path: root/lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl
diff options
authorLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-25 15:09:14 +0200
committerLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2018-04-27 12:05:30 +0200
commit6bcdad20c24457393c0d9eeb385d0ff5aa872cd0 (patch)
tree63162ddfa38d92eaff2193b73277aba18160308c /lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl
parent87b06e4ab91729f7415578c8ac0aacec28720ad9 (diff)
Move the corba applcations to separate repository
All corba applications are moved to a separate repository. E.g. orber, ic, cosEvent, cosEventDomain, cosNotifications cosTime, cosTransactions, cosProperty and cosFileTransfer.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1917 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl b/lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 713ac87287..0000000000
--- a/lib/ic/src/icstruct.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1917 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([struct_gen/4, except_gen/4, create_c_array_coding_file/5]).
-%% Internal stuff
--import(ic_codegen, [emit/2, emit/3, emit/4, emit_c_enc_rpt/4, emit_c_dec_rpt/4]).
-%% File handling stuff
-%% Generation loop
-%% The idea is to traverse everything and find every struct that
-%% may be hiding down in nested types. All structs that are found
-%% are generated to a hrl file.
-%% struct_gen is entry point for structs and types, except_gen is
-%% for exceptions
-except_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, except) ->
- N2 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
- if
- L == c ->
- io:format("Warning : Exception not defined for c mapping\n", []);
- true ->
- emit_struct(G, N, X, L)
- end,
- struct_gen_list(G, N2, ic_forms:get_body(X), L).
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, struct) ->
- N2 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
- struct_gen_list(G, N2, ic_forms:get_body(X), L),
- emit_struct(G, N, X, L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, union) ->
- N2 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
- if
- L == c ->
- %% Produce the "body" first
- struct_gen_list(G, N2, ic_forms:get_body(X), L),
- icunion:union_gen(G, N, X, c);
- true ->
- struct_gen(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), L),
- struct_gen_list(G, N2, ic_forms:get_body(X), L)
- end,
- emit_union(G, N, X, L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, member) ->
- struct_gen(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
- struct_gen(G, N, ic_forms:get_body(X), L),
- emit_typedef(G, N, X, L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, type_dcl) ->
- struct_gen_list(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, case_dcl) ->
- struct_gen(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), L);
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, sequence) ->
- struct_gen(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), L),
- X;
-struct_gen(G, N, X, L) when is_record(X, enum) ->
- icenum:enum_gen(G, N, X, L);
-struct_gen(_G, _N, _X, _L) ->
- ok.
-%% List clause for struct_gen
-struct_gen_list(G, N, Xs, L) ->
- lists:foreach(
- fun(X) ->
- R = struct_gen(G, N, X, L),
- if
- L == c ->
- if
- is_record(R,sequence) ->
- emit_sequence_head_def(G,N,X,R,L);
- true ->
- ok
- end;
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end, Xs).
-%% emit primitive for structs.
-emit_struct(G, N, X, erlang) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- %% Make a straight list of all member ids (this is a
- %% variant of flatten)
- EList = lists:map(
- fun(XX) ->
- lists:map(
- fun(XXX) ->
- ic_util:to_atom(ic_forms:get_id2(XXX))
- end,
- ic_forms:get_idlist(XX))
- end,
- ic_forms:get_body(X)),
- ic_codegen:record(G, X,
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X), lists:flatten(EList)),
- mkFileRecObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- false ->
- ok
- end;
-emit_struct(G, N, X, c) ->
- N1 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
- case ic_pragma:is_local(G,N1) of
- true ->
- emit_c_struct(G, N, X,local);
- false ->
- emit_c_struct(G, N, X,included)
- end.
-emit_c_struct(_G, _N, _X, included) ->
- %% Do not generate included types att all.
- ok;
-emit_c_struct(G, N, X, local) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G),
- N1 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
- StructName = ic_util:to_undersc(N1),
- %% Make a straight list of all member ids (this is a
- %% variant of flatten)
- M = lists:map(
- fun(XX) ->
- lists:map(
- fun(XXX) ->
- if
- is_record(XXX, array) ->
- Type = ic_forms:get_type(XX),
- Name = element(3,element(2,XXX)),
- {_, _, StructTK, _} =
- ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(
- G,
- N,
- ic_symtab:scoped_id_new(
- ic_forms:get_id2(X))),
- ArrayTK =
- get_structelement_tk(StructTK,
- Name),
- Dim = extract_dim(ArrayTK),
- %% emit array file
- emit(Fd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",
- [ic_util:to_uppercase(
- StructName ++ "_"
- ++ Name)]),
- emit(Fd, "#define __~s__\n\n",
- [ic_util:to_uppercase(
- StructName ++ "_"
- ++ Name)]),
- create_c_array_coding_file(
- G,
- N,
- {StructName ++ "_" ++ Name, Dim},
- Type,
- no_typedef),
- emit(Fd, "\n#endif\n\n"),
- {{Type, XXX},
- ic_forms:get_id2(XXX)};
- true ->
- %% Ugly work around to fix the ETO
- %% return patch problem
- Name =
- case ic_forms:get_id2(XXX) of
- "return" ->
- "return1";
- Other ->
- Other
- end,
- {ic_forms:get_type(XX), Name}
- end
- end,
- ic_forms:get_idlist(XX))
- end,
- ic_forms:get_body(X)),
- EList = lists:flatten(M),
- %%io:format("Elist = ~p~n",[EList]),
- emit(Fd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(StructName)]),
- emit(Fd, "#define __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(StructName)]),
- ic_codegen:mcomment_light(Fd,
- [io_lib:format("Struct definition: ~s",
- [StructName])],
- c),
- emit(Fd, "typedef struct {\n"),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({Type, Name}) ->
- emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N1, X, Name, Type)
- end,
- EList),
- emit(Fd, "} ~s;\n\n", [StructName]),
- create_c_struct_coding_file(G, N, X, nil, StructName,
- EList, struct),
- emit(Fd, "\n#endif\n\n");
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-%% Extracts array dimention(s)
-get_structelement_tk({tk_struct, _, _, EList}, EN) ->
- {value, {EN, ArrayTK}} = lists:keysearch(EN, 1, EList),
- ArrayTK.
-extract_dim({tk_array, {tk_array, T, D1}, D}) ->
- [integer_to_list(D) | extract_dim({tk_array, T, D1})];
-extract_dim({tk_array, _, D}) ->
- [integer_to_list(D)].
-%% Makes the array name
-mk_array_name(Name,Dim) ->
- Name ++ mk_array_name(Dim).
-mk_array_name([]) ->
- "";
-mk_array_name([Dim|Dims]) ->
- "[" ++ Dim ++ "]" ++ mk_array_name(Dims).
-emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N, X, Name,{Type,Array}) when is_record(Array, array)->
- {_, _, StructTK, _} =
- ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(
- G,
- N,
- ic_symtab:scoped_id_new(ic_forms:get_id2(X))),
- ArrayTK = get_structelement_tk(StructTK, Name),
- Dim = extract_dim(ArrayTK),
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),mk_array_name(Name,Dim)]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, _G, N, _X, Name, Union) when is_record(Union, union)->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(Union) | N]),Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, _G, _N, _X, Name, {string, _}) ->
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_char *~s;\n",
- [Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, _G, N, _X, Name, {sequence, _Type, _Length}) ->
- %% Sequence used as struct
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [ic_util:to_undersc([Name | N]), Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N, X, Name, Type)
- when element(1, Type) == scoped_id ->
- CType = ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type, evaluate_not),
- emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N, X, Name, CType);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N, _X, Name, {enum, Type}) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, _G, _N, _X, Name, "ETERM*") ->
- emit(Fd, " ETERM* ~s;\n",
- [Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, _G, _N, _X, Name, Type) when is_list(Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [Type, Name]);
-emit_struct_member(Fd, G, N, _X, Name, Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s ~s;\n",
- [ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- Name]).
-emit_typedef(G, N, X, erlang) ->
- case X of
- {typedef,_,[{array,_,_}],_} -> %% Array but not a typedef of
- %% an array definition
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- noc ->
- mkFileArrObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- _ ->
- %% Search the table to see if the type is local or
- %% inherited.
- PTab = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),
- Id = ic_forms:get_id2(X),
- case ets:match(PTab,{file_data_local,'_','_',
- typedef,N,Id,
- ic_util:to_undersc([Id | N]),
- '_','_'}) of
- [[]] ->
- %% Local, create erlang file for the array
- mkFileArrObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- _ ->
- %% Inherited, do nothing
- ok
- end
- end;
- {typedef,{sequence,_,_},_,{tk_sequence,_,_}} ->
- %% Sequence but not a typedef of
- %% a typedef of a sequence definition
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- noc ->
- mkFileRecObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- _ ->
- %% Search the table to see if the type is local or
- %% inherited.
- PTab = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),
- Id = ic_forms:get_id2(X),
- case ets:match(PTab,{file_data_local,'_','_',typedef,
- N,Id,
- ic_util:to_undersc([Id | N]),
- '_','_'}) of
- [[]] ->
- %% Local, create erlang file for the sequence
- mkFileRecObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- _ ->
- %% Inherited, do nothing
- ok
- end
- end;
- _ ->
- ok
- end;
-emit_typedef(G, N, X, c) ->
- B = ic_forms:get_body(X),
- if
- is_record(B, sequence) ->
- emit_sequence_head_def(G, N, X, B, c);
- true ->
- lists:foreach(fun(D) ->
- emit_typedef(G, N, D, B, c)
- end,
- ic_forms:get_idlist(X))
- end.
-emit_typedef(G, N, D, Type, c) when is_record(D, array) ->
- emit_array(G, N, D, Type);
-emit_typedef(G, N, D, Type, c) ->
- Name = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(D) | N]),
- CType = ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- TDType = mk_base_type(G, N, Type),
- ic_code:insert_typedef(G, Name, TDType),
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G),
- emit(Fd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(Name)]),
- emit(Fd, "#define __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(Name)]),
- ic_codegen:mcomment_light(Fd,
- [io_lib:format("Type definition ~s "
- "for type ~s",
- [Name, CType])],
- c),
- emit(Fd, "typedef ~s ~s;\n",
- [CType, Name]),
- emit(Fd, "\n#endif\n\n"),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd);
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-mk_base_type(G, N, S) when element(1, S) == scoped_id ->
- {FullScopedName, _T, _TK, _} = ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, S),
- BT = ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_undersc(FullScopedName)),
- case BT of
- "erlang_binary" ->
- "erlang_binary";
- "erlang_pid" ->
- "erlang_pid";
- "erlang_port" ->
- "erlang_port";
- "erlang_ref" ->
- "erlang_ref";
- "erlang_term" ->
- "ETERM*";
- Type ->
- Type
- end;
-mk_base_type(_G, _N, S) ->
- S.
-emit_array(G, N, D, Type) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G),
- Name = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(D) | N]),
- {_, _, ArrayTK, _} =
- ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N,
- ic_symtab:scoped_id_new(
- ic_forms:get_id(D))),
- Dim = extract_dim(ArrayTK),
- CType = ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- emit(Fd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(Name)]),
- emit(Fd, "#define __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(Name)]),
- ic_codegen:mcomment_light(Fd,
- [io_lib:format("Array definition ~s "
- "for type ~s",
- [Name, CType])],
- c),
- emit(Fd, "typedef ~s ~s~s;\n",
- [CType, Name, ic_cbe:mk_dim(Dim)]),
- emit(Fd, "typedef ~s ~s_slice~s;\n",
- [CType, Name, ic_cbe:mk_slice_dim(Dim)]),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- create_c_array_coding_file(G, N, {Name, Dim}, Type, typedef),
- emit(Fd, "\n#endif\n\n");
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-open_c_coding_file(G, Name) ->
- SName = string:concat(ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "code_"), Name),
- FName =
- ic_file:join(ic_options:get_opt(G, stubdir),ic_file:add_dot_c(SName)),
- case file:open(FName, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- {Fd, SName};
- Other ->
- exit(Other)
- end.
-create_c_array_coding_file(G, N, {Name, Dim}, Type, TypeDefFlag) ->
- {Fd , SName} = open_c_coding_file(G, Name),
- HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile header
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- ic_codegen:emit_stub_head(G, Fd, SName, c),
- emit(Fd, "#include \"~s\"\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Fd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile
- %% HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G), %% Write on stubfile header
- %% HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- %% emit(Fd, "#include \"~s\"\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, int*, int*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), Name]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, int* oe_size_count_index, "
- "int* oe_size) {\n", [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), Name]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_malloc_size = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_array_size = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- emit_sizecount(array, G, N, nil, RamFd, {Name, Dim}, Type),
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd),
- emit(Fd, Data),
- ram_file:close(RamFd),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n",[]),
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- RefStr = get_refStr(Dim),
- case TypeDefFlag of
- typedef ->
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), Name, Name]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s oe_rec) {\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), Name, Name]);
- no_typedef ->
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s oe_rec~s);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"),
- Name,
- ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- RefStr]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s oe_rec~s) {\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"),
- Name,
- ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- RefStr])
- end,
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd1} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- case TypeDefFlag of
- typedef ->
- emit_encode(array, G, N, nil, RamFd1, {Name, Dim}, Type);
- no_typedef ->
- emit_encode(array_no_typedef, G, N, nil, RamFd1, {Name, Dim}, Type)
- end,
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data1} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd1),
- emit(Fd, Data1),
- ram_file:close(RamFd1),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n",[]),
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- case TypeDefFlag of
- typedef ->
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *, "
- "int*, ~s);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), Name, Name]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *oe_first, "
- "int* oe_outindex, ~s oe_out) {\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), Name, Name]);
- no_typedef ->
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *, int*, "
- "~s oe_rec~s);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"),
- Name,
- ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- RefStr]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *oe_first, "
- "int* oe_outindex, ~s oe_out~s) {\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"),
- Name,
- ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),
- RefStr])
- end,
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_array_size = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd2} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- case TypeDefFlag of
- typedef ->
- emit_decode(array, G, N, nil, RamFd2, {Name, Dim}, Type);
- no_typedef ->
- emit_decode(array_no_typedef, G, N, nil, RamFd2, {Name, Dim}, Type)
- end,
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data2} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd2),
- emit(Fd, Data2),
- ram_file:close(RamFd2),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n",[align("*oe_outindex")]),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n",[]),
- file:close(Fd).
-get_refStr([]) ->
- "";
-get_refStr([X|Xs]) ->
- "[" ++ X ++ "]" ++ get_refStr(Xs).
-emit_sequence_head_def(G, N, X, T, c) ->
- %% T is the sequence
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- Fd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G),
- SeqName = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- emit(Fd, "\n#ifndef __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(SeqName)]),
- emit(Fd, "#define __~s__\n",[ic_util:to_uppercase(SeqName)]),
- ic_codegen:mcomment_light(Fd,
- [io_lib:format("Struct definition: ~s",
- [SeqName])],
- c),
- emit(Fd, "typedef struct {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_unsigned_long _maximum;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_unsigned_long _length;\n"),
- emit_seq_buffer(Fd, G, N, T#sequence.type),
- emit(Fd, "} ~s;\n\n", [SeqName]),
- create_c_struct_coding_file(G, N, X, T, SeqName,
- T#sequence.type, sequence_head),
- emit(Fd, "\n#endif\n\n");
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-emit_seq_buffer(Fd, G, N, Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " ~s* _buffer;\n",
- [ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type)]).
-%% Emit decode bodies for functions in C for array, sequences and
-%% structs.
-emit_decode(array, G, N, _T, Fd, {_Name, Dim}, Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " if((char*) oe_out == oe_first)\n",[]),
- AlignName =
- lists:concat(["*oe_outindex + ", dim_multiplication(Dim),
- " * sizeof(", ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n",[align(AlignName)]),
- array_decode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Dim, "", Type, array);
-emit_decode(array_no_typedef, G, N, _T, Fd, {_Name, Dim}, Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " if((char*) oe_out == oe_first)\n",[]),
- AlignName =
- lists:concat(["*oe_outindex + ", dim_multiplication(Dim),
- " * sizeof(", ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n",[align(AlignName)]),
- array_decode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Dim, "", Type, array_no_typedef);
-emit_decode(sequence_head, G, N, T, Fd, SeqName, ElType) ->
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int oe_seq_len = 0;\n", []),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int oe_seq_count = 0;\n", []),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int oe_seq_dummy = 0;\n", []),
- TmpBuf =
- case ictype:isBasicTypeOrEterm(G, N, ElType) of
- true ->
- Tmp = "oe_seq_tmpbuf",
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" char* ~s = 0;\n", [Tmp]),
- Tmp;
- false ->
- end,
- MaxSize = get_seq_max(T),
- emit(Fd, " if((char*) oe_out == oe_first)\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n",
- [align(["*oe_outindex + sizeof(", SeqName, ")"])]),
- Ctype = ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, ElType),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_list_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "&oe_env->_iin, &oe_seq_len)) < 0) {\n"),
- case ictype:isBasicTypeOrEterm(G, N, ElType) of
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " (int) ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, "
- "&oe_type, &oe_seq_len);\n\n"),
- if
- MaxSize == infinity ->
- ok;
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_seq_len > ~w) {\n", [MaxSize]),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_exc_set(oe_env, "
- "\"Length of sequence `~s' out of bound\");\n"
- " return -1;\n }\n", [SeqName])
- end,
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_maximum = oe_seq_len;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_length = oe_seq_len;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer = (void *) (oe_first + "
- "*oe_outindex);\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n",
- [align(["*oe_outindex + (sizeof(", Ctype, ") * "
- "oe_out->_length)"])]),
- emit(Fd,
- " if ((~s = malloc(oe_seq_len + 1)) == NULL) {\n"
- " CORBA_exc_set(oe_env, CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "
- "NO_MEMORY, \"Cannot malloc\");\n"
- " return -1;\n"
- " }\n", [TmpBuf]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string("
- "oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, ~s)) < 0) {\n", [TmpBuf]),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_free(~s);\n\n", [TmpBuf]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "string1", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (oe_seq_count = 0; "
- "oe_seq_count < oe_out->_length; oe_seq_count++)\n"),
- case ictype:isBasicType(G, N, ElType) of
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer[oe_seq_count] = (unsigned char) "
- "~s[oe_seq_count];\n\n", [TmpBuf]);
- false -> %% Term
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer[oe_seq_count] = "
- "erl_mk_int(~s[oe_seq_count]);\n\n",[TmpBuf]) % XXXX What?
- end,
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_free(~s);\n\n", [TmpBuf]);
- false ->
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n")
- end,
- emit(Fd, " } else {\n"),
- if
- MaxSize == infinity ->
- ok;
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_seq_len > ~w) {\n", [MaxSize]),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_exc_set(oe_env, "
- "\"Length of sequence `~s' out of bound\");\n"
- " return -1;\n }\n", [SeqName])
- end,
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_maximum = oe_seq_len;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_length = oe_seq_len;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer = (void *) (oe_first + *oe_outindex);\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n",
- [align(["*oe_outindex + (sizeof(", Ctype, ") * oe_out->_length)"])]),
- if
- Ctype == "CORBA_char *" ->
- emit(Fd, " for (oe_seq_count = 0; "
- "oe_seq_count < oe_out->_length; oe_seq_count++) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer[oe_seq_count] = "
- "(void*) (oe_first + *oe_outindex);\n\n"),
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_out->_buffer[oe_seq_count]",
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf", 0, "", caller_dyn),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;",
- [align(["*oe_outindex + strlen(oe_out->_buffer["
- "oe_seq_count]) + 1"])]);
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " for (oe_seq_count = 0; "
- "oe_seq_count < oe_out->_length; oe_seq_count++) {\n"),
- case ictype:isArray(G, N, ElType) of
- %% XXX Silly. There is no real difference between the
- %% C statements produced by the following calls.
- true ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_out->_buffer[oe_seq_count]",
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0, "oe_outindex", generator);
- false ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_out->_buffer + oe_seq_count",
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0, "oe_outindex", generator)
- end
- end,
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_out->_length != 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_list_header("
- "oe_env->_inbuf, &oe_env->_iin, &oe_seq_dummy)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_list_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " } else\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->_buffer = NULL;\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
-emit_decode(struct, G, N, _T, Fd, StructName, ElTypes) ->
- Length = length(ElTypes) + 1,
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- Tname1 = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" char ~s[256];\n\n",[Tname1]),
- emit(Fd, " if((char*) oe_out == oe_first)\n",[]),
- AlignName = lists:concat(["*oe_outindex + sizeof(",StructName,")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n\n", [align(AlignName)]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "&oe_env->_iin, &~s)) < 0) {\n", [Tname]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (~s != ~p) {\n",[Tname, Length]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "tuple header size != ~p", [Length]),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "&oe_env->_iin, ~s)) < 0) {\n", [Tname1]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (strcmp(~s, ~p) != 0)\n",[Tname1, StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n\n"),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({ET, EN}) ->
- case ic_cbe:is_variable_size(G, N, ET) of
- true ->
- case ET of
- {struct, _, _, _} ->
- %% Sequence member = a struct
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN,
- "", "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {sequence, _, _} ->
- %% Sequence member = a struct XXX ??
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- EN,
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_,{array, _, _}} ->
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->~s = (void *) "
- "(oe_first+*oe_outindex);\n\n",[EN]),
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- EN, "oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {union, _, _, _, _} ->
- %% Sequence member = a union
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {string,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator_malloc);
- {scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
- case ictype:member2type(G,StructName,EN) of
- array ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- struct ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- sequence ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- union ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator)
- end;
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, " oe_out->~s = (void *) "
- "(oe_first+*oe_outindex);\n\n",[EN]),
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0, "oe_outindex",
- generator)
- end;
- false ->
- case ET of
- {struct, _, _, _} ->
- %% A struct member
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_,{array, _, _}} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- EN,
- "oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {union, _, _, _, _} ->
- %% Sequence member = a union
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++ EN ,
- "",
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, ET) of
- {_FullScopedName, _, {tk_array,_,_}, _} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_FullScopedName, _, {tk_string,_}, _} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_FullScopedName, _, {tk_struct,_,_,_}, _} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- {_FullScopedName, _,
- {tk_union,_,_,_,_,_}, _} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator);
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_out->" ++
- EN,
- "",
- "oe_env->"
- "_inbuf",
- 0,
- "oe_outindex",
- generator)
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- ElTypes).
-ref_array_static_dec(array, true) ->
- %% Typedef, Static, Basic Type
- "&(oe_out)";
-ref_array_static_dec(array, false) ->
- %% Typedef, Static, Constr Type
- "&(oe_out)";
-ref_array_static_dec(array_no_typedef, true) ->
- %% No Typedef, Static, Basic Type
- "&oe_out";
-ref_array_static_dec(array_no_typedef, false) ->
- %% No Typedef, Static, Constr Type
- "&oe_out".
-ref_array_dynamic_dec(G, N, T, array) ->
- case ictype:isString(G, N, T) of
- true -> % Typedef, Dynamic, String
- "oe_out";
- false -> % Typedef, Dynamic, No String
- "&(oe_out)"
- end;
-ref_array_dynamic_dec(G, N, T, array_no_typedef) ->
- case ictype:isString(G, N, T) of
- true -> % No Typedef, Dynamic, String
- "oe_out";
- false -> % No Typedef, Dynamic, No String
- "&oe_out"
- end.
-array_decode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim], Dimstr, Type, TDFlag) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "&oe_env->_iin, &oe_array_size)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- %% This is disabled due to a bug in erl_interface :
- %% tuples inside tuples hae no correct data about the size
- %% of the tuple........( allways = 0 )
- %%emit(Fd, " if (oe_array_size != ~s)\n",[Dim]),
- %%emit(Fd, " return -1;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- ArrAccess =
- case ic_cbe:is_variable_size(G, N, Type) of
- true ->
- ref_array_dynamic_dec(G, N, Type, TDFlag) ++
- Dimstr ++ "[" ++ Tname ++ "]";
- false ->
- ref_array_static_dec(TDFlag, ictype:isBasicType(G,N,Type)) ++
- Dimstr ++ "[" ++ Tname ++ "]"
- end,
- ic_cbe:emit_decoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, Type,
- ArrAccess,
- "", "oe_env->_inbuf", 0,
- "oe_outindex", generator),
- %% emit(Fd, "\n *oe_outindex +=
- %% sizeof(~s);\n",[ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type)]),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
-array_decode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim | Ds], _Dimstr, Type, TDFlag) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "&oe_env->_iin, &oe_array_size)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- %% This is disabled due to a bug in erl_interface :
- %% tuples inside tuples hae no correct data about the size
- %% of the tuple........( allways = 0 )
- %%emit(Fd, " if (oe_array_size != ~s)\n",[Dim]),
- %%emit(Fd, " return -1;\n\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- array_decode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Ds, "[" ++ Tname ++ "]" , Type,
- TDFlag),
- emit(Fd, " }\n").
-dim_multiplication([D]) ->
- D;
-dim_multiplication([D |Ds]) ->
- D ++ "*" ++ dim_multiplication(Ds).
-emit_encode(array, G, N, _T, Fd, {_Name, Dim}, Type) ->
- array_encode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Dim, {"",""}, Type, array);
-emit_encode(array_no_typedef, G, N, _T, Fd, {_Name, Dim}, Type) ->
- array_encode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Dim, {"",""}, Type,
- array_no_typedef);
-emit_encode(sequence_head, G, N, T, Fd, SeqName, ElType) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n\n",[Tname]),
- MaxSize = get_seq_max(T),
- if
- MaxSize == infinity ->
- ok;
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_length > ~w) {\n", [MaxSize]),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_exc_set(oe_env, CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "
- "DATA_CONVERSION, \"Length of sequence `~s' "
- "out of bound\");\n"
- " return -1;\n }\n", [SeqName])
- end,
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_rec->_length != 0) {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_list_header(oe_env, "
- "oe_rec->_length)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oi_ei_encode_list_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < oe_rec->_length; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Tname]),
- case ElType of
- {_,_} -> %% ElType = elementary type or pointer type
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType, "oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]", "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {scoped_id,local,_,["term","erlang"]} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType, "oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]", "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
- case ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, ElType) of
- {_, typedef, TDef, _} ->
- case TDef of
- {tk_struct,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "&oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {tk_sequence,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "&oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {tk_union,_,_,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "&oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf")
- end;
- {_,enum,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "&oe_rec->_buffer[" ++
- Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf")
- end;
- _ -> %% ElType = structure
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "&oe_rec->_buffer[" ++ Tname ++ "]",
- "oe_env->_outbuf")
- end,
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = oe_ei_encode_empty_list(oe_env)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_empty_list", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n");
-emit_encode(struct, G, N, _T, Fd, StructName, ElTypes) ->
- Length = length(ElTypes) + 1,
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header(oe_env, ~p)) < 0) {\n", [Length]),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "oe_ei_encode_atom(oe_env, ~p)) < 0) {\n", [StructName]),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({ET, EN}) ->
- case ET of
- {sequence, _, _} ->
- %% Sequence = struct
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ EN,
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {_,{array, _, _Dims}} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ EN,
- "oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {union,_,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {struct,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++
- ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- {scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
- case ictype:member2type(G,StructName,EN) of
- struct ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- sequence ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- union ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "&oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- array ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf");
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf")
- end;
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_rec->" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_outbuf")
- end
- end,
- ElTypes).
-ref_array_static_enc(array, true) ->
- %% Typedef, Static, Basic Type
- "oe_rec";
-ref_array_static_enc(array, false) ->
- %% Typedef, Static, Constr Type
- "&(oe_rec)";
-ref_array_static_enc(array_no_typedef, true) ->
- %% No Typedef, Static, Basic Type
- "oe_rec";
-ref_array_static_enc(array_no_typedef, false) ->
- %% No Typedef, Static, Constr Type
- "&oe_rec".
-ref_array_dynamic_enc(G, N, T, array) ->
- case ictype:isString(G, N, T) of
- true -> % Typedef, Dynamic, String
- "oe_rec";
- false -> % Typedef, Dynamic, No String
- "&(oe_rec)"
- end;
-ref_array_dynamic_enc(G, N, T, array_no_typedef) ->
- case ictype:isString(G, N, T) of
- true -> % No Typedef, Dynamic, String
- "oe_rec";
- false -> % No Typedef, Dynamic, No String
- "&oe_rec"
- end.
-array_encode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim], {Str1,_Str2}, Type, TDFlag) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header(oe_env, ~s)) < 0) {\n", [Dim]),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- ArrAccess =
- case ic_cbe:is_variable_size(G, N, Type) of
- true ->
- ref_array_dynamic_enc(G, N, Type, TDFlag) ++
- Str1 ++ "[" ++ Tname ++ "]";
- false ->
- ref_array_static_enc(TDFlag, ictype:isBasicType(G,N,Type)) ++
- Str1 ++ "[" ++ Tname ++ "]"
- end,
- ic_cbe:emit_encoding_stmt(G, N, Fd, Type, ArrAccess, "oe_env->_outbuf"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
-array_encode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim | Ds],{Str1,Str2}, Type, TDFlag) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header(oe_env, ~s)) < 0) {\n", [Dim]),
- emit_c_enc_rpt(Fd, " ", "oe_ei_encode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- array_encode_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Ds,
- {Str1 ++ "[" ++ Tname ++ "]", Str2},
- Type, TDFlag),
- emit(Fd, " }\n").
-emit_sizecount(array, G, N, _T, Fd, {_Name, Dim}, Type) ->
- emit(Fd, " if(*oe_size == 0)\n",[]),
- AlignName = lists:concat(["*oe_size + ", dim_multiplication(Dim),
- " * sizeof(", ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, Type),")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n",[align(AlignName)]),
- array_size_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Dim, Type),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n",
- [align("*oe_size + oe_malloc_size")]),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd);
-emit_sizecount(sequence_head, G, N, T, Fd, SeqName, ElType) ->
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int oe_seq_len = 0;\n", []),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int oe_seq_count = 0;\n", []),
- emit(Fd, " if(*oe_size == 0)\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n",
- [align(["*oe_size + sizeof(", SeqName, ")"])]),
- MaxSize = get_seq_max(T),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, &oe_type, &oe_seq_len)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- if
- MaxSize == infinity ->
- ok;
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_seq_len > ~w) {\n", [MaxSize]),
- emit(Fd, " CORBA_exc_set(oe_env, CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "
- "DATA_CONVERSION, \"Length of sequence `~s' "
- "out of bound\");\n"
- " return -1;\n }\n", [SeqName])
- end,
- CType = ic_cbe:mk_c_type(G, N, ElType),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_list_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, NULL)) < 0) {\n"),
- case ictype:isBasicTypeOrEterm(G, N, ElType) of
- true ->
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_string(oe_env->"
- "_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, NULL)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_string", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_malloc_size = ~s;\n\n",
- [align(["sizeof(", CType, ") * oe_seq_len"])]);
- false ->
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "non mea culpa", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n\n")
- end,
- emit(Fd, " } else {\n"),
- emit(Fd, " oe_malloc_size = ~s;\n\n",
- [align(["sizeof(", CType, ") * oe_seq_len"])]),
- emit(Fd, " for (oe_seq_count = 0; oe_seq_count < oe_seq_len; "
- "oe_seq_count++) {\n"),
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(G, N, Fd, ElType,
- "oe_env->_inbuf", 0, generator),
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_seq_len != 0) \n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_list_header(oe_env->_inbuf,"
- "oe_size_count_index, NULL)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_list_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n", [align("*oe_size + oe_malloc_size")]);
-emit_sizecount(struct, G, N, _T, Fd, StructName, ElTypes) ->
- Length = length(ElTypes) + 1,
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if(*oe_size == 0)\n",[]),
- AlignName = lists:concat(["*oe_size + sizeof(",StructName,")"]),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n", [align(AlignName)]),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, &oe_type, "
- "&~s)) < 0) {\n", [Tname]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (~s != ~p) {\n",[Tname, Length]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "~s != ~p", [Tname, Length]),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n"),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "ei_decode_atom(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n", []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_atom", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({ET, EN}) ->
- case ic_cbe:is_variable_size(G, N, ET) of
- true ->
- case ET of
- {sequence, _, _} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- {_,{array, _, _}} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- {union,_,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- {struct,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator)
- end;
- false ->
- case ET of
- {_,{array, _, _}} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ EN,
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- {union,_,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- {struct,_,_,_} ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- StructName ++ "_" ++ ic_forms:get_id2(ET),
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 0,
- generator);
- _ ->
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(
- G, N, Fd,
- ET,
- "oe_env->_inbuf",
- 1,
- generator)
- end
- end
- end,
- ElTypes),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_size = ~s;\n\n",
- [align("*oe_size + oe_malloc_size")]).
-array_size_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim], Type) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, "
- "&oe_type, &oe_array_size)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_array_size != ~s) {\n",[Dim]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "array size != ~s", [Dim]),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n", []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- ic_cbe:emit_malloc_size_stmt(G, N, Fd,
- Type, "oe_env->_inbuf", 0, generator),
- emit(Fd, " }\n");
-array_size_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, [Dim | Ds], Type) ->
- Tname = ic_cbe:mk_variable_name(op_variable_count),
- ic_cbe:store_tmp_decl(" int ~s = 0;\n",[Tname]),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = "
- "ei_get_type(oe_env->_inbuf, oe_size_count_index, "
- "&oe_type, &oe_array_size)) < 0) {\n", []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_get_type", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if (oe_array_size != ~s) {\n",[Dim]),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "array size != ~s", [Dim]),
- emit(Fd, " return -1;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " if ((oe_error_code = ei_decode_tuple_header(oe_env->_inbuf, "
- "oe_size_count_index, 0)) < 0) {\n",
- []),
- emit_c_dec_rpt(Fd, " ", "ei_decode_tuple_header", []),
- emit(Fd, " return oe_error_code;\n }\n"),
- emit(Fd, " for (~s = 0; ~s < ~s; ~s++) {\n",
- [Tname, Tname, Dim, Tname]),
- array_size_dimension_loop(G, N, Fd, Ds, Type),
- emit(Fd, " }\n").
-create_c_struct_coding_file(G, N, _X, T, StructName, ElTypes, StructType) ->
- {Fd , SName} = open_c_coding_file(G, StructName), % stub file
- HFd = ic_genobj:hrlfiled(G), % stub header file
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- ic_codegen:emit_stub_head(G, Fd, SName, c),
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- emit(Fd, "#include \"~s\"\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- %% Size count
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, int*, int*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), StructName]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, "
- "int* oe_size_count_index, int* oe_size)\n{\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "sizecalc_"), StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_malloc_size = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_type = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- emit_sizecount(StructType, G, N, T, RamFd, StructName, ElTypes),
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd),
- emit(Fd, Data),
- ram_file:close(RamFd),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n",[]),
- %% Encode
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s*);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), StructName, StructName]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, ~s* oe_rec)\n{\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "encode_"), StructName, StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd1} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- emit_encode(StructType, G, N, T, RamFd1, StructName, ElTypes),
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data1} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd1),
- emit(Fd, Data1),
- ram_file:close(RamFd1),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n",[]),
- %% Decode
- put(op_variable_count, 0),
- put(tmp_declarations, []),
- emit(HFd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *, int*, ~s *);\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), StructName, StructName]),
- emit(Fd, "int ~s~s(CORBA_Environment *oe_env, char *oe_first, "
- "int* oe_outindex, "
- "~s *oe_out)\n{\n",
- [ic_util:mk_oe_name(G, "decode_"), StructName, StructName]),
- emit(Fd, " int oe_error_code = 0;\n",[]),
- {ok, RamFd2} = ram_file:open([], [binary, write]),
- emit_decode(StructType, G, N, T, RamFd2, StructName, ElTypes),
- ic_cbe:emit_tmp_variables(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- %% Move data from ram file to output file.
- {ok, Data2} = ram_file:get_file(RamFd2),
- emit(Fd, Data2),
- ram_file:close(RamFd2),
- emit(Fd, " *oe_outindex = ~s;\n",[align("*oe_outindex")]),
- emit(Fd, " return 0;\n\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "}\n\n",[]),
- file:close(Fd).
-%% emit primitive for unions.
-emit_union(G, N, X, erlang) ->
- case ic_genobj:is_hrlfile_open(G) of
- true ->
- ic_codegen:record(G, X,
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- nil,nil),
- mkFileRecObj(G,N,X,erlang);
- false -> ok
- end;
-emit_union(_G, _N, _X, c) -> %% Not supported in c backend
- true.
-%% emit erlang modules for objects with record definitions
-%% (such as unions or structs), or sequences
-%% The record files, other than headers are only generated
-%% for CORBA...... If wished an option could allows even
-%% for other backends ( not necessary anyway )
-mkFileRecObj(G,N,X,erlang) ->
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- erl_corba ->
- SName =
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- FName =
- ic_file:join(ic_options:get_opt(G, stubdir),
- ic_file:add_dot_erl(SName)),
- case file:open(FName, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- ic_codegen:emit_stub_head(G, Fd, SName, erlang),
- emit(Fd, "-include(~p).\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- emit_exports(G,Fd),
- emit_rec_methods(G,N,X,SName,Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- file:close(Fd);
- Other ->
- exit(Other)
- end;
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-%% emit erlang modules for objects with array definitions..
-mkFileArrObj(G,N,X,erlang) ->
- SName =
- ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
- FName =
- ic_file:join(ic_options:get_opt(G, stubdir),
- ic_file:add_dot_erl(SName)),
- case file:open(FName, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- HrlFName = filename:basename(ic_genobj:include_file(G)),
- ic_codegen:emit_stub_head(G, Fd, SName, erlang),
- emit(Fd, "-include(~p).\n\n",[HrlFName]),
- emit_exports(G,Fd),
- emit_arr_methods(G,N,X,SName,Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- ic_codegen:nl(Fd),
- file:close(Fd);
- Other ->
- exit(Other)
- end.
-%% emit exports for erlang modules which represent records.
-emit_exports(G,Fd) ->
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- erl_corba ->
- emit(Fd, "-export([tc/0,id/0,name/0]).\n\n\n\n",[]);
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, "-export([id/0,name/0]).\n\n\n\n",[])
- end.
-%% emit erlang module functions which represent records, yields
-%% record information such as type code, identity and name.
-emit_rec_methods(G,N,X,Name,Fd) ->
- IR_ID = ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X),
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- erl_corba ->
- TK = ic_forms:get_tk(X),
- case TK of
- undefined ->
- STK = ic_forms:search_tk(G,ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X)),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns type code\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "tc() -> ~p.\n\n",[STK]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns id\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "id() -> ~p.\n\n",[IR_ID]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns name\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "name() -> ~p.\n\n",[Name]);
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, "%% returns type code\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "tc() -> ~p.\n\n",[TK]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns id\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "id() -> ~p.\n\n",[IR_ID]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns name\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "name() -> ~p.\n\n",[Name])
- end;
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, "%% returns id\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "id() -> ~p.\n\n",[IR_ID]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns name\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "name() -> ~p.\n\n",[Name])
- end.
-%% emit erlang module functions which represent arrays, yields
-%% record information such as type code, identity and name.
-emit_arr_methods(G,N,X,Name,Fd) ->
- IR_ID = ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X),
- case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
- erl_corba ->
- TK = ic_forms:get_type_code(G, N, X),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns type code\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "tc() -> ~p.\n\n",[TK]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns id\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "id() -> ~p.\n\n",[IR_ID]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns name\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "name() -> ~p.\n\n",[Name]);
- _ ->
- emit(Fd, "%% returns id\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "id() -> ~p.\n\n",[IR_ID]),
- emit(Fd, "%% returns name\n",[]),
- emit(Fd, "name() -> ~p.\n\n",[Name])
- end.
-get_seq_max(T) when is_record(T, sequence) andalso T#sequence.length == 0 ->
- infinity;
-get_seq_max(T) when is_record(T, sequence) andalso is_tuple(T#sequence.length) ->
- list_to_integer(element(3, T#sequence.length)).
-align(Cs) ->
- ic_util:mk_align(Cs).