path: root/lib/inets
diff options
authorPéter Dimitrov <peterdmv@erlang.org>2018-04-17 11:20:06 +0200
committerPéter Dimitrov <peterdmv@erlang.org>2018-04-17 11:20:06 +0200
commit46a89739ebe59bb2d2b44639c9ea9869757d4b58 (patch)
tree3ad94db35d388dd97418647abdd7d0dff18623a5 /lib/inets
parente2dadbf64f36f4f05347d0ef9c22adf350a23365 (diff)
parent19256441771c191bcc971377e438cfa859246c55 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: inets: Fix broken httpc options handling Change-Id: I9e44f0e53237a390048cab3aaf52ea0e1a5358a2
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets')
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml b/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
index ffc6fec518..521ad6a015 100644
--- a/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
+++ b/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
@@ -441,17 +441,22 @@
- <p>Socket options to be used for this and subsequent
- requests.</p>
+ <p>Socket options to be used for this request.</p>
<p>Overrides any value set by function
<seealso marker="#set_options-1">set_options</seealso>.</p>
<p>The validity of the options is <em>not</em> checked by
the HTTP client they are assumed to be correct and passed
on to ssl application and inet driver, which may reject
- them if they are not correct. Note that the current
- implementation assumes the requests to the same host, port
- combination will use the same socket options.
+ them if they are not correct.
+ <note>
+ <p>
+ Persistent connections are not supported when setting the
+ <c>socket_opts</c> option. When <c>socket_opts</c> is not
+ set the current implementation assumes the requests to the
+ same host, port combination will use the same socket options.
+ </p>
+ </note>
<p>By default the socket options set by function
<seealso marker="#set_options-1">set_options/[1,2]</seealso>
@@ -624,8 +629,11 @@
to complete. The HTTP/1.1 specification suggests a
limit of two persistent connections per server, which is the
default value of option <c>max_sessions</c>.</p>
+ <p>
+ The current implementation assumes the requests to the same host, port
+ combination will use the same socket options.
+ </p>
<marker id="get_options"></marker>
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
index 7b8d7875de..c3404dbb37 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
@@ -750,8 +750,26 @@ handle_request(#request{settings =
start_handler(NewRequest#request{headers = NewHeaders}, State),
{reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State};
-handle_request(Request, State = #state{options = Options}) ->
+%% Simple socket options handling (ERL-441).
+%% TODO: Refactor httpc to enable sending socket options in requests
+%% using persistent connections. This workaround opens a new
+%% connection for each request with non-empty socket_opts.
+handle_request(Request0 = #request{socket_opts = SocketOpts},
+ State0 = #state{options = Options0})
+ when is_list(SocketOpts) andalso length(SocketOpts) > 0 ->
+ Request = handle_cookies(generate_request_id(Request0), State0),
+ Options = convert_options(SocketOpts, Options0),
+ State = State0#state{options = Options},
+ Headers =
+ (Request#request.headers)#http_request_h{connection
+ = "close"},
+ %% Reset socket_opts to avoid setopts failure.
+ start_handler(Request#request{headers = Headers, socket_opts = []}, State),
+ %% Do not change the state
+ {reply, {ok, Request#request.id}, State0};
+handle_request(Request, State = #state{options = Options}) ->
NewRequest = handle_cookies(generate_request_id(Request), State),
SessionType = session_type(Options),
case select_session(Request#request.method,
@@ -775,6 +793,18 @@ handle_request(Request, State = #state{options = Options}) ->
{reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State}.
+%% Convert Request options to State options
+convert_options([], Options) ->
+ Options;
+convert_options([{ipfamily, Value}|T], Options) ->
+ convert_options(T, Options#options{ipfamily = Value});
+convert_options([{ip, Value}|T], Options) ->
+ convert_options(T, Options#options{ip = Value});
+convert_options([{port, Value}|T], Options) ->
+ convert_options(T, Options#options{port = Value});
+convert_options([Option|T], Options = #options{socket_opts = SocketOpts}) ->
+ convert_options(T, Options#options{socket_opts = SocketOpts ++ [Option]}).
start_handler(#request{id = Id,
from = From} = Request,
#state{profile_name = ProfileName,
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
index cd14476f9d..47c7ffd190 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
{group, http},
+ {group, http_ipv6},
{group, sim_http},
{group, http_internal},
{group, http_unix_socket},
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
{http, [], real_requests()},
+ {http_ipv6, [], [request_options]},
%% process_leak_on_keepalive is depending on stream_fun_server_close
%% and it shall be the last test case in the suite otherwise cookie
%% will fail.
@@ -214,6 +216,16 @@ init_per_group(http_unix_socket = Group, Config0) ->
Port = server_start(Group, server_config(Group, Config)),
[{port, Port} | Config]
+init_per_group(http_ipv6 = Group, Config0) ->
+ case is_ipv6_supported() of
+ true ->
+ start_apps(Group),
+ Config = proplists:delete(port, Config0),
+ Port = server_start(Group, server_config(Group, Config)),
+ [{port, Port} | Config];
+ false ->
+ {skip, "Host does not support IPv6"}
+ end;
init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
Config = proplists:delete(port, Config0),
@@ -281,6 +293,16 @@ end_per_testcase(Case, Config)
end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) ->
+is_ipv6_supported() ->
+ case gen_udp:open(0, [inet6]) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ gen_udp:close(Socket),
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1376,6 +1398,7 @@ unix_domain_socket(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
= httpc:request(put, {URL, [], [], ""}, [], []),
{ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], _}}
= httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], []).
delete_no_body(doc) ->
["Test that a DELETE request without Body does not send a Content-Type header - Solves ERL-536"];
@@ -1387,6 +1410,16 @@ delete_no_body(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, {{_,500,_}, _, _}} =
httpc:request(delete, {URL, [], "text/plain", "TEST"}, [], []).
+request_options() ->
+ [{doc, "Test http get request with socket options against local server (IPv6)"}].
+request_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Request = {url(group_name(Config), "/dummy.html", Config), []},
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], _ = [_ | _]}} = httpc:request(get, Request, [],
+ [{socket_opts,[{ipfamily, inet6}]}]),
+ {error,{failed_connect,_ }} = httpc:request(get, Request, [], []).
%% Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------
@@ -1475,6 +1508,9 @@ url(http, End, Config) ->
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Config),
{ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(),
?URL_START ++ Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ End;
+url(http_ipv6, End, Config) ->
+ Port = proplists:get_value(port, Config),
+ ?URL_START ++ "[::1]" ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ End;
url(https, End, Config) ->
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Config),
{ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(),
@@ -1519,7 +1555,11 @@ server_start(http_unix_socket, Config) ->
{_Pid, Port} = http_test_lib:dummy_server(unix_socket, Inet, [{content_cb, ?MODULE},
{unix_socket, Socket}]),
+server_start(http_ipv6, HttpdConfig) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = inets:start(httpd, HttpdConfig),
+ Serv = inets:services_info(),
+ {value, {_, _, Info}} = lists:keysearch(Pid, 2, Serv),
+ proplists:get_value(port, Info);
server_start(_, HttpdConfig) ->
{ok, Pid} = inets:start(httpd, HttpdConfig),
Serv = inets:services_info(),
@@ -1538,6 +1578,17 @@ server_config(http, Config) ->
{mime_type, "text/plain"},
{script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/", filename:join(ServerRoot, "cgi-bin") ++ "/"}}
+server_config(http_ipv6, Config) ->
+ ServerRoot = proplists:get_value(server_root, Config),
+ [{port, 0},
+ {server_name,"httpc_test"},
+ {server_root, ServerRoot},
+ {document_root, proplists:get_value(doc_root, Config)},
+ {bind_address, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}},
+ {ipfamily, inet6},
+ {mime_type, "text/plain"},
+ {script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/", filename:join(ServerRoot, "cgi-bin") ++ "/"}}
+ ];
server_config(http_internal, Config) ->
ServerRoot = proplists:get_value(server_root, Config),
[{port, 0},