path: root/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
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authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-01-12 15:15:01 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-25 14:53:11 +0100
commit1703b979ffcbfbe44c9014f28384305fea930511 (patch)
tree19c99eaba0ec249355300dd76b477d83ea9960a4 /lib/kernel/src/code.erl
parentc634592019654ae801710665320d20c062252524 (diff)
code: Add functions that can load multiple modules
Add functions to 'code' to allow loading of multiple modules at once. code:atomic_load(Modules) will load all modules at once, or fail having loaded none of them. Since we cannot guarantee the atomicity if there are modules with -on_load functions, the list of modules must not contain any modules with an -on_load function. Also, to make it possible to put an application into an inactive state for as short time as possible, also add code:prepare_loading/1 and code:finish_loading/1. They are used like this: {ok,Prepared} = code:prepare_loading(Modules) . . . ok = code:finish_loading(Prepared) code:ensure_modules_loaded/1 is useful as a pure optimization to ensure that modules that will be needed soon have indeed been loaded. It will not reload modules that have already been loaded and it *will* accept modules that have an on_load function. Therefore, it does not make sense to give any atomicity guarantees. I did consider overloading the existing code:ensure_loaded/1 function, but rejected it because the return value is very different. Having different forms of return values depending on the types of arguments is confusing.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/code.erl')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
index 59e226df43..0882cb170c 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
@@ -28,11 +28,15 @@
+ ensure_modules_loaded/1,
+ atomic_load/1,
+ prepare_loading/1,
+ finish_loading/1,
@@ -71,6 +75,7 @@
-export_type([load_error_rsn/0, load_ret/0]).
@@ -88,6 +93,11 @@
-type loaded_ret_atoms() :: 'cover_compiled' | 'preloaded'.
-type loaded_filename() :: (Filename :: file:filename()) | loaded_ret_atoms().
+-define(PREPARED, '$prepared$').
+-opaque prepared_code() ::
+ {?PREPARED,[{module(),{binary(),string(),_}}]}.
%%% BIFs
-export([get_chunk/2, is_module_native/1, make_stub_module/3, module_md5/1]).
@@ -303,6 +313,313 @@ rehash() ->
-spec get_mode() -> 'embedded' | 'interactive'.
get_mode() -> call(get_mode).
+%%% Loading of several modules in parallel.
+-spec ensure_modules_loaded([Module]) ->
+ 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Module :: module(),
+ What :: badfile | nofile | on_load_failure.
+ensure_modules_loaded(Modules) when is_list(Modules) ->
+ case prepare_ensure(Modules, []) of
+ Ms when is_list(Ms) ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_1(Ms);
+ error ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+ensure_modules_loaded_1(Ms0) ->
+ Ms = lists:usort(Ms0),
+ {Prep,Error0} = load_mods(Ms),
+ {OnLoad,Normal} = partition_on_load(Prep),
+ Error1 = case finish_loading(Normal, true) of
+ ok -> Error0;
+ {error,Err} -> Err ++ Error0
+ end,
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(OnLoad, Error1).
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([{M,_}|Ms], Errors) ->
+ case ensure_loaded(M) of
+ {module,M} ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(Ms, Errors);
+ {error,Err} ->
+ ensure_modules_loaded_2(Ms, [{M,Err}|Errors])
+ end;
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([], []) ->
+ ok;
+ensure_modules_loaded_2([], [_|_]=Errors) ->
+ {error,Errors}.
+prepare_ensure([M|Ms], Acc) when is_atom(M) ->
+ case erlang:module_loaded(M) of
+ true ->
+ prepare_ensure(Ms, Acc);
+ false ->
+ prepare_ensure(Ms, [M|Acc])
+ end;
+prepare_ensure([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+prepare_ensure(_, _) ->
+ error.
+-spec atomic_load(Modules) -> 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Modules :: [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}],
+ Module :: module(),
+ Filename :: file:filename(),
+ Binary :: binary(),
+ What :: 'badfile' | 'nofile' | 'on_load_not_allowed' | 'duplicated' |
+ 'not_purged' | 'sticky_directory' | 'pending_on_load'.
+atomic_load(Modules) ->
+ case do_prepare_loading(Modules) of
+ {ok,Prep} ->
+ finish_loading(Prep, false);
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ badarg ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+-spec prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ {'ok',Prepared} | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Modules :: [Module | {Module, Filename, Binary}],
+ Module :: module(),
+ Filename :: file:filename(),
+ Binary :: binary(),
+ Prepared :: prepared_code(),
+ What :: 'badfile' | 'nofile' | 'on_load_not_allowed' | 'duplicated'.
+prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ case do_prepare_loading(Modules) of
+ {ok,Prep} ->
+ {ok,{?PREPARED,Prep}};
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ badarg ->
+ error(function_clause, [Modules])
+ end.
+-spec finish_loading(Prepared) -> 'ok' | {'error',[{Module,What}]} when
+ Prepared :: prepared_code(),
+ Module :: module(),
+ What :: 'not_purged' | 'sticky_directory' | 'pending_on_load'.
+finish_loading({?PREPARED,Prepared}=Arg) when is_list(Prepared) ->
+ case verify_prepared(Prepared) of
+ ok ->
+ finish_loading(Prepared, false);
+ error ->
+ error(function_clause, [Arg])
+ end.
+partition_load([Item|T], Bs, Ms) ->
+ case Item of
+ {M,File,Bin} when is_atom(M) andalso
+ is_list(File) andalso
+ is_binary(Bin) ->
+ partition_load(T, [Item|Bs], Ms);
+ M when is_atom(M) ->
+ partition_load(T, Bs, [Item|Ms]);
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end;
+partition_load([], Bs, Ms) ->
+ {Bs,Ms}.
+do_prepare_loading(Modules) ->
+ case partition_load(Modules, [], []) of
+ {ModBins,Ms} ->
+ case prepare_loading_1(ModBins, Ms) of
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error;
+ Prep when is_list(Prep) ->
+ {ok,Prep}
+ end;
+ error ->
+ badarg
+ end.
+prepare_loading_1(ModBins, Ms) ->
+ %% erlang:finish_loading/1 *will* detect duplicates.
+ %% However, we want to detect all errors that can be detected
+ %% by only examining the input data before call the LastAction
+ %% fun.
+ case prepare_check_uniq(ModBins, Ms) of
+ ok ->
+ prepare_loading_2(ModBins, Ms);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+prepare_loading_2(ModBins, Ms) ->
+ {Prep0,Error0} = load_bins(ModBins),
+ {Prep1,Error1} = load_mods(Ms),
+ case Error0 ++ Error1 of
+ [] ->
+ prepare_loading_3(Prep0 ++ Prep1);
+ [_|_]=Error ->
+ {error,Error}
+ end.
+prepare_loading_3(Prep) ->
+ case partition_on_load(Prep) of
+ {[_|_]=OnLoad,_} ->
+ Error = [{M,on_load_not_allowed} || {M,_} <- OnLoad],
+ {error,Error};
+ {[],_} ->
+ Prep
+ end.
+prepare_check_uniq([{M,_,_}|T], Ms) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq(T, [M|Ms]);
+prepare_check_uniq([], Ms) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(lists:sort(Ms), []).
+prepare_check_uniq_1([M|[M|_]=Ms], Acc) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(Ms, [{M,duplicated}|Acc]);
+prepare_check_uniq_1([_|Ms], Acc) ->
+ prepare_check_uniq_1(Ms, Acc);
+prepare_check_uniq_1([], []) ->
+ ok;
+prepare_check_uniq_1([], [_|_]=Errors) ->
+ {error,Errors}.
+partition_on_load(Prep) ->
+ P = fun({_,{Bin,_,_}}) ->
+ erlang:has_prepared_code_on_load(Bin)
+ end,
+ lists:partition(P, Prep).
+ when is_atom(M), is_binary(Prep), is_list(Name) ->
+ try erlang:has_prepared_code_on_load(Prep) of
+ false ->
+ verify_prepared(T);
+ _ ->
+ error
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ error
+ end;
+verify_prepared([]) ->
+ ok;
+verify_prepared(_) ->
+ error.
+finish_loading(Prepared0, EnsureLoaded) ->
+ Prepared = [{M,{Bin,File}} || {M,{Bin,File,_}} <- Prepared0],
+ Native0 = [{M,Code} || {M,{_,_,Code}} <- Prepared0,
+ Code =/= undefined],
+ case call({finish_loading,Prepared,EnsureLoaded}) of
+ ok ->
+ finish_loading_native(Native0);
+ {error,Errors}=E when EnsureLoaded ->
+ S0 = sofs:relation(Errors),
+ S1 = sofs:domain(S0),
+ R0 = sofs:relation(Native0),
+ R1 = sofs:drestriction(R0, S1),
+ Native = sofs:to_external(R1),
+ finish_loading_native(Native),
+ E;
+ {error,_}=E ->
+ E
+ end.
+finish_loading_native([{Mod,Code}|Ms]) ->
+ _ = load_native_partial(Mod, Code),
+ finish_loading_native(Ms);
+finish_loading_native([]) ->
+ ok.
+load_mods([]) ->
+ {[],[]};
+load_mods(Mods) ->
+ Path = get_path(),
+ F = prepare_loading_fun(),
+ {ok,{Succ,Error0}} = erl_prim_loader:get_modules(Mods, F, Path),
+ Error = [case E of
+ badfile -> {M,E};
+ _ -> {M,nofile}
+ end || {M,E} <- Error0],
+ {Succ,Error}.
+load_bins([]) ->
+ {[],[]};
+load_bins(BinItems) ->
+ F = prepare_loading_fun(),
+ do_par(F, BinItems).
+-type prep_fun_type() :: fun((module(), file:filename(), binary()) ->
+ {ok,_} | {error,_}).
+-spec prepare_loading_fun() -> prep_fun_type().
+prepare_loading_fun() ->
+ GetNative = get_native_fun(),
+ fun(Mod, FullName, Beam) ->
+ case erlang:prepare_loading(Mod, Beam) of
+ Prepared when is_binary(Prepared) ->
+ {ok,{Prepared,FullName,GetNative(Beam)}};
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+get_native_fun() ->
+ Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
+ try hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture) of
+ ChunkTag ->
+ fun(Beam) -> code:get_chunk(Beam, ChunkTag) end
+ catch _:_ ->
+ fun(_) -> undefined end
+ end.
+do_par(Fun, L) ->
+ {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(do_par_fun(Fun, L)),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} ->
+ Res
+ end.
+-spec do_par_fun(prep_fun_type(), list()) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
+do_par_fun(Fun, L) ->
+ fun() ->
+ _ = [spawn_monitor(do_par_fun_2(Fun, Item)) ||
+ Item <- L],
+ exit(do_par_recv(length(L), [], []))
+ end.
+-spec do_par_fun_2(prep_fun_type(),
+ {module(),file:filename(),binary()}) ->
+ fun(() -> no_return()).
+do_par_fun_2(Fun, Item) ->
+ fun() ->
+ {Mod,Filename,Bin} = Item,
+ try Fun(Mod, Filename, Bin) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ exit({good,{Mod,Res}});
+ {error,Error} ->
+ exit({bad,{Mod,Error}})
+ catch
+ _:Error ->
+ exit({bad,{Mod,Error}})
+ end
+ end.
+do_par_recv(0, Good, Bad) ->
+ {Good,Bad};
+do_par_recv(N, Good, Bad) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',_,process,_,{good,Res}} ->
+ do_par_recv(N-1, [Res|Good], Bad);
+ {'DOWN',_,process,_,{bad,Res}} ->
+ do_par_recv(N-1, Good, [Res|Bad])
+ end.
call(Req) ->