path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl
diff options
authorStavros Aronis <[email protected]>2010-06-18 03:44:25 +0300
committerLukas Larsson <[email protected]>2011-02-18 12:03:18 +0100
commit98de31e836a04ccc8f5f9acd90b9ba0803a24ab5 (patch)
tree3f26237297b0b2d9040de1b97eeb7cd75bce2dfe /lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl
parent08cec89bb1e781157a75c13e72562258b271b469 (diff)
Test suites for Dialyzer
This is a transcription of most of the cvs.srv.it.uu.se:/hipe repository dialyzer_tests into test suites that use the test server framework. See README for information on how to use the included scripts for modifications and updates. When testing Dialyzer it's important that several OTP modules are included in the plt. The suites takes care of that too.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26b4e146cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+-define(test_case_dir, "src").
+-define(required_modules, "kernel stdlib compiler erts").
+dialyzer_test(Options, TestCase, Kind, Dir, OutDir, Dog) ->
+ PltFilename = filename:join(OutDir, ?plt_filename),
+ case file:read_file_info(PltFilename) of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, _ } -> create_plt(OutDir, Dog)
+ end,
+ SrcDir = filename:join(Dir, ?test_case_dir),
+ ResDir = filename:join(Dir, ?results_dir),
+ TestCaseString = atom_to_list(TestCase),
+ Filename = filename:join(SrcDir, TestCaseString),
+ CorrectOptions = convert_relative_paths(Options, Dir),
+ FilesOption =
+ case Kind of
+ file -> {files, [Filename ++ ".erl"]};
+ dir -> {files_rec, [Filename]}
+ end,
+ ResFile = TestCaseString,
+ NewResFile = filename:join(OutDir, ResFile),
+ OldResFile = filename:join(ResDir, ResFile),
+ RawWarns = dialyzer:run([FilesOption,
+ {init_plt, PltFilename},
+ {from, src_code},
+ {check_plt, false} | CorrectOptions]),
+ Warns = lists:sort([dialyzer:format_warning(W) || W <- RawWarns]),
+ case Warns of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ case file:open(NewResFile,['write']) of
+ {ok, OutFile} ->
+ io:format(OutFile,"\n~s",[Warns]),
+ file:close(OutFile);
+ Other -> erlang:error(Other)
+ end
+ end,
+ case diff(NewResFile, OldResFile) of
+ 'same' -> file:delete(NewResFile),
+ 'same';
+ Any -> Any
+ end.
+create_plt(OutDir, Dog) ->
+ PltFilename = filename:join(OutDir, ?plt_filename),
+ ?t:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
+ ?t:format("Generating plt..."),
+ HomeDir = os:getenv("HOME"),
+ HomePlt = filename:join(HomeDir, ?plt_filename),
+ file:copy(HomePlt, PltFilename),
+ try
+ AddCommand = "dialyzer --add_to_plt --output_plt " ++
+ PltFilename ++ " --apps " ++ ?required_modules,
+ ?t:format(AddCommand ++ "\n"),
+ ?t:format(os:cmd(AddCommand)),
+ dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_check},
+ {init_plt, PltFilename}]) of
+ [] -> ok
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ BuildCommand = "dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt " ++
+ PltFilename ++ " --apps " ++ ?required_modules,
+ ?t:format(BuildCommand ++ "\n"),
+ ?t:format(os:cmd(BuildCommand))
+ end.
+convert_relative_paths(Options, Dir) ->
+ convert_relative_paths(Options, Dir, []).
+convert_relative_paths([], _Dir, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+convert_relative_paths([{include_dirs, Paths}|Rest], Dir, Acc) ->
+ AbsolutePaths = convert_relative_paths_1(Paths, Dir, []),
+ convert_relative_paths(Rest, Dir, [{include_dirs, AbsolutePaths}|Acc]);
+convert_relative_paths([Option|Rest], Dir, Acc) ->
+ convert_relative_paths(Rest, Dir, [Option|Acc]).
+convert_relative_paths_1([], _Dir, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+convert_relative_paths_1([Path|Rest], Dir, Acc) ->
+ convert_relative_paths_1(Rest, Dir, [filename:join(Dir, Path)|Acc]).
+diff(Filename1, Filename2) ->
+ File1 =
+ case file:open(Filename1, [read]) of
+ {ok, F1} -> {file, F1};
+ _ -> empty
+ end,
+ File2 =
+ case file:open(Filename2, [read]) of
+ {ok, F2} -> {file, F2};
+ _ -> empty
+ end,
+ case diff1(File1, File2) of
+ {error, {N, Error}} ->
+ case N of
+ 1 -> {error, {Filename1, Error}};
+ 2 -> {error, {Filename2, Error}}
+ end;
+ [] -> 'same';
+ DiffList -> {'differ', DiffList}
+ end.
+diff1(File1, File2) ->
+ case file_to_lines(File1) of
+ {error, Error} -> {error, {1, Error}};
+ Lines1 ->
+ case file_to_lines(File2) of
+ {error, Error} -> {error, {2, Error}};
+ Lines2 ->
+ Common = lcs_fast(Lines1, Lines2),
+ diff2(Lines1, 1, Lines2, 1, Common, [])
+ end
+ end.
+diff2([], _, [], _, [], Acc) -> lists:keysort(2,Acc);
+diff2([H1|T1], N1, [], N2, [], Acc) ->
+ diff2(T1, N1+1, [], N2, [], [{new, N1, H1}|Acc]);
+diff2([], N1, [H2|T2], N2, [], Acc) ->
+ diff2([], N1, T2, N2+1, [], [{old, N2, H2}|Acc]);
+diff2([H1|T1], N1, [H2|T2], N2, [], Acc) ->
+ diff2(T1, N1+1, T2, N2+1, [], [{new, N1, H1}, {old, N2, H2}|Acc]);
+diff2([H1|T1]=L1, N1, [H2|T2]=L2, N2, [HC|TC]=LC, Acc) ->
+ case H1 =:= H2 of
+ true -> diff2(T1, N1+1, T2, N2+1, TC, Acc);
+ false ->
+ case H1 =:= HC of
+ true -> diff2(L1, N1, T2, N2+1, LC, [{old, N2, H2}|Acc]);
+ false -> diff2(T1, N1+1, L2, N2, LC, [{new, N1, H1}|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+-spec lcs_fast([string()], [string()]) -> [string()].
+lcs_fast(S1, S2) ->
+ M = length(S1),
+ N = length(S2),
+ Acc = array:new(M*N, {default, 0}),
+ {L, _} = lcs_fast(S1, S2, 1, 1, N, Acc),
+ L.
+-spec lcs_fast([string()], [string()],
+ pos_integer(), pos_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer(), array()) -> {[string()], array()}.
+lcs_fast([], _, _, _, _, Acc) ->
+ {[], Acc};
+lcs_fast(_, [], _, _, _, Acc) ->
+ {[], Acc};
+lcs_fast([H1|T1] = S1, [H2|T2] = S2, N1, N2, N, Acc) ->
+ I = (N1-1) * N + N2 - 1,
+ case array:get(I, Acc) of
+ 0 ->
+ case string:equal(H1, H2) of
+ true ->
+ {T, NAcc} = lcs_fast(T1, T2, N1+1, N2+1, N, Acc),
+ L = [H1|T],
+ {L, array:set(I, L, NAcc)};
+ false ->
+ {L1, NAcc1} = lcs_fast(S1, T2, N1, N2+1, N, Acc),
+ {L2, NAcc2} = lcs_fast(T1, S2, N1+1, N2, N, NAcc1),
+ L = longest(L1, L2),
+ {L, array:set(I, L, NAcc2)}
+ end;
+ L ->
+ {L, Acc}
+ end.
+-spec longest([string()], [string()]) -> [string()].
+longest(S1, S2) ->
+ case length(S1) > length(S2) of
+ true -> S1;
+ false -> S2
+ end.
+file_to_lines(empty) ->
+ [];
+file_to_lines({file, File}) ->
+ case file_to_lines(File, []) of
+ {error, _} = Error -> Error;
+ Lines -> lists:reverse(Lines)
+ end.
+file_to_lines(File, Acc) ->
+ case io:get_line(File, "") of
+ {error, _}=Error -> Error;
+ eof -> Acc;
+ A -> file_to_lines(File, [A|Acc])
+ end.