path: root/lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl
diff options
authorAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-12-07 16:51:46 +0100
committerAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-12-07 16:51:46 +0100
commit24f0d3ee266d56cc83435401230a8bb85a0464d3 (patch)
treeecb3a5e9d8539e87efb5677494894f3ced97a2cb /lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl
parent977f7510818925d9293361c14788fdb872614ac1 (diff)
parentf2a4059d06f8b76d2c1da14197f170deebd64f45 (diff)
Merge branch 'anders/diameter/dict_error_identification/OTP-9639'
* anders/diameter/dict_error_identification/OTP-9639: (27 commits) Update documentation Improve base_rfc3588.dia formatting Make typo fix backwards compatible Fix base_rfc3588.dia typo Check compiler dependencies in app suite Move type definitions into diameter.erl Fix interpretation of vendor id in @grouped Add range checks on dictionary integers Don't explicitly load inherited modules Tweak diameter_make interface Add format testcase to compiler suite Add diameter_dict_util:format/1 for reconstructing a dictionary file Make diameter_types usable with @codecs Minor codegen tweaks Remove unnecessary includes Add compiler suite Update app suite Update codec suite Vendor id fixes No longer inherit common dictionary in relay dictionary ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl')
1 files changed, 1302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl b/lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2207925e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/compiler/diameter_dict_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% This module turns a dictionary file into the orddict that
+%% diameter_codegen.erl in turn morphs into .erl and .hrl files for
+%% encode and decode of Diameter messages and AVPs.
+ format_error/1,
+ format/1]).
+-define(RETURN(T), throw({T, ?MODULE, ?LINE})).
+-define(RETURN(T, Args), ?RETURN({T, Args})).
+-define(A, list_to_atom).
+-define(L, atom_to_list).
+-define(I, integer_to_list).
+-define(F, io_lib:format).
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% parse/2
+%% ===========================================================================
+-spec parse(File, Opts)
+ -> {ok, orddict:orddict()}
+ | {error, term()}
+ when File :: {path, string()}
+ | iolist()
+ | binary(),
+ Opts :: list().
+parse(File, Opts) ->
+ putr(verbose, lists:member(verbose, Opts)),
+ try
+ {ok, do_parse(File, Opts)}
+ catch
+ {Reason, ?MODULE, _Line} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after
+ eraser(verbose)
+ end.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% format_error/1
+%% ===========================================================================
+format_error({read, Reason}) ->
+ file:format_error(Reason);
+format_error({scan, Reason}) ->
+ diameter_dict_scanner:format_error(Reason);
+format_error({parse, {Line, _Mod, Reason}}) ->
+ lists:flatten(["Line ", ?I(Line), ", ", Reason]);
+format_error(T) ->
+ {Fmt, As} = fmt(T),
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fmt, As)).
+fmt({avp_code_already_defined = E, [Code, false, Name, Line, L]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), [Code, "", Name, Line, L]};
+fmt({avp_code_already_defined = E, [Code, Vid, Name, Line, L]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), [Code, ?F("/~p", [Vid]), Name, Line, L]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [id | T]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), ["@id", "application identifier" | T]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [K | T]})
+ when K == vendor;
+ K == avp_vendor_id ->
+ {fmt(E), [?F("@~p", [K]), "vendor id" | T]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [K, Name | T]})
+ when K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ {fmt(E), [?F("@~p ~s", [K, Name]), "value" | T]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [avp_types, Name | T]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), ["AVP " ++ Name, "AVP code" | T]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [grouped, Name | T]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), ["Grouped AVP " ++ Name | T]};
+fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [messages, Name | T]}) ->
+ {fmt(E), ["Message " ++ Name, "command code" | T]};
+fmt({Reason, As}) ->
+ {fmt(Reason), As};
+fmt(avp_code_already_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~p~s (~s) at line ~p already defined at line ~p";
+fmt(uint32_out_of_range) ->
+ "~s specifies ~s ~p at line ~p that is out of range for a value of "
+ "Diameter type Unsigned32";
+fmt(imported_avp_already_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~s imported by @inherits ~p at line ~p defined at line ~p";
+fmt(duplicate_import) ->
+ "AVP ~s is imported by more than one @inherits, both at line ~p "
+ "and at line ~p";
+fmt(duplicate_section) ->
+ "Section @~s at line ~p already declared at line ~p";
+fmt(already_declared) ->
+ "Section @~p ~s at line ~p already declared at line ~p";
+fmt(inherited_avp_already_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~s inherited at line ~p defined in @avp_types at line ~p";
+fmt(avp_already_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p already in @~p at line ~p";
+fmt(key_already_defined) ->
+ "Value for ~s:~s in @~p at line ~p already provided at line ~p";
+fmt(messages_without_id) ->
+ "@messages at line ~p but @id not declared";
+fmt(avp_name_already_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p";
+fmt(avp_has_unknown_type) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p defined with unknown type ~s";
+fmt(avp_has_invalid_flag) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies invalid flag ~c";
+fmt(avp_has_duplicate_flag) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies duplicate flag ~c";
+fmt(avp_has_vendor_id) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p does not specify V flag "
+ "but is assigned vendor id ~p at line ~p";
+fmt(avp_has_no_vendor) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies V flag "
+ "but neither @vendor_avp_id nor @vendor supplies a value";
+fmt(group_already_defined) ->
+ "Group ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p";
+fmt(grouped_avp_code_mismatch) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p has with code ~p "
+ "but @avp_types specifies ~p at line ~p";
+fmt(grouped_avp_has_wrong_type) ->
+ "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p defined with type ~s at line ~p";
+fmt(grouped_avp_not_defined) ->
+ "Grouped AVP ~s on line ~p not defined in @avp_types";
+fmt(grouped_vendor_id_without_flag) ->
+ "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p has vendor id "
+ "but definition at line ~p does not specify V flag";
+fmt(grouped_vendor_id_mismatch) ->
+ "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p has vendor id ~p "
+ "but ~p specified at line ~p";
+fmt(message_name_already_defined) ->
+ "Message ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p";
+fmt(message_code_already_defined) ->
+ "~s message with code ~p at line ~p already defined at line ~p";
+fmt(message_has_duplicate_flag) ->
+ "Message ~s has duplicate flag ~s at line ~p";
+fmt(message_application_id_mismatch) ->
+ "Message ~s has application id ~p at line ~p "
+ "but @id specifies ~p at line ~p";
+fmt(invalid_avp_order) ->
+ "AVP reference ~c~s~c at line ~p breaks fixed/required/optional order";
+fmt(invalid_qualifier) ->
+ "Qualifier ~p*~p at line ~p has Min > Max";
+fmt(avp_already_referenced) ->
+ "AVP ~s at line ~p already referenced at line ~p";
+fmt(message_missing) ->
+ "~s message at line ~p but no ~s message is defined";
+fmt(requested_avp_not_found) ->
+ "@inherit ~s at line ~p requests AVP ~s at line ~p "
+ "but module does not define that AVP";
+fmt(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_local_type) ->
+ "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p defined with type ~s at line ~p";
+fmt(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_inherited_type) ->
+ "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p "
+ "inherited with type ~s from module ~s at line ~p";
+fmt(enumerated_avp_not_defined) ->
+ "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p neither defined nor inherited";
+fmt(avp_not_defined) ->
+ "AVP ~s referenced at line ~p neither defined nor inherited";
+fmt(recompile) ->
+ "Module ~p appears to have been compiler with an incompatible "
+ "version of the dictionary compiler and must be recompiled";
+fmt(not_loaded) ->
+ "Module ~p is not on the code path or could not be loaded";
+fmt(no_dict) ->
+ "Module ~p does not appear to be a diameter dictionary".
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% format/1
+%% Turn dict/0 output back into a dictionary file (with line ending = $\n).
+-spec format(Dict)
+ -> iolist()
+ when Dict :: orddict:orddict().
+-define(KEYS, [id, name, prefix, vendor,
+ inherits, codecs, custom_types,
+ avp_types,
+ messages,
+ grouped,
+ enum, define]).
+format(Dict) ->
+ Io = orddict:fold(fun io/3, [], Dict),
+ [S || {_,S} <- lists:sort(fun keysort/2, Io)].
+keysort({A,_}, {B,_}) ->
+ [HA, HB] = [H || K <- [A,B],
+ H <- [lists:takewhile(fun(X) -> X /= K end, ?KEYS)]],
+ HA < HB.
+%% ===========================================================================
+-define(INDENT, " ").
+-define(SP, " ").
+-define(NL, $\n).
+%% io/3
+io(K, _, Acc)
+ when K == command_codes;
+ K == import_avps;
+ K == import_groups;
+ K == import_enums ->
+ Acc;
+io(Key, Body, Acc) ->
+ [{Key, io(Key, Body)} | Acc].
+%% io/2
+io(K, Id)
+ when K == id;
+ K == name;
+ K == prefix ->
+ [?NL, section(K), ?SP, tok(Id)];
+io(vendor = K, {Id, Name}) ->
+ [?NL, section(K) | [[?SP, tok(X)] || X <- [Id, Name]]];
+io(avp_types = K, Body) ->
+ [?NL, ?NL, section(K), ?NL, [body(K,A) || A <- Body]];
+io(K, Body)
+ when K == messages;
+ K == grouped ->
+ [?NL, ?NL, section(K), [body(K,A) || A <- Body]];
+io(K, Body)
+ when K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == inherits;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == codecs;
+ K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ [[?NL, pairs(K, T)] || T <- Body].
+pairs(K, {Id, Avps}) ->
+ [?NL, section(K), ?SP, tok(Id), ?NL, [[?NL, body(K, A)] || A <- Avps]].
+body(K, AvpName)
+ when K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == inherits;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == codecs ->
+ [?INDENT, word(AvpName)];
+body(K, {Name, N})
+ when K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ [?INDENT, word(Name), ?SP, ?I(N)];
+body(avp_types = K, {Name, Code, Type, ""}) ->
+ body(K, {Name, Code, Type, "-"});
+body(avp_types, {Name, Code, Type, Flags}) ->
+ [?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name),
+ [[?SP, ?SP, S] || S <- [?I(Code), Type, Flags]]];
+body(messages, {"answer-message", _, _, [], Avps}) ->
+ [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT,
+ "answer-message ::= < Diameter Header: code, ERR [PXY] >",
+ f_avps(Avps)];
+body(messages, {Name, Code, Flags, ApplId, Avps}) ->
+ [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name), " ::= ", header(Code, Flags, ApplId),
+ f_avps(Avps)];
+body(grouped, {Name, Code, Vid, Avps}) ->
+ [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name), " ::= ", avp_header(Code, Vid),
+ f_avps(Avps)].
+header(Code, Flags, ApplId) ->
+ ["< Diameter Header: ",
+ ?I(Code),
+ [[", ", ?L(F)] || F <- Flags],
+ [[" ", ?I(N)] || N <- ApplId],
+ " >"].
+avp_header(Code, Vid) ->
+ ["< AVP Header: ",
+ ?I(Code),
+ [[" ", ?I(V)] || V <- Vid],
+ " >"].
+f_avps(L) ->
+ [[?NL, ?INDENT, ?INDENT, f_avp(A)] || A <- L].
+f_avp({Q, A}) ->
+ f_avp(f_qual(Q), f_delim(A));
+f_avp(A) ->
+ f_avp("", f_delim(A)).
+f_delim({{A}}) ->
+ [$<, word(A), $>];
+f_delim({A}) ->
+ [${, word(A), $}];
+f_delim([A]) ->
+ [$[, word(A), $]].
+f_avp(Q, Avp) ->
+ Len = length(lists:flatten([Q])),
+ [io_lib:format("~*s", [-1*max(Len+1, 6) , Q]), Avp].
+f_qual('*') ->
+ "*";
+f_qual({'*', N}) ->
+ [$*, ?I(N)];
+f_qual({N, '*'}) ->
+ [?I(N), $*];
+f_qual({M,N}) ->
+ [?I(M), $*, ?I(N)].
+section(Key) ->
+ ["@", ?L(Key)].
+ when is_integer(N) ->
+ ?I(N);
+tok(N) ->
+ word(N).
+word(Str) ->
+ word(diameter_dict_scanner:is_name(Str), Str).
+word(true, Str) ->
+ Str;
+word(false, Str) ->
+ [$', Str, $'].
+%% ===========================================================================
+do_parse(File, Opts) ->
+ Bin = do([fun read/1, File], read),
+ Toks = do([fun diameter_dict_scanner:scan/1, Bin], scan),
+ Tree = do([fun diameter_dict_parser:parse/1, Toks], parse),
+ make_dict(Tree, Opts).
+do([F|A], E) ->
+ case apply(F,A) of
+ {ok, T} ->
+ T;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?RETURN({E, Reason})
+ end.
+read({path, Path}) ->
+ file:read_file(Path);
+read(File) ->
+ {ok, iolist_to_binary([File])}.
+make_dict(Parse, Opts) ->
+ make_orddict(pass4(pass3(pass2(pass1(reset(make_dict(Parse),
+ Opts))),
+ Opts))).
+%% make_orddict/1
+make_orddict(Dict) ->
+ dict:fold(fun mo/3,
+ orddict:from_list([{K,[]} || K <- [avp_types,
+ messages,
+ grouped,
+ inherits,
+ custom_types,
+ codecs,
+ avp_vendor_id,
+ enum,
+ define]]),
+ Dict).
+mo(K, Sects, Dict)
+ when is_atom(K) ->
+ orddict:store(K, make(K, Sects), Dict);
+mo(_, _, Dict) ->
+ Dict.
+make(K, [[_Line, {_, _, X}]])
+ when K == id;
+ K == name;
+ K == prefix ->
+ X;
+make(vendor, [[_Line, {_, _, Id}, {_, _, Name}]]) ->
+ {Id, Name};
+make(K, T)
+ when K == command_codes;
+ K == import_avps;
+ K == import_groups;
+ K == import_enums ->
+ T;
+make(K, Sects) ->
+ post(K, foldl(fun([_L|B], A) -> make(K,B,A) end,
+ [],
+ Sects)).
+post(avp_types, L) ->
+ lists:sort(L);
+post(K, L)
+ when K == grouped;
+ K == messages;
+ K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ lists:reverse(L);
+post(_, L) ->
+ L.
+make(K, [{_,_,Name} | Body], Acc)
+ when K == enum;
+ K == define;
+ K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == inherits;
+ K == codecs ->
+ [{Name, mk(K, Body)} | Acc];
+make(K, Body, Acc) ->
+ foldl(fun(T,A) -> [mk(K, T) | A] end, Acc, Body).
+mk(avp_types, [{_,_,Name}, {_,_,Code}, {_,_,Type}, {_,_,Flags}]) ->
+ {Name, Code, type(Type), Flags};
+mk(messages, [{'answer-message' = A, _}, false | Avps]) ->
+ {?L(A), -1, ['ERR', 'PXY'], [], make_body(Avps)};
+mk(messages, [{_,_,Name}, [{_,_,Code}, Flags, ApplId] | Avps]) ->
+ {Name,
+ Code,
+ lists:map(fun({F,_}) -> F end, Flags),
+ opt(ApplId),
+ make_body(Avps)};
+mk(grouped, [{_,_,Name}, [{_,_,Code}, Vid] | Avps]) ->
+ {Name, Code, opt(Vid), make_body(Avps)};
+mk(K, Body)
+ when K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ lists:map(fun([{_,_,Name}, {_,_,Value}]) -> {Name, Value} end, Body);
+mk(K, Avps)
+ when K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == inherits;
+ K == codecs ->
+ lists:map(fun({_,_,N}) -> N end, Avps).
+opt(false) ->
+ [];
+opt({_,_,X}) ->
+ [X].
+make_body(Avps) ->
+ lists:map(fun avp/1, Avps).
+avp([false, D, Avp]) ->
+ avp(D, Avp);
+avp([Q, D, Avp]) ->
+ {qual(Q), avp(D, Avp)}.
+avp(D, {'AVP', _}) ->
+ delim(D, "AVP");
+avp(D, {_, _, Name}) ->
+ delim(D, Name).
+delim($<, N) ->
+ {{N}};
+delim(${, N) ->
+ {N};
+delim($[, N) ->
+ [N].
+qual({true, {_,_,N}}) ->
+ {'*', N};
+qual({{_,_,N}, true}) ->
+ {N, '*'};
+qual({{_,_,N},{_,_,M}}) ->
+ {N, M};
+qual(true) ->
+ '*'.
+%% Optional reports when running verbosely.
+report(What, [F | A])
+ when is_function(F) ->
+ report(What, apply(F, A));
+report(What, Data) ->
+ report(getr(verbose), What, Data).
+report(true, Tag, Data) ->
+ io:format("##~n## ~p ~p~n", [Tag, Data]);
+report(false, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% make_dict/1
+%% Turn a parsed dictionary into an dict.
+make_dict(Parse) ->
+ foldl(fun(T,A) ->
+ report(section, T),
+ section(T,A)
+ end,
+ dict:new(),
+ Parse).
+section([{T, L} | Rest], Dict)
+ when T == name;
+ T == prefix;
+ T == id;
+ T == vendor ->
+ case find(T, Dict) of
+ [] ->
+ dict:store(T, [[L | Rest]], Dict);
+ [[Line | _]] ->
+ ?RETURN(duplicate_section, [T, L, Line])
+ end;
+section([{T, L} | Rest], Dict)
+ when T == avp_types;
+ T == messages;
+ T == grouped;
+ T == inherits;
+ T == custom_types;
+ T == codecs;
+ T == avp_vendor_id;
+ T == enum;
+ T == define ->
+ dict:append(T, [L | Rest], Dict).
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% reset/2
+%% Reset sections from options.
+reset(Dict, Opts) ->
+ foldl([fun reset/3, Opts], Dict, [name, prefix, inherits]).
+reset(K, Dict, Opts) ->
+ foldl(fun opt/2, Dict, [T || {A,_} = T <- Opts, A == K]).
+opt({inherits = Key, "-"}, Dict) ->
+ dict:erase(Key, Dict);
+opt({inherits = Key, Mod}, Dict) ->
+ dict:append(Key, [0, {word, 0, Mod}], Dict);
+opt({Key, Val}, Dict) ->
+ dict:store(Key, [0, {word, 0, Val}], Dict);
+opt(_, Dict) ->
+ Dict.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% pass1/1
+%% Explode sections into additional dictionary entries plus semantic
+%% checks.
+pass1(Dict) ->
+ true = no_messages_without_id(Dict),
+ foldl(fun(K,D) -> foldl([fun p1/3, K], D, find(K,D)) end,
+ Dict,
+ [id,
+ vendor,
+ avp_types, %% must precede inherits, grouped, enum
+ avp_vendor_id,
+ custom_types,
+ codecs,
+ inherits,
+ grouped,
+ messages,
+ enum,
+ define]).
+%% Multiple sections are allowed as long as their bodies don't
+%% overlap. (Except enum/define.)
+p1([_Line, N], Dict, id = K) ->
+ true = is_uint32(N, [K]),
+ Dict;
+p1([_Line, Id, _Name], Dict, vendor = K) ->
+ true = is_uint32(Id, [K]),
+ Dict;
+p1([_Line, X | Body], Dict, K)
+ when K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == codecs;
+ K == inherits ->
+ foldl([fun explode/4, X, K], Dict, Body);
+p1([_Line, X | Body], Dict, K)
+ when K == define;
+ K == enum ->
+ {_, L, Name} = X,
+ foldl([fun explode2/4, X, K],
+ store_new({K, Name},
+ [L, Body],
+ Dict,
+ [K, Name, L],
+ already_declared),
+ Body);
+p1([_Line | Body], Dict, K)
+ when K == avp_types;
+ K == grouped;
+ K == messages ->
+ foldl([fun explode/3, K], Dict, Body).
+no_messages_without_id(Dict) ->
+ case find(messages, Dict) of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ [[Line | _] | _] ->
+ [] /= find(id, Dict) orelse ?RETURN(messages_without_id, [Line])
+ end.
+%% Note that the AVP's in avp_vendor_id, custom_types, codecs and
+%% enum can all be inherited, as can the AVP content of messages and
+%% grouped AVP's. Check that the referenced AVP's exist after
+%% importing definitions.
+%% explode/4
+%% {avp_vendor_id, AvpName} -> [Lineno, Id::integer()]
+%% {custom_types|codecs|inherits, AvpName} -> [Lineno, Mod::string()]
+explode({_, Line, AvpName}, Dict, {_, _, X} = T, K) ->
+ true = K /= avp_vendor_id orelse is_uint32(T, [K]),
+ true = K /= inherits orelse avp_not_local(AvpName, Line, Dict),
+ store_new({key(K), AvpName},
+ [Line, X],
+ Dict,
+ [AvpName, Line, K],
+ avp_already_defined).
+%% explode2/4
+%% {define, {Name, Key}} -> [Lineno, Value::integer(), enum|define]
+explode2([{_, Line, Key}, {_, _, Value} = T], Dict, {_, _, Name}, K) ->
+ true = is_uint32(T, [K, Name]),
+ store_new({key(K), {Name, Key}},
+ [Line, Value, K],
+ Dict,
+ [Name, Key, K, Line],
+ key_already_defined).
+%% key/1
+%% Conflate keys that are equivalent as far as uniqueness of
+%% definition goes.
+ when K == enum;
+ K == define ->
+ define;
+ when K == custom_types;
+ K == codecs ->
+ custom;
+key(K) ->
+ K.
+%% explode/3
+%% {avp_types, AvpName} -> [Line | Toks]
+%% {avp_types, {Code, IsReq}} -> [Line, AvpName]
+%% where AvpName = string()
+%% Code = integer()
+%% IsReq = boolean()
+explode([{_, Line, Name} | Toks], Dict0, avp_types = K) ->
+ %% Each AVP can be defined only once.
+ Dict = store_new({K, Name},
+ [Line | Toks],
+ Dict0,
+ [Name, Line],
+ avp_name_already_defined),
+ [{number, _, _Code} = C, {word, _, Type}, {word, _, _Flags}] = Toks,
+ true = avp_type_known(Type, Name, Line),
+ true = is_uint32(C, [K, Name]),
+ Dict;
+%% {grouped, Name} -> [Line, HeaderTok | AvpToks]
+%% {grouped, {Name, AvpName}} -> [Line, Qual, Delim]
+%% where Name = string()
+%% AvpName = string()
+%% Qual = {Q, Q} | boolean()
+%% Q = true | NumberTok
+%% Delim = $< | ${ | $[
+explode([{_, Line, Name}, Header | Avps], Dict0, grouped = K) ->
+ Dict = store_new({K, Name},
+ [Line, Header | Avps],
+ Dict0,
+ [Name, Line],
+ group_already_defined),
+ [{_,_, Code} = C, Vid] = Header,
+ {DefLine, {_, _, Flags}} = grouped_flags(Name, Code, Dict0, Line),
+ V = lists:member($V, Flags),
+ true = is_uint32(C, [K, Name, "AVP code"]),
+ true = is_uint32(Vid, [K, Name, "vendor id"]),
+ false = vendor_id_mismatch(Vid, V, Name, Dict0, Line, DefLine),
+ explode_avps(Avps, Dict, K, Name);
+%% {messages, Name} -> [Line, HeaderTok | AvpToks]
+%% {messages, {Code, IsReq}} -> [Line, NameTok]
+%% {messages, Code} -> [[Line, NameTok, IsReq]]
+%% {messages, {Name, Flag}} -> [Line]
+%% {messages, {Name, AvpName}} -> [Line, Qual, Delim]
+%% where Name = string()
+%% Code = integer()
+%% IsReq = boolean()
+%% Flag = 'REQ' | 'PXY'
+%% AvpName = string()
+%% Qual = true | {Q,Q}
+%% Q = true | NumberTok
+%% Delim = $< | ${ | ${
+explode([{'answer-message' = A, Line}, false = H | Avps],
+ Dict0,
+ messages = K) ->
+ Name = ?L(A),
+ Dict1 = store_new({K, Name},
+ [Line, H, Avps],
+ Dict0,
+ [Name, Line],
+ message_name_already_defined),
+ explode_avps(Avps, Dict1, K, Name);
+explode([{_, Line, MsgName} = M, Header | Avps],
+ Dict0,
+ messages = K) ->
+ %% There can be at most one message with a given name.
+ Dict1 = store_new({K, MsgName},
+ [Line, Header | Avps],
+ Dict0,
+ [MsgName, Line],
+ message_name_already_defined),
+ [{_, _, Code} = C, Bits, ApplId] = Header,
+ %% Don't check any application id since it's required to be
+ %% the same as @id.
+ true = is_uint32(C, [K, MsgName]),
+ %% An application id specified as part of the message definition
+ %% has to agree with @id. The former is parsed just because RFC
+ %% 3588 specifies it.
+ false = application_id_mismatch(ApplId, Dict1, MsgName),
+ IsReq = lists:keymember('REQ', 1, Bits),
+ %% For each command code, there can be at most one request and
+ %% one answer.
+ Dict2 = store_new({K, {Code, IsReq}},
+ [Line, M],
+ Dict1,
+ [choose(IsReq, "Request", "Answer"), Code, Line],
+ message_code_already_defined),
+ %% For each message, each flag can occur at most once.
+ Dict3 = foldl(fun({F,L},D) ->
+ store_new({K, {MsgName, F}},
+ [L],
+ D,
+ [MsgName, ?L(F)],
+ message_has_duplicate_flag)
+ end,
+ Dict2,
+ Bits),
+ dict:append({K, Code},
+ [Line, M, IsReq],
+ explode_avps(Avps, Dict3, K, MsgName)).
+%% explode_avps/4
+%% Ensure required AVP order and sane qualifiers. Can't check for AVP
+%% names until after they've been imported.
+%% RFC 3588 allows a trailing fixed while 3588bis doesn't. Parse the
+%% former.
+explode_avps(Avps, Dict, Key, Name) ->
+ xa("<{[<", Avps, Dict, Key, Name).
+xa(_, [], Dict, _, _) ->
+ Dict;
+xa(Ds, [[Qual, D, {'AVP', Line}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name) ->
+ xa(Ds, [[Qual, D, {word, Line, "AVP"}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name);
+xa([], [[_Qual, D, {_, Line, Name}] | _], _, _, _) ->
+ ?RETURN(invalid_avp_order, [D, Name, close(D), Line]);
+xa([D|_], [[{{_, Line, Min}, {_, _, Max}}, D, _] | _], _, _, _)
+ when Min > Max ->
+ ?RETURN(invalid_qualifier, [Min, Max, Line]);
+xa([D|_] = Ds, [[Qual, D, {_, Line, AvpName}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name) ->
+ xa(Ds,
+ Avps,
+ store_new({Key, {Name, AvpName}},
+ [Line, Qual, D],
+ Dict,
+ [Name, Line],
+ avp_already_referenced),
+ Key,
+ Name);
+xa([_|Ds], Avps, Dict, Key, Name) ->
+ xa(Ds, Avps, Dict, Key, Name).
+close($<) -> $>;
+close(${) -> $};
+close($[) -> $].
+%% is_uint32/2
+is_uint32(false, _) ->
+ true;
+is_uint32({Line, _, N}, Args) ->
+ N < 1 bsl 32 orelse ?RETURN(uint32_out_of_range, Args ++ [N, Line]).
+%% Can't call diameter_types here since it may not exist yet.
+%% application_id_mismatch/3
+application_id_mismatch({number, Line, Id}, Dict, MsgName) ->
+ [[_, {_, L, I}]] = dict:fetch(id, Dict),
+ I /= Id andalso ?RETURN(message_application_id_mismatch,
+ [MsgName, Id, Line, I, L]);
+application_id_mismatch(false = No, _, _) ->
+ No.
+%% avp_not_local/3
+avp_not_local(Name, Line, Dict) ->
+ A = find({avp_types, Name}, Dict),
+ [] == A orelse ?RETURN(inherited_avp_already_defined,
+ [Name, Line, hd(A)]).
+%% avp_type_known/3
+avp_type_known(Type, Name, Line) ->
+ false /= type(Type)
+ orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_unknown_type, [Name, Line, Type]).
+%% vendor_id_mismatch/6
+%% Require a vendor id specified on a group to match any specified
+%% in @avp_vendor_id. Note that both locations for the value are
+%% equivalent, both in the value being attributed to a locally
+%% defined AVP and ignored when imported from another dictionary.
+vendor_id_mismatch({_,_,_}, false, Name, _, Line, DefLine) ->
+ ?RETURN(grouped_vendor_id_without_flag, [Name, Line, DefLine]);
+vendor_id_mismatch({_, _, I}, true, Name, Dict, Line, _) ->
+ case vendor_id(Name, Dict) of
+ {avp_vendor_id, L, N} ->
+ I /= N andalso
+ ?RETURN(grouped_vendor_id_mismatch, [Name, Line, I, N, L]);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+vendor_id_mismatch(_, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ false.
+%% grouped_flags/4
+grouped_flags(Name, Code, Dict, Line) ->
+ case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of
+ [L, {_, _, Code}, {_, _, "Grouped"}, Flags] ->
+ {L, Flags};
+ [_, {_, L, C}, {_, _, "Grouped"}, _Flags] ->
+ ?RETURN(grouped_avp_code_mismatch, [Name, Line, Code, C, L]);
+ [_, _Code, {_, L, T}, _] ->
+ ?RETURN(grouped_avp_has_wrong_type, [Name, Line, T, L]);
+ [] ->
+ ?RETURN(grouped_avp_not_defined, [Name, Line])
+ end.
+%% vendor_id/2
+%% Look for a vendor id in @avp_vendor_id, then @vendor.
+vendor_id(Name, Dict) ->
+ case find({avp_vendor_id, Name}, Dict) of
+ [Line, Id] when is_integer(Id) ->
+ {avp_vendor_id, Line, Id};
+ [] ->
+ vendor(Dict)
+ end.
+vendor(Dict) ->
+ case find(vendor, Dict) of
+ [[_Line, {_, _, Id}, {_, _, _}]] ->
+ {vendor, Id};
+ [] ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% find/2
+find(Key, Dict) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
+ {ok, L} when is_list(L) ->
+ L;
+ error ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% store_new/5
+store_new(Key, Value, Dict, Args, Err) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
+ {ok, [L | _]} ->
+ ?RETURN(Err, Args ++ [L]);
+ error ->
+ dict:store(Key, Value, Dict)
+ end.
+%% type/1
+type("DiamIdent") ->
+ "DiameterIdentity";
+type("DiamURI") ->
+ "DiameterURI";
+ when T == "OctetString";
+ T == "Integer32";
+ T == "Integer64";
+ T == "Unsigned32";
+ T == "Unsigned64";
+ T == "Float32";
+ T == "Float64";
+ T == "Grouped";
+ T == "Enumerated";
+ T == "Address";
+ T == "Time";
+ T == "UTF8String";
+ T == "DiameterIdentity";
+ T == "DiameterURI";
+ T == "IPFilterRule";
+ T == "QoSFilterRule" ->
+ T;
+type(_) ->
+ false.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% pass2/1
+%% More explosion, but that requires the previous pass to write its
+%% entries.
+pass2(Dict) ->
+ foldl(fun(K,D) -> foldl([fun p2/3, K], D, find(K,D)) end,
+ Dict,
+ [avp_types]).
+p2([_Line | Body], Dict, avp_types) ->
+ foldl(fun explode_avps/2, Dict, Body);
+p2([], Dict, _) ->
+ Dict.
+explode_avps([{_, Line, Name} | Toks], Dict) ->
+ [{number, _, Code}, {word, _, _Type}, {word, _, Flags}] = Toks,
+ true = avp_flags_valid(Flags, Name, Line),
+ Vid = avp_vendor_id(Flags, Name, Line, Dict),
+ %% An AVP is uniquely defined by its AVP code and vendor id (if any).
+ %% Ensure there are no duplicate.
+ store_new({avp_types, {Code, Vid}},
+ [Line, Name],
+ Dict,
+ [Code, Vid, Name, Line],
+ avp_code_already_defined).
+%% avp_flags_valid/3
+avp_flags_valid(Flags, Name, Line) ->
+ Bad = lists:filter(fun(C) -> not lists:member(C, "MVP") end, Flags),
+ [] == Bad
+ orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_invalid_flag, [Name, Line, hd(Bad)]),
+ Dup = Flags -- "MVP",
+ [] == Dup
+ orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_duplicate_flag, [Name, Line, hd(Dup)]).
+%% avp_vendor_id/4
+avp_vendor_id(Flags, Name, Line, Dict) ->
+ V = lists:member($V, Flags),
+ case vendor_id(Name, Dict) of
+ {avp_vendor_id, _, I} when V ->
+ I;
+ {avp_vendor_id, L, I} ->
+ ?RETURN(avp_has_vendor_id, [Name, Line, I, L]);
+ {vendor, I} when V ->
+ I;
+ false when V ->
+ ?RETURN(avp_has_no_vendor, [Name, Line]);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% pass3/2
+%% Import AVPs.
+pass3(Dict, Opts) ->
+ import_enums(import_groups(import_avps(insert_codes(Dict), Opts))).
+%% insert_codes/1
+%% command_codes -> [{Code, ReqNameTok, AnsNameTok}]
+insert_codes(Dict) ->
+ dict:store(command_codes,
+ dict:fold(fun make_code/3, [], Dict),
+ Dict).
+make_code({messages, Code}, Names, Acc)
+ when is_integer(Code) ->
+ [mk_code(Code, Names) | Acc];
+make_code(_, _, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+mk_code(Code, [[_, _, false] = Ans, [_, _, true] = Req]) ->
+ mk_code(Code, [Req, Ans]);
+mk_code(Code, [[_, {_,_,Req}, true], [_, {_,_,Ans}, false]]) ->
+ {Code, Req, Ans};
+mk_code(_Code, [[Line, _Name, IsReq]]) ->
+ ?RETURN(message_missing, [choose(IsReq, "Request", "Answer"),
+ Line,
+ choose(IsReq, "answer", "request")]).
+%% import_avps/2
+import_avps(Dict, Opts) ->
+ Import = inherit(Dict, Opts),
+ report(imported, Import),
+ %% pass4/1 tests that all referenced AVP's are either defined
+ %% or imported.
+ dict:store(import_avps,
+ lists:map(fun({M, _, As}) -> {M, [A || {_,A} <- As]} end,
+ lists:reverse(Import)),
+ foldl(fun explode_imports/2, Dict, Import)).
+explode_imports({Mod, Line, Avps}, Dict) ->
+ foldl([fun xi/4, Mod, Line], Dict, Avps).
+xi({L, {Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags} = A}, Dict, Mod, Line) ->
+ store_new({avp_types, Name},
+ [0, Mod, Line, L, A],
+ store_new({import, Name},
+ [Line],
+ Dict,
+ [Name, Line],
+ duplicate_import),
+ [Name, Mod, Line],
+ imported_avp_already_defined).
+%% import_groups/1
+%% import_enums/1
+%% For each inherited module, store the content of imported AVP's of
+%% type grouped/enumerated in a new key.
+import_groups(Dict) ->
+ dict:store(import_groups, import(grouped, Dict), Dict).
+import_enums(Dict) ->
+ dict:store(import_enums, import(enum, Dict), Dict).
+import(Key, Dict) ->
+ flatmap([fun import_key/2, Key], dict:fetch(import_avps, Dict)).
+import_key({Mod, Avps}, Key) ->
+ As = lists:flatmap(fun(T) ->
+ N = element(1,T),
+ choose(lists:keymember(N, 1, Avps), [T], [])
+ end,
+ orddict:fetch(Key, dict(Mod))),
+ if As == [] ->
+ [];
+ true ->
+ [{Mod, As}]
+ end.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% inherit/2
+%% Return a {Mod, Line, [{Lineno, Avp}]} list, where Mod is a module
+%% name, Line points to the corresponding @inherit and each Avp is
+%% from Mod:dict(). Lineno is 0 if the import is implicit.
+inherit(Dict, Opts) ->
+ code:add_pathsa([D || {include, D} <- Opts]),
+ foldl(fun inherit_avps/2, [], find(inherits, Dict)).
+%% Note that the module order of the returned lists is reversed
+%% relative to @inherits.
+inherit_avps([Line, {_,_,M} | Names], Acc) ->
+ Mod = ?A(M),
+ report(inherit_from, Mod),
+ case find_avps(Names, avps_from_module(Mod)) of
+ {_, [{_, L, N} | _]} ->
+ ?RETURN(requested_avp_not_found, [Mod, Line, N, L]);
+ {Found, []} ->
+ [{Mod, Line, lists:sort(Found)} | Acc]
+ end.
+%% Import everything not defined locally ...
+find_avps([], Avps) ->
+ {[{0, A} || A <- Avps], []};
+%% ... or specified AVPs.
+find_avps(Names, Avps) ->
+ foldl(fun acc_avp/2, {[], Names}, Avps).
+acc_avp({Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags} = A, {Found, Not} = Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Name, 3, Not) of
+ {_, Line, Name} ->
+ {[{Line, A} | Found], lists:keydelete(Name, 3, Not)};
+ false ->
+ Acc
+ end.
+%% avps_from_module/2
+avps_from_module(Mod) ->
+ orddict:fetch(avp_types, dict(Mod)).
+dict(Mod) ->
+ try Mod:dict() of
+ [?VERSION | Dict] ->
+ Dict;
+ _ ->
+ ?RETURN(recompile, [Mod])
+ catch
+ error: _ ->
+ ?RETURN(choose(false == code:is_loaded(Mod),
+ not_loaded,
+ no_dict),
+ [Mod])
+ end.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% pass4/1
+%% Sanity checks.
+pass4(Dict) ->
+ dict:fold(fun(K, V, _) -> p4(K, V, Dict) end, ok, Dict),
+ Dict.
+%% Ensure enum AVP's have type Enumerated.
+p4({enum, Name}, [Line | _], Dict)
+ when is_list(Name) ->
+ true = is_enumerated_avp(Name, Dict, Line);
+%% Ensure all referenced AVP's are either defined locally or imported.
+p4({K, {Name, AvpName}}, [Line | _], Dict)
+ when (K == grouped orelse K == messages),
+ is_list(Name),
+ is_list(AvpName),
+ AvpName /= "AVP" ->
+ true = avp_is_defined(AvpName, Dict, Line);
+%% Ditto.
+p4({K, AvpName}, [Line | _], Dict)
+ when K == avp_vendor_id;
+ K == custom_types;
+ K == codecs ->
+ true = avp_is_defined(AvpName, Dict, Line);
+p4(_, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+%% has_enumerated_type/3
+is_enumerated_avp(Name, Dict, Line) ->
+ case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of
+ [_Line, _Code, {_, _, "Enumerated"}, _Flags] -> %% local
+ true;
+ [_Line, _Code, {_, L, T}, _] ->
+ ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_local_type,
+ [Name, Line, T, L]);
+ [0, _, _, _, {_Name, _Code, "Enumerated", _Flags}] -> %% inherited
+ true;
+ [0, Mod, LM, LA, {_Name, _Code, Type, _Flags}] ->
+ ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_inherited_type,
+ [Name, Line, Type, Mod, choose(0 == LA, LM, LA)]);
+ [] ->
+ ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_not_defined, [Name, Line])
+ end.
+avp_is_defined(Name, Dict, Line) ->
+ case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of
+ [_Line, _Code, _Type, _Flags] -> %% local
+ true;
+ [0, _, _, _, {Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags}] -> %% inherited
+ true;
+ [] ->
+ ?RETURN(avp_not_defined, [Name, Line])
+ end.
+%% ===========================================================================
+putr(Key, Value) ->
+ put({?MODULE, Key}, Value).
+getr(Key) ->
+ get({?MODULE, Key}).
+eraser(Key) ->
+ erase({?MODULE, Key}).
+choose(true, X, _) -> X;
+choose(false, _, X) -> X.
+foldl(F, Acc, List) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(T,A) -> eval([F,T,A]) end, Acc, List).
+flatmap(F, List) ->
+ lists:flatmap(fun(T) -> eval([F,T]) end, List).
+eval([[F|X] | A]) ->
+ eval([F | A ++ X]);
+eval([F|A]) ->
+ apply(F,A).