path: root/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl')
1 files changed, 732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0543b6c543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/eunit/src/eunit_data.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+%% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+%% USA
+%% $Id$
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
+%% @copyright 2006 Richard Carlsson
+%% @private
+%% @see eunit
+%% @doc Interpretation of symbolic test representation
+-export([iter_init/2, iter_next/1, iter_prev/1, iter_id/1,
+ enter_context/3, get_module_tests/1]).
+-import(lists, [foldr/3]).
+-define(TICKS_PER_SECOND, 1000).
+%% @type tests() =
+%% SimpleTest
+%% | [tests()]
+%% | moduleName()
+%% | {module, moduleName()}
+%% | {application, appName()}
+%% | {application, appName(), [term()]}
+%% | fileName()
+%% | {file, fileName()}
+%% | {string(), tests()}
+%% | {generator, () -> tests()}
+%% | {generator, M::moduleName(), F::functionName()}
+%% | {spawn, tests()}
+%% | {spawn, Node::atom(), tests()}
+%% | {timeout, T::number(), tests()}
+%% | {inorder, tests()}
+%% | {inparallel, tests()}
+%% | {inparallel, N::integer(), tests()}
+%% | {with, X::any(), [AbstractTestFunction]}
+%% | {setup, Where::local | spawn | {spawn, Node::atom()},
+%% Setup::() -> (R::any()),
+%% Cleanup::(R::any()) -> any(),
+%% tests() | Instantiator
+%% }
+%% | {setup, Setup, Cleanup, tests() | Instantiator}
+%% | {setup, Where, Setup, tests() | Instantiator}
+%% | {setup, Setup, tests() | Instantiator}
+%% | {foreach, Where::local | spawn | {spawn, Node::atom()},
+%% Setup::() -> (R::any()),
+%% Cleanup::(R::any()) -> any(),
+%% [tests() | Instantiator]
+%% }
+%% | {foreach, Setup, Cleanup, [tests() | Instantiator]}
+%% | {foreach, Where, Setup, [tests() | Instantiator]}
+%% | {foreach, Setup, [tests() | Instantiator]}
+%% | {foreachx, Where::local | spawn | {spawn, Node::atom()},
+%% SetupX::(X::any()) -> (R::any()),
+%% CleanupX::(X::any(), R::any()) -> any(),
+%% Pairs::[{X::any(),
+%% (X::any(), R::any()) -> tests()}]
+%% }
+%% | {foreachx, SetupX, CleanupX, Pairs}
+%% | {foreachx, Where, SetupX, Pairs}
+%% | {foreachx, SetupX, Pairs}
+%% | {node, Node::atom(), tests() | Instantiator}
+%% | {node, Node, Args::string(), tests() | Instantiator}
+%% SimpleTest = TestFunction | {Line::integer(), SimpleTest}
+%% TestFunction = () -> any()
+%% | {M::moduleName(), F::functionName()}.
+%% AbstractTestFunction = (X::any()) -> any()
+%% Instantiator = (R::any()) -> tests()
+%% | {with, [AbstractTestFunction]}
+%% Note that `{string(), ...}' is a short-hand for `{string(), {...}}'
+%% if the tuple contains more than two elements.
+%% @type moduleName() = atom()
+%% @type functionName() = atom()
+%% @type arity() = integer()
+%% @type appName() = atom()
+%% @type fileName() = string()
+%% TODO: Can we mark up tests as known-failures?
+%% TODO: Is it possible to handle known timout/setup failures?
+%% TODO: Add diagnostic tests which never fail, but may cause warnings?
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Abstract test set iterator
+ {prev = [],
+ next = [],
+ tests = [],
+ pos = 0,
+ parent = []}).
+%% @spec (tests(), [integer()]) -> testIterator()
+%% @type testIterator()
+iter_init(Tests, ParentID) ->
+ #iter{tests = Tests, parent = lists:reverse(ParentID)}.
+%% @spec (testIterator()) -> [integer()]
+iter_id(#iter{pos = N, parent = Ns}) ->
+ lists:reverse(Ns, [N]).
+%% @spec (testIterator()) -> none | {testItem(), testIterator()}
+iter_next(I = #iter{next = []}) ->
+ case next(I#iter.tests) of
+ {T, Tests} ->
+ {T, I#iter{prev = [T | I#iter.prev],
+ tests = Tests,
+ pos = I#iter.pos + 1}};
+ none ->
+ none
+ end;
+iter_next(I = #iter{next = [T | Ts]}) ->
+ {T, I#iter{next = Ts,
+ prev = [T | I#iter.prev],
+ pos = I#iter.pos + 1}}.
+%% @spec (testIterator()) -> none | {testItem(), testIterator()}
+iter_prev(#iter{prev = []}) ->
+ none;
+iter_prev(#iter{prev = [T | Ts], next = Next, pos = Pos} = I) ->
+ {T, I#iter{prev = Ts, next = [T | Next], pos = Pos - 1}}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Concrete test set representation iterator
+%% @spec (tests()) -> none | {testItem(), tests()}
+%% @type testItem() = #test{} | #group{}
+%% @throws {bad_test, term()}
+%% | {generator_failed, exception()}
+%% | {no_such_function, eunit_lib:mfa()}
+%% | {module_not_found, moduleName()}
+%% | {application_not_found, appName()}
+%% | {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
+%% fileName()}}
+next(Tests) ->
+ case eunit_lib:dlist_next(Tests) of
+ [T | Ts] ->
+ case parse(T) of
+ {data, T1} ->
+ next([T1 | Ts]);
+ T1 ->
+ {T1, Ts}
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ none
+ end.
+%% this returns either a #test{} or #group{} record, or {data, T} to
+%% signal that T has been substituted for the given representation
+parse({foreach, S, Fs}) when is_function(S), is_list(Fs) ->
+ parse({foreach, S, fun ok/1, Fs});
+parse({foreach, S, C, Fs})
+ when is_function(S), is_function(C), is_list(Fs) ->
+ parse({foreach, ?DEFAULT_SETUP_PROCESS, S, C, Fs});
+parse({foreach, P, S, Fs})
+ when is_function(S), is_list(Fs) ->
+ parse({foreach, P, S, fun ok/1, Fs});
+parse({foreach, P, S, C, Fs} = T)
+ when is_function(S), is_function(C), is_list(Fs) ->
+ check_arity(S, 0, T),
+ check_arity(C, 1, T),
+ case Fs of
+ [F | Fs1] ->
+ {data, [{setup, P, S, C, F}, {foreach, P, S, C, Fs1}]};
+ [] ->
+ {data, []}
+ end;
+parse({foreachx, S1, Ps}) when is_function(S1), is_list(Ps) ->
+ parse({foreachx, S1, fun ok/2, Ps});
+parse({foreachx, S1, C1, Ps})
+ when is_function(S1), is_function(C1), is_list(Ps) ->
+ parse({foreachx, ?DEFAULT_SETUP_PROCESS, S1, C1, Ps});
+parse({foreachx, P, S1, Ps})
+ when is_function(S1), is_list(Ps) ->
+ parse({foreachx, P, S1, fun ok/2, Ps});
+parse({foreachx, P, S1, C1, Ps} = T)
+ when is_function(S1), is_function(C1), is_list(Ps) ->
+ check_arity(S1, 1, T),
+ check_arity(C1, 2, T),
+ case Ps of
+ [{X, F1} | Ps1] when is_function(F1) ->
+ check_arity(F1, 2, T),
+ S = fun () -> S1(X) end,
+ C = fun (R) -> C1(X, R) end,
+ F = fun (R) -> F1(X, R) end,
+ {data, [{setup, P, S, C, F}, {foreachx, P, S1, C1, Ps1}]};
+ [_|_] ->
+ bad_test(T);
+ [] ->
+ {data, []}
+ end;
+parse({generator, F} = T) when is_function(F) ->
+ check_arity(F, 0, T),
+ %% use run_testfun/1 to handle wrapper exceptions
+ case eunit_test:run_testfun(F) of
+ {ok, T1} ->
+ {data, T1};
+ {error, {Class, Reason, Trace}} ->
+ throw({generator_failed, {Class, Reason, Trace}})
+ end;
+parse({generator, M, F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ parse({generator, eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F)});
+parse({inorder, T}) ->
+ group(#group{tests = T, order = inorder});
+parse({inparallel, T}) ->
+ parse({inparallel, 0, T});
+parse({inparallel, N, T}) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
+ group(#group{tests = T, order = {inparallel, N}});
+parse({timeout, N, T}) when is_number(N), N >= 0 ->
+ group(#group{tests = T, timeout = round(N * ?TICKS_PER_SECOND)});
+parse({spawn, T}) ->
+ group(#group{tests = T, spawn = local});
+parse({spawn, N, T}) when is_atom(N) ->
+ group(#group{tests = T, spawn = {remote, N}});
+parse({setup, S, I}) when is_function(S); is_list(S) ->
+ parse({setup, ?DEFAULT_SETUP_PROCESS, S, I});
+parse({setup, S, C, I}) when is_function(S), is_function(C) ->
+ parse({setup, ?DEFAULT_SETUP_PROCESS, S, C, I});
+parse({setup, P, S, I}) when is_function(S) ->
+ parse({setup, P, S, fun ok/1, I});
+parse({setup, P, L, I} = T) when is_list(L) ->
+ check_setup_list(L, T),
+ {S, C} = eunit_test:multi_setup(L),
+ parse({setup, P, S, C, I});
+parse({setup, P, S, C, I} = T)
+ when is_function(S), is_function(C), is_function(I) ->
+ check_arity(S, 0, T),
+ check_arity(C, 1, T),
+ case erlang:fun_info(I, arity) of
+ {arity, 0} ->
+ %% if I is nullary, it is a plain test
+ parse({setup, S, C, fun (_) -> I end});
+ _ ->
+ %% otherwise, I must be an instantiator function
+ check_arity(I, 1, T),
+ case P of
+ local -> ok;
+ spawn -> ok;
+ {spawn, N} when is_atom(N) -> ok;
+ _ -> bad_test(T)
+ end,
+ group(#group{tests = I,
+ context = #context{setup = S, cleanup = C,
+ process = P}})
+ end;
+parse({setup, P, S, C, {with, As}}) when is_list(As) ->
+ parse({setup, P, S, C, fun (X) -> {with, X, As} end});
+parse({setup, P, S, C, T}) when is_function(S), is_function(C) ->
+ parse({setup, P, S, C, fun (_) -> T end});
+parse({node, N, T}) when is_atom(N) ->
+ parse({node, N, "", T});
+parse({node, N, A, T1}=T) when is_atom(N) ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_string(A) of
+ true ->
+ %% TODO: better stack traces for internal funs like these
+ parse({setup,
+ fun () ->
+ %% TODO: auto-start net_kernel if needed
+ StartedNet = false,
+%% The following is commented out because of problems when running
+%% eunit as part of the init sequence (from the command line):
+%% StartedNet =
+%% case whereis(net_kernel) of
+%% undefined ->
+%% M = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(N)
+%% ++ "_master"),
+%% case net_kernel:start([M]) of
+%% {ok, _} ->
+%% true;
+%% {error, E} ->
+%% throw({net_kernel_start, E})
+%% end;
+%% _ -> false
+%% end,
+%% ?debugVal({started, StartedNet}),
+ {Name, Host} = eunit_lib:split_node(N),
+ {ok, Node} = slave:start_link(Host, Name, A),
+ {Node, StartedNet}
+ end,
+ fun ({Node, StopNet}) ->
+%% ?debugVal({stop, StopNet}),
+ slave:stop(Node),
+ case StopNet of
+ true -> net_kernel:stop();
+ false -> ok
+ end
+ end,
+ T1});
+ false ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse({module, M}) when is_atom(M) ->
+ {data, {"module '" ++ atom_to_list(M) ++ "'", get_module_tests(M)}};
+parse({application, A}) when is_atom(A) ->
+ try parse({file, atom_to_list(A)++".app"})
+ catch
+ {file_read_error,{enoent,_,_}} ->
+ case code:lib_dir(A) of
+ Dir when is_list(Dir) ->
+ %% add "ebin" if it exists, like code_server does
+ BinDir = filename:join(Dir, "ebin"),
+ case file:read_file_info(BinDir) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type=directory}} ->
+ parse({dir, BinDir});
+ _ ->
+ parse({dir, Dir})
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ throw({application_not_found, A})
+ end
+ end;
+parse({application, A, Info}=T) when is_atom(A) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(modules, Info) of
+ Ms when is_list(Ms) ->
+ case [M || M <- Ms, not is_atom(M)] of
+ [] ->
+ {data, {"application '" ++ atom_to_list(A) ++ "'", Ms}};
+ _ ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse({file, F} = T) when is_list(F) ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_string(F) of
+ true ->
+ {data, {"file \"" ++ F ++ "\"", get_file_tests(F)}};
+ false ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse({dir, D}=T) when is_list(D) ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_string(D) of
+ true ->
+ {data, {"directory \"" ++ D ++ "\"", get_directory_modules(D)}};
+ false ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse({with, X, As}=T) when is_list(As) ->
+ case As of
+ [A | As1] ->
+ check_arity(A, 1, T),
+ {data, [{eunit_lib:fun_parent(A), fun () -> A(X) end},
+ {with, X, As1}]};
+ [] ->
+ {data, []}
+ end;
+parse({S, T1} = T) when is_list(S) ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_string(S) of
+ true ->
+ group(#group{tests = T1, desc = list_to_binary(S)});
+ false ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse({S, T1}) when is_binary(S) ->
+ group(#group{tests = T1, desc = S});
+parse(T) when tuple_size(T) > 2, is_list(element(1, T)) ->
+ [S | Es] = tuple_to_list(T),
+ parse({S, list_to_tuple(Es)});
+parse(T) when tuple_size(T) > 2, is_binary(element(1, T)) ->
+ [S | Es] = tuple_to_list(T),
+ parse({S, list_to_tuple(Es)});
+parse(M) when is_atom(M) ->
+ parse({module, M});
+parse(T) when is_list(T) ->
+ case eunit_lib:is_string(T) of
+ true ->
+ try parse({dir, T})
+ catch
+ {file_read_error,{R,_,_}}
+ when R =:= enotdir; R =:= enoent ->
+ parse({file, T})
+ end;
+ false ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+parse(T) ->
+ parse_simple(T).
+%% parse_simple always produces a #test{} record
+parse_simple({L, F}) when is_integer(L), L >= 0 ->
+ (parse_simple(F))#test{line = L};
+parse_simple({{M,N,A}=Loc, F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(N), is_integer(A) ->
+ (parse_simple(F))#test{location = Loc};
+parse_simple(F) ->
+ parse_function(F).
+parse_function(F) when is_function(F) ->
+ check_arity(F, 0, F),
+ #test{f = F, location = eunit_lib:fun_parent(F)};
+parse_function({M,F}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ #test{f = eunit_test:function_wrapper(M, F), location = {M, F, 0}};
+parse_function(F) ->
+ bad_test(F).
+check_arity(F, N, T) when is_function(F) ->
+ case erlang:fun_info(F, arity) of
+ {arity, N} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ bad_test(T)
+ end;
+check_arity(_, _, T) ->
+ bad_test(T).
+check_setup_list([{Tag, S, C} | Es], T)
+ when is_atom(Tag), is_function(S), is_function(C) ->
+ check_arity(S, 0, T),
+ check_arity(C, 1, T),
+ check_setup_list(Es, T);
+check_setup_list([{Tag, S} | Es], T)
+ when is_atom(Tag), is_function(S) ->
+ check_arity(S, 0, T),
+ check_setup_list(Es, T);
+check_setup_list([], _T) ->
+ ok;
+check_setup_list(_, T) ->
+ bad_test(T).
+bad_test(T) ->
+ throw({bad_test, T}).
+ok(_) -> ok.
+ok(_, _) -> ok.
+%% This does some look-ahead and folds nested groups and tests where
+%% possible. E.g., {String, Test} -> Test#test{desc = String}.
+group(#group{context = #context{}} = G) ->
+ %% leave as it is - the test body is an instantiator, which is not
+ %% suitable for lookahead (and anyway, properties of the setup
+ %% should not be merged with properties of its body, e.g. spawn)
+ G;
+group(#group{tests = T0, desc = Desc, order = Order, context = Context,
+ spawn = Spawn, timeout = Timeout} = G) ->
+ {T1, Ts} = lookahead(T0),
+ {T2, _} = lookahead(Ts),
+ case T1 of
+ #test{desc = Desc1, timeout = Timeout1}
+ when T2 =:= none, Spawn =:= undefined, Context =:= undefined,
+ ((Desc =:= undefined) or (Desc1 =:= undefined)),
+ ((Timeout =:= undefined) or (Timeout1 =:= undefined)) ->
+ %% a single test within a non-spawn/setup group: put the
+ %% information directly on the test; drop the order
+ T1#test{desc = join_properties(Desc, Desc1),
+ timeout = join_properties(Timeout, Timeout1)};
+ #test{timeout = undefined}
+ when T2 =:= none, Timeout =/= undefined, Context =:= undefined ->
+ %% a single test without timeout, within a non-joinable
+ %% group with a timeout and no fixture: push the timeout to
+ %% the test
+ G#group{tests = {timeout, (Timeout div ?TICKS_PER_SECOND), T0},
+ timeout = undefined};
+ #group{desc = Desc1, order = Order1, context = Context1,
+ spawn = Spawn1, timeout = Timeout1}
+ when T2 =:= none,
+ ((Desc =:= undefined) or (Desc1 =:= undefined)),
+ ((Order =:= undefined) or (Order1 =:= undefined)),
+ ((Context =:= undefined) or (Context1 =:= undefined)),
+ ((Spawn =:= undefined) or (Spawn1 =:= undefined)),
+ ((Timeout =:= undefined) or (Timeout1 =:= undefined)) ->
+ %% two nested groups with non-conflicting properties
+ group(T1#group{desc = join_properties(Desc, Desc1),
+ order = join_properties(Order, Order1),
+ context = join_properties(Context, Context1),
+ spawn = join_properties(Spawn, Spawn1),
+ timeout = join_properties(Timeout, Timeout1)});
+ #group{order = Order1, timeout = Timeout1}
+ when T2 =:= none ->
+ %% two nested groups that cannot be joined: try to push the
+ %% timeout and ordering properties to the inner group
+ push_order(Order, Order1, push_timeout(Timeout, Timeout1, G));
+ _ ->
+ %% leave the group as it is and discard the lookahead
+ G
+ end.
+lookahead(T) ->
+ case next(T) of
+ {T1, Ts} -> {T1, Ts};
+ none -> {none, []}
+ end.
+join_properties(undefined, X) -> X;
+join_properties(X, undefined) -> X.
+push_timeout(Timeout, undefined, G=#group{context=undefined})
+ when Timeout =/= undefined ->
+ %% A timeout on a context (fixture) includes the setup/cleanup time
+ %% and must not be propagated into the body
+ G#group{tests = {timeout, (Timeout div ?TICKS_PER_SECOND), G#group.tests},
+ timeout = undefined};
+push_timeout(_, _, G) ->
+ G.
+push_order(inorder, undefined, G) ->
+ G#group{tests = {inorder, G#group.tests}, order = undefined};
+push_order({inparallel, N}, undefined, G) ->
+ G#group{tests = {inparallel, N, G#group.tests}, order = undefined};
+push_order(_, _, G) ->
+ G.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Extracting test funs from a module
+%% @throws {module_not_found, moduleName()}
+get_module_tests(M) ->
+ try M:module_info(exports) of
+ Es ->
+ Fs = get_module_tests_1(M, Es),
+ case lists:member({W,1}, Es) of
+ false -> Fs;
+ true -> {generator, fun () -> M:W(Fs) end}
+ end
+ catch
+ error:undef ->
+ throw({module_not_found, M})
+ end.
+get_module_tests_1(M, Es) ->
+ Fs = testfuns(Es, M, ?DEFAULT_TEST_SUFFIX,
+ Name = atom_to_list(M),
+ case lists:suffix(?DEFAULT_TESTMODULE_SUFFIX, Name) of
+ false ->
+ M1 = list_to_atom(Name1),
+ try get_module_tests(M1) of
+ Fs1 ->
+ Fs ++ [{"module '" ++ Name1 ++ "'", Fs1}]
+ catch
+ {module_not_found, M1} ->
+ Fs
+ end;
+ true ->
+ Fs
+ end.
+testfuns(Es, M, TestSuffix, GeneratorSuffix) ->
+ foldr(fun ({F, 0}, Fs) ->
+ N = atom_to_list(F),
+ case lists:suffix(TestSuffix, N) of
+ true ->
+ [{M,F} | Fs];
+ false ->
+ case lists:suffix(GeneratorSuffix, N) of
+ true ->
+ [{generator, M, F} | Fs];
+ false ->
+ Fs
+ end
+ end;
+ (_, Fs) ->
+ Fs
+ end,
+ [],
+ Es).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Getting a test set from a file
+%% @throws {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
+%% fileName()}}
+get_file_tests(F) ->
+ case is_module_filename(F) of
+ true ->
+ %% look relative to current dir first
+ case file:read_file_info(F) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type=regular}} ->
+ objfile_test(F);
+ _ ->
+ %% (where_is_file/1 does not take a path argument)
+ case code:where_is_file(F) of
+ non_existing ->
+ %% this will produce a suitable error message
+ objfile_test(F);
+ Path ->
+ objfile_test(Path)
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ eunit_lib:consult_file(F)
+ end.
+is_module_filename(F) ->
+ filename:extension(F) =:= code:objfile_extension().
+objfile_test(File) ->
+ try
+ {module, M} = lists:keyfind(module, 1, beam_lib:info(File)),
+ {setup,
+ fun () ->
+ %% TODO: better error/stacktrace for this internal fun
+ code:purge(M),
+ {module,M} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(File)),
+ ok
+ end,
+ {module, M}}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ throw({file_read_error,
+ {undefined, "extracting module name failed", File}})
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Getting a list of module names from object files in a directory
+%% @throws {file_read_error, {Reason::atom(), Message::string(),
+%% fileName()}}
+%% TODO: handle packages (recursive search for files)
+get_directory_modules(D) ->
+ [objfile_test(filename:join(D, F))
+ || F <- eunit_lib:list_dir(D), is_module_filename(F)].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Entering a setup-context, with guaranteed cleanup.
+%% @spec (Tests::#context{}, Instantiate, Callback) -> any()
+%% Instantiate = (any()) -> tests()
+%% Callback = (tests()) -> any()
+%% @throws {context_error, Error, eunit_lib:exception()}
+%% Error = setup_failed | instantiation_failed | cleanup_failed
+enter_context(#context{setup = S, cleanup = C, process = P}, I, F) ->
+ F1 = case P of
+ local -> F;
+ spawn -> fun (X) -> F({spawn, X}) end;
+ {spawn, N} -> fun (T) -> F({spawn, N, T}) end
+ end,
+ eunit_test:enter_context(S, C, I, F1).
+generator_exported_() ->
+ generator().
+generator() ->
+ T = ?_test(ok),
+ [T, T, T].
+echo_proc() ->
+ receive {P,X} -> P ! X, echo_proc() end.
+ping(P) ->
+ P ! {self(),ping}, receive ping -> ok end.
+data_test_() ->
+ Setup = fun () -> spawn(fun echo_proc/0) end,
+ Cleanup = fun (Pid) -> exit(Pid, kill) end,
+ Fail = ?_test(throw(eunit)),
+ T = ?_test(ok),
+ Tests = [T,T,T],
+ [?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test(T)),
+ ?_assertMatch(error, eunit:test(Fail)),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, fun () -> Tests end})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, fun generator/0})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({generator, ?MODULE, generator_exported_})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({inorder, Tests})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({inparallel, Tests})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({timeout, 10, Tests})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({spawn, Tests})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({setup, Setup, Cleanup,
+ fun (P) -> ?_test(ok = ping(P)) end})),
+ %%?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({node, test@localhost, Tests})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test({module, eunit_lib})),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test(eunit_lib)),
+ ?_assertMatch(ok, eunit:test("examples/tests.txt"))
+ %%?_test({foreach, Setup, [T, T, T]})
+ ].
+lazy_test_() ->
+ {spawn, [?_test(undefined = put(count, 0)),
+ lazy_gen(7),
+ ?_assertMatch(7, get(count))]}.
+lazy_gen(N) ->
+ {generator,
+ fun () ->
+ if N > 0 ->
+ [?_test(put(count,1+get(count)))
+ | lazy_gen(N-1)];
+ true ->
+ []
+ end
+ end}.