path: root/lib/kernel/test
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-10-04 18:16:38 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-10-04 18:16:38 +0200
commitb98a1e312db1393aa5dd9cdd2e1a5f3daaf954bf (patch)
tree0cc7cde49a8ae04b7eb0a6d690630f8f2f4a959f /lib/kernel/test
parent4e3f42da1dae7166faeb9f9e07adc40bc3b22d75 (diff)
[socket-nif|test] begin rework socket suite
Begin rework socket test suite using a command evaluator. OTP-14831
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 1fff17cf8c..70810f5f3d 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -71,6 +71,17 @@
%% -export([]).
+-type evaluator_state() :: term().
+-type command_fun() ::
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> ok) |
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> {ok, evaluator_state()}) |
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> {error, term()}).
+-type command() :: #{desc := string(),
+ cmd := command_fun()
+ }.
-define(BASIC_REQ, <<"hejsan">>).
@@ -178,7 +189,10 @@ api_b_open_and_close_udp4(doc) ->
api_b_open_and_close_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- ok = api_b_open_and_close(inet, dgram, udp),
+ State = #{domain => inet,
+ type => dgram,
+ protocol => udp},
+ ok = api_b_open_and_close(State),
@@ -192,34 +206,103 @@ api_b_open_and_close_tcp4(doc) ->
api_b_open_and_close_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- ok = api_b_open_and_close(inet, stream, tcp),
+ State = #{domain => inet,
+ type => stream,
+ protocol => tcp},
+ ok = api_b_open_and_close(State),
-api_b_open_and_close(Domain, Type, Proto) ->
- Socket = case socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of
- {ok, S} ->
- S;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({open, Reason})
- end,
- %% Domain is not available on all platforms:
- case socket:getopt(Socket, socket, domain) of
- {ok, Domain} ->
- ok;
- {error, einval} ->
- ok;
- Else ->
- ?FAIL({getopt, domain, Else})
- end,
- {ok, Type} = socket:getopt(Socket, socket, type),
- {ok, Proto} = socket:getopt(Socket, socket, protocol),
- Self = self(),
- {ok, Self} = socket:getopt(Socket, otp, controlling_process),
- ok = socket:close(Socket),
- ok.
+api_b_open_and_close(InitState) ->
+ Seq =
+ [
+ #{desc => "open",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain,
+ type := Type,
+ protocol := Protocol} = S) ->
+ Res = socket:open(Domain, Type, Protocol),
+ {ok, {S, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate open",
+ cmd => fun({S, {ok, Sock}}) ->
+ NewS = S#{socket => Sock},
+ {ok, NewS};
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end},
+ #{desc => "get domain (maybe)",
+ cmd => fun(#{socket := Sock} = S) ->
+ Res = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, domain),
+ {ok, {S, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate domain (maybe)",
+ cmd => fun({#{domain := Domain} = S, {ok, Domain}}) ->
+ {ok, S};
+ ({#{domain := ExpDomain}, {ok, Domain}}) ->
+ {error, {unexpected_domain, ExpDomain, Domain}};
+ %% Some platforms do not support this option
+ ({S, {error, einval}}) ->
+ {ok, S};
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end},
+ #{desc => "get type",
+ cmd => fun(#{socket := Sock} = State) ->
+ Res = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, type),
+ {ok, {State, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate type",
+ cmd => fun({#{type := Type} = State, {ok, Type}}) ->
+ {ok, State};
+ ({#{type := ExpType}, {ok, Type}}) ->
+ {error, {unexpected_type, ExpType, Type}};
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end},
+ #{desc => "get protocol",
+ cmd => fun(#{socket := Sock} = State) ->
+ Res = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, protocol),
+ {ok, {State, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate protocol",
+ cmd => fun({#{protocol := Protocol} = State, {ok, Protocol}}) ->
+ {ok, State};
+ ({#{protocol := ExpProtocol}, {ok, Protocol}}) ->
+ {error, {unexpected_type, ExpProtocol, Protocol}};
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end},
+ #{desc => "get controlling-process",
+ cmd => fun(#{socket := Sock} = State) ->
+ Res = socket:getopt(Sock, otp, controlling_process),
+ {ok, {State, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate controlling-process",
+ cmd => fun({State, {ok, Pid}}) ->
+ case self() of
+ Pid ->
+ {ok, State};
+ _ ->
+ {error, {unexpected_owner, Pid}}
+ end;
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{socket := Sock} = State) ->
+ Res = socket:close(Sock),
+ {ok, {State, Res}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate socket close",
+ cmd => fun({_, ok}) ->
+ {ok, normal};
+ ({_, {error, _} = ERROR}) ->
+ end}],
+ Evaluator = evaluator_start("tester", Seq, InitState),
+ ok = await_evaluator_finish([Evaluator]).
@@ -1232,6 +1315,97 @@ which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
+%% An evaluator is a process that executes a command sequence.
+%% A test case will consist of atleast one evaluator (one for
+%% each actor).
+%% The evaluator process *always* run locally. Which means that
+%% it will act as a "proxy" for remote nodes in necessary.
+%% When the command sequence has been processed, the final state
+%% will be used as exit reason.
+%% A successful command shall evaluate to ok | {ok, NewState}
+-spec evaluator_start(Name, Seq, Init) -> {Pid, MRef} when
+ Name :: string(),
+ Seq :: [command()],
+ Init :: evaluator_state(),
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ MRef :: reference().
+evaluator_start(Name, Seq, Init)
+ when is_list(Name) andalso is_list(Seq) andalso (Seq =/= []) ->
+ erlang:spawn_monitor(fun() -> evaluator_init(Name, Seq, Init) end).
+evaluator_init(Name, Seq, Init) ->
+ put(sname, Name),
+ evaluator_loop(1, Seq, Init).
+evaluator_loop(_ID, [], FinalState) ->
+ exit(FinalState);
+evaluator_loop(ID, [#{desc := Desc,
+ cmd := Cmd}|Cmds], State) when is_function(Cmd, 1) ->
+ ei("evaluate command ~2w: ~s", [ID, Desc]),
+ try Cmd(State) of
+ ok ->
+ evaluator_loop(ID + 1, Cmds, State);
+ {ok, NewState} ->
+ evaluator_loop(ID + 1, Cmds, NewState);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ee("command ~w failed: "
+ "~n Reason: ~p", [ID, Reason]),
+ exit({command_failed, ID, Reason, State})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ee("command ~w crashed: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Call Stack: ~p", [ID, C, E, S]),
+ exit({command_crashed, ID, {C,E,S}, State})
+ end.
+await_evaluator_finish(Evs) ->
+ await_evaluator_finish(Evs, []).
+await_evaluator_finish([], []) ->
+ ok;
+await_evaluator_finish([], Fails) ->
+ Fails;
+await_evaluator_finish(Evs, Fails) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, normal} ->
+ case lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Evs) of
+ Evs ->
+ p("unknown process ~p died (normal)", [Pid]),
+ await_evaluator_finish(Evs, Fails);
+ NewEvs ->
+ p("evaluator ~p success", [Pid]),
+ await_evaluator_finish(NewEvs, Fails)
+ end;
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ case lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Evs) of
+ Evs ->
+ p("unknown process ~p died: "
+ "~n ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
+ await_evaluator_finish(Evs, Fails);
+ NewEvs ->
+ p("Evaluator ~p failed", [Pid]),
+ await_evaluator_finish(NewEvs, [{Pid, Reason}|Fails])
+ end
+ end.
+ei(F, A) ->
+ eprint("", F, A).
+ee(F, A) ->
+ eprint("<ERROR> ", F, A).
+eprint(Prefix, F, A) ->
+ io:format(user, "[~s][~p] ~s" ++ F ++ "~n", [get(sname), self(), Prefix | A]).
sock_open(Domain, Type, Proto) ->
try socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of
{ok, Socket} ->