path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl
diff options
authorStavros Aronis <[email protected]>2011-02-18 20:02:00 +0200
committerStavros Aronis <[email protected]>2011-02-28 17:13:50 +0200
commit059ca05caa95d91411c071c8542cef400a066e17 (patch)
tree073196bc28cc9f7ad4c46941d58351d14121ced8 /lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl
parent8bbf860b2f21571a4675a1a031cb95f25a10f391 (diff)
Major restructure of dialyzer's testsuite
Generation of the PLT is now performed without using OS commands. We still try to copy in the default plt to make small scale testing efficient. If generation/checking fails, suites are skipped except plt_tests_SUITE which contains a bare PLT check that fails normally.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd2e76473a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_common.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+%%% File : dialyzer_common.erl
+%%% Author : Stavros Aronis <[email protected]>
+%%% Description : Generator and common infrastructure for simple dialyzer
+%%% test suites (some options, some input files or directories
+%%% and the relevant results).
+%%% Created : 11 Jun 2010 by Stavros Aronis <stavros@enjoy>
+-export([check_plt/1, check/4, create_suite/1,
+ create_all_suites/0, new_tests/2]).
+-define(suite_suffix, "_tests_SUITE").
+-define(data_folder, "_data").
+-define(erlang_extension, ".erl").
+-define(output_file_mode, write).
+-define(dialyzer_option_file, "dialyzer_options").
+-define(input_files_directory, "src").
+-define(result_files_directory, "results").
+-define(required_modules, [kernel,stdlib,compiler,erts,mnesia]).
+-record(suite, {suitename :: string(),
+ outputfile :: file:io_device(),
+ options :: options(),
+ testcases :: [testcase()]}).
+-record(options, {time_limit = 1 :: integer(),
+ dialyzer_options = [] :: dialyzer:dial_options()}).
+-type options() :: #options{}.
+-type testcase() :: {atom(), 'file' | 'dir'}.
+-spec check_plt(string()) -> ok.
+check_plt(OutDir) ->
+ io:format("Checking plt:"),
+ PltFilename = filename:join(OutDir, ?plt_filename),
+ case file:read_file_info(PltFilename) of
+ {ok, _} -> dialyzer_check_plt(PltFilename);
+ {error, _ } ->
+ io:format("No plt found in test run directory!"),
+ PltLockFile = filename:join(OutDir, ?plt_lockfile),
+ case file:read_file_info(PltLockFile) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ explain_fail_with_lock(),
+ fail;
+ {error, _} ->
+ io:format("Locking plt generation."),
+ case file:open(PltLockFile,[?output_file_mode]) of
+ {ok, OutFile} ->
+ io:format(OutFile,"Locking plt generation.",[]),
+ file:close(OutFile);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Couldn't write lock file ~p.",[Reason]),
+ fail
+ end,
+ obtain_plt(PltFilename)
+ end
+ end.
+dialyzer_check_plt(PltFilename) ->
+ try dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_check},
+ {init_plt, PltFilename}]) of
+ [] -> ok
+ catch
+ Class:Info ->
+ io:format("Failed. The error was: ~w\n~p",[Class, Info]),
+ io:format("A previously run dialyzer suite failed to generate"
+ " a correct plt."),
+ fail
+ end.
+explain_fail_with_lock() ->
+ io:format("Some other suite started creating a plt. It might not have"
+ " finished (Dialyzer's suites shouldn't run in parallel), or"
+ " it reached timeout and was killed (in which case"
+ " plt_timeout, defined in dialyzer_test_constants.hrl"
+ " should be increased), or it failed.").
+obtain_plt(PltFilename) ->
+ io:format("Obtaining plt:"),
+ HomeDir = os:getenv("HOME"),
+ HomePlt = filename:join(HomeDir, ?home_plt_filename),
+ io:format("Will try to use ~s as a starting point and add otp apps ~w.",
+ [HomePlt, ?required_modules]),
+ try dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_add},
+ {apps, ?required_modules},
+ {output_plt, PltFilename},
+ {init_plt, HomePlt}]) of
+ [] ->
+ io:format("Successfully added everything!"),
+ ok
+ catch
+ Class:Reason ->
+ io:format("Failed. The error was: ~w\n~p",[Class, Reason]),
+ build_plt(PltFilename)
+ end.
+build_plt(PltFilename) ->
+ io:format("Building plt from scratch:"),
+ try dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
+ {apps, ?required_modules},
+ {output_plt, PltFilename}]) of
+ [] ->
+ io:format("Successfully created plt!"),
+ ok
+ catch
+ Class:Reason ->
+ io:format("Failed. The error was: ~w\n~p",[Class, Reason]),
+ fail
+ end.
+-spec check(atom(), dialyzer:dial_options(), string(), string()) ->
+ 'same' | {differ, [term()]}.
+check(TestCase, Opts, Dir, OutDir) ->
+ PltFilename = filename:join(OutDir, ?plt_filename),
+ SrcDir = filename:join(Dir, ?input_files_directory),
+ ResDir = filename:join(Dir, ?result_files_directory),
+ Filename = filename:join(SrcDir, atom_to_list(TestCase)),
+ Files =
+ case file_utils:file_type(Filename) of
+ {ok, 'directory'} ->
+ {ok, ListFiles} = file_utils:list_dir(Filename, ".erl",
+ false),
+ ListFiles;
+ {error, _} ->
+ FilenameErl = Filename ++ ".erl",
+ case file_utils:file_type(FilenameErl) of
+ {ok, 'regular'} -> [FilenameErl]
+ end
+ end,
+ ResFile = atom_to_list(TestCase),
+ NewResFile = filename:join(OutDir, ResFile),
+ OldResFile = filename:join(ResDir, ResFile),
+ ProperOpts = fix_options(Opts, Dir),
+ try dialyzer:run([{files, Files},{from, src_code},{init_plt, PltFilename},
+ {check_plt, false}|ProperOpts]) of
+ RawWarns ->
+ Warns = lists:sort([dialyzer:format_warning(W) || W <- RawWarns]),
+ case Warns of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ case file:open(NewResFile,[?output_file_mode]) of
+ {ok, OutFile} ->
+ io:format(OutFile,"\n~s",[Warns]),
+ file:close(OutFile);
+ Other -> erlang:error(Other)
+ end
+ end,
+ case file_utils:diff(NewResFile, OldResFile) of
+ 'same' -> file:delete(NewResFile),
+ 'same';
+ Any -> escape_strings(Any)
+ end
+ catch
+ Kind:Error -> {'dialyzer crashed', Kind, Error}
+ end.
+fix_options(Opts, Dir) ->
+ fix_options(Opts, Dir, []).
+fix_options([], _Dir, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+fix_options([{pa, Path} | Rest], Dir, Acc) ->
+ case code:add_patha(filename:join(Dir, Path)) of
+ true -> fix_options(Rest, Dir, Acc);
+ {error, _} -> erlang:error("Bad directory for pa: " ++ Path)
+ end;
+fix_options([{DirOption, RelativeDirs} | Rest], Dir, Acc)
+ when DirOption =:= include_dirs ;
+ DirOption =:= files_rec ;
+ DirOption =:= files ->
+ ProperRelativeDirs = [filename:join(Dir,RDir) || RDir <- RelativeDirs],
+ fix_options(Rest, Dir, [{include_dirs, ProperRelativeDirs} | Acc]);
+fix_options([Opt | Rest], Dir, Acc) ->
+ fix_options(Rest, Dir, [Opt | Acc]).
+-spec new_tests(string(), [atom()]) -> [atom()].
+new_tests(Dirname, DeclaredTestcases) ->
+ SrcDir = filename:join(Dirname, ?input_files_directory),
+ get_testcases(SrcDir) -- DeclaredTestcases.
+get_testcases(Dirname) ->
+ {ok, Files} = file_utils:list_dir(Dirname, ".erl", true),
+ [list_to_atom(filename:basename(F,".erl")) || F <-Files].
+-spec create_all_suites() -> 'ok'.
+create_all_suites() ->
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Suites = get_suites(Cwd),
+ lists:foreach(fun create_suite/1, Suites).
+escape_strings({differ,List}) ->
+ Map = fun({T,L,S}) -> {T,L,xmerl_lib:export_text(S)} end,
+ {differ, lists:keysort(3, lists:map(Map, List))}.
+-spec get_suites(file:filename()) -> [string()].
+get_suites(Dir) ->
+ case file:list_dir(Dir) of
+ {error, _} -> [];
+ {ok, Filenames} ->
+ FullFilenames = [filename:join(Dir, F) || F <-Filenames ],
+ Dirs = [suffix(filename:basename(F), "_tests_SUITE_data") ||
+ F <- FullFilenames,
+ file_utils:file_type(F) =:= {ok, 'directory'}],
+ [S || {yes, S} <- Dirs]
+ end.
+suffix(String, Suffix) ->
+ Index = string:rstr(String, Suffix),
+ case string:substr(String, Index) =:= Suffix of
+ true -> {yes, string:sub_string(String,1,Index-1)};
+ false -> no
+ end.
+-spec create_suite(string()) -> 'ok'.
+create_suite(SuiteName) ->
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ SuiteDirN = generate_suite_dir_from_name(Cwd, SuiteName),
+ OutputFile = generate_suite_file(Cwd, SuiteName),
+ {OptionsFileN, InputDirN} = check_neccessary_files(SuiteDirN),
+ generate_suite(SuiteName, OutputFile, OptionsFileN, InputDirN).
+generate_suite_dir_from_name(Cwd, SuiteName) ->
+ filename:join(Cwd, SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix ++ ?data_folder).
+generate_suite_file(Cwd, SuiteName) ->
+ OutputFilename =
+ filename:join(Cwd, SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix ++ ?erlang_extension),
+ case file:open(OutputFilename, [?output_file_mode]) of
+ {ok, IoDevice} -> IoDevice;
+ {error, _} = E -> exit({E, OutputFilename})
+ end.
+check_neccessary_files(SuiteDirN) ->
+ InputDirN = filename:join(SuiteDirN, ?input_files_directory),
+ check_file_exists(InputDirN, directory),
+ OptionsFileN = filename:join(SuiteDirN, ?dialyzer_option_file),
+ check_file_exists(OptionsFileN, regular),
+ {OptionsFileN, InputDirN}.
+check_file_exists(Filename, Type) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(Filename) of
+ {ok, FileInfo} ->
+ case FileInfo#file_info.type of
+ Type -> ok;
+ Else -> exit({error, {wrong_input_file_type, Else}})
+ end;
+ {error, _} = E -> exit({E, Filename, Type})
+ end.
+generate_suite(SuiteName, OutputFile, OptionsFileN, InputDirN) ->
+ Options = read_options(OptionsFileN),
+ TestCases = list_testcases(InputDirN),
+ Suite = #suite{suitename = SuiteName, outputfile = OutputFile,
+ options = Options, testcases = TestCases},
+ write_suite(Suite),
+ file:close(OutputFile).
+read_options(OptionsFileN) ->
+ case file:consult(OptionsFileN) of
+ {ok, Opts} -> read_options(Opts, #options{});
+ _ = E -> exit({error, {incorrect_options_file, E}})
+ end.
+read_options([List], Options) when is_list(List) ->
+ read_options(List, Options);
+read_options([], Options) ->
+ Options;
+read_options([{time_limit, TimeLimit}|Opts], Options) ->
+ read_options(Opts, Options#options{time_limit = TimeLimit});
+read_options([{dialyzer_options, DialyzerOptions}|Opts], Options) ->
+ read_options(Opts, Options#options{dialyzer_options = DialyzerOptions}).
+list_testcases(Dirname) ->
+ {ok, Files} = file_utils:list_dir(Dirname, ".erl", true),
+ [list_to_atom(filename:basename(F,".erl")) || F <-Files].
+write_suite(Suite) ->
+ write_header(Suite),
+ write_consistency(Suite),
+ write_testcases(Suite).
+write_header(#suite{suitename = SuiteName, outputfile = OutputFile,
+ options = Options, testcases = TestCases}) ->
+ Test_Plus_Consistency =
+ [list_to_atom(SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix ++ "_consistency")|TestCases],
+ Exports = format_export(Test_Plus_Consistency),
+ TimeLimit = Options#options.time_limit,
+ DialyzerOptions = Options#options.dialyzer_options,
+ io:format(OutputFile,
+ "%% ATTENTION!\n"
+ "%% This is an automatically generated file. Do not edit.\n"
+ "%% Use './remake' script to refresh it if needed.\n"
+ "%% All Dialyzer options should be defined in dialyzer_options\n"
+ "%% file.\n\n"
+ "-module(~s).\n\n"
+ "-include(\"ct.hrl\").\n"
+ "-include(\"dialyzer_test_constants.hrl\").\n\n"
+ "-export([suite/0, init_per_suite/0, init_per_suite/1,\n"
+ " end_per_suite/1, all/0]).\n"
+ "~s\n\n"
+ "suite() ->\n"
+ " [{timetrap, {minutes, ~w}}].\n\n"
+ "init_per_suite() ->\n"
+ " [{timetrap, ?plt_timeout}].\n"
+ "init_per_suite(Config) ->\n"
+ " OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),\n"
+ " case dialyzer_common:check_plt(OutDir) of\n"
+ " fail -> {skip, \"Plt creation/check failed.\"};\n"
+ " ok -> [{dialyzer_options, ~p}|Config]\n"
+ " end.\n\n"
+ "end_per_suite(_Config) ->\n"
+ " ok.\n\n"
+ "all() ->\n"
+ " ~p.\n\n"
+ "dialyze(Config, TestCase) ->\n"
+ " Opts = ?config(dialyzer_options, Config),\n"
+ " Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),\n"
+ " OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),\n"
+ " dialyzer_common:check(TestCase, Opts, Dir, OutDir)."
+ "\n\n"
+ ,[SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix, Exports, TimeLimit,
+ DialyzerOptions, Test_Plus_Consistency]).
+format_export(TestCases) ->
+ TestCasesArity =
+ [list_to_atom(atom_to_list(N)++"/1") || N <- TestCases],
+ TestCaseString = io_lib:format("-export(~p).", [TestCasesArity]),
+ strip_quotes(lists:flatten(TestCaseString),[]).
+strip_quotes([], Result) ->
+ lists:reverse(Result);
+strip_quotes([$' |Rest], Result) ->
+ strip_quotes(Rest, Result);
+strip_quotes([$\, |Rest], Result) ->
+ strip_quotes(Rest, [$\ , $\, |Result]);
+strip_quotes([C|Rest], Result) ->
+ strip_quotes(Rest, [C|Result]).
+write_consistency(#suite{suitename = SuiteName, outputfile = OutputFile}) ->
+ write_consistency(SuiteName, OutputFile).
+write_consistency(SuiteName, OutputFile) ->
+ io:format(OutputFile,
+ "~s_consistency(Config) ->\n"
+ " Dir = ?config(data_dir, Config),\n"
+ " case dialyzer_common:new_tests(Dir, all()) of\n"
+ " [] -> ok;\n"
+ " New -> ct:fail({missing_tests,New})\n"
+ " end.\n\n",
+ [SuiteName ++ ?suite_suffix]).
+write_testcases(#suite{outputfile = OutputFile, testcases = TestCases}) ->
+ write_testcases(OutputFile, TestCases).
+write_testcases(OutputFile, [TestCase| Rest]) ->
+ io:format(OutputFile,
+ "~p(Config) ->\n"
+ " case dialyze(Config, ~p) of\n"
+ " 'same' -> 'same';\n"
+ " Error -> ct:fail(Error)\n"
+ " end.\n\n",
+ [TestCase, TestCase]),
+ write_testcases(OutputFile, Rest);
+write_testcases(_OutputFile, []) ->
+ ok.