path: root/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
diff options
authorAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-11-11 14:42:45 +0100
committerAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-11-11 14:42:45 +0100
commit4ed347dcaeeb8e8844be532414a11817da3920f5 (patch)
tree595eea3450bd1dcda3708c5b01af4c1fe28ee4ac /lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
parent74c2fa9b2d34ae8d40cc6ea9c2dc4aee2b0cb083 (diff)
parent7721c6ab406aaf29cf1b2d782c5baf65d2b0e2da (diff)
Merge branch 'anders/diameter/capabilities_cb/OTP-9654'
* anders/diameter/capabilities_cb/OTP-9654: Update documentation Add capx suite Accept any 2xxx result code in CEA Rename some functions plus comment tweak Send events for connection establishment failure Use trivial capabilities callback in traffic suite Add capabilities_cb transport option Minor tls_ack simplification diameter_dbg:log -> diameter_lib:log
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
index 282fa2742f..fae5d763dc 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
-define(TLS, 1).
--define(LOOP_TIMEOUT, 2000).
+%% A 2xxx series Result-Code. Not necessarily 2001.
+-define(IS_SUCCESS(N), 2 == (N) div 1000).
%% RFC 3588:
@@ -142,9 +143,12 @@ init(T) ->
proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], i(T)).
-i({WPid, {M, _} = T, Opts, #diameter_service{capabilities = Caps} = Svc0}) ->
+i({WPid, T, Opts, #diameter_service{capabilities = Caps} = Svc0}) ->
putr(dwa, dwa(Caps)),
- {ok, TPid, Svc} = start_transport(T, Opts, Svc0),
+ {M, Ref} = T,
+ {[Ts], Rest} = proplists:split(Opts, [capabilities_cb]),
+ putr(capabilities_cb, {Ref, [F || {_,F} <- Ts]}),
+ {ok, TPid, Svc} = start_transport(T, Rest, Svc0),
erlang:monitor(process, TPid),
erlang:monitor(process, WPid),
#state{parent = WPid,
@@ -198,10 +202,13 @@ handle_info(T, #state{} = State) ->
?LOG(stop, T),
x(T, State)
- throw: {?MODULE, Tag, Reason} ->
+ {?MODULE, Tag, Reason} ->
?LOG(Tag, {Reason, T}),
{stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State}
+%% The form of the exception caught here is historical. It's
+%% significant that it's not a 2-tuple, as in ?FAILURE(Reason),
+%% since these are caught elsewhere.
x(Reason, #state{} = S) ->
close_wd(Reason, S),
@@ -226,6 +233,9 @@ putr(Key, Val) ->
getr(Key) ->
get({?MODULE, Key}).
+eraser(Key) ->
+ erase({?MODULE, Key}).
%% transition/2
%% Connection to peer.
@@ -316,9 +326,10 @@ send_CER(#state{mode = {connect, Remote},
service = #diameter_service{capabilities = Caps},
transport = TPid}
= S) ->
- req_send_CER(Caps#diameter_caps.origin_host, Remote)
+ OH = Caps#diameter_caps.origin_host,
+ req_send_CER(OH, Remote)
- close(connected, S),
+ close({already_connected, Remote, Caps}, S),
CER = build_CER(S),
?LOG(send, 'CER'),
send(TPid, encode(CER)),
@@ -460,20 +471,20 @@ handle_request(Type, #diameter_packet{} = Pkt, S) ->
%% send_answer/3
send_answer(Type, ReqPkt, #state{transport = TPid} = S) ->
- #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V,
- end_to_end_id = Eid,
- hop_by_hop_id = Hid,
- is_proxiable = P},
+ #diameter_packet{header = H,
transport_data = TD}
= ReqPkt,
- {Answer, PostF} = build_answer(Type, V, ReqPkt, S),
+ {Msg, PostF} = build_answer(Type, ReqPkt, S),
- Pkt = #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V,
- end_to_end_id = Eid,
- hop_by_hop_id = Hid,
- is_proxiable = P},
- msg = Answer,
+ %% An answer message clears the R and T flags and retains the P
+ %% flag. The E flag is set at encode.
+ Pkt = #diameter_packet{header
+ = H#diameter_header{version = ?DIAMETER_VERSION,
+ is_request = false,
+ is_error = undefined,
+ is_retransmitted = false},
+ msg = Msg,
transport_data = TD},
send(TPid, diameter_codec:encode(?BASE, Pkt)),
@@ -484,56 +495,104 @@ eval([F|A], S) ->
eval(ok, S) ->
-%% build_answer/4
+%% build_answer/3
#diameter_packet{msg = CER,
- header = #diameter_header{is_error = false},
+ header = #diameter_header{version
+ is_error = false},
errors = []}
= Pkt,
- #state{service = Svc}
- = S) ->
- #diameter_service{capabilities = #diameter_caps{origin_host = OH}}
- = Svc,
- {SupportedApps,
- #diameter_caps{origin_host = DH} = RCaps,
- #diameter_base_CEA{'Result-Code' = RC}
- = CEA}
+ S) ->
+ {SupportedApps, RCaps, #diameter_base_CEA{'Result-Code' = RC,
+ 'Inband-Security-Id' = IS}
+ = CEA}
= recv_CER(CER, S),
+ #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, DH}}
+ = Caps
+ = capz(caps(S), RCaps),
- orelse ?THROW({sent_CEA, RC}),
+ orelse ?THROW(RC),
register_everywhere({?MODULE, connection, OH, DH})
- orelse ?THROW({election_lost, 4003}),
- #diameter_base_CEA{'Inband-Security-Id' = [IS]}
- = CEA,
- {CEA, [fun open/5, Pkt, SupportedApps, RCaps, {accept, IS}]}
+ caps_cb(Caps)
+ of
+ N -> {cea(CEA, N), [fun open/5, Pkt,
+ SupportedApps,
+ Caps,
+ {accept, hd([_] = IS)}]}
- ?FAILURE({Reason, RC}) ->
- {answer('CER', S) ++ [{'Result-Code', RC}],
- [fun close/2, {'CER', Reason, DH}]}
+ ?FAILURE(Reason) ->
+ rejected(Reason, {'CER', Reason, Caps, Pkt}, S)
%% The error checks below are similar to those in diameter_service for
%% other messages. Should factor out the commonality.
-build_answer(Type, V, #diameter_packet{header = H, errors = Es} = Pkt, S) ->
- FailedAvp = failed_avp([A || {_,A} <- Es]),
- Ans = answer(answer(Type, S), V, H, Es),
- {set(Ans, FailedAvp), if 'CER' == Type ->
- [fun close/2, {Type, V, Pkt}];
- true ->
- ok
- end}.
+ #diameter_packet{header = H,
+ errors = Es}
+ = Pkt,
+ S) ->
+ RC = rc(H, Es),
+ {answer(Type, RC, Es, S), post(Type, RC, Pkt, S)}.
+cea(CEA, ok) ->
+ CEA;
+cea(CEA, 2001) ->
+ CEA;
+cea(CEA, RC) ->
+ CEA#diameter_base_CEA{'Result-Code' = RC}.
+post('CER' = T, RC, Pkt, S) ->
+ [fun close/2, {T, caps(S), {RC, Pkt}}];
+post(_, _, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+rejected({capabilities_cb, _F, Reason}, T, S) ->
+ rejected(Reason, T, S);
+rejected(discard, T, S) ->
+ close(T, S);
+rejected({N, Es}, T, S) ->
+ {answer('CER', N, Es, S), [fun close/2, T]};
+rejected(N, T, S) ->
+ rejected({N, []}, T, S).
+answer(Type, RC, Es, S) ->
+ set(answer(Type, RC, S), failed_avp([A || {_,A} <- Es])).
+answer(Type, RC, S) ->
+ answer_message(answer(Type, S), RC).
+%% answer_message/2
+answer_message([_ | Avps], RC)
+ when 3000 =< RC, RC < 4000 ->
+ ['answer-message', {'Result-Code', RC}
+ | lists:filter(fun is_origin/1, Avps)];
+answer_message(Msg, RC) ->
+ Msg ++ [{'Result-Code', RC}].
+is_origin({N, _}) ->
+ N == 'Origin-Host'
+ orelse N == 'Origin-Realm'
+ orelse N == 'Origin-State-Id'.
+%% failed_avp/1
failed_avp([] = No) ->
failed_avp(Avps) ->
[{'Failed-AVP', [[{'AVP', Avps}]]}].
+%% set/2
set(Ans, []) ->
set(['answer-message' | _] = Ans, FailedAvp) ->
@@ -541,18 +600,22 @@ set(['answer-message' | _] = Ans, FailedAvp) ->
set([_|_] = Ans, FailedAvp) ->
Ans ++ FailedAvp.
-answer([_, OH, OR | _], _, #diameter_header{is_error = true}, _) ->
- ['answer-message', OH, OR, {'Result-Code', 3008}];
+%% rc/2
+rc(#diameter_header{is_error = true}, _) ->
-answer([_, OH, OR | _], _, _, [Bs|_])
+rc(_, [Bs|_])
when is_bitstring(Bs) ->
- ['answer-message', OH, OR, {'Result-Code', 3009}];
-answer(Ans, ?DIAMETER_VERSION, _, Es) ->
- Ans ++ [{'Result-Code', rc(Es)}];
+rc(#diameter_header{version = ?DIAMETER_VERSION}, Es) ->
+ rc(Es);
-answer(Ans, _, _, _) ->
- Ans ++ [{'Result-Code', 5011}]. %% DIAMETER_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION
+rc(_, _) ->
+%% rc/1
rc([]) ->
@@ -595,12 +658,14 @@ a('CER', #diameter_caps{vendor_id = Vid,
origin_host = Host,
origin_realm = Realm,
host_ip_address = Addrs,
- product_name = Name}) ->
+ product_name = Name,
+ origin_state_id = OSI}) ->
['CEA', {'Origin-Host', Host},
{'Origin-Realm', Realm},
{'Host-IP-Address', Addrs},
{'Vendor-Id', Vid},
- {'Product-Name', Name}];
+ {'Product-Name', Name},
+ {'Origin-State-Id', OSI}];
a('DPR', #diameter_caps{origin_host = Host,
origin_realm = Realm}) ->
@@ -615,27 +680,25 @@ recv_CER(CER, #state{service = Svc}) ->
%% handle_CEA/1
-handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V},
- bin = Bin}
+handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin}
= Pkt,
#state{service = #diameter_service{capabilities = LCaps}}
= S)
when is_binary(Bin) ->
?LOG(recv, 'CEA'),
- ?DIAMETER_VERSION == V orelse close({version, V}, S),
- #diameter_packet{msg = CEA, errors = Errors}
+ #diameter_packet{msg = CEA}
= DPkt
= diameter_codec:decode(?BASE, Pkt),
- [] == Errors orelse close({errors, Errors}, S),
+ {SApps, IS, RCaps} = recv_CEA(DPkt, S),
- {SApps, [IS], #diameter_caps{origin_host = DH} = RCaps}
- = recv_CEA(CEA, S),
+ #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, DH}}
+ = Caps
+ = capz(LCaps, RCaps),
- #diameter_caps{origin_host = OH}
- = LCaps,
+ #diameter_base_CEA{'Result-Code' = RC}
+ = CEA,
%% Ensure that we don't already have a connection to the peer in
%% question. This isn't the peer election of 3588 except in the
@@ -643,60 +706,101 @@ handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V},
%% receive a CER/CEA, the first that arrives wins the right to a
%% connection with the peer.
- register_everywhere({?MODULE, connection, OH, DH})
- orelse close({'CEA', DH}, S),
- open(DPkt, SApps, RCaps, {connect, IS}, S).
+ try
+ orelse ?THROW(RC),
+ [] == SApps
+ andalso ?THROW(no_common_application),
+ [] == IS
+ andalso ?THROW(no_common_security),
+ register_everywhere({?MODULE, connection, OH, DH})
+ orelse ?THROW(election_lost),
+ caps_cb(Caps)
+ of
+ _ -> open(DPkt, SApps, Caps, {connect, hd([_] = IS)}, S)
+ catch
+ ?FAILURE(Reason) -> close({'CEA', Reason, Caps, DPkt}, S)
+ end.
+%% Check more than the result code since the peer could send success
+%% regardless. If not 2001 then a peer_up callback could do anything
+%% required. It's not unimaginable that a peer agreeing to TLS after
+%% capabilities exchange could send DIAMETER_LIMITED_SUCCESS = 2002,
+%% even if this isn't required by RFC 3588.
%% recv_CEA/2
-recv_CEA(CEA, #state{service = Svc} = S) ->
- case diameter_capx:recv_CEA(CEA, Svc) of
- {ok, {_,_}} -> %% return from old code
- close({'CEA', update}, S);
- {ok, {[], _, _}} ->
- close({'CEA', no_common_application}, S);
- {ok, {_, [], _}} ->
- close({'CEA', no_common_security}, S);
- {ok, {_,_,_} = T} ->
- T;
- {error, Reason} ->
- close({'CEA', Reason}, S)
+recv_CEA(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version
+ is_error = false},
+ msg = CEA,
+ errors = []},
+ #state{service = Svc}) ->
+ {ok, T} = diameter_capx:recv_CEA(CEA, Svc),
+ T;
+recv_CEA(Pkt, S) ->
+ close({'CEA', caps(S), Pkt}, S).
+caps(#diameter_service{capabilities = Caps}) ->
+ Caps;
+caps(#state{service = Svc}) ->
+ caps(Svc).
+%% caps_cb/1
+caps_cb(Caps) ->
+ {Ref, Ts} = eraser(capabilities_cb),
+ ccb(Ts, [Ref, Caps]).
+ccb([], _) ->
+ ok;
+ccb([F | Rest], T) ->
+ case diameter_lib:eval([F|T]) of
+ ok ->
+ ccb(Rest, T);
+ N when ?IS_SUCCESS(N) -> %% 2xxx result code: accept immediately
+ N;
+ Res ->
+ ?THROW({capabilities_cb, F, rejected(Res)})
+%% Note that returning 2xxx causes the capabilities exchange to be
+%% accepted directly, without further callbacks.
+rejected(discard = T) ->
+ T;
+rejected(unknown) ->
+ when is_integer(N) ->
+ N.
%% open/5
-open(Pkt, SupportedApps, RCaps, {Type, IS}, #state{parent = Pid,
- service = Svc}
- = S) ->
- #diameter_service{capabilities = #diameter_caps{origin_host = OH,
- inband_security_id = LS}
- = LCaps}
- = Svc,
- #diameter_caps{origin_host = DH}
- = RCaps,
+open(Pkt, SupportedApps, Caps, {Type, IS}, #state{parent = Pid} = S) ->
+ #diameter_caps{origin_host = {_,_} = H,
+ inband_security_id = {LS,_}}
+ = Caps,
- tls_ack(lists:member(?TLS, LS), Type, IS, S),
- Pid ! {open, self(), {OH,DH}, {capz(LCaps, RCaps), SupportedApps, Pkt}},
+ tls_ack(lists:member(?TLS, LS), Caps, Type, IS, S),
+ Pid ! {open, self(), H, {Caps, SupportedApps, Pkt}},
S#state{state = 'Open'}.
%% We've advertised TLS support: tell the transport the result
%% and expect a reply when the handshake is complete.
-tls_ack(true, Type, IS, #state{transport = TPid} = S) ->
+tls_ack(true, Caps, Type, IS, #state{transport = TPid} = S) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, TPid),
TPid ! {diameter, {tls, Ref, Type, IS == ?TLS}},
{diameter, {tls, Ref}} ->
- erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
- {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} = T ->
- close({tls_ack, T}, S)
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', _, process, TPid, Reason} ->
+ close({tls_ack, Reason, Caps}, S)
%% Or not. Don't send anything to the transport so that transports
%% not supporting TLS work as before without modification.
-tls_ack(false, _, _, _) ->
+tls_ack(false, _, _, _, _) ->
capz(#diameter_caps{} = L, #diameter_caps{} = R) ->