path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2019-05-07 08:25:56 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2019-05-07 08:25:56 +0200
commit1a2259e01e8f8e000a1d8f93a9446c996c148325 (patch)
tree57c71e5fb661d26074b5faf0902fc9625323586e /lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl
parentfb9cd9534b94fe8c24bc5412205dd97577894b59 (diff)
parentc2cd09c3d6807d2e93d117d9c6b47a706a50c763 (diff)
Merge branch 'hasse/dialyzer/prettier_warnings/OTP-15135'
* hasse/dialyzer/prettier_warnings/OTP-15135: dialyzer: Remove quotes around operators dialyzer: Add test cases with indentation dialyzer: Add an --no_indentation option dialyzer: Add parentheses around annotated union elements dialyzer: Fix dialyzer_dataflow:format_args_1()
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..041b4ac56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/indent_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_correct.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ callback_init/1
+ , callback_call/3
+ , callback_cast/3
+ , callback_exit/1
+ ]).
+-record(state, {
+ parent :: pid(),
+ status = init :: 'init' | 'open' | 'closed',
+ subscribe = [] :: list({pid(), integer()}),
+ counter = 1 :: integer()
+ }).
+-type state() :: #state{}.
+-type cast_message() :: 'open' | 'closed'.
+-type call_message() :: 'subscribe' | 'unsubscribe'.
+-type call_reply() :: 'accepted' | 'rejected'.
+-spec callback_init(Parent::pid()) -> {'ok', state()}.
+callback_init(Parent) ->
+ {ok, #state{parent = Parent}}.
+-spec callback_cast(state(), pid(), cast_message()) -> {'noreply', state()}.
+callback_cast(#state{parent = Pid} = State, Pid, Message)
+ when Message =:= 'open'; Message =:= 'close' ->
+ {noreply, State#state{status = Message}};
+callback_cast(State, _Pid, _Message) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+-spec callback_call(state(), pid(), call_message()) ->
+ {'reply', state(), call_reply()}.
+callback_call(#state{status = open, subscribe = Subscribers} = State,
+ Pid, Message)
+ when Message =:= 'subscribe';
+ Message =:= 'unsubscribe' ->
+ NewState =
+ case Message of
+ subscribe ->
+ N = State#state.counter,
+ State#state{subscribe = [{Pid, N}|Subscribers], counter = N+1};
+ unsubscribe ->
+ State#state{subscribe = lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Subscribers)}
+ end,
+ {reply, NewState, accepted};
+callback_call(State, _Pid, _Message) ->
+ {reply, State, rejected}.
+-spec callback_exit(state()) -> 'ok'.
+callback_exit(_State) ->
+ ok.