _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-define_property(_OE_This, State, Name, Value) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name),
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch update_property(X, Name, value, Value,
- ?get_DefaultMode(State)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when
- is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- mnesia_write(State, [{Name, Value, ?get_DefaultMode(State)}|X]);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-define_property(_OE_This, State, Name, Value) ->
- evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name),
- X = ?get_DBKey(State),
- case catch update_property(X, Name, value, Value, ?get_DefaultMode(State)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _NewProperties ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% Function : get_property_value
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_property_value(_, _, "") ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-get_property_value(_OE_THIS, State, Name) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, find_property(X, Name, value), State}.
-%% Function : delete_property
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-delete_property(_, _, "") ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-delete_property(_OE_THIS, State, Name) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch remove_property(X, Name) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-delete_property(_OE_THIS, State, Name) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- %% Check the properties; must raise an exception.
- remove_property(X, Name),
- %% Something is not correct.
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-%% Function : define_properties
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-define_properties(_OE_THIS, State, PropertySeq) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- {OKProperties, Exc} = evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertySeq),
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch define_properties_helper(State,
- OKProperties, X, Exc) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-define_properties(_OE_THIS, State, PropertySeq) ->
- {OKProperties, Exc} = evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertySeq),
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case define_properties_helper(State, OKProperties, X, Exc) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-define_properties_helper(_State, [], NewProperties, []) ->
- %% No exceptions, insert the properties.
- NewProperties;
-define_properties_helper(_State, [], _, MultipleExceptions) ->
- {'EXCEPTION', #'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'{exceptions = MultipleExceptions}};
-define_properties_helper(State, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value}|T], Properties, Exc) ->
- case catch update_property(Properties, Name, value, Value, ?get_DefaultMode(State)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- define_properties_helper(State, T, [{Name, Value, ?get_DefaultMode(State)}|Properties], Exc);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- define_properties_helper(State, T, Properties,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = remap_exception(E),
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc]);
- NewProperties ->
- define_properties_helper(State, T, NewProperties, Exc)
- end.
-%% Function : get_number_of_properties
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description: Returns the number of properties currently associated
-%% with this object.
-%% Returns : {ok, ulong(), State}
-get_number_of_properties(_OE_THIS, State) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, length(X), State}.
-%% Function : get_all_property_names
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_all_property_names(_OE_THIS, State, Max) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, get_all_property_names_helper(X, [], Max), State}.
-get_all_property_names_helper([], Acc, _) ->
- %% There are no more properties; return a nil-object refernce.
- {ok, Acc, corba:create_nil_objref()};
-get_all_property_names_helper(Left, Acc, 0) ->
- %% There are more properties; create Name Iterartor.
- PropertyNames = lists:map(?Local2Names, Left),
- {ok, Acc, cosProperty:start_PropertyNamesIterator(PropertyNames)};
-get_all_property_names_helper([{Name, _, _}|T], Acc, No) ->
- get_all_property_names_helper(T, [Name|Acc], No-1).
-%% Function : get_properties
-%% Arguments : A list of property names, i.e., string()
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_properties(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyNames) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, locate_names(PropertyNames, X, true, []), State}.
-locate_names([], _, AllOK, Acc) ->
- {AllOK, Acc};
-locate_names([""|T], X, _AllOK, Acc) ->
- locate_names(T, X, false, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = "",
- property_value =
- any:create(tk_void, ok)}|Acc]);
-locate_names([H|T], X, AllOK, Acc) ->
- case catch find_property(X, H, value) of
- {'EXCEPTION', _} ->
- locate_names(T, X, false, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = H,
- property_value =
- any:create(tk_void, ok)}|Acc]);
- Val ->
- locate_names(T, X, AllOK, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = H,
- property_value = Val}|Acc])
- end.
-%% Function : get_all_properties
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_all_properties(_OE_THIS, State, Max) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, get_all_properties_helper(X, [], Max), State}.
-get_all_properties_helper([], Acc, _) ->
-%% There are no more properties; return a nil-object refernce.
- {ok, Acc, corba:create_nil_objref()};
-get_all_properties_helper(Left, Acc, 0) ->
- %% There are more properties; create Iterartor.
- Properties = lists:map(?Local2Property, Left),
- {ok, Acc, cosProperty:start_PropertiesIterator(Properties)};
-get_all_properties_helper([{Name, Val, _}|T], Acc, No) ->
- get_all_properties_helper(T, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Val}|Acc], No-1).
-%% Function : delete_properties
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-delete_properties(_OE_THIS, State, []) ->
- {reply, ok, State};
-delete_properties(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyNames) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch delete_properties_helper(X, [], [],
- PropertyNames, State,
- length(X)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- {{'EXCEPTION', E}, NotDeleted} ->
- ok = mnesia_write(State, NotDeleted),
- {ok, NotDeleted} ->
- mnesia_write(State, NotDeleted)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-delete_properties(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyNames) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case delete_properties_helper(X, [], [], PropertyNames, State, length(X)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _->
- %% Not acceptable if it was possible to delete one or more Properties.
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-delete_properties_helper([], [], NotDeleted, [], _State, _Len) ->
- %% Since there are no exceptions we have been able to delete all
- %% properties.
- {ok, NotDeleted};
-delete_properties_helper([], MultipleExc, NotDeleted, Names, _State, Len) ->
- %% Write remaining events to DB.
- case length(NotDeleted) of
- Len ->
- {'EXCEPTION', #'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'
- {exceptions = add_not_found(Names, MultipleExc)}};
- _->
- {{'EXCEPTION', #'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'
- {exceptions = add_not_found(Names, MultipleExc)}},
- NotDeleted}
- end;
-delete_properties_helper([{Name, Val, Mode}|T], MultipleExc, NotDeleted,
- Names, State, Len) ->
- case lists:member(Name, Names) of
- true when Mode =/= fixed_normal, Mode =/= fixed_readonly ->
- delete_properties_helper(T, MultipleExc, NotDeleted,
- lists:delete(Name, Names), State, Len);
- true ->
- delete_properties_helper(T, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = fixed_property,
- failing_property_name = Name}|MultipleExc],
- [{Name, Val, Mode}|NotDeleted],
- lists:delete(Name, Names), State, Len);
- false ->
- delete_properties_helper(T, MultipleExc, [{Name, Val, Mode}|NotDeleted],
- Names, State, Len)
- end.
-add_not_found([], MultipleExc) ->
- MultipleExc;
-add_not_found([Name|T], MultipleExc) ->
- add_not_found(T, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = property_not_found,
- failing_property_name = Name}|MultipleExc]).
-%% Function : delete_all_properties
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-delete_all_properties(_OE_THIS, State) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch delete_all_properties_helper(X, [], State,
- length(X)) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- true ->
- ok = mnesia_write(State, []),
- true;
- false ->
- false;
- {false, NotDeleted} ->
- ok = mnesia_write(State, NotDeleted),
- false
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-delete_all_properties(_OE_THIS, State) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case delete_all_properties_helper(X, [], State, length(X)) of
- false ->
- {reply, false, State};
- _->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-delete_all_properties_helper([], [], _State, _) ->
- %% Was able to delete all properties.
- true;
-delete_all_properties_helper([], NotDeleted, _State, Len) ->
- %% Write remaining events to DB.
- case length(NotDeleted) of
- Len ->
- false;
- _->
- {false, NotDeleted}
- end;
-delete_all_properties_helper([{Name, Val, fixed_normal}|T], NotDeleted, State, Len) ->
- delete_all_properties_helper(T, [{Name, Val, fixed_normal}|NotDeleted], State, Len);
-delete_all_properties_helper([{Name, Val, fixed_readonly}|T], NotDeleted, State, Len) ->
- delete_all_properties_helper(T, [{Name, Val, fixed_readonly}|NotDeleted], State, Len);
-delete_all_properties_helper([_|T], NotDeleted, State, Len) ->
- delete_all_properties_helper(T, NotDeleted, State, Len).
-%% Function : is_property_defined
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-is_property_defined(_, _, "") ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-is_property_defined(_OE_THIS, State, Name) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, lists:keymember(Name, 1, X), State}.
-%% Interface CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef
-%% Function : get_allowed_property_types
-%% Arguments : -
-%% Description: Returns the initially supplied restrictions. An empty
-%% list means no restrictions.
-%% Returns : {ok, TypeCodeList,State}
-get_allowed_property_types(_OE_THIS, State) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-get_allowed_property_types(_OE_THIS, State) ->
- {reply, {ok, ?get_okTypes(State)}, State}.
-%% Function : get_allowed_properties
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description: Returns the initially supplied restrictions. An empty
-%% list means no restrictions.
-%% Returns : {ok, PropertyDefList, State}
-get_allowed_properties(_OE_THIS, State) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-get_allowed_properties(_OE_THIS, State) ->
- {reply, {ok, ?get_okProperties(State)}, State}.
-%% Function : define_property_with_mode
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-define_property_with_mode(_OE_THIS, State, _, _, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-define_property_with_mode(_, _, "", _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-define_property_with_mode(_OE_THIS, State, Name, Value, Mode)
- when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name),
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch update_property(X, Name, both, Value, Mode) of
- when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- mnesia_write(State, [{Name, Value, Mode}|X]);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-define_property_with_mode(_OE_THIS, State, Name, Value, Mode) ->
- evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name),
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case catch update_property(X, Name, both, Value, Mode) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- %% Should get not allowed exception.
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _ ->
- %% Should be impossible.
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% Function : define_properties_with_modes
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-define_properties_with_modes(_OE_THIS, State, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-define_properties_with_modes(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyDefSeq)
- when ?is_NotStatic(State)->
- {OKProperteDefs, Exc} = evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertyDefSeq),
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch define_properties_with_modes_helper(OKProperteDefs,
- X, Exc, State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-define_properties_with_modes(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyDefSeq) ->
- {OKProperteDefs, Exc} = evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertyDefSeq),
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case define_properties_with_modes_helper(OKProperteDefs, X, Exc, State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-define_properties_with_modes_helper([], NewPropertyDefs, [], _State) ->
- %% No exceptions found.
- NewPropertyDefs;
-define_properties_with_modes_helper([], _, Exc, _) ->
- {'EXCEPTION', #'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'{exceptions = Exc}};
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = Mode}|T], X, Exc, State) ->
- case catch update_property(X, Name, both, Value, Mode) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound') ->
- define_properties_with_modes_helper(T, [{Name, Value, Mode}|X], Exc, State);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- define_properties_with_modes_helper(T, X,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = remap_exception(E),
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc],
- State);
- NewX ->
- define_properties_with_modes_helper(T, NewX, Exc, State)
- end.
-%% Function : get_property_mode
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_property_mode(_OE_THIS, State, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-get_property_mode(_, _, "") ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-get_property_mode(_OE_THIS, State, Name) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, find_property(X, Name, mode), State}.
-%% Function : get_property_modes
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-get_property_modes(_OE_THIS, State, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-get_property_modes(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyNames) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- {reply, get_property_modes_helper(PropertyNames, X, [], true), State}.
-get_property_modes_helper([], _, Acc, Bool) ->
- {Bool, Acc};
-get_property_modes_helper([""|T], Properties, Acc, _) ->
- get_property_modes_helper(T, Properties,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyMode'
- {property_name = "",
- property_mode = undefined}|Acc], false);
-get_property_modes_helper([Name|T], Properties, Acc, Bool) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Name, 1, Properties) of
- {value, {Name, _, Mode}} ->
- get_property_modes_helper(T, Properties,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyMode'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_mode = Mode}|Acc], Bool);
- false ->
- get_property_modes_helper(T, Properties,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyMode'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_mode = undefined}|Acc], false)
- end.
-%% Function : set_property_mode
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-set_property_mode(_OE_THIS, State, _, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-set_property_mode(_, _, "", _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-set_property_mode(_OE_THIS, State, Name, Mode) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch update_property(X, Name, mode, undefined, Mode) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-set_property_mode(_OE_THIS, State, Name, Mode) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- update_property(X, Name, mode, undefined, Mode),
- %% Something is not correct, shouldn't be allowed to update a property when
- %% static.
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-%% Function : set_property_modes
-%% Arguments :
-%% Description:
-%% Returns : {ok, State}
-set_property_modes(_OE_THIS, State, _) when ?is_NotSetDef(State) ->
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-set_property_modes(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyModes) when ?is_NotStatic(State) ->
- _DF =
- fun() ->
- case mnesia_read(State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- X ->
- case catch set_property_modes_helper(PropertyModes, X, [],
- State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- NewProperties ->
- mnesia_write(State, NewProperties)
- end
- end
- end,
- {reply, mnesia_transaction(_DF), State};
-set_property_modes(_OE_THIS, State, PropertyModes) ->
- X = lookup_table(?get_DBKey(State)),
- case set_property_modes_helper(PropertyModes, X, [], State) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-set_property_modes_helper([], NewProperties, [], _State) ->
- %% No exceptions, write to DB.
- NewProperties;
-set_property_modes_helper([], _, Exc, _) ->
- {'EXCEPTION', #'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'{exceptions = Exc}};
- {property_name = Name,
- property_mode = Mode}|T], X, Exc, State) ->
- case catch update_property(X, Name, mode, undefined, Mode) of
- {'EXCEPTION', E} ->
- set_property_modes_helper(T, X,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = remap_exception(E),
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc],
- State);
- NewX ->
- set_property_modes_helper(T, NewX, Exc, State)
- end.
-%% Internal functions
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_ConflictingProperty'{}) -> conflicting_property;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{}) -> fixed_property;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{}) -> invalid_property_name;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound'{}) -> property_not_found;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode'{}) -> unsupported_type_code;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty'{}) -> unsupported_property;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_ReadOnlyProperty'{}) -> read_only_property;
-remap_exception(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedMode'{}) -> unsupported_mode.
-find_property([], _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound'{});
-find_property([{Name, Value, _}|_], Name, value) ->
- Value;
-find_property([{Name, _, Mode}|_], Name, mode) ->
- Mode;
-% Left out for now to avoid dialyzer warning.
-%find_property([{Name, Value, Mode}|_], Name, all) ->
-% {Name, Value, Mode};
-find_property([_|T], Name, Which) ->
- find_property(T, Name, Which).
-remove_property(PropertList, Name) ->
- remove_property(PropertList, Name, []).
-remove_property([], _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound'{});
-remove_property([{Name, _, fixed_normal}|_T], Name, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-remove_property([{Name, _, fixed_readonly}|_T], Name, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-remove_property([{Name, _, _}|T], Name, Acc) ->
- T++Acc;
-remove_property([H|T], Name, Acc) ->
- remove_property(T, Name, [H|Acc]).
-update_property(_, "", _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName'{});
-update_property(PropertyList, Name, Which, Value, Mode) ->
- update_property(PropertyList, Name, Which, Value, Mode, []).
-update_property([], _, _, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound'{});
-update_property([{Name, _, fixed_readonly}|_], Name, value, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, _, fixed_normal}|_], Name, both, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, _, fixed_readonly}|_], Name, both, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, #any{typecode = TC}, Mode}|T], Name,
- value, #any{typecode = TC, value = Value}, _Mod, Acc) ->
- [{Name, #any{typecode = TC, value = Value}, Mode}|T]++Acc;
-update_property([{Name, #any{typecode = TC}, _Mode}|T], Name,
- both, #any{typecode = TC, value = Value}, Mod, Acc) ->
- [{Name, #any{typecode = TC, value = Value}, Mod}|T]++Acc;
-update_property([{Name, _, _}|_], Name, value, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConflictingProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, _, _}|_], Name, both, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConflictingProperty'{});
-%% Normally we don't need to raise an exception for the two following cases but
-%% to be able to manage static Properties we must raise an exception. Well,
-%% on the other hand, why should a user try to change a mode to the same value?!
-%% But we have no other option.
-update_property([{Name, _Value, fixed_normal}|_T], Name, mode, _, fixed_normal, _Acc) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, _Value, fixed_readonly}|_T], Name, mode, _, fixed_readonly, _Acc) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty'{});
-update_property([{Name, _Value, fixed_normal}|_T], Name, mode, _, _Mode, _Acc) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedMode'{});
-update_property([{Name, _Value, fixed_readonly}|_T], Name, mode, _, _Mode, _Acc) ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedMode'{});
-update_property([{Name, Value, _}|T], Name, mode, _, Mode, Acc) ->
- [{Name, Value, Mode}|T]++Acc;
-update_property([H|T], Name, Which, Value, Mode, Acc) ->
- update_property(T, Name, Which, Value, Mode, [H|Acc]).
-lookup_table(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
- _RF = ?read_function({oe_CosPropertyService, Key}),
- case mnesia:transaction(_RF) of
- {atomic, [#oe_CosPropertyService{properties=Properties}]} ->
- Properties;
- {atomic, []} ->
- corba:raise(#'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- _Other ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-lookup_table(Key) when is_list(Key) ->
- Key;
-lookup_table(_) ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-mnesia_transaction(Fun) ->
- case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
- {atomic, {'EXCEPTION', E}} ->
- corba:raise(E);
- {atomic, ok} ->
- ok;
- {atomic, Reply} ->
- Reply;
- _Other ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-mnesia_read(State) ->
- case mnesia:wread({oe_CosPropertyService, ?get_DBKey(State)}) of
- [#oe_CosPropertyService{properties = X}] ->
- X;
- _Other ->
- {'EXCEPTION', #'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}}
- end.
-mnesia_write(State, X) ->
- mnesia:write(#oe_CosPropertyService{key = ?get_DBKey(State), properties = X}).
-%% Check a write transaction
-write_result({atomic,ok}) -> ok;
-write_result(_Foo) ->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertySeq) ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, PropertySeq, [], []).
-evaluate_properties_data(_State, [], OKProperties, Exc) ->
- {OKProperties, Exc};
-evaluate_properties_data(State, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value}|T], Acc, Exc) ->
- case catch evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name) of
- ok ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, [#'CosPropertyService_Property'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value}|Acc], Exc);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode') ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, Acc,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_type_code,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc]);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty') ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, Acc,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_property,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc])
- end;
-evaluate_properties_data(State, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyDef'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = Mode}|T], Acc, Exc) ->
- case catch evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name) of
- ok ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyDef'
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = Mode}|Acc], Exc);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode') ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, Acc,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_type_code,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc]);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty') ->
- evaluate_properties_data(State, T, Acc,
- [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_property,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc])
- end;
-evaluate_properties_data(_, _, _, _) ->
- corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-evaluate_property_data(State, _, _) when ?no_PropertyLimits(State),
- ?no_TypeLimits(State) ->
- ok;
-evaluate_property_data(State, Value, _Name) when ?no_PropertyLimits(State) ->
- case lists:member(any:get_typecode(Value), ?get_okTypes(State)) of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode'{})
- end;
-evaluate_property_data(State, _Value, Name) when ?no_TypeLimits(State) ->
- case lists:any(?MemberName(Name), ?get_okProperties(State)) of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty'{})
- end;
-evaluate_property_data(State, Value, Name) ->
- case lists:any(?MemberName(Name), ?get_okProperties(State)) of
- true ->
- case lists:member(any:get_typecode(Value), ?get_okTypes(State)) of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode'{})
- end;
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty'{})
- end.
-%% Debugging functions
-dump() ->
- case catch mnesia:dirty_first('oe_CosPropertyService') of
- {'EXIT', R} ->
- io:format("Exited with ~p\n",[R]);
- Key ->
- dump_print(Key),
- dump_loop(Key)
- end.
-dump_loop(PreviousKey) ->
- case catch mnesia:dirty_next('oe_CosPropertyService', PreviousKey) of
- {'EXIT', R} ->
- io:format("Exited with ~p\n",[R]);
- '$end_of_table' ->
- ok;
- Key ->
- dump_print(Key),
- dump_loop(Key)
- end.
-dump_print(Key) ->
- case catch mnesia:dirty_read({'oe_CosPropertyService', Key}) of
- {'EXIT', R} ->
- io:format("Exited with ~p\n",[R]);
- [{_,_,X}] ->
- io:format("Property: ~p~n", [X]);
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-%%-------------------------- END OF MODULE -----------------------------
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6572b634..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl.erl
-%% Description :
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3]).
- create_constrained_propertyset/4,
- create_initial_propertyset/3]).
-%% Internal exports
-%% Records
--record(state, {}).
-%% Macros
--define(checkTCfun, fun(TC) -> orber_tc:check_tc(TC) end).
-%% External functions
-%% Function : init/1
-%% Returns : {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-init([]) ->
- {ok, #state{}}.
-%% Function : terminate/2
-%% Returns : any (ignored by gen_server)
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%% Function : code_change/3
-%% Returns : {ok, NewState}
-%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% Function : create_propertyset
-%% Arguments :
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySet reference.
-%% Description:
-create_propertyset(_OE_This, State) ->
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, [], [], [], ?PropertySet}, [{pseudo, true}]),
- State}.
-%% Function : create_constrained_propertyset
-%% Arguments : PropTypes - list of property types.
-%% Properties - list of properties.
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySet |
-%% {'EXCEPTION', CosPropertyService::ConstraintNotSupported}
-%% Description:
-create_constrained_propertyset(_OE_This, State, PropTypes, Properties) ->
- case lists:all(?checkTCfun, PropTypes) of
- true ->
- crosscheckTC(Properties, PropTypes),
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, PropTypes, Properties, [], ?PropertySet},
- [{pseudo, true}]),
- State};
- false ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported'{})
- end.
-crosscheckTC([], _) ->
- ok;
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value}|T], TCs) ->
- case lists:member(any:get_typecode(Value), TCs) of
- true when Name =/= "" ->
- crosscheckTC(T, TCs);
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported'{})
- end.
-%% Function : create_initial_propertyset
-%% Arguments : Properties - list of properties.
-%% Returns : CosPropertyService::PropertySetDef |
-%% {'EXCEPTION', CosPropertyService::MultipleExceptions}
-%% Description:
-create_initial_propertyset(_OE_This, State, Properties) ->
- InitProps = evaluate_propertyset(Properties),
- {reply,
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':
- oe_create({normal, [], [], InitProps, ?PropertySet}, [{pseudo, true}]),
- State}.
-%% Internal functions
-evaluate_propertyset(Sets) ->
- case evaluate_propertyset(Sets, [], []) of
- {ok, NewProperties} ->
- NewProperties;
- {error, Exc} ->
- corba:raise(#'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions'{exceptions = Exc})
- end.
-evaluate_propertyset([], NewProperties, []) ->
- %% No exceptions found.
- {ok, NewProperties};
-evaluate_propertyset([], _, Exc) ->
- {error, Exc};
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value}|T], X, Exc) ->
- case orber_tc:check_tc(any:get_typecode(Value)) of
- true ->
- evaluate_propertyset(T, [{Name, Value, normal}|X], Exc);
- false ->
- evaluate_propertyset(T, X, [#'CosPropertyService_PropertyException'
- {reason = unsupported_type_code,
- failing_property_name = Name}|Exc])
- end.
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/Makefile b/lib/cosProperty/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fdc258a6d..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# %CopyrightEnd%
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
-ifeq ($(TYPE),debug)
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Application version
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include ../vsn.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release directory specification
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/cosProperty-$(VSN)
-EXTERNAL_INC_PATH = ../include
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Target Specs
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- cosProperty \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl
-ERL_FILES = $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
- cosProperty.hrl \
- oe_CosProperty.erl \
- CosPropertyService_ConflictingProperty.erl \
- CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported.erl \
- CosPropertyService_FixedProperty.erl \
- CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName.erl \
- CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions.erl \
- CosPropertyService_Properties.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator.erl \
- CosPropertyService_Property.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyDef.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyDefs.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyException.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyExceptions.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyMode.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyModes.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyNames.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySet.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory.erl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyTypes.erl \
- CosPropertyService_ReadOnlyProperty.erl \
- CosPropertyService_UnsupportedMode.erl \
- CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty.erl \
- CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode.erl
- oe_CosProperty.hrl \
- CosPropertyService.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySet.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory.hrl \
- CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory.hrl
- $(GEN_ERL_FILES:%.erl=$(EBIN)/%.$(EMULATOR)) \
- CosProperty.idl
-APPUP_FILE = cosProperty.appup
-APP_FILE = cosProperty.app
-APP_SRC = $(APP_FILE).src
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-ERL_IDL_FLAGS += -pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/cosProperty/ebin \
- -pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/ic/ebin\
- -pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/orber/ebin
-# The -pa option is just used temporary until erlc can handle
-# includes from other directories than ../include .
- -pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/orber/include \
- -pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/cosProperty/include \
- -I$(ERL_TOP)/lib/cosProperty/include \
- -I$(ERL_TOP)/lib/orber/include \
- +'{parse_transform,sys_pre_attributes}' \
- +'{attribute,insert,app_vsn,"cosProperty_$(COSPROPERTY_VSN)"}'
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- @${MAKE} TYPE=debug opt
- rm -f errs core *~
- rm -f errs core *~
- $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-$(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- $(vsn_verbose)sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Special Build Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-IDL-GENERATED: CosProperty.idl
- $(gen_verbose)erlc $(ERL_IDL_FLAGS) +'{cfgfile,"CosProperty.cfg"}' CosProperty.idl
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release Target
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
-release_spec: opt
- $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(RELSYSDIR)/include"
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.app.src b/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.app.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fad7a602a..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.app.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-{application, cosProperty,
- [{description, "The Erlang CosProperty application"},
- {vsn, "%VSN%"},
- {modules,
- [
- 'cosProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory_impl',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef_impl',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory_impl',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator_impl',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator_impl',
- 'oe_CosProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_ConflictingProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_ConstraintNotSupported',
- 'CosPropertyService_FixedProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_InvalidPropertyName',
- 'CosPropertyService_MultipleExceptions',
- 'CosPropertyService_Properties',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator',
- 'CosPropertyService_Property',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyDef',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyDefs',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyException',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyExceptions',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyMode',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyModes',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNames',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyNotFound',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySet',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory',
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertyTypes',
- 'CosPropertyService_ReadOnlyProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedMode',
- 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedProperty',
- 'CosPropertyService_UnsupportedTypeCode'
- ]
- },
- {registered, [oe_cosPropertySup]},
- {applications, [orber, stdlib, kernel]},
- {env, []},
- {mod, {cosProperty, []}},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-2.0","orber-3.6.27","mnesia-4.12",
- "kernel-3.0","erts-7.0"]}
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.appup.src b/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.appup.src
deleted file mode 100644
index f3eead4a0c..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.appup.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- [
- ],
- [
- ]
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.erl b/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e94d200c2f..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2015. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : cosProperty.erl
-%% Purpose :
-%%--------------- INCLUDES -----------------------------------
-%%--------------- EXPORTS-------------------------------------
-%% cosProperty API external
- start_SetDefFactory/0,
- start_SetFactory/0,
- stop_SetDefFactory/1,
- stop_SetFactory/1,
- stop/0,
- install/0,
- install/1,
- install_db/0,
- install_db/1,
- install_db/2,
- uninstall/0,
- uninstall/1,
- uninstall_db/0]).
-%% cosProperty API internal
- get_option/3,
- type_check/2,
- query_result/1,
- start_PropertiesIterator/1,
- start_PropertyNamesIterator/1,
- create_static_SetDef/2]).
-%% Application callbacks
--export([start/2, init/1, stop/1]).
-%%--------------- DEFINES ------------------------------------
--define(SUPERVISOR_NAME, oe_cosPropertySup).
--define(SUP_FLAG, {simple_one_for_one,50,10}).
- ['CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator',I,
- [{sup_child, true}, {regname, {global, T}}]]).
- ['CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator',I,
- [{sup_child, true}, {regname, {global, T}}]]).
- {"oe_PropertyChild",
- {cosProperty,create_link, []},
- transient,100000,worker,
- []}).
-%% function : install
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok | EXIT | EXCEPTION
-%% Effect : Install necessary data in the IFR DB
-install() ->
- install([]).
-install(_Options) ->
- case catch oe_CosProperty:'oe_register'() of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {'EXIT',{unregistered,App}} ->
- ?write_ErrorMsg("Unable to register cosProperty; application ~p not registered.~n",
- [App]),
- exit({unregistered,App});
- {'EXCEPTION',_} ->
- ?write_ErrorMsg("Unable to register cosProperty; propably already registered.
-You are adviced to confirm this.~n", []),
- exit({error, "Register in the IFR failed."});
- Reason ->
- ?write_ErrorMsg("Unable to register cosProperty; reason ~p", [Reason]),
- exit({error, "Register in the IFR failed."})
- end.
-%% function : install_db
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok | EXIT | EXCEPTION
-%% Effect : Install necessary data in the IFR DB
-install_db() ->
- install_db(infinity, []).
-install_db(Timeout) ->
- install_db(Timeout, []).
-install_db(Timeout, Options) ->
- case install_table(Timeout, Options) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, [DB_tables_created, Wait]} ->
- ?write_ErrorMsg("Able to register cosProperty but failed adding table in mnesia (~p, ~p)",
- [DB_tables_created, Wait]),
- exit({error, "Adding data in mnesia failed."});
- Why ->
- ?write_ErrorMsg("Able to register cosProperty but failed adding table in mnesia with reason ~p",
- [Why]),
- exit({error, "Adding data in mnesia failed."})
- end.
-%% function : install_table
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok | {error, Data}
-%% Effect : Install necessary data in mnesia
-install_table(Timeout, Options) ->
- %% Fetch a list of the defined tables to see if 'oe_CosPropertyService'
- %% is defined.
- AllTabs = mnesia:system_info(tables),
- DB_tables_created =
- case lists:member('oe_CosPropertyService', AllTabs) of
- true ->
- case lists:member({local_content, true},
- Options) of
- true->
- mnesia:add_table_copy('oe_CosPropertyService',
- node(),
- ram_copies);
- _->
- mnesia:create_table('oe_CosPropertyService',[{attributes,
- record_info(fields,
- 'oe_CosPropertyService')}
- |Options])
- end;
- _ ->
- mnesia:create_table('oe_CosPropertyService',[{attributes,
- record_info(fields,
- 'oe_CosPropertyService')}
- |Options])
- end,
- Wait = mnesia:wait_for_tables(['oe_CosPropertyService'], Timeout),
- %% Check if any error has occured yet. If there are errors, return them.
- if
- DB_tables_created == {atomic, ok},
- Wait == ok ->
- ok;
- true ->
- {error, [DB_tables_created, Wait]}
- end.
-%% function : query_result
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : error | Data
-%% Effect : Check a read transaction
-query_result(Qres) ->
- case Qres of
- {atomic, [Hres]} ->
- Hres#oe_CosPropertyService.properties;
- {atomic, [_Hres | _Tres]} ->
- error;
- {atomic, []} ->
- error;
- _Other ->
- error
- end.
-%% function : uninstall
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok | EXIT | EXCEPTION
-%% Effect : Remove data related to cosProperty from the IFR DB
-uninstall() ->
- uninstall([]).
-uninstall(_Options) ->
- application:stop(cosProperty),
- oe_CosProperty:oe_unregister().
-%% function : uninstall
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok | EXIT | EXCEPTION
-%% Effect : Remove data related to cosProperty from the IFR DB
-uninstall_db() ->
- application:stop(cosProperty),
- case mnesia:delete_table('oe_CosPropertyService') of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- ok;
- {aborted, _Reason} ->
- exit({error, "Removing data from mnesia failed."})
- end.
-%% function : create_static_SetDef
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Starts or stops the cosProperty application.
-create_static_SetDef(PropTypes, PropDefs) ->
- InitProps = propertyDef2local(PropDefs, []),
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef':oe_create({static, fixed_readonly, PropTypes,
- PropDefs, InitProps,
- ?PropertySetDef},
- [{pseudo, true}]).
- {property_name = Name,
- property_value = Value,
- property_mode = fixed_readonly}|T], Acc) ->
- propertyDef2local(T, [{Name, Value, fixed_readonly}|Acc]);
-propertyDef2local([], Acc) ->
- Acc;
-propertyDef2local(_, _) ->
- exit({error, "Bad Mode type supplied. Must be fixed_readonly"}).
-%% function : start/stop
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Starts or stops the cosProperty application.
-start() ->
- application:start(cosProperty).
-stop() ->
- application:stop(cosProperty).
-%% function : start_SetDefFactory
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : A PropertySetDefFactory reference.
-%% Effect :
-start_SetDefFactory() ->
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory':oe_create([], [{pseudo, true}]).
-%% function : start_SetFactory
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : A PropertySetFactory reference.
-%% Effect :
-start_SetFactory() ->
- 'CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory':oe_create([], [{pseudo, true}]).
-%% function : stop_SetDefFactory
-%% Arguments: Factory - A PropertySetDefFactory reference.
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect :
-stop_SetDefFactory(Factory) ->
- corba:dispose(Factory).
-%% function : stop_SetFactory
-%% Arguments: Factory - A PropertySetFactory reference.
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect :
-stop_SetFactory(Factory) ->
- corba:dispose(Factory).
-%% function : start
-%% Arguments: Type - see module application
-%% Arg - see module application
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Module callback for application
-start(_, _) ->
- supervisor:start_link({local, ?SUPERVISOR_NAME}, cosProperty, app_init).
-%% function : stop
-%% Arguments: Arg - see module application
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Module callback for application
-stop(_) ->
- ok.
-%% function : init
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect :
-%% Starting using create_factory/X
-init(own_init) ->
- {ok,{?SUP_FLAG, [?SUP_CHILD]}};
-%% When starting as an application.
-init(app_init) ->
- {ok,{?SUP_FLAG, [?SUP_CHILD]}}.
-%% function : create_link
-%% Arguments: Module - which Module to call
-%% Env/ArgList - ordinary oe_create arguments.
-%% Returns :
-%% Exception:
-%% Effect : Necessary since we want the supervisor to be a
-%% 'simple_one_for_one'. Otherwise, using for example,
-%% 'one_for_one', we have to call supervisor:delete_child
-%% to remove the childs startspecification from the
-%% supervisors internal state.
-create_link(Module, Env, ArgList) ->
- Module:oe_create_link(Env, ArgList).
-%% function : start_PropertiesIterator
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Exception:
-%% Effect :
-start_PropertiesIterator(Args) ->
- Name = create_name(propertiesIterator),
- case supervisor:start_child(?SUPERVISOR_NAME, ?SUP_PROP_SPEC(Name, Args)) of
- {ok, Pid, Obj} when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Obj;
- _Other->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : start_PropertyNamesIterator
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Exception:
-%% Effect :
-start_PropertyNamesIterator(Args) ->
- Name = create_name(propertiesIterator),
- case supervisor:start_child(?SUPERVISOR_NAME, ?SUP_NAMES_SPEC(Name, Args)) of
- {ok, Pid, Obj} when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Obj;
- _Other->
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : get_option
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Exception:
-%% Effect :
-get_option(Key, OptionList, DefaultList) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, OptionList) of
- {value,{Key,Value}} ->
- Value;
- _ ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, DefaultList) of
- {value,{Key,Value}} ->
- Value;
- _->
- {error, "Invalid option"}
- end
- end.
-%% function : type_check
-%% Arguments: Obj - objectrefernce to test.
-%% Mod - Module which contains typeID/0.
-%% Returns : 'ok' or raises exception.
-%% Effect :
-type_check(Obj, Mod) ->
- case catch corba_object:is_a(Obj,Mod:typeID()) of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : create_name/1
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Exception:
-%% Effect :
-create_name(Type) ->
- Time = erlang:system_time(),
- Unique = erlang:unique_integer([positive]),
- lists:concat(['oe_',node(),'_',Type,'_',Time,'_',Unique]).
-%%--------------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.hrl b/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0225a43ebd..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosProperty/src/cosProperty.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : cosProperty.hrl
-%% Purpose :
-%%--------------- INCLUDES -----------------------------------
-%% External
-%% Mnesia Table definition record
--record('oe_CosPropertyService', {key, properties}).
-%% Macros
--define(PropertySet, 0).
--define(PropertySetDef, 1).
-%% This macro returns a read fun suitable for evaluation in a transaction
- fun() ->
- mnesia:read(Objkey)
- end).
-%% This macro returns a write fun suitable for evaluation in a transaction
- fun() ->
- mnesia:write(R)
- end).
-%% This macro returns a delete fun suitable for evaluation in a transaction
- fun() ->
- mnesia:delete(R)
- end).
--define(query_check(Q_res), {atomic, Q_res}).
--define(write_ErrorMsg(Txt, Arg),
-error_logger:error_msg("================ CosProperty ==============~n"
- Txt
- "===========================================~n",
- Arg)).
- io:format("[LINE: ~p MODULE: ~p] "++F,[?LINE, ?MODULE]++A)).
--define(property_TypeCheck(O,M), 'cosProperty':type_check(O,M)).
--define(debug_print(F,A), ok).
--define(property_TypeCheck(O,I), ok).
-%%--------------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------