path: root/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..900f0b3040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_layout.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+%% =====================================================================
+%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+%% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+%% USA
+%% $Id$
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <richardc@it.uu.se>
+%% @copyright 2001-2006 Richard Carlsson
+%% @see edoc
+%% @end
+%% =====================================================================
+%% @doc The standard HTML layout module for EDoc. See the {@link edoc}
+%% module for details on usage.
+%% Note that this is written so that it is *not* depending on edoc.hrl!
+-export([module/2, package/2, overview/2, type/1]).
+-import(edoc_report, [report/2]).
+-define(HTML_EXPORT, xmerl_html).
+-define(OVERVIEW_SUMMARY, "overview-summary.html").
+-define(STYLESHEET, "stylesheet.css").
+-define(NL, "\n").
+-define(DESCRIPTION_TITLE, "Description").
+-define(DESCRIPTION_LABEL, "description").
+-define(DATA_TYPES_TITLE, "Data Types").
+-define(DATA_TYPES_LABEL, "types").
+-define(FUNCTION_INDEX_TITLE, "Function Index").
+-define(FUNCTION_INDEX_LABEL, "index").
+-define(FUNCTIONS_TITLE, "Function Details").
+-define(FUNCTIONS_LABEL, "functions").
+%% @doc The layout function.
+%% Options to the standard layout:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt>{@type {index_columns, integer()@}}
+%% </dt>
+%% <dd>Specifies the number of column pairs used for the function
+%% index tables. The default value is 1.
+%% </dd>
+%% <dt>{@type {stylesheet, string()@}}
+%% </dt>
+%% <dd>Specifies the URI used for referencing the stylesheet. The
+%% default value is `"stylesheet.css"'. If an empty string is
+%% specified, no stylesheet reference will be generated.
+%% </dd>
+%% <dt>{@type {sort_functions, bool()@}}
+%% </dt>
+%% <dd>If `true', the detailed function descriptions are listed by
+%% name, otherwise they are listed in the order of occurrence in
+%% the source file. The default value is `true'.
+%% </dd>
+%% <dt>{@type {xml_export, Module::atom()@}}
+%% </dt>
+%% <dd>Specifies an {@link //xmerl. `xmerl'} callback module to be
+%% used for exporting the documentation. See {@link
+%% //xmerl/xmerl:export_simple/3} for details.
+%% </dd>
+%% </dl>
+%% @see edoc:layout/2
+%% NEW-OPTIONS: xml_export, index_columns, stylesheet
+module(Element, Options) ->
+ XML = layout_module(Element, init_opts(Element, Options)),
+ Export = proplists:get_value(xml_export, Options,
+ xmerl:export_simple(XML, Export, []).
+% Put layout options in a data structure for easier access.
+%% %Commented out until it can be made private
+%% %@type opts() = #opts{root = string(),
+%% % stylesheet = string(),
+%% % index_columns = integer()}
+-record(opts, {root, stylesheet, index_columns, sort_functions}).
+init_opts(Element, Options) ->
+ R = #opts{root = get_attrval(root, Element),
+ index_columns = proplists:get_value(index_columns,
+ Options, 1),
+ sort_functions = proplists:get_value(sort_functions,
+ Options, true)
+ },
+ case proplists:get_value(stylesheet, Options) of
+ undefined ->
+ S = edoc_lib:join_uri(R#opts.root, ?STYLESHEET),
+ R#opts{stylesheet = S};
+ "" ->
+ R; % don't use any stylesheet
+ S when is_list(S) ->
+ R#opts{stylesheet = S};
+ _ ->
+ report("bad value for option `stylesheet'.", []),
+ exit(error)
+ end.
+%% =====================================================================
+%% =====================================================================
+%% We assume that we have expanded XML data.
+%% <!ELEMENT module (behaviour*, description?, author*, copyright?,
+%% version?, since?, deprecated?, see*, reference*,
+%% todo?, typedecls?, functions)>
+%% <!ATTLIST module
+%% private NMTOKEN(yes | no) #IMPLIED
+%% root CDATA #IMPLIED>
+%% <!ELEMENT behaviour (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ATTLIST behaviour
+%% href CDATA #IMPLIED>
+%% <!ELEMENT description (briefDescription, fullDescription?)>
+%% <!ELEMENT briefDescription (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT fullDescription (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT author EMPTY>
+%% <!ATTLIST author
+%% email CDATA #IMPLIED
+%% website CDATA #IMPLIED>
+%% <!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT since (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT deprecated (description)>
+%% <!ELEMENT see (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ATTLIST see
+%% href CDATA #IMPLIED>
+%% <!ELEMENT reference (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT todo (#PCDATA)>
+%% <!ELEMENT typedecls (typedecl+)>
+%% <!ELEMENT functions (function+)>
+%% TODO: improve layout of parameterized modules
+layout_module(#xmlElement{name = module, content = Es}=E, Opts) ->
+ Args = module_params(get_content(args, Es)),
+ Name = get_attrval(name, E),
+ Title = case get_elem(args, Es) of
+ [] -> ["Module ", Name];
+ _ -> ["Abstract module ", Name, " [", {Args}, "]"]
+ end,
+ Desc = get_content(description, Es),
+ ShortDesc = get_content(briefDescription, Desc),
+ FullDesc = get_content(fullDescription, Desc),
+ Functions = [{function_name(E), E} || E <- get_content(functions, Es)],
+ Types = [{type_name(E), E} || E <- get_content(typedecls, Es)],
+ SortedFs = lists:sort(Functions),
+ Body = (navigation("top")
+ ++ [?NL, hr, ?NL, ?NL, {h1, Title}, ?NL]
+ ++ doc_index(FullDesc, Functions, Types)
+ ++ ShortDesc
+ ++ [?NL]
+ ++ copyright(Es)
+ ++ deprecated(Es, "module")
+ ++ [?NL]
+ ++ version(Es)
+ ++ since(Es)
+ ++ behaviours(Es, Name)
+ ++ authors(Es)
+ ++ references(Es)
+ ++ sees(Es)
+ ++ todos(Es)
+ ++ if FullDesc == [] -> [];
+ true -> [?NL,
+ {h2, [{a, [{name, "description"}],
+ ["Description"]}]}
+ | FullDesc]
+ end
+ ++ types(lists:sort(Types))
+ ++ function_index(SortedFs, Opts#opts.index_columns)
+ ++ if Opts#opts.sort_functions -> functions(SortedFs);
+ true -> functions(Functions)
+ end
+ ++ [hr, ?NL]
+ ++ navigation("bottom")
+ ++ timestamp()),
+ xhtml(Title, stylesheet(Opts), Body).
+module_params(Es) ->
+ As = [{get_text(argName, Es1),
+ get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es1))}
+ || #xmlElement{content = Es1} <- Es],
+ case As of
+ [] -> [];
+ [First | Rest] ->
+ [element(1, First) | [ {[", ",A]} || {A, _D} <- Rest]]
+ end.
+timestamp() ->
+ [?NL, {p, [{i, [io_lib:fwrite("Generated by EDoc, ~s, ~s.",
+ [edoc_lib:datestr(date()),
+ edoc_lib:timestr(time())])
+ ]}]},
+ ?NL].
+stylesheet(Opts) ->
+ case Opts#opts.stylesheet of
+ undefined ->
+ [];
+ CSS ->
+ [{link, [{rel, "stylesheet"},
+ {type, "text/css"},
+ {href, CSS},
+ {title, "EDoc"}], []},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+navigation(Where) ->
+ [?NL,
+ {'div', [{class, "navbar"}],
+ [{a, [{name, "#navbar_" ++ Where}], []},
+ {table, [{width, "100%"}, {border,0},
+ {cellspacing, 0}, {cellpadding, 2},
+ {summary, "navigation bar"}],
+ [{tr,
+ [{td, [{a, [{href, ?OVERVIEW_SUMMARY}, {target,"overviewFrame"}],
+ ["Overview"]}]},
+ {td, [{a, [{href, "http://www.erlang.org/"}],
+ [{img, [{src, "erlang.png"}, {align, "right"},
+ {border, 0}, {alt, "erlang logo"}],
+ []}]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ].
+doc_index(FullDesc, Functions, Types) ->
+ case doc_index_rows(FullDesc, Functions, Types) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Rs ->
+ [{ul, [{class, "index"}],
+ [{li, [{a, [{href, local_label(R)}], [T]}]}
+ || {T, R} <- Rs]}]
+ end.
+doc_index_rows(FullDesc, Functions, Types) ->
+ (if FullDesc == [] -> [];
+ end
+ ++ if Types == [] -> [];
+ end
+ ++ if Functions == [] -> [];
+ end).
+function_index(Fs, Cols) ->
+ case function_index_rows(Fs, Cols, []) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Rows ->
+ [?NL,
+ {h2, [{a, [{name, ?FUNCTION_INDEX_LABEL}],
+ ?NL,
+ {table, [{width, "100%"}, {border, 1},
+ {cellspacing,0}, {cellpadding,2},
+ {summary, "function index"}],
+ Rows},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+function_index_rows(Fs, Cols, Title) ->
+ Rows = (length(Fs) + (Cols - 1)) div Cols,
+ (if Title == [] -> [];
+ true -> [{tr, [{th, [{colspan, Cols * 2}, {align, left}],
+ [Title]}]},
+ ?NL]
+ end
+ ++ lists:flatmap(fun index_row/1,
+ edoc_lib:transpose(edoc_lib:segment(Fs, Rows)))).
+index_row(Fs) ->
+ [{tr, lists:flatmap(fun index_col/1, Fs)}, ?NL].
+index_col({Name, F=#xmlElement{content = Es}}) ->
+ [{td, [{valign, "top"}],
+ label_href(function_header(Name, F, "*"), F)},
+ {td, index_desc(Es)}].
+index_desc(Es) ->
+ Desc = get_content(description, Es),
+ (case get_content(deprecated, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> ["(", {em, ["Deprecated"]}, ".) "]
+ end
+ ++ case get_content(briefDescription, Desc) of
+ [] ->
+ equiv(Es); % no description at all if no equiv
+ ShortDesc ->
+ ShortDesc
+ end).
+label_href(Content, F) ->
+ case get_attrval(label, F) of
+ "" -> Content;
+ Ref -> [{a, [{href, local_label(Ref)}], Content}]
+ end.
+%% <!ELEMENT function (args, typespec?, returns?, throws?, equiv?,
+%% description?, since?, deprecated?, see*, todo?)>
+%% <!ATTLIST function
+%% exported NMTOKEN(yes | no) #REQUIRED
+%% label CDATA #IMPLIED>
+%% <!ELEMENT args (arg*)>
+%% <!ELEMENT equiv (expr, see?)>
+%% <!ELEMENT expr (#PCDATA)>
+functions(Fs) ->
+ Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> function(Name, E) end, Fs),
+ if Es == [] -> [];
+ true ->
+ [?NL,
+ {h2, [{a, [{name, ?FUNCTIONS_LABEL}], [?FUNCTIONS_TITLE]}]},
+ ?NL | Es]
+ end.
+function(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ ([?NL,
+ {h3, [{class, "function"}],
+ label_anchor(function_header(Name, E, " *"), E)},
+ ?NL]
+ ++ [{'div', [{class, "spec"}],
+ [?NL,
+ {p,
+ case typespec(get_content(typespec, Es)) of
+ [] ->
+ signature(get_content(args, Es),
+ get_attrval(name, E));
+ Spec -> Spec
+ end},
+ ?NL]
+ ++ case params(get_content(args, Es)) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Ps -> [{p, Ps}, ?NL]
+ end
+ ++ case returns(get_content(returns, Es)) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Rs -> [{p, Rs}, ?NL]
+ end}]
+ ++ throws(Es)
+ ++ equiv_p(Es)
+ ++ deprecated(Es, "function")
+ ++ fulldesc(Es)
+ ++ since(Es)
+ ++ sees(Es)
+ ++ todos(Es)).
+function_name(E) ->
+ atom(get_attrval(name, E)) ++ "/" ++ get_attrval(arity, E).
+function_header(Name, E, Private) ->
+ case is_exported(E) of
+ true -> [Name];
+ false -> [Name, Private]
+ end.
+is_exported(E) ->
+ case get_attrval(exported, E) of
+ "yes" -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+label_anchor(Content, E) ->
+ case get_attrval(label, E) of
+ "" -> Content;
+ Ref -> [{a, [{name, Ref}], Content}]
+ end.
+%% <!ELEMENT args (arg*)>
+%% <!ELEMENT arg (argName, description?)>
+%% <!ELEMENT argName (#PCDATA)>
+%% This is currently only done for functions without type spec.
+signature(Es, Name) ->
+ [{tt, [Name, "("] ++ seq(fun arg/1, Es) ++ [") -> any()"]}].
+arg(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ [get_text(argName, Es)].
+%% parameter and return value descriptions (if any)
+params(Es) ->
+ As = [{get_text(argName, Es1),
+ get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es1))}
+ || #xmlElement{content = Es1} <- Es],
+ As1 = [A || A <- As, element(2, A) /= []],
+ if As1 == [] ->
+ [];
+ true ->
+ [ { [{tt, [A]}, ": "] ++ D ++ [br, ?NL] }
+ || {A, D} <- As1]
+ end.
+returns(Es) ->
+ case get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es)) of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ D ->
+ ["returns: "] ++ D
+ end.
+%% <!ELEMENT throws (type, localdef*)>
+throws(Es) ->
+ case get_content(throws, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, (["throws ", {tt, t_utype(get_elem(type, Es1))}]
+ ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es1)))},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+%% <!ELEMENT typespec (erlangName, type, localdef*)>
+typespec([]) -> [];
+typespec(Es) ->
+ [{tt, ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es))]
+ ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)))}]
+ ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es)).
+%% <!ELEMENT typedecl (typedef, description?)>
+%% <!ELEMENT typedef (erlangName, argtypes, type?, localdef*)>
+types([]) -> [];
+types(Ts) ->
+ Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> typedecl(Name, E) end, Ts),
+ [?NL,
+ {h2, [{a, [{name, ?DATA_TYPES_LABEL}],
+ ?NL | Es].
+typedecl(Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ ([?NL, {h3, [{class, "typedecl"}], label_anchor([Name, "()"], E)}, ?NL]
+ ++ [{p, typedef(get_content(typedef, Es))}, ?NL]
+ ++ fulldesc(Es)).
+type_name(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ t_name(get_elem(erlangName, get_content(typedef, Es))).
+typedef(Es) ->
+ Name = ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("]
+ ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [")"])),
+ (case get_elem(type, Es) of
+ [] -> [{b, ["abstract datatype"]}, ": ", {tt, Name}];
+ Type ->
+ [{tt, Name ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(Type)}]
+ end
+ ++ local_defs(get_elem(localdef, Es))).
+local_defs([]) -> [];
+local_defs(Es) ->
+ [?NL,
+ {ul, [{class, "definitions"}],
+ lists:concat([[{li, [{tt, localdef(E)}]}, ?NL] || E <- Es])}].
+localdef(E = #xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ (case get_elem(typevar, Es) of
+ [] ->
+ label_anchor(t_abstype(get_content(abstype, Es)), E);
+ [V] ->
+ t_var(V)
+ end
+ ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))).
+fulldesc(Es) ->
+ case get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es)) of
+ [] -> [?NL];
+ Desc -> [{p, Desc}, ?NL]
+ end.
+sees(Es) ->
+ case get_elem(see, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["See also:"]}, " "] ++ seq(fun see/1, Es1, ["."])},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+see(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ see(E, Es).
+see(E, Es) ->
+ case href(E) of
+ [] -> Es;
+ Ref ->
+ [{a, Ref, Es}]
+ end.
+href(E) ->
+ case get_attrval(href, E) of
+ "" -> [];
+ URI ->
+ T = case get_attrval(target, E) of
+ "" -> [];
+ S -> [{target, S}]
+ end,
+ [{href, URI} | T]
+ end.
+equiv_p(Es) ->
+ equiv(Es, true).
+equiv(Es) ->
+ equiv(Es, false).
+equiv(Es, P) ->
+ case get_content(equiv, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ case get_content(expr, Es1) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Expr] ->
+ Expr1 = [{tt, [Expr]}],
+ Expr2 = case get_elem(see, Es1) of
+ [] ->
+ Expr1;
+ [E=#xmlElement{}] ->
+ see(E, Expr1)
+ end,
+ Txt = ["Equivalent to "] ++ Expr2 ++ ["."],
+ (case P of
+ true -> [{p, Txt}];
+ false -> Txt
+ end
+ ++ [?NL])
+ end
+ end.
+copyright(Es) ->
+ case get_content(copyright, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, ["Copyright \251 " | Es1]}, ?NL]
+ end.
+version(Es) ->
+ case get_content(version, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["Version:"]}, " " | Es1]}, ?NL]
+ end.
+since(Es) ->
+ case get_content(since, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["Introduced in:"]}, " " | Es1]}, ?NL]
+ end.
+deprecated(Es, S) ->
+ Es1 = get_content(description, get_content(deprecated, Es)),
+ case get_content(fullDescription, Es1) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es2 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["This " ++ S ++ " is deprecated:"]}, " " | Es2]},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+behaviours(Es, Name) ->
+ (case get_elem(behaviour, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, ([{b, ["Behaviours:"]}, " "]
+ ++ seq(fun behaviour/1, Es1, ["."]))},
+ ?NL]
+ end
+ ++
+ case get_content(callbacks, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, ([{b, ["This module defines the ", {tt, [Name]},
+ " behaviour."]},
+ br, " Required callback functions: "]
+ ++ seq(fun callback/1, Es1, ["."]))},
+ ?NL]
+ end).
+behaviour(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ see(E, [{tt, Es}]).
+callback(E=#xmlElement{}) ->
+ Name = get_attrval(name, E),
+ Arity = get_attrval(arity, E),
+ [{tt, [Name, "/", Arity]}].
+authors(Es) ->
+ case get_elem(author, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["Authors:"]}, " "] ++ seq(fun author/1, Es1, ["."])},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+atom(String) ->
+ io_lib:write_atom(list_to_atom(String)).
+%% <!ATTLIST author
+%% email CDATA #IMPLIED
+%% website CDATA #IMPLIED>
+author(E=#xmlElement{}) ->
+ Name = get_attrval(name, E),
+ Mail = get_attrval(email, E),
+ URI = get_attrval(website, E),
+ (if Name == Mail ->
+ [{a, [{href, "mailto:" ++ Mail}],[{tt, [Mail]}]}];
+ true ->
+ if Mail == "" -> [Name];
+ true -> [Name, " (", {a, [{href, "mailto:" ++ Mail}],
+ [{tt, [Mail]}]}, ")"]
+ end
+ end
+ ++ if URI == "" ->
+ [];
+ true ->
+ [" [", {em, ["web site:"]}, " ",
+ {tt, [{a, [{href, URI}, {target, "_top"}], [URI]}]},
+ "]"]
+ end).
+references(Es) ->
+ case get_elem(reference, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ [{p, [{b, ["References"]},
+ {ul, [{li, C} || #xmlElement{content = C} <- Es1]}]},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+todos(Es) ->
+ case get_elem(todo, Es) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Es1 ->
+ Todos = [{li, [{font, [{color,red}], C}]}
+ || #xmlElement{content = C} <- Es1],
+ [{p, [{b, [{font, [{color,red}], ["To do"]}]},
+ {ul, Todos}]},
+ ?NL]
+ end.
+t_name([E]) ->
+ N = get_attrval(name, E),
+ case get_attrval(module, E) of
+ "" -> atom(N);
+ M ->
+ S = atom(M) ++ ":" ++ atom(N),
+ case get_attrval(app, E) of
+ "" -> S;
+ A -> "//" ++ atom(A) ++ "/" ++ S
+ end
+ end.
+t_utype([E]) ->
+ t_utype_elem(E).
+t_utype_elem(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ case get_attrval(name, E) of
+ "" -> t_type(Es);
+ Name ->
+ T = t_type(Es),
+ case T of
+ [Name] -> T; % avoid generating "Foo::Foo"
+ T -> [Name] ++ ["::"] ++ T
+ end
+ end.
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = typevar}]) ->
+ t_var(E);
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = atom}]) ->
+ t_atom(E);
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = integer}]) ->
+ t_integer(E);
+t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = float}]) ->
+ t_float(E);
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = nil}]) ->
+ t_nil();
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = list, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_list(Es);
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = tuple, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_tuple(Es);
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = Es}]) ->
+ t_fun(Es);
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_record(Es);
+t_type([E = #xmlElement{name = abstype, content = Es}]) ->
+ T = t_abstype(Es),
+ see(E, T);
+t_type([#xmlElement{name = union, content = Es}]) ->
+ t_union(Es).
+t_var(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(name, E)].
+t_atom(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(value, E)].
+t_integer(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(value, E)].
+t_float(E) ->
+ [get_attrval(value, E)].
+t_nil() ->
+ ["[]"].
+t_list(Es) ->
+ ["["] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ ["]"].
+t_tuple(Es) ->
+ ["{"] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, ["}"]).
+t_fun(Es) ->
+ ["("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es),
+ [") -> "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))).
+t_record(Es) ->
+ ["#"] ++ t_type(get_elem(atom, Es)) ++ ["{"]
+ ++ seq(fun t_field/1, get_elem(field, Es), ["}"]).
+t_field(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
+ t_type(get_elem(atom, Es)) ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)).
+t_abstype(Es) ->
+ ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("]
+ ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"])).
+t_union(Es) ->
+ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, " | ", []).
+seq(F, Es) ->
+ seq(F, Es, []).
+seq(F, Es, Tail) ->
+ seq(F, Es, ", ", Tail).
+seq(F, [E], _Sep, Tail) ->
+ F(E) ++ Tail;
+seq(F, [E | Es], Sep, Tail) ->
+ F(E) ++ [Sep] ++ seq(F, Es, Sep, Tail);
+seq(_F, [], _Sep, Tail) ->
+ Tail.
+get_elem(Name, [#xmlElement{name = Name} = E | Es]) ->
+ [E | get_elem(Name, Es)];
+get_elem(Name, [_ | Es]) ->
+ get_elem(Name, Es);
+get_elem(_, []) ->
+ [].
+get_attr(Name, [#xmlAttribute{name = Name} = A | As]) ->
+ [A | get_attr(Name, As)];
+get_attr(Name, [_ | As]) ->
+ get_attr(Name, As);
+get_attr(_, []) ->
+ [].
+get_attrval(Name, #xmlElement{attributes = As}) ->
+ case get_attr(Name, As) of
+ [#xmlAttribute{value = V}] ->
+ V;
+ [] -> ""
+ end.
+get_content(Name, Es) ->
+ case get_elem(Name, Es) of
+ [#xmlElement{content = Es1}] ->
+ Es1;
+ [] -> []
+ end.
+get_text(Name, Es) ->
+ case get_content(Name, Es) of
+ [#xmlText{value = Text}] ->
+ Text;
+ [] -> ""
+ end.
+local_label(R) ->
+ "#" ++ R.
+xhtml(Title, CSS, Body) ->
+ [{html, [?NL,
+ {head, [?NL,
+ {title, Title},
+ ?NL] ++ CSS},
+ ?NL,
+ {body, [{bgcolor, "white"}], Body},
+ ?NL]
+ },
+ ?NL].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type(E) ->
+ type(E, []).
+type(E, Ds) ->
+ xmerl:export_simple_content(t_utype_elem(E) ++ local_defs(Ds),
+package(E=#xmlElement{name = package, content = Es}, Options) ->
+ Opts = init_opts(E, Options),
+ Name = get_text(packageName, Es),
+ Title = ["Package ", Name],
+ Desc = get_content(description, Es),
+% ShortDesc = get_content(briefDescription, Desc),
+ FullDesc = get_content(fullDescription, Desc),
+ Body = ([?NL, {h1, [Title]}, ?NL]
+% ++ ShortDesc
+ ++ copyright(Es)
+ ++ deprecated(Es, "package")
+ ++ version(Es)
+ ++ since(Es)
+ ++ authors(Es)
+ ++ references(Es)
+ ++ sees(Es)
+ ++ todos(Es)
+ ++ FullDesc),
+ XML = xhtml(Title, stylesheet(Opts), Body),
+ xmerl:export_simple(XML, ?HTML_EXPORT, []).
+overview(E=#xmlElement{name = overview, content = Es}, Options) ->
+ Opts = init_opts(E, Options),
+ Title = [get_text(title, Es)],
+ Desc = get_content(description, Es),
+% ShortDesc = get_content(briefDescription, Desc),
+ FullDesc = get_content(fullDescription, Desc),
+ Body = (navigation("top")
+ ++ [?NL, {h1, [Title]}, ?NL]
+% ++ ShortDesc
+ ++ copyright(Es)
+ ++ version(Es)
+ ++ since(Es)
+ ++ authors(Es)
+ ++ references(Es)
+ ++ sees(Es)
+ ++ todos(Es)
+ ++ FullDesc
+ ++ [?NL, hr]
+ ++ navigation("bottom")
+ ++ timestamp()),
+ XML = xhtml(Title, stylesheet(Opts), Body),
+ xmerl:export_simple(XML, ?HTML_EXPORT, []).