path: root/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-01-12 15:15:01 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-25 14:53:11 +0100
commit1703b979ffcbfbe44c9014f28384305fea930511 (patch)
tree19c99eaba0ec249355300dd76b477d83ea9960a4 /lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
parentc634592019654ae801710665320d20c062252524 (diff)
code: Add functions that can load multiple modules
Add functions to 'code' to allow loading of multiple modules at once. code:atomic_load(Modules) will load all modules at once, or fail having loaded none of them. Since we cannot guarantee the atomicity if there are modules with -on_load functions, the list of modules must not contain any modules with an -on_load function. Also, to make it possible to put an application into an inactive state for as short time as possible, also add code:prepare_loading/1 and code:finish_loading/1. They are used like this: {ok,Prepared} = code:prepare_loading(Modules) . . . ok = code:finish_loading(Prepared) code:ensure_modules_loaded/1 is useful as a pure optimization to ensure that modules that will be needed soon have indeed been loaded. It will not reload modules that have already been loaded and it *will* accept modules that have an on_load function. Therefore, it does not make sense to give any atomicity guarantees. I did consider overloading the existing code:ensure_loaded/1 function, but rejected it because the return value is very different. Having different forms of return values depending on the types of arguments is confusing.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index 5c6464cd6c..6262407354 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -353,6 +353,9 @@ handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From
handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
{reply, Mode, S};
+handle_call({finish_loading,Prepared,EnsureLoaded}, {_,_}, S) ->
+ {reply,finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, S),S};
handle_call(Other,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
error_msg(" ** Codeserver*** ignoring ~w~n ",[Other]),
@@ -1218,7 +1221,6 @@ absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
absname(filename:join(Name), Dcwd).
is_loaded(M, Db) ->
case ets:lookup(Db, M) of
[{M,File}] -> {file,File};
@@ -1233,6 +1235,64 @@ do_soft_purge(Mod) ->
+%%% Loading of multiple modules in parallel.
+finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, #state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
+ Ps = [fun(L) -> finish_loading_ensure(L, EnsureLoaded) end,
+ fun(L) -> abort_if_pending_on_load(L, St) end,
+ fun(L) -> abort_if_sticky(L, Db) end,
+ fun(L) -> do_finish_loading(L, St) end],
+ run(Ps, Prepared).
+finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, true) ->
+ {ok,[P || {M,_}=P <- Prepared, not erlang:module_loaded(M)]};
+finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, false) ->
+ {ok,Prepared}.
+abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=[]}) ->
+ {ok,L};
+abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=OnLoad}) ->
+ Pending = [{M,pending_on_load} ||
+ {M,_} <- L,
+ lists:keymember(M, 2, OnLoad)],
+ case Pending of
+ [] -> {ok,L};
+ [_|_] -> {error,Pending}
+ end.
+abort_if_sticky(L, Db) ->
+ Sticky = [{M,sticky_directory} || {M,_} <- L, is_sticky(M, Db)],
+ case Sticky of
+ [] -> {ok,L};
+ [_|_] -> {error,Sticky}
+ end.
+do_finish_loading(Prepared, #state{moddb=Db}=St) ->
+ MagicBins = [B || {_,{B,_}} <- Prepared],
+ case erlang:finish_loading(MagicBins) of
+ ok ->
+ MFs = [{M,F} || {M,{_,F}} <- Prepared],
+ true = ets:insert(Db, MFs),
+ Ms = [M || {M,_} <- MFs],
+ Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture),
+ post_beam_load(Ms, Architecture, St),
+ ok;
+ {Reason,Ms} ->
+ {error,[{M,Reason} || M <- Ms]}
+ end.
+run([F], Data) ->
+ F(Data);
+run([F|Fs], Data0) ->
+ case F(Data0) of
+ {ok,Data} ->
+ run(Fs, Data);
+ {error,_}=Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% The on_load functionality.
%% -------------------------------------------------------