path: root/lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2013-04-17 12:55:57 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2013-04-17 12:55:57 +0200
commitf3262e19759cebd3a602ef3124c01cbca4683ad8 (patch)
treee89490467f4ad76c4083781df62a4b7fd269ee44 /lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl
parent817843f31e613ca1648965d360229cdf56c88787 (diff)
[megaco] Misc codec tickets test case fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl
index 3a548c4d9e..5ecfe5aa5e 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_codec_v1_test.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -420,20 +420,9 @@ decode_text_messages(Codec, Config, [Msg|Msgs], Acc) ->
%% ----
-expand(RootCase) ->
- expand([RootCase], []).
-expand([], Acc) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc));
-expand([Case|Cases], Acc) ->
- case (catch apply(?MODULE,Case,[suite])) of
- [] ->
- expand(Cases, [Case|Acc]);
- C when is_list(C) ->
- expand(Cases, [expand(C, [])|Acc]);
- _ ->
- expand(Cases, [Case|Acc])
- end.
+tickets() ->
+ %% io:format("~w:tickets -> entry~n", [?MODULE]),
+ megaco_test_lib:tickets(?MODULE).
%% ----
@@ -602,61 +591,56 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
flex_pretty_cases() ->
- [flex_pretty_test_msgs].
+ [
+ flex_pretty_test_msgs
+ ].
flex_compact_cases() ->
- [flex_compact_test_msgs, flex_compact_dm_timers1,
- flex_compact_dm_timers2, flex_compact_dm_timers3,
- flex_compact_dm_timers4, flex_compact_dm_timers5,
- flex_compact_dm_timers6].
-%% Support for per_bin was added to ASN.1 as of version
-%% 1.3.2 (R8). And later merged into (R7). These
-%% releases are identical (as far as I know).
+ [
+ flex_compact_test_msgs,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers1,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers2,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers3,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers4,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers5,
+ flex_compact_dm_timers6
+ ].
flex_compact_tickets_cases() ->
- [flex_compact_otp7431_msg01a,
- flex_compact_otp7431_msg01b, flex_compact_otp7431_msg02,
- flex_compact_otp7431_msg03, flex_compact_otp7431_msg04,
- flex_compact_otp7431_msg05, flex_compact_otp7431_msg06,
- flex_compact_otp7431_msg07].
+ [
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg01a,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg01b,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg02,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg03,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg04,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg05,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg06,
+ flex_compact_otp7431_msg07
+ ].
flex_pretty_tickets_cases() ->
- [flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1,
- flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3,
- flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5,
- flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7,
- flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2,
- flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01,
- flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02,
- flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04,
- flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06,
- flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07].
-%% ----
+ [
+ flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6,
+ flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7,
+ flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1,
+ flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2,
+ flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1,
+ flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06,
+ flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07
+ ].
-tickets() ->
- Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Cases = expand(tickets),
- Fun = fun(Case) ->
- C = init_per_testcase(Case, [{tc_timeout,
- timer:minutes(10)}]),
- io:format("Eval ~w~n", [Case]),
- Result =
- case (catch apply(?MODULE, Case, [C])) of
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- io:format("~n~p exited:~n ~p~n",
- [Case, Reason]),
- {error, {Case, Reason}};
- Res ->
- Res
- end,
- end_per_testcase(Case, C),
- Result
- end,
- process_flag(trap_exit, Flag),
- lists:map(Fun, Cases).