path: root/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <[email protected]>2018-09-05 16:36:53 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <[email protected]>2018-09-17 15:39:33 +0200
commit6053725bb54f7302d3698d0df100eb01c4df4f12 (patch)
tree8f22890b8e97beb27433a53d28f83a8b27f32d38 /lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
parent84e1631071858fdfd04109129c020760bb952362 (diff)
Write testcases for recvtos and friends
Use os:type() and os:version() to predict if the individual options are supposed to be supported. We'll see if this holds.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
index 91c89e76dd..d532537eb9 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/gen_tcp_misc_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
busy_send/1, busy_disconnect_passive/1, busy_disconnect_active/1,
fill_sendq/1, partial_recv_and_close/1,
+ recvtos/1, recvttl/1, recvtosttl/1, recvtclass/1,
%% Accept tests
@@ -83,7 +84,8 @@ all() ->
busy_disconnect_passive, busy_disconnect_active,
fill_sendq, partial_recv_and_close,
partial_recv_and_close_2, partial_recv_and_close_3,
- so_priority, primitive_accept,
+ so_priority, recvtos, recvttl, recvtosttl,
+ recvtclass, primitive_accept,
multi_accept_close_listen, accept_timeout,
accept_timeouts_in_order, accept_timeouts_in_order2,
accept_timeouts_in_order3, accept_timeouts_in_order4,
@@ -1914,6 +1916,209 @@ so_priority(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+%% does not seem to be implemented in Linux until kernel 3.0
+recvtos(_Config) ->
+ test_pktoptions(
+ inet, [{recvtos,tos,96}],
+ fun recvtos_ok/2,
+ false).
+recvtosttl(_Config) ->
+ test_pktoptions(
+ inet, [{recvtos,tos,96},{recvttl,ttl,33}],
+ fun (OSType, OSVer) ->
+ recvtos_ok(OSType, OSVer) andalso recvttl_ok(OSType, OSVer)
+ end,
+ false).
+recvttl(_Config) ->
+ test_pktoptions(
+ inet, [{recvttl,ttl,33}],
+ fun recvttl_ok/2,
+ false).
+recvtclass(_Config) ->
+ {ok,IFs} = inet:getifaddrs(),
+ case
+ [Name ||
+ {Name,Opts} <- IFs,
+ lists:member({addr,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}}, Opts)]
+ of
+ [_] ->
+ test_pktoptions(
+ inet6, [{recvtclass,tclass,224}],
+ fun recvtclass_ok/2,
+ true);
+ [] ->
+ {skip,{ipv6_not_supported,IFs}}
+ end.
+%% These version numbers are the highest noted in daily tests
+%% where the test fails for a plausible reason, so
+%% skip on that platform.
+%% On newer versions it might be fixed, but we'll see about that
+%% when machines with newer versions gets installed...
+%% If the test still fails for a plausible reason these
+%% version numbers simply should be increased.
+%% Using the option returns einval, so it is not implemented.
+recvtos_ok({unix,darwin}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {17,6,0});
+%% Does not return any value - not implemented for pktoptions
+recvtos_ok({unix,linux}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {3,1,0});
+recvtos_ok({unix,_}, _) -> true;
+recvtos_ok(_, _) -> false.
+recvttl_ok({unix,linux}, _) -> true;
+recvttl_ok({unix,_}, _) -> true;
+recvttl_ok(_, _) -> false.
+%% Using the option returns einval, so it is not implemented.
+recvtclass_ok({unix,openbsd}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {6,4,0});
+recvtclass_ok({unix,freebsd}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {11,2,0});
+%% Using the option returns einval up to 0.9.0, so it is not implemented.
+%% Does not return any value - not implemented for pktoptions
+recvtclass_ok({unix,darwin}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {17,6,0});
+%% Does not return any value - not implemented for pktoptions
+recvtclass_ok({unix,linux}, OSVer) -> not semver_lt(OSVer, {3,1,0});
+recvtclass_ok({unix,_}, _) -> true;
+recvtclass_ok(_, _) -> false.
+semver_lt({X1,Y1,Z1}, {X2,Y2,Z2}) ->
+ if
+ X1 > X2 -> false;
+ X1 < X2 -> true;
+ Y1 > Y2 -> false;
+ Y1 < Y2 -> true;
+ Z1 > Z2 -> false;
+ Z1 < Z2 -> true;
+ true -> false
+ end;
+semver_lt(_, {_,_,_}) -> false.
+test_pktoptions(Family, Spec, OSFilter, CheckAccept) ->
+ OSType = os:type(),
+ OSVer = os:version(),
+ case OSFilter(OSType, OSVer) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("Os: ~p, ~p~n", [OSType,OSVer]),
+ test_pktoptions(Family, Spec, CheckAccept, OSType, OSVer);
+ false ->
+ {skip,{not_supported_for_os_version,{OSType,OSVer}}}
+ end.
+test_pktoptions(Family, Spec, CheckAccept, OSType, OSVer) ->
+ Timeout = 5000,
+ RecvOpts = [RecvOpt || {RecvOpt,_,_} <- Spec],
+ TrueRecvOpts = [{RecvOpt,true} || {RecvOpt,_,_} <- Spec],
+ FalseRecvOpts = [{RecvOpt,false} || {RecvOpt,_,_} <- Spec],
+ Opts = [Opt || {_,Opt,_} <- Spec],
+ OptsVals = [{Opt,Val} || {_,Opt,Val} <- Spec],
+ Address =
+ case Family of
+ inet ->
+ {127,0,0,1};
+ inet6 ->
+ {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}
+ end,
+ %%
+ %% Set RecvOpts on listen socket
+ {ok,L} =
+ gen_tcp:listen(
+ 0,
+ [Family,binary,{active,false},{send_timeout,Timeout}
+ |TrueRecvOpts]),
+ {ok,P} = inet:port(L),
+ {ok,TrueRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(L, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsValsDefault} = inet:getopts(L, Opts),
+ %%
+ %% Set RecvOpts and Option values on connect socket
+ {ok,S2} =
+ gen_tcp:connect(
+ Address, P,
+ [Family,binary,{active,false},{send_timeout,Timeout}
+ |TrueRecvOpts ++ OptsVals],
+ Timeout),
+ {ok,TrueRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(S2, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsVals} = inet:getopts(S2, Opts),
+ %%
+ %% Accept socket inherits the options from listen socket
+ {ok,S1} = gen_tcp:accept(L, Timeout),
+ {ok,TrueRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(S1, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsValsDefault} = inet:getopts(S1, Opts),
+%%% %%
+%%% %% Handshake
+%%% ok = gen_tcp:send(S1, <<"hello">>),
+%%% {ok,<<"hello">>} = gen_tcp:recv(S2, 5, Timeout),
+%%% ok = gen_tcp:send(S2, <<"hi">>),
+%%% {ok,<<"hi">>} = gen_tcp:recv(S1, 2, Timeout),
+ %%
+ %% Verify returned remote options
+ {ok,[{pktoptions,OptsVals1}]} = inet:getopts(S1, [pktoptions]),
+ {ok,[{pktoptions,OptsVals2}]} = inet:getopts(S2, [pktoptions]),
+ (Result1 = sets_eq(OptsVals1, OptsVals))
+ orelse io:format(
+ "Accept differs: ~p neq ~p~n", [OptsVals1,OptsVals]),
+ (Result2 = sets_eq(OptsVals2, OptsValsDefault))
+ orelse io:format(
+ "Connect differs: ~p neq ~p~n",
+ [OptsVals2,OptsValsDefault]),
+ %%
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(S2),
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(S1),
+ %%
+ %%
+ %% Clear RecvOpts on listen socket and set Option values
+ ok = inet:setopts(L, FalseRecvOpts ++ OptsVals),
+ {ok,FalseRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(L, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsVals} = inet:getopts(L, Opts),
+ %%
+ %% Set RecvOpts on connecting socket
+ %%
+ {ok,S4} =
+ gen_tcp:connect(
+ Address, P,
+ [Family,binary,{active,false},{send_timeout,Timeout}
+ |TrueRecvOpts],
+ Timeout),
+ {ok,TrueRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(S4, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsValsDefault} = inet:getopts(S4, Opts),
+ %%
+ %% Accept socket inherits the options from listen socket
+ {ok,S3} = gen_tcp:accept(L, Timeout),
+ {ok,FalseRecvOpts} = inet:getopts(S3, RecvOpts),
+ {ok,OptsVals} = inet:getopts(S3, Opts),
+ %%
+ %% Verify returned remote options
+ {ok,[{pktoptions,[]}]} = inet:getopts(S3, [pktoptions]),
+ {ok,[{pktoptions,OptsVals4}]} = inet:getopts(S4, [pktoptions]),
+ (Result3 = sets_eq(OptsVals4, OptsVals))
+ orelse io:format(
+ "Accept2 differs: ~p neq ~p~n", [OptsVals4,OptsVals]),
+ %%
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(S4),
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(S3),
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(L),
+ (Result1 and ((not CheckAccept) or (Result2 and Result3)))
+ orelse
+ exit({failed,
+ [{OptsVals1,OptsVals4,OptsVals},
+ {OptsVals2,OptsValsDefault}],
+ {OSType,OSVer}}),
+%% exit({{OSType,OSVer},success}), % In search for the truth
+ ok.
+sets_eq(L1, L2) ->
+ lists:sort(L1) == lists:sort(L2).
%% Accept test utilities (suites are below)
millis() ->