path: root/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl
diff options
authorAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-05-18 18:58:01 +0200
committerAnders Svensson <[email protected]>2011-05-18 18:58:01 +0200
commit1756ed583f24ba2206a0f573635a6fa3cdea5c54 (patch)
treec762a6e700f09fb580f8c9945fd6886ecc2c9923 /lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl
parente993da4426a76bb172290a10999267d3023120d5 (diff)
parent3c15ff32e89e401b4dde2b8acc9699be2614b996 (diff)
Merge branch 'anders/diameter_import/OTP-9321' into dev
* anders/diameter_import/OTP-9321: Initial commit of the diameter application.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl b/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..653c114471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_tcp.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% interface
+%% child start from supervisor
+%% child start from here
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3,
+ terminate/2]).
+-define(ERROR(T), erlang:error({T, ?MODULE, ?LINE})).
+-define(DEFAULT_PORT, 3868). %% RFC 3588, ch 2.1
+-define(LISTENER_TIMEOUT, 30000).
+-define(FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT, 1000).
+%% The same gen_server implementation supports three different kinds
+%% of processes: an actual transport process, one that will club it to
+%% death should the parent die before a connection is established, and
+%% a process owning the listening port.
+%% Listener process state.
+-record(listener, {socket :: inet:socket(),
+ count = 1 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ tref :: reference()}).
+%% Monitor process state.
+ {parent :: pid(),
+ transport = self() :: pid()}).
+-type tref() :: reference(). %% timer reference
+-type length() :: 0..16#FFFFFF. %% message length from Diameter header
+-type size() :: non_neg_integer(). %% accumulated binary size
+-type frag() :: {length(), size(), binary(), list(binary())}
+ | binary().
+%% Accepting/connecting transport process state.
+ {socket :: inet:socket(), %% accept or connect socket
+ parent :: pid(), %% of process that started us
+ module :: module(), %% gen_tcp-like module
+ frag = <<>> :: binary() | {tref(), frag()}}). %% message fragment
+%% The usual transport using gen_tcp can be replaced by anything
+%% sufficiently gen_tcp-like by passing a 'module' option as the first
+%% (for simplicity) transport option. The transport_module diameter_etcp
+%% uses this to set itself as the module to call, its start/3 just
+%% calling start/3 here with the option set.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # start/3
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+start({T, Ref}, #diameter_service{capabilities = Caps}, Opts) ->
+ diameter_tcp_sup:start(), %% start tcp supervisors on demand
+ {Mod, Rest} = split(Opts),
+ Addrs = Caps#diameter_caps.host_ip_address,
+ Arg = {T, Ref, Mod, self(), Rest, Addrs},
+ diameter_tcp_sup:start_child(Arg).
+split([{module, M} | Opts]) ->
+ {M, Opts};
+split(Opts) ->
+ {gen_tcp, Opts}.
+%% start_link/1
+start_link(T) ->
+ proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE,
+ init,
+ [T],
+ infinity,
+ diameter_lib:spawn_opts(server, [])).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # init/1
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+init(T) ->
+ gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], i(T)).
+%% i/1
+%% A transport process.
+i({T, Ref, Mod, Pid, Opts, Addrs})
+ when T == accept;
+ T == connect ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ %% Since accept/connect might block indefinitely, spawn a process
+ %% that does nothing but kill us with the parent until call
+ %% returns.
+ {ok, MPid} = diameter_tcp_sup:start_child(#monitor{parent = Pid}),
+ Sock = i(T, Ref, Mod, Pid, Opts, Addrs),
+ MPid ! {stop, self()}, %% tell the monitor to die
+ setopts(Mod, Sock),
+ #transport{parent = Pid,
+ module = Mod,
+ socket = Sock};
+%% A monitor process to kill the transport if the parent dies.
+i(#monitor{parent = Pid, transport = TPid} = S) ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ erlang:monitor(process, TPid),
+ S;
+%% In principle a link between the transport and killer processes
+%% could do the same thing: have the accepting/connecting process be
+%% killed when the killer process dies as a consequence of parent
+%% death. However, a link can be unlinked and this is exactly what
+%% gen_tcp seems to so. Links should be left to supervisors.
+i({listen, LRef, APid, {Mod, Opts, Addrs}}) ->
+ {[LA, LP], Rest} = proplists:split(Opts, [ip, port]),
+ LAddr = get_addr(LA, Addrs),
+ LPort = get_port(LP),
+ {ok, LSock} = Mod:listen(LPort, gen_opts(LAddr, Rest)),
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self(), {LAddr, LSock}}),
+ erlang:monitor(process, APid),
+ true = diameter_reg:add_new({?MODULE, listener, {LRef, {LAddr, LSock}}}),
+ start_timer(#listener{socket = LSock}).
+%% i/6
+i(accept, Ref, Mod, Pid, Opts, Addrs) ->
+ {LAddr, LSock} = listener(Ref, {Mod, Opts, Addrs}),
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self(), [LAddr]}),
+ Sock = ok(accept(Mod, LSock)),
+ diameter_peer:up(Pid),
+ Sock;
+i(connect, _, Mod, Pid, Opts, Addrs) ->
+ {[LA, RA, RP], Rest} = proplists:split(Opts, [ip, raddr, rport]),
+ LAddr = get_addr(LA, Addrs),
+ RAddr = get_addr(RA, []),
+ RPort = get_port(RP),
+ proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self(), [LAddr]}),
+ Sock = ok(connect(Mod, RAddr, RPort, gen_opts(LAddr, Rest))),
+ diameter_peer:up(Pid, {RAddr, RPort}),
+ Sock.
+ok({ok, T}) ->
+ T;
+ok(No) ->
+ x(No).
+x(Reason) ->
+ exit({shutdown, Reason}).
+%% listener/2
+listener(LRef, T) ->
+ l(diameter_reg:match({?MODULE, listener, {LRef, '_'}}), LRef, T).
+%% Existing process with the listening socket ...
+l([{{?MODULE, listener, {_, AS}}, LPid}], _, _) ->
+ LPid ! {accept, self()},
+ AS;
+%% ... or not: start one.
+l([], LRef, T) ->
+ {ok, _, AS} = diameter_tcp_sup:start_child({listen, LRef, self(), T}),
+ AS.
+%% get_addr/2
+get_addr(As, Def) ->
+ diameter_lib:ipaddr(addr(As, Def)).
+%% Take the first address from the service if several are unspecified.
+addr([], [Addr | _]) ->
+ Addr;
+addr([{_, Addr}], _) ->
+ Addr;
+addr(As, Addrs) ->
+ ?ERROR({invalid_addrs, As, Addrs}).
+%% get_port/1
+get_port([{_, Port}]) ->
+ Port;
+get_port([]) ->
+get_port(Ps) ->
+ ?ERROR({invalid_ports, Ps}).
+%% gen_opts/2
+gen_opts(LAddr, Opts) ->
+ {L,_} = proplists:split(Opts, [binary, packet, active]),
+ [[],[],[]] == L orelse ?ERROR({reserved_options, Opts}),
+ [binary,
+ {packet, 0},
+ {active, once},
+ {ip, LAddr}
+ | Opts].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # handle_call/3
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+handle_call(_, _, State) ->
+ {reply, nok, State}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # handle_cast/2
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # handle_info/2
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+handle_info(T, #transport{} = S) ->
+ {noreply, #transport{} = t(T,S)};
+handle_info(T, #listener{} = S) ->
+ {noreply, #listener{} = l(T,S)};
+handle_info(T, #monitor{} = S) ->
+ m(T,S),
+ x(T).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # code_change/3
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+code_change(_, State, _) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # terminate/2
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+terminate(_, _) ->
+ ok.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% start_timer/1
+start_timer(#listener{count = 0} = S) ->
+ S#listener{tref = erlang:start_timer(?LISTENER_TIMEOUT, self(), close)};
+start_timer(S) ->
+ S.
+%% m/2
+%% Transition monitor state.
+%% Transport is telling us to die.
+m({stop, TPid}, #monitor{transport = TPid}) ->
+ ok;
+%% Transport has died.
+m({'DOWN', _, process, TPid, _}, #monitor{transport = TPid}) ->
+ ok;
+%% Transport parent has died.
+m({'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _}, #monitor{parent = Pid,
+ transport = TPid}) ->
+ exit(TPid, {shutdown, parent}).
+%% l/2
+%% Transition listener state.
+%% Another accept transport is attaching.
+l({accept, TPid}, #listener{count = N} = S) ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, TPid),
+ S#listener{count = N+1};
+%% Accepting process has died.
+l({'DOWN', _, process, _, _}, #listener{count = N} = S) ->
+ start_timer(S#listener{count = N-1});
+%% Timeout after the last accepting process has died.
+l({timeout, TRef, close = T}, #listener{tref = TRef,
+ count = 0}) ->
+ x(T);
+l({timeout, _, close}, #listener{} = S) ->
+ S.
+%% t/2
+%% Transition transport state.
+t(T,S) ->
+ case transition(T,S) of
+ ok ->
+ S;
+ #transport{} = NS ->
+ NS;
+ {stop, Reason} ->
+ x(Reason);
+ stop ->
+ x(T)
+ end.
+%% transition/2
+%% Incoming message.
+transition({tcp, Sock, Data}, #transport{socket = Sock,
+ module = M}
+ = S) ->
+ setopts(M, Sock),
+ recv(Data, S);
+transition({tcp_closed, Sock}, #transport{socket = Sock}) ->
+ stop;
+transition({tcp_error, Sock, _Reason} = T, #transport{socket = Sock} = S) ->
+ ?ERROR({T,S});
+%% Outgoing message.
+transition({diameter, {send, Bin}}, #transport{socket = Sock,
+ module = M}) ->
+ case send(M, Sock, Bin) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {stop, {send, Reason}}
+ end;
+%% Request to close the transport connection.
+transition({diameter, {close, Pid}}, #transport{parent = Pid,
+ socket = Sock,
+ module = M}) ->
+ M:close(Sock),
+ stop;
+%% Timeout for reception of outstanding packets.
+transition({timeout, TRef, flush}, S) ->
+ flush(TRef, S);
+%% Request for the local port number.
+transition({resolve_port, RPid}, #transport{socket = Sock,
+ module = M})
+ when is_pid(RPid) ->
+ RPid ! lport(M, Sock),
+ ok;
+%% Parent process has died.
+transition({'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _}, #transport{parent = Pid}) ->
+ stop.
+%% Crash on anything unexpected.
+%% recv/2
+%% Reassemble fragmented messages and extract multple message sent
+%% using Nagle.
+recv(Bin, #transport{parent = Pid, frag = Head} = S) ->
+ S#transport{frag = recv(Pid, Head, Bin)}.
+%% recv/3
+%% No previous fragment.
+recv(Pid, <<>>, Bin) ->
+ rcv(Pid, Bin);
+recv(Pid, {TRef, Head}, Bin) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ rcv(Pid, Head, Bin).
+%% rcv/3
+%% Not even the first four bytes of the header.
+rcv(Pid, Head, Bin)
+ when is_binary(Head) ->
+ rcv(Pid, <<Head/binary, Bin/binary>>);
+%% Or enough to know how many bytes to extract.
+rcv(Pid, {Len, N, Head, Acc}, Bin) ->
+ rcv(Pid, Len, N + size(Bin), Head, [Bin | Acc]).
+%% rcv/5
+%% Extract a message for which we have all bytes.
+rcv(Pid, Len, N, Head, Acc)
+ when Len =< N ->
+ rcv(Pid, rcv1(Pid, Len, bin(Head, Acc)));
+%% Wait for more packets.
+rcv(_, Len, N, Head, Acc) ->
+ {start_timer(), {Len, N, Head, Acc}}.
+%% rcv/2
+%% Nothing left.
+rcv(_, <<>> = Bin) ->
+ Bin;
+%% Well, this isn't good. Chances are things will go south from here
+%% but if we're lucky then the bytes we have extend to an intended
+%% message boundary and we can recover by simply discarding them,
+%% which is the result of receiving them.
+rcv(Pid, <<_:1/binary, Len:24, _/binary>> = Bin)
+ when Len < 20 ->
+ diameter_peer:recv(Pid, Bin),
+ <<>>;
+%% Enough bytes to extract a message.
+rcv(Pid, <<_:1/binary, Len:24, _/binary>> = Bin)
+ when Len =< size(Bin) ->
+ rcv(Pid, rcv1(Pid, Len, Bin));
+%% Or not: wait for more packets.
+rcv(_, <<_:1/binary, Len:24, _/binary>> = Head) ->
+ {start_timer(), {Len, size(Head), Head, []}};
+%% Not even 4 bytes yet.
+rcv(_, Head) ->
+ {start_timer(), Head}.
+%% rcv1/3
+rcv1(Pid, Len, Bin) ->
+ <<Msg:Len/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
+ diameter_peer:recv(Pid, Msg),
+ Rest.
+%% bin/[12]
+bin(Head, Acc) ->
+ list_to_binary([Head | lists:reverse(Acc)]).
+bin({_, _, Head, Acc}) ->
+ bin(Head, Acc);
+ when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ Bin.
+%% start_timer/0
+%% An erroneously large message length may leave us with a fragment
+%% that lingers if the peer doesn't have anything more to send. Start
+%% a timer to force reception if an incoming message doesn't arrive
+%% first. This won't stop a peer from sending a large bogus value and
+%% following it up however but such a state of affairs can only go on
+%% for so long since an unanswered DWR will eventually be the result.
+%% An erroneously small message length causes problems as well but
+%% since all messages with length problems are discarded this should
+%% also eventually lead to watchdog failover.
+start_timer() ->
+ erlang:start_timer(?FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT, self(), flush).
+flush(TRef, #transport{parent = Pid, frag = {TRef, Head}} = S) ->
+ diameter_peer:recv(Pid, bin(Head)),
+ S#transport{frag = <<>>};
+flush(_, S) ->
+ S.
+%% accept/2
+accept(gen_tcp, LSock) ->
+ gen_tcp:accept(LSock);
+accept(Mod, LSock) ->
+ Mod:accept(LSock).
+%% connect/4
+connect(gen_tcp, Host, Port, Opts) ->
+ gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, Opts);
+connect(Mod, Host, Port, Opts) ->
+ Mod:connect(Host, Port, Opts).
+%% send/3
+send(gen_tcp, Sock, Bin) ->
+ gen_tcp:send(Sock, Bin);
+send(M, Sock, Bin) ->
+ M:send(Sock, Bin).
+%% setopts/3
+setopts(gen_tcp, Sock, Opts) ->
+ inet:setopts(Sock, Opts);
+setopts(M, Sock, Opts) ->
+ M:setopts(Sock, Opts).
+%% setopts/2
+setopts(M, Sock) ->
+ case setopts(M, Sock, [{active, once}]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ X -> x({setopts, M, Sock, X}) %% possibly on peer disconnect
+ end.
+%% lport/2
+lport(gen_tcp, Sock) ->
+ inet:port(Sock);
+lport(M, Sock) ->
+ M:port(Sock).