path: root/lib/hipe/sparc
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-11-22 12:02:07 +0100
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-11-22 12:02:07 +0100
commit3d7b55f946162b5a129241dbe67397784a1ba1a5 (patch)
tree8a3809296bdfcdd16ebbf78975ea18034b22d62c /lib/hipe/sparc
parent9491f6727f12e37241863bd5becbd1f336ff7659 (diff)
parentfda3c9575d77bed0250f76f17e92d18836e15d0c (diff)
Merge branch 'margnus1/hipe/refactor-rtl/PR-1243'
* margnus1/hipe/refactor-rtl/PR-1243: hipe_x86: Fix encoding of test instr w/ neg imm hipe_tagscheme: Simplify test_two_fixnums with imm hipe_icode: Always const-propagate if&call args hipe_tagscheme: x86 lea+test for mask_and_compare hipe_tagscheme: Improve fixnum_addsub with imm hipe: Make realloc_binary fast case true branch hipe_x86_postpass: Negate conditions in goto elim hipe_tagscheme: Improve fixnum add on x86 hipe_rtl_to_x86: Use LEA only for immediate adds hipe_x86: LeaToAdd peephole rule hipe_sparc: move coalescing hipe_ppc: better rlwinm pp hipe_ppc: move coalescing hipe_rtl: drop alub dest when unused hipe_rtl: unify branch and alub hipe_x86: Fix&activate ElimCmp0 peephole rule hipe_{x86,amd64}: Finish test instr implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/sparc')
2 files changed, 27 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_rtl_to_sparc.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_rtl_to_sparc.erl
index e170fec3d6..7fab0d95c7 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_rtl_to_sparc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_rtl_to_sparc.erl
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ conv_insn(I, Map, Data) ->
case I of
#alu{} -> conv_alu(I, Map, Data);
#alub{} -> conv_alub(I, Map, Data);
- #branch{} -> conv_branch(I, Map, Data);
#call{} -> conv_call(I, Map, Data);
#comment{} -> conv_comment(I, Map, Data);
#enter{} -> conv_enter(I, Map, Data);
@@ -281,7 +280,12 @@ mk_alu_rs(XAluOp, Src1, Src2, Dst) ->
conv_alub(I, Map, Data) ->
%% dst = src1 aluop src2; if COND goto label
- {Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), Map),
+ HasDst = hipe_rtl:alub_has_dst(I),
+ {Dst, Map0} =
+ case HasDst of
+ false -> {hipe_sparc:mk_g0(), Map};
+ true -> conv_dst(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), Map)
+ end,
{Src1, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I), Map0),
{Src2, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I), Map1),
Cond = conv_cond(hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I)),
@@ -307,67 +311,33 @@ conv_alub(I, Map, Data) ->
I1 ++
hipe_sparc:mk_alu('sra', Dst, hipe_sparc:mk_uimm5(31), TmpSign) |
- conv_alub2(G0, TmpSign, 'sub', NewCond, TmpHi, I)];
+ conv_alub2(G0, TmpSign, 'cmpcc', NewCond, TmpHi, I)];
_ ->
- conv_alub2(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I)
+ XAluOp =
+ case (not HasDst) andalso RtlAlubOp =:= 'sub' of
+ true -> 'cmpcc'; % == a subcc that commutes
+ false -> conv_alubop_cc(RtlAlubOp)
+ end,
+ conv_alub2(Dst, Src1, XAluOp, Cond, Src2, I)
{I2, Map2, Data}.
--ifdef(notdef). % XXX: only for sparc64, alas
-conv_alub2(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I) ->
- case conv_cond_rcond(Cond) of
- [] ->
- conv_alub_bp(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I);
- RCond ->
- conv_alub_br(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, RCond, Src2, I)
- end.
+conv_alub2(Dst, Src1, XAluOp, Cond, Src2, I) ->
+ conv_alub_bp(Dst, Src1, XAluOp, Cond, Src2, I).
-conv_alub_br(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, RCond, Src2, I) ->
- TrueLab = hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I),
- FalseLab = hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I),
- Pred = hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I),
- %% "Dst = Src1 AluOp Src2; if COND" becomes
- %% "Dst = Src1 AluOp Src2; if-COND(Dst)"
- {I2, _DidCommute} = mk_alu(conv_alubop_nocc(RtlAlubOp), Src1, Src2, Dst),
- I2 ++ mk_pseudo_br(RCond, Dst, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred).
-conv_cond_rcond(Cond) ->
- case Cond of
- 'e' -> 'z';
- 'ne' -> 'nz';
- 'g' -> 'gz';
- 'ge' -> 'gez';
- 'l' -> 'lz';
- 'le' -> 'lez';
- _ -> [] % vs, vc, gu, geu, lu, leu
- end.
-conv_alubop_nocc(RtlAlubOp) ->
- case RtlAlubOp of
- 'add' -> 'add';
- 'sub' -> 'sub';
- %% mul: handled elsewhere
- 'or' -> 'or';
- 'and' -> 'and';
- 'xor' -> 'xor'
- %% no shift ops
- end.
-mk_pseudo_br(RCond, Dst, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
- [hipe_sparc:mk_pseudo_br(RCond, Dst, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)].
-conv_alub2(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I) ->
- conv_alub_bp(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I).
-conv_alub_bp(Dst, Src1, RtlAlubOp, Cond, Src2, I) ->
+conv_alub_bp(Dst, Src1, XAluOp, Cond, Src2, I) ->
TrueLab = hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I),
FalseLab = hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I),
Pred = hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I),
%% "Dst = Src1 AluOp Src2; if COND" becomes
%% "Dst = Src1 AluOpCC Src22; if-COND(CC)"
- {I2, _DidCommute} = mk_alu(conv_alubop_cc(RtlAlubOp), Src1, Src2, Dst),
- I2 ++ mk_pseudo_bp(Cond, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred).
+ {I2, DidCommute} = mk_alu(XAluOp, Src1, Src2, Dst),
+ NewCond =
+ case DidCommute andalso XAluOp =:= 'cmpcc' of
+ true -> commute_cond(Cond); % subcc does not commute; its conditions do
+ false -> Cond
+ end,
+ I2 ++ mk_pseudo_bp(NewCond, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred).
conv_alubop_cc(RtlAlubOp) ->
case RtlAlubOp of
@@ -380,69 +350,6 @@ conv_alubop_cc(RtlAlubOp) ->
%% no shift ops
-conv_branch(I, Map, Data) ->
- %% <unused> = src1 - src2; if COND goto label
- {Src1, Map0} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src1(I), Map),
- {Src2, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src2(I), Map0),
- Cond = conv_cond(hipe_rtl:branch_cond(I)),
- I2 = conv_branch2(Src1, Cond, Src2, I),
- {I2, Map1, Data}.
--ifdef(notdef). % XXX: only for sparc64, alas
-conv_branch2(Src1, Cond, Src2, I) ->
- case conv_cond_rcond(Cond) of
- [] ->
- conv_branch_bp(Src1, Cond, Src2, I);
- RCond ->
- conv_branch_br(Src1, RCond, Src2, I)
- end.
-conv_branch_br(Src1, RCond, Src2, I) ->
- TrueLab = hipe_rtl:branch_true_label(I),
- FalseLab = hipe_rtl:branch_false_label(I),
- Pred = hipe_rtl:branch_pred(I),
- %% "if src1-COND-src2" becomes
- %% "sub src1,src2,tmp; if-COND(tmp)"
- Dst = hipe_sparc:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
- XAluOp = 'cmp', % == a sub that commutes
- {I1, DidCommute} = mk_alu(XAluOp, Src1, Src2, Dst),
- NewRCond =
- case DidCommute of
- true -> commute_rcond(RCond);
- false -> RCond
- end,
- I1 ++ mk_pseudo_br(NewRCond, Dst, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred).
-commute_rcond(RCond) -> % if x RCond y, then y commute_rcond(RCond) x
- case RCond of
- 'z' -> 'z'; % ==, ==
- 'nz' -> 'nz'; % !=, !=
- 'gz' -> 'lz'; % >, <
- 'gez' -> 'lez'; % >=, <=
- 'lz' -> 'gz'; % <, >
- 'lez' -> 'gez' % <=, >=
- end.
-conv_branch2(Src1, Cond, Src2, I) ->
- conv_branch_bp(Src1, Cond, Src2, I).
-conv_branch_bp(Src1, Cond, Src2, I) ->
- TrueLab = hipe_rtl:branch_true_label(I),
- FalseLab = hipe_rtl:branch_false_label(I),
- Pred = hipe_rtl:branch_pred(I),
- %% "if src1-COND-src2" becomes
- %% "subcc src1,src2,%g0; if-COND(CC)"
- Dst = hipe_sparc:mk_g0(),
- XAluOp = 'cmpcc', % == a subcc that commutes
- {I1, DidCommute} = mk_alu(XAluOp, Src1, Src2, Dst),
- NewCond =
- case DidCommute of
- true -> commute_cond(Cond);
- false -> Cond
- end,
- I1 ++ mk_pseudo_bp(NewCond, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred).
conv_call(I, Map, Data) ->
{Args, Map0} = conv_src_list(hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I), Map),
{Dsts, Map1} = conv_dst_list(hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I), Map0),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
index 37f29e660a..bd94d3318c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
@@ -110,7 +110,10 @@ do_pseudo_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
Offset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
mk_load(hipe_sparc:mk_sp(), Offset, Dst, []);
_ ->
- [hipe_sparc:mk_mov(Src, Dst)]
+ case hipe_sparc:temp_reg(Dst) =:= hipe_sparc:temp_reg(Src) of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> [hipe_sparc:mk_mov(Src, Dst)]
+ end