path: root/lib/hipe/x86
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-09-09 18:53:02 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-09-09 18:53:02 +0200
commit45bd8440673a814e068397235ce7794f22f1e3f5 (patch)
tree4525e75fff69e990ba308bf1bc7a99346ffdda4e /lib/hipe/x86
parent8f6c2f8fb8e3bf2c7c6ebbc77ed2b0428d40fd78 (diff)
parentea710644b198f7800f0daf2de0d152cf8e3e9bb3 (diff)
Merge branch 'sverker/hipe-speedy-reg-alloc/PR-1159/OTP-13879'
* sverker/hipe-speedy-reg-alloc/PR-1159: hipe: Refactor ra callbacks to accept context arg hipe: Reuse liveness between regalloc iterations hipe: Add ra_partitioned to o1 and up hipe_regalloc_prepass: Change splitting heuristic hipe: Make sure prepass temps are below SpillLimit hipe_regalloc_prepass: Rename coloring collisions hipe_ppc: Add code rewrite RA callbacks hipe_sparc: Add code rewrite RA callbacks hipe_arm: Add code rewrite RA callbacks hipe_x86: Add code rewrite RA callbacks hipe: Remove defun_to_cfg/1 RA callback Add new sanity assertion to hipe_regalloc_prepass Simplify hipe_x86_ra_finalise:conv_ra_maplet/3 hipe_x86: Simplify ra_postconditions is_mem_opnd hipe_x86: Fix pseudo_tailcall prettyprinting hipe_x86: Extra sanity assertions hipe: clean up unnecessary catches hipe: Remove temp reuse from call_fun hipe: Add IG partitioning to hipe_regalloc_prepass hipe: Add hipe_regalloc_prepass
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/x86')
10 files changed, 186 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/Makefile b/lib/hipe/x86/Makefile
index 9b21270426..84edeaebe7 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/Makefile
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ MODULES=hipe_rtl_to_x86 \
hipe_x86_ra_postconditions \
hipe_x86_registers \
hipe_x86_spill_restore \
+ hipe_x86_subst \
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
index 9cba6cbe4b..4455def74e 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
--export([insn_def/1, insn_use/1]). %% src_use/1]).
+-export([insn_def/1, insn_defs_all/1, insn_use/1]). %% src_use/1]).
@@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ insn_def(I) ->
_ -> []
+%% @doc Answers whether instruction I defines all allocatable registers. Used by
+%% hipe_regalloc_prepass.
+-spec insn_defs_all(_) -> boolean().
+insn_defs_all(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #pseudo_call{} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
dst_def(Dst) ->
case Dst of
#x86_temp{} -> [Dst];
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_pp.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_pp.erl
index 9352cf5dbf..ff26a31877 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_pp.erl
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ pp_insn(Dev, I, Pre) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=Fun, arity=Arity, stkargs=StkArgs, linkage=Linkage} ->
io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_tailcall ", []),
pp_fun(Dev, Fun),
- io:format(Dev, "~w (", [Arity]),
+ io:format(Dev, " ~w (", [Arity]),
pp_args(Dev, StkArgs),
io:format(Dev, ") ~w\n", [Linkage]);
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra.erl
index 3af333ab4b..b64c22a76c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra.erl
@@ -49,27 +49,24 @@ code_size(CFG) ->
ra(CFG0, Options) ->
%% hipe_x86_cfg:pp(CFG0),
- {CFG1, Coloring_fp, SpillIndex, Liveness} =
- case ra_fp(CFG0, Options) of
- {G, C, I} -> {G, C, I, undefined};
- {_,_,_,_}=T -> T
- end,
+ Liveness0 = ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC:analyze(CFG0, no_context),
+ {CFG1, Liveness, Coloring_fp, SpillIndex} = ra_fp(CFG0, Liveness0, Options),
%% hipe_x86_cfg:pp(CFG1),
- {CFG2, Coloring}
+ {CFG2, _, Coloring}
= case proplists:get_value(regalloc, Options, coalescing) of
coalescing ->
- ra(CFG1, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_coalescing_regalloc);
+ ra(CFG1, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_coalescing_regalloc);
optimistic ->
- ra(CFG1, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_optimistic_regalloc);
+ ra(CFG1, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_optimistic_regalloc);
graph_color ->
- ra(CFG1, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc);
+ ra(CFG1, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options, hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc);
linear_scan ->
?HIPE_X86_RA_LS:ra(CFG1, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options);
naive ->
- ?HIPE_X86_RA_NAIVE:ra(CFG1, Coloring_fp, Options);
+ ?HIPE_X86_RA_NAIVE:ra(CFG1, Liveness, Coloring_fp, Options);
_ ->
@@ -80,11 +77,12 @@ ra(CFG0, Options) ->
%% hipe_x86_cfg:pp(CFG2),
?HIPE_X86_RA_FINALISE:finalise(CFG2, Coloring, Coloring_fp, Options).
-ra(CFG, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod) ->
- hipe_regalloc_loop:ra(CFG, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod, ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC).
+ra(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod) ->
+ hipe_regalloc_loop:ra(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod,
+ ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, no_context).
-ra_fp(CFG, Options) ->
+ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options) ->
Regalloc0 = proplists:get_value(regalloc, Options),
{Regalloc, TargetMod} =
case proplists:get_bool(inline_fp, Options) and (Regalloc0 =/= naive) of
@@ -96,25 +94,30 @@ ra_fp(CFG, Options) ->
case Regalloc of
- coalescing -> ra_fp(CFG, Options, hipe_coalescing_regalloc, TargetMod);
- optimistic -> ra_fp(CFG, Options, hipe_optimistic_regalloc, TargetMod);
- graph_color -> ra_fp(CFG, Options, hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc,
- TargetMod);
- linear_scan -> hipe_amd64_ra_ls:ra_fp(CFG, Options, TargetMod);
- naive -> {CFG,[],0};
+ coalescing ->
+ ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, hipe_coalescing_regalloc, TargetMod);
+ optimistic ->
+ ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, hipe_optimistic_regalloc, TargetMod);
+ graph_color ->
+ ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc, TargetMod);
+ linear_scan -> hipe_amd64_ra_ls:ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, TargetMod,
+ no_context);
+ naive -> {CFG,Liveness,[],0};
_ ->
-ra_fp(CFG, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod) ->
- hipe_regalloc_loop:ra_fp(CFG, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod).
+ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod) ->
+ hipe_regalloc_loop:ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod,
+ no_context).
-ra_fp(CFG, Options) ->
+ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options) ->
case proplists:get_bool(inline_fp, Options) of
true ->
- hipe_x86_ra_ls:ra_fp(CFG, Options, hipe_x86_specific_x87);
+ hipe_x86_ra_ls:ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, hipe_x86_specific_x87,
+ no_context);
false ->
- {CFG,[],0}
+ {CFG,Liveness,[],0}
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
index 62009abb76..edfd7b332c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
@@ -244,49 +244,27 @@ mk_ra_map(TempMap, SpillLimit) ->
-conv_ra_maplet(MapLet = {From,To}, SpillLimit, IsPrecoloured) ->
+conv_ra_maplet({From,To}, SpillLimit, IsPrecoloured)
+ when is_integer(From), From =< SpillLimit ->
%% From should be a pseudo, or a hard reg mapped to itself.
- if is_integer(From), From =< SpillLimit ->
- case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:IsPrecoloured(From) of
- false -> [];
- _ ->
- case To of
- {reg, From} -> [];
- _ -> exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
- end
- end;
- true -> exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
+ case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:IsPrecoloured(From) of
+ false -> ok;
+ _ -> To = {reg, From}, ok
%% end of From check
case To of
- {reg, NewReg} ->
+ {reg, NewReg} when is_integer(NewReg) ->
%% NewReg should be a hard reg, or a pseudo mapped
%% to itself (formals are handled this way).
- if is_integer(NewReg) ->
- case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:IsPrecoloured(NewReg) of
- true -> [];
- _ -> if From =:= NewReg -> [];
- true ->
- exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
- end
- end;
- true -> exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
- end,
- %% end of NewReg check
+ true = (?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:IsPrecoloured(NewReg) orelse From =:= NewReg),
{From, NewReg};
- {spill, SpillIndex} ->
- %% SpillIndex should be >= 0.
- if is_integer(SpillIndex), SpillIndex >= 0 -> [];
- true -> exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
- end,
- %% end of SpillIndex check
+ {spill, SpillIndex} when is_integer(SpillIndex), SpillIndex >= 0 ->
ToTempNum = SpillLimit+SpillIndex+1,
MaxTempNum = hipe_gensym:get_var(x86),
if MaxTempNum >= ToTempNum -> ok;
true -> hipe_gensym:set_var(x86, ToTempNum)
- {From, ToTempNum};
- _ -> exit({?MODULE,conv_ra_maplet,MapLet})
+ {From, ToTempNum}
mk_ra_map_x87(FpMap, SpillLimit) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_ls.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_ls.erl
index 9f019f9561..34ce50d494 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_ls.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_ls.erl
@@ -35,66 +35,64 @@
-define(HIPE_INSTRUMENT_COMPILER, true). %% Turn on instrumentation.
ra(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, Options) ->
SpillLimit = ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC:number_of_temporaries(
- CFG),
+ CFG, no_context),
?inc_counter(bbs_counter, length(hipe_x86_cfg:labels(CFG))),
alloc(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options).
-ra_fp(CFG, Options, TargetMod) ->
+ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, TargetMod, TargetCtx) ->
%% ?inc_counter(ra_caller_saves_counter,count_caller_saves(CFG)),
SpillIndex = 0,
- SpillLimit = TargetMod:number_of_temporaries(CFG),
+ SpillLimit = TargetMod:number_of_temporaries(CFG, TargetCtx),
?inc_counter(bbs_counter, length(hipe_x86_cfg:labels(CFG))),
%% ?HIPE_X86_PP:pp(Defun),
- {Coloring,NewSpillIndex,Liveness} =
- regalloc(CFG,
- undefined,
- TargetMod:allocatable('linearscan'),
+ {Coloring,NewSpillIndex} =
+ regalloc(CFG, Liveness,
+ TargetMod:allocatable('linearscan', TargetCtx),
SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options,
- TargetMod),
+ TargetMod, TargetCtx),
{NewCFG, _DidSpill} =
- TargetMod:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'linearscan'),
- TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, TargetMod),
+ TargetMod:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'linearscan', TargetCtx),
+ TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, TargetMod, TargetCtx),
{TempMap2, NewSpillIndex2} =
hipe_spillmin:stackalloc(CFG, Liveness, [], SpillIndex, Options,
- TargetMod, TempMap),
+ TargetMod, TargetCtx, TempMap),
Coloring2 =
hipe_spillmin:mapmerge(hipe_temp_map:to_substlist(TempMap), TempMap2),
?add_spills(Options, NewSpillIndex),
- {NewCFG, Coloring2, NewSpillIndex2, Liveness}.
+ {NewCFG, Liveness, Coloring2, NewSpillIndex2}.
-alloc(CFG, Liveness0, SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options) ->
+alloc(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options) ->
%% ?HIPE_X86_PP:pp(Defun),
- {Coloring, NewSpillIndex, Liveness} =
+ {Coloring, NewSpillIndex} =
- CFG,
- Liveness0,
+ CFG, Liveness,
SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options,
+ ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, no_context),
{NewCFG, _DidSpill} =
CFG, Coloring, 'linearscan'),
%% ?HIPE_X86_PP:pp(NewDefun),
- TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC),
+ TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, no_context),
{TempMap2,NewSpillIndex2} =
hipe_spillmin:stackalloc(CFG, Liveness, [], SpillIndex, Options,
- ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, TempMap),
+ ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, no_context, TempMap),
Coloring2 =
hipe_spillmin:mapmerge(hipe_temp_map:to_substlist(TempMap), TempMap2),
case proplists:get_bool(verbose_spills, Options) of
@@ -104,9 +102,9 @@ alloc(CFG, Liveness0, SpillIndex, SpillLimit, Options) ->
?add_spills(Options, NewSpillIndex),
- {NewCFG, Coloring2}.
+ {NewCFG, Liveness, Coloring2}.
-regalloc(CFG,Liveness,PhysRegs,Entrypoints, SpillIndex, DontSpill, Options,
- Target) ->
- hipe_ls_regalloc:regalloc(CFG,Liveness,PhysRegs,Entrypoints, SpillIndex,
- DontSpill, Options, Target).
+regalloc(CFG, Liveness, PhysRegs, Entrypoints, SpillIndex, DontSpill, Options,
+ TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
+ hipe_ls_regalloc:regalloc(CFG, Liveness, PhysRegs, Entrypoints, SpillIndex,
+ DontSpill, Options, TgtMod, TgtCtx).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_naive.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_naive.erl
index 27e5af4aee..35de692e07 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_naive.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_naive.erl
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
-define(HIPE_INSTRUMENT_COMPILER, true). % enable instrumentation
-ra(CFG0, Coloring_fp, Options) ->
+ra(CFG0, Liveness, Coloring_fp, Options) ->
CFG = hipe_x86_cfg:map_bbs(fun do_bb/2, CFG0),
NofSpilledFloats = count_non_float_spills(Coloring_fp),
NofFloats = length(Coloring_fp),
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ra(CFG0, Coloring_fp, Options) ->
NofSpilledFloats -
TempMap = [],
- {CFG,
+ {CFG, Liveness,
do_bb(_Lbl, BB) ->
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ count_non_float_spills(Coloring_fp) ->
count_non_float_spills(Coloring_fp, 0).
count_non_float_spills([{_,To}|Tail], Num) ->
- case ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC_FP:is_precoloured(To) of
+ case ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC_FP:is_precoloured(To, no_context) of
true ->
count_non_float_spills(Tail, Num);
false ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
index c73d029b9b..f496b71828 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, Strategy) ->
%% io:format("Converting\n"),
- TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC),
+ TempMap = hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Coloring, ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, no_context),
%% io:format("Rewriting\n"),
do_bbs(hipe_x86_cfg:labels(CFG), TempMap, Strategy, CFG, false).
@@ -389,19 +389,12 @@ is_mem_opnd(Opnd, TempMap) ->
Reg = hipe_x86:temp_reg(Opnd),
case hipe_x86:temp_is_allocatable(Opnd) of
true ->
- case tuple_size(TempMap) > Reg of
+ case
+ hipe_temp_map:is_spilled(Reg, TempMap) of
true ->
- case
- hipe_temp_map:is_spilled(Reg, TempMap) of
- true ->
- ?count_temp(Reg),
- true;
- false -> false
- end;
- _ ->
- %% impossible, but was true in ls post and false in normal post
- exit({?MODULE,is_mem_opnd,Reg}),
- false
+ ?count_temp(Reg),
+ true;
+ false -> false
false -> true
@@ -416,15 +409,10 @@ is_spilled(Temp, TempMap) ->
case hipe_x86:temp_is_allocatable(Temp) of
true ->
Reg = hipe_x86:temp_reg(Temp),
- case tuple_size(TempMap) > Reg of
+ case hipe_temp_map:is_spilled(Reg, TempMap) of
true ->
- case hipe_temp_map:is_spilled(Reg, TempMap) of
- true ->
- ?count_temp(Reg),
- true;
- false ->
- false
- end;
+ ?count_temp(Reg),
+ true;
false ->
@@ -441,14 +429,14 @@ clone(Dst, Strategy) ->
spill_temp(Type, Strategy).
-spill_temp0(Type, 'normal') ->
+spill_temp0(Type, 'normal') when Type =/= double ->
-spill_temp0(Type, 'linearscan') ->
+spill_temp0(Type, 'linearscan') when Type =/= double ->
hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp0(), Type).
-spill_temp(Type, 'normal') ->
+spill_temp(Type, 'normal') when Type =/= double ->
-spill_temp(Type, 'linearscan') ->
+spill_temp(Type, 'linearscan') when Type =/= double ->
hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp1(), Type).
%%% Make a certain reg into a clone of Dst
@@ -460,6 +448,6 @@ clone2(Dst, RegOpt) ->
#x86_temp{} -> hipe_x86:temp_type(Dst)
case RegOpt of
- [] -> hipe_x86:mk_new_temp(Type);
+ [] when Type =/= double -> hipe_x86:mk_new_temp(Type);
Reg -> hipe_x86:mk_temp(Reg, Type)
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_registers.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_registers.erl
index 179d734501..f00bbfb280 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_registers.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_registers.erl
@@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ ret(N) ->
exit({?MODULE, ret, N})
+%% Note: the fact that (allocatable() UNION allocatable_x87()) is a subset of
+%% call_clobbered() is hard-coded in hipe_x86_defuse:insn_defs_all/1
call_clobbered() ->
[{?EAX,tagged},{?EAX,untagged}, % does the RA strip the type or not?
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e642d1d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-define(HIPE_X86_SUBST, hipe_amd64_subst).
+-define(HIPE_X86_SUBST, hipe_x86_subst).
+%% These should be moved to hipe_x86 and exported
+-type temp() :: #x86_temp{}.
+-type oper() :: temp() | #x86_imm{} | #x86_mem{}.
+-type mfarec() :: #x86_mfa{}.
+-type prim() :: #x86_prim{}.
+-type funv() :: mfarec() | prim() | temp().
+-type insn() :: tuple(). % for now
+-type subst_fun() :: fun((temp()) -> temp()).
+%% @doc Maps over the temporaries in an instruction
+-spec insn_temps(subst_fun(), insn()) -> insn().
+insn_temps(SubstTemp, I) ->
+ O = fun(O) -> oper_temps(SubstTemp, O) end,
+ case I of
+ #alu {src=S, dst=D} -> I#alu {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #cmovcc {src=S, dst=D} -> I#cmovcc {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #cmp {src=S, dst=D} -> I#cmp {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #fmove {src=S, dst=D} -> I#fmove {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #fp_binop{src=S, dst=D} -> I#fp_binop{src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #imul {src=S, temp=T} -> I#imul {src=O(S), temp=O(T)};
+ #lea {mem=M, temp=T} -> I#lea {mem=O(M), temp=O(T)};
+ #move {src=S, dst=D} -> I#move {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #movsx {src=S, dst=D} -> I#movsx {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #movzx {src=S, dst=D} -> I#movzx {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #shift {src=S, dst=D} -> I#shift {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #test {src=S, dst=D} -> I#test {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
+ #fp_unop{arg=A} -> I#fp_unop{arg=O(A)};
+ #move64 {dst=D} -> I#move64 {dst=O(D)};
+ #push {src=S} -> I#push {src=O(S)};
+ #pop {dst=D} -> I#pop {dst=O(D)};
+ #jmp_switch{temp=T, jtab=J} ->
+ I#jmp_switch{temp=O(T), jtab=jtab_temps(SubstTemp, J)};
+ #pseudo_call{'fun'=F} ->
+ I#pseudo_call{'fun'=funv_temps(SubstTemp, F)};
+ #pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=F, stkargs=Stk} ->
+ I#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=funv_temps(SubstTemp, F),
+ stkargs=lists:map(O, Stk)};
+ #comment{} -> I;
+ #jmp_label{} -> I;
+ #pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> I;
+ #pseudo_jcc{} -> I;
+ #ret{} -> I
+ end.
+-spec oper_temps(subst_fun(), oper()) -> oper().
+oper_temps(_SubstTemp, I=#x86_imm{}) -> I;
+oper_temps(SubstTemp, T=#x86_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T);
+oper_temps(SubstTemp, M=#x86_mem{base=Base,off=Off}) ->
+ M#x86_mem{base=oper_temps(SubstTemp, Base),
+ off =oper_temps(SubstTemp, Off)}.
+-spec funv_temps(subst_fun(), funv()) -> funv().
+funv_temps(_SubstTemp, MFA=#x86_mfa{}) -> MFA;
+funv_temps(_SubstTemp, P=#x86_prim{}) -> P;
+funv_temps(SubstTemp, T=#x86_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T).
+%% TODO: Undo this ifdeffery at the source (make jtab an #x86_imm{} on x86)
+jtab_temps(SubstTemp, T=#x86_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T).
+jtab_temps(_SubstTemp, DataLbl) when is_integer(DataLbl) -> DataLbl.