path: root/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2011-03-17 12:24:59 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2011-03-17 12:24:59 +0100
commitffb2d69e00ef283eeb266f3082067429b6ce1127 (patch)
tree134573a992cfcc23dad544eae9c5650f97d0e208 /lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
parentbf6a8c53023a284b9f2de8d13538db1ab3ff8dee (diff)
parentf861b4fdb3fd39e35f2951c53a73b30a98c7f973 (diff)
Merge branch 'dev' into bmk/inets/httpd/prevent_xss_in_error_pages/OTP-9124
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
index 6cc2f5cd9b..3ec87b7060 100644
--- a/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
+++ b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
%% USA
-%% $Id$
+%% $Id: $
%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2001-2006 Richard Carlsson
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
-define(FUNCTIONS_TITLE, "Function Details").
-define(FUNCTIONS_LABEL, "functions").
%% @doc The layout function.
%% Options to the standard layout:
@@ -59,13 +58,20 @@
%% <dd>Specifies the number of column pairs used for the function
%% index tables. The default value is 1.
%% </dd>
+%% <dt>{@type {pretty_printer, atom()@}}
+%% </dt>
+%% <dd>Specifies how types and specifications are pretty printed.
+%% If the value `erl_pp' is specified the Erlang pretty printer
+%% (the module `erl_pp') will be used. The default is to do
+%% no pretty printing which implies that lines can be very long.
+%% </dd>
%% <dt>{@type {stylesheet, string()@}}
%% </dt>
%% <dd>Specifies the URI used for referencing the stylesheet. The
%% default value is `"stylesheet.css"'. If an empty string is
%% specified, no stylesheet reference will be generated.
%% </dd>
-%% <dt>{@type {sort_functions, bool()@}}
+%% <dt>{@type {sort_functions, boolean()@}}
%% </dt>
%% <dd>If `true', the detailed function descriptions are listed by
%% name, otherwise they are listed in the order of occurrence in
@@ -96,14 +102,20 @@ module(Element, Options) ->
%% % stylesheet = string(),
%% % index_columns = integer()}
--record(opts, {root, stylesheet, index_columns, sort_functions}).
+-record(opts, {root,
+ stylesheet,
+ index_columns,
+ sort_functions,
+ pretty_printer}).
init_opts(Element, Options) ->
R = #opts{root = get_attrval(root, Element),
index_columns = proplists:get_value(index_columns,
Options, 1),
sort_functions = proplists:get_value(sort_functions,
- Options, true)
+ Options, true),
+ pretty_printer = proplists:get_value(pretty_printer,
+ Options, '')
case proplists:get_value(stylesheet, Options) of
undefined ->
@@ -112,7 +124,7 @@ init_opts(Element, Options) ->
"" ->
R; % don't use any stylesheet
S when is_list(S) ->
- R#opts{stylesheet = S};
+ R#opts{stylesheet = S};
_ ->
report("bad value for option `stylesheet'.", []),
@@ -192,10 +204,10 @@ layout_module(#xmlElement{name = module, content = Es}=E, Opts) ->
| FullDesc]
- ++ types(lists:sort(Types))
+ ++ types(lists:sort(Types), Opts)
++ function_index(SortedFs, Opts#opts.index_columns)
- ++ if Opts#opts.sort_functions -> functions(SortedFs);
- true -> functions(Functions)
+ ++ if Opts#opts.sort_functions -> functions(SortedFs, Opts);
+ true -> functions(Functions, Opts)
++ [hr, ?NL]
++ navigation("bottom")
@@ -218,7 +230,7 @@ timestamp() ->
stylesheet(Opts) ->
case Opts#opts.stylesheet of
undefined ->
@@ -335,8 +347,8 @@ label_href(Content, F) ->
%% <!ELEMENT equiv (expr, see?)>
%% <!ELEMENT expr (#PCDATA)>
-functions(Fs) ->
- Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> function(Name, E) end, Fs),
+functions(Fs, Opts) ->
+ Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> function(Name, E, Opts) end, Fs),
if Es == [] -> [];
true ->
@@ -344,7 +356,7 @@ functions(Fs) ->
?NL | Es]
-function(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+function(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}, Opts) ->
{h3, [{class, "function"}],
label_anchor(function_header(Name, E, " *"), E)},
@@ -352,7 +364,7 @@ function(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
++ [{'div', [{class, "spec"}],
- case typespec(get_content(typespec, Es)) of
+ case typespec(get_content(typespec, Es), Opts) of
[] ->
signature(get_content(args, Es),
get_attrval(name, E));
@@ -367,7 +379,7 @@ function(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
[] -> [];
Rs -> [{p, Rs}, ?NL]
- ++ throws(Es)
+ ++ throws(Es, Opts)
++ equiv_p(Es)
++ deprecated(Es, "function")
++ fulldesc(Es)
@@ -402,7 +414,7 @@ label_anchor(Content, E) ->
%% This is currently only done for functions without type spec.
-signature(Es, Name) ->
+signature(Es, Name) ->
[{tt, [Name, "("] ++ seq(fun arg/1, Es) ++ [") -> any()"]}].
arg(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
@@ -432,66 +444,168 @@ returns(Es) ->
%% <!ELEMENT throws (type, localdef*)>
-throws(Es) ->
+throws(Es, Opts) ->
case get_content(throws, Es) of
[] -> [];
Es1 ->
+ %% Doesn't use format_type; keep it short!
[{p, (["throws ", {tt, t_utype(get_elem(type, Es1))}]
- ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es1)))},
+ ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es1), Opts))},
%% <!ELEMENT typespec (erlangName, type, localdef*)>
-typespec([]) -> [];
-typespec(Es) ->
- [{tt, ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es))]
- ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)))}]
- ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es)).
+typespec([], _Opts) -> [];
+typespec(Es, Opts) ->
+ Name = t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)),
+ Defs = get_elem(localdef, Es),
+ [Type] = get_elem(type, Es),
+ format_spec(Name, Type, Defs, Opts) ++ local_defs(Defs, Opts).
%% <!ELEMENT typedecl (typedef, description?)>
%% <!ELEMENT typedef (erlangName, argtypes, type?, localdef*)>
-types([]) -> [];
-types(Ts) ->
- Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> typedecl(Name, E) end, Ts),
+types([], _Opts) -> [];
+types(Ts, Opts) ->
+ Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> typedecl(Name, E, Opts) end, Ts),
{h2, [{a, [{name, ?DATA_TYPES_LABEL}],
?NL | Es].
-typedecl(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+typedecl(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}, Opts) ->
([?NL, {h3, [{class, "typedecl"}], label_anchor([Name, "()"], E)}, ?NL]
- ++ [{p, typedef(get_content(typedef, Es))}, ?NL]
+ ++ [{p, typedef(get_content(typedef, Es), Opts)}, ?NL]
++ fulldesc(Es)).
type_name(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
t_name(get_elem(erlangName, get_content(typedef, Es))).
-typedef(Es) ->
+typedef(Es, Opts) ->
Name = ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("]
- ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [")"])),
+ ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [")"])),
(case get_elem(type, Es) of
[] -> [{b, ["abstract datatype"]}, ": ", {tt, Name}];
- Type ->
- [{tt, Name ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(Type)}]
+ Type -> format_type(Name, Name, Type, [], Opts)
- ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es))).
+ ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es), Opts)).
-local_defs([]) -> [];
-local_defs(Es) ->
+local_defs(Es, Opts) ->
+ local_defs(Es, [], Opts).
+local_defs([], _, _Opts) -> [];
+local_defs(Es0, Last, Opts) ->
+ [E | Es] = lists:reverse(Es0),
{ul, [{class, "definitions"}],
- lists:append([[{li, [{tt, localdef(E)}]}, ?NL] || E <- Es])}].
-localdef(E = #xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- (case get_elem(typevar, Es) of
- [] ->
- label_anchor(t_abstype(get_content(abstype, Es)), E);
- [V] ->
- t_var(V)
- end
- ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))).
+ lists:reverse(lists:append([localdef(E1, [], Opts) || E1 <- Es]),
+ localdef(E, Last, Opts))}].
+localdef(E = #xmlElement{content = Es}, Last, Opts) ->
+ Name = case get_elem(typevar, Es) of
+ [] ->
+ label_anchor(N0 = t_abstype(get_content(abstype, Es)), E);
+ [V] ->
+ N0 = t_var(V)
+ end,
+ [{li, format_type(Name, N0, get_elem(type, Es), Last, Opts)}].
+%% Use the default formatting of EDoc, which creates references, and
+%% then insert newlines and indentation according to erl_pp (the
+%% (fast) Erlang pretty printer).
+format_spec(Name, Type, Defs, #opts{pretty_printer = erl_pp}=Opts) ->
+ try
+ L = t_clause(Name, Type),
+ O = pp_clause(Name, Type),
+ {R, ".\n"} = etypef(L, O),
+ [{pre, R}]
+ catch _:_ ->
+ %% Example: "@spec ... -> record(a)"
+ format_spec(Name, Type, Defs, Opts#opts{pretty_printer=''})
+ end;
+format_spec(Sep, Type, Defs, _Opts) ->
+ %% Very limited formatting.
+ Br = if Defs =:= [] -> br; true -> [] end,
+ [{tt, t_clause(Sep, Type)}, Br].
+t_clause(Name, Type) ->
+ #xmlElement{content = [#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = C}]} = Type,
+ [Name] ++ t_fun(C).
+pp_clause(Pre, Type) ->
+ Types = ot_utype([Type]),
+ Atom = lists:duplicate(iolist_size(Pre), $a),
+ L1 = erl_pp:attribute({attribute,0,spec,{{list_to_atom(Atom),0},[Types]}}),
+ "-spec " ++ L2 = lists:flatten(L1),
+ L3 = Pre ++ lists:nthtail(length(Atom), L2),
+ re:replace(L3, "\n ", "\n", [{return,list},global]).
+format_type(Prefix, Name, Type, Last, #opts{pretty_printer = erl_pp}=Opts) ->
+ try
+ L = t_utype(Type),
+ O = pp_type(Name, Type),
+ {R, ".\n"} = etypef(L, O),
+ [{pre, Prefix ++ [" = "] ++ R ++ Last}]
+ catch _:_ ->
+ %% Example: "t() = record(a)."
+ format_type(Prefix, Name, Type, Last, Opts#opts{pretty_printer =''})
+ end;
+format_type(Prefix, _Name, Type, Last, _Opts) ->
+ [{tt, Prefix ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(Type) ++ Last}].
+pp_type(Prefix, Type) ->
+ Atom = list_to_atom(lists:duplicate(iolist_size(Prefix), $a)),
+ L1 = erl_pp:attribute({attribute,0,type,{Atom,ot_utype(Type),[]}}),
+ {L2,N} = case lists:dropwhile(fun(C) -> C =/= $: end, lists:flatten(L1)) of
+ ":: " ++ L3 -> {L3,9}; % compensation for extra "()" and ":"
+ "::\n" ++ L3 -> {"\n"++L3,6}
+ end,
+ Ss = lists:duplicate(N, $\s),
+ re:replace(L2, "\n"++Ss, "\n", [{return,list},global]).
+etypef(L, O0) ->
+ {R, O} = etypef(L, [], O0, []),
+ {lists:reverse(R), O}.
+etypef([C | L], St, [C | O], R) ->
+ etypef(L, St, O, [[C] | R]);
+etypef(" "++L, St, O, R) ->
+ etypef(L, St, O, R);
+etypef("", [Cs | St], O, R) ->
+ etypef(Cs, St, O, R);
+etypef("", [], O, R) ->
+ {R, O};
+etypef(L, St, " "++O, R) ->
+ etypef(L, St, O, [" " | R]);
+etypef(L, St, "\n"++O, R) ->
+ Ss = lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C =:= $\s end, O),
+ etypef(L, St, lists:nthtail(length(Ss), O), ["\n"++Ss | R]);
+etypef([{a, HRef, S0} | L], St, O0, R) ->
+ {S, O} = etypef(S0, app_fix(O0)),
+ etypef(L, St, O, [{a, HRef, S} | R]);
+etypef("="++L, St, "::"++O, R) ->
+ %% EDoc uses "=" for record field types; Erlang types use "::".
+ %% Maybe there should be an option for this, possibly affecting
+ %% other similar discrepancies.
+ etypef(L, St, O, ["=" | R]);
+etypef([Cs | L], St, O, R) ->
+ etypef(Cs, [L | St], O, R).
+app_fix(L) ->
+ try
+ {"//" ++ R1,L2} = app_fix(L, 1),
+ [App, Mod] = string:tokens(R1, "/"),
+ "//" ++ atom(App) ++ "/" ++ atom(Mod) ++ L2
+ catch _:_ -> L
+ end.
+app_fix(L, I) -> % a bit slow
+ {L1, L2} = lists:split(I, L),
+ case erl_scan:tokens([], L1 ++ ". ", 1) of
+ {done, {ok,[{atom,_,Atom}|_],_}, _} -> {atom_to_list(Atom), L2};
+ _ -> app_fix(L, I+1)
+ end.
fulldesc(Es) ->
case get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es)) of
@@ -702,21 +816,28 @@ t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = atom}]) ->
t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = integer}]) ->
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = range}]) ->
+ t_range(E);
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = binary}]) ->
+ t_binary(E);
t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = float}]) ->
t_type([#xmlElement{name = nil}]) ->
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = paren, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_paren(Es);
t_type([#xmlElement{name = list, content = Es}]) ->
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = nonempty_list, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_nonempty_list(Es);
t_type([#xmlElement{name = tuple, content = Es}]) ->
t_type([#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = Es}]) ->
- t_fun(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) ->
- t_record(Es);
+ ["fun("] ++ t_fun(Es) ++ [")"];
+t_type([E = #xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_record(E, Es);
t_type([E = #xmlElement{name = abstype, content = Es}]) ->
- T = t_abstype(Es),
- see(E, T);
+ t_abstype(E, Es);
t_type([#xmlElement{name = union, content = Es}]) ->
@@ -729,15 +850,27 @@ t_atom(E) ->
t_integer(E) ->
[get_attrval(value, E)].
+t_range(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(value, E)].
+t_binary(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(value, E)].
t_float(E) ->
[get_attrval(value, E)].
t_nil() ->
+t_paren(Es) ->
+ ["("] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ [")"].
t_list(Es) ->
["["] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ ["]"].
+t_nonempty_list(Es) ->
+ ["["] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ [", ...]"].
t_tuple(Es) ->
["{"] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, ["}"]).
@@ -745,13 +878,27 @@ t_fun(Es) ->
["("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es),
[") -> "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))).
-t_record(Es) ->
- ["#"] ++ t_type(get_elem(atom, Es)) ++ ["{"]
- ++ seq(fun t_field/1, get_elem(field, Es), ["}"]).
+t_record(E, Es) ->
+ Name = ["#"] ++ t_type(get_elem(atom, Es)),
+ case get_elem(field, Es) of
+ [] ->
+ see(E, [Name, "{}"]);
+ Fs ->
+ see(E, Name) ++ ["{"] ++ seq(fun t_field/1, Fs, ["}"])
+ end.
t_field(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
t_type(get_elem(atom, Es)) ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)).
+t_abstype(E, Es) ->
+ Name = t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)),
+ case get_elem(type, Es) of
+ [] ->
+ see(E, [Name, "()"]);
+ Ts ->
+ see(E, [Name]) ++ ["("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Ts, [")"])
+ end.
t_abstype(Es) ->
([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("]
++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"])).
@@ -827,7 +974,8 @@ type(E) ->
type(E, []).
type(E, Ds) ->
- xmerl:export_simple_content(t_utype_elem(E) ++ local_defs(Ds),
+ Opts = [],
+ xmerl:export_simple_content(t_utype_elem(E) ++ local_defs(Ds, Opts),
package(E=#xmlElement{name = package, content = Es}, Options) ->
@@ -873,3 +1021,142 @@ overview(E=#xmlElement{name = overview, content = Es}, Options) ->
++ timestamp()),
XML = xhtml(Title, stylesheet(Opts), Body),
xmerl:export_simple(XML, ?HTML_EXPORT, []).
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NYTT
+ot_utype([E]) ->
+ ot_utype_elem(E).
+ot_utype_elem(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ case get_attrval(name, E) of
+ "" -> ot_type(Es);
+ N ->
+ Name = {var,0,list_to_atom(N)},
+ T = ot_type(Es),
+ case T of
+ Name -> T;
+ T -> {ann_type,0,[Name, T]}
+ end
+ end.
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = typevar}]) ->
+ ot_var(E);
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = atom}]) ->
+ ot_atom(E);
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = integer}]) ->
+ ot_integer(E);
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = range}]) ->
+ ot_range(E);
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = binary}]) ->
+ ot_binary(E);
+ot_type([E=#xmlElement{name = float}]) ->
+ ot_float(E);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = nil}]) ->
+ ot_nil();
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = paren, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_paren(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = list, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_list(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = nonempty_list, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_nonempty_list(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = tuple, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_tuple(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_fun(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_record(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = abstype, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_abstype(Es);
+ot_type([#xmlElement{name = union, content = Es}]) ->
+ ot_union(Es).
+ot_var(E) ->
+ {var,0,list_to_atom(get_attrval(name, E))}.
+ot_atom(E) ->
+ {ok, [Atom], _} = erl_scan:string(get_attrval(value, E), 0),
+ Atom.
+ot_integer(E) ->
+ {integer,0,list_to_integer(get_attrval(value, E))}.
+ot_range(E) ->
+ [I1, I2] = string:tokens(get_attrval(value, E), "."),
+ {type,0,range,[{integer,0,list_to_integer(I1)},
+ {integer,0,list_to_integer(I2)}]}.
+ot_binary(E) ->
+ {Base, Unit} =
+ case string:tokens(get_attrval(value, E), ",:*><") of
+ [] ->
+ {0, 0};
+ ["_",B] ->
+ {list_to_integer(B), 0};
+ ["_","_",U] ->
+ {0, list_to_integer(U)};
+ ["_",B,_,"_",U] ->
+ {list_to_integer(B), list_to_integer(U)}
+ end,
+ {type,0,binary,[{integer,0,Base},{integer,0,Unit}]}.
+ot_float(E) ->
+ {float,0,list_to_float(get_attrval(value, E))}.
+ot_nil() ->
+ {nil,0}.
+ot_paren(Es) ->
+ {paren_type,0,[ot_utype(get_elem(type, Es))]}.
+ot_list(Es) ->
+ {type,0,list,[ot_utype(get_elem(type, Es))]}.
+ot_nonempty_list(Es) ->
+ {type,0,nonempty_list,[ot_utype(get_elem(type, Es))]}.
+ot_tuple(Es) ->
+ {type,0,tuple,[ot_utype_elem(E) || E <- Es]}.
+ot_fun(Es) ->
+ Range = ot_utype(get_elem(type, Es)),
+ Args = [ot_utype_elem(A) || A <- get_content(argtypes, Es)],
+ {type,0,'fun',[{type,0,product,Args},Range]}.
+ot_record(Es) ->
+ {type,0,record,[ot_type(get_elem(atom, Es)) |
+ [ot_field(F) || F <- get_elem(field, Es)]]}.
+ot_field(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ {type,0,field_type,
+ [ot_type(get_elem(atom, Es)), ot_utype(get_elem(type, Es))]}.
+ot_abstype(Es) ->
+ ot_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es),
+ [ot_utype_elem(Elem) || Elem <- get_elem(type, Es)]).
+ot_union(Es) ->
+ {type,0,union,[ot_utype_elem(E) || E <- Es]}.
+ot_name(Es, T) ->
+ case ot_name(Es) of
+ [Mod, ":", Atom] ->
+ {remote_type,0,[{atom,0,list_to_atom(Mod)},
+ {atom,0,list_to_atom(Atom)},T]};
+ "tuple" when T =:= [] ->
+ {type,0,tuple,any};
+ Atom ->
+ {type,0,list_to_atom(Atom),T}
+ end.
+ot_name([E]) ->
+ Atom = get_attrval(name, E),
+ case get_attrval(module, E) of
+ "" -> Atom;
+ M ->
+ case get_attrval(app, E) of
+ "" ->
+ [M, ":", Atom];
+ A ->
+ ["//"++A++"/" ++ M, ":", Atom] % EDoc only!
+ end
+ end.