path: root/lib/debugger/src
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-03-31 08:40:36 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-08-16 08:58:48 +0200
commitd6dc673a00f6244b03e1e9c849e3267b141c23c7 (patch)
tree961af3eb4bae03ea19fad53d0f31843b15c2bdb6 /lib/debugger/src
parente21b58ac5a016d62bba8117ec09105bcac8b94e8 (diff)
Don't include tail-recursive calls in stacktraces
The stacktrace in debugger-generated exceptions should be as similar to stacktraces in BEAM-generated exceptions as possible.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/debugger/src')
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_ieval.erl b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_ieval.erl
index 251c11fdb9..70600121b3 100644
--- a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_ieval.erl
+++ b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_ieval.erl
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ eval_mfa(Debugged, M, F, As, #ieval{level=Le}=Ieval0) ->
Ieval = Ieval0#ieval{level=Le+1,top=true},
try do_eval_function(M, F, As, Bs, extern, Ieval) of
{value, Val, _Bs} ->
+ trace(return, {Le,Val}),
{ready, Val}
exit:{Debugged, Reason} ->
@@ -414,38 +415,41 @@ eval_mfa(Debugged, M, F, As, #ieval{level=Le}=Ieval0) ->
eval_function(Mod, Name, As, Bs, Called, Ieval0, Lc) ->
- Ieval = dbg_istk:push(Bs, Ieval0, Lc),
- Res = do_eval_function(Mod, Name, As, Bs, Called, Ieval),
- dbg_istk:pop(),
- Res.
+ Tail = Lc andalso get(trace_stack) =:= no_tail,
+ case Tail of
+ false ->
+ Ieval = dbg_istk:push(Bs, Ieval0, Lc),
+ {value,Val,_} = do_eval_function(Mod, Name, As, Bs, Called, Ieval),
+ dbg_istk:pop(),
+ trace(return, {Ieval#ieval.level,Val}),
+ {value,Val,Bs};
+ true ->
+ do_eval_function(Mod, Name, As, Bs, Called, Ieval0)
+ end.
-do_eval_function(Mod, Fun, As0, Bs0, _, Ieval) when is_function(Fun);
+do_eval_function(Mod, Fun, As0, Bs0, _, Ieval0) when is_function(Fun);
Mod =:= ?MODULE,
Fun =:= eval_fun ->
- #ieval{level=Le, line=Li, top=Top} = Ieval,
+ #ieval{level=Le,line=Li,top=Top} = Ieval0,
case lambda(Fun, As0) of
- {Cs,Module,Name,As,Bs} ->
+ {[{clause,Fc,_,_,_}|_]=Cs,Module,Name,As,Bs} ->
+ Ieval = Ieval0#ieval{module=Module,function=Name,
+ arguments=As0,line=Fc},
trace(call_fun, {Le,Li,Name,As}),
- {value, Val, _Bs} =
- fnk_clauses(Cs, Module, Name, As, Bs, Ieval),
- trace(return, {Le,Val}),
- {value, Val, Bs0};
+ fnk_clauses(Cs, As, Bs, Ieval);
not_interpreted when Top -> % We are leaving interpreted code
trace(call_fun, {Le,Li,Fun,As0}),
{value, {dbg_apply,erlang,apply,[Fun,As0]}, Bs0};
not_interpreted ->
trace(call_fun, {Le,Li,Fun,As0}),
- {value, Val, _Bs} =
- debugged_cmd({apply,erlang,apply,[Fun,As0]}, Bs0, Ieval),
- trace(return, {Le,Val}),
- {value, Val, Bs0};
+ debugged_cmd({apply,erlang,apply,[Fun,As0]}, Bs0, Ieval0);
{error,Reason} ->
%% It's ok not to push anything in this case, the error
%% reason contains information about the culprit
%% ({badarity,{{Mod,Name},As}})
- exception(error, Reason, Bs0, Ieval)
+ exception(error, Reason, Bs0, Ieval0)
%% Common Test adaptation
@@ -459,19 +463,12 @@ do_eval_function(Mod, Name, As0, Bs0, Called, Ieval0) ->
Ieval = Ieval0#ieval{module=Mod,function=Name,arguments=As0},
case get_function(Mod, Name, As0, Called) of
Cs when is_list(Cs) ->
- {value, Val, _Bs} =
- fnk_clauses(Cs, Mod, Name, As0, erl_eval:new_bindings(),
- Ieval),
- trace(return, {Le,Val}),
- {value, Val, Bs0};
+ fnk_clauses(Cs, As0, erl_eval:new_bindings(), Ieval);
not_interpreted when Top -> % We are leaving interpreted code
{value, {dbg_apply,Mod,Name,As0}, Bs0};
not_interpreted ->
- {value, Val, _Bs} =
- debugged_cmd({apply,Mod,Name,As0}, Bs0, Ieval),
- trace(return, {Le,Val}),
- {value, Val, Bs0};
+ debugged_cmd({apply,Mod,Name,As0}, Bs0, Ieval);
undef ->
exception(error, undef, Bs0, Ieval, true)
@@ -575,22 +572,20 @@ cached(Key) ->
%% Try to find a matching function clause
%% #ieval.level is set, the other fields must be set in this function
-fnk_clauses([{clause,Line,Pars,Gs,Body}|Cs], M, F, As, Bs0, Ieval) ->
+fnk_clauses([{clause,Line,Pars,Gs,Body}|Cs], As, Bs0, Ieval) ->
case head_match(Pars, As, [], Bs0) of
{match,Bs1} ->
Bs = add_bindings(Bs1, Bs0),
case guard(Gs, Bs) of
true ->
- seq(Body, Bs,
- Ieval#ieval{line=Line,
- module=M,function=F,arguments=As});
+ seq(Body, Bs, Ieval#ieval{line=Line});
false ->
- fnk_clauses(Cs, M, F, As, Bs0, Ieval)
+ fnk_clauses(Cs, As, Bs0, Ieval)
nomatch ->
- fnk_clauses(Cs, M, F, As, Bs0, Ieval)
+ fnk_clauses(Cs, As, Bs0, Ieval)
-fnk_clauses([], _M, _F, _As, Bs, Ieval) ->
+fnk_clauses([], _As, Bs, Ieval) ->
exception(error, function_clause, Bs, Ieval, true).
seq([E], Bs0, Ieval) ->
diff --git a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_istk.erl b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_istk.erl
index 21365fa4e9..92dc802da4 100644
--- a/lib/debugger/src/dbg_istk.erl
+++ b/lib/debugger/src/dbg_istk.erl
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
{level, %Level
mfa, %{Mod,Func,Args|Arity}|{Fun,Args}
line, %Line called from
- bindings
+ bindings,
+ lc %Last call (true|false)
init() ->
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ init(Stack) ->
push(Bs, #ieval{level=Le,module=Mod,function=Name,
arguments=As,line=Li}=Ieval, Lc) ->
- Entry = #e{level=Le,mfa={Mod,Name,As},line=Li,bindings=Bs},
+ Entry = #e{level=Le,mfa={Mod,Name,As},line=Li,bindings=Bs,lc=Lc},
case get(trace_stack) of
false ->
@@ -141,6 +142,8 @@ delayed_stacktrace(no_args, Ieval) ->
[ArityOnly || {ArityOnly,_} <- Stack]
+stacktrace(N, [#e{lc=true}|T], Acc) ->
+ stacktrace(N, T, Acc);
stacktrace(N, [E|T], []) ->
stacktrace(N-1, T, [normalize(E)]);
stacktrace(N, [E|T], [{P,_}|_]=Acc) when N > 0 ->