path: root/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2016-02-23 13:58:01 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2016-02-23 13:58:01 +0100
commit1f1d0b942b950a5a2bec67a3110c85721db9cb5c (patch)
tree8ff66bf4f177e2021cb47045db2ac2ae19a6e558 /lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
parent4b0f9ff929a067153809a921870f7c268dca2654 (diff)
parentbde2d01506a6368b4d3667d0102c189832563654 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/observer/perf-freq'
* dgud/observer/perf-freq: observer: Optimize drawing of graphs observer: Make it possible to change the graphs Xaxis and update freq
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
index 8d5c8a9037..d37623d1cc 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
@@ -30,19 +30,23 @@
- offset = 0.0,
+ time = #ti{},
active = false,
- windows,
- data = {0, queue:new()},
+ wins,
+ mem,
+ samples,
--define(ALLOC_W, 1).
--define(UTIL_W, 2).
+-define(ID_REFRESH_INTERVAL, 102).
+ [make_win/4, setup_graph_drawing/1, refresh_panel/4, interval_dialog/2,
+ add_data/5, precalc/4]).
start_link(Notebook, Parent) ->
wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, Parent], []).
@@ -51,34 +55,44 @@ init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook),
Main = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
- Carrier = wxPanel:new(Panel, [{winid, ?ALLOC_W}, {style,Style}]),
- Utilz = wxPanel:new(Panel, [{winid, ?UTIL_W}, {style,Style}]),
BorderFlags = ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT,
- wxSizer:add(Main, Carrier, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP},
- {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
- wxSizer:add(Main, Utilz, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags},
- {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
+ Carrier = make_win(alloc, Panel, Main, BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP),
+ Utilz = make_win(utilz, Panel, Main, BorderFlags),
MemWin = {MemPanel,_} = create_mem_info(Panel),
wxSizer:add(Main, MemPanel, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxBOTTOM},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Main),
- PaintInfo = observer_perf_wx:setup_graph_drawing([Carrier, Utilz]),
- {Panel, #state{parent=Parent,
- panel =Panel,
- windows = {Carrier, Utilz, MemWin},
- paint=PaintInfo}
+ Windows = [Carrier, Utilz],
+ PaintInfo = setup_graph_drawing(Windows),
+ {Panel, #state{parent= Parent,
+ panel = Panel,
+ wins = Windows,
+ mem = MemWin,
+ paint = PaintInfo,
+ time = setup_time()
+ }
catch _:Err ->
io:format("~p crashed ~p: ~p~n",[?MODULE, Err, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
{stop, Err}
+setup_time() ->
+ Freq = 1,
+ #ti{fetch=Freq, disp=?DISP_FREQ/Freq}.
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_REFRESH_INTERVAL, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ #state{panel=Panel, appmon=Old, wins=Wins0, time=#ti{fetch=F0} = Ti0} = State) ->
+ case interval_dialog(Panel, Ti0) of
+ Ti0 -> {noreply, State};
+ #ti{fetch=F0} = Ti -> %% Same fetch interval force refresh
+ Wins = [W#win{max=undefined} || W <- Wins0],
+ {noreply, precalc(State#state{time=Ti, wins=Wins})};
+ Ti -> %% Changed fetch interval, drop all data
+ {noreply, restart_fetcher(Old, State#state{time=Ti})}
+ end;
State = #state{}) ->
{noreply, State};
@@ -88,13 +102,11 @@ handle_event(Event, _State) ->
handle_sync_event(#wx{obj=Panel, event = #wxPaint{}},_,
- #state{active=Active, offset=Offset, paint=Paint,
- windows=Windows, data=Data}) ->
+ #state{active=Active, time=Ti, paint=Paint,
+ wins = Windows}) ->
%% Sigh workaround bug on MacOSX (Id in paint event is always 0)
- Id = if Panel =:= element(?ALLOC_W, Windows) -> alloc;
- Panel =:= element(?UTIL_W, Windows) -> utilz
- end,
- observer_perf_wx:refresh_panel(Panel, Id, Offset, Data, Active, Paint),
+ Win = lists:keyfind(Panel, #win.panel, Windows),
+ refresh_panel(Active, Win, Ti, Paint),
handle_call(Event, From, _State) ->
@@ -107,24 +119,37 @@ handle_cast(Event, _State) ->
handle_info({Key, {promise_reply, {badrpc, _}}}, #state{async=Key} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{active=false, appmon=undefined}};
-handle_info({Key, {promise_reply, SysInfo}}, #state{async=Key, data=Data} = State) ->
+handle_info({Key, {promise_reply, SysInfo}},
+ #state{async=Key, panel=Panel, samples=Data, active=Active, wins=Wins0,
+ time=#ti{tick=Tick, disp=Disp0}=Ti} = S0) ->
+ Disp = trunc(Disp0),
+ Next = max(Tick - Disp, 0),
+ erlang:send_after(1000 div ?DISP_FREQ, self(), {refresh, Next}),
Info = alloc_info(SysInfo),
- update_alloc(State, Info),
- {noreply, State#state{offset=0.0, data = add_data(Info, Data), async=undefined}};
+ {Wins, Samples} = add_data(Info, Data, Wins0, Ti, Active),
+ S1 = S0#state{time=Ti#ti{tick=Next}, wins=Wins, samples=Samples, async=undefined},
+ if Active ->
+ update_alloc(S0, Info),
+ State = precalc(S1),
+ catch wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
+ {noreply, State};
+ true ->
+ {noreply, S1}
+ end;
-handle_info({refresh, Seq, Freq, Node}, #state{panel=Panel, appmon=Node, async=Key} = State) ->
- wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
+handle_info({refresh, Seq},
+ State = #state{panel=Panel, appmon=Node, time=#ti{tick=Seq, disp=DispF}=Ti})
+ when (Seq+1) < (DispF*1.5) ->
Next = Seq+1,
- if
- Next > Freq, Key =:= undefined ->
- erlang:send_after(trunc(1000 / Freq), self(), {refresh, 1, Freq, Node}),
+ State#state.active andalso (catch wxWindow:refresh(Panel)),
+ erlang:send_after(1000 div ?DISP_FREQ, self(), {refresh, Next}),
+ if Seq =:= (trunc(DispF)-1) ->
Req = rpc:async_call(Node, observer_backend, sys_info, []),
- {noreply, State#state{offset=Seq/Freq, async=Req}};
+ {noreply, State#state{time=Ti#ti{tick=Next}, async=Req}};
true ->
- erlang:send_after(trunc(1000 / Freq), self(), {refresh, Next, Freq, Node}),
- {noreply, State#state{offset=Seq/Freq}}
+ {noreply, State#state{time=Ti#ti{tick=Next}}}
-handle_info({refresh, _Seq, _Freq, _Node}, State) ->
+handle_info({refresh, _S}, #state{}=State) ->
{noreply, State};
handle_info({active, Node}, State = #state{parent=Parent, panel=Panel, appmon=Old}) ->
@@ -132,15 +157,9 @@ handle_info({active, Node}, State = #state{parent=Parent, panel=Panel, appmon=Ol
Node = Old,
- {noreply, State#state{active=true}}
+ {noreply, precalc(State#state{active=true})}
catch _:_ ->
- SysInfo = observer_wx:try_rpc(Node, observer_backend, sys_info, []),
- Info = alloc_info(SysInfo),
- Freq = 6,
- erlang:send_after(trunc(1000 / Freq), self(), {refresh, 1, Freq, Node}),
- wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
- {noreply, State#state{active=true, appmon=Node, offset=0.0,
- data = add_data(Info, {0, queue:new()})}}
+ {noreply, restart_fetcher(Node, State)}
handle_info(not_active, State = #state{appmon=_Pid}) ->
@@ -160,12 +179,21 @@ code_change(_, _, State) ->
-add_data(Stats, {N, Q}) when N > 60 ->
- {N, queue:drop(queue:in(Stats, Q))};
-add_data(Stats, {N, Q}) ->
- {N+1, queue:in(Stats, Q)}.
+restart_fetcher(Node, #state{panel=Panel, wins=Wins0, time=Ti} = State) ->
+ SysInfo = observer_wx:try_rpc(Node, observer_backend, sys_info, []),
+ Info = alloc_info(SysInfo),
+ {Wins, Samples} = add_data(Info, {0, queue:new()}, Wins0, Ti, true),
+ erlang:send_after(1000 div ?DISP_FREQ, self(), {refresh, 0}),
+ wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
+ precalc(State#state{active=true, appmon=Node, time=Ti#ti{tick=0},
+ wins=Wins, samples=Samples}).
+precalc(#state{samples=Data0, paint=Paint, time=Ti, wins=Wins0}=State) ->
+ Wins = [precalc(Ti, Data0, Paint, Win) || Win <- Wins0],
+ State#state{wins=Wins}.
-update_alloc(#state{windows={_, _, {_, Grid}}}, Fields) ->
+update_alloc(#state{mem={_, Grid}}, Fields) ->
Max = wxListCtrl:getItemCount(Grid),
Update = fun({Name, BS, CS}, Row) ->
(Row >= Max) andalso wxListCtrl:insertItem(Grid, Row, ""),
@@ -174,7 +202,7 @@ update_alloc(#state{windows={_, _, {_, Grid}}}, Fields) ->
wxListCtrl:setItem(Grid, Row, 2, observer_lib:to_str(CS div 1024)),
Row + 1
- lists:foldl(Update, 0, Fields),
+ wx:foldl(Update, 0, Fields),
alloc_info(SysInfo) ->
@@ -247,11 +275,7 @@ create_mem_info(Parent) ->
create_menus(Parent, _) ->
- MenuEntries =
- [{"File",
- [
- ]}
- ],
- observer_wx:create_menus(Parent, MenuEntries).
+ View = {"View", [#create_menu{id = ?ID_REFRESH_INTERVAL, text = "Graph Settings"}]},
+ observer_wx:create_menus(Parent, [{"File", []}, View]).