path: root/lib/dialyzer
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2015-08-20 15:52:33 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2015-09-04 08:24:58 +0200
commit3092fc21c57a34a7ee5e2699ba39bb37edd8c4d8 (patch)
tree9c0b3140027f90f524cca0adf461ac19f0ddd9a5 /lib/dialyzer
parent3af9e6ef9bd6a9e9faf0e5bf683f4f1c5c0c0ca9 (diff)
dialyzer: Fix erlang:abs/1
Fix the range type of erlang:abs/1.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer')
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/abs b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/abs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f229a6d036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/abs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+abs.erl:12: Function i1/0 has no local return
+abs.erl:16: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
+abs.erl:23: Function i2/0 has no local return
+abs.erl:27: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
+abs.erl:34: Function i3/0 has no local return
+abs.erl:37: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
+abs.erl:45: Function i4/0 has no local return
+abs.erl:49: The pattern 'true' can never match the type 'false'
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/abs.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/abs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251e24cdfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/abs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+%% OTP-12948. erlang:abs/1 bug fix.
+t() ->
+ Fs = [fun i1/0, fun i2/0, fun i3/0, fun i4/0, fun f1/0],
+ _ = [catch F() || F <- Fs],
+ ok.
+i1() ->
+ A = int(),
+ I1 = i1(A),
+ true = I1 < 2,
+ true = I1 < 1. % can never match
+-spec i1(neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+i1(A) when is_integer(A), A < 0 ->
+ abs(A).
+i2() ->
+ A = int(),
+ I2 = i2(A),
+ true = I2 < 1,
+ true = I2 < 0. % can never match
+-spec i2(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+i2(A) when is_integer(A), A >= 0 ->
+ abs(A).
+i3() ->
+ A = int(),
+ I3 = i3(A),
+ true = I3 < -1,
+ true = I3 < 0. % can never match
+-spec i3(integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+i3(A) when is_integer(A) ->
+ abs(A).
+i4() ->
+ A = int(),
+ I4 = i4(A),
+ true = I4 =:= 0 orelse I4 =:= 1,
+ true = I4 < 0 orelse I4 > 1. % can never match
+-spec i4(integer()) -> number().
+i4(A) when A =:= -1; A =:= 0; A =:= 1 ->
+ abs(A).
+f1() ->
+ F1 = f1(float()),
+ math:sqrt(F1).
+f1(A) ->
+ abs(A).
+-spec int() -> integer().
+int() ->
+ foo:bar().
+-spec float() -> float().
+float() ->
+ math:sqrt(1.0).