path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl
diff options
authorStavros Aronis <[email protected]>2010-06-18 03:44:25 +0300
committerLukas Larsson <[email protected]>2011-02-18 12:03:18 +0100
commit98de31e836a04ccc8f5f9acd90b9ba0803a24ab5 (patch)
tree3f26237297b0b2d9040de1b97eeb7cd75bce2dfe /lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl
parent08cec89bb1e781157a75c13e72562258b271b469 (diff)
Test suites for Dialyzer
This is a transcription of most of the cvs.srv.it.uu.se:/hipe repository dialyzer_tests into test suites that use the test server framework. See README for information on how to use the included scripts for modifications and updates. When testing Dialyzer it's important that several OTP modules are included in the plt. The suites takes care of that too.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl')
1 files changed, 726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c93e0a4f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_tests_SUITE_data/src/inets/mod_include.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id: mod_include.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:35 mikpe Exp $
+%% do
+do(Info) ->
+ ?vtrace("do",[]),
+ case Info#mod.method of
+ "GET" ->
+ case httpd_util:key1search(Info#mod.data,status) of
+ %% A status code has been generated!
+ {StatusCode,PhraseArgs,Reason} ->
+ {proceed,Info#mod.data};
+ %% No status code has been generated!
+ undefined ->
+ case httpd_util:key1search(Info#mod.data, response) of
+ %% No response has been generated!
+ undefined ->
+ do_include(Info);
+ %% A response has been generated or sent!
+ Response ->
+ {proceed,Info#mod.data}
+ end
+ end;
+ %% Not a GET method!
+ _ ->
+ {proceed,Info#mod.data}
+ end.
+do_include(Info) ->
+ ?vtrace("do_include -> entry with"
+ "~n URI: ~p",[Info#mod.request_uri]),
+ Path = mod_alias:path(Info#mod.data,Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri),
+ Suffix = httpd_util:suffix(Path),
+ case httpd_util:lookup_mime_default(Info#mod.config_db,Suffix) of
+ "text/x-server-parsed-html" ->
+ HeaderStart =
+ httpd_util:header(200, "text/html", Info#mod.connection),
+ ?vtrace("do_include -> send ~p", [Path]),
+ case send_in(Info,Path,HeaderStart,file:read_file_info(Path)) of
+ {ok, ErrorLog, Size} ->
+ ?vtrace("do_include -> sent ~w bytes", [Size]),
+ {proceed,[{response,{already_sent,200,Size}},
+ {mime_type,"text/html"}|
+ lists:append(ErrorLog,Info#mod.data)]};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("send in failed:"
+ "~n Reason: ~p"
+ "~n Path: ~p"
+ "~n Info: ~p",
+ [Reason,Info,Path]),
+ {proceed,
+ [{status,send_error(Reason,Info,Path)}|Info#mod.data]}
+ end;
+ _ -> %% Unknown mime type, ignore
+ {proceed,Info#mod.data}
+ end.
+%% config directive
+config(Info, Context, ErrorLog, TagList, ValueList, R) ->
+ case verify_tags("config",[errmsg,timefmt,sizefmt],
+ TagList,ValueList) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok,update_context(TagList,ValueList,Context),ErrorLog,"",R};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {ok,Context,[{internal_info,Reason}|ErrorLog],
+ httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}
+ end.
+update_context([],[],Context) ->
+ Context;
+update_context([Tag|R1],[Value|R2],Context) ->
+ update_context(R1,R2,[{Tag,Value}|Context]).
+verify_tags(Command,ValidTags,TagList,ValueList) when length(TagList)==length(ValueList) ->
+ verify_tags(Command,ValidTags,TagList);
+verify_tags(Command,ValidTags,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ {error,?NICE(Command++" directive has spurious tags")}.
+verify_tags(Command, ValidTags, []) ->
+ ok;
+verify_tags(Command, ValidTags, [Tag|Rest]) ->
+ case lists:member(Tag, ValidTags) of
+ true ->
+ verify_tags(Command, ValidTags, Rest);
+ false ->
+ {error,?NICE(Command++" directive has a spurious tag ("++
+ atom_to_list(Tag)++")")}
+ end.
+%% include directive
+include(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[virtual],[VirtualPath],R) ->
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db,alias),
+ {_, Path, _AfterPath} =
+ mod_alias:real_name(Info#mod.config_db, VirtualPath, Aliases),
+ include(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,Path);
+include(Info, Context, ErrorLog, [file], [FileName], R) ->
+ Path = file(Info#mod.config_db, Info#mod.request_uri, FileName),
+ include(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, Path);
+include(Info, Context, ErrorLog, TagList, ValueList, R) ->
+ {ok, Context,
+ [{internal_info,?NICE("include directive has a spurious tag")}|
+ ErrorLog], httpd_util:key1search(Context, errmsg, ""), R}.
+include(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, Path) ->
+ ?DEBUG("include -> read file: ~p",[Path]),
+ case file:read_file(Path) of
+ {ok, Body} ->
+ ?DEBUG("include -> size(Body): ~p",[size(Body)]),
+ {ok, NewContext, NewErrorLog, Result} =
+ parse(Info, binary_to_list(Body), Context, ErrorLog, []),
+ {ok, Context, NewErrorLog, Result, R};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {ok, Context,
+ [{internal_info, ?NICE("Can't open "++Path)}|ErrorLog],
+ httpd_util:key1search(Context, errmsg, ""), R}
+ end.
+file(ConfigDB, RequestURI, FileName) ->
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(ConfigDB, alias),
+ {_, Path, _AfterPath}
+ = mod_alias:real_name(ConfigDB, RequestURI, Aliases),
+ Pwd = filename:dirname(Path),
+ filename:join(Pwd, FileName).
+%% echo directive
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["DOCUMENT_NAME"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,document_name(Info#mod.data,Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["DOCUMENT_URI"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,document_uri(Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,query_string_unescaped(Info#mod.request_uri),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["DATE_LOCAL"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,date_local(),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["DATE_GMT"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,date_gmt(),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[var],["LAST_MODIFIED"],R) ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,last_modified(Info#mod.data,Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri),R};
+echo(Info,Context,ErrorLog,TagList,ValueList,R) ->
+ {ok,Context,
+ [{internal_info,?NICE("echo directive has a spurious tag")}|
+ ErrorLog],"(none)",R}.
+document_name(Data,ConfigDB,RequestURI) ->
+ Path = mod_alias:path(Data,ConfigDB,RequestURI),
+ case regexp:match(Path,"[^/]*\$") of
+ {match,Start,Length} ->
+ string:substr(Path,Start,Length);
+ nomatch ->
+ "(none)"
+ end.
+document_uri(ConfigDB, RequestURI) ->
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(ConfigDB, alias),
+ {Path, AfterPath} =
+ case mod_alias:real_name(ConfigDB, RequestURI, Aliases) of
+ {_, Name, {[], []}} ->
+ {Name, ""};
+ {_, Name, {PathInfo, []}} ->
+ {Name, "/"++PathInfo};
+ {_, Name, {PathInfo, QueryString}} ->
+ {Name, "/"++PathInfo++"?"++QueryString};
+ {_, Name, _} ->
+ {Name, ""};
+ Gurka ->
+ io:format("Gurka: ~p~n", [Gurka])
+ end,
+ VirtualPath = string:substr(RequestURI, 1,
+ length(RequestURI)-length(AfterPath)),
+ {match, Start, Length} = regexp:match(Path,"[^/]*\$"),
+ FileName = string:substr(Path,Start,Length),
+ case regexp:match(VirtualPath, FileName++"\$") of
+ {match, _, _} ->
+ httpd_util:decode_hex(VirtualPath)++AfterPath;
+ nomatch ->
+ string:strip(httpd_util:decode_hex(VirtualPath),right,$/)++
+ "/"++FileName++AfterPath
+ end.
+query_string_unescaped(RequestURI) ->
+ case regexp:match(RequestURI,"[\?].*\$") of
+ {match,Start,Length} ->
+ %% Escape all shell-special variables with \
+ escape(string:substr(RequestURI,Start+1,Length-1));
+ nomatch ->
+ "(none)"
+ end.
+escape([]) -> [];
+escape([$;|R]) -> [$\\,$;|escape(R)];
+escape([$&|R]) -> [$\\,$&|escape(R)];
+escape([$(|R]) -> [$\\,$(|escape(R)];
+escape([$)|R]) -> [$\\,$)|escape(R)];
+escape([$||R]) -> [$\\,$||escape(R)];
+escape([$^|R]) -> [$\\,$^|escape(R)];
+escape([$<|R]) -> [$\\,$<|escape(R)];
+escape([$>|R]) -> [$\\,$>|escape(R)];
+escape([$\n|R]) -> [$\\,$\n|escape(R)];
+escape([$ |R]) -> [$\\,$ |escape(R)];
+escape([$\t|R]) -> [$\\,$\t|escape(R)];
+escape([C|R]) -> [C|escape(R)].
+date_local() ->
+ {{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}=calendar:local_time(),
+ %% Time format hard-wired to: "%a %b %e %T %Y" according to strftime(3)
+ io_lib:format("~s ~s ~2w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w ~w",
+ [httpd_util:day(calendar:day_of_the_week(Year,Month,Day)),
+ httpd_util:month(Month),Day,Hour,Minute,Second,Year]).
+date_gmt() ->
+ {{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}=calendar:universal_time(),
+ %% Time format hard-wired to: "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y" according to strftime(3)
+ io_lib:format("~s ~s ~2w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT ~w",
+ [httpd_util:day(calendar:day_of_the_week(Year,Month,Day)),
+ httpd_util:month(Month),Day,Hour,Minute,Second,Year]).
+last_modified(Data,ConfigDB,RequestURI) ->
+ {ok,FileInfo}=file:read_file_info(mod_alias:path(Data,ConfigDB,RequestURI)),
+ {{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}=FileInfo#file_info.mtime,
+ io_lib:format("~s ~s ~2w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w ~w",
+ [httpd_util:day(calendar:day_of_the_week(Year,Month,Day)),
+ httpd_util:month(Month),Day,Hour,Minute,Second,Year]).
+%% fsize directive
+fsize(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[virtual],[VirtualPath],R) ->
+ Aliases=httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db,alias),
+ {_,Path,AfterPath}=
+ mod_alias:real_name(Info#mod.config_db,VirtualPath,Aliases),
+ fsize(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, Path);
+fsize(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[file],[FileName],R) ->
+ Path=file(Info#mod.config_db,Info#mod.request_uri,FileName),
+ fsize(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,Path);
+fsize(Info,Context,ErrorLog,TagList,ValueList,R) ->
+ {ok,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE("fsize directive has a spurious tag")}|
+ ErrorLog],httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}.
+fsize(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,Path) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok,FileInfo} ->
+ case httpd_util:key1search(Context,sizefmt) of
+ "bytes" ->
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,
+ integer_to_list(FileInfo#file_info.size),R};
+ "abbrev" ->
+ Size = integer_to_list(trunc(FileInfo#file_info.size/1024+1))++"k",
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,Size,R};
+ Value->
+ {ok,Context,
+ [{internal_info,
+ ?NICE("fsize directive has a spurious tag value ("++
+ Value++")")}|
+ ErrorLog],
+ httpd_util:key1search(Context, errmsg, ""), R}
+ end;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {ok,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE("Can't open "++Path)}|ErrorLog],
+ httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}
+ end.
+%% flastmod directive
+flastmod(Info, Context, ErrorLog, [virtual], [VirtualPath],R) ->
+ Aliases=httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db,alias),
+ {_,Path,AfterPath}=
+ mod_alias:real_name(Info#mod.config_db,VirtualPath,Aliases),
+ flastmod(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,Path);
+flastmod(Info, Context, ErrorLog, [file], [FileName], R) ->
+ Path = file(Info#mod.config_db, Info#mod.request_uri, FileName),
+ flastmod(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, Path);
+flastmod(Info,Context,ErrorLog,TagList,ValueList,R) ->
+ {ok,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE("flastmod directive has a spurious tag")}|
+ ErrorLog],httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}.
+flastmod(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,File) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(File) of
+ {ok,FileInfo} ->
+ {{Yr,Mon,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}=FileInfo#file_info.mtime,
+ Result=
+ io_lib:format("~s ~s ~2w ~w:~w:~w ~w",
+ [httpd_util:day(
+ calendar:day_of_the_week(Yr,Mon, Day)),
+ httpd_util:month(Mon),Day,Hour,Minute,Second, Yr]),
+ {ok,Context,ErrorLog,Result,R};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {ok,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE("Can't open "++File)}|ErrorLog],
+ httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}
+ end.
+%% exec directive
+exec(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[cmd],[Command],R) ->
+ ?vtrace("exec cmd:~n Command: ~p",[Command]),
+ cmd(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,Command);
+exec(Info,Context,ErrorLog,[cgi],[RequestURI],R) ->
+ ?vtrace("exec cgi:~n RequestURI: ~p",[RequestURI]),
+ cgi(Info,Context,ErrorLog,R,RequestURI);
+exec(Info,Context,ErrorLog,TagList,ValueList,R) ->
+ ?vtrace("exec with spurious tag:"
+ "~n TagList: ~p"
+ "~n ValueList: ~p",
+ [TagList,ValueList]),
+ {ok, Context,
+ [{internal_info,?NICE("exec directive has a spurious tag")}|
+ ErrorLog], httpd_util:key1search(Context,errmsg,""),R}.
+%% cmd
+cmd(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, Command) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ Env = env(Info),
+ Dir = filename:dirname(Command),
+ Port = (catch open_port({spawn,Command},[stream,{cd,Dir},{env,Env}])),
+ case Port of
+ P when port(P) ->
+ {NewErrorLog, Result} = proxy(Port, ErrorLog),
+ {ok, Context, NewErrorLog, Result, R};
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: exit"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,Reason]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,Reason,
+ [{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Command},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]});
+ O ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: unknown result"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n O: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,O]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,O,
+ [{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Command},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]})
+ end.
+env(Info) ->
+ [{"DOCUMENT_NAME",document_name(Info#mod.data,Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri)},
+ {"DOCUMENT_URI", document_uri(Info#mod.config_db, Info#mod.request_uri)},
+ {"QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED", query_string_unescaped(Info#mod.request_uri)},
+ {"DATE_LOCAL", date_local()},
+ {"DATE_GMT", date_gmt()},
+ {"LAST_MODIFIED", last_modified(Info#mod.data, Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri)}
+ ].
+%% cgi
+cgi(Info, Context, ErrorLog, R, RequestURI) ->
+ ScriptAliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db, script_alias),
+ case mod_alias:real_script_name(Info#mod.config_db, RequestURI,
+ ScriptAliases) of
+ {Script, AfterScript} ->
+ exec_script(Info,Script,AfterScript,ErrorLog,Context,R);
+ not_a_script ->
+ {ok, Context,
+ [{internal_info, ?NICE(RequestURI++" is not a script")}|
+ ErrorLog], httpd_util:key1search(Context, errmsg, ""),R}
+ end.
+remove_header([]) ->
+ [];
+remove_header([$\n,$\n|Rest]) ->
+ Rest;
+remove_header([C|Rest]) ->
+ remove_header(Rest).
+exec_script(Info,Script,AfterScript,ErrorLog,Context,R) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ Aliases = httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db, alias),
+ {_, Path, AfterPath} = mod_alias:real_name(Info#mod.config_db,
+ Info#mod.request_uri,
+ Aliases),
+ Env = env(Info)++mod_cgi:env(Info, Path, AfterPath),
+ Dir = filename:dirname(Path),
+ Port = (catch open_port({spawn,Script},[stream,{env, Env},{cd, Dir}])),
+ case Port of
+ P when port(P) ->
+ %% Send entity body to port.
+ Res = case Info#mod.entity_body of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ EntityBody ->
+ (catch port_command(Port,EntityBody))
+ end,
+ case Res of
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("port send failed:"
+ "~n Port: ~p"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [Port,Info#mod.request_uri,Reason]),
+ exit({open_cmd_failed,Reason,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{port,Port},
+ {uri,Info#mod.request_uri},
+ {script,Script},{env,Env},{dir,Dir},
+ {ebody_size,sz(Info#mod.entity_body)}]});
+ true ->
+ {NewErrorLog, Result} = proxy(Port, ErrorLog),
+ {ok, Context, NewErrorLog, remove_header(Result), R}
+ end;
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: exit"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n Reason: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,Reason]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,Reason,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Script},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]});
+ O ->
+ ?vlog("open port failed: unknown result"
+ "~n URI: ~p"
+ "~n O: ~p",
+ [Info#mod.request_uri,O]),
+ exit({open_port_failed,O,
+ [{mod,?MODULE},{uri,Info#mod.request_uri},{script,Script},
+ {env,Env},{dir,Dir}]})
+ end.
+%% Port communication
+proxy(Port,ErrorLog) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ proxy(Port, ErrorLog, []).
+proxy(Port, ErrorLog, Result) ->
+ receive
+ {Port, {data, Response}} ->
+ proxy(Port, ErrorLog, lists:append(Result,Response));
+ {'EXIT', Port, normal} when port(Port) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {ErrorLog, Result};
+ {'EXIT', Port, Reason} when port(Port) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {[{internal_info,
+ ?NICE("Scrambled output from CGI-script")}|ErrorLog],
+ Result};
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when pid(Pid) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason};
+ %% This should not happen!
+ WhatEver ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false),
+ {ErrorLog, Result}
+ end.
+%% ------
+%% Temporary until I figure out a way to fix send_in_chunks
+%% (comments and directives that start in one chunk but end
+%% in another is not handled).
+send_in(Info, Path,Head, {ok,FileInfo}) ->
+ case file:read_file(Path) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ send_in1(Info, binary_to_list(Bin), Head, FileInfo);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?vlog("failed reading file: ~p",[Reason]),
+ {error, {open,Reason}}
+ end;
+send_in(Info,Path,Head,{error,Reason}) ->
+ ?vlog("failed open file: ~p",[Reason]),
+ {error, {open,Reason}}.
+send_in1(Info, Data,Head,FileInfo) ->
+ {ok, _Context, Err, ParsedBody} = parse(Info,Data,?DEFAULT_CONTEXT,[],[]),
+ Size = length(ParsedBody),
+ ?vdebug("send_in1 -> Size: ~p",[Size]),
+ Head1 = case Info#mod.http_version of
+ "HTTP/1.1"->
+ Head ++
+ "Content-Length: " ++
+ integer_to_list(Size) ++
+ "\r\nEtag:" ++
+ httpd_util:create_etag(FileInfo,Size) ++"\r\n" ++
+ "Last-Modified: " ++
+ httpd_util:rfc1123_date(FileInfo#file_info.mtime) ++
+ "\r\n\r\n";
+ _->
+ %% i.e http/1.0 and http/0.9
+ Head ++
+ "Content-Length: " ++
+ integer_to_list(Size) ++
+ "\r\nLast-Modified: " ++
+ httpd_util:rfc1123_date(FileInfo#file_info.mtime) ++
+ "\r\n\r\n"
+ end,
+ httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket,
+ [Head1,ParsedBody]),
+ {ok, Err, Size}.
+%% Addition to "Fuzzy" HTML parser. This is actually a ugly hack to
+%% avoid putting to much data on the heap. To be rewritten...
+% -define(CHUNK_SIZE, 4096).
+% send_in_chunks(Info, Path) ->
+% ?DEBUG("send_in_chunks -> Path: ~p",[Path]),
+% case file:open(Path, [read, raw]) of
+% {ok, Stream} ->
+% send_in_chunks(Info, Stream, ?DEFAULT_CONTEXT,[]);
+% {error, Reason} ->
+% ?ERROR("Failed open file: ~p",[Reason]),
+% {error, {open,Reason}}
+% end.
+% send_in_chunks(Info, Stream, Context, ErrorLog) ->
+% case file:read(Stream, ?CHUNK_SIZE) of
+% {ok, Data} ->
+% ?DEBUG("send_in_chunks -> read ~p bytes",[length(Data)]),
+% {ok, NewContext, NewErrorLog, ParsedBody}=
+% parse(Info, Data, Context, ErrorLog, []),
+% httpd_socket:deliver(Info#mod.socket_type,
+% Info#mod.socket, ParsedBody),
+% send_in_chunks(Info,Stream,NewContext,NewErrorLog);
+% eof ->
+% {ok, ErrorLog};
+% {error, Reason} ->
+% ?ERROR("Failed read from file: ~p",[Reason]),
+% {error, {read,Reason}}
+% end.
+%% "Fuzzy" HTML parser
+parse(Info,Body) ->
+ parse(Info, Body, ?DEFAULT_CONTEXT, [], []).
+parse(Info, [], Context, ErrorLog, Result) ->
+ {ok, Context, lists:reverse(ErrorLog), lists:reverse(Result)};
+parse(Info,[$<,$!,$-,$-,$#|R1],Context,ErrorLog,Result) ->
+ ?DEBUG("parse -> start command directive when length(R1): ~p",[length(R1)]),
+ case catch parse0(R1,Context) of
+ {parse_error,Reason} ->
+ parse(Info,R1,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE(Reason)}|ErrorLog],
+ [$#,$-,$-,$!,$<|Result]);
+ {ok,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,R2} ->
+ ?DEBUG("parse -> Command: ~p",[Command]),
+ {ok,NewContext,NewErrorLog,MoreResult,R3}=
+ handle(Info,Context,ErrorLog,Command,TagList,ValueList,R2),
+ parse(Info,R3,NewContext,NewErrorLog,lists:reverse(MoreResult)++Result)
+ end;
+parse(Info,[$<,$!,$-,$-|R1],Context,ErrorLog,Result) ->
+ ?DEBUG("parse -> start comment when length(R1) = ~p",[length(R1)]),
+ case catch parse5(R1,[],0) of
+ {parse_error,Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR("parse -> parse error: ~p",[Reason]),
+ parse(Info,R1,Context,[{internal_info,?NICE(Reason)}|ErrorLog],Result);
+ {Comment,R2} ->
+ ?DEBUG("parse -> length(Comment) = ~p, length(R2) = ~p",
+ [length(Comment),length(R2)]),
+ parse(Info,R2,Context,ErrorLog,Comment++Result)
+ end;
+parse(Info,[C|R],Context,ErrorLog,Result) ->
+ parse(Info,R,Context,ErrorLog,[C|Result]).
+handle(Info,Context,ErrorLog,Command,TagList,ValueList,R) ->
+ case catch apply(?MODULE,Command,[Info,Context,ErrorLog,TagList,ValueList,
+ R]) of
+ {'EXIT',{undef,_}} ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Unknown command "++atom_to_list(Command)++
+ " in parsed doc"});
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ end.
+parse0([],Context) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse0([$-,$-,$>|R],Context) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse0([$ |R],Context) ->
+ parse0(R,Context);
+parse0(String,Context) ->
+ parse1(String,Context,"").
+parse1([],Context,Command) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse1([$-,$-,$>|R],Context,Command) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse1([$ |R],Context,Command) ->
+ parse2(R,Context,list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Command)),[],[],"");
+parse1([C|R],Context,Command) ->
+ parse1(R,Context,[C|Command]).
+parse2([],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse2([$-,$-,$>|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag) ->
+ {ok,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,R};
+parse2([$ |R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag) ->
+ parse2(R,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag);
+parse2([$=|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag) ->
+ parse3(R,Context,Command,[list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Tag))|TagList],
+ ValueList);
+parse2([C|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Tag) ->
+ parse2(R,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,[C|Tag]).
+parse3([],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse3([$-,$-,$>|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse3([$ |R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ parse3(R,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList);
+parse3([$"|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ parse4(R,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,"");
+parse3(String,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"}).
+parse4([],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Value) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse4([$-,$-,$>|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Value) ->
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse4([$"|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Value) ->
+ parse2(R,Context,Command,TagList,[lists:reverse(Value)|ValueList],"");
+parse4([C|R],Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,Value) ->
+ parse4(R,Context,Command,TagList,ValueList,[C|Value]).
+parse5([],Comment,Depth) ->
+ ?ERROR("parse5 -> unterminated comment of ~p bytes when Depth = ~p",
+ [length(Comment),Depth]),
+ throw({parse_error,"Premature EOF in parsed file"});
+parse5([$<,$!,$-,$-|R],Comment,Depth) ->
+ parse5(R,[$-,$-,$!,$<|Comment],Depth+1);
+parse5([$-,$-,$>|R],Comment,0) ->
+ {">--"++Comment++"--!<",R};
+parse5([$-,$-,$>|R],Comment,Depth) ->
+ parse5(R,[$>,$-,$-|Comment],Depth-1);
+parse5([C|R],Comment,Depth) ->
+ parse5(R,[C|Comment],Depth).
+sz(B) when binary(B) -> {binary,size(B)};
+sz(L) when list(L) -> {list,length(L)};
+sz(_) -> undefined.
+%% send_error - Handle failure to send the file
+send_error({open,Reason},Info,Path) -> open_error(Reason,Info,Path);
+send_error({read,Reason},Info,Path) -> read_error(Reason,Info,Path).
+%% open_error - Handle file open failure
+open_error(eacces,Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(403,Info,Path,"");
+open_error(enoent,Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(404,Info,Path,"");
+open_error(enotdir,Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(404,Info,Path,
+ ": A component of the file name is not a directory");
+open_error(emfile,_Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(500,none,Path,": To many open files");
+open_error({enfile,_},_Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(500,none,Path,": File table overflow");
+open_error(_Reason,_Info,Path) ->
+ open_error(500,none,Path,"").
+open_error(StatusCode,none,Path,Reason) ->
+ {StatusCode,none,?NICE("Can't open "++Path++Reason)};
+open_error(StatusCode,Info,Path,Reason) ->
+ {StatusCode,Info#mod.request_uri,?NICE("Can't open "++Path++Reason)}.
+read_error(_Reason,_Info,Path) ->
+ read_error(500,none,Path,"").
+read_error(StatusCode,none,Path,Reason) ->
+ {StatusCode,none,?NICE("Can't read "++Path++Reason)};
+read_error(StatusCode,Info,Path,Reason) ->
+ {StatusCode,Info#mod.request_uri,?NICE("Can't read "++Path++Reason)}.