path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2010-02-17 15:48:13 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2010-02-17 15:48:13 +0000
commit8b39d0582bee5d4071b7ae4c7407d6662c0414a9 (patch)
tree75b0787b36ae39f477c46e8daadfdf2647b93a1a /lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl
parentedac07ff1e8b49a1ddfd69c712fb2ab3ce37b5ab (diff)
parentabe48c24c115fd629063653eef7bdabd0f82fbbc (diff)
Merge branch 'ks/hipe' into ccase/r13b04_dev
* ks/hipe: dialyzer: Fix system_limit exception in race analysis syntax_tools: Add types and specs for most exported functions syntax_tools: Support the --enable-native-libs configure option syntax_tools: Remove $Id$ annotations dialyzer: New version for the R13B04 release hipe: Miscellaneous additions typer: New version for the R13B04 release Fix a HiPE compiler bug evaluating an expression that throws system_limit OTP-8460 ks/hipe
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e8dceaa8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_behaviours.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File : dialyzer_behaviours.erl
+%%% Authors : Stavros Aronis <[email protected]>
+%%% Description : Tools for analyzing proper behaviour usage.
+%%% Created : 28 Oct 2009 by Stavros Aronis <[email protected]>
+%%% NOTE: This module is currently experimental -- do NOT rely on it!
+-export([check_callbacks/4, get_behaviours/2, get_behaviour_apis/1,
+ translate_behaviour_api_call/5, translatable_behaviours/1,
+ translate_callgraph/3]).
+-record(state, {plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ codeserver :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
+ filename :: string(),
+ behlines :: [{atom(), number()}]}).
+-spec get_behaviours([module()], dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()) ->
+ {[atom()], [atom()]}.
+get_behaviours(Modules, Codeserver) ->
+ get_behaviours(Modules, Codeserver, [], []).
+-spec check_callbacks(module(), [{cerl:cerl(), cerl:cerl()}],
+ dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()) -> [dial_warning()].
+check_callbacks(Module, Attrs, Plt, Codeserver) ->
+ {Behaviours, BehLines} = get_behaviours(Attrs),
+ case Behaviours of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> {_Var,Code} =
+ dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_code({Module,module_info,0},
+ Codeserver),
+ File = get_file(cerl:get_ann(Code)),
+ State = #state{plt = Plt, codeserver = Codeserver, filename = File,
+ behlines = BehLines},
+ Warnings = get_warnings(Module, Behaviours, State),
+ [add_tag_file_line(Module, W, State) || W <- Warnings]
+ end.
+-spec translatable_behaviours(cerl:c_module()) -> [{atom(),[_]}].
+translatable_behaviours(Tree) ->
+ Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(Tree),
+ {Behaviours, _BehLines} = get_behaviours(Attrs),
+ [{B, Calls} || B <- Behaviours, (Calls = behaviour_api_calls(B)) =/= []].
+-spec get_behaviour_apis([atom()]) -> [mfa()].
+get_behaviour_apis(Behaviours) ->
+ get_behaviour_apis(Behaviours, []).
+-spec translate_behaviour_api_call(_, _, _, _, _) -> _.
+translate_behaviour_api_call(_Fun, _ArgTypes, _Args, _Module, []) ->
+ plain_call;
+translate_behaviour_api_call({Module, Fun, Arity}, ArgTypes, Args,
+ CallbackModule, BehApiInfo) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Module, 1, BehApiInfo) of
+ false -> plain_call;
+ {Module, Calls} ->
+ case lists:keyfind({Fun, Arity}, 1, Calls) of
+ false -> plain_call;
+ {{Fun, Arity}, {CFun, CArity, COrder}} ->
+ {{CallbackModule, CFun, CArity},
+ [nth_or_0(N, ArgTypes, erl_types:t_any()) || N <-COrder],
+ [nth_or_0(N, Args, bypassed) || N <-COrder]}
+ end
+ end;
+translate_behaviour_api_call(_Fun, _ArgTypes, _Args, _Module, _BehApiInfo) ->
+ plain_call.
+-spec translate_callgraph([{atom(), _}], atom(), dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph())
+ -> dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph().
+translate_callgraph([{Behaviour,_}|Behaviours], Module, Callgraph) ->
+ UsedCalls = [Call || {_From, {M, _F, _A}} = Call <-
+ dialyzer_callgraph:get_behaviour_api_calls(Callgraph),
+ M =:= Behaviour],
+ Calls = [{{Behaviour, API, Arity}, Callback} ||
+ {{API, Arity}, Callback} <- behaviour_api_calls(Behaviour)],
+ DirectCalls = [{From, {Module, Fun, Arity}} ||
+ {From, To} <- UsedCalls,{API, {Fun, Arity, _Ord}} <- Calls,
+ To =:= API],
+ NewCallgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:add_edges(DirectCalls, Callgraph),
+ translate_callgraph(Behaviours, Module, NewCallgraph);
+translate_callgraph([], _Module, Callgraph) ->
+ Callgraph.
+get_behaviours(Attrs) ->
+ BehaviourListsAndLine = [{cerl:concrete(L2), hd(cerl:get_ann(L2))} ||
+ {L1, L2} <- Attrs, cerl:is_literal(L1),
+ cerl:is_literal(L2), cerl:concrete(L1) =:= 'behaviour'],
+ Behaviours = lists:append([Behs || {Behs,_} <- BehaviourListsAndLine]),
+ BehLines = [{B,L} || {L1,L} <- BehaviourListsAndLine, B <- L1],
+ {Behaviours, BehLines}.
+get_warnings(Module, Behaviours, State) ->
+ get_warnings(Module, Behaviours, State, []).
+get_warnings(_, [], _, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+get_warnings(Module, [Behaviour|Rest], State, Acc) ->
+ Warnings = check_behaviour(Module, Behaviour, State),
+ get_warnings(Module, Rest, State, Warnings ++ Acc).
+check_behaviour(Module, Behaviour, State) ->
+ try
+ Callbacks = Behaviour:behaviour_info(callbacks),
+ Fun = fun({_,_,_}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ case lists:any(Fun, Callbacks) of
+ true -> check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, Callbacks, State);
+ false -> []
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ -> []
+ end.
+check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, Callbacks, State) ->
+ check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, Callbacks, State, []).
+check_all_callbacks(_Module, _Behaviour, [], _State, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, [{Fun, Arity, Spec}|Rest], State, Acc) ->
+ Records = dialyzer_codeserver:get_records(State#state.codeserver),
+ case parse_spec(Spec, Records) of
+ {ok, Fun, Type} ->
+ RetType = erl_types:t_fun_range(Type),
+ ArgTypes = erl_types:t_fun_args(Type),
+ Warns = check_callback(Module, Behaviour, Fun, Arity, RetType,
+ ArgTypes, State#state.plt);
+ Else ->
+ Warns = [{invalid_spec, [Behaviour, Fun, Arity, reason_spec_error(Else)]}]
+ end,
+ check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, Rest, State, Warns ++ Acc);
+check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, [{Fun, Arity}|Rest], State, Acc) ->
+ Warns = {spec_missing, [Behaviour, Fun, Arity]},
+ check_all_callbacks(Module, Behaviour, Rest, State, [Warns|Acc]).
+parse_spec(String, Records) ->
+ case erl_scan:string(String) of
+ {ok, Tokens, _} ->
+ case erl_parse:parse(Tokens) of
+ {ok, Form} ->
+ case Form of
+ {attribute, _, 'spec', {{Fun, _}, [TypeForm|_Constraint]}} ->
+ MaybeRemoteType = erl_types:t_from_form(TypeForm),
+ try
+ Type = erl_types:t_solve_remote(MaybeRemoteType, Records),
+ {ok, Fun, Type}
+ catch
+ throw:{error,Msg} -> {spec_remote_error, Msg}
+ end;
+ _Other -> not_a_spec
+ end;
+ {error, {Line, _, Msg}} -> {spec_parser_error, Line, Msg}
+ end;
+ _Other ->
+ lexer_error
+ end.
+reason_spec_error({spec_remote_error, Msg}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Remote type solver error: ~s. Make sure the behaviour source is included in the analysis or the plt",[Msg]);
+reason_spec_error(not_a_spec) ->
+ "This is not a spec";
+reason_spec_error({spec_parser_error, Line, Msg}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~s line of the spec: ~s", [ordinal(Line),Msg]);
+reason_spec_error(lexer_error) ->
+ "Lexical error".
+ordinal(1) -> "1st";
+ordinal(2) -> "2nd";
+ordinal(3) -> "3rd";
+ordinal(N) when is_integer(N) -> io_lib:format("~wth",[N]).
+check_callback(Module, Behaviour, Fun, Arity, XRetType, XArgTypes, Plt) ->
+ LookupType = dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, {Module, Fun, Arity}),
+ case LookupType of
+ {value, {Type,Args}} ->
+ Warn1 = case unifiable(Type, XRetType) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Offenders ->
+ [{callback_type_mismatch,
+ [Behaviour, Fun, Arity, erl_types:t_sup(Offenders)]}]
+ end,
+ ZipArgs = lists:zip3(lists:seq(1, Arity), Args, XArgTypes),
+ Warn2 = [{callback_arg_type_mismatch,
+ [Behaviour, Fun, Arity, N,
+ erl_types:t_sup(Offenders)]} ||
+ {Offenders, N} <- [check_callback_1(V) || V <- ZipArgs],
+ Offenders =/= []],
+ Warn1 ++ Warn2;
+ _ -> [{callback_missing, [Behaviour, Fun, Arity]}]
+ end.
+check_callback_1({N, T1, T2}) ->
+ {unifiable(T1, T2), N}.
+unifiable(Type1, Type2) ->
+ List1 = erl_types:t_elements(Type1),
+ List2 = erl_types:t_elements(Type2),
+ [T || T <- List1,
+ lists:all(fun(T1) ->
+ erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(T, T1, opaque))
+ end, List2)].
+add_tag_file_line(_Module, {Tag, [B|_R]} = Warn, State)
+ when Tag =:= spec_missing;
+ Tag =:= invalid_spec;
+ Tag =:= callback_missing ->
+ {B, Line} = lists:keyfind(B, 1, State#state.behlines),
+ {?WARN_BEHAVIOUR, {State#state.filename, Line}, Warn};
+add_tag_file_line(Module, {_Tag, [_B, Fun, Arity|_R]} = Warn, State) ->
+ {_A, FunCode} =
+ dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_code({Module, Fun, Arity},
+ State#state.codeserver),
+ Anns = cerl:get_ann(FunCode),
+ FileLine = {get_file(Anns), get_line(Anns)},
+ {?WARN_BEHAVIOUR, FileLine, Warn}.
+get_line([Line|_]) when is_integer(Line) -> Line;
+get_line([_|Tail]) -> get_line(Tail);
+get_line([]) -> -1.
+get_file([{file, File}|_]) -> File;
+get_file([_|Tail]) -> get_file(Tail).
+get_behaviours([], _Codeserver, KnownAcc, UnknownAcc) ->
+ {KnownAcc, UnknownAcc};
+get_behaviours([M|Rest], Codeserver, KnownAcc, UnknownAcc) ->
+ Tree = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_code(M, Codeserver),
+ Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(Tree),
+ {Behaviours, _BehLines} = get_behaviours(Attrs),
+ {Known, Unknown} = call_behaviours(Behaviours),
+ get_behaviours(Rest, Codeserver, Known ++ KnownAcc, Unknown ++ UnknownAcc).
+call_behaviours(Behaviours) ->
+ call_behaviours(Behaviours, [], []).
+call_behaviours([], KnownAcc, UnknownAcc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(KnownAcc), lists:reverse(UnknownAcc)};
+call_behaviours([Behaviour|Rest], KnownAcc, UnknownAcc) ->
+ try
+ Callbacks = Behaviour:behaviour_info(callbacks),
+ Fun = fun({_,_,_}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ case lists:any(Fun, Callbacks) of
+ false -> call_behaviours(Rest, KnownAcc, [Behaviour | UnknownAcc]);
+ true -> call_behaviours(Rest, [Behaviour | KnownAcc], UnknownAcc)
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ -> call_behaviours(Rest, KnownAcc, [Behaviour | UnknownAcc])
+ end.
+get_behaviour_apis([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+get_behaviour_apis([Behaviour | Rest], Acc) ->
+ MFAs = [{Behaviour, Fun, Arity} ||
+ {{Fun, Arity}, _} <- behaviour_api_calls(Behaviour)],
+ get_behaviour_apis(Rest, MFAs ++ Acc).
+nth_or_0(0, _List, Zero) ->
+ Zero;
+nth_or_0(N, List, _Zero) ->
+ lists:nth(N, List).
+behaviour_api_calls(gen_server) ->
+ [{{start_link, 3}, {init, 1, [2]}},
+ {{start_link, 4}, {init, 1, [3]}},
+ {{start, 3}, {init, 1, [2]}},
+ {{start, 4}, {init, 1, [3]}},
+ {{call, 2}, {handle_call, 3, [2, 0, 0]}},
+ {{call, 3}, {handle_call, 3, [2, 0, 0]}},
+ {{multi_call, 2}, {handle_call, 3, [2, 0, 0]}},
+ {{multi_call, 3}, {handle_call, 3, [3, 0, 0]}},
+ {{multi_call, 4}, {handle_call, 3, [3, 0, 0]}},
+ {{cast, 2}, {handle_cast, 2, [2, 0]}},
+ {{abcast, 2}, {handle_cast, 2, [2, 0]}},
+ {{abcast, 3}, {handle_cast, 2, [3, 0]}}];
+behaviour_api_calls(_Other) ->
+ [].