path: root/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
diff options
authorPeter Andersson <[email protected]>2012-08-10 11:41:38 +0200
committerPeter Andersson <[email protected]>2012-08-10 11:41:38 +0200
commit4b70df67d825c1b44ca15a5a4ecd57ad1828ead3 (patch)
treecd31772649b8f1e599e7fbe2cf7b76b1c2dc7a7b /lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
parentc075ac6484e3d5a93a0d870ab4483d39ae26eaec (diff)
parentf968ff87b1d6fb74237010bffa0390953337425e (diff)
Merge remote branch 'upstream/maint' into maint
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
index 392d378a0e..0350f9bf6e 100644
--- a/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
+++ b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
%% SimpleTest = TestFunction | {Line::integer(), SimpleTest}
%% TestFunction = () -> any()
+%% | {test, M::moduleName(), F::functionName()}
%% | {M::moduleName(), F::functionName()}.
%% AbstractTestFunction = (X::any()) -> any()
@@ -95,7 +96,6 @@
%% @type moduleName() = atom()
%% @type functionName() = atom()
-%% @type arity() = integer()
%% @type appName() = atom()
%% @type fileName() = string()
@@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ iter_prev(#iter{prev = [T | Ts]} = I) ->
%% @spec (tests()) -> none | {testItem(), tests()}
%% @type testItem() = #test{} | #group{}
%% @throws {bad_test, term()}
-%% | {generator_failed, exception()}
-%% | {no_such_function, eunit_lib:mfa()}
+%% | {generator_failed, {{M::atom(),F::atom(),A::integer()},
+%% exception()}}
+%% | {no_such_function, mfa()}
%% | {module_not_found, moduleName()}
%% | {application_not_found, appName()}
%% | {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
@@ -221,17 +222,27 @@ parse({foreachx, P, S1, C1, Ps} = T)
[] ->
{data, []}
-parse({generator, F} = T) when is_function(F) ->
+parse({generator, F}) when is_function(F) ->
+ {module, M} = erlang:fun_info(F, module),
+ {name, N} = erlang:fun_info(F, name),
+ {arity, A} = erlang:fun_info(F, arity),
+ parse({generator, F, {M,N,A}});
+parse({generator, F, {M,N,A}} = T)
+ when is_function(F), is_atom(M), is_atom(N), is_integer(A) ->
check_arity(F, 0, T),
%% use run_testfun/1 to handle wrapper exceptions
case eunit_test:run_testfun(F) of
{ok, T1} ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_not_test(T1) of
+ true -> throw({bad_generator, {{M,N,A}, T1}});
+ false -> ok
+ end,
{data, T1};
{error, {Class, Reason, Trace}} ->
- throw({generator_failed, {Class, Reason, Trace}})
+ throw({generator_failed, {{M,N,A}, {Class, Reason, Trace}}})
parse({generator, M, F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
- parse({generator, eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F)});
+ parse({generator, eunit_test:mf_wrapper(M, F), {M,F,0}});
parse({inorder, T}) ->
group(#group{tests = T, order = inorder});
parse({inparallel, T}) ->
@@ -421,8 +432,11 @@ parse_simple(F) ->
parse_function(F) when is_function(F) ->
check_arity(F, 0, F),
#test{f = F, location = eunit_lib:fun_parent(F)};
-parse_function({M,F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
- #test{f = eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F), location = {M, F, 0}};
+parse_function({test, M, F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ #test{f = eunit_test:mf_wrapper(M, F), location = {M, F, 0}};
+parse_function({M, F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ %% {M,F} is now considered obsolete; use {test,M,F} instead
+ parse_function({test, M, F});
parse_function(F) ->
@@ -580,7 +594,7 @@ testfuns(Es, M, TestSuffix, GeneratorSuffix) ->
N = atom_to_list(F),
case lists:suffix(TestSuffix, N) of
true ->
- [{M,F} | Fs];
+ [{test, M, F} | Fs];
false ->
case lists:suffix(GeneratorSuffix, N) of
true ->
@@ -723,6 +737,7 @@ data_test_() ->
Tests = [T,T,T],
[?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test(T)),
?_assertMatch(error, eunit:test(Fail)),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({test, ?MODULE, trivial_test})),
?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, fun () -> Tests end})),
?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, fun generator/0})),
?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, ?MODULE, generator_exported_})),
@@ -740,6 +755,12 @@ data_test_() ->
%%?_test({foreach, Setup, [T, T, T]})
+trivial_test() ->
+ ok.
+trivial_generator_test_() ->
+ [?_test(ok)].
lazy_test_() ->
{spawn, [?_test(undefined = put(count, 0)),