path: root/lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl
diff options
authorLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2016-09-30 09:20:58 +0200
committerLars Thorsen <[email protected]>2016-12-05 12:20:53 +0100
commit1057ad126a89c5823f40e30763a6b1dab3388200 (patch)
tree240a447d17b967e28975b8d15ddb976b261ab444 /lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl
parent3271a4eed63efe6d218fb57e564914c82cae97a1 (diff)
[megaco] Use the test_server app and appup tests
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl
index 346a123c66..981d93f5dd 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_app_test.erl
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the Megaco application
@@ -26,296 +24,26 @@
-t() -> megaco_test_lib:t(?MODULE).
-t(Case) -> megaco_test_lib:t({?MODULE, Case}).
-%% Test server callbacks
-init_per_testcase(undef_funcs = Case, Config) ->
- NewConfig = [{tc_timeout, ?MINUTES(10)} | Config],
- megaco_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, NewConfig);
-init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
- megaco_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, Config).
-end_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
- megaco_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config).
+%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
all() ->
- fields,
- modules,
- exportall,
- app_depend,
- undef_funcs
+ app,
+ appup
-groups() ->
- [].
-init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-init_per_suite(suite) -> [];
-init_per_suite(doc) -> [];
-init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- case is_app(megaco) of
- {ok, AppFile} ->
- io:format("AppFile: ~n~p~n", [AppFile]),
- case megaco_flex_scanner:is_enabled() of
- true ->
- case megaco_flex_scanner:is_reentrant_enabled() of
- true ->
- io:format("~nMegaco reentrant flex scanner enabled~n~n", []);
- false ->
- io:format("~nMegaco non-reentrant flex scanner enabled~n~n", [])
- end;
- false ->
- io:format("~nMegaco flex scanner disabled~n~n", [])
- end,
- megaco:print_version_info(),
- [{app_file, AppFile}|Config];
- {error, Reason} ->
- fail(Reason)
- end.
-is_app(App) ->
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- File = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"]),
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, [{application, App, AppFile}]} ->
- {ok, AppFile};
- {error, {LineNo, Mod, Code}} ->
- IoList = lists:concat([File, ":", LineNo, ": ",
- Mod:format_error(Code)]),
- {error, list_to_atom(lists:flatten(IoList))};
- Error ->
- {error, {invalid_format, Error}}
- end.
-end_per_suite(suite) -> [];
-end_per_suite(doc) -> [];
-end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Config.
-fields(suite) ->
- [];
-fields(doc) ->
- [];
-fields(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Fields = [vsn, description, modules, registered, applications],
- case check_fields(Fields, AppFile, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Missing ->
- fail({missing_fields, Missing})
- end.
-check_fields([], _AppFile, Missing) ->
- Missing;
-check_fields([Field|Fields], AppFile, Missing) ->
- check_fields(Fields, AppFile, check_field(Field, AppFile, Missing)).
-check_field(Name, AppFile, Missing) ->
- io:format("checking field: ~p~n", [Name]),
- case lists:keymember(Name, 1, AppFile) of
- true ->
- Missing;
- false ->
- [Name|Missing]
- end.
-modules(suite) ->
- [];
-modules(doc) ->
- [];
-modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- EbinList = get_ebin_mods(megaco),
- case missing_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Missing ->
- throw({error, {missing_modules, Missing}})
- end,
- case extra_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Extra ->
- throw({error, {extra_modules, Extra}})
- end,
- {ok, Mods}.
-get_ebin_mods(App) ->
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
- {ok, Files0} = file:list_dir(EbinDir),
- Files1 = [lists:reverse(File) || File <- Files0],
- [list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Name)) || [$m,$a,$e,$b,$.|Name] <- Files1].
-missing_modules([], _Ebins, Missing) ->
- Missing;
-missing_modules([Mod|Mods], Ebins, Missing) ->
- case lists:member(Mod, Ebins) of
- true ->
- missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, Missing);
- false ->
- io:format("missing module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
- missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Missing])
- end.
-extra_modules(_Mods, [], Extra) ->
- Extra;
-extra_modules(Mods, [Mod|Ebins], Extra) ->
- case lists:member(Mod, Mods) of
- true ->
- extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, Extra);
- false ->
- io:format("supefluous module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
- extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Extra])
- end.
-exportall(suite) ->
- [];
-exportall(doc) ->
- [];
-exportall(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- check_export_all(Mods).
-check_export_all([]) ->
- ok;
-check_export_all([Mod|Mods]) ->
- case (catch apply(Mod, module_info, [compile])) of
- {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
- check_export_all(Mods);
- O ->
- case lists:keysearch(options, 1, O) of
- false ->
- check_export_all(Mods);
- {value, {options, List}} ->
- case lists:member(export_all, List) of
- true ->
- throw({error, {export_all, Mod}});
- false ->
- check_export_all(Mods)
- end
- end
- end.
-app_depend(suite) ->
- [];
-app_depend(doc) ->
- [];
-app_depend(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Apps = key1search(applications, AppFile),
- check_apps(Apps).
-check_apps([]) ->
- ok;
-check_apps([App|Apps]) ->
- case is_app(App) of
- {ok, _} ->
- check_apps(Apps);
- Error ->
- throw({error, {missing_app, {App, Error}}})
- end.
-undef_funcs(suite) ->
- [];
-undef_funcs(doc) ->
- [];
-undef_funcs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- App = megaco,
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- Root = code:root_dir(),
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
- XRefTestName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_test_name),
- {ok, XRef} = xref:start(XRefTestName),
- ok = xref:set_default(XRef,
- [{verbose,false},{warnings,false}]),
- XRefName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_name),
- {ok, XRefName} = xref:add_release(XRef, Root, {name,XRefName}),
- {ok, App} = xref:replace_application(XRef, App, EbinDir),
- {ok, Undefs} = xref:analyze(XRef, undefined_function_calls),
- xref:stop(XRef),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, Mods, []).
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, []) ->
- ok;
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, AppUndefs) ->
- exit({suite_failed, {undefined_function_calls, AppUndefs}});
-analyze_undefined_function_calls([{{Mod, _F, _A}, _C} = AppUndef|Undefs],
- AppModules, AppUndefs) ->
- %% Check that this module is our's
- case lists:member(Mod,AppModules) of
- true ->
- {Calling,Called} = AppUndef,
- {Mod1,Func1,Ar1} = Calling,
- {Mod2,Func2,Ar2} = Called,
- io:format("undefined function call: "
- "~n ~w:~w/~w calls ~w:~w/~w~n",
- [Mod1,Func1,Ar1,Mod2,Func2,Ar2]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules,
- [AppUndef|AppUndefs]);
- false ->
- io:format("dropping ~p~n", [Mod]),
- analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules, AppUndefs)
- end.
-%% This function is used simply to avoid cut-and-paste errors later...
-undef_funcs_make_name(App, PostFix) ->
- list_to_atom(atom_to_list(App) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(PostFix)).
-fail(Reason) ->
- exit({suite_failed, Reason}).
-key1search(Key, L) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, L) of
- undefined ->
- fail({not_found, Key, L});
- {value, {Key, Value}} ->
- Value
- end.
+%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
+app() ->
+ [{doc, "Test that the megaco app file is ok"}].
+app(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok = test_server:app_test(megaco).
+appup() ->
+ [{doc, "Test that the megaco appup file is ok"}].
+appup(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok = test_server:appup_test(megaco).