path: root/lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2018-02-26 16:35:58 +0100
committerPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2018-03-28 10:19:38 +0200
commite0ee349fc426007c7b269660244aeda94ddadd9f (patch)
tree72fe96857e2109f8ea2b80ec8695a8c7ebbe7c00 /lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl
parentf274b4cb369e1d4d8474c80595a992959770abf9 (diff)
inets,ftp: Break out FTP from inets
- Created initial directory structure for the FTP application. - Updated inets Makefiles to not include FTP related modules. - Remove ftp code from inets - Implement backward compatibility layer for FTP - Add inets_ftp_wrapper - Fix failing TCs Change-Id: I120ec5bdef0c3df4cee2d7880db2aec581505bc4
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1180 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dfec01ba2..0000000000
--- a/lib/inets/test/ftp_SUITE.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1180 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2017. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% ct:run("../inets_test", ftp_SUITE).
-%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
--define(FTP_USER, "anonymous").
--define(FTP_PASS(Cmnt), (fun({ok,__H}) -> "ftp_SUITE_"++Cmnt++"@" ++ __H;
- (_) -> "ftp_SUITE_"++Cmnt++"@localhost"
- end)(inet:gethostname())
- ).
--define(BAD_HOST, "badhostname").
--define(BAD_USER, "baduser").
--define(BAD_DIR, "baddirectory").
--record(progress, {
- current = 0,
- total
- }).
-%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
-suite() ->
- [{timetrap,{seconds,20}}].
-all() ->
- [
- {group, ftp_passive},
- {group, ftp_active},
- {group, ftps_passive},
- {group, ftps_active},
- error_ehost,
- clean_shutdown
- ].
-groups() ->
- [
- {ftp_passive, [], ftp_tests()},
- {ftp_active, [], ftp_tests()},
- {ftps_passive, [], ftp_tests()},
- {ftps_active, [], ftp_tests()}
- ].
- [
- user,
- bad_user,
- pwd,
- cd,
- lcd,
- ls,
- nlist,
- rename,
- delete,
- mkdir,
- rmdir,
- send,
- send_3,
- send_bin,
- send_chunk,
- append,
- append_bin,
- append_chunk,
- recv,
- recv_3,
- recv_bin,
- recv_bin_twice,
- recv_chunk,
- recv_chunk_twice,
- recv_chunk_three_times,
- type,
- quote,
- error_elogin,
- progress_report_send,
- progress_report_recv,
- not_owner,
- unexpected_call,
- unexpected_cast,
- unexpected_bang
- ].
-%%% Config
-%%% key meaning
-%%% ................................................................
-%%% ftpservers list of servers to check if they are available
-%%% The element is:
-%%% {Name, % string(). The os command name
-%%% Path, % string(). The os PATH syntax, e.g "/bin:/usr/bin"
-%%% StartCommand, % fun()->{ok,start_result()} | {error,string()}.
-%%% % The command to start the daemon with.
-%%% ChkUp, % fun(start_result()) -> string(). Os command to check
-%%% % if the server is running. [] if not running.
-%%% % The string in string() is suitable for logging.
-%%% StopCommand, % fun(start_result()) -> void(). The command to stop the daemon with.
-%%% AugmentFun, % fun(config()) -> config() Adds two funs for transforming names of files
-%%% % and directories to the form they are returned from this server
-%%% ServerHost, % string(). Mostly "localhost"
-%%% ServerPort % pos_integer()
-%%% }
- [{"vsftpd",
- "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin",
- fun(__CONF__, AbsName) ->
- DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir,__CONF__),
- ConfFile = filename:join(DataDir, "vsftpd.conf"),
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir,__CONF__),
- AnonRoot = PrivDir,
- Cmd = [AbsName ++" "++filename:join(DataDir,"vsftpd.conf"),
- " -oftpd_banner=erlang_otp_testing",
- " -oanon_root=\"",AnonRoot,"\"",
- " -orsa_cert_file=\"",filename:join(DataDir,"server-cert.pem"),"\"",
- " -orsa_private_key_file=\"",filename:join(DataDir,"server-key.pem"),"\""
- ],
- Result = os:cmd(Cmd),
- ct:log("Config file:~n~s~n~nServer start command:~n ~s~nResult:~n ~p",
- [case file:read_file(ConfFile) of
- {ok,X} -> X;
- _ -> ""
- end,
- Cmd, Result
- ]),
- case Result of
- [] -> {ok,'dont care'};
- [Msg] -> {error,Msg}
- end
- end,
- fun(_StartResult) -> os:cmd("ps ax | grep erlang_otp_testing | grep -v grep")
- end,
- fun(_StartResult) -> os:cmd("kill `ps ax | grep erlang_otp_testing | awk '/vsftpd/{print $1}'`")
- end,
- fun(__CONF__) ->
- AnonRoot = proplists:get_value(priv_dir,__CONF__),
- [{id2ftp, fun(Id) -> filename:join(AnonRoot,Id) end},
- {id2ftp_result,fun(Id) -> filename:join(AnonRoot,Id) end} | __CONF__]
- end,
- "localhost",
- 9999
- }
- ]
- ).
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
- case find_executable(Config) of
- false ->
- {skip, "No ftp server found"};
- {ok,Data} ->
- TstDir = filename:join(proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config), "test"),
- file:make_dir(TstDir),
- make_cert_files(dsa, rsa, "server-", proplists:get_value(data_dir,Config)),
- start_ftpd([{test_dir,TstDir},
- {ftpd_data,Data}
- | Config])
- end.
-end_per_suite(Config) ->
- ps_ftpd(Config),
- stop_ftpd(Config),
- ps_ftpd(Config),
- ok.
-init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group == ftps_active,
- Group == ftps_passive ->
- catch crypto:stop(),
- try crypto:start() of
- ok ->
- Config
- catch
- _:_ ->
- {skip, "Crypto did not start"}
- end;
-init_per_group(_Group, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_Group, Config) ->
- Config.
-init_per_testcase(Case, Config0) ->
- Group = proplists:get_value(name, proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties,Config0)),
- TLS = [{tls,[{reuse_sessions,true}]}],
- ACTIVE = [{mode,active}],
- PASSIVE = [{mode,passive}],
- CaseOpts = case Case of
- progress_report_send -> [{progress, {?MODULE,progress,#progress{}}}];
- progress_report_recv -> [{progress, {?MODULE,progress,#progress{}}}];
- _ -> []
- end,
- ExtraOpts = [verbose | CaseOpts],
- Config =
- case Group of
- ftp_active -> ftp__open(Config0, ACTIVE ++ ExtraOpts);
- ftps_active -> ftp__open(Config0, TLS++ ACTIVE ++ ExtraOpts);
- ftp_passive -> ftp__open(Config0, PASSIVE ++ ExtraOpts);
- ftps_passive -> ftp__open(Config0, TLS++PASSIVE ++ ExtraOpts);
- undefined -> Config0
- end,
- case Case of
- user -> Config;
- bad_user -> Config;
- error_elogin -> Config;
- error_ehost -> Config;
- clean_shutdown -> Config;
- _ ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp,Config),
- ok = ftp:user(Pid, ?FTP_USER, ?FTP_PASS(atom_to_list(Group)++"-"++atom_to_list(Case)) ),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config)),
- Config
- end.
-end_per_testcase(user, _Config) -> ok;
-end_per_testcase(bad_user, _Config) -> ok;
-end_per_testcase(error_elogin, _Config) -> ok;
-end_per_testcase(error_ehost, _Config) -> ok;
-end_per_testcase(clean_shutdown, _Config) -> ok;
-end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- case proplists:get_value(tc_status,Config) of
- ok -> ok;
- _ ->
- try ftp:latest_ctrl_response(proplists:get_value(ftp,Config))
- of
- {ok,S} -> ct:log("***~n*** Latest ctrl channel response:~n*** ~p~n***",[S])
- catch
- _:_ -> ok
- end
- end,
- ftp__close(Config).
-%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
-user() -> [
- {doc, "Open an ftp connection to a host, and logon as anonymous ftp,"
- " then logoff"}].
-user(Config) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:user(Pid, ?FTP_USER, ?FTP_PASS("")),% logon
- ok = ftp:close(Pid), % logoff
- {error,eclosed} = ftp:pwd(Pid), % check logoff result
- ok.
-bad_user() ->
- [{doc, "Open an ftp connection to a host, and logon with bad user."}].
-bad_user(Config) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {error, euser} = ftp:user(Pid, ?BAD_USER, ?FTP_PASS("")),
- ok.
-pwd() ->
- [{doc, "Test ftp:pwd/1 & ftp:lpwd/1"}].
-pwd(Config0) ->
- Config = set_state([reset], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {ok, PWD} = ftp:pwd(Pid),
- {ok, PathLpwd} = ftp:lpwd(Pid),
- PWD = id2ftp_result("", Config),
- PathLpwd = id2ftp_result("", Config).
-cd() ->
- ["Open an ftp connection, log on as anonymous ftp, and cd to a"
- "directory and to a non-existent directory."].
-cd(Config0) ->
- Dir = "test",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,Dir}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- {ok, PWD} = ftp:pwd(Pid),
- ExpectedPWD = id2ftp_result(Dir, Config),
- PWD = ExpectedPWD,
- {error, epath} = ftp:cd(Pid, ?BAD_DIR),
- ok.
-lcd() ->
- [{doc, "Test api function ftp:lcd/2"}].
-lcd(Config0) ->
- Dir = "test",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,Dir}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- {ok, PWD} = ftp:lpwd(Pid),
- ExpectedPWD = id2ftp_result(Dir, Config),
- PWD = ExpectedPWD,
- {error, epath} = ftp:lcd(Pid, ?BAD_DIR).
-ls() ->
- [{doc, "Open an ftp connection; ls the current directory, and the "
- "\"test\" directory. We assume that ls never fails, since "
- "it's output is meant to be read by humans. "}].
-ls(Config0) ->
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,"test"}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {ok, _R1} = ftp:ls(Pid),
- {ok, _R2} = ftp:ls(Pid, id2ftp("test",Config)),
- %% neither nlist nor ls operates on a directory
- %% they operate on a pathname, which *can* be a
- %% directory, but can also be a filename or a group
- %% of files (including wildcards).
- case proplists:get_value(wildcard_support, Config) of
- true ->
- {ok, _R3} = ftp:ls(Pid, id2ftp("te*",Config));
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-nlist() ->
- [{doc,"Open an ftp connection; nlist the current directory, and the "
- "\"test\" directory. Nlist does not behave consistenly over "
- "operating systems. On some it is an error to have an empty "
- "directory."}].
-nlist(Config0) ->
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,"test"}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {ok, _R1} = ftp:nlist(Pid),
- {ok, _R2} = ftp:nlist(Pid, id2ftp("test",Config)),
- %% neither nlist nor ls operates on a directory
- %% they operate on a pathname, which *can* be a
- %% directory, but can also be a filename or a group
- %% of files (including wildcards).
- case proplists:get_value(wildcard_support, Config) of
- true ->
- {ok, _R3} = ftp:nlist(Pid, id2ftp("te*",Config));
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-rename() ->
- [{doc, "Rename a file."}].
-rename(Config0) ->
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- OldFile = "old.txt",
- NewFile = "new.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkfile,OldFile,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:rename(Pid,
- id2ftp(OldFile,Config),
- id2ftp(NewFile,Config)),
- true = (chk_file(NewFile,Contents,Config)
- and chk_no_file([OldFile],Config)),
- {error,epath} = ftp:rename(Pid,
- id2ftp("non_existing_file",Config),
- id2ftp(NewFile,Config)),
- ok.
-send() ->
- [{doc, "Transfer a file with ftp using send/2."}].
-send(Config0) ->
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- SrcDir = "data",
- File = "file.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkfile,[SrcDir,File],Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- chk_no_file([File],Config),
- chk_file([SrcDir,File],Contents,Config),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp(SrcDir,Config)),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp("",Config)),
- ok = ftp:send(Pid, File),
- chk_file(File, Contents, Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:send(Pid, "non_existing_file"),
- ok.
-send_3() ->
- [{doc, "Transfer a file with ftp using send/3."}].
-send_3(Config0) ->
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Dir = "incoming",
- File = "file.txt",
- RemoteFile = "remfile.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkfile,File,Contents},{mkdir,Dir}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp("",Config)),
- ok = ftp:send(Pid, File, RemoteFile),
- chk_file([Dir,RemoteFile], Contents, Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:send(Pid, "non_existing_file", RemoteFile),
- ok.
-send_bin() ->
- [{doc, "Send a binary."}].
-send_bin(Config0) ->
- BinContents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- File = "file.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {error, enotbinary} = ftp:send_bin(Pid, "some string", id2ftp(File,Config)),
- ok = ftp:send_bin(Pid, BinContents, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- chk_file(File, BinContents, Config),
- {error, efnamena} = ftp:send_bin(Pid, BinContents, "/nothere"),
- ok.
-send_chunk() ->
- [{doc, "Send a binary using chunks."}].
-send_chunk(Config0) ->
- Contents1 = <<"1: ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Contents2 = <<"2: ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- File = "file.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,"incoming"}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:send_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- {error, echunk} = ftp:send_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- {error, echunk} = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
- {error, enotbinary} = ftp:send_chunk(Pid, "some string"),
- ok = ftp:send_chunk(Pid, Contents1),
- ok = ftp:send_chunk(Pid, Contents2),
- ok = ftp:send_chunk_end(Pid),
- chk_file(File, <<Contents1/binary,Contents2/binary>>, Config),
- {error, echunk} = ftp:send_chunk(Pid, Contents1),
- {error, echunk} = ftp:send_chunk_end(Pid),
- {error, efnamena} = ftp:send_chunk_start(Pid, "/"),
- ok.
-delete() ->
- [{doc, "Delete a file."}].
-delete(Config0) ->
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- File = "file.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkfile,File,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:delete(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- chk_no_file([File], Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:delete(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- ok.
-mkdir() ->
- [{doc, "Make a remote directory."}].
-mkdir(Config0) ->
- NewDir = "new_dir",
- Config = set_state([reset], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:mkdir(Pid, id2ftp(NewDir,Config)),
- chk_dir([NewDir], Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:mkdir(Pid, id2ftp(NewDir,Config)),
- ok.
-rmdir() ->
- [{doc, "Remove a directory."}].
-rmdir(Config0) ->
- Dir = "dir",
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkdir,Dir}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:rmdir(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- chk_no_dir([Dir], Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:rmdir(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- ok.
-append() ->
- [{doc, "Append a local file twice to a remote file"}].
-append(Config0) ->
- SrcFile = "f_src.txt",
- DstFile = "f_dst.txt",
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset,{mkfile,SrcFile,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:append(Pid, id2ftp(SrcFile,Config), id2ftp(DstFile,Config)),
- ok = ftp:append(Pid, id2ftp(SrcFile,Config), id2ftp(DstFile,Config)),
- chk_file(DstFile, <<Contents/binary,Contents/binary>>, Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:append(Pid, id2ftp("non_existing_file",Config), id2ftp(DstFile,Config)),
- ok.
-append_bin() ->
- [{doc, "Append a local file twice to a remote file using append_bin"}].
-append_bin(Config0) ->
- DstFile = "f_dst.txt",
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Contents, id2ftp(DstFile,Config)),
- ok = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Contents, id2ftp(DstFile,Config)),
- chk_file(DstFile, <<Contents/binary,Contents/binary>>, Config).
-append_chunk() ->
- [{doc, "Append chunks."}].
-append_chunk(Config0) ->
- File = "f_dst.txt",
- Contents = [<<"ER">>,<<"LE">>,<<"RL">>],
- Config = set_state([reset], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:append_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- {error, enotbinary} = ftp:append_chunk(Pid, binary_to_list(lists:nth(1,Contents))),
- ok = ftp:append_chunk(Pid,lists:nth(1,Contents)),
- ok = ftp:append_chunk(Pid,lists:nth(2,Contents)),
- ok = ftp:append_chunk(Pid,lists:nth(3,Contents)),
- ok = ftp:append_chunk_end(Pid),
- chk_file(File, <<"ERLERL">>, Config).
-recv() ->
- [{doc, "Receive a file using recv/2"}].
-recv(Config0) ->
- File1 = "f_dst1.txt",
- File2 = "f_dst2.txt",
- SrcDir = "a_dir",
- Contents1 = <<"1 ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Contents2 = <<"2 ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,[SrcDir,File1],Contents1}, {mkfile,[SrcDir,File2],Contents2}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp(SrcDir,Config)),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp("",Config)),
- ok = ftp:recv(Pid, File1),
- chk_file(File1, Contents1, Config),
- ok = ftp:recv(Pid, File2),
- chk_file(File2, Contents2, Config),
- {error,epath} = ftp:recv(Pid, "non_existing_file"),
- ok.
-recv_3() ->
- [{doc,"Receive a file using recv/3"}].
-recv_3(Config0) ->
- DstFile = "f_src.txt",
- SrcFile = "f_dst.txt",
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,SrcFile,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp("",Config)),
- ok = ftp:recv(Pid, SrcFile, id2abs(DstFile,Config)),
- chk_file(DstFile, Contents, Config).
-recv_bin() ->
- [{doc, "Receive a file as a binary."}].
-recv_bin(Config0) ->
- File = "f_dst.txt",
- Contents = <<"ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,File,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {ok,Received} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- find_diff(Received, Contents),
- {error,epath} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, id2ftp("non_existing_file",Config)),
- ok.
-recv_bin_twice() ->
- [{doc, "Receive two files as a binaries."}].
-recv_bin_twice(Config0) ->
- File1 = "f_dst1.txt",
- File2 = "f_dst2.txt",
- Contents1 = <<"1 ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Contents2 = <<"2 ftp_SUITE test ...">>,
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,File1,Contents1}, {mkfile,File2,Contents2}], Config0),
- ct:log("First transfer",[]),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {ok,Received1} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, id2ftp(File1,Config)),
- find_diff(Received1, Contents1),
- ct:log("Second transfer",[]),
- {ok,Received2} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, id2ftp(File2,Config)),
- find_diff(Received2, Contents2),
- ct:log("Transfers ready!",[]),
- {error,epath} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, id2ftp("non_existing_file",Config)),
- ok.
-recv_chunk() ->
- [{doc, "Receive a file using chunk-wise."}].
-recv_chunk(Config0) ->
- File = "big_file.txt",
- Contents = list_to_binary( lists:duplicate(1000, lists:seq(0,255)) ),
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,File,Contents}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {{error, "ftp:recv_chunk_start/2 not called"},_} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents, _Ncunks} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents, Contents).
-recv_chunk_twice() ->
- [{doc, "Receive two files using chunk-wise."}].
-recv_chunk_twice(Config0) ->
- File1 = "big_file1.txt",
- File2 = "big_file2.txt",
- Contents1 = list_to_binary( lists:duplicate(1000, lists:seq(0,255)) ),
- Contents2 = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(1200),
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,File1,Contents1}, {mkfile,File2,Contents2}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {{error, "ftp:recv_chunk_start/2 not called"},_} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File1,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents1, _Ncunks1} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File2,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents2, _Ncunks2} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents1, Contents1),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents2, Contents2).
-recv_chunk_three_times() ->
- [{doc, "Receive two files using chunk-wise."},
- {timetrap,{seconds,120}}].
-recv_chunk_three_times(Config0) ->
- File1 = "big_file1.txt",
- File2 = "big_file2.txt",
- File3 = "big_file3.txt",
- Contents1 = list_to_binary( lists:duplicate(1000, lists:seq(0,255)) ),
- Contents2 = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(1200),
- Contents3 = list_to_binary( lists:duplicate(1000, lists:seq(255,0,-1)) ),
- Config = set_state([reset, {mkfile,File1,Contents1}, {mkfile,File2,Contents2}, {mkfile,File3,Contents3}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- {{error, "ftp:recv_chunk_start/2 not called"},_} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File1,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents1, Nchunks1} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File2,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents2, _Nchunks2} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
- ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, id2ftp(File3,Config)),
- {ok, ReceivedContents3, _Nchunks3} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>, 10000, 0, Nchunks1),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents1, Contents1),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents2, Contents2),
- find_diff(ReceivedContents3, Contents3).
-recv_chunk(Pid, Acc) ->
- recv_chunk(Pid, Acc, 0, 0, undefined).
-%% ExpectNchunks :: integer() | undefined
-recv_chunk(Pid, Acc, DelayMilliSec, N, ExpectNchunks) when N+1 < ExpectNchunks ->
- %% for all I in integer(), I < undefined
- recv_chunk1(Pid, Acc, DelayMilliSec, N, ExpectNchunks);
-recv_chunk(Pid, Acc, DelayMilliSec, N, ExpectNchunks) ->
- %% N >= ExpectNchunks-1
- timer:sleep(DelayMilliSec),
- recv_chunk1(Pid, Acc, DelayMilliSec, N, ExpectNchunks).
-recv_chunk1(Pid, Acc, DelayMilliSec, N, ExpectNchunks) ->
- ct:log("Call ftp:recv_chunk",[]),
- case ftp:recv_chunk(Pid) of
- ok -> {ok, Acc, N};
- {ok, Bin} -> recv_chunk(Pid, <<Acc/binary, Bin/binary>>, DelayMilliSec, N+1, ExpectNchunks);
- Error -> {Error, N}
- end.
-type() ->
- [{doc,"Test that we can change btween ASCCI and binary transfer mode"}].
-type(Config) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:type(Pid, ascii),
- ok = ftp:type(Pid, binary),
- ok = ftp:type(Pid, ascii),
- {error, etype} = ftp:type(Pid, foobar).
-quote(Config) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ["257 \""++_Rest] = ftp:quote(Pid, "pwd"), %% 257
- [_| _] = ftp:quote(Pid, "help"),
- %% This negativ test causes some ftp servers to hang. This test
- %% is not important for the client, so we skip it for now.
- %%["425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused."]
- %% = ftp:quote(Pid, "list"),
- ok.
-progress_report_send() ->
- [{doc, "Test the option progress for ftp:send/[2,3]"}].
-progress_report_send(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ReportPid =
- spawn_link(?MODULE, progress_report_receiver_init, [self(), 1]),
- send(Config),
- receive
- {ReportPid, ok} ->
- ok
- end.
-progress_report_recv() ->
- [{doc, "Test the option progress for ftp:recv/[2,3]"}].
-progress_report_recv(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ReportPid =
- spawn_link(?MODULE, progress_report_receiver_init, [self(), 3]),
- recv(Config),
- receive
- {ReportPid, ok} ->
- ok
- end.
-not_owner() ->
- [{doc, "Test what happens if a process that not owns the connection tries "
- "to use it"}].
-not_owner(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- Parent = self(),
- OtherPid = spawn_link(
- fun() ->
- {error, not_connection_owner} = ftp:pwd(Pid),
- ftp:close(Pid),
- Parent ! {self(), ok}
- end),
- receive
- {OtherPid, ok} ->
- {ok, _} = ftp:pwd(Pid)
- end.
- [{doc, "Test that behaviour of the ftp process if the api is abused"}].
-unexpected_call(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- %% Serious programming fault, connetion will be shut down
- case (catch gen_server:call(Pid, {self(), foobar, 10}, infinity)) of
- {error, {connection_terminated, 'API_violation'}} ->
- ok;
- Unexpected1 ->
- exit({unexpected_result, Unexpected1})
- end,
- ct:sleep(500),
- undefined = process_info(Pid, status),
- process_flag(trap_exit, Flag).
- [{doc, "Test that behaviour of the ftp process if the api is abused"}].
-unexpected_cast(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- %% Serious programming fault, connetion will be shut down
- gen_server:cast(Pid, {self(), foobar, 10}),
- ct:sleep(500),
- undefined = process_info(Pid, status),
- process_flag(trap_exit, Flag).
- [{doc, "Test that connection ignores unexpected bang"}].
-unexpected_bang(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- %% Could be an innocent misstake the connection lives.
- Pid ! foobar,
- ct:sleep(500),
- {status, _} = process_info(Pid, status),
- process_flag(trap_exit, Flag).
-clean_shutdown() ->
- [{doc, "Test that owning process that exits with reason "
- "'shutdown' does not cause an error message. OTP 6035"}].
-clean_shutdown(Config) ->
- Parent = self(),
- HelperPid = spawn(
- fun() ->
- ftp__open(Config, [verbose]),
- Parent ! ok,
- receive
- nothing -> ok
- end
- end),
- receive
- ok ->
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- LogFile = filename:join([PrivDir,"ticket_6035.log"]),
- error_logger:logfile({open, LogFile}),
- exit(HelperPid, shutdown),
- timer:sleep(2000),
- error_logger:logfile(close),
- case is_error_report_6035(LogFile) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> {fail, "Bad logfile"}
- end
- end.
-%%% Error codes not tested elsewhere
-error_elogin(Config0) ->
- Dir = "test",
- OldFile = "old.txt",
- NewFile = "new.txt",
- SrcDir = "data",
- File = "file.txt",
- Config = set_state([reset,
- {mkdir,Dir},
- {mkfile,OldFile,<<"Contents..">>},
- {mkfile,[SrcDir,File],<<"Contents..">>}], Config0),
- Pid = proplists:get_value(ftp, Config),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp(SrcDir,Config)),
- {error,elogin} = ftp:send(Pid, File),
- ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, id2ftp("",Config)),
- {error,elogin} = ftp:pwd(Pid),
- {error,elogin} = ftp:cd(Pid, id2ftp(Dir,Config)),
- {error,elogin} = ftp:rename(Pid,
- id2ftp(OldFile,Config),
- id2ftp(NewFile,Config)),
- ok.
-error_ehost(_Config) ->
- {error, ehost} = ftp:open("nohost.nodomain"),
- ok.
-%% Internal functions -----------------------------------------------
-make_cert_files(Alg1, Alg2, Prefix, Dir) ->
- CaInfo = {CaCert,_} = erl_make_certs:make_cert([{key,Alg1}]),
- {Cert,CertKey} = erl_make_certs:make_cert([{key,Alg2},{issuer,CaInfo}]),
- CaCertFile = filename:join(Dir, Prefix++"cacerts.pem"),
- CertFile = filename:join(Dir, Prefix++"cert.pem"),
- KeyFile = filename:join(Dir, Prefix++"key.pem"),
- der_to_pem(CaCertFile, [{'Certificate', CaCert, not_encrypted}]),
- der_to_pem(CertFile, [{'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted}]),
- der_to_pem(KeyFile, [CertKey]),
- ok.
-der_to_pem(File, Entries) ->
- PemBin = public_key:pem_encode(Entries),
- file:write_file(File, PemBin).
-chk_file(Path=[C|_], ExpectedContents, Config) when 0<C,C=<255 ->
- chk_file([Path], ExpectedContents, Config);
-chk_file(PathList, ExpectedContents, Config) ->
- Path = filename:join(PathList),
- AbsPath = id2abs(Path,Config),
- case file:read_file(AbsPath) of
- {ok,ExpectedContents} ->
- true;
- {ok,ReadContents} ->
- {error,{diff,Pos,RC,LC}} = find_diff(ReadContents, ExpectedContents, 1),
- ct:log("Bad contents of ~p.~nGot:~n~p~nExpected:~n~p~nDiff at pos ~p ~nRead: ~p~nExp : ~p",
- [AbsPath,ReadContents,ExpectedContents,Pos,RC,LC]),
- ct:fail("Bad contents of ~p", [Path]);
- {error,Error} ->
- try begin
- {ok,CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
- ct:log("file:get_cwd()=~p~nfiles:~n~p",[CWD,file:list_dir(CWD)])
- end
- of _ -> ok
- catch _:_ ->ok
- end,
- ct:fail("Error reading ~p: ~p",[Path,Error])
- end.
-chk_no_file(Path=[C|_], Config) when 0<C,C=<255 ->
- chk_no_file([Path], Config);
-chk_no_file(PathList, Config) ->
- Path = filename:join(PathList),
- AbsPath = id2abs(Path,Config),
- case file:read_file(AbsPath) of
- {error,enoent} ->
- true;
- {ok,Contents} ->
- ct:log("File ~p exists although it shouldn't. Contents:~n~p",
- [AbsPath,Contents]),
- ct:fail("File exists: ~p", [Path]);
- {error,Error} ->
- ct:fail("Unexpected error reading ~p: ~p",[Path,Error])
- end.
-chk_dir(Path=[C|_], Config) when 0<C,C=<255 ->
- chk_dir([Path], Config);
-chk_dir(PathList, Config) ->
- Path = filename:join(PathList),
- AbsPath = id2abs(Path,Config),
- case file:read_file_info(AbsPath) of
- {ok, #file_info{type=directory}} ->
- true;
- {ok, #file_info{type=Type}} ->
- ct:fail("Expected dir ~p is a ~p",[Path,Type]);
- {error,Error} ->
- ct:fail("Expected dir ~p: ~p",[Path,Error])
- end.
-chk_no_dir(PathList, Config) ->
- Path = filename:join(PathList),
- AbsPath = id2abs(Path,Config),
- case file:read_file_info(AbsPath) of
- {error,enoent} ->
- true;
- {ok, #file_info{type=directory}} ->
- ct:fail("Dir ~p erroneously exists",[Path]);
- {ok, #file_info{type=Type}} ->
- ct:fail("~p ~p erroneously exists",[Type,Path]);
- {error,Error} ->
- ct:fail("Unexpected error for ~p: ~p",[Path,Error])
- end.
-find_executable(Config) ->
- search_executable(proplists:get_value(ftpservers, Config, ?default_ftp_servers)).
-search_executable([{Name,Paths,_StartCmd,_ChkUp,_StopCommand,_ConfigUpd,_Host,_Port}|Srvrs]) ->
- case os_find(Name,Paths) of
- false ->
- ct:log("~p not found",[Name]),
- search_executable(Srvrs);
- AbsName ->
- ct:comment("Found ~p",[AbsName]),
- {ok, {AbsName,_StartCmd,_ChkUp,_StopCommand,_ConfigUpd,_Host,_Port}}
- end;
-search_executable([]) ->
- false.
-os_find(Name, Paths) ->
- case os:find_executable(Name, Paths) of
- false -> os:find_executable(Name);
- AbsName -> AbsName
- end.
-start_ftpd(Config0) ->
- {AbsName,StartCmd,_ChkUp,_StopCommand,ConfigRewrite,Host,Port} =
- proplists:get_value(ftpd_data, Config0),
- case StartCmd(Config0, AbsName) of
- {ok,StartResult} ->
- Config = [{ftpd_host,Host},
- {ftpd_port,Port},
- {ftpd_start_result,StartResult} | ConfigRewrite(Config0)],
- try
- ftp__close(ftp__open(Config,[verbose]))
- of
- Config1 when is_list(Config1) ->
- ct:log("Usuable ftp server ~p started on ~p:~p",[AbsName,Host,Port]),
- Config
- catch
- Class:Exception ->
- ct:log("Ftp server ~p started on ~p:~p but is unusable:~n~p:~p",
- [AbsName,Host,Port,Class,Exception]),
- {skip, [AbsName," started but unusuable"]}
- end;
- {error,Msg} ->
- {skip, [AbsName," not started: ",Msg]}
- end.
-stop_ftpd(Config) ->
- {_Name,_StartCmd,_ChkUp,StopCommand,_ConfigUpd,_Host,_Port} = proplists:get_value(ftpd_data, Config),
- StopCommand(proplists:get_value(ftpd_start_result,Config)).
-ps_ftpd(Config) ->
- {_Name,_StartCmd,ChkUp,_StopCommand,_ConfigUpd,_Host,_Port} = proplists:get_value(ftpd_data, Config),
- ct:log( ChkUp(proplists:get_value(ftpd_start_result,Config)) ).
-ftpd_running(Config) ->
- {_Name,_StartCmd,ChkUp,_StopCommand,_ConfigUpd,_Host,_Port} = proplists:get_value(ftpd_data, Config),
- ChkUp(proplists:get_value(ftpd_start_result,Config)).
-ftp__open(Config, Options) ->
- Host = proplists:get_value(ftpd_host,Config),
- Port = proplists:get_value(ftpd_port,Config),
- ct:log("Host=~p, Port=~p",[Host,Port]),
- {ok,Pid} = ftp:open(Host, [{port,Port} | Options]),
- [{ftp,Pid}|Config].
-ftp__close(Config) ->
- ok = ftp:close(proplists:get_value(ftp,Config)),
- Config.
-split(Cs) -> string:tokens(Cs, "\r\n").
-find_diff(Bin1, Bin2) ->
- case find_diff(Bin1, Bin2, 1) of
- {error, {diff,Pos,RC,LC}} ->
- ct:log("Contents differ at position ~p.~nOp1: ~p~nOp2: ~p",[Pos,RC,LC]),
- ct:fail("Contents differ at pos ~p",[Pos]);
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
-find_diff(A, A, _) -> true;
-find_diff(<<H,T1/binary>>, <<H,T2/binary>>, Pos) -> find_diff(T1, T2, Pos+1);
-find_diff(RC, LC, Pos) -> {error, {diff, Pos, RC, LC}}.
-set_state(Ops, Config) when is_list(Ops) -> lists:foldl(fun set_state/2, Config, Ops);
-set_state(reset, Config) ->
- rm('*', id2abs("",Config)),
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config),
- file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
- ftp:lcd(proplists:get_value(ftp,Config),PrivDir),
- set_state({mkdir,""},Config);
-set_state({mkdir,Id}, Config) ->
- Abs = id2abs(Id, Config),
- mk_path(Abs),
- file:make_dir(Abs),
- Config;
-set_state({mkfile,Id,Contents}, Config) ->
- Abs = id2abs(Id, Config),
- mk_path(Abs),
- ok = file:write_file(Abs, Contents),
- Config.
-mk_path(Abs) -> lists:foldl(fun mk_path/2, [], filename:split(filename:dirname(Abs))).
-mk_path(F, Pfx) ->
- case file:read_file_info(AbsName=filename:join(Pfx,F)) of
- {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} ->
- AbsName;
- {error,eexist} ->
- AbsName;
- {error,enoent} ->
- ok = file:make_dir(AbsName),
- AbsName
- end.
-rm('*', Pfx) ->
- {ok,Fs} = file:list_dir(Pfx),
- lists:foreach(fun(F) -> rm(F, Pfx) end, Fs);
-rm(F, Pfx) ->
- case file:read_file_info(AbsName=filename:join(Pfx,F)) of
- {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} ->
- {ok,Fs} = file:list_dir(AbsName),
- lists:foreach(fun(F1) -> rm(F1,AbsName) end, Fs),
- ok = file:del_dir(AbsName);
- {ok,#file_info{type=regular}} ->
- ok = file:delete(AbsName);
- {error,enoent} ->
- ok
- end.
-id2abs(Id, Conf) -> filename:join(proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Conf),ids(Id)).
-id2ftp(Id, Conf) -> (proplists:get_value(id2ftp,Conf))(ids(Id)).
-id2ftp_result(Id, Conf) -> (proplists:get_value(id2ftp_result,Conf))(ids(Id)).
-ids([[_|_]|_]=Ids) -> filename:join(Ids);
-ids(Id) -> Id.
-is_expected_absName(Id, File, Conf) -> File = (proplists:get_value(id2abs,Conf))(Id).
-is_expected_ftpInName(Id, File, Conf) -> File = (proplists:get_value(id2ftp,Conf))(Id).
-is_expected_ftpOutName(Id, File, Conf) -> File = (proplists:get_value(id2ftp_result,Conf))(Id).
-%%% Help functions for the option '{progress,Progress}'
-%%% Callback:
-progress(#progress{} = P, _File, {file_size, Total} = M) ->
- ct:pal("Progress: ~p",[M]),
- progress_report_receiver ! start,
- P#progress{total = Total};
-progress(#progress{current = Current} = P, _File, {transfer_size, 0} = M) ->
- ct:pal("Progress: ~p",[M]),
- progress_report_receiver ! finish,
- case P#progress.total of
- unknown -> P;
- Current -> P;
- Total -> ct:fail({error, {progress, {total,Total}, {current,Current}}}),
- P
- end;
-progress(#progress{current = Current} = P, _File, {transfer_size, Size} = M) ->
- ct:pal("Progress: ~p",[M]),
- progress_report_receiver ! update,
- P#progress{current = Current + Size};
-progress(P, _File, M) ->
- ct:pal("Progress **** Strange: ~p",[M]),
- P.
-%%% Help process that counts the files transferred:
-progress_report_receiver_init(Parent, N) ->
- register(progress_report_receiver, self()),
- progress_report_receiver_expect_N_files(Parent, N).
-progress_report_receiver_expect_N_files(_Parent, 0) ->
- ct:pal("progress_report got all files!", []);
-progress_report_receiver_expect_N_files(Parent, N) ->
- ct:pal("progress_report expects ~p more files",[N]),
- receive
- start -> ok
- end,
- progress_report_receiver_loop(Parent, N-1).
-progress_report_receiver_loop(Parent, N) ->
- ct:pal("progress_report expect update | finish. N = ~p",[N]),
- receive
- update ->
- ct:pal("progress_report got update",[]),
- progress_report_receiver_loop(Parent, N);
- finish ->
- ct:pal("progress_report got finish, send ~p to ~p",[{self(),ok}, Parent]),
- Parent ! {self(), ok},
- progress_report_receiver_expect_N_files(Parent, N)
- end.
-%%% Help functions for bug OTP-6035
-is_error_report_6035(LogFile) ->
- case file:read_file(LogFile) of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- nomatch =/= binary:match(Bin, <<"=ERROR REPORT====">>);
- _ ->
- false
- end.