path: root/lib/kernel/src/file.erl
diff options
authorKostis Sagonas <kostis@cs.ntua.gr>2010-11-29 01:51:03 +0200
committerKostis Sagonas <kostis@cs.ntua.gr>2010-11-29 01:51:03 +0200
commit29c23e32a9154ef2feb6a6424647e749ce9acab1 (patch)
tree8c0cc25e0d7b4cb10b5e4a1830aa88313ff000c6 /lib/kernel/src/file.erl
parent4101091756a98d78cde0d6b2d88959dae324e860 (diff)
Fix type information of 'file' and 'code' modules
Dialyzer for a long time now has had hard-coded type information about key functions of the 'file' and 'code' modules in 'erl_bif_types'. Some of this information was not up-to-date according to the published Erlang/OTP documentation, while some other part contained small errors. Now that specs are available, this information should be moved to the corresponding files, not be hard-coded in erl_bif_types. This change takes out all information for the 'file' module and fixes some small errors in type information for the 'code' module.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/file.erl')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/file.erl b/lib/kernel/src/file.erl
index 97d914b043..a49f6583ad 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/file.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/file.erl
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ make_dir(Name) ->
del_dir(Name) ->
check_and_call(del_dir, [file_name(Name)]).
--spec read_file_info(Name :: name()) -> {'ok', #file_info{}} | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec read_file_info(Name :: name()) -> {'ok', file_info()} | {'error', posix()}.
read_file_info(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_file_info, [file_name(Name)]).
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ read_file_info(Name) ->
altname(Name) ->
check_and_call(altname, [file_name(Name)]).
--spec read_link_info(Name :: name()) -> {'ok', #file_info{}} | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec read_link_info(Name :: name()) -> {'ok', file_info()} | {'error', posix()}.
read_link_info(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_link_info, [file_name(Name)]).
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ read_link_info(Name) ->
read_link(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_link, [file_name(Name)]).
--spec write_file_info(Name :: name(), Info :: #file_info{}) ->
+-spec write_file_info(Name :: name(), Info :: file_info()) ->
'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
write_file_info(Name, Info = #file_info{}) ->
@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ write_file_info(Name, Info = #file_info{}) ->
list_dir(Name) ->
check_and_call(list_dir, [file_name(Name)]).
--spec read_file(Name :: name()) -> {'ok', binary()} | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec read_file(Name :: name()) ->
+ {'ok', binary()} | {'error', posix() | 'terminated' | 'system_limit'}.
read_file(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_file, [file_name(Name)]).
@@ -229,15 +230,15 @@ make_link(Old, New) ->
make_symlink(Old, New) ->
check_and_call(make_symlink, [file_name(Old), file_name(New)]).
--spec write_file(Name :: name(), Bin :: binary()) -> 'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec write_file(Name :: name(), Bin :: iodata()) ->
+ 'ok' | {'error', posix() | 'terminated' | 'system_limit'}.
write_file(Name, Bin) ->
check_and_call(write_file, [file_name(Name), make_binary(Bin)]).
%% This whole operation should be moved to the file_server and prim_file
%% when it is time to change file server protocol again.
-%% Meanwhile, it is implemented here, slihtly less efficient.
+%% Meanwhile, it is implemented here, slightly less efficient.
-spec write_file(Name :: name(), Bin :: binary(), Modes :: [mode()]) ->
'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ open(Item, Mode) ->
%%% The File argument must be either a Pid or a handle
%%% returned from ?PRIM_FILE:open.
--spec close(File :: io_device()) -> 'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec close(File :: io_device()) -> 'ok' | {'error', posix() | 'terminated'}.
close(File) when is_pid(File) ->
R = file_request(File, close),
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ close(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec advise(File :: io_device(), Offset :: integer(),
- Length :: integer(), Advise :: posix_file_advise()) ->
+ Length :: integer(), Advise :: posix_file_advise()) ->
'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
advise(File, Offset, Length, Advise) when is_pid(File) ->
@@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ pread(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec write(File :: io_device() | atom(), Byte :: iodata()) ->
- 'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
+ 'ok' | {'error', posix() | 'terminated'}.
write(File, Bytes) when (is_pid(File) orelse is_atom(File)) ->
case make_binary(Bytes) of