path: root/lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2017-08-30 21:00:35 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2017-08-30 21:00:35 +0200
commit44a83c8860bbd00878c720a7b9d940b4630bab8a (patch)
tree101b3c52ec505a94f56c8f70e078ecb8a2e8c6cd /lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl
parent7c67bbddb53c364086f66260701bc54a61c9659c (diff)
parent040bdce67f88d833bfb59adae130a4ffb4c180f0 (diff)
Merge tag 'OTP-20.0' into sverker/20/binary_to_atom-utf8-crash/ERL-474/OTP-14590
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 438 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl b/lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 841aa926da..0000000000
--- a/lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,create,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}}]).
-%%% Auxiliary functions to be used by the tools (internal module)
-%% External exports
--export([notify/2, confirm/2, confirm_yesno/2, request/2]).
--record(state, {type, % notify | confirm[_yesno] | request
- win, % gsobj(), window
- entry, % gsobj(), entry
- in_focus, % 0 | 1 | undefined Entry is in focus
- is_cursor, % bool() | undefined Cursor is over Entry
- buttons, % [gsobj()], buttons
- highlighted % int() highlighted buttone
- }).
-%% open_help(Parent, File)
-%% Parent = gsobj() (GS root object or parent window)
-%% File = string() | nofile
-%% View the help file File, which can be an URL, an HTML file or a text
-%% file.
-%% This function is OS dependant.
-%% Unix: Assumes Netscape is up & running, and use Netscape remote
-%% commands to display the file.
-%% NT: If File is a file, use the NT command 'start' which will open the
-%% default tool for viewing the file.
-%% If File is an URL, try to view it using Netscape.exe which
-%% requires that the path Netscape.exe must be in TBD.
-%% (TEMPORARY solution..., can be done better)
-open_help(Parent, nofile) ->
- notify(Parent, "Sorry, no help information exists");
-open_help(Parent, File) ->
- case application:get_env(kernel, browser_cmd) of
- undefined ->
- open_help_default(Parent, File);
- {ok, Cmd} when is_list(Cmd) ->
- spawn(os, cmd, [Cmd ++ " " ++ File]);
- {ok, {M, F, A}} ->
- apply(M, F, [File|A]);
- _Other ->
- Str = ["Bad Kernel configuration parameter browser_cmd",
- "Do not know how to display help file"],
- notify(Parent, Str)
- end.
-open_help_default(Parent, File) ->
- Cmd = case file_type(File) of
- %% Local file
- local ->
- case os:type() of
- {unix,Type} ->
- case Type of
- darwin -> "open " ++ File;
- _Else -> "netscape -remote \"openURL(file:" ++ File ++ ")\""
- end;
- {win32,_AnyType} ->
- "start " ++ filename:nativename(File);
- _Other ->
- unknown
- end;
- %% URL
- remote ->
- case os:type() of
- {unix,Type} ->
- case Type of
- darwin -> "open " ++ File;
- _Else -> "netscape -remote \"openURL(file:" ++ File ++ ")\""
- end;
- {win32,_AnyType} ->
- "netscape.exe -h " ++
- re:replace(File,"\\\\","/",[global,{return,list}]);
- _Other ->
- unknown
- end;
- Error -> % {error,Reason}
- Error
- end,
- if
- is_list(Cmd) ->
- spawn(os, cmd, [Cmd]);
- Cmd==unknown ->
- Str = ["Sorry, do not know how to",
- "display HTML files at this platform"],
- notify(Parent, Str);
- true ->
- {error, Reason} = Cmd,
- Str = file:format_error(Reason),
- notify(Parent, [File,Str])
- end.
-%% file_type(File) -> local | remote | {error,Reason}
-%% File = string()
-%% Reason - see file(3)
-%% Returns local if File is an existing, readable file
-%% Returns remote if File is a remote URL (ie begins with 'http:')
-file_type(File) ->
- case File of
- "http://"++_URL ->
- remote;
- _ ->
- %% HTML files can have a tag (<name>.html#tag), this must be
- %% removed when checking if the file exists
- File2 = case filename:extension(File) of
- ".html#"++_Index ->
- filename:rootname(File)++".html";
- _ ->
- File
- end,
- case file:read_file_info(File2) of
- {ok, FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type==regular,
- FileInfo#file_info.access/=none ->
- local;
- {ok, FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type/=regular ->
- {error,einval};
- {ok, FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.access==none ->
- {error,eacces};
- Error ->
- Error
- end
- end.
-%% file_dialog(Options) -> tbd
-file_dialog(Options) ->
- tool_file_dialog:start(Options).
-%% notify(Parent, Strings) -> ok
-%% confirm(Parent, Strings) -> ok | cancel
-%% confirm_yesno(Parent, Strings) -> yes | no | cancel
-%% request(Parent, Strings) -> {ok,string()} | cancel
-%% Parent = gsobj() (GS root object or parent window)
-%% Strings = string() | [string()]
-%% Opens a window with the specified message (Strings) and locks the GUI
-%% until the user confirms the message.
-%% If the Parent argument is the parent window, the help window will be
-%% centered above it, otherwise it can end up anywhere on the screen.
-%% A 'notify' window contains an 'Ok' button.
-%% A 'confirm' window contains an 'Ok' and a 'Cancel' button.
-%% A 'confirm_yesno' window contains a 'Yes', a 'No', and a 'Cancel'
-%% button.
-%% A 'request' window contains an entry, an 'Ok' and a 'Cancel' button.
--define(Wlbl, 130).
--define(Hlbl, 30).
--define(Hent, 30).
--define(Wbtn, 50).
--define(Hbtn, 30).
--define(PAD, 10).
-notify(Parent, Strings) ->
- help_win(notify, Parent, Strings).
-confirm(Parent, Strings) ->
- help_win(confirm, Parent, Strings).
-confirm_yesno(Parent, Strings) ->
- help_win(confirm_yesno, Parent, Strings).
-request(Parent, Strings) ->
- help_win(request, Parent, Strings).
-help_win(Type, Parent, Strings) ->
- GenOpts = [{keypress,true}],
- GenOpts2 = [{font,{screen,12}} | GenOpts],
- Buttons = buttons(Type),
- Nbtn = length(Buttons),
- %% Create the window and its contents
- Win = gs:create(window, Parent, [{title,title(Type)} | GenOpts]),
- Top = gs:create(frame, Win, GenOpts),
- Lbl = gs:create(label, Top, [{align,c}, {justify,center}|GenOpts2]),
- Mid = if
- Type==request -> gs:create(frame, Win, GenOpts);
- true -> ignore
- end,
- Ent = if
- Type==request ->
- Events = [{setfocus,true},
- {focus,true},{enter,true},{leave,true}],
- gs:create(entry, Mid, GenOpts2++Events);
- true -> ignore
- end,
- Bot = gs:create(frame, Win, GenOpts),
- %% Find out minimum size required for label, entry and buttons
- Font = gs:read(Parent, {choose_font, {screen,12}}),
- Text = insert_newlines(Strings),
- {Wlbl0,Hlbl0} = gs:read(Lbl, {font_wh,{Font,Text}}),
- {_Went0,Hent0} = gs:read(Lbl, {font_wh,{Font,"Entry"}}),
- {Wbtn0,Hbtn0} = gs:read(Lbl, {font_wh,{Font,"Cancel"}}),
- %% Compute size of the objects and adjust the graphics accordingly
- Wbtn = erlang:max(Wbtn0+10, ?Wbtn),
- Hbtn = erlang:max(Hbtn0+10, ?Hbtn),
- Hent = erlang:max(Hent0+10, ?Hent),
- Wlbl = erlang:max(Wlbl0, erlang:max(Nbtn*Wbtn+(Nbtn-1)*?PAD, ?Wlbl)),
- Hlbl = erlang:max(Hlbl0, ?Hlbl),
- Wwin = ?PAD+Wlbl+?PAD,
- Htop = ?PAD+Hlbl,
- Hmid = if Type==request -> ?PAD+Hent; true -> 0 end,
- Hbot = ?PAD+Hbtn+?PAD,
- Hwin = Htop+Hmid+Hbot,
- case catch get_coords(Parent, Wwin, Hwin) of
- {Xw, Yw} when is_integer(Xw), is_integer(Yw) ->
- gs:config(Win, [{x,Xw}, {y,Yw}]);
- _ ->
- ignore
- end,
- gs:config(Win, [ {width,Wwin},{height,Hwin}]),
- gs:config(Top, [{x,0}, {y,0}, {width,Wwin},{height,Htop}]),
- gs:config(Lbl, [{x,?PAD},{y,?PAD}, {width,Wlbl},{height,Hlbl}]),
- gs:config(Mid, [{x,0}, {y,Htop}, {width,Wwin},{height,Hmid}]),
- gs:config(Ent, [{x,?PAD},{y,?PAD}, {width,Wlbl},{height,Hent}]),
- gs:config(Bot, [{x,0}, {y,Htop+Hmid},{width,Wwin},{height,Hbot}]),
- %% Insert the label text
- gs:config(Lbl, {label,{text,Text}}),
- %% Add the buttons
- Xbtns = xbuttons(Buttons, Wbtn, Wwin, Wlbl),
- BtnObjs =
- lists:map(fun({Btext,BX}) ->
- gs:create(button, Bot, [{x,BX-1}, {y,?PAD-1},
- {width,Wbtn+2},
- {height,Hbtn+2},
- {label,{text,Btext}},
- {data,data(Btext)}
- | GenOpts2])
- end,
- Xbtns),
- Highlighted = highlight(undef, 1, BtnObjs),
- gs:config(Win, [{map,true}]),
- State = if
- Type==request ->
- #state{in_focus=1, is_cursor=false};
- true ->
- #state{}
- end,
- event_loop(State#state{type=Type, win=Win, entry=Ent,
- buttons=BtnObjs, highlighted=Highlighted}).
-title(notify) -> "Notification";
-title(confirm) -> "Confirmation";
-title(confirm_yesno) -> "Confirmation";
-title(request) -> "Request".
-buttons(notify) -> ["Ok"];
-buttons(confirm) -> ["Ok", "Cancel"];
-buttons(confirm_yesno) -> ["Yes", "No", "Cancel"];
-buttons(request) -> ["Ok", "Cancel"].
-data("Ok") -> {helpwin,ok};
-data("Yes") -> {helpwin,yes};
-data("No") -> {helpwin,no};
-data("Cancel") -> {helpwin,cancel}.
-get_coords(Parent, W, H) ->
- case gs:read(Parent, x) of
- X when is_integer(X) ->
- case gs:read(Parent, y) of
- Y when is_integer(Y) ->
- case gs:read(Parent, width) of
- W0 when is_integer(W0) ->
- case gs:read(Parent, height) of
- H0 when is_integer(H0) ->
- {round((X+W0/2)-W/2),
- round((Y+H0/2)-H/2)};
- _ -> error
- end;
- _ -> error
- end;
- _ -> error
- end;
- _ -> error
- end.
-xbuttons([B], Wbtn, Wwin, _Wlbl) ->
- [{B, round(Wwin/2-Wbtn/2)}];
-xbuttons([B1,B2], Wbtn, Wwin, Wlbl) ->
- Margin = (Wwin-Wlbl)/2,
- [{B1,round(Margin)}, {B2,round(Wwin-Margin-Wbtn)}];
-xbuttons([B1,B2,B3], Wbtn, Wwin, Wlbl) ->
- Margin = (Wwin-Wlbl)/2,
- [{B1,round(Margin)},
- {B2,round(Wwin/2-Wbtn/2)},
- {B3,round(Wwin-Margin-Wbtn)}].
-highlight(Prev, New, BtnObjs) when New>0, New=<length(BtnObjs) ->
- if
- Prev==undef -> ignore;
- true ->
- gs:config(lists:nth(Prev, BtnObjs), [{highlightbw,0}])
- end,
- gs:config(lists:nth(New, BtnObjs), [{highlightbw,1},
- {highlightbg,black}]),
- New;
-highlight(Prev, _New, _BtnObjs) -> % New is outside allowed range
- Prev.
-event_loop(State) ->
- receive
- GsEvent when element(1, GsEvent)==gs ->
- case handle_event(GsEvent, State) of
- {continue, NewState} ->
- event_loop(NewState);
- {return, Result} ->
- gs:destroy(State#state.win),
- Result
- end
- end.
-handle_event({gs,_,click,{helpwin,Result},_}, State) ->
- if
- State#state.type/=request; Result==cancel ->
- {return, Result};
- State#state.type==request, Result==ok ->
- case gs:read(State#state.entry, text) of
- "" ->
- {continue, State};
- Info ->
- {return, {ok, Info}}
- end
- end;
-%% When the entry (Type==request) is in focus and the mouse pointer is
-%% over it, don't let 'Left'|'Right' keypresses affect which button is
-%% selected
-handle_event({gs,Ent,enter,_,_}, #state{entry=Ent}=State) ->
- {continue, State#state{is_cursor=true}};
-handle_event({gs,Ent,leave,_,_}, #state{entry=Ent}=State) ->
- {continue, State#state{is_cursor=false}};
-handle_event({gs,Ent,focus,_,[Int|_]}, #state{entry=Ent}=State) ->
- {continue, State#state{in_focus=Int}};
-handle_event({gs,Win,keypress,_,['Right'|_]}, #state{win=Win}=State) ->
- if
- State#state.type==request,
- State#state.in_focus==1, State#state.is_cursor==true ->
- {continue, State};
- true ->
- Prev = State#state.highlighted,
- New = highlight(Prev, Prev+1, State#state.buttons),
- {continue, State#state{highlighted=New}}
- end;
-handle_event({gs,Win,keypress,_,['Left'|_]}, #state{win=Win}=State) ->
- if
- State#state.type==request,
- State#state.in_focus==1, State#state.is_cursor==true ->
- {continue, State};
- true ->
- Prev = State#state.highlighted,
- New = highlight(Prev, Prev-1, State#state.buttons),
- {continue, State#state{highlighted=New}}
- end;
-handle_event({gs,Ent,keypress,_,['Tab'|_]}, #state{entry=Ent}=State) ->
- gs:config(hd(State#state.buttons), {setfocus,true}),
- gs:config(Ent, {select,clear}),
- {continue, State#state{in_focus=0}};
-handle_event({gs,Win,keypress,_,['Return'|_]}, #state{win=Win}=State) ->
- Selected = lists:nth(State#state.highlighted, State#state.buttons),
- Data = gs:read(Selected, data),
- handle_event({gs,Win,click,Data,undef}, State);
-handle_event({gs,Win,destroy,_,_}, #state{win=Win}=State) ->
- if
- State#state.type==notify -> {return, ok};
- true -> {return, cancel}
- end;
-%% Flush any other GS events
-handle_event({gs,_Obj,_Event,_Data,_Arg}, State) ->
- {continue, State}.
-%% insert_newlines(Strings) => string()
-%% Strings - string() | [string()]
-%% If Strings is a list of strings, return a string where all these
-%% strings are concatenated with newlines in between,otherwise return
-%% Strings.
-insert_newlines([String|Rest]) when is_list(String),Rest/=[]->
- String ++ "\n" ++ insert_newlines(Rest);
-insert_newlines([Last]) ->
- [Last];
-insert_newlines(Other) ->
- Other.