path: root/lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorHans Nilsson <[email protected]>2014-12-05 11:04:08 +0100
committerHans Nilsson <[email protected]>2014-12-17 10:24:34 +0100
commitc60f63c717eb488abfe9afacf6e1b6461e521aae (patch)
tree4f2daf106d7b3b4f16b41c87dadd36b53e73035a /lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl
parentbb1894e25ce539e3d2417008f3f714a8a09ed045 (diff)
eldap: Adds ssl to connections test suite
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl
index c5460fef09..fb859c009b 100644
--- a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_connections_SUITE.erl
@@ -55,18 +55,72 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
groups() ->
- [{v4, [], [tcp_connection, tcp_connection_option]},
- {v6, [], [tcp_connection, tcp_connection_option]}
+ [{v4, [], tests()},
+ {v6, [], tests()}
+tests() ->
+ [tcp_connection,
+ tcp_connection_option,
+ ssl_connection,
+ client_side_start_tls_timeout,
+ client_side_bind_timeout,
+ client_side_add_timeout,
+ client_side_search_timeout
+ ].
-init_per_suite(Config) -> Config.
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ HasSSL = init_ssl_certs_et_al(Config),
+ [{has_ssl,HasSSL} | Config].
end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok.
-init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+init_per_testcase(ssl_connection, Config) ->
+ case ?config(has_ssl,Config) of
+ true ->
+ SSL_Port = 9999,
+ CertFile = filename:join(?config(data_dir,Config), "certs/server/cert.pem"),
+ KeyFile = filename:join(?config(data_dir,Config), "certs/server/key.pem"),
+ Parent = self(),
+ Listener = spawn_link(
+ fun() ->
+ case ssl:listen(SSL_Port, [{certfile, CertFile},
+ {keyfile, KeyFile},
+ {reuseaddr, true}]) of
+ {ok,SSL_LSock} ->
+ Parent ! {ok,self()},
+ (fun L() ->
+ ct:log("ssl server waiting for connections...",[]),
+ {ok, S} = ssl:transport_accept(SSL_LSock),
+ ct:log("ssl:transport_accept/1 ok",[]),
+ ok = ssl:ssl_accept(S),
+ ct:log("ssl:ssl_accept/1 ok",[]),
+ L()
+ end)();
+ Other ->
+ Parent ! {not_ok,Other,self()}
+ end
+ end),
+ receive
+ {ok,Listener} ->
+ ct:log("SSL listening to port ~p (process ~p)",[SSL_Port, Listener]),
+ [{ssl_listener,Listener},
+ {ssl_listen_port,SSL_Port},
+ {ssl_connect_opts,[]}
+ | Config];
+ {no_ok,SSL_Other,Listener} ->
+ ct:log("ssl:listen on port ~p failed: ~p",[SSL_Port,SSL_Other]),
+ {fail, "ssl:listen/2 failed"}
+ after 5000 ->
+ {fail, "Waiting for ssl:listen timeout"}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {skip, "ssl not available"}
+ end;
+init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(0, proplists:get_value(listen_opts,Config)) of
{ok,LSock} ->
{ok,{_,Port}} = inet:sockname(LSock),
@@ -100,6 +154,52 @@ tcp_connection(Config) ->
Other -> ct:fail("eldap:open failed: ~p",[Other])
+ssl_connection(Config) ->
+ Host = proplists:get_value(listen_host, Config),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(ssl_listen_port, Config),
+ Opts = proplists:get_value(connect_opts, Config),
+ SSLOpts = proplists:get_value(ssl_connect_opts, Config),
+ case eldap:open([Host], [{port,Port},{ssl,true},
+ {timeout,5000},
+ {sslopts,SSLOpts}|Opts]) of
+ {ok,_H} -> ok;
+ Other -> ct:fail("eldap:open failed: ~p",[Other])
+ end.
+client_side_add_timeout(Config) ->
+ client_timeout(
+ fun(H) ->
+ eldap:add(H, "cn=Foo Bar,dc=host,dc=ericsson,dc=se",
+ [{"objectclass", ["person"]},
+ {"cn", ["Foo Bar"]},
+ {"sn", ["Bar"]},
+ {"telephoneNumber", ["555-1232", "555-5432"]}])
+ end, Config).
+client_side_bind_timeout(Config) ->
+ client_timeout(
+ fun(H) ->
+ eldap:simple_bind(H, anon, anon)
+ end, Config).
+client_side_search_timeout(Config) ->
+ client_timeout(
+ fun(H) ->
+ eldap:search(H, [{base,"dc=host,dc=ericsson,dc=se"},
+ {filter, eldap:present("objectclass")},
+ {scope, eldap:wholeSubtree()}])
+ end, Config).
+client_side_start_tls_timeout(Config) ->
+ client_timeout(
+ fun(H) ->
+ eldap:start_tls(H, [])
+ end, Config).
tcp_connection_option(Config) ->
@@ -145,3 +245,60 @@ tcp_connection_option(Config) ->
Other ->
ct:fail("eldap:open failed: ~p",[Other])
+%%% Private
+client_timeout(Fun, Config) ->
+ Host = proplists:get_value(listen_host, Config),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(listen_port, Config),
+ Opts = proplists:get_value(connect_opts, Config),
+ T = 1000,
+ case eldap:open([Host], [{timeout,T},{port,Port}|Opts]) of
+ {ok,H} ->
+ T0 = now(),
+ {error,{gen_tcp_error,timeout}} = Fun(H),
+ T_op = diff(T0,now()),
+ ct:log("Time = ~p, Timeout spec = ~p",[T_op,T]),
+ if
+ T_op < T ->
+ {fail, "Timeout too early"};
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ Other -> ct:fail("eldap:open failed: ~p",[Other])
+ end.
+diff({M1,S1,U1},{M2,S2,U2}) ->
+ ( ((M2-M1)*1000 + (S2-S1))*1000 + (U2-U1) ).
+init_ssl_certs_et_al(Config) ->
+ try ssl:start()
+ of
+ R when R==ok ; R=={error,{already_started,ssl}} ->
+ try make_certs:all("/dev/null",
+ filename:join(?config(data_dir,Config), "certs"))
+ of
+ {ok,_} -> true;
+ Other ->
+ ct:comment("make_certs failed"),
+ ct:log("make_certs failed ~p", [Other]),
+ false
+ catch
+ C:E ->
+ ct:comment("make_certs crashed"),
+ ct:log("make_certs failed ~p:~p", [C,E]),
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ catch
+ Error:Reason ->
+ ct:comment("ssl failed to start"),
+ ct:log("init_per_suite failed to start ssl Error=~p Reason=~p", [Error, Reason]),
+ false
+ end.