path: root/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
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authorErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <[email protected]>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl b/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c34f2ddeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Basic interface to a port.
+% Control op
+%% start()
+%% start(ArgumentList)
+%% start(PortName, Shell)
+%% start(InPortName, OutPortName, Shell)
+%% Start the user driver server. The arguments to start/1 are slightly
+%% strange as this may be called both at start up from the command line
+%% and explicitly from other code.
+-spec start() -> pid().
+start() -> %Default line editing shell
+ spawn(user_drv, server, ['tty_sl -c -e',{shell,start,[init]}]).
+start([Pname]) ->
+ spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,{shell,start,[init]}]);
+start([Pname|Args]) ->
+ spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname|Args]);
+start(Pname) ->
+ spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,{shell,start,[init]}]).
+start(Pname, Shell) ->
+ spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,Shell]).
+start(Iname, Oname, Shell) ->
+ spawn(user_drv, server, [Iname,Oname,Shell]).
+%% Return the pid of the active group process.
+%% Note: We can't ask the user_drv process for this info since it
+%% may be busy waiting for data from the port.
+-spec interfaces(pid()) -> [{'current_group', pid()}].
+interfaces(UserDrv) ->
+ case process_info(UserDrv, dictionary) of
+ {dictionary,Dict} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(current_group, 1, Dict) of
+ {value,Gr={_,Group}} when is_pid(Group) ->
+ [Gr];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% server(Pid, Shell)
+%% server(Pname, Shell)
+%% server(Iname, Oname, Shell)
+%% The initial calls to run the user driver. These start the port(s)
+%% then call server1/3 to set everything else up.
+server(Pid, Shell) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ server1(Pid, Pid, Shell);
+server(Pname, Shell) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ case catch open_port({spawn,Pname}, [eof]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ %% Let's try a dumb user instead
+ user:start();
+ Port ->
+ server1(Port, Port, Shell)
+ end.
+server(Iname, Oname, Shell) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ case catch open_port({spawn,Iname}, [eof]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> %% It might be a dumb terminal lets start dumb user
+ user:start();
+ Iport ->
+ Oport = open_port({spawn,Oname}, [eof]),
+ server1(Iport, Oport, Shell)
+ end.
+server1(Iport, Oport, Shell) ->
+ put(eof, false),
+ %% Start user and initial shell.
+ User = start_user(),
+ Gr1 = gr_add_cur(gr_new(), User, {}),
+ {Curr,Shell1} =
+ case init:get_argument(remsh) of
+ {ok,[[Node]]} ->
+ RShell = {list_to_atom(Node),shell,start,[]},
+ RGr = group:start(self(), RShell),
+ {RGr,RShell};
+ E when E =:= error ; E =:= {ok,[[]]} ->
+ {group:start(self(), Shell),Shell}
+ end,
+ put(current_group, Curr),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr1, Curr, Shell1),
+ %% Print some information.
+ io_request({put_chars, unicode,
+ flatten(io_lib:format("~s\n",
+ [erlang:system_info(system_version)]))},
+ Iport, Oport),
+ %% Enter the server loop.
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr).
+%% start_user()
+%% Start a group leader process and register it as 'user', unless,
+%% of course, a 'user' already exists.
+start_user() ->
+ case whereis(user_drv) of
+ undefined ->
+ register(user_drv, self());
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case whereis(user) of
+ undefined ->
+ User = group:start(self(), {}),
+ register(user, User),
+ User;
+ User ->
+ User
+ end.
+server_loop(Iport, Oport, User, Gr) ->
+ Curr = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
+ put(current_group, Curr),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr).
+server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ receive
+ {Iport,{data,Bs}} ->
+ BsBin = list_to_binary(Bs),
+ Unicode = unicode:characters_to_list(BsBin,utf8),
+ port_bytes(Unicode, Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {Iport,eof} ->
+ Curr ! {self(),eof},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {User,Req} -> % never block from user!
+ io_request(Req, Iport, Oport),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {Curr,tty_geometry} ->
+ Curr ! {self(),tty_geometry,get_tty_geometry(Iport)},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {Curr,get_unicode_state} ->
+ Curr ! {self(),get_unicode_state,get_unicode_state(Iport)},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {Curr,set_unicode_state, Bool} ->
+ Curr ! {self(),set_unicode_state,set_unicode_state(Iport,Bool)},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {Curr,Req} ->
+ io_request(Req, Iport, Oport),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {'EXIT',Iport,_R} ->
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {'EXIT',Oport,_R} ->
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+ {'EXIT',User,_R} -> % keep 'user' alive
+ NewU = start_user(),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, NewU, gr_set_num(Gr, 1, NewU, {}));
+ {'EXIT',Pid,R} -> % shell and group leader exit
+ case gr_cur_pid(Gr) of
+ Pid when R =/= die ,
+ R =/= terminated -> % current shell exited
+ if R =/= normal ->
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"*** ERROR: "}], Iport, Oport);
+ true -> % exit not caused by error
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"*** "}], Iport, Oport)
+ end,
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"Shell process terminated! "}], Iport, Oport),
+ Gr1 = gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid),
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
+ {Ix,{shell,start,Params}} -> % 3-tuple == local shell
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"***\n"}], Iport, Oport),
+ %% restart group leader and shell, same index
+ Pid1 = group:start(self(), {shell,start,Params}),
+ {ok,Gr2} = gr_set_cur(gr_set_num(Gr1, Ix, Pid1,
+ {shell,start,Params}), Ix),
+ put(current_group, Pid1),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Pid1, User, Gr2);
+ _ -> % remote shell
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"(^G to start new job) ***\n"}],
+ Iport, Oport),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr1)
+ end;
+ _ -> % not current, just remove it
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid))
+ end;
+ _X ->
+ %% Ignore unknown messages.
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr)
+ end.
+%% port_bytes(Bytes, InPort, OutPort, CurrentProcess, UserProcess, Group)
+%% Check the Bytes from the port to see if it contains a ^G. If so,
+%% either escape to switch_loop or restart the shell. Otherwise send
+%% the bytes to Curr.
+port_bytes([$\^G|_Bs], Iport, Oport, _Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr);
+port_bytes([$\^C|_Bs], Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ interrupt_shell(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+port_bytes([B], Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ Curr ! {self(),{data,[B]}},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr);
+port_bytes(Bs, Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ case member($\^G, Bs) of
+ true ->
+ handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr);
+ false ->
+ Curr ! {self(),{data,Bs}},
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr)
+ end.
+interrupt_shell(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr) ->
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, Curr) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok; % unknown
+ _ ->
+ exit(Curr, interrupt)
+ end,
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr).
+handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr) ->
+ case application:get_env(stdlib, shell_esc) of
+ {ok,abort} ->
+ Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
+ exit(Pid, die),
+ Gr1 =
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
+ {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
+ Gr;
+ _ ->
+ receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
+ gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
+ after 1000 ->
+ Gr
+ end
+ end,
+ Pid1 = group:start(self(), {shell,start,[]}),
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, User,
+ gr_add_cur(Gr1, Pid1, {shell,start,[]}));
+ _ -> % {ok,jcl} | undefined
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"\nUser switch command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ server_loop(Iport, Oport, User, switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr))
+ end.
+switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ Line = get_line(edlin:start(" --> "), Iport, Oport),
+ switch_cmd(erl_scan:string(Line), Iport, Oport, Gr).
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,c},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ case gr_set_cur(Gr0, I) of
+ {ok,Gr} -> Gr;
+ undefined -> unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr0)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,c}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, gr_cur_pid(Gr)) of
+ undefined ->
+ unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ _ ->
+ Gr
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,i},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ case gr_get_num(Gr, I) of
+ {pid,Pid} ->
+ exit(Pid, interrupt),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ undefined ->
+ unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,i}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
+ undefined ->
+ unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ _ ->
+ exit(Pid, interrupt),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,k},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ case gr_get_num(Gr, I) of
+ {pid,Pid} ->
+ exit(Pid, die),
+ case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
+ {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ _ ->
+ Gr1 =
+ receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
+ gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
+ after 1000 ->
+ Gr
+ end,
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr1)
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,k}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
+ Info = gr_get_info(Gr, Pid),
+ case Info of
+ undefined ->
+ unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ _ ->
+ exit(Pid, die),
+ Gr1 =
+ receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
+ gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
+ after 1000 ->
+ Gr
+ end,
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr1)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,j}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ io_requests(gr_list(Gr), Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,s},{atom,_,Shell}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Shell,start,[]}),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Shell,start,[]}),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,s}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {shell,start,[]}),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {shell,start,[]}),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,r}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ case is_alive() of
+ true ->
+ Node = pool:get_node(),
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,shell,start,[]}),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,shell,start,[]}),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ false ->
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Not alive\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr0)
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,r},{atom,_,Node}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,shell,start,[]}),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,shell,start,[]}),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,Shell,start,[]}),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,Shell,start,[]}),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,q}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ case erlang:system_info(break_ignored) of
+ true -> % noop
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ false ->
+ halt()
+ end;
+switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,h}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ list_commands(Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[{'?',_}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ list_commands(Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,[],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd({ok,_Ts,_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+switch_cmd(_Ts, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Illegal input\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr).
+unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+ io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown job\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr).
+list_commands(Iport, Oport) ->
+ QuitReq = case erlang:system_info(break_ignored) of
+ true ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ [{put_chars,unicode," q - quit erlang\n"}]
+ end,
+ io_requests([{put_chars, unicode," c [nn] - connect to job\n"},
+ {put_chars, unicode," i [nn] - interrupt job\n"},
+ {put_chars, unicode," k [nn] - kill job\n"},
+ {put_chars, unicode," j - list all jobs\n"},
+ {put_chars, unicode," s [shell] - start local shell\n"},
+ {put_chars, unicode," r [node [shell]] - start remote shell\n"}] ++
+ QuitReq ++
+ [{put_chars, unicode," ? | h - this message\n"}],
+ Iport, Oport).
+get_line({done,Line,_Rest,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
+ io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
+ Line;
+get_line({undefined,_Char,Cs,Cont,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
+ io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
+ io_request(beep, Iport, Oport),
+ get_line(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Iport, Oport);
+get_line({What,Cont0,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
+ io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
+ receive
+ {Iport,{data,Cs}} ->
+ get_line(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont0), Iport, Oport);
+ {Iport,eof} ->
+ get_line(edlin:edit_line(eof, Cont0), Iport, Oport)
+ after
+ get_line_timeout(What) ->
+ get_line(edlin:edit_line([], Cont0), Iport, Oport)
+ end.
+get_line_timeout(blink) -> 1000;
+get_line_timeout(more_chars) -> infinity.
+% Let driver report window geometry,
+% definitely outside of the common interface
+get_tty_geometry(Iport) ->
+ case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_GET_WINSIZE,[])) of
+ List when length(List) =:= 8 ->
+ <<W:32/native,H:32/native>> = list_to_binary(List),
+ {W,H};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+get_unicode_state(Iport) ->
+ case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_GET_UNICODE_STATE,[])) of
+ [Int] when Int > 0 ->
+ true;
+ [Int] when Int =:= 0 ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+set_unicode_state(Iport, Bool) ->
+ Data = case Bool of
+ true -> [1];
+ false -> [0]
+ end,
+ case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_SET_UNICODE_STATE,Data)) of
+ [Int] when Int > 0 ->
+ {unicode, utf8};
+ [Int] when Int =:= 0 ->
+ {unicode, false};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+%% io_request(Request, InPort, OutPort)
+%% io_requests(Requests, InPort, OutPort)
+io_request({put_chars, unicode,Cs}, _Iport, Oport) ->
+ Oport ! {self(),{command,[?OP_PUTC|unicode:characters_to_binary(Cs,utf8)]}};
+io_request({move_rel,N}, _Iport, Oport) ->
+ Oport ! {self(),{command,[?OP_MOVE|put_int16(N, [])]}};
+io_request({insert_chars,unicode,Cs}, _Iport, Oport) ->
+ Oport ! {self(),{command,[?OP_INSC|unicode:characters_to_binary(Cs,utf8)]}};
+io_request({delete_chars,N}, _Iport, Oport) ->
+ Oport ! {self(),{command,[?OP_DELC|put_int16(N, [])]}};
+io_request(beep, _Iport, Oport) ->
+ Oport ! {self(),{command,[?OP_BEEP]}};
+io_request({requests,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
+ io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport);
+io_request(_R, _Iport, _Oport) ->
+ ok.
+io_requests([R|Rs], Iport, Oport) ->
+ io_request(R, Iport, Oport),
+ io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport);
+io_requests([], _Iport, _Oport) ->
+ ok.
+put_int16(N, Tail) ->
+ [(N bsr 8)band 255,N band 255|Tail].
+%% gr_new()
+%% gr_get_num(Group, Index)
+%% gr_get_info(Group, Pid)
+%% gr_add_cur(Group, Pid, Shell)
+%% gr_set_cur(Group, Index)
+%% gr_cur_pid(Group)
+%% gr_del_pid(Group, Pid)
+%% Manage the group list. The group structure has the form:
+%% {NextIndex,CurrIndex,CurrPid,GroupList}
+%% where each element in the group list is:
+%% {Index,GroupPid,Shell}
+gr_new() ->
+ {0,0,none,[]}.
+gr_get_num({_Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, I) ->
+ gr_get_num1(Gs, I).
+gr_get_num1([{I,_Pid,{}}|_Gs], I) ->
+ undefined;
+gr_get_num1([{I,Pid,_S}|_Gs], I) ->
+ {pid,Pid};
+gr_get_num1([_G|Gs], I) ->
+ gr_get_num1(Gs, I);
+gr_get_num1([], _I) ->
+ undefined.
+gr_get_info({_Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, Pid) ->
+ gr_get_info1(Gs, Pid).
+gr_get_info1([{I,Pid,S}|_Gs], Pid) ->
+ {I,S};
+gr_get_info1([_G|Gs], I) ->
+ gr_get_info1(Gs, I);
+gr_get_info1([], _I) ->
+ undefined.
+gr_add_cur({Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, Pid, Shell) ->
+ {Next+1,Next,Pid,append(Gs, [{Next,Pid,Shell}])}.
+gr_set_cur({Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, I) ->
+ case gr_get_num1(Gs, I) of
+ {pid,Pid} -> {ok,{Next,I,Pid,Gs}};
+ undefined -> undefined
+ end.
+gr_set_num({Next,CurI,CurP,Gs}, I, Pid, Shell) ->
+ {Next,CurI,CurP,gr_set_num1(Gs, I, Pid, Shell)}.
+gr_set_num1([{I,_Pid,_Shell}|Gs], I, NewPid, NewShell) ->
+ [{I,NewPid,NewShell}|Gs];
+gr_set_num1([{I,Pid,Shell}|Gs], NewI, NewPid, NewShell) when NewI > I ->
+ [{I,Pid,Shell}|gr_set_num1(Gs, NewI, NewPid, NewShell)];
+gr_set_num1(Gs, NewI, NewPid, NewShell) ->
+ [{NewI,NewPid,NewShell}|Gs].
+gr_del_pid({Next,CurI,CurP,Gs}, Pid) ->
+ {Next,CurI,CurP,gr_del_pid1(Gs, Pid)}.
+gr_del_pid1([{_I,Pid,_S}|Gs], Pid) ->
+ Gs;
+gr_del_pid1([G|Gs], Pid) ->
+ [G|gr_del_pid1(Gs, Pid)];
+gr_del_pid1([], _Pid) ->
+ [].
+gr_cur_pid({_Next,_CurI,CurP,_Gs}) ->
+ CurP.
+gr_list({_Next,CurI,_CurP,Gs}) ->
+ gr_list(Gs, CurI, []).
+gr_list([{_I,_Pid,{}}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
+ gr_list(Gs, Cur, Jobs);
+gr_list([{Cur,_Pid,Shell}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
+ gr_list(Gs, Cur, [{put_chars, unicode,flatten(io_lib:format("~4w* ~w\n", [Cur,Shell]))}|Jobs]);
+gr_list([{I,_Pid,Shell}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
+ gr_list(Gs, Cur, [{put_chars, unicode,flatten(io_lib:format("~4w ~w\n", [I,Shell]))}|Jobs]);
+gr_list([], _Cur, Jobs) ->
+ lists:reverse(Jobs).
+append([H|T], X) ->
+ [H|append(T, X)];
+append([], X) ->
+ X.
+member(X, [X|_Rest]) -> true;
+member(X, [_H|Rest]) ->
+ member(X, Rest);
+member(_X, []) -> false.
+flatten(List) ->
+ flatten(List, [], []).
+flatten([H|T], Cont, Tail) when is_list(H) ->
+ flatten(H, [T|Cont], Tail);
+flatten([H|T], Cont, Tail) ->
+ [H|flatten(T, Cont, Tail)];
+flatten([], [H|Cont], Tail) ->
+ flatten(H, Cont, Tail);
+flatten([], [], Tail) ->
+ Tail.