path: root/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
diff options
authorRichard Carlsson <richardc@klarna.com>2011-07-18 23:18:32 +0200
committerHenrik Nord <henrik@erlang.org>2011-08-30 11:18:32 +0200
commite70a2fd034793729e10fdba707e7248270116768 (patch)
tree09c6f3316e6f453f717a923043f1f97f5591ca46 /lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
parentb0b527be0caf7750908e18d2a76a662e4887e8b8 (diff)
Updated to EUnit version 2.2.0
New macros assertNotMatch(Guard, Expr), assertNotEqual(Unexpected, Expr), and assertNotException(Class, Term, Expr). The debugMsg macro now also prints the pid of the current process. When testing all modules in a directory, tests in <Module>_tests.erl are no longer executed twice. The use of 'regexp' internally has been replaced with 're'.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
index 0543b6c543..288dd74ddf 100644
--- a/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
+++ b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ iter_next(I = #iter{next = [T | Ts]}) ->
iter_prev(#iter{prev = []}) ->
-iter_prev(#iter{prev = [T | Ts], next = Next, pos = Pos} = I) ->
- {T, I#iter{prev = Ts, next = [T | Next], pos = Pos - 1}}.
+iter_prev(#iter{prev = [T | Ts]} = I) ->
+ {T, I#iter{prev = Ts,
+ next = [T | I#iter.next],
+ pos = I#iter.pos - 1}}.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -363,7 +365,8 @@ parse({file, F} = T) when is_list(F) ->
parse({dir, D}=T) when is_list(D) ->
case eunit_lib:is_string(D) of
true ->
- {data, {"directory \"" ++ D ++ "\"", get_directory_modules(D)}};
+ {data, {"directory \"" ++ D ++ "\"",
+ get_directory_module_tests(D)}};
false ->
@@ -385,10 +388,10 @@ parse({S, T1} = T) when is_list(S) ->
parse({S, T1}) when is_binary(S) ->
group(#group{tests = T1, desc = S});
-parse(T) when tuple_size(T) > 2, is_list(element(1, T)) ->
+parse(T) when is_tuple(T), size(T) > 2, is_list(element(1, T)) ->
[S | Es] = tuple_to_list(T),
parse({S, list_to_tuple(Es)});
-parse(T) when tuple_size(T) > 2, is_binary(element(1, T)) ->
+parse(T) when is_tuple(T), size(T) > 2, is_binary(element(1, T)) ->
[S | Es] = tuple_to_list(T),
parse({S, list_to_tuple(Es)});
parse(M) when is_atom(M) ->
@@ -596,7 +599,7 @@ testfuns(Es, M, TestSuffix, GeneratorSuffix) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Getting a test set from a file
+%% Getting a test set from a file (text file or object file)
%% @throws {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
%% fileName()}}
@@ -625,17 +628,23 @@ get_file_tests(F) ->
is_module_filename(F) ->
filename:extension(F) =:= code:objfile_extension().
+objfile_test({M, File}) ->
+ {setup,
+ fun () ->
+ %% TODO: better error/stacktrace for this internal fun
+ code:purge(M),
+ {module,M} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(File)),
+ ok
+ end,
+ {module, M}};
objfile_test(File) ->
+ objfile_test({objfile_module(File), File}).
+objfile_module(File) ->
- {module, M} = lists:keyfind(module, 1, beam_lib:info(File)),
- {setup,
- fun () ->
- %% TODO: better error/stacktrace for this internal fun
- code:purge(M),
- {module,M} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(File)),
- ok
- end,
- {module, M}}
+ {value, {module, M}} = lists:keysearch(module, 1,
+ beam_lib:info(File)),
+ M
_:_ ->
@@ -644,15 +653,34 @@ objfile_test(File) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Getting a list of module names from object files in a directory
-%% @throws {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
-%% fileName()}}
+%% Getting a set of module tests from the object files in a directory
+%% @throws {file_read_error,
+%% {Reason::atom(), Message::string(), fileName()}}
+get_directory_module_tests(D) ->
+ Ms = get_directory_modules(D),
+ %% for all 'm' in the set, remove 'm_tests' if present
+ F = fun ({M,_}, S) ->
+ Name = atom_to_list(M),
+ case lists:suffix(?DEFAULT_TESTMODULE_SUFFIX, Name) of
+ false ->
+ M1 = list_to_atom(Name1),
+ dict:erase(M1, S);
+ true ->
+ S
+ end
+ end,
+ [objfile_test(Obj)
+ || Obj <- dict:to_list(lists:foldl(F, dict:from_list(Ms), Ms))].
%% TODO: handle packages (recursive search for files)
get_directory_modules(D) ->
- [objfile_test(filename:join(D, F))
+ [begin
+ F1 = filename:join(D, F),
+ {objfile_module(F1), F1}
+ end
|| F <- eunit_lib:list_dir(D), is_module_filename(F)].