path: root/lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2011-04-18 15:14:36 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2011-04-18 15:14:36 +0200
commit5af51d9dcb60487e4fcc87353fe0e150c0ba9eed (patch)
tree95eb7adb0edba96eb3fc362a519fb1508cb477ec /lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl
parentd621b2cdd09adcc38bd6d482ae6c4f87e22cb1e8 (diff)
parent23906a01725f4494b8816c242926d08aeca0ef67 (diff)
Merge branch 'dev' into bmk/snmp/agent/multi_engine_id_for_traps/OTP-9119
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45016ef85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/edoc/src/edoc_specs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% @doc EDoc interface to Erlang specifications and types.
+-export([type/2, spec/2, dummy_spec/1, docs/2]).
+-export([add_data/4, tag/1, is_tag/1]).
+-type proplist() :: [proplists:property()].
+-type syntaxTree() :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree().
+-define(TOP_TYPE, term).
+%% Exported functions
+-spec type(Form::syntaxTree(), TypeDocs::dict()) -> #tag{}.
+%% @doc Convert an Erlang type to EDoc representation.
+%% TypeDocs is a dict of {Name, Doc}.
+%% Note: #t_typedef.name is set to {record, R} for record types.
+type(Form, TypeDocs) ->
+ {Name, Data0} = erl_syntax_lib:analyze_wild_attribute(Form),
+ type = tag(Name),
+ {TypeName, Type, Args, Doc} =
+ case Data0 of
+ {{record, R}, Fs, []} ->
+ L = erl_syntax:get_pos(Form),
+ {{record, R}, {type, L, record, [{atom,L,R} | Fs]}, [], ""};
+ {N,T,As} ->
+ Doc0 =
+ case dict:find({N, length(As)}, TypeDocs) of
+ {ok, Doc1} ->
+ Doc1;
+ error ->
+ ""
+ end,
+ {#t_name{name = N}, T, As, Doc0}
+ end,
+ #tag{name = type, line = element(2, Type),
+ origin = code,
+ data = {#t_typedef{name = TypeName,
+ args = d2e(Args),
+ type = d2e(opaque2abstr(Name, Type))},
+ Doc}}.
+-spec spec(Form::syntaxTree(), ClauseN::pos_integer()) -> #tag{}.
+%% @doc Convert an Erlang spec to EDoc representation.
+spec(Form, Clause) ->
+ {Name, _Arity, TypeSpecs} = get_spec(Form),
+ TypeSpec = lists:nth(Clause, TypeSpecs),
+ #tag{name = spec, line = element(2, TypeSpec),
+ origin = code,
+ data = aspec(d2e(TypeSpec), Name)}.
+-spec dummy_spec(Form::syntaxTree()) -> #tag{}.
+%% @doc Create a #tag{} record where data is a string with the name of
+%% the given Erlang spec and an empty list of arguments.
+dummy_spec(Form) ->
+ {#t_name{name = Name}, Arity, TypeSpecs} = get_spec(Form),
+ As = string:join(lists:duplicate(Arity, "_X"), ","),
+ S = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p(~s) -> true\n", [Name, As])),
+ #tag{name = spec, line = element(2, hd(TypeSpecs)),
+ origin = code, data = S}.
+-spec docs(Forms::[syntaxTree()], CommentFun) -> dict() when
+ CommentFun :: fun(([syntaxTree()], Line :: term()) -> #tag{}).
+%% @doc Find comments after -type/-opaque declarations.
+%% Postcomments "inside" the type are skipped.
+docs(Forms, CommentFun) ->
+ find_type_docs(Forms, [], CommentFun).
+-type entry() :: #entry{}.
+-type module_info() :: #module{}.
+-type entries() :: [entry()].
+-spec add_data(Entries::entries(), Options::proplist(),
+ File::file:filename(), Module::module_info()) -> entries().
+%% @doc Create tags a la EDoc for Erlang specifications and types.
+%% Exported types and types used (indirectly) by Erlang specs are
+%% added to the entries.
+add_data(Entries, Opts, File, Module) ->
+ TypeDefs0 = espec_types(Entries),
+ TypeTable = ets:new(etypes, [ordered_set]),
+ Es1 = expand_records(Entries, TypeDefs0, TypeTable, Opts, File, Module),
+ Es = [use_tags(E, TypeTable) || E <- Es1],
+ true = ets:delete(TypeTable),
+ Es.
+%% Local functions
+aspec(#t_spec{}=Spec, Name) ->
+ Spec#t_spec{name = Name};
+aspec(Type, Name) ->
+ #t_spec{name = Name, type = Type}.
+get_spec(Form) ->
+ {spec, Data0} = erl_syntax_lib:analyze_wild_attribute(Form),
+ case Data0 of
+ {{F,A}, D} ->
+ {#t_name{name = F}, A, D};
+ {{M,F,A}, D} ->
+ {#t_name{module = M, name = F}, A, D}
+ end.
+find_type_docs([], Cs, _Fun) ->
+ dict:from_list(Cs);
+find_type_docs([F | Fs], Cs, Fun) ->
+ try get_name_and_last_line(F) of
+ {Name, LastTypeLine} ->
+ C0 = erl_syntax:comment(["% @type f(). "]),
+ C1 = erl_syntax:set_pos(C0, LastTypeLine),
+ %% Postcomments before the dot after the typespec are ignored.
+ C2 = [C1 | [C ||
+ C <- erl_syntax:get_postcomments(F),
+ get_line(erl_syntax:get_pos(C)) >= LastTypeLine]],
+ C3 = collect_comments(Fs, LastTypeLine),
+ #tag{data = Doc0} = Fun(lists:reverse(C2 ++ C3), LastTypeLine),
+ case strip(Doc0) of % Strip away "f(). \n"
+ "" ->
+ find_type_docs(Fs, Cs, Fun);
+ Doc ->
+ W = edoc_wiki:parse_xml(Doc, LastTypeLine),
+ find_type_docs(Fs, [{Name, W}|Cs], Fun)
+ end
+ catch _:_ ->
+ find_type_docs(Fs, Cs, Fun)
+ end.
+collect_comments([], _Line) ->
+ [];
+collect_comments([F | Fs], Line) ->
+ L1 = get_line(erl_syntax:get_pos(F)),
+ if
+ L1 =:= Line + 1;
+ L1 =:= Line -> % a separate postcomment
+ case is_comment(F) of
+ true ->
+ [F | collect_comments(Fs, L1)];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end;
+ true ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% Note: there is a creepy bug concerning an include file terminated
+%% by a -type attribute and the include statement is followed by a
+%% comment (which is not meant to be documentation of the type).
+is_comment(F) ->
+ erl_syntax_lib:analyze_form(F) =:= comment.
+strip("") ->
+ "";
+strip([$\n | S]) ->
+ S;
+strip([_ | S]) ->
+ strip(S).
+%% Find the type name and the greatest line number of a type spec.
+%% Should use syntax_tools but this has to do for now.
+get_name_and_last_line(F) ->
+ {Name, Data} = erl_syntax_lib:analyze_wild_attribute(F),
+ type = edoc_specs:tag(Name),
+ Attr = {attribute, erl_syntax:get_pos(F), Name, Data},
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Fun = fun(L) -> {Ref, get_line(L)} end,
+ TypeName = case Data of
+ {N, _T, As} when is_atom(N) -> % skip records
+ {N, length(As)}
+ end,
+ Line = gll(erl_lint:modify_line(Attr, Fun), Ref),
+ {TypeName, Line}.
+gll({Ref, Line}, Ref) ->
+ Line;
+gll([], _Ref) ->
+ 0;
+gll(List, Ref) when is_list(List) ->
+ lists:max([gll(E, Ref) || E <- List]);
+gll(Tuple, Ref) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ gll(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Ref);
+gll(_, _) ->
+ 0.
+get_line(Pos) ->
+ {line, Line} = erl_scan:attributes_info(Pos, line),
+ Line.
+%% Collect all Erlang types. Types in comments (@type) shadow Erlang
+%% types (-spec/-opaque).
+espec_types(Entries) ->
+ Tags = get_all_tags(Entries),
+ CommTs = [type_name(T) ||
+ #tag{name = type, origin = comment}=T <- Tags],
+ CT = sets:from_list(CommTs),
+ [T || #tag{name = Name, origin = code}=T <- Tags,
+ tag(Name) =:= type,
+ not sets:is_element(type_name(T), CT)].
+get_all_tags(Es) ->
+ lists:flatmap(fun (#entry{data = Ts}) -> Ts end, Es).
+%% Turns an opaque type into an abstract datatype.
+%% Note: top level annotation is ignored.
+opaque2abstr(opaque, _T) -> undefined;
+opaque2abstr(type, T) -> T.
+%% Replaces the parameters extracted from the source (by
+%% edoc_extract:parameters/1) by annotations and variable names, using
+%% the source parameters as default values
+%% Selects seen types (exported types, types used by specs),
+%% skips records and unused types.
+use_tags(#entry{data = Ts}=E, TypeTable) ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, []).
+use_tags([], E, _TypeTable, NTs) ->
+ E#entry{data = lists:reverse(NTs)};
+use_tags([#tag{origin = code}=T | Ts], E, TypeTable, NTs) ->
+ case tag(T#tag.name) of
+ spec ->
+ Args = params(T, E#entry.args),
+ use_tags(Ts, E#entry{args = Args}, TypeTable, [T | NTs]);
+ type ->
+ TypeName = type_name(T),
+ case ets:lookup(TypeTable, TypeName) of
+ [{{{record,_},_},_,_}] ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, NTs);
+ [{_,_,not_seen}] ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, NTs);
+ [] ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, NTs);
+ [{TypeName, Tag, seen}] ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, [Tag | NTs])
+ end
+ end;
+use_tags([T | Ts], E, TypeTable, NTs) ->
+ use_tags(Ts, E, TypeTable, [T | NTs]).
+params(#tag{name = spec, data=#t_spec{type = #t_fun{args = As}}}, Default) ->
+ parms(As, Default).
+parms([], []) ->
+ [];
+parms([A | As], [D | Ds]) ->
+ [param(A, D) | parms(As, Ds)].
+param(#t_list{type = Type}, Default) ->
+ param(Type, Default);
+param(#t_paren{type = Type}, Default) ->
+ param(Type, Default);
+param(#t_nonempty_list{type = Type}, Default) ->
+ param(Type, Default);
+param(#t_record{name = #t_atom{val = Name}}, _Default) ->
+ list_to_atom(capitalize(atom_to_list(Name)));
+param(T, Default) ->
+ arg_name(?t_ann(T), Default).
+capitalize([C | Cs]) when C >= $a, C =< $z -> [C - 32 | Cs];
+capitalize(Cs) -> Cs.
+%% Like edoc_types:arg_name/1
+arg_name([], Default) ->
+ Default;
+arg_name([A | As], Default) ->
+ case is_name(A) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> arg_name(As, Default)
+ end.
+is_name(A) ->
+ is_atom(A).
+d2e({ann_type,_,[V, T0]}) ->
+ %% Note: the -spec/-type syntax allows annotations everywhere, but
+ %% EDoc does not. The fact that the annotation is added to the
+ %% type here does not necessarily mean that it will be used by the
+ %% layout module.
+ T = d2e(T0),
+ ?add_t_ann(T, element(3, V));
+d2e({type,_,no_return,[]}) ->
+ #t_type{name = #t_name{name = none}};
+d2e({remote_type,_,[{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},Ts0]}) ->
+ Ts = d2e(Ts0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_type{name = #t_name{module = M, name = F}, args = Ts}, Ts);
+d2e({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,As0},Ran0]}) ->
+ Ts = [Ran|As] = d2e([Ran0|As0]),
+ %% Assume that the linter has checked type variables.
+ typevar_anno(#t_fun{args = As, range = Ran}, Ts);
+d2e({type,_,'fun',[A0={type,_,any},Ran0]}) ->
+ Ts = [A, Ran] = d2e([A0, Ran0]),
+ typevar_anno(#t_fun{args = [A], range = Ran}, Ts);
+d2e({type,_,'fun',[]}) ->
+ #t_type{name = #t_name{name = function}, args = []};
+d2e({type,_,any}) ->
+ #t_var{name = '...'}; % Kludge... not a type variable!
+d2e({type,_,nil,[]}) ->
+ #t_nil{};
+d2e({paren_type,_,[T]}) ->
+ #t_paren{type = d2e(T)};
+d2e({type,_,list,[T0]}) ->
+ T = d2e(T0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_list{type = T}, [T]);
+d2e({type,_,nonempty_list,[T0]}) ->
+ T = d2e(T0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_nonempty_list{type = T}, [T]);
+d2e({type,_,bounded_fun,[T,Gs]}) ->
+ [F0|Defs] = d2e([T|Gs]),
+ F = ?set_t_ann(F0, lists:keydelete(type_variables, 1, ?t_ann(F0))),
+ %% Assume that the linter has checked type variables.
+ #t_spec{type = typevar_anno(F, [F0]), defs = Defs};
+d2e({type,_,range,[V1,V2]}) ->
+ {integer,_,I1} = erl_eval:partial_eval(V1),
+ {integer,_,I2} = erl_eval:partial_eval(V2),
+ #t_integer_range{from = I1, to = I2};
+d2e({type,_,constraint,[Sub,Ts0]}) ->
+ case {Sub,Ts0} of
+ {{atom,_,is_subtype},[{var,_,N},T0]} ->
+ Ts = [T] = d2e([T0]),
+ #t_def{name = #t_var{name = N}, type = typevar_anno(T, Ts)};
+ {{atom,_,is_subtype},[ST0,T0]} ->
+ %% Should not happen.
+ Ts = [ST,T] = d2e([ST0,T0]),
+ #t_def{name = ST, type = typevar_anno(T, Ts)};
+ _ ->
+ throw_error(element(2, Sub), "cannot handle guard", [])
+ end;
+d2e({type,_,union,Ts0}) ->
+ Ts = d2e(Ts0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_union{types = Ts}, Ts);
+d2e({type,_,tuple,any}) ->
+ #t_type{name = #t_name{name = tuple}, args = []};
+d2e({type,_,binary,[Base,Unit]}) ->
+ #t_binary{base_size = element(3, Base),
+ unit_size = element(3, Unit)};
+d2e({type,_,tuple,Ts0}) ->
+ Ts = d2e(Ts0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_tuple{types = Ts}, Ts);
+d2e({type,_,record,[Name|Fs0]}) ->
+ Atom = #t_atom{val = element(3, Name)},
+ Fs = d2e(Fs0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_record{name = Atom, fields = Fs}, Fs);
+d2e({type,_,field_type,[Name,Type0]}) ->
+ Type = d2e(Type0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_field{name = #t_atom{val = element(3, Name)}, type = Type},
+ [Type]);
+d2e({typed_record_field,{record_field,L,Name},Type}) ->
+ d2e({type,L,field_type,[Name,Type]});
+d2e({typed_record_field,{record_field,L,Name,_E},Type}) ->
+ d2e({type,L,field_type,[Name,Type]});
+d2e({record_field,L,_Name,_E}=F) ->
+ d2e({typed_record_field,F,{type,L,any,[]}}); % Maybe skip...
+d2e({record_field,L,_Name}=F) ->
+ d2e({typed_record_field,F,{type,L,any,[]}}); % Maybe skip...
+d2e({type,_,Name,Types0}) ->
+ Types = d2e(Types0),
+ typevar_anno(#t_type{name = #t_name{name = Name}, args = Types}, Types);
+d2e({var,_,'_'}) ->
+ #t_type{name = #t_name{name = ?TOP_TYPE}};
+d2e({var,_,TypeName}) ->
+ TypeVar = ordsets:from_list([TypeName]),
+ T = #t_var{name = TypeName},
+ %% Annotate type variables with the name of the variable.
+ %% Doing so will stop edoc_layout (and possibly other layout modules)
+ %% from using the argument name from the source or to invent a new name.
+ T1 = ?add_t_ann(T, {type_variables, TypeVar}),
+ ?add_t_ann(T1, TypeName);
+d2e(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ [d2e(T) || T <- L];
+d2e({atom,_,A}) ->
+ #t_atom{val = A};
+d2e(undefined = U) -> % opaque
+ U;
+d2e(Expr) ->
+ {integer,_,I} = erl_eval:partial_eval(Expr),
+ #t_integer{val = I}.
+%% A type annotation (a tuple; neither an atom nor a list).
+typevar_anno(Type, Ts) ->
+ Vs = typevars(Ts),
+ case ordsets:to_list(Vs) of
+ [] -> Type;
+ _ -> ?add_t_ann(Type, {type_variables, Vs})
+ end.
+typevars(Ts) ->
+ ordsets:union(get_typevars(Ts)).
+get_typevars(Ts) ->
+ [Vs || T <- Ts, T =/= undefined, {type_variables, Vs} <- ?t_ann(T)].
+-record(parms, {tab, warn, file, line}).
+%% Expands record references. Explicitly given record fields are kept,
+%% but otherwise the fields from the record definition are substituted
+%% for the reference. The reason is that there are no record types.
+%% It is recommended to introduce types like "r() :: r{}" and then use
+%% r() everywhere. The right hand side, r{}, is expanded in order to
+%% show all fields.
+%% Returns updated types in the ETS table DT.
+expand_records(Entries, TypeDefs, DT, Opts, File, Module) ->
+ TypeList = [{type_name(T), T, not_seen} || T <- TypeDefs],
+ true = ets:insert(DT, TypeList),
+ Warn = proplists:get_value(report_missing_type, Opts,
+ P = #parms{tab = DT, warn = Warn, file = File, line = 0},
+ ExportedTypes = [Name ||
+ {export_type,Ts} <- Module#module.attributes,
+ is_list(Ts),
+ {N,I} <- Ts,
+ ets:member(DT, Name = {#t_name{name = N}, I})],
+ _ = lists:foreach(fun({N,A}) -> true = seen_type(N, A, P)
+ end, ExportedTypes),
+ entries(Entries, P, Opts).
+entries([E0 | Es], P, Opts) ->
+ E = case edoc_data:hidden_filter([E0], Opts) of
+ [] ->
+ E0;
+ [_] ->
+ E0#entry{data = specs(E0#entry.data, P)}
+ end,
+ [E | entries(Es, P, Opts)];
+entries([], _P, _Opts) ->
+ [].
+specs([#tag{line = L, name = spec, origin = code, data = Spec}=Tag0 | Tags],
+ P0) ->
+ #t_spec{type = Type0, defs = Defs0} = Spec,
+ P = P0#parms{line = L},
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ Defs = xrecs(Defs0, P),
+ Tag = Tag0#tag{data = Spec#t_spec{type = Type, defs = Defs}},
+ [Tag | specs(Tags, P)];
+specs([Tag | Tags], P) ->
+ [Tag | specs(Tags, P)];
+specs([], _P) ->
+ [].
+xrecs(#t_def{type = Type0}=T, P) ->
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ T#t_def{type = Type};
+xrecs(#t_type{name = Name, args = Args0}=T, P) ->
+ Args = xrecs(Args0, P),
+ NArgs = length(Args),
+ true = seen_type(Name, NArgs, P),
+ T#t_type{args = Args};
+xrecs(#t_var{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_fun{args = Args0, range = Range0}=T, P) ->
+ Args = xrecs(Args0, P),
+ Range = xrecs(Range0, P),
+ T#t_fun{args = Args, range = Range};
+xrecs(#t_tuple{types = Types0}=T, P) ->
+ Types = xrecs(Types0, P),
+ T#t_tuple{types = Types};
+xrecs(#t_list{type = Type0}=T, P) ->
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ T#t_list{type = Type};
+xrecs(#t_nil{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_paren{type = Type0}=T, P) ->
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ T#t_paren{type = Type};
+xrecs(#t_nonempty_list{type = Type0}=T, P) ->
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ T#t_nonempty_list{type = Type};
+xrecs(#t_atom{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_integer{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_integer_range{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_binary{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_float{}=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs(#t_union{types = Types0}=T, P) ->
+ Types = xrecs(Types0, P),
+ T#t_union{types = Types};
+xrecs(#t_record{fields = Fields0}=T, P) ->
+ Fields1 = xrecs(Fields0, P),
+ #t_record{name = #t_atom{val = Name}} = T,
+ RName = {record, Name},
+ true = seen_type(RName, 0, P),
+ Fields = select_fields(Fields1, RName, P#parms.tab),
+ T#t_record{fields = Fields};
+xrecs(#t_field{type = Type0}=T, P) ->
+ Type = xrecs(Type0, P),
+ T#t_field{type = Type};
+xrecs(undefined=T, _P) -> % opaque
+ T;
+xrecs([]=T, _P) ->
+ T;
+xrecs([E0 | Es0], P) ->
+ [xrecs(E0, P) | xrecs(Es0, P)].
+seen_type(N, NArgs, P) ->
+ TypeName = {N, NArgs},
+ #parms{tab = DT} = P,
+ case {ets:lookup(DT, TypeName), N} of
+ {[{TypeName, _, seen}], _} ->
+ true;
+ {[{TypeName, TagType, not_seen}], _} when N#t_name.module =:= [] ->
+ expand_datatype(TagType, proper_type, DT, P);
+ {[{TypeName, TagType, not_seen}], {record, _}} ->
+ expand_datatype(TagType, record_type, DT, P);
+ {[], {record, R}} ->
+ #parms{warn = W, line = L, file = File} = P,
+ [edoc_report:warning(L, File, "reference to untyped record ~w",
+ [R]) || W],
+ ets:insert(DT, {TypeName, fake, seen});
+ {[], _} -> % External type or missing type.
+ true
+ end.
+expand_datatype(Tag0, Kind, DT, P0) ->
+ #tag{line = L, data = {T0, Doc}} = Tag0,
+ #t_typedef{type = Type0, defs = []} = T0,
+ TypeName = type_name(Tag0),
+ true = ets:update_element(DT, TypeName, {3, seen}),
+ P = P0#parms{line = L},
+ Type = case Kind of
+ record_type ->
+ #t_record{fields = Fields0} = Type0,
+ Fields = xrecs(Fields0, P),
+ Type0#t_record{fields = Fields};
+ proper_type ->
+ xrecs(Type0, P)
+ end,
+ Tag = Tag0#tag{data={T0#t_typedef{type=Type}, Doc}},
+ ets:insert(DT, {TypeName, Tag, seen}).
+select_fields(Fields, Name, DT) ->
+ RecordName = {Name, 0},
+ case ets:lookup(DT, RecordName) of
+ [{RecordName, fake, seen}] ->
+ Fields;
+ [{RecordName, #tag{data = {T, _Doc}}, seen}] ->
+ #t_typedef{args = [], type = #t_record{fields = Fs}, defs = []}=T,
+ [find_field(F, Fields) || F <- Fs]
+ end.
+find_field(F, Fs) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(F#t_field.name, #t_field.name, Fs) of
+ false -> F;
+ NF -> NF
+ end.
+type_name(#tag{name = type,
+ data = {#t_typedef{name = Name, args = As},_}}) ->
+ {Name, length(As)}.
+%% @doc Return `true' if `Tag' is one of the specification and type
+%% attribute tags recognized by the Erlang compiler.
+-spec is_tag(Tag::atom()) -> boolean().
+is_tag(opaque) -> true;
+is_tag(spec) -> true;
+is_tag(type) -> true;
+is_tag(_) -> false.
+%% @doc Return the kind of the attribute tag.
+-type tag_kind() :: 'type' | 'spec' | 'unknown'.
+-spec tag(Tag::atom()) -> tag_kind().
+tag(opaque) -> type;
+tag(spec) -> spec;
+tag(type) -> type;
+tag(_) -> unknown.
+throw_error(Line, S, A) ->
+ edoc_report:error(Line, "", io_lib:format(S, A)),
+ throw(error).