path: root/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl')
1 files changed, 655 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6c3561c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <richardc@it.uu.se>
+%% @copyright 2000-2004 Richard Carlsson
+%% @doc HiPE-ification of Core Erlang code. Prepares Core Erlang code
+%% for translation to ICode.
+%% @see cerl_to_icode
+-define(NO_UNUSED, true).
+-record(ctxt, {class = expr}).
+%% @spec core_transform(Module::cerl_records(), Options::[term()]) ->
+%% cerl_records()
+%% @doc Transforms a module represented by records. See
+%% <code>transform/2</code> for details.
+%% <p>Use the compiler option <code>{core_transform,
+%% cerl_hipeify}</code> to insert this function as a compilation
+%% pass.</p>
+%% @see transform/2
+core_transform(M, Opts) ->
+ cerl:to_records(transform(cerl:from_records(M), Opts)).
+-endif. % NO_UNUSED
+%% @clear
+%% @spec transform(Module::cerl(), Options::[term()]) -> cerl()
+%% cerl() = cerl:cerl()
+%% @doc Rewrites a Core Erlang module to a form suitable for further
+%% translation to HiPE Icode. See module <code>cerl_to_icode</code> for
+%% details.
+%% @see cerl_to_icode
+%% @see cerl_cconv
+-spec transform(cerl:c_module(), [term()]) -> cerl:c_module().
+transform(E, Opts) ->
+ %% Start by closure converting the code
+ module(cerl_cconv:transform(E, Opts), Opts).
+module(E, Opts) ->
+ {Ds, Env, Ren} = add_defs(cerl:module_defs(E), env__new(),
+ ren__new()),
+ M = cerl:module_name(E),
+ S0 = s__new(cerl:atom_val(M)),
+ S = s__set_pmatch(proplists:get_value(pmatch, Opts, true), S0),
+ {Ds1, _} = defs(Ds, true, Env, Ren, S),
+ cerl:update_c_module(E, M, cerl:module_exports(E),
+ cerl:module_attrs(E), Ds1).
+%% Note that the environment is defined on the renamed variables.
+expr(E0, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ %% Do peephole optimizations as we traverse the code.
+ E = cerl_lib:reduce_expr(E0),
+ case cerl:type(E) of
+ literal ->
+ {E, S0};
+ var ->
+ variable(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0);
+ values ->
+ {Es, S1} = expr_list(cerl:values_es(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {cerl:update_c_values(E, Es), S1};
+ cons ->
+ {E1, S1} = expr(cerl:cons_hd(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {E2, S2} = expr(cerl:cons_tl(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_cons(E, E1, E2), S2};
+ tuple ->
+ {Es, S1} = expr_list(cerl:tuple_es(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {cerl:update_c_tuple(E, Es), S1};
+ 'let' ->
+ let_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0);
+ seq ->
+ {A, S1} = expr(cerl:seq_arg(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:seq_body(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_seq(E, A, B), S2};
+ apply ->
+ {Op, S1} = expr(cerl:apply_op(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {As, S2} = expr_list(cerl:apply_args(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_apply(E, Op, As), S2};
+ call ->
+ {M, S1} = expr(cerl:call_module(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {N, S2} = expr(cerl:call_name(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ {As, S3} = expr_list(cerl:call_args(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S2),
+ {rewrite_call(E, M, N, As, S3), S3};
+ primop ->
+ {As, S1} = expr_list(cerl:primop_args(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ N = cerl:primop_name(E),
+ {rewrite_primop(E, N, As, S1), S1};
+ 'case' ->
+ case_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0);
+ 'fun' ->
+ Vs = cerl:fun_vars(E),
+ {Vs1, Env1, Ren1} = add_vars(Vs, Env, Ren),
+ {B, S1} = expr(cerl:fun_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S0),
+ {cerl:update_c_fun(E, Vs1, B), S1};
+ 'receive' ->
+ receive_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0);
+ 'try' ->
+ {A, S1} = expr(cerl:try_arg(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ Vs = cerl:try_vars(E),
+ {Vs1, Env1, Ren1} = add_vars(Vs, Env, Ren),
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:try_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S1),
+ Evs = cerl:try_evars(E),
+ {Evs1, Env2, Ren2} = add_vars(Evs, Env, Ren),
+ {H, S3} = expr(cerl:try_handler(E), Env2, Ren2, Ctxt, S2),
+ {cerl:update_c_try(E, A, Vs1, B, Evs1, H), S3};
+ 'catch' ->
+ catch_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0);
+ letrec ->
+ {Ds, Env1, Ren1} = add_defs(cerl:letrec_defs(E), Env, Ren),
+ {Ds1, S1} = defs(Ds, false, Env1, Ren1, S0),
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:letrec_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_letrec(E, Ds1, B), S2};
+ binary ->
+ {Segs, S1} = expr_list(cerl:binary_segments(E), Env, Ren,
+ Ctxt, S0),
+ {cerl:update_c_binary(E, Segs), S1};
+ bitstr ->
+ {E1,S1} = expr(cerl:bitstr_val(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {E2,S2} = expr(cerl:bitstr_size(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ E3 = cerl:bitstr_unit(E),
+ E4 = cerl:bitstr_type(E),
+ E5 = cerl:bitstr_flags(E),
+ {cerl:update_c_bitstr(E, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5), S2}
+ end.
+guard_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S) ->
+ expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt#ctxt{class = guard}, S).
+expr_list(Es, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ list(Es, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0, fun expr/5).
+list([E | Es], Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0, F) ->
+ {E1, S1} = F(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {Es1, S2} = list(Es, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1, F),
+ {[E1 | Es1], S2};
+list([], _, _, _, S, _) ->
+ {[], S}.
+pattern(E, Env, Ren) ->
+ case cerl:type(E) of
+ literal ->
+ E;
+ var ->
+ cerl:update_c_var(E, ren__map(cerl:var_name(E), Ren));
+ values ->
+ Es = pattern_list(cerl:values_es(E), Env, Ren),
+ cerl:update_c_values(E, Es);
+ cons ->
+ E1 = pattern(cerl:cons_hd(E), Env, Ren),
+ E2 = pattern(cerl:cons_tl(E), Env, Ren),
+ cerl:update_c_cons(E, E1, E2);
+ tuple ->
+ Es = pattern_list(cerl:tuple_es(E), Env, Ren),
+ cerl:update_c_tuple(E, Es);
+ alias ->
+ V = pattern(cerl:alias_var(E), Env, Ren),
+ P = pattern(cerl:alias_pat(E), Env, Ren),
+ cerl:update_c_alias(E, V, P);
+ binary ->
+ Segs = pattern_list(cerl:binary_segments(E), Env, Ren),
+ cerl:update_c_binary(E, Segs);
+ bitstr ->
+ E1 = pattern(cerl:bitstr_val(E), Env, Ren),
+ E2 = pattern(cerl:bitstr_size(E), Env, Ren),
+ E3 = cerl:bitstr_unit(E),
+ E4 = cerl:bitstr_type(E),
+ E5 = cerl:bitstr_flags(E),
+ cerl:update_c_bitstr(E, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5)
+ end.
+pattern_list(ExprList, Env, Ren) ->
+ [pattern(E, Env, Ren) || E <- ExprList].
+%% Visit the function body of each definition. We insert an explicit
+%% reduction test at the start of each function.
+defs(Ds, Top, Env, Ren, S) ->
+ defs(Ds, [], Top, Env, Ren, S).
+defs([{V, F} | Ds], Ds1, Top, Env, Ren, S0) ->
+ S1 = case Top of
+ true -> s__enter_function(cerl:var_name(V), S0);
+ false -> S0
+ end,
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:fun_body(F), Env, Ren, #ctxt{}, S1),
+ B1 = cerl:c_seq(cerl:c_primop(cerl:c_atom(?PRIMOP_REDUCTION_TEST), []),
+ B),
+ F1 = cerl:update_c_fun(F, cerl:fun_vars(F), B1),
+ defs(Ds, [{V, F1} | Ds1], Top, Env, Ren, S2);
+defs([], Ds, _Top, _Env, _Ren, S) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Ds), S}.
+case_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ {A, S1} = expr(cerl:case_arg(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {Cs, S2} = clause_list(cerl:case_clauses(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ case s__get_revisit(S2) of
+ false ->
+ {E1, Vs, S3} = pmatch(Cs, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S2),
+ {cerl:c_let(Vs, A, E1), S3};
+ true ->
+ {cerl:c_case(A, Cs), S2}
+ end.
+%% Note: There is an ordering problem with switch-clauses and pattern
+%% matching compilation. We must process any receive-clauses first,
+%% making the message queue operations explicit, before we can do
+%% pattern matching compilation. However, the latter can introduce new
+%% expressions - in particular new guards - which also need processing.
+%% Hence, we must process the clauses, then do pattern matching
+%% compilation, and then re-visit the resulting expression with pattern
+%% matching compilation disabled.
+pmatch(Cs, Env, _Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ {E, Vs} = case s__get_pmatch(S0) of
+ true ->
+ cerl_pmatch:clauses(Cs, Env);
+ no_duplicates ->
+ put('cerl_pmatch_duplicate_code', never),
+ cerl_pmatch:clauses(Cs, Env);
+ duplicate_all ->
+ put('cerl_pmatch_duplicate_code', always),
+ cerl_pmatch:clauses(Cs, Env);
+ false ->
+ Vs0 = new_vars(cerl:clause_arity(hd(Cs)), Env),
+ {cerl:c_case(cerl:c_values(Vs0), Cs), Vs0}
+ end,
+ %% Revisit the resulting expression. Pass an empty renaming, since
+ %% all variables in E have already been properly renamed and must
+ %% not be renamed again by accident.
+ {E1, S1} = expr(E, Env, ren__new(), Ctxt, s__set_revisit(true, S0)),
+ {E1, Vs, s__set_revisit(false, S1)}.
+clause_list(Cs, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S) ->
+ list(Cs, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S, fun clause/5).
+clause(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ Vs = cerl:clause_vars(E),
+ {_, Env1, Ren1} = add_vars(Vs, Env, Ren),
+ %% Visit patterns to rename variables.
+ Ps = pattern_list(cerl:clause_pats(E), Env1, Ren1),
+ {G, S1} = guard_expr(cerl:clause_guard(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S0),
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:clause_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_clause(E, Ps, G, B), S2}.
+%% We use the no-shadowing strategy, renaming variables on the fly and
+%% only when necessary to uphold the invariant.
+add_vars(Vs, Env, Ren) ->
+ add_vars(Vs, [], Env, Ren).
+add_vars([V | Vs], Vs1, Env, Ren) ->
+ Name = cerl:var_name(V),
+ {Name1, Ren1} = rename(Name, Env, Ren),
+ add_vars(Vs, [cerl:update_c_var(V, Name1) | Vs1],
+ env__bind(Name1, variable, Env), Ren1);
+add_vars([], Vs, Env, Ren) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Vs), Env, Ren}.
+rename(Name, Env, Ren) ->
+ case env__is_defined(Name, Env) of
+ false ->
+ {Name, Ren};
+ true ->
+ New = env__new_name(Env),
+ {New, ren__add(Name, New, Ren)}
+ end.
+%% Setting up the environment for a list of letrec-bound definitions.
+add_defs(Ds, Env, Ren) ->
+ add_defs(Ds, [], Env, Ren).
+add_defs([{V, F} | Ds], Ds1, Env, Ren) ->
+ Name = cerl:var_name(V),
+ {Name1, Ren1} =
+ case env__is_defined(Name, Env) of
+ false ->
+ {Name, Ren};
+ true ->
+ {N, A} = Name,
+ S = atom_to_list(N) ++ "_",
+ F1 = fun (Num) ->
+ {list_to_atom(S ++ integer_to_list(Num)), A}
+ end,
+ New = env__new_function_name(F1, Env),
+ {New, ren__add(Name, New, Ren)}
+ end,
+ add_defs(Ds, [{cerl:update_c_var(V, Name1), F} | Ds1],
+ env__bind(Name1, function, Env), Ren1);
+add_defs([], Ds, Env, Ren) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Ds), Env, Ren}.
+%% We change remote calls to important built-in functions into primop
+%% calls. In some cases (e.g., for the boolean operators), this is
+%% mainly to allow the cerl_to_icode module to handle them more
+%% straightforwardly. In most cases however, it is simply because they
+%% are supposed to be represented as primop calls on the Icode level.
+rewrite_call(E, M, F, As, S) ->
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(M) andalso cerl:is_c_atom(F) of
+ true ->
+ case call_to_primop(cerl:atom_val(M),
+ cerl:atom_val(F),
+ length(As))
+ of
+ {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_RECORD} ->
+ %% Needs additional testing
+ [_, Tag, Arity] = As,
+ case (cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_int(Arity)) of
+ true ->
+ %% The primop might need further handling
+ N1 = cerl:c_atom(?PRIMOP_IS_RECORD),
+ E1 = cerl:update_c_primop(E, N1, As),
+ rewrite_primop(E1, N1, As, S);
+ false ->
+ cerl:update_c_call(E, M, F, As)
+ end;
+ {yes, N} ->
+ %% The primop might need further handling
+ N1 = cerl:c_atom(N),
+ E1 = cerl:update_c_primop(E, N1, As),
+ rewrite_primop(E1, N1, As, S);
+ no ->
+ cerl:update_c_call(E, M, F, As)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ cerl:update_c_call(E, M, F, As)
+ end.
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'not', 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_NOT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'and', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_AND};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'or', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_OR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'xor', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_XOR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '+', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_ADD};
+%%call_to_primop(erlang, '+', 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IDENTITY};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '-', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_SUB};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '-', 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_NEG};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '*', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_MUL};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '/', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_DIV};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'div', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_INTDIV};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'rem', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_REM};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'band', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BAND};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'bor', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BOR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'bxor', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BXOR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'bnot', 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BNOT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'bsl', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BSL};
+call_to_primop(erlang, 'bsr', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_BSR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '==', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_EQ};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '/=', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_NE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '=:=', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_EXACT_EQ};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '=/=', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_EXACT_NE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '<', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_LT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '>', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_GT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '=<', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_LE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, '>=', 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_GE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_atom, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_ATOM};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_binary, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_BINARY};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_constant, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_CONSTANT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_float, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_FLOAT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_function, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_FUNCTION};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_integer, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_INTEGER};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_list, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_LIST};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_number, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_NUMBER};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_pid, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_PID};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_port, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_PORT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_reference, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_REFERENCE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_tuple, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_TUPLE};
+call_to_primop(erlang, internal_is_record, 3) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_RECORD};
+call_to_primop(erlang, is_record, 3) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_IS_RECORD};
+call_to_primop(erlang, element, 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_ELEMENT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, exit, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_EXIT};
+call_to_primop(erlang, throw, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_THROW};
+call_to_primop(erlang, error, 1) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_ERROR};
+call_to_primop(erlang, error, 2) -> {yes, ?PRIMOP_ERROR};
+call_to_primop(M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> no.
+%% Also, some primops (introduced by Erlang to Core Erlang translation
+%% and possibly other stages) must be recognized and rewritten.
+rewrite_primop(E, N, As, S) ->
+ case {cerl:atom_val(N), As} of
+ {match_fail, [R]} ->
+ M = s__get_module_name(S),
+ {F, A} = s__get_function_name(S),
+ Stack = cerl:abstract([{M, F, A}]),
+ case cerl:type(R) of
+ tuple ->
+ %% Function clause failures have a special encoding
+ %% as '{function_clause, Arg1, ..., ArgN}'.
+ case cerl:tuple_es(R) of
+ [X | Xs] ->
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(X) of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:atom_val(X) of
+ function_clause ->
+ FStack = cerl:make_list(
+ [cerl:c_tuple(
+ [cerl:c_atom(M),
+ cerl:c_atom(F),
+ cerl:make_list(Xs)])]),
+ match_fail(E, X, FStack);
+ _ ->
+ match_fail(E, R, Stack)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ match_fail(E, R, Stack)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ match_fail(E, R, Stack)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ match_fail(E, R, Stack)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ cerl:update_c_primop(E, N, As)
+ end.
+match_fail(E, R, Stack) ->
+ cerl:update_c_primop(E, cerl:c_atom(?PRIMOP_ERROR), [R, Stack]).
+%% Simple let-definitions (of degree 1) in guard context are always
+%% inline expanded. This is allowable, since they cannot have side
+%% effects, and it makes it easy to generate good code for boolean
+%% expressions. It could cause repeated evaluations, but typically,
+%% local definitions within guards are used exactly once.
+let_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S) ->
+ if Ctxt#ctxt.class =:= guard ->
+ case cerl:let_vars(E) of
+ [V] ->
+ {Name, Ren1} = rename(cerl:var_name(V), Env, Ren),
+ Env1 = env__bind(Name, {expr, cerl:let_arg(E)}, Env),
+ expr(cerl:let_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S);
+ _ ->
+ let_expr_1(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S)
+ end;
+ true ->
+ let_expr_1(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S)
+ end.
+let_expr_1(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ {A, S1} = expr(cerl:let_arg(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ Vs = cerl:let_vars(E),
+ {Vs1, Env1, Ren1} = add_vars(Vs, Env, Ren),
+ {B, S2} = expr(cerl:let_body(E), Env1, Ren1, Ctxt, S1),
+ {cerl:update_c_let(E, Vs1, A, B), S2}.
+variable(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S) ->
+ V = ren__map(cerl:var_name(E), Ren),
+ if Ctxt#ctxt.class =:= guard ->
+ case env__lookup(V, Env) of
+ {ok, {expr, E1}} ->
+ expr(E1, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S); % inline
+ _ ->
+ %% Since we don't track all bindings when we revisit
+ %% guards, some names will not be in the environment.
+ variable_1(E, V, S)
+ end;
+ true ->
+ variable_1(E, V, S)
+ end.
+variable_1(E, V, S) ->
+ {cerl:update_c_var(E, V), S}.
+%% A catch-expression 'catch Expr' is rewritten as:
+%% try Expr
+%% of (V) -> V
+%% catch (T, V, E) ->
+%% letrec 'wrap'/1 = fun (V) -> {'EXIT', V}
+%% in case T of
+%% 'throw' when 'true' -> V
+%% 'exit' when 'true' -> 'wrap'/1(V)
+%% V when 'true' ->
+%% 'wrap'/1({V, erlang:get_stacktrace()})
+%% end
+catch_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S) ->
+ T = cerl:c_var('T'),
+ V = cerl:c_var('V'),
+ X = cerl:c_var('X'),
+ W = cerl:c_var({wrap,1}),
+ G = cerl:c_call(cerl:c_atom('erlang'),cerl:c_atom('get_stacktrace'),[]),
+ Cs = [cerl:c_clause([cerl:c_atom('throw')], V),
+ cerl:c_clause([cerl:c_atom('exit')], cerl:c_apply(W, [V])),
+ cerl:c_clause([T], cerl:c_apply(W, [cerl:c_tuple([V,G])]))
+ ],
+ C = cerl:c_case(T, Cs),
+ F = cerl:c_fun([V], cerl:c_tuple([cerl:c_atom('EXIT'), V])),
+ H = cerl:c_letrec([{W,F}], C),
+ As = cerl:get_ann(E),
+ {B, S1} = expr(cerl:catch_body(E),Env, Ren, Ctxt, S),
+ {cerl:ann_c_try(As, B, [V], V, [T,V,X], H), S1}.
+%% Receive-expressions are rewritten as follows:
+%% receive
+%% P1 when G1 -> B1
+%% ...
+%% Pn when Gn -> Bn
+%% after T -> A end
+%% becomes:
+%% receive
+%% M when 'true' ->
+%% case M of
+%% P1 when G1 -> do primop RECEIVE_SELECT B1
+%% ...
+%% Pn when Gn -> do primop RECEIVE_SELECT Bn
+%% Pn+1 when 'true' -> primop RECEIVE_NEXT()
+%% end
+%% after T -> A end
+receive_expr(E, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0) ->
+ case s__get_revisit(S0) of
+ false ->
+ Cs = receive_clauses(cerl:receive_clauses(E)),
+ {Cs1, S1} = clause_list(Cs, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S0),
+ {B, Vs, S2} = pmatch(Cs1, Env, Ren, Ctxt, S1),
+ {T, S3} = expr(cerl:receive_timeout(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S2),
+ {A, S4} = expr(cerl:receive_action(E), Env, Ren, Ctxt, S3),
+ {cerl:update_c_receive(E, [cerl:c_clause(Vs, B)], T, A), S4};
+ true ->
+ %% we should never enter a receive-expression twice
+ {E, S0}
+ end.
+receive_clauses([C | Cs]) ->
+ Call = cerl:c_primop(cerl:c_atom(?PRIMOP_RECEIVE_SELECT), []),
+ B = cerl:c_seq(Call, cerl:clause_body(C)),
+ C1 = cerl:update_c_clause(C, cerl:clause_pats(C),
+ cerl:clause_guard(C), B),
+ [C1 | receive_clauses(Cs)];
+receive_clauses([]) ->
+ Call = cerl:c_primop(cerl:c_atom(?PRIMOP_RECEIVE_NEXT), []),
+ V = cerl:c_var('X'), % any name is ok
+ [cerl:c_clause([V], Call)].
+new_vars(N, Env) ->
+ [cerl:c_var(V) || V <- env__new_names(N, Env)].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Environment
+env__new() ->
+ rec_env:empty().
+env__bind(Key, Value, Env) ->
+ rec_env:bind(Key, Value, Env).
+%% env__get(Key, Env) ->
+%% rec_env:get(Key, Env).
+env__lookup(Key, Env) ->
+ rec_env:lookup(Key, Env).
+env__is_defined(Key, Env) ->
+ rec_env:is_defined(Key, Env).
+env__new_name(Env) ->
+ rec_env:new_key(Env).
+env__new_names(N, Env) ->
+ rec_env:new_keys(N, Env).
+env__new_function_name(F, Env) ->
+ rec_env:new_key(F, Env).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Renaming
+ren__new() ->
+ dict:new().
+ren__add(Key, Value, Ren) ->
+ dict:store(Key, Value, Ren).
+ren__map(Key, Ren) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Ren) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ Value;
+ error ->
+ Key
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% State
+%% pmatch = 'true' | 'false' | 'no_duplicates' | 'duplicate_all'
+-record(state, {module::atom(),
+ function::{atom(), 0..256},
+ pmatch=true,
+ revisit = false}).
+s__new(Module) ->
+ #state{module = Module}.
+s__get_module_name(S) ->
+ S#state.module.
+s__enter_function(F, S) ->
+ S#state{function = F}.
+s__get_function_name(S) ->
+ S#state.function.
+s__set_pmatch(V, S) ->
+ S#state{pmatch = V}.
+s__get_pmatch(S) ->
+ S#state.pmatch.
+s__set_revisit(V, S) ->
+ S#state{revisit = V}.
+s__get_revisit(S) ->
+ S#state.revisit.