path: root/lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-03-17 16:13:04 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-08-16 08:58:48 +0200
commitec77d4e3705bf9edd9542c2a62786a1251c69129 (patch)
treebf9201a3128ad30e55b45316b3374cfd404c3281 /lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl
parent34079325cd195dc5af66ed26e0e54944319f5846 (diff)
Update test suites that have been copied from other applications
A long time ago, test suites were copied from other applications. Copy the tests again to get more test cases.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl b/lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl
index 53d11ba179..5244a358bd 100644
--- a/lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/debugger/test/bs_match_misc_SUITE.erl
@@ -19,18 +19,23 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,
- bound_var/1,bound_tail/1,t_float/1,little_float/1,sean/1]).
+ bound_var/1,bound_tail/1,t_float/1,little_float/1,sean/1,
+ kenneth/1,encode_binary/1,native/1,happi/1,
+ size_var/1,wiger/1,x0_context/1,huge_float_field/1,
+ writable_binary_matched/1,otp_7198/1]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- cases().
+ [bound_var, bound_tail, t_float, little_float, sean,
+ kenneth, encode_binary, native, happi, size_var, wiger,
+ x0_context, huge_float_field, writable_binary_matched,
+ otp_7198].
groups() ->
@@ -41,9 +46,13 @@ init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line test_lib:interpret(?MODULE),
+ ?line true = lists:member(?MODULE, int:interpreted()),
+ Config.
-cases() ->
- [bound_var, bound_tail, t_float, little_float, sean].
+end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok.
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
@@ -55,16 +64,8 @@ end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
-init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line test_lib:interpret(?MODULE),
- ?line true = lists:member(?MODULE, int:interpreted()),
- Config.
-end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ok.
bound_var(doc) -> "Test matching of bound variables.";
-bound_var(Config) when list(Config) ->
+bound_var(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = bound_var(42, 13, <<42,13>>),
?line nope = bound_var(42, 13, <<42,255>>),
?line nope = bound_var(42, 13, <<154,255>>),
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ bound_var(A, B, <<A:8,B:8>>) -> ok;
bound_var(_, _, _) -> nope.
bound_tail(doc) -> "Test matching of a bound tail.";
-bound_tail(Config) when list(Config) ->
+bound_tail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = bound_tail(<<>>, <<13,14>>),
?line ok = bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<1,1,2,3>>),
?line nope = bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<1,1,2,7>>),
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ bound_tail(Config) when list(Config) ->
bound_tail(T, <<_:16,T/binary>>) -> ok;
bound_tail(_, _) -> nope.
-t_float(Config) when list(Config) ->
+t_float(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
F = f1(),
G = f_one(),
@@ -98,6 +99,10 @@ t_float(Config) when list(Config) ->
?line fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:1,F:64/float,127:7>>, 64, 1)),
?line fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:13,F:32/float,127:3>>, 32, 13)),
?line fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:13,F:64/float,127:3>>, 64, 13)),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch match_float(<<0,0>>, 16, 0)),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch match_float(<<0,0>>, 16#7fffffff, 0)),
@@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ match_float(Bin0, Fsz, I) ->
<<_:I,F:Fsz/float,_:Tsz>> = Bin,
-little_float(Config) when list(Config) ->
+little_float(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
F = f2(),
G = f_one(),
@@ -149,7 +154,7 @@ f2() ->
f_one() ->
-sean(Config) when list(Config) ->
+sean(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line small = sean1(<<>>),
?line small = sean1(<<1>>),
?line small = sean1(<<1,2>>),
@@ -162,5 +167,404 @@ sean(Config) when list(Config) ->
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch sean1(<<4,5,6,7>>)),
-sean1(<<B/binary>>) when size(B) < 4 -> small;
+sean1(<<B/binary>>) when byte_size(B) < 4 -> small;
sean1(<<1, _B/binary>>) -> large.
+kenneth(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {ok,[145,148,113,129,0,0,0,0]} =
+ msisdn_internal_storage(<<145,148,113,129,0,0,0,0>>, []).
+msisdn_internal_storage(<<>>,MSISDN) ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse(MSISDN)};
+msisdn_internal_storage(<<2#11111111:8,_Rest/binary>>,MSISDN) ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse(MSISDN)};
+msisdn_internal_storage(<<2#1111:4,DigitN:4,_Rest/binary>>,MSISDN) when
+ DigitN < 10 ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse([(DigitN bor 2#11110000)|MSISDN])};
+msisdn_internal_storage(<<DigitNplus1:4,DigitN:4,Rest/binary>>,MSISDN) when
+ DigitNplus1 < 10,
+ DigitN < 10 ->
+ NewMSISDN=[((DigitNplus1 bsl 4) bor DigitN)|MSISDN],
+ msisdn_internal_storage(Rest,NewMSISDN);
+msisdn_internal_storage(_Rest,_MSISDN) ->
+ {fault}. %% Mandatory IE incorrect
+encode_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ "C2J2QiSc" = encodeBinary(<<11,98,118,66,36,156>>, []),
+ ok.
+encodeBinary(<<>>, Output) ->
+ lists:reverse(Output);
+encodeBinary(<<Data:1/binary>>, Output) ->
+ <<DChar1:6, DChar2:2>> = Data,
+ Char1 = getBase64Char(DChar1),
+ Char2 = getBase64Char(DChar2),
+ Char3 = "=",
+ Char4 = "=",
+ NewOutput = Char4 ++ Char3 ++ Char2 ++ Char1 ++ Output,
+ encodeBinary(<<>>, NewOutput);
+encodeBinary(<<Data:2/binary>>, Output) ->
+ <<DChar1:6, DChar2:6, DChar3:4>> = Data,
+ Char1 = getBase64Char(DChar1),
+ Char2 = getBase64Char(DChar2),
+ Char3 = getBase64Char(DChar3),
+ Char4 = "=",
+ NewOutput = Char4 ++ Char3 ++ Char2 ++ Char1 ++ Output,
+ encodeBinary(<<>>, NewOutput);
+encodeBinary(<<Data:3/binary, Rest/binary>>, Output) ->
+ <<DChar1:6, DChar2:6, DChar3:6, DChar4:6>> = Data,
+ Char1 = getBase64Char(DChar1),
+ Char2 = getBase64Char(DChar2),
+ Char3 = getBase64Char(DChar3),
+ Char4 = getBase64Char(DChar4),
+ NewOutput = Char4 ++ Char3 ++ Char2 ++ Char1 ++ Output,
+ encodeBinary(Rest, NewOutput);
+encodeBinary(_Data, _) ->
+ error.
+getBase64Char(0) -> "A";
+getBase64Char(1) -> "B";
+getBase64Char(2) -> "C";
+getBase64Char(3) -> "D";
+getBase64Char(4) -> "E";
+getBase64Char(5) -> "F";
+getBase64Char(6) -> "G";
+getBase64Char(7) -> "H";
+getBase64Char(8) -> "I";
+getBase64Char(9) -> "J";
+getBase64Char(10) -> "K";
+getBase64Char(11) -> "L";
+getBase64Char(12) -> "M";
+getBase64Char(13) -> "N";
+getBase64Char(14) -> "O";
+getBase64Char(15) -> "P";
+getBase64Char(16) -> "Q";
+getBase64Char(17) -> "R";
+getBase64Char(18) -> "S";
+getBase64Char(19) -> "T";
+getBase64Char(20) -> "U";
+getBase64Char(21) -> "V";
+getBase64Char(22) -> "W";
+getBase64Char(23) -> "X";
+getBase64Char(24) -> "Y";
+getBase64Char(25) -> "Z";
+getBase64Char(26) -> "a";
+getBase64Char(27) -> "b";
+getBase64Char(28) -> "c";
+getBase64Char(29) -> "d";
+getBase64Char(30) -> "e";
+getBase64Char(31) -> "f";
+getBase64Char(32) -> "g";
+getBase64Char(33) -> "h";
+getBase64Char(34) -> "i";
+getBase64Char(35) -> "j";
+getBase64Char(36) -> "k";
+getBase64Char(37) -> "l";
+getBase64Char(38) -> "m";
+getBase64Char(39) -> "n";
+getBase64Char(40) -> "o";
+getBase64Char(41) -> "p";
+getBase64Char(42) -> "q";
+getBase64Char(43) -> "r";
+getBase64Char(44) -> "s";
+getBase64Char(45) -> "t";
+getBase64Char(46) -> "u";
+getBase64Char(47) -> "v";
+getBase64Char(48) -> "w";
+getBase64Char(49) -> "x";
+getBase64Char(50) -> "y";
+getBase64Char(51) -> "z";
+getBase64Char(52) -> "0";
+getBase64Char(53) -> "1";
+getBase64Char(54) -> "2";
+getBase64Char(55) -> "3";
+getBase64Char(56) -> "4";
+getBase64Char(57) -> "5";
+getBase64Char(58) -> "6";
+getBase64Char(59) -> "7";
+getBase64Char(60) -> "8";
+getBase64Char(61) -> "9";
+getBase64Char(62) -> "+";
+getBase64Char(63) -> "/";
+getBase64Char(_Else) ->
+ %% This is an illegal input.
+% cgLogEM:log(error, ?MODULE, getBase64Char, [Else],
+% "illegal input",
+% ?LINE, version()),
+ "**".
+-define(M(F), <<F>> = <<F>>).
+native(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line ?M(3.14:64/native-float),
+ ?line ?M(333:16/native),
+ ?line ?M(38658345:32/native),
+ case <<1:16/native>> of
+ <<0,1>> -> native_big();
+ <<1,0>> -> native_little()
+ end.
+native_big() ->
+ ?line <<37.33:64/native-float>> = <<37.33:64/big-float>>,
+ ?line <<3974:16/native-integer>> = <<3974:16/big-integer>>,
+ {comment,"Big endian"}.
+native_little() ->
+ ?line <<37869.32343:64/native-float>> = <<37869.32343:64/little-float>>,
+ ?line <<7974:16/native-integer>> = <<7974:16/little-integer>>,
+ {comment,"Little endian"}.
+happi(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Bin = <<".123">>,
+ ?line <<"123">> = lex_digits1(Bin, 1, []),
+ ?line <<"123">> = lex_digits2(Bin, 1, []),
+ ok.
+lex_digits1(<<$., Rest/binary>>,_Val,_Acc) ->
+ Rest;
+lex_digits1(<<N, Rest/binary>>,Val, Acc) when N >= $0 , N =< $9 ->
+ lex_digits1(Rest,Val*10+dec(N),Acc);
+lex_digits1(_Other,_Val,_Acc) ->
+ not_ok.
+lex_digits2(<<N, Rest/binary>>,Val, Acc) when N >= $0 , N =< $9 ->
+ lex_digits2(Rest,Val*10+dec(N),Acc);
+lex_digits2(<<$., Rest/binary>>,_Val,_Acc) ->
+ Rest;
+lex_digits2(_Other,_Val,_Acc) ->
+ not_ok.
+dec(A) ->
+ A-$0.
+size_var(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line {<<45>>,<<>>} = split(<<1:16,45>>),
+ ?line {<<45>>,<<46,47>>} = split(<<1:16,45,46,47>>),
+ ?line {<<45,46>>,<<47>>} = split(<<2:16,45,46,47>>),
+ ?line {<<45,46,47>>,<<48>>} = split_2(<<16:8,3:16,45,46,47,48>>),
+ ?line {<<45,46>>,<<47>>} = split(2, <<2:16,45,46,47>>),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch split(42, <<2:16,45,46,47>>)),
+ ?line <<"cdef">> = skip(<<2:8,"abcdef">>),
+ ok.
+split(<<N:16,B:N/binary,T/binary>>) ->
+ {B,T}.
+split(N, <<N:16,B:N/binary,T/binary>>) ->
+ {B,T}.
+split_2(<<N0:8,N:N0,B:N/binary,T/binary>>) ->
+ {B,T}.
+skip(<<N:8,_:N/binary,T/binary>>) -> T.
+wiger(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line ok1 = wcheck(<<3>>),
+ ?line ok2 = wcheck(<<1,2,3>>),
+ ?line ok3 = wcheck(<<4>>),
+ ?line {error,<<1,2,3,4>>} = wcheck(<<1,2,3,4>>),
+ ?line {error,<<>>} = wcheck(<<>>),
+ ok.
+wcheck(<<A>>) when A==3->
+ ok1;
+wcheck(<<_,_:2/binary>>) ->
+ ok2;
+wcheck(<<_>>) ->
+ ok3;
+wcheck(Other) ->
+ {error,Other}.
+%% Test that having the match context in x(0) works.
+x0_context(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ x0_0([], <<3.0:64/float,42:16,123456:32>>).
+x0_0(_, Bin) ->
+ <<3.0:64/float,42:16,_/binary>> = Bin,
+ x0_1([], Bin, 64, 16, 2).
+x0_1(_, Bin, FloatSz, IntSz, BinSz) ->
+ <<_:FloatSz/float,42:IntSz,B:BinSz/binary,C:1/binary,D/binary>> = Bin,
+ id({B,C,D}),
+ <<_:FloatSz/float,42:IntSz,B:BinSz/binary,_/binary>> = Bin,
+ x0_2([], Bin).
+x0_2(_, Bin) ->
+ <<_:64,0:7,42:9,_/binary>> = Bin,
+ x0_3([], Bin).
+x0_3(_, Bin) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<_:72,7:8,_/binary>> ->
+ ?line ?t:fail();
+ <<_:64,0:16,_/binary>> ->
+ ?line ?t:fail();
+ <<_:64,42:16,123456:32,_/binary>> ->
+ ok
+ end.
+huge_float_field(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Sz = 1 bsl 27,
+ ?line Bin = <<0:Sz>>,
+ ?line nomatch = overflow_huge_float_skip_32(Bin),
+ ?line nomatch = overflow_huge_float_32(Bin),
+ ?line ok = overflow_huge_float(Bin, lists:seq(25, 32)++lists:seq(50, 64)),
+ ?line ok = overflow_huge_float_unit128(Bin, lists:seq(25, 32)++lists:seq(50, 64)),
+ ok.
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:4294967296/float,0,_/binary>>) -> 1; % 1 bsl 32
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:33554432/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> 2; % 1 bsl 25
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:67108864/float-unit:64,0,_/binary>>) -> 3; % 1 bsl 26
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:134217728/float-unit:32,0,_/binary>>) -> 4; % 1 bsl 27
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:268435456/float-unit:16,0,_/binary>>) -> 5; % 1 bsl 28
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:536870912/float-unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 6; % 1 bsl 29
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:1073741824/float-unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 7; % 1 bsl 30
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(<<_:2147483648/float-unit:8,0,_/binary>>) -> 8; % 1 bsl 31
+overflow_huge_float_skip_32(_) -> nomatch.
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:4294967296/float,_/binary>>) -> {1,F}; % 1 bsl 32
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:33554432/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {2,F}; % 1 bsl 25
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:67108864/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {3,F}; % 1 bsl 26
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:134217728/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {4,F}; % 1 bsl 27
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:268435456/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {5,F}; % 1 bsl 28
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:536870912/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {6,F}; % 1 bsl 29
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:1073741824/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {7,F}; % 1 bsl 30
+overflow_huge_float_32(<<F:2147483648/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>>) -> {8,F}; % 1 bsl 31
+overflow_huge_float_32(_) -> nomatch.
+overflow_huge_float(Bin, [Sz0|Sizes]) ->
+ Sz = id(1 bsl Sz0),
+ case Bin of
+ <<_:Sz/float-unit:8,0,_/binary>> ->
+ {error,Sz};
+ _ ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<Var:Sz/float-unit:8,0,_/binary>> ->
+ {error,Sz,Var};
+ _ ->
+ overflow_huge_float(Bin, Sizes)
+ end
+ end;
+overflow_huge_float(_, []) -> ok.
+overflow_huge_float_unit128(Bin, [Sz0|Sizes]) ->
+ Sz = id(1 bsl Sz0),
+ case Bin of
+ <<_:Sz/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>> ->
+ {error,Sz};
+ _ ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<Var:Sz/float-unit:128,0,_/binary>> ->
+ {error,Sz,Var};
+ _ ->
+ overflow_huge_float_unit128(Bin, Sizes)
+ end
+ end;
+overflow_huge_float_unit128(_, []) -> ok.
+%% Test that a writable binary can be safely matched.
+writable_binary_matched(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line WritableBin = create_writeable_binary(),
+ ?line writable_binary_matched(WritableBin, WritableBin, 500).
+writable_binary_matched(<<0>>, _, N) ->
+ if
+ N =:= 0 -> ok;
+ true ->
+ put(grow_heap, [N|get(grow_heap)]),
+ ?line WritableBin = create_writeable_binary(),
+ ?line writable_binary_matched(WritableBin, WritableBin, N-1)
+ end;
+writable_binary_matched(<<B:8,T/binary>>, WritableBin0, N) ->
+ ?line WritableBin = writable_binary(WritableBin0, B),
+ writable_binary_matched(T, WritableBin, N).
+writable_binary(WritableBin0, B) when is_binary(WritableBin0) ->
+ %% Heavy append to force the binary to move.
+ ?line WritableBin = <<WritableBin0/binary,0:(size(WritableBin0))/unit:8,B>>,
+ ?line id(<<(id(0)):128/unit:8>>),
+ WritableBin.
+create_writeable_binary() ->
+ <<(id(<<>>))/binary,1,2,3,4,5,6,0>>.
+otp_7198(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% When a match context was reused, and grown at the same time to
+ %% increase the number of saved positions, the thing word was not updated
+ %% to account for the new size. Therefore, if there was a garbage collection,
+ %% the new slots would be included in the garbage collection.
+ ?line [do_otp_7198(FillerSize) || FillerSize <- lists:seq(0, 256)],
+ ok.
+do_otp_7198(FillerSize) ->
+ Filler = erlang:make_tuple(FillerSize, 42),
+ {Pid,Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> do_otp_7198_test(Filler) end),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',Ref,process,Pid,normal} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN',Ref,process,Pid,Reason} ->
+ io:format("unexpected: ~p", [Reason]),
+ ?line ?t:fail()
+ end.
+do_otp_7198_test(_) ->
+ [{'KEYWORD',114},
+ {'KEYWORD',101},
+ {'KEYWORD',103},
+ {'KEYWORD',105},
+ {'KEYWORD',111},
+ {'FIELD',110},
+ {'KEYWORD',119},
+ {'KEYWORD',104},
+ {'KEYWORD',97},
+ {'KEYWORD',116},
+ {'KEYWORD',101},
+ {'KEYWORD',118},
+ {'KEYWORD',101},
+ {'KEYWORD',114},
+ '$thats_all_folks$'] = otp_7198_scan(<<"region:whatever">>, []).
+otp_7198_scan(<<>>, TokAcc) ->
+ lists:reverse(['$thats_all_folks$' | TokAcc]);
+otp_7198_scan(<<D, Z, Rest/binary>>, TokAcc) when
+ (D =:= $D orelse D =:= $d) and
+ ((Z =:= $\s) or (Z =:= $() or (Z =:= $))) ->
+ otp_7198_scan(<<Z, Rest/binary>>, ['AND' | TokAcc]);
+otp_7198_scan(<<D>>, TokAcc) when
+ (D =:= $D) or (D =:= $d) ->
+ otp_7198_scan(<<>>, ['AND' | TokAcc]);
+otp_7198_scan(<<N, Z, Rest/binary>>, TokAcc) when
+ (N =:= $N orelse N =:= $n) and
+ ((Z =:= $\s) or (Z =:= $() or (Z =:= $))) ->
+ otp_7198_scan(<<Z, Rest/binary>>, ['NOT' | TokAcc]);
+otp_7198_scan(<<C, Rest/binary>>, TokAcc) when
+ (C >= $A) and (C =< $Z);
+ (C >= $a) and (C =< $z);
+ (C >= $0) and (C =< $9) ->
+ case Rest of
+ <<$:, R/binary>> ->
+ otp_7198_scan(R, [{'FIELD', C} | TokAcc]);
+ _ ->
+ otp_7198_scan(Rest, [{'KEYWORD', C} | TokAcc])
+ end.
+id(I) -> I.