path: root/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b59fd861dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([ip_address/2, lookup/2, lookup/3, multi_lookup/2,
+ lookup_mime/2, lookup_mime/3, lookup_mime_default/2,
+ lookup_mime_default/3, reason_phrase/1, message/3, rfc1123_date/0,
+ rfc1123_date/1, day/1, month/1, decode_hex/1,
+ flatlength/1, split_path/1, split_script_path/1,
+ suffix/1, split/3, uniq/1,
+ make_name/2,make_name/3,make_name/4,strip/1,
+ hexlist_to_integer/1,integer_to_hexlist/1,
+ convert_request_date/1,create_etag/1,create_etag/2,
+ convert_netscapecookie_date/1, enable_debug/1, valid_options/3,
+ modules_validate/1, module_validate/1,
+ dir_validate/2, file_validate/2, mime_type_validate/1,
+ mime_types_validate/1, custom_date/0]).
+ip_address({_,_,_,_} = Address, _IpFamily) ->
+ {ok, Address};
+ip_address({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} = Address, _IpFamily) ->
+ {ok, Address};
+ip_address(Host, IpFamily)
+ when ((IpFamily =:= inet) orelse (IpFamily =:= inet6)) ->
+ inet:getaddr(Host, IpFamily);
+ip_address(Host, inet6fb4 = _IpFamily) ->
+ Inet = case gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6]) of
+ {ok, Dummyport} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Dummyport),
+ inet6;
+ _ ->
+ inet
+ end,
+ inet:getaddr(Host, Inet).
+%% lookup
+lookup(Table,Key) ->
+ lookup(Table,Key,undefined).
+lookup(Table,Key,Undefined) ->
+ case catch ets:lookup(Table,Key) of
+ [{Key,Value}|_] ->
+ Value;
+ _->
+ Undefined
+ end.
+%% multi_lookup
+multi_lookup(Table,Key) ->
+ remove_key(ets:lookup(Table,Key)).
+remove_key([]) ->
+ [];
+remove_key([{_Key, Value}| Rest]) ->
+ [Value | remove_key(Rest)].
+%% lookup_mime
+lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix) ->
+ lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix,undefined).
+lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix,Undefined) ->
+ [{mime_types,MimeTypesDB}|_]=ets:lookup(ConfigDB,mime_types),
+ case ets:lookup(MimeTypesDB,Suffix) of
+ [] ->
+ Undefined;
+ [{Suffix,MimeType}|_] ->
+ MimeType
+ end.
+%% lookup_mime_default
+lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix) ->
+ lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix,undefined).
+lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix,Undefined) ->
+ [{mime_types,MimeTypesDB}|_]=ets:lookup(ConfigDB,mime_types),
+ case ets:lookup(MimeTypesDB,Suffix) of
+ [] ->
+ case ets:lookup(ConfigDB,default_type) of
+ [] ->
+ Undefined;
+ [{default_type,DefaultType}|_] ->
+ DefaultType
+ end;
+ [{Suffix,MimeType}|_] ->
+ MimeType
+ end.
+%%% RFC 2616, HTTP 1.1 Status codes
+reason_phrase(100) -> "Continue";
+reason_phrase(101) -> "Switching Protocols" ;
+reason_phrase(200) -> "OK" ;
+reason_phrase(201) -> "Created" ;
+reason_phrase(202) -> "Accepted" ;
+reason_phrase(203) -> "Non-Authoritative Information" ;
+reason_phrase(204) -> "No Content" ;
+reason_phrase(205) -> "Reset Content" ;
+reason_phrase(206) -> "Partial Content" ;
+reason_phrase(300) -> "Multiple Choices" ;
+reason_phrase(301) -> "Moved Permanently" ;
+reason_phrase(302) -> "Moved Temporarily" ;
+reason_phrase(303) -> "See Other" ;
+reason_phrase(304) -> "Not Modified" ;
+reason_phrase(305) -> "Use Proxy" ;
+reason_phrase(306) -> "(unused)" ;
+reason_phrase(307) -> "Temporary Redirect" ;
+reason_phrase(400) -> "Bad Request";
+reason_phrase(401) -> "Unauthorized";
+reason_phrase(402) -> "Payment Required";
+reason_phrase(403) -> "Forbidden" ;
+reason_phrase(404) -> "Object Not Found" ;
+reason_phrase(405) -> "Method Not Allowed" ;
+reason_phrase(406) -> "Not Acceptable" ;
+reason_phrase(407) -> "Proxy Authentication Required" ;
+reason_phrase(408) -> "Request Time-out" ;
+reason_phrase(409) -> "Conflict" ;
+reason_phrase(410) -> "Gone" ;
+reason_phrase(411) -> "Length Required" ;
+reason_phrase(412) -> "Precondition Failed" ;
+reason_phrase(413) -> "Request Entity Too Large" ;
+reason_phrase(414) -> "Request-URI Too Large" ;
+reason_phrase(415) -> "Unsupported Media Type" ;
+reason_phrase(416) -> "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" ;
+reason_phrase(417) -> "Expectation Failed" ;
+reason_phrase(500) -> "Internal Server Error" ;
+reason_phrase(501) -> "Not Implemented" ;
+reason_phrase(502) -> "Bad Gateway" ;
+reason_phrase(503) -> "Service Unavailable" ;
+reason_phrase(504) -> "Gateway Time-out" ;
+reason_phrase(505) -> "HTTP Version not supported";
+%%% RFC 2518, HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV
+reason_phrase(102) -> "Processing";
+reason_phrase(207) -> "Multi-Status";
+reason_phrase(422) -> "Unprocessable Entity";
+reason_phrase(423) -> "Locked";
+reason_phrase(424) -> "Failed Dependency";
+reason_phrase(507) -> "Insufficient Storage";
+%%% (Work in Progress) WebDAV Advanced Collections
+reason_phrase(425) -> "";
+%%% RFC 2817, HTTP Upgrade to TLS
+reason_phrase(426) -> "Upgrade Required";
+%%% RFC 3229, Delta encoding in HTTP
+reason_phrase(226) -> "IM Used";
+reason_phrase(_) -> "Internal Server Error".
+%% message
+message(301,URL,_) ->
+ "The document has moved <A HREF=\""++URL++"\">here</A>.";
+message(304, _URL,_) ->
+ "The document has not been changed.";
+message(400,none,_) ->
+ "Your browser sent a query that this server could not understand.";
+message(400,Msg,_) ->
+ "Your browser sent a query that this server could not understand. "++Msg;
+message(401,none,_) ->
+ "This server could not verify that you
+are authorized to access the document you
+ requested. Either you supplied the wrong
+credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
+browser doesn't understand how to supply
+the credentials required.";
+message(403,RequestURI,_) ->
+ "You don't have permission to access "++RequestURI++" on this server.";
+message(404,RequestURI,_) ->
+ "The requested URL "++RequestURI++" was not found on this server.";
+message(408, Timeout, _) ->
+ Timeout;
+message(412,none,_) ->
+ "The requested preconditions where false";
+message(413, Reason,_) ->
+ "Entity: " ++ Reason;
+message(414,ReasonPhrase,_) ->
+ "Message "++ReasonPhrase++".";
+message(416,ReasonPhrase,_) ->
+ ReasonPhrase;
+message(500,_,ConfigDB) ->
+ ServerAdmin=lookup(ConfigDB,server_admin,"unknown@unknown"),
+ "The server encountered an internal error or "
+ "misconfiguration and was unable to complete "
+ "your request.<P>Please contact the server administrator "
+ ++ ServerAdmin ++ ", and inform them of the time the error occurred "
+ "and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.";
+message(501,{Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion}, _ConfigDB) ->
+ if
+ is_atom(Method) ->
+ atom_to_list(Method)++
+ " to "++RequestURI++" ("++HTTPVersion++") not supported.";
+ is_list(Method) ->
+ Method++
+ " to "++RequestURI++" ("++HTTPVersion++") not supported."
+ end;
+message(503, String, _ConfigDB) ->
+ "This service in unavailable due to: "++String.
+convert_request_date([D,A,Y,DateType| Rest])->
+ Func=case DateType of
+ $\, ->
+ fun convert_rfc1123_date/1;
+ $\ ->
+ fun convert_ascii_date/1;
+ _ ->
+ fun convert_rfc850_date/1
+ end,
+ case catch Func([D,A,Y,DateType| Rest]) of
+ {ok,Date} ->
+ Date;
+ _Error->
+ bad_date
+ end.
+convert_rfc850_date(DateStr) ->
+ [_WeekDay,Date,Time,_TimeZone|_Rest] = string:tokens(DateStr," "),
+ convert_rfc850_date(Date,Time).
+ M,O,N,_,
+ Y1,Y2|_Rest],[H1,H2,_Col,M1,M2,_Col,S1,S2|_Rest2])->
+ Year=list_to_integer([50,48,Y1,Y2]),
+ Day=list_to_integer([D1,D2]),
+ Month = http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]),
+ Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]),
+ Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]),
+ Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]),
+ {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}.
+ M,O,N,_SP,
+ D1,D2,_SP,
+ H1,H2,_Col,
+ M1,M2,_Col,
+ S1,S2,_SP,
+ Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4| _Rest])->
+ Year=list_to_integer([Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4]),
+ Day=case D1 of
+ $\ ->
+ list_to_integer([D2]);
+ _->
+ list_to_integer([D1,D2])
+ end,
+ Month=http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]),
+ Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]),
+ Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]),
+ Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]),
+ {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}.
+ D1,D2,_SP,
+ M,O,N,_SP,
+ Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,_SP,
+ H1,H2,_Col,
+ M1,M2,_Col,
+ S1,S2|_Rest]) ->
+ Year=list_to_integer([Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4]),
+ Day=list_to_integer([D1,D2]),
+ Month=http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]),
+ Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]),
+ Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]),
+ Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]),
+ {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}.
+ case (catch http_util:convert_netscapecookie_date(Date)) of
+ Ret = {ok, _} ->
+ Ret;
+ _ ->
+ {error,bad_date}
+ end.
+%% rfc1123_date
+rfc1123_date() ->
+ {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = calendar:universal_time(),
+ DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}),
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT",
+ [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])).
+rfc1123_date(undefined) ->
+ undefined;
+rfc1123_date(LocalTime) ->
+ {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} =
+ case calendar:local_time_to_universal_time_dst(LocalTime) of
+ [Gmt] -> Gmt;
+ [_,Gmt] -> Gmt
+ end,
+ DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}),
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT",
+ [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])).
+custom_date() ->
+ LocalTime = calendar:local_time(),
+ UniversalTime = calendar:universal_time(),
+ Minutes = round(diff_in_minutes(LocalTime,UniversalTime)),
+ {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = LocalTime,
+ Date =
+ io_lib:format("~.2.0w/~.3s/~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~c~.2.0w~.2.0w",
+ [DD,httpd_util:month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec,
+ sign(Minutes), abs(Minutes) div 60,
+ abs(Minutes) rem 60]),
+ lists:flatten(Date).
+diff_in_minutes(L,U) ->
+ (calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(L) -
+ calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(U))/60.
+sign(Minutes) when Minutes > 0 ->
+ $+;
+sign(_Minutes) ->
+ $-.
+%% uniq
+uniq([]) ->
+ [];
+uniq([First,First|Rest]) ->
+ uniq([First|Rest]);
+uniq([First|Rest]) ->
+ [First|uniq(Rest)].
+%% day
+day(1) -> "Mon";
+day(2) -> "Tue";
+day(3) -> "Wed";
+day(4) -> "Thu";
+day(5) -> "Fri";
+day(6) -> "Sat";
+day(7) -> "Sun".
+%% month
+month(1) -> "Jan";
+month(2) -> "Feb";
+month(3) -> "Mar";
+month(4) -> "Apr";
+month(5) -> "May";
+month(6) -> "Jun";
+month(7) -> "Jul";
+month(8) -> "Aug";
+month(9) -> "Sep";
+month(10) -> "Oct";
+month(11) -> "Nov";
+month(12) -> "Dec".
+%% decode_hex
+decode_hex([$%,Hex1,Hex2|Rest]) ->
+ [hex2dec(Hex1)*16+hex2dec(Hex2)|decode_hex(Rest)];
+decode_hex([First|Rest]) ->
+ [First|decode_hex(Rest)];
+decode_hex([]) ->
+ [].
+hex2dec(X) when (X>=$0) andalso (X=<$9) -> X-$0;
+hex2dec(X) when (X>=$A) andalso (X=<$F) -> X-$A+10;
+hex2dec(X) when (X>=$a) andalso (X=<$f) -> X-$a+10.
+%% flatlength
+flatlength(List) ->
+ flatlength(List, 0).
+flatlength([H|T],L) when is_list(H) ->
+ flatlength(H,flatlength(T,L));
+flatlength([H|T],L) when is_binary(H) ->
+ flatlength(T,L+size(H));
+flatlength([_H|T],L) ->
+ flatlength(T,L+1);
+flatlength([],L) ->
+ L.
+%% split_path
+split_path(Path) ->
+ case inets_regexp:match(Path,"[\?].*\$") of
+ %% A QUERY_STRING exists!
+ {match,Start,Length} ->
+ {httpd_util:decode_hex(string:substr(Path,1,Start-1)),
+ string:substr(Path,Start,Length)};
+ %% A possible PATH_INFO exists!
+ nomatch ->
+ split_path(Path,[])
+ end.
+split_path([],SoFar) ->
+ {httpd_util:decode_hex(lists:reverse(SoFar)),[]};
+split_path([$/|Rest],SoFar) ->
+ Path=httpd_util:decode_hex(lists:reverse(SoFar)),
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular ->
+ {Path,[$/|Rest]};
+ {ok, _FileInfo} ->
+ split_path(Rest,[$/|SoFar]);
+ {error, _Reason} ->
+ split_path(Rest,[$/|SoFar])
+ end;
+split_path([C|Rest],SoFar) ->
+ split_path(Rest,[C|SoFar]).
+%% split_script_path
+split_script_path(Path) ->
+ case split_script_path(Path, []) of
+ {Script, AfterPath} ->
+ {PathInfo, QueryString} = pathinfo_querystring(AfterPath),
+ {Script, {PathInfo, QueryString}};
+ not_a_script ->
+ not_a_script
+ end.
+pathinfo_querystring(Str) ->
+ pathinfo_querystring(Str, []).
+pathinfo_querystring([], SoFar) ->
+ {lists:reverse(SoFar), []};
+pathinfo_querystring([$?|Rest], SoFar) ->
+ {lists:reverse(SoFar), Rest};
+pathinfo_querystring([C|Rest], SoFar) ->
+ pathinfo_querystring(Rest, [C|SoFar]).
+split_script_path([$?|QueryString], SoFar) ->
+ Path = httpd_util:decode_hex(lists:reverse(SoFar)),
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular ->
+ {Path, [$?|QueryString]};
+ {ok, _FileInfo} ->
+ not_a_script;
+ {error, _Reason} ->
+ not_a_script
+ end;
+split_script_path([], SoFar) ->
+ Path = httpd_util:decode_hex(lists:reverse(SoFar)),
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular ->
+ {Path, []};
+ {ok, _FileInfo} ->
+ not_a_script;
+ {error, _Reason} ->
+ not_a_script
+ end;
+split_script_path([$/|Rest], SoFar) ->
+ Path = httpd_util:decode_hex(lists:reverse(SoFar)),
+ case file:read_file_info(Path) of
+ {ok, FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular ->
+ {Path, [$/|Rest]};
+ {ok, _FileInfo} ->
+ split_script_path(Rest, [$/|SoFar]);
+ {error, _Reason} ->
+ split_script_path(Rest, [$/|SoFar])
+ end;
+split_script_path([C|Rest], SoFar) ->
+ split_script_path(Rest,[C|SoFar]).
+%% suffix
+suffix(Path) ->
+ case filename:extension(Path) of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ Extension ->
+ tl(Extension)
+ end.
+%% strip
+ lists:reverse(remove_ws(lists:reverse(remove_ws(Value)))).
+ remove_ws(Rest);
+remove_ws([$\t|Rest]) ->
+ remove_ws(Rest);
+remove_ws(Rest) ->
+ Rest.
+%% split
+split(String,RegExp,Limit) ->
+ case inets_regexp:parse(RegExp) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,Reason};
+ {ok,_} ->
+ {ok,do_split(String,RegExp,Limit)}
+ end.
+do_split(String, _RegExp, 1) ->
+ [String];
+do_split(String,RegExp,Limit) ->
+ case inets_regexp:first_match(String,RegExp) of
+ {match,Start,Length} ->
+ [string:substr(String,1,Start-1)|
+ do_split(lists:nthtail(Start+Length-1,String),RegExp,Limit-1)];
+ nomatch ->
+ [String]
+ end.
+%% make_name/2, make_name/3
+%% Prefix -> string()
+%% First part of the name, e.g. "httpd"
+%% Addr -> {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined
+%% The address part of the name.
+%% e.g. "" or {123,234,55,66} or "otp.ericsson.se"
+%% for a host address or undefined if local host.
+%% Port -> integer()
+%% Last part of the name, such as the HTTPD server port
+%% number (80).
+%% Postfix -> Any string that will be added last to the name
+%% Example:
+%% make_name("httpd","otp.ericsson.se",80) => httpd__otp_ericsson_se__80
+%% make_name("httpd",undefined,8088) => httpd_8088
+make_name(Prefix,Port) ->
+ make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,"").
+make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port) ->
+ make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port,"").
+make_name(Prefix,"*",Port,Postfix) ->
+ make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,Postfix);
+make_name(Prefix,any,Port,Postfix) ->
+ make_name1(io_lib:format("~s_~w~s",[Prefix,Port,Postfix]));
+make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,Postfix) ->
+ make_name1(io_lib:format("~s_~w~s",[Prefix,Port,Postfix]));
+make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port,Postfix) ->
+ NameString =
+ Prefix ++ "__" ++ make_name2(Addr) ++ "__" ++
+ integer_to_list(Port) ++ Postfix,
+ make_name1(NameString).
+make_name1(String) ->
+ list_to_atom(lists:flatten(String)).
+make_name2({A,B,C,D}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~w_~w_~w_~w", [A,B,C,D]);
+make_name2({A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s", [integer_to_hexlist(A),
+ integer_to_hexlist(B),
+ integer_to_hexlist(C),
+ integer_to_hexlist(D),
+ integer_to_hexlist(E),
+ integer_to_hexlist(F),
+ integer_to_hexlist(G),
+ integer_to_hexlist(H)
+ ]);
+make_name2(Addr) ->
+ search_and_replace(Addr,$.,$_).
+search_and_replace(S,A,B) ->
+ Fun = fun(What) ->
+ case What of
+ A -> B;
+ O -> O
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:map(Fun,S).
+%% Converts a string that constists of 0-9,A-F,a-f to a
+%% integer
+ http_util:hexlist_to_integer(List).
+%%Converts an integer to an hexlist
+ integer_to_hexlist(Num).
+integer_to_hexlist(Num) when is_integer(Num) ->
+ http_util:integer_to_hexlist(Num).
+create_etag(FileInfo) ->
+ create_etag(FileInfo#file_info.mtime,FileInfo#file_info.size).
+ create_part([Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec])++io_lib:write(Size);
+ create_etag(FileInfo#file_info.mtime,Size).
+ lists:map(fun(Val0)->
+ Val=Val0 rem 60,
+ if
+ Val=<25 ->
+ 65+Val; % A-Z
+ Val=<50 ->
+ 72+Val; % a-z
+ %%Since no date s
+ true ->
+ Val-3
+ end
+ end,Values).
+%% Validate httpd options
+modules_validate([]) ->
+ ok;
+modules_validate([Head | Tail]) ->
+ ok = module_validate(Head),
+ modules_validate(Tail).
+module_validate(Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ case code:which(Module) of
+ non_existing ->
+ throw({module_does_not_exist, Module});
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+module_validate(Module) ->
+ throw({module_name_not_atom, Module}).
+dir_validate(ConfDir, Dir) ->
+ case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false when is_list(Dir) ->
+ throw({non_existing, {ConfDir, Dir}});
+ false ->
+ throw({ConfDir, Dir})
+ end.
+file_validate(ConfFile, File) ->
+ case filelib:is_file(File) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false when is_list(File) ->
+ throw({non_existing, {ConfFile, File}});
+ false ->
+ throw({ConfFile, File})
+ end.
+mime_type_validate({Value1, Value2})
+ when is_list(Value1) andalso is_list(Value2) ->
+ ok;
+mime_type_validate({_, _} = Value) ->
+ throw({mime_type, Value});
+mime_type_validate(MimeFile) ->
+ file_validate(mime_types, MimeFile).
+mime_types_validate([{_, _} = Value | Rest]) ->
+ ok = mime_types_validate(Value),
+ mime_types_validate(Rest);
+mime_types_validate([]) ->
+ ok;
+mime_types_validate(MimeFile) ->
+ mime_type_validate(MimeFile).
+valid_options(Debug, AcceptTimeout, Config) ->
+ valid_debug(Debug),
+ valid_accept_timeout(AcceptTimeout),
+ valid_config(Config).
+valid_debug([]) ->
+ ok;
+valid_debug(disable) ->
+ ok;
+valid_debug(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ valid_debug2(L);
+valid_debug(D) ->
+ throw({error, {bad_debug_option,D}}).
+valid_debug2([{all_functions,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) ->
+ try modules_validate(L) of
+ ok ->
+ valid_debug2(Rest)
+ catch
+ throw:Error ->
+ throw({error, Error})
+ end;
+valid_debug2([{exported_functions,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) ->
+ modules_validate(L),
+ valid_debug2(Rest);
+valid_debug2([{disable,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) ->
+ modules_validate(L),
+ valid_debug2(Rest);
+valid_debug2([H|_T]) ->
+ throw({error,{bad_debug_option,H}});
+valid_debug2([]) ->
+ ok.
+valid_accept_timeout(I) when is_integer(I) ->
+ ok;
+valid_accept_timeout(A) ->
+ throw({error,{bad_debug_option,A}}).
+valid_config(_) ->
+ ok.
+%% Enable debugging,
+enable_debug([]) ->
+ ok;
+enable_debug(Debug) ->
+ dbg:tracer(),
+ dbg:p(all, [call]),
+ do_enable_debug(Debug).
+do_enable_debug(disable) ->
+ dbg:stop();
+do_enable_debug([]) ->
+ ok;
+ when is_atom(Level) andalso is_list(Modules) ->
+ case Level of
+ all_functions ->
+ io:format("Tracing on all functions set on modules: ~p~n",
+ [Modules]),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X)->
+ dbg:tpl(X, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}])
+ end, Modules);
+ exported_functions ->
+ io:format("Tracing on exported functions set on "
+ "modules: ~p~n",[Modules]),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X)->
+ dbg:tp(X, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}])
+ end, Modules);
+ disable ->
+ io:format("Tracing disabled on modules: ~p~n", [Modules]),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X)->
+ dbg:ctp(X)
+ end, Modules);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ do_enable_debug(Rest).