path: root/lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml
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authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml b/lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml
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index 0000000000..a18226e779
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+++ b/lib/kernel/doc/src/net_kernel.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
+ <header>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1996</year><year>2009</year>
+ <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+ The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+ Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+ retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+ the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ under the License.
+ </legalnotice>
+ <title>net_kernel</title>
+ <prepared>Claes Wikstrom</prepared>
+ <docno>1</docno>
+ <date>96-09-10</date>
+ <rev>A</rev>
+ </header>
+ <module>net_kernel</module>
+ <modulesummary>Erlang Networking Kernel</modulesummary>
+ <description>
+ <p>The net kernel is a system process, registered as
+ <c>net_kernel</c>, which must be running for distributed Erlang
+ to work. The purpose of this process is to implement parts of
+ the BIFs <c>spawn/4</c> and <c>spawn_link/4</c>, and to provide
+ monitoring of the network.</p>
+ <p>An Erlang node is started using the command line flag
+ <c>-name</c> or <c>-sname</c>:</p>
+ <pre>
+$ <input>erl -sname foobar</input></pre>
+ <p>It is also possible to call <c>net_kernel:start([foobar])</c>
+ directly from the normal Erlang shell prompt:</p>
+ <p></p>
+ <pre>
+1> <input>net_kernel:start([foobar, shortnames]).</input>
+ <p>If the node is started with the command line flag <c>-sname</c>,
+ the node name will be <c>foobar@Host</c>, where <c>Host</c> is
+ the short name of the host (not the fully qualified domain name).
+ If started with the <c>-name</c> flag, <c>Host</c> is the fully
+ qualified domain name. See <c>erl(1)</c>.</p>
+ <p>Normally, connections are established automatically when
+ another node is referenced. This functionality can be disabled
+ by setting the Kernel configuration parameter
+ <c>dist_auto_connect</c> to <c>false</c>, see
+ <seealso marker="kernel_app">kernel(6)</seealso>. In this case,
+ connections must be established explicitly by calling
+ <c>net_kernel:connect_node/1</c>.</p>
+ <p>Which nodes are allowed to communicate with each other is handled
+ by the magic cookie system, see
+ <seealso marker="doc/reference_manual:distributed">Distributed Erlang</seealso> in the Erlang Reference Manual.</p>
+ </description>
+ <funcs>
+ <func>
+ <name>allow(Nodes) -> ok | error</name>
+ <fsummary>Limit access to a specified set of nodes</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Nodes = [node()]</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Limits access to the specified set of nodes. Any access
+ attempts made from (or to) nodes not in <c>Nodes</c> will be
+ rejected.</p>
+ <p>Returns <c>error</c> if any element in <c>Nodes</c> is not
+ an atom.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>connect_node(Node) -> true | false | ignored</name>
+ <fsummary>Establish a connection to a node</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Node = node()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Establishes a connection to <c>Node</c>. Returns <c>true</c>
+ if successful, <c>false</c> if not, and <c>ignored</c> if
+ the local node is not alive.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>monitor_nodes(Flag) -> ok | Error</name>
+ <name>monitor_nodes(Flag, Options) -> ok | Error</name>
+ <fsummary>Subscribe to node status change messages</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Flag = true | false</v>
+ <v>Options = [Option]</v>
+ <v>&nbsp;Option -- see below</v>
+ <v>Error = error | {error, term()}</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>The calling process subscribes or unsubscribes to node
+ status change messages. A <c>nodeup</c> message is delivered
+ to all subscribing process when a new node is connected, and
+ a <c>nodedown</c> message is delivered when a node is
+ disconnected.</p>
+ <p>If <c>Flag</c> is <c>true</c>, a new subscription is started.
+ If <c>Flag</c> is <c>false</c>, all previous subscriptions --
+ started with the same <c>Options</c> -- are stopped. Two
+ option lists are considered the same if they contain the same
+ set of options.</p>
+ <p>As of <c>kernel</c> version 2.11.4, and <c>erts</c> version
+ 5.5.4, the following is guaranteed:</p>
+ <list type="bulleted">
+ <item><c>nodeup</c> messages will be delivered before delivery
+ of any message from the remote node passed through the
+ newly established connection.</item>
+ <item><c>nodedown</c> messages will not be delivered until all
+ messages from the remote node that have been passed
+ through the connection have been delivered.</item>
+ </list>
+ <p>Note, that this is <em>not</em> guaranteed for <c>kernel</c>
+ versions before 2.11.4.</p>
+ <p>As of <c>kernel</c> version 2.11.4 subscriptions can also be
+ made before the <c>net_kernel</c> server has been started,
+ i.e., <c>net_kernel:monitor_nodes/[1,2]</c> does not return
+ <c>ignored</c>.</p>
+ <p>As of <c>kernel</c> version 2.13, and <c>erts</c> version
+ 5.7, the following is guaranteed:</p>
+ <list type="bulleted">
+ <item><c>nodeup</c> messages will be delivered after the
+ corresponding node appears in results from
+ <c>erlang:nodes/X</c>.</item>
+ <item><c>nodedown</c> messages will be delivered after the
+ corresponding node has disappeared in results from
+ <c>erlang:nodes/X</c>.</item>
+ </list>
+ <p>Note, that this is <em>not</em> guaranteed for <c>kernel</c>
+ versions before 2.13.</p>
+ <p>The format of the node status change messages depends on
+ <c>Options</c>. If <c>Options</c> is [], which is the default,
+ the format is:</p>
+ <code type="none">
+{nodeup, Node} | {nodedown, Node}
+ Node = node()</code>
+ <p>If <c>Options /= []</c>, the format is:</p>
+ <code type="none">
+{nodeup, Node, InfoList} | {nodedown, Node, InfoList}
+ Node = node()
+ InfoList = [{Tag, Val}]</code>
+ <p><c>InfoList</c> is a list of tuples. Its contents depends on
+ <c>Options</c>, see below.</p>
+ <p>Also, when <c>OptionList == []</c> only visible nodes, that
+ is, nodes that appear in the result of
+ <seealso marker="erts:erlang#nodes/0">nodes/0</seealso>, are
+ monitored.</p>
+ <p><c>Option</c> can be any of the following:</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>{node_type, NodeType}</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Currently valid values for <c>NodeType</c> are:</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>visible</c></tag>
+ <item>Subscribe to node status change messages for visible
+ nodes only. The tuple <c>{node_type, visible}</c> is
+ included in <c>InfoList</c>.</item>
+ <tag><c>hidden</c></tag>
+ <item>Subscribe to node status change messages for hidden
+ nodes only. The tuple <c>{node_type, hidden}</c> is
+ included in <c>InfoList</c>.</item>
+ <tag><c>all</c></tag>
+ <item>Subscribe to node status change messages for both
+ visible and hidden nodes. The tuple
+ <c>{node_type, visible | hidden}</c> is included in
+ <c>InfoList</c>.</item>
+ </taglist>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>nodedown_reason</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>The tuple <c>{nodedown_reason, Reason}</c> is included in
+ <c>InfoList</c> in <c>nodedown</c> messages. <c>Reason</c>
+ can be:</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>connection_setup_failed</c></tag>
+ <item>The connection setup failed (after <c>nodeup</c>
+ messages had been sent).</item>
+ <tag><c>no_network</c></tag>
+ <item>No network available.</item>
+ <tag><c>net_kernel_terminated</c></tag>
+ <item>The <c>net_kernel</c> process terminated.</item>
+ <tag><c>shutdown</c></tag>
+ <item>Unspecified connection shutdown.</item>
+ <tag><c>connection_closed</c></tag>
+ <item>The connection was closed.</item>
+ <tag><c>disconnect</c></tag>
+ <item>The connection was disconnected (forced from the
+ current node).</item>
+ <tag><c>net_tick_timeout</c></tag>
+ <item>Net tick timeout.</item>
+ <tag><c>send_net_tick_failed</c></tag>
+ <item>Failed to send net tick over the connection.</item>
+ <tag><c>get_status_failed</c></tag>
+ <item>Status information retrieval from the <c>Port</c>
+ holding the connection failed.</item>
+ </taglist>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>get_net_ticktime() -> Res</name>
+ <fsummary>Get <c>net_ticktime</c></fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Res = NetTicktime | {ongoing_change_to, NetTicktime}</v>
+ <v>&nbsp;NetTicktime = int()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Gets <c>net_ticktime</c> (see
+ <seealso marker="kernel_app">kernel(6)</seealso>).</p>
+ <p>Currently defined return values (<c>Res</c>):</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>NetTicktime</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p><c>net_ticktime</c> is <c>NetTicktime</c> seconds.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>{ongoing_change_to, NetTicktime}</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p><c>net_kernel</c> is currently changing
+ <c>net_ticktime</c> to <c>NetTicktime</c> seconds.</p>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>set_net_ticktime(NetTicktime) -> Res</name>
+ <name>set_net_ticktime(NetTicktime, TransitionPeriod) -> Res</name>
+ <fsummary>Set <c>net_ticktime</c></fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>NetTicktime = int() > 0</v>
+ <v>TransitionPeriod = int() >= 0</v>
+ <v>Res = unchanged | change_initiated | {ongoing_change_to, NewNetTicktime}</v>
+ <v>&nbsp;NewNetTicktime = int() > 0</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Sets <c>net_ticktime</c> (see
+ <seealso marker="kernel_app">kernel(6)</seealso>) to
+ <c>NetTicktime</c> seconds. <c>TransitionPeriod</c> defaults
+ to 60.</p>
+ <p>Some definitions:</p>
+ <p></p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag>The minimum transition traffic interval (<c>MTTI</c>)</tag>
+ <item>
+ <p><c>minimum(NetTicktime, PreviousNetTicktime)*1000 div 4</c> milliseconds.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag>The transition period</tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>The time of the least number of consecutive <c>MTTI</c>s
+ to cover <c>TransitionPeriod</c> seconds following
+ the call to <c>set_net_ticktime/2</c> (i.e.
+ ((<c>TransitionPeriod*1000 - 1) div MTTI + 1)*MTTI</c>
+ milliseconds).</p>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ <p>If <c><![CDATA[NetTicktime < PreviousNetTicktime]]></c>, the actual
+ <c>net_ticktime</c> change will be done at the end of
+ the transition period; otherwise, at the beginning. During
+ the transition period, <c>net_kernel</c> will ensure that
+ there will be outgoing traffic on all connections at least
+ every <c>MTTI</c> millisecond.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p>The <c>net_ticktime</c> changes have to be initiated on all
+ nodes in the network (with the same <c>NetTicktime</c>)
+ before the end of any transition period on any node;
+ otherwise, connections may erroneously be disconnected.</p>
+ </note>
+ <p>Returns one of the following:</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>unchanged</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p><c>net_ticktime</c> already had the value of
+ <c>NetTicktime</c> and was left unchanged.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>change_initiated</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p><c>net_kernel</c> has initiated the change of
+ <c>net_ticktime</c> to <c>NetTicktime</c> seconds.</p>
+ </item>
+ <tag><c>{ongoing_change_to, NewNetTicktime}</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>The request was <em>ignored</em>; because,
+ <c>net_kernel</c> was busy changing <c>net_ticktime</c> to
+ <c>NewTicktime</c> seconds.</p>
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>start([Name]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <name>start([Name, NameType]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <name>start([Name, NameType, Ticktime]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Name = atom()</v>
+ <v>NameType = shortnames | longnames</v>
+ <v>Reason = {already_started, pid()} | term()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Note that the argument is a list with exactly one, two or
+ three arguments. <c>NameType</c> defaults to <c>longnames</c>
+ and <c>Ticktime</c> to 15000.</p>
+ <p>Turns a non-distributed node into a distributed node by
+ starting <c>net_kernel</c> and other necessary processes.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>stop() -> ok | {error, not_allowed | not_found}</name>
+ <fsummary>Turn a node into a non-distributed Erlang runtime system</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Turns a distributed node into a non-distributed node. For
+ other nodes in the network, this is the same as the node
+ going down. Only possible when the net kernel was started
+ using <c>start/1</c>, otherwise returns
+ <c>{error, not_allowed}</c>. Returns <c>{error, not_found}</c>
+ if the local node is not alive.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ </funcs>