path: root/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2012-03-21 11:17:19 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2012-03-21 11:17:19 +0100
commitafe7a29a54a7958ac90e44b3bee6c572792bb96b (patch)
tree26b4fee366cbf508055809c557ea65acaf071caa /lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
parentf65b43b80884ec86db328bdcc06109536116e211 (diff)
parent85fded451253d400e02040c0db9ca6915075f89f (diff)
Merge branch 'bmk/inets/inets59_integration2' into maint
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
index ae87ceed93..0a30fe1e20 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@
request/1, request/2, request/4, request/5,
cancel_request/1, cancel_request/2,
- set_option/2, set_option/3,
+ set_option/2, set_option/3,
set_options/1, set_options/2,
+ get_option/1, get_option/2,
+ get_options/1, get_options/2,
store_cookies/2, store_cookies/3,
cookie_header/1, cookie_header/2, cookie_header/3,
which_cookies/0, which_cookies/1,
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ request(Method,
{http_options, HTTPOptions},
{options, Options},
{profile, Profile}]),
- case http_uri:parse(Url, Options) of
+ case uri_parse(Url, Options) of
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
{ok, ParsedUrl} ->
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ request(Method,
{http_options, HTTPOptions},
{options, Options},
{profile, Profile}]),
- case http_uri:parse(Url, Options) of
+ case uri_parse(Url, Options) of
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
{ok, ParsedUrl} ->
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ cancel_request(RequestId, Profile)
set_options(Options) ->
set_options(Options, default_profile()).
set_options(Options, Profile) when is_atom(Profile) orelse is_pid(Profile) ->
- ?hcrt("set cookies", [{options, Options}, {profile, Profile}]),
+ ?hcrt("set options", [{options, Options}, {profile, Profile}]),
case validate_options(Options) of
{ok, Opts} ->
@@ -253,6 +255,58 @@ set_option(Key, Value, Profile) ->
+%% get_options(OptionItems) -> {ok, Values} | {error, Reason}
+%% get_options(OptionItems, Profile) -> {ok, Values} | {error, Reason}
+%% OptionItems - all | [option_item()]
+%% option_item() - proxy | pipeline_timeout | max_pipeline_length |
+%% keep_alive_timeout | max_keep_alive_length |
+%% max_sessions | verbose |
+%% cookies | ipfamily | ip | port | socket_opts
+%% Profile - atom()
+%% Values - [{option_item(), term()}]
+%% Reason - term()
+%% Description: Retrieves the current options.
+get_options() ->
+ record_info(fields, options).
+get_options(Options) ->
+ get_options(Options, default_profile()).
+get_options(all = _Options, Profile) ->
+ get_options(get_options(), Profile);
+get_options(Options, Profile)
+ when (is_list(Options) andalso
+ (is_atom(Profile) orelse is_pid(Profile))) ->
+ ?hcrt("get options", [{options, Options}, {profile, Profile}]),
+ case Options -- get_options() of
+ [] ->
+ try
+ begin
+ {ok, httpc_manager:get_options(Options,
+ profile_name(Profile))}
+ end
+ catch
+ exit:{noproc, _} ->
+ {error, inets_not_started}
+ end;
+ InvalidGetOptions ->
+ {error, {invalid_options, InvalidGetOptions}}
+ end.
+get_option(Key) ->
+ get_option(Key, default_profile()).
+get_option(Key, Profile) ->
+ case get_options([Key], Profile) of
+ {ok, [{Key, Value}]} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
%% store_cookies(SetCookieHeaders, Url [, Profile]) -> ok | {error, reason}
@@ -274,7 +328,7 @@ store_cookies(SetCookieHeaders, Url, Profile)
%% Since the Address part is not actually used
%% by the manager when storing cookies, we dont
%% care about ipv6-host-with-brackets.
- {ok, {_, _, Host, Port, Path, _}} = http_uri:parse(Url),
+ {ok, {_, _, Host, Port, Path, _}} = uri_parse(Url),
Address = {Host, Port},
ProfileName = profile_name(Profile),
Cookies = httpc_cookie:cookies(SetCookieHeaders, Path, Host),
@@ -347,7 +401,7 @@ which_cookies(Profile) ->
%% info() -> list()
%% info(Profile) -> list()
-%% Description: Debug function, retreive info about the profile
+%% Description: Debug function, retrieve info about the profile
info() ->
@@ -1144,6 +1198,22 @@ validate_headers(RequestHeaders, _, _) ->
+%% These functions is just simple wrappers to parse specifically HTTP URIs
+scheme_defaults() ->
+ [{http, 80}, {https, 443}].
+uri_parse(URI) ->
+ http_uri:parse(URI, [{scheme_defaults, scheme_defaults()}]).
+uri_parse(URI, Opts) ->
+ http_uri:parse(URI, [{scheme_defaults, scheme_defaults()} | Opts]).
child_name2info(undefined) ->
{error, no_such_service};
child_name2info(httpc_manager) ->