path: root/lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl
diff options
authorLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-25 15:09:14 +0200
committerLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-27 12:05:30 +0200
commit6bcdad20c24457393c0d9eeb385d0ff5aa872cd0 (patch)
tree63162ddfa38d92eaff2193b73277aba18160308c /lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl
parent87b06e4ab91729f7415578c8ac0aacec28720ad9 (diff)
Move the corba applcations to separate repository
All corba applications are moved to a separate repository. E.g. orber, ic, cosEvent, cosEventDomain, cosNotifications cosTime, cosTransactions, cosProperty and cosFileTransfer.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl b/lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d995eb64e4..0000000000
--- a/lib/cosTransactions/src/CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosTransactions_Terminator_impl.erl
-%% Purpose : Support operations to commit or roll-back a transaction.
-%%--------------- INCLUDES -----------------------------------
-%% Local
-%%--------------- IMPORTS-------------------------------------
--import(etrap_logmgr, [log_safe/2, get_next/2]).
-%%--------------- EXPORTS-------------------------------------
--export([commit/3, rollback/2]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, code_change/3]).
-%%--------------- LOCAL DATA ---------------------------------
-%-record(terminator, {reg_resources, rollback_only, regname, coordinator}).
-%% function : init, terminate
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Functions demanded by the module ic. Used to initiate
-%% and terminate a gen_server.
-init(State) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit,true),
- case catch start_object(State) of
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- %% Happens when, for example, we encounter an
- %% error when reading from the log file.
- {stop, Reason};
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
-start_object(State) ->
- case catch file:read_file_info(?tr_get_terminator(State)) of
- {error, enoent} ->
- %% File does not exist. It's the first time. No restart.
- ?debug_print("Terminator:init(~p)~n", [?tr_get_terminator(State)]),
- etrap_logmgr:start(?tr_get_terminator(State)),
- {ok, State, ?tr_get_timeout(State)};
- {error, Reason} -> % File exist but error occurred.
- ?tr_error_msg("CosTransactions_Terminator( ~p ) Cannot open log file: ~p~n",
- [?tr_get_terminator(State), Reason]),
- {stop, {error, "unable_to_open_log"}};
- _ -> % File exists, perform restart.
- etrap_logmgr:start(?tr_get_terminator(State)),
- ?debug_print("RESTART Terminator:init(~p)~n",
- [?tr_get_terminator(State)]),
- do_restart(State, get_next(?tr_get_terminator(State), start), init)
- end.
-terminate(Reason, State) ->
- ?debug_print("STOP ~p ~p~n", [?tr_get_terminator(State), Reason]),
- case Reason of
- normal ->
- %% normal termination. Transaction completed.
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), done),
- etrap_logmgr:stop(?tr_get_terminator(State)),
- file:delete(?tr_get_terminator(State)),
- ok;
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-%% function : handle_call, handle_cast, handle_info, code_change
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Functions demanded by the module ic.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-handle_call(_,_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_cast(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(Info, State) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:handle_info(~p)~n", [Info]),
- Pid = self(),
- case Info of
- timeout ->
- ?tr_error_msg("Object( ~p ) timeout. Rolling back.~n",
- [?tr_get_terminator(State)]),
- {stop, normal, State};
- {suicide, Pid} ->
- {stop, normal, State};
- _->
- {noreply, State}
- end.
-%% function : commit
-%% Arguments: Self - its own object reference.
-%% State - Gen-Server State
-%% Heuristics - boolean; report heuristic decisions?
-%% Returns : ok - equal to void
-%% Effect :
-%% Exception: HeuristicMixed - Highest priority
-%% HeuristicHazard - Lowest priority
-commit(_Self, State, _Heuristics) when ?tr_is_retransmit(State) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:commit() recalled.~n", []),
- {stop, normal, ?tr_get_reportH(State), State};
-commit(Self, State, Heuristics) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:commit() called.~n", []),
- NewState = ?tr_set_reportH(State, Heuristics),
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(NewState), {init_commit, NewState}),
- transmit(Self, NewState, Heuristics).
-transmit(Self, State, Heuristics) ->
- case catch 'ETraP_Common':try_timeout(?tr_get_alarm(State)) of
- false ->
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':before_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- case catch 'CosTransactions_Resource':prepare(?tr_get_etrap(State)) of
- 'VoteCommit' ->
- evaluate_answer(Self, State, Heuristics,
- 'ETraP_Common':try_timeout(?tr_get_alarm(State)));
- 'VoteRollback' ->
- {stop, normal,
- State};
- 'VoteReadOnly' ->
- {stop, normal, ok, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E,'CosTransactions_HeuristicMixed'),
- Heuristics==true->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E,'CosTransactions_HeuristicHazard'),
- Heuristics==true->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E,'CosTransactions_HeuristicMixed') ->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- {stop, normal,
- State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E,'CosTransactions_HeuristicHazard') ->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- {stop, normal,
- State};
- Other ->
- ?tr_error_msg("Coordinator:prepare( ~p ) failed. REASON ~p~n",
- [?tr_get_etrap(State), Other]),
- {stop, normal,
- State}
- end;
- _ ->
- %% Timeout, rollback.
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
- catch 'ETraP_Server':rollback(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal,
- State}
- end.
-evaluate_answer(Self, State, Heuristics, false) ->
- evaluate_answer(Self, State, Heuristics, commit);
-evaluate_answer(Self, State, Heuristics, true) ->
- evaluate_answer(Self, State, Heuristics, rollback);
-evaluate_answer(_Self, State, Heuristics, Vote) ->
- case catch 'ETraP_Common':send_stubborn('ETraP_Server', Vote,
- ?tr_get_etrap(State),
- ?tr_get_maxR(State),
- ?tr_get_maxW(State)) of
- ok ->
- ?eval_debug_fun({_Self, commit_ok1}, State),
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), committed),
- ?eval_debug_fun({_Self, commit_ok2}, State),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusCommitted'),
- {stop, normal, ok, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when Heuristics == true andalso
- is_record(E,'CosTransactions_HeuristicMixed') ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), {heuristic, State, E}),
- ?eval_debug_fun({_Self, commit_heuristic1}, State),
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when Heuristics == true andalso
- is_record(E, 'CosTransactions_HeuristicHazard') ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), {heuristic, State, E}),
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST') ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', ?tr_hazard}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK') ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosTransactions_HeuristicCommit') ->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, ok, State};
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'CosTransactions_HeuristicRollback') ->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusCommitted'),
- {stop, normal,
- State};
- _Other when Heuristics == true ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', ?tr_hazard}, State};
- _Other ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- {stop, normal, ok, State}
- end.
-%% function : rollback
-%% Arguments: Self - its own object reference.
-%% State - Gen-Server State
-%% Returns : ok - equal to void
-%% Effect :
-rollback(_Self, State) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:rollback() called.~n", []),
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
- catch 'ETraP_Server':rollback(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
- {stop, normal, ok, State}.
-%% function : do_restart
-%% Arguments: State - server context
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect :
-%% No data in file. Commit never initiated so we rollback (presumed rollback.
-do_restart(State, eof, init) ->
- log_safe(?tr_get_terminator(State), rolled_back),
- catch 'ETraP_Server':rollback(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State), 'StatusRolledBack'),
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, State};
-do_restart(State, {error, Reason}, _) ->
- ?tr_error_msg("CosTransactions_Terminator (~p) failed. Cannot read log file: ~p~n",
- [?tr_get_terminator(State), Reason]),
- {stop, Reason};
-do_restart(State, eof, Phase) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [Phase]),
- case Phase of
- committed ->
- {ok, ?tr_set_reportH(State, ok)};
- rolled_back ->
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, State};
- init_commit ->
- case catch corba_object:non_existent(?tr_get_etrap(State)) of
- true ->
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, State};
- _->
- case transmit(false, State, ?tr_get_reportH(State)) of
- {stop, normal, ok, NewState} ->
- {ok, NewState};
- {stop, normal,
- NewState} ->
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, NewState};
- {stop, normal, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}, NewState} ->
- if
- ?tr_dont_reportH(State) ->
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, NewState};
- true ->
- {ok, ?tr_set_reportH(NewState, Exc)}
- end
- end
- end;
- {heuristic, Exc} ->
- catch 'ETraP_Server':forget(?tr_get_etrap(State)),
-% catch 'ETraP_Server':after_completion(?tr_get_etrap(State),
-% 'StatusRolledBack'),
- if
- ?tr_dont_reportH(State) ->
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, State};
- true ->
- {ok, ?tr_set_reportH(State, {'EXCEPTION',Exc})}
- end
- end;
-%% All done.
-do_restart(State, {done, _Cursor}, _Phase) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [_Phase]),
- self() ! {suicide, self()},
- {ok, State};
-do_restart(State, {rolled_back, Cursor}, _Phase) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [_Phase]),
- do_restart(State, get_next(?tr_get_terminator(State), Cursor), rolled_back);
-do_restart(State, {committed, Cursor}, _Phase) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [_Phase]),
- do_restart(State, get_next(?tr_get_terminator(State), Cursor), committed);
-do_restart(State, {{heuristic, SavedState, Exc}, Cursor}, _Phase) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [_Phase]),
- do_restart(SavedState, get_next(?tr_get_terminator(State), Cursor),
- {heuristic, Exc});
-do_restart(State, {{init_commit, SavedState}, Cursor}, _) ->
- ?debug_print("Terminator:do_restart(~p)~n", [init_commit]),
- do_restart(SavedState, get_next(?tr_get_terminator(State), Cursor), init_commit).
-%%--------------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------