path: root/lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-06-29 11:39:25 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-06-29 11:39:25 +0200
commitc9552ed591c4cbb29b48d6faedebd88447888185 (patch)
tree602611acb8fcc81b5a84d7168729b711c3780d8a /lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl
parent04e9514bca9434676f6ee9548febb8d4d1a1a847 (diff)
parent6931dce17580d097351dd7be09ce7c9ed3f72827 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/remove-gs/OTP-13703'
* bjorn/remove-gs/OTP-13703: Remove the gs application
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl b/lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f12a20a7d..0000000000
--- a/lib/gs/src/gstk_menu.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Attribute:
-%% activebg Color
-%% activebw Int
-%% activefg Color
-%% bg Color
-%% bw Int
-%% data Data
-%% disabledfg Color
-%% fg Color
-%% relief Relief [flat|raised|sunken|ridge|groove]
-%% selectcolor Color
-%% Commands:
-%% setfocus [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% Events:
-%% buttonpress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% buttonrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% configure [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% destroy [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% enter [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% focus [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% keypress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% keyrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% leave [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% motion [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
-%% Read Options:
-%% children
-%% id
-%% parent
-%% type
-%% Not Implemented:
-%% post {X,Y}
-%% unpost
-%% align n,w,s,e,nw,se,ne,sw,center
-%% anchor n,w,s,e,nw,se,ne,sw,center
-%% cursor ??????
-%% focus ?????? (-takefocus)
-%% height Int
-%% justify left|right|center (multiline text only)
-%% width Int
-%% x Int (valid only for popup menus)
-%% y Int (valid only for popup menus)
--export([create/3, config/3, read/3, delete/2, event/5,option/5,read_option/5]).
--export([delete_menuitem/3, insert_menuitem/4, lookup_menuitem_pos/3,
- mk_create_opts_for_child/4]).
-%% Function : create/3
-%% Purpose : Create a widget of the type defined in this module.
-create(DB, GstkId, Opts) ->
- #gstkid{parent=Parent,owner=Owner,objtype=Objtype}=GstkId,
- Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, Parent, Owner),
- Oref = gstk_db:counter(DB, Objtype),
- PF = gstk_widgets:suffix(Objtype),
- case Pgstkid#gstkid.objtype of
- menuitem ->
- PMenu = Pgstkid#gstkid.parent,
- PMgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, PMenu, Owner),
- PMW = PMgstkid#gstkid.widget,
- Index = gstk_menu:lookup_menuitem_pos(DB, PMgstkid, Pgstkid#gstkid.id),
- TkW = lists:concat([PMW, PF, Oref]),
- Gstkid=GstkId#gstkid{widget=TkW, widget_data=[]},
- MPreCmd = ["menu ", TkW, " -tearoff 0 -relief raised -bo 2"],
- MPostCmd = [$;,PMW," entryco ",gstk:to_ascii(Index)," -menu ",TkW],
- case gstk_generic:make_command(Opts, Gstkid, TkW, "", "", DB) of
- {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
- Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
- gstk:exec([MPreCmd,Cmd,MPostCmd]),
- Gstkid
- end;
- OtherParent ->
- true = lists:member(OtherParent,
- %% grid+canvas har skumma coord system
- [menubutton,window,frame]),
- PW = Pgstkid#gstkid.widget,
- TkW = lists:concat([PW, PF, Oref]),
- Gstkid=GstkId#gstkid{widget=TkW, widget_data=[]},
- MPreCmd = ["menu ", TkW, " -tearoff 0 -relief raised -bo 2 "],
- MPostCmd = if OtherParent == menubutton ->
- [$;, PW, " conf -menu ", TkW];
- true -> []
- end,
- case gstk_generic:make_command(Opts, Gstkid, TkW, "","", DB) of
- {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
- Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
- gstk:exec([MPreCmd,Cmd,MPostCmd]),
- Gstkid
- end
- end.
-mk_create_opts_for_child(DB,Cgstkid, Pgstkid, Opts) ->
- gstk_generic:mk_create_opts_for_child(DB,Cgstkid,Pgstkid,Opts).
-%% Function : config/3
-%% Purpose : Configure a widget of the type defined in this module.
-%% Args : DB - The Database
-%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
-%% Opts - A list of options for configuring the widget
-%% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}]
-config(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
- TkW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget,
- PreCmd = [TkW, " conf"],
- gstk_generic:mk_cmd_and_exec(Opts, Gstkid, TkW, PreCmd, "", DB).
-%% Function : read/3
-%% Purpose : Read one option from a widget
-%% Args : DB - The Database
-%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
-%% Opt - An option to read
-%% Return : [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
-read(DB, Gstkid, Opt) ->
- gstk_generic:read_option(DB, Gstkid, Opt).
-%% Function : delete/2
-%% Purpose : Delete widget from databas and return tkwidget to destroy
-%% Args : DB - The Database
-%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
-%% Return : TkWidget to destroy
-delete(DB, Gstkid) ->
- gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid),
- Gstkid#gstkid.widget.
-event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args) ->
- gstk_generic:event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args).
-%% Function : option/4
-%% Purpose : Take care of options
-%% Args : Option - An option tuple
-%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
-%% TkW - The tk-widget
-%% DB - The Database
-%% Return : A tuple {OptionType, OptionCmd}
-option(Option, Gstkid, TkW, DB,_) ->
- case Option of
- {activebw, Int} -> {s, [" -activebo ", gstk:to_ascii(Int)]};
- {disabledfg, Color} -> {s, [" -disabledf ", gstk:to_color(Color)]};
- {selectcolor, Color} -> {s, [" -selectc ", gstk:to_color(Color)]};
- {post_at, {X,Y}} -> post_at(X,Y,Gstkid,TkW,DB);
- _ -> invalid_option
- end.
-%% Function : read_option/5
-%% Purpose : Take care of a read option
-%% Args : DB - The Database
-%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
-%% Option - An option
-%% Return : The value of the option or invalid_option
-%% [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
-read_option(Option, Gstkid, TkW, _DB, _AItem) ->
- case Option of
- activebw -> tcl2erl:ret_int([TkW," cg -activebo"]);
- disabledfg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([TkW," cg -disabledfo"]);
- selectcolor -> tcl2erl:ret_color([TkW," cg -selectc"]);
- _ -> {error,{invalid_option,Option, Gstkid#gstkid.objtype}}
- end.
-post_at(X,Y,Gstkid,TkW,DB) ->
- Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, Gstkid#gstkid.parent),
- PtkW = Pgstkid#gstkid.widget,
- RootX = tcl2erl:ret_int(["winfo rootx ",PtkW]),
- RootY = tcl2erl:ret_int(["winfo rooty ",PtkW]),
- {c,[" tk_popup ",TkW," ",gstk:to_ascii(RootX+X)," ",gstk:to_ascii(RootY+Y)]}.
-%% gstk_db functions for menuitem handling
-%% Tk menuitems are numbered from 0, thus we have to recalc the position.
-insert_menuitem(DB, MenuId, ItemId, Pos) ->
- Mgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, MenuId),
- Items = Mgstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
- NewItems = insert_at(ItemId, Pos+1, Items),
- gstk_db:update_widget(DB, Mgstkid#gstkid{widget_data=NewItems}).
-delete_menuitem(DB, MenuId, ItemId) ->
- Mgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB, MenuId),
- Items = Mgstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
- NewItems = lists:delete(ItemId, Items),
- gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, Mgstkid#gstkid{widget_data=NewItems}).
-lookup_menuitem_pos(_DB, Mgstkid, ItemId) ->
- Items = Mgstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
- find_pos(ItemId, Items) - 1.
-%% Generic list processing
-find_pos(ItemId, Items) ->
- find_pos(ItemId, Items, 1).
-find_pos(_ItemId, [], _N) -> gs:error("Couldn't find item in menu~n", []);
-find_pos(ItemId, [ItemId|_Items], N) -> N;
-find_pos(ItemId, [_|Items], N) ->
- find_pos(ItemId, Items, N + 1).
-insert_at(Elem, 1, L) -> [Elem | L];
-insert_at(Elem, N, [H|T]) ->
- [H|insert_at(Elem, N-1, T)].
-%% ----- Done -----