path: root/lib/kernel/src
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2015-12-17 07:31:03 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2015-12-17 07:31:03 +0100
commita985104c38d154b7d0f2eb8ccf9f8fe053b6aad5 (patch)
treeebcd62114e6925347f69704a9333ba4d5fede651 /lib/kernel/src
parent568cd49812ff0b59b0b8f1ebfc2da588f78d55a4 (diff)
parent3131a94b5d2ce2b95aa0efb99c767e3658f24550 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/kernel/remove-code-path-cache/OTP-13191'
* bjorn/kernel/remove-code-path-cache/OTP-13191: Remove the code path cache in the code server
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
2 files changed, 40 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
index 352c02562b..ae28c97b47 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code.erl
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
-export_type([load_error_rsn/0, load_ret/0]).
@@ -293,7 +295,9 @@ replace_path(Name, Dir) when (is_atom(Name) orelse is_list(Name)),
-spec rehash() -> 'ok'.
-rehash() -> call(rehash).
+rehash() ->
+ cache_warning(),
+ ok.
-spec get_mode() -> 'embedded' | 'interactive'.
get_mode() -> call(get_mode).
@@ -322,6 +326,7 @@ start_link(Flags) ->
do_start(Flags) ->
+ maybe_warn_for_cache(),
Mode = get_mode(Flags),
@@ -452,30 +457,14 @@ which(File, Base, [Directory|Tail]) ->
Filename :: file:filename(),
Absname :: file:filename().
where_is_file(File) when is_list(File) ->
- case call({is_cached,File}) of
- no ->
- Path = get_path(),
- which(File, ".", Path);
- Dir ->
- filename:join(Dir, File)
- end.
+ Path = get_path(),
+ which(File, ".", Path).
-spec where_is_file(Path :: file:filename(), Filename :: file:filename()) ->
file:filename() | 'non_existing'.
where_is_file(Path, File) when is_list(Path), is_list(File) ->
- CodePath = get_path(),
- if
- Path =:= CodePath ->
- case call({is_cached, File}) of
- no ->
- which(File, ".", Path);
- Dir ->
- filename:join(Dir, File)
- end;
- true ->
- which(File, ".", Path)
- end.
+ which(File, ".", Path).
-spec set_primary_archive(ArchiveFile :: file:filename(),
ArchiveBin :: binary(),
@@ -553,6 +542,22 @@ has_ext(Ext, Extlen, File) ->
+%%% Warning for deprecated code path cache.
+maybe_warn_for_cache() ->
+ case init:get_argument(code_path_cache) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ cache_warning();
+ error ->
+ ok
+ end.
+cache_warning() ->
+ W = "The code path cache functionality has been removed",
+ error_logger:warning_report(W).
%%% Silently load native code for all modules loaded so far.
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index 68dd21b1d7..4361bb7b60 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
- cache = no_cache,
mode = interactive,
on_load = []}).
-type state() :: #state{}.
@@ -89,19 +88,11 @@ init(Ref, Parent, [Root,Mode0]) ->
Path = add_loader_path(IPath, Mode),
- State0 = #state{root = Root,
- path = Path,
- moddb = Db,
- namedb = init_namedb(Path),
- mode = Mode},
- State =
- case init:get_argument(code_path_cache) of
- {ok, _} ->
- create_cache(State0);
- error ->
- State0
- end,
+ State = #state{root = Root,
+ path = Path,
+ moddb = Db,
+ namedb = init_namedb(Path),
+ mode = Mode},
@@ -264,50 +255,29 @@ handle_call({load_file,Mod}, Caller, St) ->
handle_call({add_path,Where,Dir0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache = update_cache([Dir], Where, Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,cache=Cache}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({add_paths,Where,Dirs0}, {_From,_Tag},
- #state{cache=Cache0,namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
- case Cache0 of
- no_cache ->
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
- _ ->
- %% Cache always expands the path
- Dirs = [absname(Dir) || Dir <- Dirs0],
- {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs, Path0, Namedb),
- Cache=update_cache(Dirs,Where,Cache0),
- {reply,Resp,S#state{cache=Cache,path=Path}}
- end;
+ #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) ->
+ {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb),
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({set_path,PathList}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path,NewDb} = set_path(PathList, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb}};
handle_call({del_path,Name}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = del_path(Name, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call({replace_path,Name,Dir}, {_From,_Tag},
#state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) ->
{Resp,Path} = replace_path(Name, Dir, Path0, Namedb),
- {reply,Resp,rehash_cache(S#state{path=Path})};
-handle_call(rehash, {_From,_Tag}, S0) ->
- S = create_cache(S0),
- {reply,ok,S};
+ {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}};
handle_call(get_path, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
@@ -398,9 +368,6 @@ handle_call({is_sticky, Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) ->
handle_call(stop,{_From,_Tag}, S) ->
-handle_call({is_cached,_File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=no_cache}) ->
- {reply, no, S};
handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
case erl_prim_loader:set_primary_archive(File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun) of
{ok, Files} ->
@@ -409,26 +376,6 @@ handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From
{reply, Error, S}
-handle_call({is_cached,File}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{cache=Cache}) ->
- ObjExt = objfile_extension(),
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Type = case Ext of
- ObjExt -> obj;
- ".app" -> app;
- _ -> undef
- end,
- if Type =:= undef ->
- {reply, no, S};
- true ->
- Key = {Type,list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext))},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply, no, S};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- {reply, Dir, S}
- end
- end;
handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) ->
{reply, Mode, S};
@@ -448,69 +395,6 @@ do_mod_call(Action, Module, Error, St) ->
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Cache functions
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-create_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St);
-create_cache(St) ->
- rehash_cache(St).
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = no_cache}) ->
- St;
-rehash_cache(St = #state{cache = OldCache}) ->
- ets:delete(OldCache),
- Cache = ets:new(code_cache, [protected]),
- rehash_cache(Cache, St).
-rehash_cache(Cache, St = #state{path = Path}) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache,NewPath} = locate_mods(lists:reverse(Path), first, Exts, Cache, []),
- St#state{cache = Cache, path=NewPath}.
-update_cache(Dirs, Where, Cache0) ->
- Exts = [{obj,objfile_extension()}, {app,".app"}],
- {Cache, _} = locate_mods(Dirs, Where, Exts, Cache0, []),
- Cache.
-locate_mods([Dir0|Path], Where, Exts, Cache, Acc) ->
- Dir = absname(Dir0), %% Cache always expands the path
- case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of
- {ok, Files} ->
- Cache = filter_mods(Files, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache),
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, [Dir|Acc]);
- error ->
- locate_mods(Path, Where, Exts, Cache, Acc)
- end;
-locate_mods([], _, _, Cache, Path) ->
- {Cache,Path}.
-filter_mods([File|Rest], Where, Exts, Dir, Cache) ->
- Ext = filename:extension(File),
- Root = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File, Ext)),
- case lists:keyfind(Ext, 2, Exts) of
- {Type, _} ->
- Key = {Type,Root},
- case Where of
- first ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- last ->
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- true = ets:insert(Cache, {Key,Dir});
- _ ->
- ignore
- end
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- filter_mods(Rest, Where, Exts, Dir, Cache);
-filter_mods([], _, _, _, Cache) ->
- Cache.
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%% Path handling functions.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1238,16 +1122,6 @@ load_abs(File, Mod0, Caller, St) ->
-try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St) ->
- File = filename:append(Dir, to_list(Mod) ++
- objfile_extension()),
- case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of
- error ->
- {reply,error,St};
- {ok,Binary,FName} ->
- try_load_module(absname(FName), Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end.
try_load_module(File, Mod, Bin, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
M = to_atom(Mod),
case pending_on_load(M, From, St0) of
@@ -1345,26 +1219,12 @@ load_file(Mod0, {From,_}=Caller, St0) ->
{yes,St} -> {noreply,St}
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path,cache=no_cache}=St) ->
+load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path}=St) ->
case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of
error ->
{Mod,Binary,File} ->
try_load_module(File, Mod, Binary, Caller, St)
- end;
-load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{cache=Cache}=St0) ->
- Key = {obj,Mod},
- case ets:lookup(Cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- St = rehash_cache(St0),
- case ets:lookup(St#state.cache, Key) of
- [] ->
- {reply,{error,nofile},St};
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St)
- end;
- [{Key,Dir}] ->
- try_load_module(Mod, Dir, Caller, St0)
mod_to_bin([Dir|Tail], Mod) ->