path: root/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl')
1 files changed, 1513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3afaedf274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1513 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-define(nodedown(N, State), verbose({?MODULE, ?LINE, nodedown, N}, 1, State)).
+-define(nodeup(N, State), verbose({?MODULE, ?LINE, nodeup, N}, 1, State)).
+%%-define(dist_debug, true).
+-define(debug(Term), erlang:display(Term)).
+-define(debug(Term), ok).
+ io:format("Net Kernel 2: Failed connection to node ~p, reason ~p~n",
+ [Node,Term])).
+%% Default ticktime change transition period in seconds
+%-define(TCKR_DBG, 1).
+-define(tckr_dbg(X), erlang:display({?LINE, X})).
+-define(tckr_dbg(X), ok).
+%% User Interface Exports
+-export([start/1, start_link/1, stop/0,
+ kernel_apply/3,
+ monitor_nodes/1,
+ monitor_nodes/2,
+ longnames/0,
+ allow/1,
+ protocol_childspecs/0,
+ epmd_module/0]).
+-export([connect/1, disconnect/1, hidden_connect/1, passive_cnct/1]).
+-export([connect_node/1, hidden_connect_node/1]). %% explicit connect
+-export([set_net_ticktime/1, set_net_ticktime/2, get_net_ticktime/0]).
+-export([node_info/1, node_info/2, nodes_info/0,
+ connecttime/0,
+ i/0, i/1, verbose/1]).
+-export([publish_on_node/1, update_publish_nodes/1]).
+%% Internal Exports
+ spawn_func/6,
+ ticker/2,
+ ticker_loop/2,
+ aux_ticker/4]).
+ terminate/2,code_change/3]).
+-record(state, {
+ name, %% The node name
+ node, %% The node name including hostname
+ type, %% long or short names
+ tick, %% tick information
+ connecttime, %% the connection setuptime.
+ connections, %% table of connections
+ conn_owners = [], %% List of connection owner pids,
+ pend_owners = [], %% List of potential owners
+ listen, %% list of #listen
+ allowed, %% list of allowed nodes in a restricted system
+ verbose = 0, %% level of verboseness
+ publish_on_nodes = undefined
+ }).
+-record(listen, {
+ listen, %% listen pid
+ accept, %% accepting pid
+ address, %% #net_address
+ module %% proto module
+ }).
+-define(LISTEN_ID, #listen.listen).
+-define(ACCEPT_ID, #listen.accept).
+-record(connection, {
+ node, %% remote node name
+ state, %% pending | up | up_pending
+ owner, %% owner pid
+ pending_owner, %% possible new owner
+ address, %% #net_address
+ waiting = [], %% queued processes
+ type %% normal | hidden
+ }).
+-record(barred_connection, {
+ node %% remote node name
+ }).
+-record(tick, {ticker, %% ticker : pid()
+ time %% Ticktime in milli seconds : integer()
+ }).
+-record(tick_change, {ticker, %% Ticker : pid()
+ time, %% Ticktime in milli seconds : integer()
+ how %% What type of change : atom()
+ }).
+%% Default connection setup timeout in milliseconds.
+%% This timeout is set for every distributed action during
+%% the connection setup.
+-define(SETUPTIME, 7000).
+%% Interface functions
+kernel_apply(M,F,A) -> request({apply,M,F,A}).
+allow(Nodes) -> request({allow, Nodes}).
+longnames() -> request(longnames).
+stop() -> erl_distribution:stop().
+node_info(Node) -> get_node_info(Node).
+node_info(Node, Key) -> get_node_info(Node, Key).
+nodes_info() -> get_nodes_info().
+i() -> print_info().
+i(Node) -> print_info(Node).
+verbose(Level) when is_integer(Level) ->
+ request({verbose, Level}).
+set_net_ticktime(T, TP) when is_integer(T), T > 0, is_integer(TP), TP >= 0 ->
+ ticktime_res(request({new_ticktime, T*250, TP*1000})).
+set_net_ticktime(T) when is_integer(T) ->
+ set_net_ticktime(T, ?DEFAULT_TRANSITION_PERIOD).
+get_net_ticktime() ->
+ ticktime_res(request(ticktime)).
+%% The monitor_nodes() feature has been moved into the emulator.
+%% The feature is reached via (intentionally) undocumented process
+%% flags (we may want to move it elsewhere later). In order to easily
+%% be backward compatible, errors are created here when process_flag()
+%% fails.
+monitor_nodes(Flag) ->
+ case catch process_flag(monitor_nodes, Flag) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> ok;
+ _ -> mk_monitor_nodes_error(Flag, [])
+ end.
+monitor_nodes(Flag, Opts) ->
+ case catch process_flag({monitor_nodes, Opts}, Flag) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> ok;
+ _ -> mk_monitor_nodes_error(Flag, Opts)
+ end.
+%% ...
+ticktime_res({A, I}) when is_atom(A), is_integer(I) -> {A, I div 250};
+ticktime_res(I) when is_integer(I) -> I div 250;
+ticktime_res(A) when is_atom(A) -> A.
+%% Called though BIF's
+connect(Node) -> do_connect(Node, normal, false).
+%%% Long timeout if blocked (== barred), only affects nodes with
+%%% {dist_auto_connect, once} set.
+passive_cnct(Node) -> do_connect(Node, normal, true).
+disconnect(Node) -> request({disconnect, Node}).
+%% connect but not seen
+hidden_connect(Node) -> do_connect(Node, hidden, false).
+%% Should this node publish itself on Node?
+publish_on_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ request({publish_on_node, Node}).
+%% Update publication list
+update_publish_nodes(Ns) ->
+ request({update_publish_nodes, Ns}).
+%% explicit connects
+connect_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ request({connect, normal, Node}).
+hidden_connect_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ request({connect, hidden, Node}).
+do_connect(Node, Type, WaitForBarred) -> %% Type = normal | hidden
+ case catch ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{table_missing, sys_dist}),
+ false;
+ [#barred_connection{}] ->
+ case WaitForBarred of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ Pid = spawn(?MODULE,passive_connect_monitor,[self(),Node]),
+ receive
+ {Pid, true} ->
+ %%io:format("Net Kernel: barred connection (~p) "
+ %% "connected from other end.~n",[Node]),
+ true;
+ {Pid, false} ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{barred_connection,
+ ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)}),
+ %%io:format("Net Kernel: barred connection (~p) "
+ %% "- failure.~n",[Node]),
+ false
+ end
+ end;
+ Else ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect) of
+ {ok, never} ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{dist_auto_connect,never}),
+ false;
+ % This might happen due to connection close
+ % not beeing propagated to user space yet.
+ % Save the day by just not connecting...
+ {ok, once} when Else =/= [],
+ (hd(Else))#connection.state =:= up ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{barred_connection,
+ ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)}),
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ request({connect, Type, Node})
+ end
+ end.
+passive_connect_monitor(Parent, Node) ->
+ monitor_nodes(true,[{node_type,all}]),
+ case lists:member(Node,nodes([connected])) of
+ true ->
+ monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
+ Parent ! {self(),true};
+ _ ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Tref = erlang:send_after(connecttime(),self(),Ref),
+ receive
+ Ref ->
+ monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
+ Parent ! {self(), false};
+ {nodeup,Node,_} ->
+ monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
+ erlang:cancel_timer(Tref),
+ Parent ! {self(),true}
+ end
+ end.
+%% If the net_kernel isn't running we ignore all requests to the
+%% kernel, thus basically accepting them :-)
+request(Req) ->
+ case whereis(net_kernel) of
+ P when is_pid(P) ->
+ gen_server:call(net_kernel,Req,infinity);
+ _ -> ignored
+ end.
+%% This function is used to dynamically start the
+%% distribution.
+start(Args) ->
+ erl_distribution:start(Args).
+%% This is the main startup routine for net_kernel
+%% The defaults are longnames and a ticktime of 15 secs to the tcp_drv.
+start_link([Name]) ->
+ start_link([Name, longnames]);
+start_link([Name, LongOrShortNames]) ->
+ start_link([Name, LongOrShortNames, 15000]);
+start_link([Name, LongOrShortNames, Ticktime]) ->
+ case gen_server:start_link({local, net_kernel}, net_kernel,
+ {Name, LongOrShortNames, Ticktime}, []) of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ {ok, Pid};
+ {error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
+ {ok, Pid};
+ _Error ->
+ exit(nodistribution)
+ end.
+%% auth:get_cookie should only be able to return an atom
+%% tuple cookies are unknowns
+init({Name, LongOrShortNames, TickT}) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ case init_node(Name, LongOrShortNames) of
+ {ok, Node, Listeners} ->
+ process_flag(priority, max),
+ Ticktime = to_integer(TickT),
+ Ticker = spawn_link(net_kernel, ticker, [self(), Ticktime]),
+ case auth:get_cookie(Node) of
+ Cookie when is_atom(Cookie) ->
+ {ok, #state{name = Name,
+ node = Node,
+ type = LongOrShortNames,
+ tick = #tick{ticker = Ticker, time = Ticktime},
+ connecttime = connecttime(),
+ connections =
+ ets:new(sys_dist,[named_table,
+ protected,
+ {keypos, 2}]),
+ listen = Listeners,
+ allowed = [],
+ verbose = 0
+ }};
+ _ELSE ->
+ {stop, {error,{bad_cookie, Node}}}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ {stop, Error}
+ end.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% handle_call.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Set up a connection to Node.
+%% The response is delayed until the connection is up and
+%% running.
+handle_call({connect, _, Node}, _From, State) when Node =:= node() ->
+ {reply, true, State};
+handle_call({connect, Type, Node}, From, State) ->
+ verbose({connect, Type, Node}, 1, State),
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up ->
+ {reply, true, State};
+ [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= pending ->
+ Waiting = Conn#connection.waiting,
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{waiting = [From|Waiting]}),
+ {noreply, State};
+ [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up_pending ->
+ Waiting = Conn#connection.waiting,
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{waiting = [From|Waiting]}),
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ case setup(Node,Type,From,State) of
+ {ok, SetupPid} ->
+ Owners = [{SetupPid, Node} | State#state.conn_owners],
+ {noreply,State#state{conn_owners=Owners}};
+ _ ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node, {setup_call, failed}),
+ {reply, false, State}
+ end
+ end;
+%% Close the connection to Node.
+handle_call({disconnect, Node}, _From, State) when Node =:= node() ->
+ {reply, false, State};
+handle_call({disconnect, Node}, _From, State) ->
+ verbose({disconnect, Node}, 1, State),
+ {Reply, State1} = do_disconnect(Node, State),
+ {reply, Reply, State1};
+%% The spawn/4 BIF ends up here.
+handle_call({spawn,M,F,A,Gleader},{From,Tag},State) when is_pid(From) ->
+ do_spawn([no_link,{From,Tag},M,F,A,Gleader],[],State);
+%% The spawn_link/4 BIF ends up here.
+handle_call({spawn_link,M,F,A,Gleader},{From,Tag},State) when is_pid(From) ->
+ do_spawn([link,{From,Tag},M,F,A,Gleader],[],State);
+%% The spawn_opt/5 BIF ends up here.
+handle_call({spawn_opt,M,F,A,O,L,Gleader},{From,Tag},State) when is_pid(From) ->
+ do_spawn([L,{From,Tag},M,F,A,Gleader],O,State);
+%% Only allow certain nodes.
+handle_call({allow, Nodes}, _From, State) ->
+ case all_atoms(Nodes) of
+ true ->
+ Allowed = State#state.allowed,
+ {reply,ok,State#state{allowed = Allowed ++ Nodes}};
+ false ->
+ {reply,error,State}
+ end;
+%% authentication, used by auth. Simply works as this:
+%% if the message comes through, the other node IS authorized.
+handle_call({is_auth, _Node}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply,yes,State};
+%% Not applicable any longer !?
+handle_call({apply,_Mod,_Fun,_Args}, {From,Tag}, State)
+ when is_pid(From), node(From) =:= node() ->
+ gen_server:reply({From,Tag}, not_implemented),
+% Port = State#state.port,
+% catch apply(Mod,Fun,[Port|Args]),
+ {noreply,State};
+handle_call(longnames, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, get(longnames), State};
+handle_call({update_publish_nodes, Ns}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, State#state{publish_on_nodes = Ns}};
+handle_call({publish_on_node, Node}, _From, State) ->
+ NewState = case State#state.publish_on_nodes of
+ undefined ->
+ State#state{publish_on_nodes =
+ global_group:publish_on_nodes()};
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end,
+ Publish = case NewState#state.publish_on_nodes of
+ all ->
+ true;
+ Nodes ->
+ lists:member(Node, Nodes)
+ end,
+ {reply, Publish, NewState};
+handle_call({verbose, Level}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, State#state.verbose, State#state{verbose = Level}};
+%% Set new ticktime
+%% The tick field of the state contains either a #tick{} or a
+%% #tick_change{} record if the ticker process has been upgraded;
+%% otherwise, an integer or an atom.
+handle_call(ticktime, _, #state{tick = #tick{time = T}} = State) ->
+ {reply, T, State};
+handle_call(ticktime, _, #state{tick = #tick_change{time = T}} = State) ->
+ {reply, {ongoing_change_to, T}, State};
+handle_call({new_ticktime,T,_TP}, _, #state{tick = #tick{time = T}} = State) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(no_tick_change),
+ {reply, unchanged, State};
+handle_call({new_ticktime,T,TP}, _, #state{tick = #tick{ticker = Tckr,
+ time = OT}} = State) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(initiating_tick_change),
+ start_aux_ticker(T, OT, TP),
+ How = case T > OT of
+ true ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(longer_ticktime),
+ Tckr ! {new_ticktime,T},
+ longer;
+ false ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(shorter_ticktime),
+ shorter
+ end,
+ {reply, change_initiated, State#state{tick = #tick_change{ticker = Tckr,
+ time = T,
+ how = How}}};
+ _,
+ #state{tick = #tick_change{time = T}} = State) ->
+ {reply, {ongoing_change_to, T}, State}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% handle_cast.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+ {noreply,State}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% code_change.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok,State}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% terminate.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+terminate(no_network, State) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Node, Type}) ->
+ case Type of
+ normal -> ?nodedown(Node, State);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
+ end, get_up_nodes() ++ [{node(), normal}]);
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(#listen {listen = Listen,module = Mod}) ->
+ Mod:close(Listen)
+ end, State#state.listen),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Node, Type}) ->
+ case Type of
+ normal -> ?nodedown(Node, State);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
+ end, get_up_nodes() ++ [{node(), normal}]).
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% handle_info.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% accept a new connection.
+handle_info({accept,AcceptPid,Socket,Family,Proto}, State) ->
+ MyNode = State#state.node,
+ case get_proto_mod(Family,Proto,State#state.listen) of
+ {ok, Mod} ->
+ Pid = Mod:accept_connection(AcceptPid,
+ Socket,
+ MyNode,
+ State#state.allowed,
+ State#state.connecttime),
+ AcceptPid ! {self(), controller, Pid},
+ {noreply,State};
+ _ ->
+ AcceptPid ! {self(), unsupported_protocol},
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+%% A node has successfully been connected.
+handle_info({SetupPid, {nodeup,Node,Address,Type,Immediate}},
+ State) ->
+ case {Immediate, ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)} of
+ {true, [Conn]} when Conn#connection.state =:= pending,
+ Conn#connection.owner =:= SetupPid ->
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{state = up,
+ address = Address,
+ waiting = [],
+ type = Type}),
+ SetupPid ! {self(), inserted},
+ reply_waiting(Node,Conn#connection.waiting, true),
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ SetupPid ! {self(), bad_request},
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+%% Mark a node as pending (accept) if not busy.
+handle_info({AcceptPid, {accept_pending,MyNode,Node,Address,Type}}, State) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ [#connection{state=pending}=Conn] ->
+ if
+ MyNode > Node ->
+ AcceptPid ! {self(),{accept_pending,nok_pending}},
+ {noreply,State};
+ true ->
+ %%
+ %% A simultaneous connect has been detected and we want to
+ %% change pending process.
+ %%
+ OldOwner = Conn#connection.owner,
+ ?debug({net_kernel, remark, old, OldOwner, new, AcceptPid}),
+ exit(OldOwner, remarked),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', OldOwner, _} ->
+ true
+ end,
+ Owners = lists:keyreplace(OldOwner,
+ 1,
+ State#state.conn_owners,
+ {AcceptPid, Node}),
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{owner = AcceptPid}),
+ AcceptPid ! {self(),{accept_pending,ok_pending}},
+ State1 = State#state{conn_owners=Owners},
+ {noreply,State1}
+ end;
+ [#connection{state=up}=Conn] ->
+ AcceptPid ! {self(), {accept_pending, up_pending}},
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection { pending_owner = AcceptPid,
+ state = up_pending }),
+ Pend = [{AcceptPid, Node} | State#state.pend_owners ],
+ {noreply, State#state { pend_owners = Pend }};
+ [#connection{state=up_pending}] ->
+ AcceptPid ! {self(), {accept_pending, already_pending}},
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, #connection{node = Node,
+ state = pending,
+ owner = AcceptPid,
+ address = Address,
+ type = Type}),
+ AcceptPid ! {self(),{accept_pending,ok}},
+ Owners = [{AcceptPid,Node} | State#state.conn_owners],
+ {noreply, State#state{conn_owners = Owners}}
+ end;
+handle_info({SetupPid, {is_pending, Node}}, State) ->
+ Reply = lists:member({SetupPid,Node},State#state.conn_owners),
+ SetupPid ! {self(), {is_pending, Reply}},
+ {noreply, State};
+%% Handle different types of process terminations.
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, State) when is_pid(From) ->
+ verbose({'EXIT', From, Reason}, 1, State),
+ handle_exit(From, Reason, State);
+%% Handle badcookie and badname messages !
+handle_info({From,registered_send,To,Mess},State) ->
+ send(From,To,Mess),
+ {noreply,State};
+%% badcookies SHOULD not be sent
+%% (if someone does erlang:set_cookie(node(),foo) this may be)
+handle_info({From,badcookie,_To,_Mess}, State) ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("~n** Got OLD cookie from ~w~n",
+ [getnode(From)]),
+ {_Reply, State1} = do_disconnect(getnode(From), State),
+ {noreply,State1};
+%% Tick all connections.
+handle_info(tick, State) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(tick),
+ lists:foreach(fun({Pid,_Node}) -> Pid ! {self(), tick} end,
+ State#state.conn_owners),
+ {noreply,State};
+handle_info(aux_tick, State) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(aux_tick),
+ lists:foreach(fun({Pid,_Node}) -> Pid ! {self(), aux_tick} end,
+ State#state.conn_owners),
+ {noreply,State};
+ #state{tick = #tick_change{ticker = Tckr,
+ time = T,
+ how = How}} = State) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(transition_period_ended),
+ case How of
+ shorter -> Tckr ! {new_ticktime, T};
+ _ -> done
+ end,
+ {noreply,State#state{tick = #tick{ticker = Tckr, time = T}}};
+handle_info(X, State) ->
+ error_msg("Net kernel got ~w~n",[X]),
+ {noreply,State}.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% Handle exit signals.
+%% We have 6 types of processes to handle.
+%% 1. The Listen process.
+%% 2. The Accept process.
+%% 3. Connection owning processes.
+%% 4. The ticker process.
+%% (5. Garbage pid.)
+%% The process type function that handled the process throws
+%% the handle_info return value !
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+handle_exit(Pid, Reason, State) ->
+ catch do_handle_exit(Pid, Reason, State).
+do_handle_exit(Pid, Reason, State) ->
+ listen_exit(Pid, State),
+ accept_exit(Pid, State),
+ conn_own_exit(Pid, Reason, State),
+ pending_own_exit(Pid, State),
+ ticker_exit(Pid, State),
+ {noreply,State}.
+listen_exit(Pid, State) ->
+ case lists:keymember(Pid, ?LISTEN_ID, State#state.listen) of
+ true ->
+ error_msg("** Netkernel terminating ... **\n", []),
+ throw({stop,no_network,State});
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+accept_exit(Pid, State) ->
+ Listen = State#state.listen,
+ case lists:keysearch(Pid, ?ACCEPT_ID, Listen) of
+ {value, ListenR} ->
+ ListenS = ListenR#listen.listen,
+ Mod = ListenR#listen.module,
+ AcceptPid = Mod:accept(ListenS),
+ L = lists:keyreplace(Pid, ?ACCEPT_ID, Listen,
+ ListenR#listen{accept = AcceptPid}),
+ throw({noreply, State#state{listen = L}});
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+conn_own_exit(Pid, Reason, State) ->
+ Owners = State#state.conn_owners,
+ case lists:keysearch(Pid, 1, Owners) of
+ {value, {Pid, Node}} ->
+ throw({noreply, nodedown(Pid, Node, Reason, State)});
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+pending_own_exit(Pid, State) ->
+ Pend = State#state.pend_owners,
+ case lists:keysearch(Pid, 1, Pend) of
+ {value, {Pid, Node}} ->
+ NewPend = lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Pend),
+ State1 = State#state { pend_owners = NewPend },
+ case get_conn(Node) of
+ {ok, Conn} when Conn#connection.state =:= up_pending ->
+ reply_waiting(Node,Conn#connection.waiting, true),
+ Conn1 = Conn#connection { state = up,
+ waiting = [],
+ pending_owner = undefined },
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn1);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ throw({noreply, State1});
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+ticker_exit(Pid, #state{tick = #tick{ticker = Pid, time = T} = Tck} = State) ->
+ Tckr = restart_ticker(T),
+ throw({noreply, State#state{tick = Tck#tick{ticker = Tckr}}});
+ticker_exit(Pid, #state{tick = #tick_change{ticker = Pid,
+ time = T} = TckCng} = State) ->
+ Tckr = restart_ticker(T),
+ throw({noreply, State#state{tick = TckCng#tick_change{ticker = Tckr}}});
+ticker_exit(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% A node has gone down !!
+%% nodedown(Owner, Node, Reason, State) -> State'
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+nodedown(Owner, Node, Reason, State) ->
+ case get_conn(Node) of
+ {ok, Conn} ->
+ nodedown(Conn, Owner, Node, Reason, Conn#connection.type, State);
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end.
+get_conn(Node) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ [Conn = #connection{}] -> {ok, Conn};
+ _ -> error
+ end.
+nodedown(Conn, Owner, Node, Reason, Type, OldState) ->
+ Owners = lists:keydelete(Owner, 1, OldState#state.conn_owners),
+ State = OldState#state{conn_owners = Owners},
+ case Conn#connection.state of
+ pending when Conn#connection.owner =:= Owner ->
+ pending_nodedown(Conn, Node, Type, State);
+ up when Conn#connection.owner =:= Owner ->
+ up_nodedown(Conn, Node, Reason, Type, State);
+ up_pending when Conn#connection.owner =:= Owner ->
+ up_pending_nodedown(Conn, Node, Reason, Type, State);
+ _ ->
+ OldState
+ end.
+pending_nodedown(Conn, Node, Type, State) ->
+ % Don't bar connections that have never been alive
+ %mark_sys_dist_nodedown(Node),
+ % - instead just delete the node:
+ ets:delete(sys_dist, Node),
+ reply_waiting(Node,Conn#connection.waiting, false),
+ case Type of
+ normal ->
+ ?nodedown(Node, State);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ State.
+up_pending_nodedown(Conn, Node, _Reason, _Type, State) ->
+ AcceptPid = Conn#connection.pending_owner,
+ Owners = State#state.conn_owners,
+ Pend = lists:keydelete(AcceptPid, 1, State#state.pend_owners),
+ Conn1 = Conn#connection { owner = AcceptPid,
+ pending_owner = undefined,
+ state = pending },
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn1),
+ AcceptPid ! {self(), pending},
+ State#state{conn_owners = [{AcceptPid,Node}|Owners], pend_owners = Pend}.
+up_nodedown(_Conn, Node, _Reason, Type, State) ->
+ mark_sys_dist_nodedown(Node),
+ case Type of
+ normal -> ?nodedown(Node, State);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
+mark_sys_dist_nodedown(Node) ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect) of
+ {ok, once} ->
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, #barred_connection{node = Node});
+ _ ->
+ ets:delete(sys_dist, Node)
+ end.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% End handle_exit/2 !!
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% monitor_nodes/[1,2] errors
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+check_opt(Opt, Opts) ->
+ check_opt(Opt, Opts, false, []).
+check_opt(_Opt, [], false, _OtherOpts) ->
+ false;
+check_opt(_Opt, [], {true, ORes}, OtherOpts) ->
+ {true, ORes, OtherOpts};
+check_opt(Opt, [Opt|RestOpts], false, OtherOpts) ->
+ check_opt(Opt, RestOpts, {true, Opt}, OtherOpts);
+check_opt(Opt, [Opt|RestOpts], {true, Opt} = ORes, OtherOpts) ->
+ check_opt(Opt, RestOpts, ORes, OtherOpts);
+check_opt({Opt, value}=TOpt,
+ [{Opt, _Val}=ORes|RestOpts],
+ false,
+ OtherOpts) ->
+ check_opt(TOpt, RestOpts, {true, ORes}, OtherOpts);
+check_opt({Opt, value}=TOpt,
+ [{Opt, _Val}=ORes|RestOpts],
+ {true, ORes}=TORes,
+ OtherOpts) ->
+ check_opt(TOpt, RestOpts, TORes, OtherOpts);
+check_opt({Opt, value},
+ [{Opt, _Val} = ORes1| _RestOpts],
+ {true, {Opt, _OtherVal} = ORes2},
+ _OtherOpts) ->
+ throw({error, {option_value_mismatch, [ORes1, ORes2]}});
+check_opt(Opt, [OtherOpt | RestOpts], TORes, OtherOpts) ->
+ check_opt(Opt, RestOpts, TORes, [OtherOpt | OtherOpts]).
+check_options(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ RestOpts1 = case check_opt({node_type, value}, Opts) of
+ {true, {node_type,Type}, RO1} when Type =:= visible;
+ Type =:= hidden;
+ Type =:= all ->
+ RO1;
+ {true, {node_type, _Type} = Opt, _RO1} ->
+ throw({error, {bad_option_value, Opt}});
+ false ->
+ Opts
+ end,
+ RestOpts2 = case check_opt(nodedown_reason, RestOpts1) of
+ {true, nodedown_reason, RO2} ->
+ RO2;
+ false ->
+ RestOpts1
+ end,
+ case RestOpts2 of
+ [] ->
+ %% This should never happen since we only call this function
+ %% when we know there is an error in the option list
+ {error, internal_error};
+ _ ->
+ {error, {unknown_options, RestOpts2}}
+ end;
+check_options(Opts) ->
+ {error, {options_not_a_list, Opts}}.
+mk_monitor_nodes_error(Flag, _Opts) when Flag =/= true, Flag =/= false ->
+ error;
+mk_monitor_nodes_error(_Flag, Opts) ->
+ case catch check_options(Opts) of
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error;
+ UnexpectedError ->
+ {error, {internal_error, UnexpectedError}}
+ end.
+% -------------------------------------------------------------
+do_disconnect(Node, State) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up ->
+ disconnect_pid(Conn#connection.owner, State);
+ [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up_pending ->
+ disconnect_pid(Conn#connection.owner, State);
+ _ ->
+ {false, State}
+ end.
+disconnect_pid(Pid, State) ->
+ exit(Pid, disconnect),
+ %% Sync wait for connection to die!!!
+ receive
+ {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
+ {_,State1} = handle_exit(Pid, Reason, State),
+ {true, State1}
+ end.
+get_nodes(Which) ->
+ get_nodes(ets:first(sys_dist), Which).
+get_nodes('$end_of_table', _) ->
+ [];
+get_nodes(Key, Which) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Key) of
+ [Conn = #connection{state = up}] ->
+ [Conn#connection.node | get_nodes(ets:next(sys_dist, Key),
+ Which)];
+ [Conn = #connection{}] when Which =:= all ->
+ [Conn#connection.node | get_nodes(ets:next(sys_dist, Key),
+ Which)];
+ _ ->
+ get_nodes(ets:next(sys_dist, Key), Which)
+ end.
+%% Return a list of all nodes that are 'up'.
+get_up_nodes() ->
+ get_up_nodes(ets:first(sys_dist)).
+get_up_nodes('$end_of_table') -> [];
+get_up_nodes(Key) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Key) of
+ [#connection{state=up,node=Node,type=Type}] ->
+ [{Node,Type}|get_up_nodes(ets:next(sys_dist, Key))];
+ _ ->
+ get_up_nodes(ets:next(sys_dist, Key))
+ end.
+ticker(Kernel, Tick) when is_integer(Tick) ->
+ process_flag(priority, max),
+ ?tckr_dbg(ticker_started),
+ ticker_loop(Kernel, Tick).
+to_integer(T) when is_integer(T) -> T;
+to_integer(T) when is_atom(T) ->
+ list_to_integer(atom_to_list(T));
+to_integer(T) when is_list(T) ->
+ list_to_integer(T).
+ticker_loop(Kernel, Tick) ->
+ receive
+ {new_ticktime, NewTick} ->
+ ?tckr_dbg({ticker_changed_time, Tick, NewTick}),
+ ?MODULE:ticker_loop(Kernel, NewTick)
+ after Tick ->
+ Kernel ! tick,
+ ?MODULE:ticker_loop(Kernel, Tick)
+ end.
+start_aux_ticker(NewTick, OldTick, TransitionPeriod) ->
+ spawn_link(?MODULE, aux_ticker,
+ [self(), NewTick, OldTick, TransitionPeriod]).
+aux_ticker(NetKernel, NewTick, OldTick, TransitionPeriod) ->
+ process_flag(priority, max),
+ ?tckr_dbg(aux_ticker_started),
+ TickInterval = case NewTick > OldTick of
+ true -> OldTick;
+ false -> NewTick
+ end,
+ NoOfTicks = case TransitionPeriod > 0 of
+ true ->
+ %% 1 tick to start
+ %% + ticks to cover the transition period
+ 1 + (((TransitionPeriod - 1) div TickInterval) + 1);
+ false ->
+ 1
+ end,
+ aux_ticker1(NetKernel, TickInterval, NoOfTicks).
+aux_ticker1(NetKernel, _, 1) ->
+ NetKernel ! transition_period_end,
+ NetKernel ! aux_tick,
+ bye;
+aux_ticker1(NetKernel, TickInterval, NoOfTicks) ->
+ NetKernel ! aux_tick,
+ receive
+ after TickInterval ->
+ aux_ticker1(NetKernel, TickInterval, NoOfTicks-1)
+ end.
+send(_From,To,Mess) ->
+ case whereis(To) of
+ undefined ->
+ Mess;
+ P when is_pid(P) ->
+ P ! Mess
+ end.
+safesend(Name,Mess) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ Mess;
+ P when is_pid(P) ->
+ P ! Mess
+ end;
+safesend(Pid, Mess) -> Pid ! Mess.
+do_spawn(SpawnFuncArgs, SpawnOpts, State) ->
+ case catch spawn_opt(?MODULE, spawn_func, SpawnFuncArgs, SpawnOpts) of
+ {'EXIT', {Reason,_}} ->
+ {reply, {'EXIT', {Reason,[]}}, State};
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ {reply, {'EXIT', {Reason,[]}}, State};
+ _ ->
+ {noreply,State}
+ end.
+%% This code is really intricate. The link will go first and then comes
+%% the pid, This means that the client need not do a network link.
+%% If the link message would not arrive, the runtime system shall
+%% generate a nodedown message
+spawn_func(link,{From,Tag},M,F,A,Gleader) ->
+ link(From),
+ gen_server:reply({From,Tag},self()), %% ahhh
+ group_leader(Gleader,self()),
+ apply(M,F,A);
+spawn_func(_,{From,Tag},M,F,A,Gleader) ->
+ gen_server:reply({From,Tag},self()), %% ahhh
+ group_leader(Gleader,self()),
+ apply(M,F,A).
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%% Set up connection to a new node.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+setup(Node,Type,From,State) ->
+ Allowed = State#state.allowed,
+ case lists:member(Node, Allowed) of
+ false when Allowed =/= [] ->
+ error_msg("** Connection attempt with "
+ "disallowed node ~w ** ~n", [Node]),
+ {error, bad_node};
+ _ ->
+ case select_mod(Node, State#state.listen) of
+ {ok, L} ->
+ Mod = L#listen.module,
+ LAddr = L#listen.address,
+ MyNode = State#state.node,
+ Pid = Mod:setup(Node,
+ Type,
+ MyNode,
+ State#state.type,
+ State#state.connecttime),
+ Addr = LAddr#net_address {
+ address = undefined,
+ host = undefined },
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, #connection{node = Node,
+ state = pending,
+ owner = Pid,
+ waiting = [From],
+ address = Addr,
+ type = normal}),
+ {ok, Pid};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
+%% Find a module that is willing to handle connection setup to Node
+select_mod(Node, [L|Ls]) ->
+ Mod = L#listen.module,
+ case Mod:select(Node) of
+ true -> {ok, L};
+ false -> select_mod(Node, Ls)
+ end;
+select_mod(Node, []) ->
+ {error, {unsupported_address_type, Node}}.
+get_proto_mod(Family,Protocol,[L|Ls]) ->
+ A = L#listen.address,
+ if A#net_address.family =:= Family,
+ A#net_address.protocol =:= Protocol ->
+ {ok, L#listen.module};
+ true ->
+ get_proto_mod(Family,Protocol,Ls)
+ end;
+get_proto_mod(_Family, _Protocol, []) ->
+ error.
+%% -------- Initialisation functions ------------------------
+init_node(Name, LongOrShortNames) ->
+ {NameWithoutHost,_Host} = lists:splitwith(fun($@)->false;(_)->true end,
+ atom_to_list(Name)),
+ case create_name(Name, LongOrShortNames, 1) of
+ {ok,Node} ->
+ case start_protos(list_to_atom(NameWithoutHost),Node) of
+ {ok, Ls} ->
+ {ok, Node, Ls};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% Create the node name
+create_name(Name, LongOrShortNames, Try) ->
+ put(longnames, case LongOrShortNames of
+ shortnames -> false;
+ longnames -> true
+ end),
+ {Head,Host1} = create_hostpart(Name, LongOrShortNames),
+ case Host1 of
+ {ok,HostPart} ->
+ {ok,list_to_atom(Head ++ HostPart)};
+ {error,long} when Try =:= 1 ->
+ %% It could be we haven't read domain name from resolv file yet
+ inet_config:do_load_resolv(os:type(), longnames),
+ create_name(Name, LongOrShortNames, 0);
+ {error,Type} ->
+ error_logger:info_msg(
+ lists:concat(["Can\'t set ",
+ Type,
+ " node name!\n"
+ "Please check your configuration\n"])),
+ {error,badarg}
+ end.
+create_hostpart(Name, LongOrShortNames) ->
+ {Head,Host} = lists:splitwith(fun($@)->false;(_)->true end,
+ atom_to_list(Name)),
+ Host1 = case {Host,LongOrShortNames} of
+ {[$@,_|_],longnames} ->
+ {ok,Host};
+ {[$@,_|_],shortnames} ->
+ case lists:member($.,Host) of
+ true -> {error,short};
+ _ -> {ok,Host}
+ end;
+ {_,shortnames} ->
+ case inet_db:gethostname() of
+ H when is_list(H), length(H)>0 ->
+ {ok,"@" ++ H};
+ _ ->
+ {error,short}
+ end;
+ {_,longnames} ->
+ case {inet_db:gethostname(),inet_db:res_option(domain)} of
+ {H,D} when is_list(D), is_list(H),
+ length(D)> 0, length(H)>0 ->
+ {ok,"@" ++ H ++ "." ++ D};
+ _ ->
+ {error,long}
+ end
+ end,
+ {Head,Host1}.
+protocol_childspecs() ->
+ case init:get_argument(proto_dist) of
+ {ok, [Protos]} ->
+ protocol_childspecs(Protos);
+ _ ->
+ protocol_childspecs(["inet_tcp"])
+ end.
+protocol_childspecs([]) ->
+ [];
+protocol_childspecs([H|T]) ->
+ Mod = list_to_atom(H ++ "_dist"),
+ case (catch Mod:childspecs()) of
+ {ok, Childspecs} when is_list(Childspecs) ->
+ Childspecs ++ protocol_childspecs(T);
+ _ ->
+ protocol_childspecs(T)
+ end.
+%% epmd_module() -> module_name of erl_epmd or similar gen_server_module.
+epmd_module() ->
+ case init:get_argument(epmd_module) of
+ {ok,[[Module]]} ->
+ Module;
+ _ ->
+ erl_epmd
+ end.
+%% Start all protocols
+start_protos(Name,Node) ->
+ case init:get_argument(proto_dist) of
+ {ok, [Protos]} ->
+ start_protos(Name,Protos, Node);
+ _ ->
+ start_protos(Name,["inet_tcp"], Node)
+ end.
+start_protos(Name,Ps, Node) ->
+ case start_protos(Name, Ps, Node, []) of
+ [] -> {error, badarg};
+ Ls -> {ok, Ls}
+ end.
+start_protos(Name, [Proto | Ps], Node, Ls) ->
+ Mod = list_to_atom(Proto ++ "_dist"),
+ case catch Mod:listen(Name) of
+ {ok, {Socket, Address, Creation}} ->
+ case set_node(Node, Creation) of
+ ok ->
+ AcceptPid = Mod:accept(Socket),
+ auth:sync_cookie(),
+ L = #listen {
+ listen = Socket,
+ address = Address,
+ accept = AcceptPid,
+ module = Mod },
+ start_protos(Name,Ps, Node, [L|Ls]);
+ _ ->
+ Mod:close(Socket),
+ error_logger:info_msg("Invalid node name: ~p~n", [Node]),
+ start_protos(Name, Ps, Node, Ls)
+ end;
+ {'EXIT', {undef,_}} ->
+ error_logger:info_msg("Protocol: ~p: not supported~n", [Proto]),
+ start_protos(Name,Ps, Node, Ls);
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ error_logger:info_msg("Protocol: ~p: register error: ~p~n",
+ [Proto, Reason]),
+ start_protos(Name,Ps, Node, Ls);
+ {error, duplicate_name} ->
+ error_logger:info_msg("Protocol: ~p: the name " ++
+ atom_to_list(Node) ++
+ " seems to be in use by another Erlang node",
+ [Proto]),
+ start_protos(Name,Ps, Node, Ls);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ error_logger:info_msg("Protocol: ~p: register/listen error: ~p~n",
+ [Proto, Reason]),
+ start_protos(Name,Ps, Node, Ls)
+ end;
+start_protos(_,[], _Node, Ls) ->
+ Ls.
+set_node(Node, Creation) when node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
+ case catch erlang:setnode(Node, Creation) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ {error,Reason}
+ end;
+set_node(Node, _Creation) when node() =:= Node ->
+ ok.
+connecttime() ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, net_setuptime) of
+ {ok,Time} when is_number(Time), Time >= 120 ->
+ 120 * 1000;
+ {ok,Time} when is_number(Time), Time > 0 ->
+ round(Time * 1000);
+ _ ->
+ end.
+%% -------- End initialisation functions --------------------
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Node information.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+get_node_info(Node) ->
+ case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
+ [Conn = #connection{owner = Owner, state = State}] ->
+ case get_status(Owner, Node, State) of
+ {ok, In, Out} ->
+ {ok, [{owner, Owner},
+ {state, State},
+ {address, Conn#connection.address},
+ {type, Conn#connection.type},
+ {in, In},
+ {out, Out}]};
+ _ ->
+ {error, bad_node}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {error, bad_node}
+ end.
+%% We can't do monitor_node here incase the node is pending,
+%% the monitor_node/2 call hangs until the connection is ready.
+%% We will not ask about in/out information either for pending
+%% connections as this also would block this call awhile.
+get_status(Owner, Node, up) ->
+ monitor_node(Node, true),
+ Owner ! {self(), get_status},
+ receive
+ {Owner, get_status, Res} ->
+ monitor_node(Node, false),
+ Res;
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ error
+ end;
+get_status(_, _, _) ->
+ {ok, 0, 0}.
+get_node_info(Node, Key) ->
+ case get_node_info(Node) of
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Info) of
+ {value, {Key, Value}} -> {ok, Value};
+ _ -> {error, invalid_key}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+get_nodes_info() ->
+ get_nodes_info(get_nodes(all), []).
+get_nodes_info([Node|Nodes], InfoList) ->
+ case get_node_info(Node) of
+ {ok, Info} -> get_nodes_info(Nodes, [{Node, Info}|InfoList]);
+ _ -> get_nodes_info(Nodes, InfoList)
+ end;
+get_nodes_info([], InfoList) ->
+ {ok, InfoList}.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Misc. functions
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+reply_waiting(_Node, Waiting, Rep) ->
+ case Rep of
+ false ->
+ ?connect_failure(_Node, {setup_process, failure});
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ reply_waiting1(lists:reverse(Waiting), Rep).
+reply_waiting1([From|W], Rep) ->
+ gen_server:reply(From, Rep),
+ reply_waiting1(W, Rep);
+reply_waiting1([], _) ->
+ ok.
+delete_all(From, [From |Tail]) -> delete_all(From, Tail);
+delete_all(From, [H|Tail]) -> [H|delete_all(From, Tail)];
+delete_all(_, []) -> [].
+all_atoms([]) -> true;
+all_atoms([N|Tail]) when is_atom(N) ->
+ all_atoms(Tail);
+all_atoms(_) -> false.
+%% It is assumed that only net_kernel uses restart_ticker()
+restart_ticker(Time) ->
+ ?tckr_dbg(restarting_ticker),
+ self() ! aux_tick,
+ spawn_link(?MODULE, ticker, [self(), Time]).
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Print status information.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
+print_info() ->
+ nformat("Node", "State", "Type", "In", "Out", "Address"),
+ {ok, NodesInfo} = nodes_info(),
+ {In,Out} = lists:foldl(fun display_info/2, {0,0}, NodesInfo),
+ nformat("Total", "", "",
+ integer_to_list(In), integer_to_list(Out), "").
+display_info({Node, Info}, {I,O}) ->
+ State = atom_to_list(fetch(state, Info)),
+ In = fetch(in, Info),
+ Out = fetch(out, Info),
+ Type = atom_to_list(fetch(type, Info)),
+ Address = fmt_address(fetch(address, Info)),
+ nformat(atom_to_list(Node), State, Type,
+ integer_to_list(In), integer_to_list(Out), Address),
+ {I+In,O+Out}.
+fmt_address(undefined) ->
+ "-";
+fmt_address(A) ->
+ case A#net_address.family of
+ inet ->
+ case A#net_address.address of
+ {IP,Port} ->
+ inet_parse:ntoa(IP) ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port);
+ _ -> "-"
+ end;
+ inet6 ->
+ case A#net_address.address of
+ {IP,Port} ->
+ inet_parse:ntoa(IP) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(Port);
+ _ -> "-"
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [A#net_address.address]))
+ end.
+fetch(Key, Info) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Info) of
+ {value, {_, Val}} -> Val;
+ false -> 0
+ end.
+nformat(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) ->
+ io:format("~-20s ~-7s ~-6s ~8s ~8s ~s~n", [A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6]).
+print_info(Node) ->
+ case node_info(Node) of
+ {ok, Info} ->
+ State = fetch(state, Info),
+ In = fetch(in, Info),
+ Out = fetch(out, Info),
+ Type = fetch(type, Info),
+ Address = fmt_address(fetch(address, Info)),
+ io:format("Node = ~p~n"
+ "State = ~p~n"
+ "Type = ~p~n"
+ "In = ~p~n"
+ "Out = ~p~n"
+ "Address = ~s~n",
+ [Node, State, Type, In, Out, Address]);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+verbose(Term, Level, #state{verbose = Verbose}) when Verbose >= Level ->
+ error_logger:info_report({net_kernel, Term});
+verbose(_, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+getnode(P) when is_pid(P) -> node(P);
+getnode(P) -> P.