path: root/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2013-10-16 16:53:53 +0200
committerDan Gudmundsson <dgud@erlang.org>2014-01-27 16:13:47 +0100
commit41380c0ff6c4fb56aad5702b9d9554ae36580063 (patch)
tree5c16ed3916a700b5f0176d8a33d2ffa28e65c911 /lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl
parent549205db3dee21e83a64a01f03b1e8ed2225b276 (diff)
observer: improve wx version of crashdump_viewer
* bugfixes * better progress dialogs * show expanded binaries in different formats * speed up reading of big crashdumps
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl
index 1320afce28..11f83c79a2 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_wx.erl
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ col_spec() ->
[{"Pid", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, 120},
{"Name or Initial Func", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 250},
{"State", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100},
- {"Reds", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
- {"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
- {"MsgQ", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100}].
+ {"Reds", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"MsgQ", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50}].
get_info(_) ->
{ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:processes(),
@@ -63,8 +63,13 @@ get_detail_cols(_) ->
get_details(Id) ->
case crashdump_viewer:proc_details(Id) of
{ok,Info,TW} ->
- Proplist =
+ %% The following table is used by crashdump_viewer_html
+ %% for storing expanded terms and it is read by
+ %% cdv_html_page when a link to an expandable term is clicked.
+ Tab = ets:new(cdv_expand,[set,public]),
+ Proplist0 =
+ Proplist = [{expand_table,Tab}|Proplist0],
Title = io_lib:format("~s (~p)",[Info#proc.name, Id]),
{error,{other_node,NodeId}} ->
@@ -78,42 +83,38 @@ get_details(Id) ->
detail_pages() ->
- [{simple, "General Information", fun init_gen_page/3},
- {simple, "Messages", fun init_message_page/3},
- {simple, "Dictionary", fun init_dict_page/3},
- {simple, "Stack Dump", fun init_stack_page/3},
- {list, "ETS tables", fun init_ets_page/3},
- {list, "Timers", fun init_timer_page/3}].
-init_gen_page(Parent, _Pid, Info) ->
+ [{"General Information", fun init_gen_page/2},
+ {"Messages", fun init_message_page/2},
+ {"Dictionary", fun init_dict_page/2},
+ {"Stack Dump", fun init_stack_page/2},
+ {"ETS tables", fun init_ets_page/2},
+ {"Timers", fun init_timer_page/2}].
+init_gen_page(Parent, Info) ->
Fields = info_fields(),
- cdv_detail_win:init_detail_page(Parent, Fields, Info).
-init_message_page(Parent, Pid, _Info) ->
- init_memory_page(Parent, Pid, "MsgQueue").
-init_dict_page(Parent, Pid, _Info) ->
- init_memory_page(Parent, Pid, "Dictionary").
-init_stack_page(Parent, Pid, _Info) ->
- init_memory_page(Parent, Pid, "StackDump").
-init_memory_page(Parent, Pid, What) ->
- Win = observer_lib:html_window(Parent),
- Html =
- case crashdump_viewer:expand_memory(Pid,What) of
- {ok,Memory} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:expanded_memory(What,Memory);
- {error,Reason} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:warning(Reason)
- end,
- wxHtmlWindow:setPage(Win,Html),
- Win.
-init_ets_page(Parent, Pid, _Info) ->
+ cdv_info_page:start_link(Parent,{Fields,Info,[]}).
+init_message_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, msg_q, "MsgQueue").
+init_dict_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, dict, "Dictionary").
+init_stack_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, stack_dump, "StackDump").
+init_memory_page(Parent, Info0, Tag, Heading) ->
+ Info = proplists:get_value(Tag,Info0),
+ Tab = proplists:get_value(expand_table,Info0),
+ Html = crashdump_viewer_html:expandable_term(Heading,Info,Tab),
+ cdv_html_page:start_link(Parent,{expand,Html,Tab}).
+init_ets_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Pid = proplists:get_value(pid,Info),
cdv_virtual_list:start_link(Parent, cdv_ets_wx, Pid).
-init_timer_page(Parent, Pid, _Info) ->
+init_timer_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Pid = proplists:get_value(pid,Info),
cdv_virtual_list:start_link(Parent, cdv_timer_wx, Pid).