path: root/lib/observer/src
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2014-01-28 15:48:11 +0100
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2014-01-28 15:48:11 +0100
commitf65764907faba7ea6ca1a6bb266b6c6612e06b7b (patch)
treef228f7ae616ee86fb4f0ff5a7d6643f608fde471 /lib/observer/src
parent10dcd146040728fab222fe325dde9328ab506d15 (diff)
parenta0d7557b1f84e71f79af5f2d32caf2ce994adb4e (diff)
Merge branch 'siri/wx-cdv/OTP-11179'
* siri/wx-cdv/OTP-11179: observer: cosmetic gui tweaks observer: Fix progress dialog creation observer: renamed crashdump_viewer files and fixed makefiles observer: improve wx version of crashdump_viewer observer: Use crashdump_viewer's term viewer to display large terms and binaries observer: Fix memory and scheduler info and handle missing fields observer: Optimize row lookups observer: improve wx version of crashdump_viewer observer: Consolidate the view of process information observer: add wx version of crashdump_viewer
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/observer/src')
36 files changed, 4719 insertions, 3090 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/Makefile b/lib/observer/src/Makefile
index 646892663f..c120865213 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/observer/src/Makefile
@@ -36,14 +36,33 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/observer-$(VSN)
crashdump_viewer \
- crashdump_viewer_html \
+ cdv_atom_cb \
+ cdv_bin_cb \
+ cdv_detail_wx \
+ cdv_dist_cb \
+ cdv_ets_cb \
+ cdv_fun_cb \
+ cdv_gen_cb \
+ cdv_html_wx \
+ cdv_info_wx \
+ cdv_int_tab_cb \
+ cdv_mem_cb \
+ cdv_mod_cb \
+ cdv_multi_wx \
+ cdv_port_cb \
+ cdv_proc_cb \
+ cdv_table_wx \
+ cdv_term_cb \
+ cdv_timer_cb \
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx \
+ cdv_wx \
etop \
etop_tr \
etop_txt \
observer \
observer_app_wx \
+ observer_html_lib \
observer_lib \
- observer_wx \
observer_perf_wx \
observer_pro_wx \
observer_procinfo \
@@ -52,6 +71,7 @@ MODULES= \
observer_traceoptions_wx \
observer_tv_table \
observer_tv_wx \
+ observer_wx \
ttb \
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_atom_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_atom_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46fce81b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_atom_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ format/1]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(COL_ATOM, ?COL_ID+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
+col_to_elem(Id) -> Id+1.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Creation order", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTER, 100},
+ {"Atom", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:atoms(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+format({Bin,q}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ [$'|binary_to_list(Bin)];
+format({Bin,nq}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts",[Bin]));
+format(D) ->
+ D.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_bin_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_bin_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0266047ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_bin_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ detail_pages/0]).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details({_, {T,Key}}) ->
+ [{Key,Term}] = ets:lookup(T,Key),
+ {ok,{"Expanded Binary", Term, []}};
+get_details({cdv, Id}) ->
+ {ok,Bin} = crashdump_viewer:expand_binary(Id),
+ {ok,{"Expanded Binary", Bin, []}}.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"Binary", fun init_bin_page/2}].
+init_bin_page(Parent,Bin) ->
+ cdv_multi_wx:start_link(
+ Parent,
+ [{"Format \~p",cdv_html_wx,format_bin_fun("~p",Bin)},
+ {"Format \~tp",cdv_html_wx,format_bin_fun("~tp",Bin)},
+ {"Format \~w",cdv_html_wx,format_bin_fun("~w",Bin)},
+ {"Format \~s",cdv_html_wx,format_bin_fun("~s",Bin)},
+ {"Format \~ts",cdv_html_wx,format_bin_fun("~ts",Bin)},
+ {"Hex",cdv_html_wx,hex_binary_fun(Bin)},
+ {"Term",cdv_html_wx,binary_to_term_fun(Bin)}]).
+format_bin_fun(Format,Bin) ->
+ fun() ->
+ try io_lib:format(Format,[Bin]) of
+ Str -> plain_html(lists:flatten(Str))
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ Warning = "This binary can not be formatted with " ++ Format,
+ observer_html_lib:warning(Warning)
+ end
+ end.
+binary_to_term_fun(Bin) ->
+ fun() ->
+ try binary_to_term(Bin) of
+ Term -> plain_html(io_lib:format("~p",[Term]))
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ Warning = "This binary can not be coverted to an Erlang term",
+ observer_html_lib:warning(Warning)
+ end
+ end.
+hex_binary_fun(Bin) ->
+ fun() ->
+ S = "<<" ++ format_hex(Bin,?line_break) ++ ">>",
+ plain_html(io_lib:format("~s",[S]))
+ end.
+format_hex(<<B1:4,B2:4>>,_) ->
+ [integer_to_list(B1,16),integer_to_list(B2,16)];
+format_hex(<<B1:4,B2:4,Bin/binary>>,0) ->
+ [integer_to_list(B1,16),integer_to_list(B2,16),$,,$\n,$\s,$\s
+ | format_hex(Bin,?line_break)];
+format_hex(<<B1:4,B2:4,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
+ [integer_to_list(B1,16),integer_to_list(B2,16),$,
+ | format_hex(Bin,N-1)].
+plain_html(Text) ->
+ observer_html_lib:plain_page(Text).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_detail_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_detail_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc93507a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_detail_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([init/1, handle_event/2, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3,
+ handle_call/3, handle_info/2]).
+-record(state, {parent,
+ frame,
+ id,
+ pages=[]
+ }).
+%% Defines
+-define(ID_NOTEBOOK, 604).
+%% Detail view
+start_link(Id, ParentFrame, Callback) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Id, ParentFrame, Callback, self()], []).
+init([Id, ParentFrame, Callback, Parent]) ->
+ case Callback:get_details(Id) of
+ {ok,Details} ->
+ init(Id,ParentFrame,Callback,Parent,Details);
+ {yes_no, Info, Fun} ->
+ case observer_lib:display_yes_no_dialog(Info) of
+ ?wxID_YES -> Fun();
+ ?wxID_NO -> ok
+ end,
+ {stop,normal};
+ {info,Info} ->
+ observer_lib:display_info_dialog(Info),
+ {stop,normal}
+ end.
+init(Id,ParentFrame,Callback,Parent,{Title,Info,TW}) ->
+ Frame=wxFrame:new(ParentFrame, ?wxID_ANY, [Title],
+ [{style, ?wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE}, {size, {850,600}}]),
+ MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(),
+ create_menus(MenuBar),
+ wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar),
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []),
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ {InfoPanel,Pages} = create_pages(Panel,Callback:detail_pages(),[Info]),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, InfoPanel, [{proportion, 1}, {flag, ?wxEXPAND}]),
+ case TW of
+ [] ->
+ undefined;
+ _ ->
+ StatusBar = observer_lib:create_status_bar(Panel),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, StatusBar, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {proportion, 0},
+ {border,4}]),
+ wxTextCtrl:writeText(StatusBar, TW),
+ StatusBar
+ end,
+ wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
+ wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window),
+ wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected),
+ wxFrame:show(Frame),
+ {Frame, #state{parent=Parent,
+ id=Id,
+ frame=Frame,
+ pages=Pages
+ }}.
+create_pages(Panel,[{_PageTitle,Fun}],FunArgs) ->
+ %% Only one page - don't create notebook
+ Page = init_panel(Panel, Fun, FunArgs),
+ {Page,[Page]};
+create_pages(Panel,PageSpecs,FunArgs) ->
+ Notebook = wxNotebook:new(Panel, ?ID_NOTEBOOK, [{style, ?wxBK_DEFAULT}]),
+ Pages = [init_tab(Notebook, PageTitle, Fun, FunArgs)
+ || {PageTitle,Fun} <- PageSpecs],
+ {Notebook, Pages}.
+init_tab(Notebook,Title,Fun,FunArgs) ->
+ Panel = init_panel(Notebook,Fun,FunArgs),
+ true = wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Panel, Title),
+ Panel.
+init_panel(ParentWin, Fun, FunArgs) ->
+ Panel = wxScrolledWindow:new(ParentWin),
+ wxScrolledWindow:enableScrolling(Panel,true,true),
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(Panel,1,1,0,0),
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ Window = apply(Fun, [Panel | FunArgs]),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, Window, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {proportion, 1},
+ {border, 5}]),
+ wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
+ Panel.
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxClose{type=close_window}}, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?wxID_CLOSE, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_event(Event, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_event, Event}).
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ %% io:format("~p: ~p, Handle info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, _Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_call(Call, From, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_call, Call, From}).
+handle_cast(Cast, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_cast, Cast}).
+terminate(_Reason, #state{parent=Parent,id=Id,frame=Frame}) ->
+ wx_object:cast(Parent,{detail_win_closed, Id}),
+ case Frame of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ -> wxFrame:destroy(Frame)
+ end,
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+create_menus(MenuBar) ->
+ Menus = [{"File", [#create_menu{id=?wxID_CLOSE, text="Close"}]}],
+ observer_lib:create_menus(Menus, MenuBar, new_window).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_dist_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_dist_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3860324d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_dist_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1,
+ get_details/1,
+ detail_pages/0]).
+%% Columns
+-define(COL_NAME, 0).
+-define(COL_TYPE, ?COL_NAME+1).
+-define(COL_CTRL, ?COL_TYPE+1).
+-define(COL_CH, ?COL_CTRL+1).
+-define(COL_CRE, ?COL_CH+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_CH);
+col_to_elem(?COL_NAME) -> #nod.name;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CH) -> #nod.channel;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CTRL) -> #nod.controller;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CRE) -> #nod.creation;
+col_to_elem(?COL_TYPE) -> #nod.conn_type.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 300},
+ {"Connection type", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 130},
+ {"Controller", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 130},
+ {"Channel", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Creation", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:dist_info(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[?COL_CH,?COL_CTRL],true}.
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details(Id) ->
+ case crashdump_viewer:node_info(Id) of
+ {ok,Info,TW} ->
+ Proplist = crashdump_viewer:to_proplist(record_info(fields,nod),Info),
+ Title = io_lib:format("~s (~s)",[Info#nod.name,Id]),
+ {ok,{Title,Proplist,TW}};
+ {error,not_found} ->
+ Info = "The node you are searching for could not be found.",
+ {info,Info}
+ end.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"General Information", fun init_gen_page/2}].
+init_gen_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Fields = info_fields(),
+ cdv_info_wx:start_link(Parent,{Fields,Info,[]}).
+%%% Internal
+info_fields() ->
+ [{"Overview",
+ [{"Name", name},
+ {"Type", conn_type},
+ {"Channel", channel},
+ {"Controller", {click,controller}},
+ {"Creation", creation},
+ {"Extra Info", error}]},
+ {scroll_boxes,
+ [{"Remote Links",1,{click,remote_links}},
+ {"Remote Monitors",1,{click,remote_mon}},
+ {"Remote Monitored By",1,{click,remote_mon_by}}]}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a5c170e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(COL_NAME, ?COL_ID+1).
+-define(COL_SLOT, ?COL_NAME+1).
+-define(COL_OWNER, ?COL_SLOT+1).
+-define(COL_BUCK, ?COL_OWNER+1).
+-define(COL_OBJ, ?COL_BUCK+1).
+-define(COL_MEM, ?COL_OBJ+1).
+-define(COL_TYPE, ?COL_MEM+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
+col_to_elem(?COL_ID) -> #ets_table.id;
+col_to_elem(?COL_NAME) -> #ets_table.name;
+col_to_elem(?COL_SLOT) -> #ets_table.slot;
+col_to_elem(?COL_OWNER) -> #ets_table.pid;
+col_to_elem(?COL_TYPE) -> #ets_table.type;
+col_to_elem(?COL_BUCK) -> #ets_table.buckets;
+col_to_elem(?COL_OBJ) -> #ets_table.size;
+col_to_elem(?COL_MEM) -> #ets_table.memory.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Slot", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50},
+ {"Owner", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, 90},
+ {"Buckets", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50},
+ {"Objects", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50},
+ {"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Type", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 50}
+ ].
+get_info(Owner) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:ets_tables(Owner),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(all) ->
+ {[?COL_OWNER],false};
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[],false}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_fun_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_fun_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689ef0e3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_fun_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_MOD, 0).
+-define(COL_UNIQ, ?COL_MOD+1).
+-define(COL_INDEX, ?COL_UNIQ+1).
+-define(COL_ADDR, ?COL_INDEX+1).
+-define(COL_NADDR, ?COL_ADDR+1).
+-define(COL_REFC, ?COL_NADDR+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_MOD);
+col_to_elem(?COL_MOD) -> #fu.module;
+col_to_elem(?COL_UNIQ) -> #fu.uniq;
+col_to_elem(?COL_INDEX) -> #fu.index;
+col_to_elem(?COL_ADDR) -> #fu.address;
+col_to_elem(?COL_NADDR) -> #fu.native_address;
+col_to_elem(?COL_REFC) -> #fu.refc.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Module", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Uniq", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Index", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50},
+ {"Address", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 120},
+ {"Native Address", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 120},
+ {"Refc", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:funs(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[?COL_MOD],false}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_gen_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_gen_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6be717d76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_gen_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+get_info() ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:general_info(),
+ Fields = info_fields(),
+ Proplist =
+ crashdump_viewer:to_proplist(record_info(fields,general_info),Info),
+ {Fields,Proplist,TW}.
+info_fields() ->
+ [{"General Information",
+ [{"Slogan",slogan},
+ {"Node name",node_name},
+ {"Crashdump created on",created},
+ {"System version",system_vsn},
+ {"Compiled",compile_time},
+ {"Taints",taints},
+ {"Memory allocated",{bytes,mem_tot}},
+ {"Memory maximum",{bytes,mem_max}},
+ {"Atoms",num_atoms},
+ {"Processes",num_procs},
+ {"ETS tables",num_ets},
+ {"Timers",num_timers},
+ {"Funs",num_fun}]}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_html_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_html_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe77a41f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_html_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
+%% Records
+ {panel,
+ expand_table,
+ expand_wins=[]}).
+start_link(ParentWin, Info) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [ParentWin, Info], []).
+init([ParentWin, Fun]) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ init([ParentWin, Fun()]);
+init([ParentWin, {expand,HtmlText,Tab}]) ->
+ HtmlWin = observer_lib:html_window(ParentWin),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(HtmlWin,HtmlText),
+ {HtmlWin, #state{panel=HtmlWin,expand_table=Tab}};
+init([ParentWin, HtmlText]) ->
+ HtmlWin = observer_lib:html_window(ParentWin),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(HtmlWin,HtmlText),
+ {HtmlWin, #state{panel=HtmlWin}}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+handle_info(active, State) ->
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled Call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast({detail_win_closed, Id},#state{expand_wins=Opened0}=State) ->
+ Opened = lists:keydelete(Id, 1, Opened0),
+ {noreply, State#state{expand_wins=Opened}};
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+ linkInfo=#wxHtmlLinkInfo{href=Target}}},
+ #state{expand_table=Tab}=State) ->
+ NewState=
+ case Target of
+ "#Binary?" ++ BinSpec ->
+ [{"offset",Off},{"size",Size},{"pos",Pos}] =
+ httpd:parse_query(BinSpec),
+ Id = {cdv, {list_to_integer(Off),
+ list_to_integer(Size),
+ list_to_integer(Pos)}},
+ expand(Id,cdv_bin_cb,State);
+ "#OBSBinary?" ++ BinSpec ->
+ [{"key1",Preview},{"key2",Size},{"key3",Hash}] =
+ httpd:parse_query(BinSpec),
+ Id = {obs, {Tab, {list_to_integer(Preview),
+ list_to_integer(Size),
+ list_to_integer(Hash)}}},
+ expand(Id,cdv_bin_cb,State);
+ "#Term?" ++ TermKeys ->
+ [{"key1",Key1},{"key2",Key2},{"key3",Key3}] =
+ httpd:parse_query(TermKeys),
+ Id = {cdv, {Tab,{list_to_integer(Key1),
+ list_to_integer(Key2),
+ list_to_integer(Key3)}}},
+ expand(Id,cdv_term_cb,State);
+ _ ->
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_detail_win(Target),
+ State
+ end,
+ {noreply, NewState};
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event ~p\n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+%%% Internal
+expand(Id,Callback,#state{expand_wins=Opened0}=State) ->
+ Opened =
+ case lists:keyfind(Id,1,Opened0) of
+ false ->
+ EW = cdv_detail_wx:start_link(Id,State#state.panel,Callback),
+ wx_object:get_pid(EW) ! active,
+ [{Id,EW}|Opened0];
+ {_,EW} ->
+ wxFrame:raise(EW),
+ Opened0
+ end,
+ State#state{expand_wins=Opened}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_info_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_info_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ce0cabb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_info_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
+%% Records
+ {panel,
+ sizer,
+ fpanel,
+ callback,
+ trunc_warn=[]
+ }).
+start_link(ParentWin, Info) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [ParentWin, Info], []).
+init([ParentWin, Callback]) when is_atom(Callback) ->
+ {InfoFields,Info,TW} = Callback:get_info(),
+ {Panel,Sizer,FPanel} = create_box(ParentWin,InfoFields,Info),
+ {Panel,#state{panel=Panel,
+ sizer=Sizer,
+ fpanel=FPanel,
+ callback=Callback,
+ trunc_warn=TW}};
+init([ParentWin, {InfoFields,Info,TW}]) ->
+ {Panel,Sizer,FPanel} = create_box(ParentWin,InfoFields,Info),
+ {Panel, #state{panel=Panel,
+ sizer=Sizer,
+ fpanel=FPanel,
+ trunc_warn=TW}}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+handle_info(active, State) ->
+ cdv_wx:set_status(State#state.trunc_warn),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call(new_dump, _From, #state{callback=Callback,panel=Panel,
+ sizer=Sizer,fpanel=FPanel} = State) ->
+ {InfoFields,Info,TW} = Callback:get_info(),
+ NewFPanel =
+ wx:batch(
+ fun() ->
+ wxWindow:destroy(FPanel),
+ FP = create_field_panel(Panel,Sizer,InfoFields,Info),
+ wxSizer:layout(Sizer),
+ FP
+ end),
+ {reply, ok, State#state{fpanel=NewFPanel,trunc_warn=TW}};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled Call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxMouse{type=left_down},userData=Target}, State) ->
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_detail_win(Target),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{obj=Obj,event=#wxMouse{type=enter_window}},State) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setForegroundColour(Obj,{0,0,100,255}),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{obj=Obj,event=#wxMouse{type=leave_window}},State) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setForegroundColour(Obj,?wxBLUE),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event ~p\n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+%%% Internal
+create_box(ParentWin,InfoFields,Info) ->
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(ParentWin),
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ FPanel = create_field_panel(Panel,Sizer,InfoFields,Info),
+ wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
+ {Panel,Sizer,FPanel}.
+create_field_panel(Panel,Sizer,InfoFields,Info0) ->
+ Info = observer_lib:fill_info(InfoFields, Info0),
+ {FPanel, _FSizer, _Fields} = observer_lib:display_info(Panel,Info),
+ BorderFlags = ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT,
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, FPanel, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP},
+ {proportion, 0}, {border, 5}]),
+ FPanel.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_int_tab_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_int_tab_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31727391fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_int_tab_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+get_info() ->
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,"Processing internal tables"}),
+ HashInfo = get_hash_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,33}),
+ IndexInfo = get_index_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,66}),
+ IntEtsInfo = get_internal_ets_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,100}),
+ [{"Hash Tables",cdv_table_wx,HashInfo},
+ {"Index Tables",cdv_table_wx,IndexInfo},
+ {"Internal ETS Tables",cdv_table_wx,IntEtsInfo}].
+%%% Hash tables
+get_hash_info() ->
+ {ok,Info0,TW} = crashdump_viewer:hash_tables(),
+ Columns = hash_columns(),
+ Info = [crashdump_viewer:to_value_list(R) || R <- Info0],
+ {Columns,Info,TW}.
+hash_columns() ->
+ [{"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150},
+ {"Size", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Used", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Objects",?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Depth", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100}].
+%%% Index tables
+get_index_info() ->
+ {ok,Info0,TW} = crashdump_viewer:index_tables(),
+ Columns = index_columns(),
+ Info = [crashdump_viewer:to_value_list(R) || R <- Info0],
+ {Columns,Info,TW}.
+index_columns() ->
+ [{"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150},
+ {"Size", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Limit", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Used", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Rate", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
+ {"Entries",?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100}].
+%%% Internal ets tables
+get_internal_ets_info() ->
+ {ok,Info0,TW} = crashdump_viewer:internal_ets_tables(),
+ Columns = int_ets_columns(),
+ Info = [begin
+ [_,_|Data] = crashdump_viewer:to_value_list(R), %skip pid and slot
+ [Desc|Data]
+ end || {Desc,R} <- Info0],
+ {Columns,Info,TW}.
+int_ets_columns() ->
+ [{"Description", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 170},
+ {"Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 80},
+ {"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 80},
+ {"Type", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 80},
+ {"Buckets", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Objects", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_mem_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_mem_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b0809df13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_mem_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+get_info() ->
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,"Processing memory info"}),
+ MemInfo = get_mem_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,33}),
+ {AllocInfo,AllocTW} = get_alloc_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,66}),
+ AreaInfo = get_area_info(),
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,100}),
+ [{"Memory",cdv_info_wx,MemInfo}
+ | [{Title,cdv_table_wx,{Cols,Data,AllocTW}} ||
+ {Title,Cols,Data} <- AllocInfo]] ++
+ [{"Allocated Areas",cdv_table_wx,AreaInfo}].
+%%% Memory page
+get_mem_info() ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:memory(),
+ {[{"Memory Information",gen_mem_info_fields(Info)}],Info,TW}.
+gen_mem_info_fields([{Key,_}|T]) ->
+ [{upper(atom_to_list(Key)),{bytes,Key}}|gen_mem_info_fields(T)];
+gen_mem_info_fields([]) ->
+ [].
+upper(Key) ->
+ string:join([string:to_upper([H]) ++ T ||
+ [H|T] <- string:tokens(Key,"_")]," ").
+%%% Allocated areas page
+get_area_info() ->
+ {ok,Info0,TW} = crashdump_viewer:allocated_areas(),
+ Info = [tuple_to_list(R) || R <- Info0],
+ {area_columns(),Info,TW}.
+area_columns() ->
+ [{"", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150},
+ {"Allocated (bytes)",?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 150},
+ {"Used (bytes)", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 150}].
+%%% Allocator page
+get_alloc_info() ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:allocator_info(),
+ {fix_alloc(Info),TW}.
+fix_alloc([{Title,Columns,Data}|Tables]) ->
+ [{Title,alloc_columns(Columns),
+ [[Key|Values] || {Key,Values} <- Data]} |
+ fix_alloc(Tables)];
+fix_alloc([{Title,[{_,V}|_]=Data}|Tables]) ->
+ fix_alloc([{Title,lists:duplicate(length(V),[]),Data}|Tables]);
+fix_alloc([]) ->
+ [].
+alloc_columns(Columns) ->
+ [{"", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 180} |
+ [{Column, ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 140} || Column <- Columns]].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_mod_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_mod_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e829ff4fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_mod_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1,
+ get_details/1,
+ detail_pages/0,
+ format/1]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(COL_CUR, ?COL_ID+1).
+-define(COL_OLD, ?COL_CUR+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
+col_to_elem(?COL_ID) -> #loaded_mod.mod;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CUR) -> #loaded_mod.current_size;
+col_to_elem(?COL_OLD) -> #loaded_mod.old_size.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Module", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 300},
+ {"Current size", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Old size", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:loaded_modules(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[?COL_ID],true}.
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details(Id) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:loaded_mod_details(Id),
+ Proplist = crashdump_viewer:to_proplist(record_info(fields,loaded_mod),Info),
+ Title = io_lib:format("~s",[Info#loaded_mod.mod]),
+ {ok,{Title,Proplist,TW}}.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"General Information", fun init_gen_page/2},
+ {"Current Attributes", fun init_curr_attr_page/2},
+ {"Current Compilation Info", fun init_curr_comp_page/2},
+ {"Old Attributes", fun init_old_attr_page/2},
+ {"Old Compilation Info", fun init_old_comp_page/2}].
+init_gen_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Fields = info_fields(),
+ cdv_info_wx:start_link(Parent,{Fields,Info,[]}).
+init_curr_attr_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_info_page(Parent, proplists:get_value(current_attrib,Info)).
+init_curr_comp_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_info_page(Parent, proplists:get_value(current_comp_info,Info)).
+init_old_attr_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_info_page(Parent, proplists:get_value(old_attrib,Info)).
+init_old_comp_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_info_page(Parent, proplists:get_value(old_comp_info,Info)).
+init_info_page(Parent, undefined) ->
+ init_info_page(Parent, "");
+init_info_page(Parent, String) ->
+ cdv_html_wx:start_link(Parent,observer_html_lib:plain_page(String)).
+format({Bin,q}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ [$'|binary_to_list(Bin)];
+format({Bin,nq}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts",[Bin]));
+format(D) ->
+ D.
+%%% Internal
+info_fields() ->
+ [{"Overview",
+ [{"Name", mod},
+ {"Current Size", current_size},
+ {"Old Size", old_size}]}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_multi_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_multi_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75c7f48fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_multi_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
+%% Records
+ {main_panel,
+ main_sizer,
+ menu,
+ menu_sizer,
+ callback,
+ pages,
+ dyn_panel,
+ dyn_sizer,
+ dyn_page
+ }).
+start_link(Notebook, Info) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, Info], []).
+init([Notebook, Callback]) when is_atom(Callback) ->
+ Pages = Callback:get_info(),
+ {MainPanel,State0} = init([Notebook, Pages]),
+ {MainPanel,State0#state{callback=Callback}};
+init([Notebook, Pages]) ->
+ MainPanel = wxPanel:new(Notebook),
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ LeftMenuSizer = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL,MainPanel,
+ [{label,"Please select"}]),
+ LeftMenu = wxListBox:new(MainPanel,?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?wxLB_SINGLE},
+ {choices,[T || {T,_,_} <- Pages]}]),
+ wxListBox:setSelection(LeftMenu,0),
+ wxListBox:connect(LeftMenu, command_listbox_selected),
+ wxSizer:add(LeftMenuSizer,LeftMenu,[{flag,?wxEXPAND},{proportion,2}]),
+ DynPanel = wxScrolledWindow:new(MainPanel),
+ wxScrolledWindow:enableScrolling(DynPanel,true,true),
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(DynPanel,1,1,0,0),
+ BorderFlags = ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT,
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, LeftMenuSizer,
+ [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP},
+ {proportion, 0}, {border, 5}]),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, DynPanel, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP},
+ {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
+ wxPanel:setSizer(MainPanel, Sizer),
+ State = load_dyn_page(#state{main_panel=MainPanel,
+ main_sizer=Sizer,
+ menu=LeftMenu,
+ menu_sizer=LeftMenuSizer,
+ pages=Pages,
+ dyn_panel=DynPanel
+ }),
+ {MainPanel, State}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+handle_info(active, State) ->
+ NewState =
+ wx:batch(
+ fun() ->
+ update_dyn_page(State)
+ end),
+ {noreply, NewState};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call(new_dump, _From, State) ->
+ NewState =
+ wx:batch(
+ fun() ->
+ update_left_menu(State)
+ end),
+ {reply, ok, NewState};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled Call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+ cmdString=[]}},
+ State) ->
+ %% For some reason, the listbox sometimes gets an "unselect"
+ %% command like this during termination. Ignore!
+ {noreply, State};
+ cmdString=_DynName}},
+ State) ->
+ NewState =
+ wx:batch(fun() ->
+ update_dyn_page(State)
+ end),
+ {noreply,NewState};
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event ~p\n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Internal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ callback=Callback,
+ menu=OldMenu,
+ menu_sizer=MenuSizer} = State) ->
+ Pages = Callback:get_info(),
+ wxListBox:disconnect(OldMenu),
+ wxWindow:destroy(OldMenu),
+ NewMenu = wxListBox:new(Panel,?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?wxLB_SINGLE},
+ {choices,[T || {T,_,_} <- Pages]}]),
+ wxListBox:setSelection(NewMenu,0),
+ wxListBox:connect(NewMenu, command_listbox_selected),
+ wxSizer:add(MenuSizer,NewMenu,[{flag,?wxEXPAND},{proportion,2}]),
+ wxSizer:layout(MenuSizer),
+ State#state{pages=Pages,menu=NewMenu}.
+update_dyn_page(#state{dyn_page=undefined} = State) ->
+ load_dyn_page(State);
+ dyn_sizer=OldDynSizer} = State) ->
+ wxSizer:detach(OldDynSizer,OldDynPage),
+ wxWindow:destroy(OldDynPage),
+ load_dyn_page(State).
+ dyn_panel=DynPanel,
+ menu=Menu,
+ pages=Pages} = State) ->
+ %% Freeze and thaw causes a hang (and is not needed) on 2.9 and higher
+ DoFreeze = [?wxMAJOR_VERSION,?wxMINOR_VERSION] < [2,9],
+ DoFreeze andalso wxWindow:freeze(DynPanel),
+ Name = wxListBox:getStringSelection(Menu),
+ {Page,Sizer} = load_dyn_page(DynPanel,Name,Pages),
+ wxSizer:layout(MainSizer),
+ DoFreeze andalso wxWindow:thaw(DynPanel),
+ wx_object:get_pid(Page) ! active,
+ State#state{dyn_page=Page,dyn_sizer=Sizer}.
+load_dyn_page(Panel,Name,Pages) ->
+ Sizer = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL, Panel, [{label,Name}]),
+ {_,Callback,Info} = lists:keyfind(Name,1,Pages),
+ DynPage = Callback:start_link(Panel,Info),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer,DynPage,[{flag, ?wxEXPAND}, {proportion, 1}]),
+ wxPanel:setSizerAndFit(Panel,Sizer,[{deleteOld,true}]),
+ {DynPage,Sizer}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_port_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_port_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08488d3e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_port_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1,
+ get_details/1,
+ detail_pages/0,
+ format/1]).
+%% Columns
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(COL_CONN, ?COL_ID+1).
+-define(COL_NAME, ?COL_CONN+1).
+-define(COL_CTRL, ?COL_NAME+1).
+-define(COL_SLOT, ?COL_CTRL+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
+col_to_elem(?COL_ID) -> #port.id;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CONN) -> #port.connected;
+col_to_elem(?COL_NAME) -> #port.name;
+col_to_elem(?COL_CTRL) -> #port.controls;
+col_to_elem(?COL_SLOT) -> #port.slot.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100},
+ {"Connected", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 120},
+ {"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150},
+ {"Controls", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Slot", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:ports(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[?COL_ID,?COL_CONN],true}.
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details(Id) ->
+ case crashdump_viewer:port(Id) of
+ {ok,Info,TW} ->
+ Proplist =
+ crashdump_viewer:to_proplist(record_info(fields,port),Info),
+ {ok,{Id,Proplist,TW}};
+ {error,{other_node,NodeId}} ->
+ Info = "The port you are searching for was residing on "
+ "a remote node. No port information is available. "
+ "Show information about the remote node?",
+ Fun = fun() -> cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_detail_win(NodeId) end,
+ {yes_no, Info, Fun};
+ {error,not_found} ->
+ Info = "The port you are searching for could not be found.",
+ {info,Info}
+ end.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"General Information", fun init_gen_page/2}].
+init_gen_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Fields = info_fields(),
+ cdv_info_wx:start_link(Parent,{Fields,Info,[]}).
+format({I1,I2}) ->
+ "#Port<"++integer_to_list(I1) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(I2) ++ ">";
+format(D) ->
+ D.
+%%% Internal
+info_fields() ->
+ [{"Overview",
+ [{"Name", name},
+ {"Connected", {click,connected}},
+ {"Slot", slot},
+ {"Controls", controls}]},
+ {scroll_boxes,
+ [{"Links",1,{click,links}},
+ {"Monitors",1,{click,monitors}}]}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfc2df9c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_proc_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1,
+ get_details/1,
+ detail_pages/0]).
+%% Columns
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(COL_NAME, ?COL_ID+1).
+-define(COL_REDS, ?COL_STATE+1).
+-define(COL_MEM, ?COL_REDS+1).
+-define(COL_MSG, ?COL_MEM+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
+col_to_elem(?COL_ID) -> #proc.pid;
+col_to_elem(?COL_NAME) -> #proc.name;
+col_to_elem(?COL_STATE) -> #proc.state;
+col_to_elem(?COL_MEM) -> #proc.memory;
+col_to_elem(?COL_REDS) -> #proc.reds;
+col_to_elem(?COL_MSG) -> #proc.msg_q_len.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Pid", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, 120},
+ {"Name or Initial Func", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 250},
+ {"State", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100},
+ {"Reds", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
+ {"MsgQ", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50}].
+get_info(_) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:processes(),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[?COL_ID],true}.
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details(Id) ->
+ case crashdump_viewer:proc_details(Id) of
+ {ok,Info,TW} ->
+ %% The following table is used by observer_html_lib
+ %% for storing expanded terms and it is read by
+ %% cdv_html_wx when a link to an expandable term is clicked.
+ Tab = ets:new(cdv_expand,[set,public]),
+ Proplist0 =
+ crashdump_viewer:to_proplist(record_info(fields,proc),Info),
+ Proplist = [{expand_table,Tab}|Proplist0],
+ Title = io_lib:format("~s (~s)",[Info#proc.name, Id]),
+ {ok,{Title,Proplist,TW}};
+ {error,{other_node,NodeId}} ->
+ Info = "The process you are searching for was residing on "
+ "a remote node. No process information is available. "
+ "Show information about the remote node?",
+ Fun = fun() -> cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_detail_win(NodeId) end,
+ {yes_no, Info, Fun};
+ {error,not_found} ->
+ Info = "The process you are searching for could not be found.",
+ {info,Info}
+ end.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"General Information", fun init_gen_page/2},
+ {"Messages", fun init_message_page/2},
+ {"Dictionary", fun init_dict_page/2},
+ {"Stack Dump", fun init_stack_page/2},
+ {"ETS tables", fun init_ets_page/2},
+ {"Timers", fun init_timer_page/2}].
+init_gen_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Fields = info_fields(),
+ cdv_info_wx:start_link(Parent,{Fields,Info,[]}).
+init_message_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, msg_q, "MsgQueue").
+init_dict_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, dict, "Dictionary").
+init_stack_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ init_memory_page(Parent, Info, stack_dump, "StackDump").
+init_memory_page(Parent, Info0, Tag, Heading) ->
+ Info = proplists:get_value(Tag,Info0),
+ Tab = proplists:get_value(expand_table,Info0),
+ Html = observer_html_lib:expandable_term(Heading,Info,Tab),
+ cdv_html_wx:start_link(Parent,{expand,Html,Tab}).
+init_ets_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Pid = proplists:get_value(pid,Info),
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_link(Parent, cdv_ets_cb, Pid).
+init_timer_page(Parent, Info) ->
+ Pid = proplists:get_value(pid,Info),
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx:start_link(Parent, cdv_timer_cb, Pid).
+%%% Internal
+info_fields() ->
+ [{"Overview",
+ [{"Initial Call", init_func},
+ {dynamic, current_func},
+ {"Registered Name", name},
+ {"Status", state},
+ {"Started", start_time},
+ {"Parent", {click,parent}},
+ {"Message Queue Len",msg_q_len},
+ {"Reductions", reds},
+ {"Program counter", prog_count},
+ {"Continuation pointer",cp},
+ {"Arity",arity}]},
+ {scroll_boxes,
+ [{"Last Calls",1,{plain,last_calls}}]},
+ {scroll_boxes,
+ [{"Links",1,{click,links}},
+ {"Monitors",2,{click,monitors}},
+ {"Monitored By",2,{click,mon_by}}]},
+ {"Memory and Garbage Collection",
+ [{"Memory", memory},
+ {"Stack and Heap", stack_heap},
+ {"Old Heap", old_heap},
+ {"Heap Unused", heap_unused},
+ {"Old Heap Unused", old_heap_unused},
+ {"Number of Heap Fragements", num_heap_frag},
+ {"Heap Fragment Data",heap_frag_data},
+ {"New Heap Start", new_heap_start},
+ {"New Heap Top", new_heap_top},
+ {"Stack Top", stack_top},
+ {"Stack End", stack_end},
+ {"Old Heap Start", old_heap_start},
+ {"Old Heap Top", old_heap_top},
+ {"Old Heap End", old_heap_end}]}].
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_table_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_table_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8943db17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_table_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
+%% Records
+ {trunc_warn=[]}).
+start_link(ParentWin, Info) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [ParentWin, Info], []).
+init([ParentWin, Callback]) when is_atom(Callback) ->
+ {ok,TableInfo} = Callback:get_info(),
+ init([ParentWin, TableInfo]);
+init([ParentWin, {ColumnSpec,Info,TW}]) ->
+ Style0 = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_SINGLE_SEL bor ?wxLC_HRULES bor ?wxLC_VRULES,
+ Style =
+ case lists:all(fun({"",_,_}) -> true; (_) -> false end, ColumnSpec) of
+ true -> Style0 bor ?wxLC_NO_HEADER;
+ false -> Style0
+ end,
+ Grid = wxListCtrl:new(ParentWin, [{style, Style}]),
+ Li = wxListItem:new(),
+ AddListEntry = fun({Name, Align, DefSize}, Col) ->
+ wxListItem:setText(Li, Name),
+ wxListItem:setAlign(Li, Align),
+ wxListCtrl:insertColumn(Grid, Col, Li),
+ wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(Grid, Col, DefSize),
+ Col + 1
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(AddListEntry, 0, ColumnSpec),
+ wxListItem:destroy(Li),
+ Insert = fun(RowData, Row) ->
+ wxListCtrl:insertItem(Grid, Row, ""),
+ set_items(Grid,Row,RowData,0),
+ Row + 1
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(Insert, 0, Info),
+ {Grid, #state{trunc_warn=TW}}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+handle_info(active, State) ->
+ cdv_wx:set_status(State#state.trunc_warn),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled Call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ io:format("~p~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled event ~p\n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Internal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+set_items(Grid,Row,[Col|Cols],ColN) ->
+ Str = case Col of
+ undefined -> "";
+ _ -> observer_lib:to_str(Col)
+ end,
+ wxListCtrl:setItem(Grid, Row, ColN, Str),
+ set_items(Grid,Row,Cols,ColN+1);
+set_items(_,_,[],_) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_term_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_term_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6426cc0803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_term_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ detail_pages/0]).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_detail_wx
+get_details({_, {T,Key}}) ->
+ [{Key,Term}] = ets:lookup(T,Key),
+ {ok,{"Expanded Term", [Term, T], []}}.
+detail_pages() ->
+ [{"Term", fun init_term_page/2}].
+init_term_page(ParentWin, [Term, Tab]) ->
+ Expanded = expand(Term, true),
+ BinSaved = expand(Term, Tab),
+ cdv_multi_wx:start_link(
+ ParentWin,
+ [{"Format \~p",cdv_html_wx,format_term_fun("~p",BinSaved,Tab)},
+ {"Format \~tp",cdv_html_wx,format_term_fun("~tp",BinSaved,Tab)},
+ {"Format \~w",cdv_html_wx,format_term_fun("~w",BinSaved,Tab)},
+ {"Format \~s",cdv_html_wx,format_term_fun("~s",Expanded,Tab)},
+ {"Format \~ts",cdv_html_wx,format_term_fun("~ts",Expanded,Tab)}]).
+format_term_fun(Format,Term,Tab) ->
+ fun() ->
+ try io_lib:format(Format,[Term]) of
+ Str -> {expand, plain_html(Str), Tab}
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ Warning = "This term can not be formatted with " ++ Format,
+ observer_html_lib:warning(Warning)
+ end
+ end.
+plain_html(Text) ->
+ observer_html_lib:plain_page(Text).
+expand(['#CDVBin',Offset,Size,Pos], true) ->
+ {ok,Bin} = crashdump_viewer:expand_binary({Offset,Size,Pos}),
+ Bin;
+expand(Bin, Tab) when is_binary(Bin), not is_boolean(Tab) ->
+ <<Preview:80, _/binary>> = Bin,
+ Size = byte_size(Bin),
+ Hash = erlang:phash2(Bin),
+ Key = {Preview, Size, Hash},
+ ets:insert(Tab, {Key,Bin}),
+ ['#OBSBin',Preview,Size,Hash];
+expand([H|T], Expand) ->
+ case expand(T, Expand) of
+ ET when is_list(ET) ->
+ [expand(H, Expand)|ET];
+ ET -> % The tail is an expanded binary - cannot append with |
+ [expand(H, Expand),ET]
+ end;
+expand(Tuple, Expand) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ list_to_tuple(expand(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Expand));
+expand(Term, _) ->
+ Term.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_timer_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_timer_cb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cdbfa05a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_timer_cb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ col_spec/0,
+ get_info/1,
+ get_detail_cols/1]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_OWNER, 0).
+-define(COL_MSG, ?COL_OWNER+1).
+-define(COL_TIME, ?COL_MSG+1).
+%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_OWNER);
+col_to_elem(?COL_OWNER) -> #timer.pid;
+col_to_elem(?COL_MSG) -> #timer.msg;
+col_to_elem(?COL_TIME) -> #timer.time.
+col_spec() ->
+ [{"Owner", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 110},
+ {"Message", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 400},
+ {"Time left (ms)", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80}].
+get_info(Owner) ->
+ {ok,Info,TW} = crashdump_viewer:timers(Owner),
+ {Info,TW}.
+get_detail_cols(all) ->
+ {[?COL_OWNER],false};
+get_detail_cols(_) ->
+ {[],false}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_virtual_list_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_virtual_list_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5a7d9a2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_virtual_list_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([start_link/2, start_link/3, start_detail_win/1]).
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_cast/2]).
+%% Defines
+-define(COL_ID, 0).
+-define(ID_DETAILS, 202).
+%% Records
+ {
+ sort_key,
+ sort_incr=true
+ }).
+-record(holder, {parent,
+ info,
+ last_row,
+ sort,
+ attrs,
+ callback
+ }).
+-record(state, {grid,
+ panel,
+ detail_wins=[],
+ holder,
+ callback,
+ trunc_warn=[],
+ menu_cols=[], % columns to show in right click menu
+ menu_items=[]}). % right click menu items for the selected row
+start_link(ParentWin, Callback) ->
+ wx_object:start_link({local,Callback},?MODULE,
+ [ParentWin, Callback, all], []).
+start_link(ParentWin, Callback, Owner) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [ParentWin, Callback, Owner], []).
+start_detail_win(Id) ->
+ Callback =
+ case Id of
+ "<"++_ ->
+ cdv_proc_cb;
+ "#Port"++_ ->
+ cdv_port_cb;
+ _ ->
+ case catch list_to_integer(Id) of
+ NodeId when is_integer(NodeId) ->
+ cdv_dist_cb;
+ _ ->
+ cdv_mod_cb
+ end
+ end,
+ start_detail_win(Callback,Id).
+start_detail_win(Callback,Id) ->
+ wx_object:cast(Callback,{start_detail_win,Id}).
+init([ParentWin, Callback, Owner]) ->
+ {Holder,TW} = spawn_table_holder(Callback, Owner),
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(ParentWin),
+ {Grid,MenuCols} = create_list_box(Panel, Holder, Callback, Owner),
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, Grid, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {proportion, 1},
+ {border,4}]),
+ wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
+ State = #state{grid=Grid,
+ panel=Panel,
+ holder=Holder,
+ callback=Callback,
+ trunc_warn=TW,
+ menu_cols=MenuCols
+ },
+ {Panel, State}.
+%% UI-creation
+create_list_box(Panel, Holder, Callback, Owner) ->
+ Style =
+ ?wxLC_SINGLE_SEL bor ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_VIRTUAL bor
+ ?wxLC_HRULES bor ?wxHSCROLL bor ?wxVSCROLL,
+ ListCtrl = wxListCtrl:new(Panel, [{style, Style},
+ {onGetItemText,
+ fun(_, Row, Col) ->
+ call(Holder, {get_row, self(), Row, Col})
+ end},
+ {onGetItemAttr,
+ fun(_, Item) ->
+ call(Holder, {get_attr, self(), Item})
+ end}
+ ]),
+ Li = wxListItem:new(),
+ AddListEntry = fun({Name, Align, DefSize}, Col) ->
+ wxListItem:setText(Li, Name),
+ wxListItem:setAlign(Li, Align),
+ wxListCtrl:insertColumn(ListCtrl, Col, Li),
+ wxListCtrl:setColumnWidth(ListCtrl, Col, DefSize),
+ Col + 1
+ end,
+ ListItems = Callback:col_spec(),
+ lists:foldl(AddListEntry, 0, ListItems),
+ wxListItem:destroy(Li),
+ wxListCtrl:setItemCount(ListCtrl, 0),
+ wxListCtrl:connect(ListCtrl, size, [{skip, true}]),
+ wxListCtrl:connect(ListCtrl, command_list_col_click),
+ %% If detail pages can be opened from this list - catch double
+ %% click and right click
+ DetailCols =
+ case catch Callback:get_detail_cols(Owner) of
+ {DC,DoubleClick} when is_list(DC), DC=/=[] ->
+ wxListCtrl:connect(ListCtrl, command_list_item_right_click),
+ if DoubleClick ->
+ wxListCtrl:connect(ListCtrl, command_list_item_activated);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ DC;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ {ListCtrl,DetailCols}.
+do_start_detail_win(undefined, State) ->
+ State;
+do_start_detail_win(Id, #state{panel=Panel,detail_wins=Opened,
+ callback=Callback}=State) ->
+ NewOpened =
+ case lists:keyfind(Id, 1, Opened) of
+ false ->
+ case cdv_detail_wx:start_link(Id, Panel, Callback) of
+ {error, _} ->
+ Opened;
+ IW ->
+ [{Id, IW} | Opened]
+ end;
+ {_, IW} ->
+ wxFrame:raise(IW),
+ Opened
+ end,
+ State#state{detail_wins=NewOpened}.
+call(Holder, What) when is_atom(Holder) ->
+ call(whereis(Holder), What);
+call(Holder, What) when is_pid(Holder) ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Holder),
+ Holder ! What,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> "";
+ {Holder, Res} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Ref),
+ Res
+ after 5000 ->
+ io:format("Hanging call ~p~n",[What]),
+ ""
+ end;
+call(_,_) ->
+ "".
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+handle_info({holder_updated, Count}, State=#state{grid=Grid}) ->
+ wxListCtrl:setItemCount(Grid, Count),
+ Count > 0 andalso wxListCtrl:refreshItems(Grid, 0, Count-1),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(active, State) ->
+ cdv_wx:set_status(State#state.trunc_warn),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p, Unexpected info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, #state{holder=Holder}) ->
+ Holder ! stop,
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call(new_dump, _From,
+ #state{grid=Grid,detail_wins=Opened,
+ holder=Holder,callback=Callback}=State) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({_Id, IW}) -> wxFrame:destroy(IW) end, Opened),
+ wxListCtrl:deleteAllItems(Grid),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process,Holder),
+ Holder ! stop,
+ receive {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,_} -> ok end,
+ {NewHolder,TW} = spawn_table_holder(Callback, all),
+ {reply, ok, State#state{detail_wins=[],holder=NewHolder,trunc_warn=TW}};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled call ~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast({start_detail_win,Id}, State) ->
+ State2 = do_start_detail_win(Id, State),
+ {noreply, State2};
+handle_cast({detail_win_closed, Id},#state{detail_wins=Opened}=State) ->
+ Opened2 = lists:keydelete(Id, 1, Opened),
+ {noreply, State#state{detail_wins=Opened2}};
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: Unhandled cast ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+ event=#wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
+ #state{menu_items=MenuItems} = State) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(MenuId,1,MenuItems) of
+ {MenuId,Id} ->
+ start_detail_win(Id);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+ #state{grid=Grid}=State) ->
+ observer_lib:set_listctrl_col_size(Grid, W),
+ {noreply, State};
+ itemIndex=Row}},
+ #state{panel=Panel, holder=Holder, menu_cols=MenuCols} = State) ->
+ Menu = wxMenu:new(),
+ MenuItems =
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun(Col) ->
+ MenuId = ?ID_DETAILS + Col,
+ ColText = call(Holder, {get_row, self(), Row, Col}),
+ case ColText of
+ "[]" -> [];
+ _ ->
+ What =
+ case catch list_to_integer(ColText) of
+ NodeId when is_integer(NodeId) ->
+ "node " ++ ColText;
+ _ ->
+ ColText
+ end,
+ Text = "Properties for " ++ What,
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, MenuId, Text),
+ [{MenuId,ColText}]
+ end
+ end,
+ MenuCols),
+ wxWindow:popupMenu(Panel, Menu),
+ wxMenu:destroy(Menu),
+ {noreply,State#state{menu_items=MenuItems}};
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxList{type=command_list_col_click, col=Col}},
+ #state{holder=Holder}=State) ->
+ Holder ! {change_sort, Col},
+ {noreply, State};
+ itemIndex=Row}},
+ #state{holder=Holder} = State) ->
+ Id = call(Holder, {get_row, self(), Row, id}),
+ start_detail_win(Id),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ io:format("~p:~p: handle event ~p\n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%TABLE HOLDER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+spawn_table_holder(Callback, Owner) ->
+ {Info,TW} = Callback:get_info(Owner),
+ Attrs = observer_lib:create_attrs(),
+ Parent = self(),
+ Holder =
+ case Owner of
+ all ->
+ Name = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Callback) ++ "__holder"),
+ spawn_link(
+ fun() ->
+ register(Name,self()),
+ init_table_holder(Parent, Attrs, Callback, Info)
+ end),
+ Name;
+ _ ->
+ spawn_link(
+ fun() ->
+ init_table_holder(Parent, Attrs, Callback, Info)
+ end)
+ end,
+ {Holder,TW}.
+init_table_holder(Parent, Attrs, Callback, InfoList0) ->
+ Sort = #sort{sort_key=Callback:col_to_elem(id)},
+ {_Sort, InfoList} = do_sort(Sort,InfoList0),
+ Info = array:from_list(InfoList),
+ NRows = array:size(Info),
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, NRows},
+ table_holder(#holder{parent=Parent,
+ info=Info,
+ sort=Sort,
+ attrs=Attrs,
+ callback=Callback}).
+table_holder(#holder{callback=Callback, attrs=Attrs}=S0) ->
+ receive
+ _M={get_row, From, Row, Col} ->
+ %% erlang:display(_M),
+ State = get_row(From, Row, Col, S0),
+ table_holder(State);
+ _M={get_attr, From, Row} ->
+ %% erlang:display(_M),
+ get_attr(From, Row, Attrs),
+ table_holder(S0);
+ _M={change_sort, Col} ->
+ %% erlang:display(_M),
+ State = change_sort(Callback:col_to_elem(Col), S0),
+ table_holder(State);
+ stop ->
+ ok;
+ What ->
+ io:format("Table holder got ~p~n",[What]),
+ table_holder(S0)
+ end.
+change_sort(Col, S0=#holder{parent=Parent, info=Info0, sort=Sort0}) ->
+ NRows = array:size(Info0),
+ InfoList0 = array:to_list(Info0),
+ {Sort, InfoList}=sort(Col, Sort0, InfoList0),
+ Info = array:from_list(InfoList),
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, NRows},
+ S0#holder{info=Info, last_row=undefined, sort=Sort}.
+sort(Col, Opt=#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=Bool}, Table) ->
+ do_sort(Opt#sort{sort_incr=not Bool}, Table);
+sort(Col, Sort,Table) ->
+ do_sort(Sort#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=true}, Table).
+do_sort(Sort=#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=true}, Table) ->
+ {Sort, lists:keysort(Col, Table)};
+do_sort(Sort=#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=false}, Table) ->
+ {Sort, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(Col, Table))}.
+get_cell_data(Callback, ColNo, RowInfo) ->
+ case element(Callback:col_to_elem(ColNo), RowInfo) of
+ undefined -> "";
+ Cell -> try Callback:format(Cell) catch error:undef -> Cell end
+ end.
+get_row(From, Row, Col,
+ #holder{callback=Callback, last_row={Row,RowInfo}}=State) ->
+ Data = get_cell_data(Callback, Col, RowInfo),
+ From ! {self(), observer_lib:to_str(Data)},
+ State;
+get_row(From, Row, Col, #holder{callback=Callback, info=Info}=S0) ->
+ {Data,State} =
+ case Row >= array:size(Info) of
+ true ->
+ {"",S0};
+ false ->
+ RowInfo = array:get(Row, Info),
+ CellData = get_cell_data(Callback, Col, RowInfo),
+ {CellData,S0#holder{last_row={Row,RowInfo}}}
+ end,
+ From ! {self(), observer_lib:to_str(Data)},
+ State.
+get_attr(From, Row, Attrs) ->
+ Attribute = case Row rem 2 =:= 0 of
+ true -> Attrs#attrs.even;
+ false -> Attrs#attrs.odd
+ end,
+ From ! {self(), Attribute}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26df60b0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([get_attrib/1, set_status/1, create_txt_dialog/4]).
+-export([init/1, handle_event/2, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3,
+ handle_call/3, handle_info/2, check_page_title/1]).
+%% Includes
+%% Defines
+-define(SERVER, cdv_wx).
+-define(ID_UG, 1).
+-define(ID_HOWTO, 2).
+-define(ID_NOTEBOOK, 3).
+-define(GEN_STR, "General").
+-define(PRO_STR, "Processes").
+-define(PORT_STR, "Ports").
+-define(ETS_STR, "ETS Tables").
+-define(TIMER_STR, "Timers").
+-define(FUN_STR, "Funs").
+-define(ATOM_STR, "Atoms").
+-define(DIST_STR, "Nodes").
+-define(MOD_STR, "Modules").
+-define(MEM_STR, "Memory").
+-define(INT_STR, "Internal Tables").
+%% Records
+ {server,
+ file,
+ frame,
+ menubar,
+ menus = [],
+ status_bar,
+ notebook,
+ main_panel,
+ gen_panel,
+ pro_panel,
+ port_panel,
+ ets_panel,
+ timer_panel,
+ fun_panel,
+ atom_panel,
+ dist_panel,
+ mod_panel,
+ mem_panel,
+ int_panel,
+ active_tab
+ }).
+start(File) ->
+ case wx_object:start(?MODULE, File, []) of
+ Err = {error, _} -> Err;
+ _Obj -> ok
+ end.
+get_attrib(What) ->
+ wx_object:call(?SERVER, {get_attrib, What}).
+set_status(What) ->
+ wx_object:cast(?SERVER, {status_bar, What}).
+init(File0) ->
+ register(?SERVER, self()),
+ wx:new(),
+ {ok,CdvServer} = crashdump_viewer:start_link(),
+ catch wxSystemOptions:setOption("mac.listctrl.always_use_generic", 1),
+ Frame = wxFrame:new(wx:null(), ?wxID_ANY, "Crashdump Viewer",
+ [{size, {850, 600}}, {style, ?wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE}]),
+ IconFile = filename:join(code:priv_dir(observer), "erlang_observer.png"),
+ Icon = wxIcon:new(IconFile, [{type,?wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG}]),
+ wxFrame:setIcon(Frame, Icon),
+ wxIcon:destroy(Icon),
+ %% Setup panels
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []),
+ Notebook = wxNotebook:new(Panel, ?ID_NOTEBOOK, [{style, ?wxBK_DEFAULT}]),
+ %% Setup "statusbar" to show warnings
+ StatusBar = observer_lib:create_status_bar(Panel),
+ %% Setup sizer create early to get it when window shows
+ MainSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ wxSizer:add(MainSizer, Notebook, [{proportion, 1}, {flag, ?wxEXPAND}]),
+ wxSizer:add(MainSizer, StatusBar, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {proportion, 0},
+ {border,4}]),
+ wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, MainSizer),
+ wxNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_notebook_page_changing),
+ wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window, [{skip, true}]),
+ wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected),
+ case load_dump(Frame,File0) of
+ {ok,File} ->
+ %% Set window title
+ T1 = "Crashdump Viewer: ",
+ Title =
+ if length(File) > 70 ->
+ T1 ++ filename:basename(File);
+ true ->
+ T1 ++ File
+ end,
+ wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, Title),
+ setup(#state{server=CdvServer,
+ file=File,
+ frame=Frame,
+ status_bar=StatusBar,
+ notebook=Notebook,
+ main_panel=Panel});
+ error ->
+ wxFrame:destroy(Frame),
+ wx:destroy(),
+ crashdump_viewer:stop(),
+ ignore
+ end.
+setup(#state{frame=Frame, notebook=Notebook}=State) ->
+ %% Setup Menubar & Menus
+ MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(),
+ DefMenus = default_menus(),
+ observer_lib:create_menus(DefMenus, MenuBar, default),
+ wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar),
+ %% General information Panel
+ GenPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?GEN_STR, cdv_info_wx, cdv_gen_cb),
+ %% Process Panel
+ ProPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?PRO_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_proc_cb),
+ %% Port Panel
+ PortPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?PORT_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_port_cb),
+ %% Table Panel
+ EtsPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?ETS_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_ets_cb),
+ %% Timer Panel
+ TimerPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?TIMER_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx,cdv_timer_cb),
+ %% Fun Panel
+ FunPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?FUN_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_fun_cb),
+ %% Atom Panel
+ AtomPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?ATOM_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_atom_cb),
+ %% Distribution Panel
+ DistPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?DIST_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_dist_cb),
+ %% Loaded Modules Panel
+ ModPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?MOD_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_mod_cb),
+ %% Memory Panel
+ MemPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?MEM_STR, cdv_multi_wx, cdv_mem_cb),
+ %% Memory Panel
+ IntPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?INT_STR, cdv_multi_wx, cdv_int_tab_cb),
+ %% Show the window
+ wxFrame:show(Frame),
+ GenPid = wx_object:get_pid(GenPanel),
+ GenPid ! active,
+ observer_lib:destroy_progress_dialog(),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ {Frame, State#state{menubar = MenuBar,
+ gen_panel = GenPanel,
+ pro_panel = ProPanel,
+ port_panel = PortPanel,
+ ets_panel = EtsPanel,
+ timer_panel = TimerPanel,
+ fun_panel = FunPanel,
+ atom_panel = AtomPanel,
+ dist_panel = DistPanel,
+ mod_panel = ModPanel,
+ mem_panel = MemPanel,
+ int_panel = IntPanel,
+ active_tab = GenPid
+ }}.
+ #state{active_tab=Previous} = State) ->
+ case get_active_pid(State) of
+ Previous -> {noreply, State};
+ Pid ->
+ Pid ! active,
+ {noreply, State#state{active_tab=Pid}}
+ end;
+handle_event(#wx{event = #wxClose{}}, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_OPEN,
+ event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
+ State) ->
+ NewState =
+ case load_dump(State#state.frame,undefined) of
+ {ok,File} ->
+ Panels = [State#state.gen_panel,
+ State#state.pro_panel,
+ State#state.port_panel,
+ State#state.ets_panel,
+ State#state.timer_panel,
+ State#state.fun_panel,
+ State#state.atom_panel,
+ State#state.dist_panel,
+ State#state.mod_panel,
+ State#state.mem_panel,
+ State#state.int_panel],
+ _ = [wx_object:call(Panel,new_dump) || Panel<-Panels],
+ wxNotebook:setSelection(State#state.notebook,0),
+ observer_lib:destroy_progress_dialog(),
+ State#state{file=File};
+ error ->
+ State
+ end,
+ {noreply,NewState};
+handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_EXIT,
+ event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
+ State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id = HelpId,
+ event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
+ State) when HelpId==?wxID_HELP; HelpId==?ID_UG; HelpId==?ID_HOWTO ->
+ Help = get_help_doc(HelpId),
+ wx_misc:launchDefaultBrowser(Help) orelse
+ create_txt_dialog(State#state.frame,
+ "Could not launch browser: ~n " ++ Help,
+ "Error", ?wxICON_ERROR),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_ABOUT,
+ event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{frame=Frame}) ->
+ AboutString = "Display information from an erlang crash dump",
+ Style = [{style, ?wxOK bor ?wxSTAY_ON_TOP},
+ {caption, "About"}],
+ wxMessageDialog:showModal(wxMessageDialog:new(Frame, AboutString, Style)),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ Pid = get_active_pid(State),
+ Pid ! Event,
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast({status_bar, Msg}, State=#state{status_bar=SB}) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:clear(SB),
+ wxTextCtrl:writeText(SB, Msg),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_cast(_Cast, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_call({get_attrib, Attrib}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, get(Attrib), State};
+handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{server=Pid}=State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
+ io:format("Child (~s) crashed exiting: ~p ~p~n",
+ [pid2panel(Pid, State), Pid,_Reason]),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, #state{frame = Frame}) ->
+ wxFrame:destroy(Frame),
+ wx:destroy(),
+ crashdump_viewer:stop(),
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+add_page(Notebook,Title,Callback,Extra) ->
+ Panel = Callback:start_link(Notebook, Extra),
+ wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Panel, Title, []),
+ Panel.
+create_txt_dialog(Frame, Msg, Title, Style) ->
+ MD = wxMessageDialog:new(Frame, Msg, [{style, Style}]),
+ wxMessageDialog:setTitle(MD, Title),
+ wxDialog:showModal(MD),
+ wxDialog:destroy(MD).
+check_page_title(Notebook) ->
+ Selection = wxNotebook:getSelection(Notebook),
+ wxNotebook:getPageText(Notebook, Selection).
+get_active_pid(#state{notebook=Notebook, gen_panel=Gen, pro_panel=Pro,
+ port_panel=Ports, ets_panel=Ets, timer_panel=Timers,
+ fun_panel=Funs, atom_panel=Atoms, dist_panel=Dist,
+ mod_panel=Mods, mem_panel=Mem, int_panel=Int
+ }) ->
+ Panel = case check_page_title(Notebook) of
+ ?GEN_STR -> Gen;
+ ?PRO_STR -> Pro;
+ ?PORT_STR -> Ports;
+ ?ETS_STR -> Ets;
+ ?TIMER_STR -> Timers;
+ ?FUN_STR -> Funs;
+ ?ATOM_STR -> Atoms;
+ ?DIST_STR -> Dist;
+ ?MOD_STR -> Mods;
+ ?MEM_STR -> Mem;
+ ?INT_STR -> Int
+ end,
+ wx_object:get_pid(Panel).
+pid2panel(Pid, #state{gen_panel=Gen, pro_panel=Pro, port_panel=Ports,
+ ets_panel=Ets, timer_panel=Timers, fun_panel=Funs,
+ atom_panel=Atoms, dist_panel=Dist, mod_panel=Mods,
+ mem_panel=Mem, int_panel=Int}) ->
+ case Pid of
+ Gen -> ?GEN_STR;
+ Pro -> ?PRO_STR;
+ Ports -> ?PORT_STR;
+ Ets -> ?ETS_STR;
+ Timers -> ?TIMER_STR;
+ Funs -> ?FUN_STR;
+ Atoms -> ?ATOM_STR;
+ Dist -> ?DIST_STR;
+ Mods -> ?MOD_STR;
+ Mem -> ?MEM_STR;
+ Int -> ?INT_STR;
+ _ -> "unknown"
+ end.
+default_menus() ->
+ Open = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_OPEN, text = "Open new crash dump"},
+ Quit = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_EXIT, text = "Quit"},
+ About = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_ABOUT, text = "About"},
+ Help = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_HELP},
+ UG = #create_menu{id = ?ID_UG, text = "Crashdump viewer user's guide"},
+ Howto = #create_menu{id = ?ID_HOWTO, text = "How to interpret crash dump"},
+ case os:type() =:= {unix, darwin} of
+ false ->
+ FileMenu = {"File", [Open,Quit]},
+ HelpMenu = {"Help", [About,Help,UG,Howto]},
+ [FileMenu, HelpMenu];
+ true ->
+ %% On Mac quit and about will be moved to the "default' place
+ %% automagicly, so just add them to a menu that always exist.
+ [{"File", [Open, About,Quit]}, {"&Help", [Help,UG,Howto]}]
+ end.
+load_dump(Frame,undefined) ->
+ FD = wxFileDialog:new(wx:null(),
+ [{style,?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST}]),
+ case wxFileDialog:showModal(FD) of
+ ?wxID_OK ->
+ Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(FD),
+ wxDialog:destroy(FD),
+ load_dump(Frame,Path);
+ _ ->
+ wxDialog:destroy(FD),
+ error
+ end;
+load_dump(Frame,FileName) ->
+ ok = observer_lib:display_progress_dialog("Crashdump Viewer",
+ "Loading crashdump"),
+ crashdump_viewer:read_file(FileName),
+ case observer_lib:wait_for_progress() of
+ ok ->
+ %% Set window title
+ T1 = "Crashdump Viewer: ",
+ Title =
+ if length(FileName) > 70 ->
+ T1 ++ filename:basename(FileName);
+ true ->
+ T1 ++ FileName
+ end,
+ wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, Title),
+ {ok,FileName};
+ error ->
+ error
+ end.
+%%% Find help document (HTML files)
+get_help_doc(HelpId) ->
+ Internal = get_internal_help_doc(HelpId),
+ case filelib:is_file(Internal) of
+ true -> Internal;
+ false -> get_external_help_doc(HelpId)
+ end.
+get_internal_help_doc(?ID_HOWTO) ->
+ filename:join(erts_doc_dir(),help_file(?ID_HOWTO));
+get_internal_help_doc(HelpId) ->
+ filename:join(observer_doc_dir(),help_file(HelpId)).
+get_external_help_doc(?ID_HOWTO) ->
+ filename:join("http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/erts",help_file(?ID_HOWTO));
+get_external_help_doc(HelpId) ->
+ filename:join("http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/observer",help_file(HelpId)).
+observer_doc_dir() ->
+ filename:join([code:lib_dir(observer),"doc","html"]).
+erts_doc_dir() ->
+ ErtsVsn = erlang:system_info(version),
+ RootDir = code:root_dir(),
+ VsnErtsDir = filename:join(RootDir,"erts-"++ErtsVsn),
+ DocDir = filename:join(["doc","html"]),
+ case filelib:is_dir(VsnErtsDir) of
+ true ->
+ filename:join(VsnErtsDir,DocDir);
+ false ->
+ %% So this can be run in source tree
+ filename:join([RootDir,"erts",DocDir])
+ end.
+help_file(?wxID_HELP) -> "crashdump_help.html";
+help_file(?ID_UG) -> "crashdump_ug.html";
+help_file(?ID_HOWTO) -> "crash_dump.html".
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
index e7d71c581e..a17efbccb0 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
@@ -20,80 +20,53 @@
%% This module is the main module in the crashdump viewer. It implements
-%% the server started by webtool and the API for the crashdump viewer tool.
-%% All functions in the API except configData/0 and start_link/0 are
-%% called from HTML pages via erl_scheme (mod_esi).
+%% the server backend for the crashdump viewer tool.
%% Tables
%% ------
-%% cdv_menu_table: This table holds the menu which is presented in the left
-%% frame of the crashdump viewer page. Each element in the table represents
-%% one meny item, and the state of the item indicates if it is presently
-%% visible or not.
-%% cdv_dump_index_table: This table holds all tags read from the crashdump.
-%% Each tag indicates where the information about a specific item starts.
-%% The table entry for a tag includes the start position for this
-%% item-information. All tags start with a "=" at the beginning of
-%% a line.
+%% cdv_dump_index_table: This table holds all tags read from the
+%% crashdump. Each tag indicates where the information about a
+%% specific item starts. The table entry for a tag includes the start
+%% position for this item-information. In a crash dump file, all tags
+%% start with a "=" at the beginning of a line.
%% Process state
%% -------------
%% file: The name of the crashdump currently viewed.
%% dump_vsn: The version number of the crashdump
-%% procs_summary: Process summary represented by a list of
-%% #proc records. This is used for efficiency reasons when sorting the
-%% process summary table instead of reading all processes from the
-%% dump again. Note that if the dump contains more than
-%% ?max_sort_process_num processes, the sort functionality is not
-%% available, and the procs_summary field in the state will have the
-%% value 'too_many'.
-%% sorted: string(), indicated what item was last sorted in process summary.
-%% This is needed so reverse sorting can be done.
-%% shared_heap: 'true' if crashdump comes from a system running shared heap,
-%% else 'false'.
%% wordsize: 4 | 8, the number of bytes in a word.
%% binaries: a gb_tree containing binaries or links to binaries in the dump
%% User API
-%% Webtool API
- start_link/0]).
- read_file_frame/2,
- read_file/2,
- redirect/2,
- filename_frame/2,
- menu_frame/2,
- initial_info_frame/2,
- toggle/2,
- general_info/2,
- processes/3,
- proc_details/2,
- port/2,
- ports/3,
- ets_tables/3,
- internal_ets_tables/2,
- timers/3,
- fun_table/3,
- atoms/3,
- dist_info/2,
- loaded_modules/3,
- loaded_mod_details/2,
- memory/2,
- allocated_areas/2,
- allocator_info/2,
- hash_tables/2,
- index_tables/2,
- sort_procs/3,
- expand/2,
- expand_binary/2,
- expand_memory/2]).
+ general_info/0,
+ processes/0,
+ proc_details/1,
+ port/1,
+ ports/0,
+ ets_tables/1,
+ internal_ets_tables/0,
+ timers/1,
+ funs/0,
+ atoms/0,
+ dist_info/0,
+ node_info/1,
+ loaded_modules/0,
+ loaded_mod_details/1,
+ memory/0,
+ allocated_areas/0,
+ allocator_info/0,
+ hash_tables/0,
+ index_tables/0,
+ expand_binary/1]).
+%% Library function
+-export([to_proplist/2, to_value_list/1]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
@@ -106,28 +79,11 @@
-define(SERVER, crashdump_viewer_server).
-define(chunk_size,1000). % number of bytes read from crashdump at a time
-define(max_line_size,100). % max number of bytes (i.e. characters) the
% line_head/1 function can return
--define(max_display_size,500). % max number of bytes that will be directly
- % displayed. If e.g. msg_q is longer than
- % this, it must be explicitly expanded.
--define(max_display_binary_size,50). % max size of a binary that will be
- % directly displayed.
--define(max_sort_process_num,10000). % Max number of processes that allows
- % sorting. If more than this number of
- % processes exist, they will be displayed
- % in the order they are found in the log.
--define(items_chunk_size,?max_sort_process_num). % Number of items per chunk
- % when page of many items
- % is displayed, e.g. processes,
- % timers, funs...
- % Must be equal to
- % ?max_sort_process_num!
@@ -136,7 +92,6 @@
@@ -152,7 +107,6 @@
@@ -164,8 +118,7 @@
- wordsize=4,num_atoms="unknown",binaries,bg_status}).
%%% Debugging
@@ -198,133 +151,72 @@ stop_debug() ->
%%% User API
start() ->
- webtool:start(),
- receive after 1000 -> ok end,
- webtool:start_tools([],"app=crashdump_viewer"),
- receive after 1000 -> ok end,
- ok.
+ start(undefined).
+start(File) ->
+ cdv_wx:start(File).
stop() ->
- webtool:stop_tools([],"app=crashdump_viewer"),
- webtool:stop().
+ case whereis(?SERVER) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ Pid ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process,Pid),
+ cast(stop),
+ receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _} -> ok end
+ end.
%%% Start crashdump_viewer via the cdv script located in
script_start() ->
- usage().
-script_start([File]) ->
- DefaultBrowser =
- case os:type() of
- {win32,_} -> iexplore;
- {unix,darwin} -> open;
- _ -> firefox
- end,
- script_start([File,DefaultBrowser]);
-script_start([FileAtom,Browser]) ->
+ do_script_start(fun() -> start() end),
+ erlang:halt().
+script_start([FileAtom]) ->
File = atom_to_list(FileAtom),
case filelib:is_regular(File) of
true ->
- io:format("Starting crashdump_viewer...\n"),
- start(),
- io:format("Reading crashdump..."),
- read_file(File),
- redirect([],[]),
- io:format("done\n"),
- start_browser(Browser);
+ do_script_start(fun() -> start(File) end);
false ->
io:format("cdv error: the given file does not exist\n"),
- end.
-start_browser(Browser) ->
- PortStr = integer_to_list(gen_server:call(web_tool,get_port)),
- Url = "http://localhost:" ++ PortStr ++ ?START_PAGE,
- {OSType,_} = os:type(),
- case Browser of
- none ->
- ok;
- iexplore when OSType == win32->
- io:format("Starting internet explorer...\n"),
- {ok,R} = win32reg:open(""),
- Key="\\local_machine\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\IE Setup\\Setup",
- win32reg:change_key(R,Key),
- {ok,Val} = win32reg:value(R,"Path"),
- IExplore=filename:join(win32reg:expand(Val),"iexplore.exe"),
- os:cmd("\"" ++ IExplore ++ "\" " ++ Url);
- _ when OSType == win32 ->
- io:format("Starting ~w...\n",[Browser]),
- os:cmd("\"" ++ atom_to_list(Browser) ++ "\" " ++ Url);
- B when B==firefox; B==mozilla ->
- io:format("Sending URL to ~w...",[Browser]),
- BStr = atom_to_list(Browser),
- SendCmd = BStr ++ " -raise -remote \'openUrl(" ++ Url ++ ")\'",
- Port = open_port({spawn,SendCmd},[exit_status]),
- receive
- {Port,{exit_status,0}} ->
- io:format("done\n");
- {Port,{exit_status,_Error}} ->
- io:format(" not running, starting ~w...\n",[Browser]),
- os:cmd(BStr ++ " " ++ Url)
- after 5000 ->
- io:format(" failed, starting ~w...\n",[Browser]),
- erlang:port_close(Port),
- os:cmd(BStr ++ " " ++ Url)
- end;
- _ ->
- io:format("Starting ~w...\n",[Browser]),
- os:cmd(atom_to_list(Browser) ++ " " ++ Url)
- ok.
+ erlang:halt();
+script_start(_) ->
+ usage(),
+ erlang:halt().
+do_script_start(StartFun) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ case StartFun() of
+ ok ->
+ case whereis(cdv_wx) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ link(Pid),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ io:format("\ncdv crash: ~p\n",[Reason])
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("\ncdv crash: ~p\n",[unknown_reason])
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ io:format("\ncdv start failed: ~p\n",[Error])
+ end.
usage() ->
- "\nusage: cdv file [ browser ]\n"
+ "usage: cdv [file]\n"
"\tThe \'file\' must be an existing erlang crash dump.\n"
- "\tDefault browser is \'iexplore\' (Internet Explorer) on Windows,\n"
- "\t\'open\' on Mac OS X, or else \'firefox\'.\n",
+ "\tIf omitted a file dialog will be opened.\n",
-%%% Return config data used by webtool
-configData() ->
- Dir = filename:join(code:priv_dir(observer),"crashdump_viewer"),
- {crashdump_viewer,
- [{web_data,{"CrashDumpViewer",?START_PAGE}},
- {alias,{"/crashdump_viewer",Dir}},
- {alias,{"/crashdump_erts_doc",erts_docdir()}},
- {alias,{"/crashdump_doc",cdv_docdir()}},
- {alias,{erl_alias,"/cdv_erl",[?MODULE]}},
- {start,{child,{{local,?SERVER},
- {?MODULE,start_link,[]},
- permanent,100,worker,[?MODULE]}}}
- ]}.
-erts_docdir() ->
- ErtsVsn = erlang:system_info(version),
- RootDir = code:root_dir(),
- VsnErtsDir = filename:join(RootDir,"erts-"++ErtsVsn),
- DocDir = filename:join(["doc","html"]),
- case filelib:is_dir(VsnErtsDir) of
- true ->
- filename:join(VsnErtsDir,DocDir);
- false ->
- %% So this can be run in clearcase
- filename:join([RootDir,"erts",DocDir])
- end.
-cdv_docdir() ->
- ObserverDir = code:lib_dir(observer),
- filename:join([ObserverDir,"doc","html"]).
%% External functions
-%%% Start the server
+%%% Start the server - called by cdv_wx
start_link() ->
case whereis(?SERVER) of
undefined ->
@@ -334,119 +226,63 @@ start_link() ->
-%%% If crashdump_viewer is just started, show welcome frame. Else
-%%% show menu and general_info
-start_page(_Env,_Input) ->
- call(start_page).
-%%% Display the form for entering the file name for the crashdump
-%%% to view.
-read_file_frame(_Env,_Input) ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:read_file_frame().
-%%% Called when the 'ok' button is clicked after entering the dump
-%%% file name.
-read_file(_Env,Input) ->
- call({read_file,Input}).
-%%% The topmost frame of the main page. Called when a crashdump is
-%%% loaded.
-filename_frame(_Env,_Input) ->
- call(filename_frame).
-%%% The initial information frame. Called when a crashdump is loaded.
-initial_info_frame(_Env,_Input) ->
- call(initial_info_frame).
-%%% The left frame of the main page. Called when a crashdump is
-%%% loaded.
-menu_frame(_Env,_Input) ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:menu_frame().
-%%% Called when the collapsed or exploded picture in the menu is
-%%% clicked.
-toggle(_Env,Input) ->
- call({toggle,Input}).
+%%% Called by cdv_wx
+read_file(File) ->
+ cast({read_file,File}).
-%%% The following functions are called when menu items are clicked.
-general_info(_Env,_Input) ->
+%%% The following functions are called when the different tabs are
+%%% created
+general_info() ->
-processes(SessionId,_Env,_Input) ->
- call({procs_summary,SessionId}).
-ports(SessionId,_Env,_Input) ->
- call({ports,SessionId}).
-ets_tables(SessionId,_Env,Input) ->
- call({ets_tables,SessionId,Input}).
-internal_ets_tables(_Env,_Input) ->
+processes() ->
+ call(procs_summary).
+ports() ->
+ call(ports).
+ets_tables(Owner) ->
+ call({ets_tables,Owner}).
+internal_ets_tables() ->
-timers(SessionId,_Env,Input) ->
- call({timers,SessionId,Input}).
-fun_table(SessionId,_Env,_Input) ->
- call({funs,SessionId}).
-atoms(SessionId,_Env,_Input) ->
- call({atoms,SessionId}).
-dist_info(_Env,_Input) ->
+timers(Owner) ->
+ call({timers,Owner}).
+funs() ->
+ call(funs).
+atoms() ->
+ call(atoms).
+dist_info() ->
-loaded_modules(SessionId,_Env,_Input) ->
- call({loaded_mods,SessionId}).
-loaded_mod_details(_Env,Input) ->
- call({loaded_mod_details,Input}).
-memory(_Env,_Input) ->
+node_info(Channel) ->
+ call({node_info,Channel}).
+loaded_modules() ->
+ call(loaded_mods).
+loaded_mod_details(Mod) ->
+ call({loaded_mod_details,Mod}).
+memory() ->
-allocated_areas(_Env,_Input) ->
+allocated_areas() ->
-allocator_info(_Env,_Input) ->
+allocator_info() ->
-hash_tables(_Env,_Input) ->
+hash_tables() ->
-index_tables(_Env,_Input) ->
+index_tables() ->
%%% Called when a link to a process (Pid) is clicked.
-proc_details(_Env,Input) ->
- call({proc_details,Input}).
-%%% Called when one of the headings in the process summary table are
-%%% clicked. It sorts the processes by the clicked heading.
-sort_procs(SessionId,_Env,Input) ->
- call({sort_procs,SessionId,Input}).
+proc_details(Pid) ->
+ call({proc_details,Pid}).
%%% Called when a link to a port is clicked.
-port(_Env,Input) ->
- call({port,Input}).
-%%% Called when the "Expand" link in a call stack (Last Calls) is
-%%% clicked.
-expand(_Env,Input) ->
- call({expand,Input}).
-%%% Called when the "Expand" link in a stack dump, message queue or
-%%% dictionary is clicked.
-expand_memory(_Env,Input) ->
- call({expand_memory,Input}).
+port(Id) ->
+ call({port,Id}).
-%%% Called when "<< xxx bytes>>" link in a stack dump, message queue or
-%%% dictionary is clicked.
-expand_binary(_Env,Input) ->
- call({expand_binary,Input}).
-%%% Called on regular intervals while waiting for a dump to be read
-redirect(_Env,_Input) ->
- call(redirect).
+%%% Called when "<< xxx bytes>>" link is clicket to open a new window
+%%% displaying the whole binary.
+expand_binary(Pos) ->
+ call({expand_binary,Pos}).
%% Server functions
@@ -461,7 +297,6 @@ redirect(_Env,_Input) ->
%% {stop, Reason}
init([]) ->
- ets:new(cdv_menu_table,[set,named_table,{keypos,#menu_item.index},public]),
{ok, #state{}}.
@@ -475,223 +310,125 @@ init([]) ->
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:welcome(),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call(start_page, _From, State=#state{file=undefined,bg_status={done,Page}}) ->
- {reply,Page,State};
-handle_call(start_page, _From, State=#state{file=undefined,bg_status=Status}) ->
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:redirect(Status),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call(start_page, _From, State) ->
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:start_page(),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({read_file,Input}, _From, _State) ->
- {ok,File} = get_value("path",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
- spawn_link(fun() -> read_file(File) end),
- Status = background_status(reading,File),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:redirect(Status),
- {reply, Reply, #state{bg_status=Status}};
-handle_call(redirect,_From, State=#state{bg_status={done,Page}}) ->
- {reply, Page, State#state{bg_status=undefined}};
-handle_call(redirect,_From, State=#state{bg_status=Status}) ->
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:redirect(Status),
- {reply, Reply, State};
-handle_call(filename_frame,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:filename_frame(File),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call(initial_info_frame,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+handle_call(general_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
GenInfo = general_info(File),
- [{DumpVsn,_}] = lookup_index(?erl_crash_dump),
NumAtoms = GenInfo#general_info.num_atoms,
- {WS,SH} = parse_vsn_str(GenInfo#general_info.system_vsn,4,false),
- NumProcs = list_to_integer(GenInfo#general_info.num_procs),
- ProcsSummary =
- if NumProcs > ?max_sort_process_num -> too_many;
- true -> State#state.procs_summary
- end,
- NewState = State#state{dump_vsn=[list_to_integer(L) ||
- L<-string:tokens(DumpVsn,".")],
- shared_heap=SH,
- wordsize=WS,
- num_atoms=NumAtoms,
- procs_summary=ProcsSummary},
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:general_info(GenInfo),
- {reply,Reply,NewState};
-handle_call({toggle,Input},_From,State) ->
- {ok,Index} = get_value("index",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
- do_toggle(list_to_integer(Index)),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:menu_frame(),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({expand,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- [{"pos",Pos},{"size",Size},{"what",What},{"truncated",Truncated}] =
- httpd:parse_query(Input),
- Expanded = get_expanded(File,list_to_integer(Pos),list_to_integer(Size)),
- TruncText = if Truncated=="true" -> "WARNING: This term is truncated!\n\n";
- true -> ""
- end,
- Reply =
- case {Truncated,What} of
- {_,"LastCalls"} ->
- LastCalls = replace_all($ ,$\n,Expanded,[]),
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(What,[TruncText,LastCalls]);
- {_,"StackDump"} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(What,[TruncText,Expanded]);
- {"false",_} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:pretty_info_page(What,Expanded);
- {"true",_} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(What,[TruncText,Expanded])
- end,
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({expand_memory,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File,binaries=B}) ->
- [{"pid",Pid},{"what",What}] = httpd:parse_query(Input),
- Reply =
- case truncated_warning([{?proc,Pid}]) of
- [] ->
- Expanded = expand_memory(File,What,Pid,B),
- crashdump_viewer_html:expanded_memory(What,Expanded);
- _TW ->
- Info =
- "The crashdump is truncated in the middle of this "
- "process' memory information, so this information "
- "can not be extracted.",
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(What,Info)
- end,
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({expand_binary,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- [{"pos",Pos0}] = httpd:parse_query(Input),
- Pos = list_to_integer(Pos0),
+ WS = parse_vsn_str(GenInfo#general_info.system_vsn,4),
+ TW = case get(truncated) of
+ true -> ["WARNING: The crash dump is truncated. "
+ "Some information might be missing."];
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ {reply,{ok,GenInfo,TW},State#state{wordsize=WS, num_atoms=NumAtoms}};
+handle_call({expand_binary,{Offset,Size,Pos}},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
Fd = open(File),
- {Bin,_Line} = get_binary(val(Fd)),
+ {Bin,_Line} = get_binary(Offset,Size,val(Fd)),
- Reply=crashdump_viewer_html:expanded_binary(io_lib:format("~p",[Bin])),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call(general_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- GenInfo=general_info(File),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:general_info(GenInfo),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({procs_summary,SessionId},_From,State) ->
- TW = truncated_warning([?proc]),
- NewState = procs_summary(SessionId,TW,"pid",State#state{sorted=undefined}),
- {reply,ok,NewState};
-handle_call({sort_procs,SessionId,Input}, _From, State) ->
- {ok,Sort} = get_value("sort",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
+ {reply,{ok,Bin},State};
+handle_call(procs_summary,_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?proc]),
- NewState = procs_summary(SessionId,TW,Sort,State),
- {reply,ok,NewState};
-handle_call({proc_details,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File,shared_heap=SH}) ->
- {ok,Pid} = get_value("pid",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
+ Procs = procs_summary(File,WS),
+ {reply,{ok,Procs,TW},State};
+ State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS,dump_vsn=DumpVsn,binaries=B})->
Reply =
- case get_proc_details(File,Pid,State#state.dump_vsn) of
- {ok,Proc} ->
- TW = truncated_warning([{?proc,Pid}]),
- crashdump_viewer_html:proc_details(Pid,Proc,TW,SH);
- {other_node,Node} ->
- TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node,
- ?hidden_node,
- ?not_connected]),
- crashdump_viewer_html:nods(Node,TW);
- not_found ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(["Could not find process: ",
- Pid],?space)
+ case get_proc_details(File,Pid,WS,DumpVsn,B) of
+ {ok,Proc,TW} ->
+ {ok,Proc,TW};
+ Other ->
+ {error,Other}
{reply, Reply, State};
-handle_call({port,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- {ok,P} = get_value("port",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
- Id = [$#|P],
+handle_call({port,Id},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
Reply =
case get_port(File,Id) of
{ok,PortInfo} ->
TW = truncated_warning([{?port,Id}]),
- crashdump_viewer_html:port(Id,PortInfo,TW);
- {other_node,Node} ->
- TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node,
- ?hidden_node,
- ?not_connected]),
- crashdump_viewer_html:nods(Node,TW);
- not_found ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:info_page(
- ["Could not find port: ",Id],?space)
+ {ok,PortInfo,TW};
+ Other ->
+ {error,Other}
-handle_call({ports,SessionId},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+handle_call(ports,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?port]),
- get_ports(SessionId,File,TW),
- {reply,ok,State};
-handle_call({ets_tables,SessionId,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) ->
- {Pid,Heading} =
- case get_value("pid",httpd:parse_query(Input)) of
- {ok,P} ->
- {P,["ETS Tables for Process ",P]};
- error ->
- {'$2',"ETS Table Information"}
+ Ports = get_ports(File),
+ {reply,{ok,Ports,TW},State};
+handle_call({ets_tables,Pid0},_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) ->
+ Pid =
+ case Pid0 of
+ all -> '$2';
+ _ -> Pid0
TW = truncated_warning([?ets]),
- get_ets_tables(SessionId,File,Heading,TW,Pid,WS),
- {reply,ok,State};
+ Ets = get_ets_tables(File,Pid,WS),
+ {reply,{ok,Ets,TW},State};
handle_call(internal_ets_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) ->
InternalEts = get_internal_ets_tables(File,WS),
TW = truncated_warning([?internal_ets]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:internal_ets_tables(InternalEts,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({timers,SessionId,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- {Pid,Heading} =
- case get_value("pid",httpd:parse_query(Input)) of
- {ok,P} -> {P,["Timers for Process ",P]};
- error -> {'$2',"Timer Information"}
+ {reply,{ok,InternalEts,TW},State};
+handle_call({timers,Pid0},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+ Pid =
+ case Pid0 of
+ all -> '$2';
+ _ -> Pid0
TW = truncated_warning([?timer]),
- get_timers(SessionId,File,Heading,TW,Pid),
- {reply,ok,State};
+ Timers = get_timers(File,Pid),
+ {reply,{ok,Timers,TW},State};
handle_call(dist_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- Nods=nods(File),
TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node,?hidden_node,?not_connected]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:nods(Nods,TW),
+ Nods=nods(File),
+ {reply,{ok,Nods,TW},State};
+handle_call({node_info,Channel},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+ Reply =
+ case get_node(File,Channel) of
+ {ok,Nod} ->
+ TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node,
+ ?hidden_node,
+ ?not_connected]),
+ {ok,Nod,TW};
+ {error,Other} ->
+ {error,Other}
+ end,
-handle_call({loaded_mods,SessionId},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+handle_call(loaded_mods,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?mod]),
- loaded_mods(SessionId,File,TW),
- {reply,ok,State};
-handle_call({loaded_mod_details,Input},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
- {ok,Mod} = get_value("mod",httpd:parse_query(Input)),
- ModInfo = get_loaded_mod_details(File,Mod),
+ {_CC,_OC,Mods} = loaded_mods(File),
+ {reply,{ok,Mods,TW},State};
+handle_call({loaded_mod_details,Mod},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([{?mod,Mod}]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:loaded_mod_details(ModInfo,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
-handle_call({funs,SessionId},_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
+ ModInfo = get_loaded_mod_details(File,Mod),
+ {reply,{ok,ModInfo,TW},State};
+handle_call(funs,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?fu]),
- funs(SessionId,File,TW),
- {reply,ok,State};
-handle_call({atoms,SessionId},_From,State=#state{file=File,num_atoms=Num}) ->
- TW = truncated_warning([?atoms,?num_atoms]),
- atoms(SessionId,File,TW,Num),
- {reply,ok,State};
+ Funs = funs(File),
+ {reply,{ok,Funs,TW},State};
+handle_call(atoms,_From,State=#state{file=File,num_atoms=NumAtoms0}) ->
+ TW = truncated_warning([?atoms]),
+ NumAtoms = try list_to_integer(NumAtoms0) catch error:badarg -> -1 end,
+ Atoms = atoms(File,NumAtoms),
+ {reply,{ok,Atoms,TW},State};
handle_call(memory,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?memory]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:memory(Memory,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
+ {reply,{ok,Memory,TW},State};
handle_call(allocated_areas,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?allocated_areas]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:allocated_areas(AllocatedAreas,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
+ {reply,{ok,AllocatedAreas,TW},State};
handle_call(allocator_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?allocator]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:allocator_info(SlAlloc,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
+ {reply,{ok,SlAlloc,TW},State};
handle_call(hash_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?hash_table,?index_table]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:hash_tables(HashTables,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State};
+ {reply,{ok,HashTables,TW},State};
handle_call(index_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
TW = truncated_warning([?hash_table,?index_table]),
- Reply = crashdump_viewer_html:index_tables(IndexTables,TW),
- {reply,Reply,State}.
+ {reply,{ok,IndexTables,TW},State}.
@@ -702,11 +439,18 @@ handle_call(index_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File}) ->
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_cast({background_done,{Page,File,Binaries},Dict}, State) ->
- lists:foreach(fun({Key,Val}) -> put(Key,Val) end, Dict),
- {noreply, State#state{file=File,binaries=Binaries,bg_status={done,Page}}};
-handle_cast({background_status,Status}, State) ->
- {noreply, State#state{bg_status=Status}}.
+handle_cast({read_file,File}, _State) ->
+ case do_read_file(File) of
+ {ok,Binaries,DumpVsn} ->
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,done}),
+ {noreply, #state{file=File,binaries=Binaries,dump_vsn=DumpVsn}};
+ Error ->
+ end_progress(Error),
+ {noreply, #state{}}
+ end;
+handle_cast(stop,State) ->
+ {stop,normal,State}.
%% Function: handle_info/2
@@ -791,24 +535,6 @@ compare_pid("<"++Id,"<"++OtherId) ->
compare_pid(_,_) ->
-background_status(Action,File) ->
- SizeInfo = filesizeinfo(File),
- background_status(Action,File,SizeInfo).
-background_status(processing,File,SizeInfo) ->
- "Processing " ++ File ++ SizeInfo;
-background_status(reading,File,SizeInfo) ->
- "Reading file " ++ File ++ SizeInfo.
-filesizeinfo(File) ->
- case file:read_file_info(File) of
- {ok,#file_info{size=Size}} ->
- " (" ++ integer_to_list(Size) ++ " bytes)";
- _X ->
- ""
- end.
open(File) ->
{ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[read,read_ahead,raw,binary]),
@@ -861,6 +587,18 @@ get_chunk(Fd) ->
+%% Read and report progress
+progress_read(Fd) ->
+ {R,Bytes} =
+ case read(Fd) of
+ {ok,Bin} ->
+ {{ok,Bin},byte_size(Bin)};
+ Other ->
+ {Other,0}
+ end,
+ update_progress(Bytes),
+ R.
read(Fd) ->
@@ -962,73 +700,30 @@ get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, <<>>, Acc) ->
eof -> {eof,lists:reverse(Acc)}
-count_rest_of_line(Fd) ->
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd) ->
case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} -> count_rest_of_line(Fd,Bin,0);
- eof -> {eof,0}
- end.
-count_rest_of_line(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
- put_chunk(Fd,Bin),
- N;
-count_rest_of_line(Fd,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
- count_rest_of_line(Fd,Bin,N);
-count_rest_of_line(Fd,<<_Char:8,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
- count_rest_of_line(Fd,Bin,N+1);
-count_rest_of_line(Fd,<<>>,N) ->
- case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} -> count_rest_of_line(Fd,Bin,N);
- eof -> {eof,N}
- end.
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N) ->
- case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} ->
- {AllOrPart,Rest,Lines} = get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,Bin,[]),
- {AllOrPart,N-Rest,Lines};
+ {ok,Bin} ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,[],[]);
eof ->
- empty
- end.
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,<<"\n=",_/binary>>=Bin,Acc) ->
- put_chunk(Fd,Bin),
- {all,N-1,lists:reverse(Acc)};
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,0,Bin,Acc) ->
- put_chunk(Fd,Bin),
- {part,0,lists:reverse(Acc)};
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc) ->
- get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N-1,Bin,[$\n|Acc]);
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc) ->
- get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,Bin,Acc);
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,<<Char:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc) ->
- get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,Bin,[Char|Acc]);
-get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,<<>>,Acc) ->
- case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} ->
- get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,N,Bin,Acc);
- eof ->
- case Acc of
- [$\n|_] ->
- {all,N,lists:reverse(Acc)};
- _ ->
- {all,N-1,lists:reverse(Acc)}
- end
- end.
-count_rest_of_tag(Fd) ->
- case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} -> count_rest_of_tag(Fd,Bin,0);
- eof -> 0
+ []
-count_rest_of_tag(Fd,<<"\n=",Bin/binary>>,N) ->
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,[],Lines) ->
- N;
-count_rest_of_tag(Fd,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
- count_rest_of_tag(Fd,Bin,N);
-count_rest_of_tag(Fd,<<_Char:8,Bin/binary>>,N) ->
- count_rest_of_tag(Fd,Bin,N+1);
-count_rest_of_tag(Fd,<<>>,N) ->
+ lists:reverse(Lines);
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,[],[lists:reverse(Acc)|Lines]);
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,Acc,Lines);
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<$\s:8,Bin/binary>>,[],Lines) ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,[],Lines);
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<Char:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,[Char|Acc],Lines);
+get_lines_to_empty(Fd,<<>>,Acc,Lines) ->
case get_chunk(Fd) of
- {ok,Bin} -> count_rest_of_tag(Fd,Bin,N);
- eof -> N
+ {ok,Bin} ->
+ get_lines_to_empty(Fd,Bin,Acc,Lines);
+ eof ->
+ lists:reverse(Lines,[lists:reverse(Acc)])
split(Str) ->
@@ -1046,150 +741,32 @@ split(Char,[H|T],Acc) ->
split(_Char,[],Acc) ->
-size_or_term(Fd) ->
- size_or_term(Fd,get(pos)).
-size_or_term(Fd,Pos) ->
- case count_rest_of_line(Fd) of
- {eof,Size} ->
- {size,true,Size,Pos};
- Size when Size > ?max_display_size ->
- {size,false,Size,Pos};
- _Size ->
- {ok,Pos} = pos_bof(Fd,Pos),
- val(Fd)
- end.
-get_value(Key,List) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key,1,List) of
- {value,{Key,Value}} -> {ok,Value};
- false -> error
- end.
-parse_vsn_str([],WS,false) ->
- %% If the log is translated, crashdump_translate might have written
- %% shared_heap=true in dictionary.
- case erase(shared_heap) of
- true -> {WS,true};
- _ -> {WS,false}
- end;
-parse_vsn_str([],WS,SH) ->
- {WS,SH};
-parse_vsn_str(Str,WS,SH) ->
+parse_vsn_str([],WS) ->
+ WS;
+parse_vsn_str(Str,WS) ->
case Str of
- "[64-bit]" ++ Rest ->
- case SH of
- false ->
- parse_vsn_str(Rest,8,false);
- _ ->
- {8,SH}
- end;
- "[shared heap]" ++ Rest ->
- case WS of
- 4 ->
- parse_vsn_str(Rest,WS,true);
- _ ->
- {WS,true}
- end;
+ "[64-bit]" ++ _Rest ->
+ 8;
[_Char|Rest] ->
- parse_vsn_str(Rest,WS,SH)
+ parse_vsn_str(Rest,WS)
-initial_menu() ->
- insert_items(
- [menu_item(0, {"./general_info","General information"},0),
- menu_item(0, {"./processes","Processes"}, 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./ports","Ports"}, 0),
- menu_item(2, "ETS tables", 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./ets_tables","ETS tables"}, 1),
- menu_item(0, {"./internal_ets_tables","Internal ETS tables"}, 1),
- menu_item(0, {"./timers","Timers"}, 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./fun_table","Fun table"}, 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./atoms","Atoms"}, 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./dist_info","Distribution information"}, 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./loaded_modules","Loaded modules"}, 0),
- menu_item(2, "Internal Tables", 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./hash_tables","Hash tables"}, 1),
- menu_item(0, {"./index_tables","Index tables"}, 1),
- menu_item(3, "Memory information", 0),
- menu_item(0, {"./memory","Memory"}, 1),
- menu_item(0, {"./allocated_areas","Allocated areas"}, 1),
- menu_item(0, {"./allocator_info","Allocator information"}, 1),
- menu_item(2, "Documentation", 0),
- menu_item(0, {"/crashdump_doc/crashdump_help.html",
- "Crashdump Viewer help"}, 1,"doc"),
- menu_item(0, {"/crashdump_erts_doc/crash_dump.html",
- "How to interpret Erlang crashdumps"}, 1,"doc")]).
-menu_item(Children,Text,Depth) ->
- menu_item(Children,Text,Depth,"main").
-menu_item(Children,Text,Depth,Target) ->
- #menu_item{picture=get_pic(Children),
- text=Text,
- depth=Depth,
- children=Children,
- state=if Depth==0 -> true; true -> false end,
- target=Target}.
-insert_items(Items) ->
- insert_items(Items,1).
-insert_items([Item|Items],Index) ->
- ets:insert(cdv_menu_table,Item#menu_item{index=Index}),
- insert_items(Items,Index+1);
-insert_items([],_) ->
- ok.
-get_pic(0) ->
- "";
-get_pic(_) ->
- "/crashdump_viewer/collapsd.gif".
-do_toggle(Index) ->
- [Item]= ets:lookup(cdv_menu_table,Index),
- case toggle_children(Index,Index+Item#menu_item.children,
- Item#menu_item.depth+1,undefined) of
- true ->
- ets:insert(cdv_menu_table,
- Item#menu_item{picture=
- "/crashdump_viewer/exploded.gif"});
- false ->
- ets:insert(cdv_menu_table,
- Item#menu_item{picture=
- "/crashdump_viewer/collapsd.gif"})
- end.
-toggle_children(Index,Max,_Depth,ToggleState) when Index>Max->
- ToggleState;
-toggle_children(Index,Max,Depth,ToggleState) ->
- case ets:lookup(cdv_menu_table,Index+1) of
- [#menu_item{depth=Depth}=Child] ->
- NewState = not Child#menu_item.state,
- ets:insert(cdv_menu_table,Child#menu_item{state=NewState}),
- toggle_children(Index+1,Max,Depth,NewState);
- _ ->
- toggle_children(Index+1,Max,Depth,ToggleState)
- end.
%%% Traverse crash dump and insert index in table for each heading
-%%% This function is executed in a background process in order to
-%%% avoid a timeout in the web browser. The browser displays "Please
-%%% wait..." while this is going on.
-%%% Variable written to process dictionary in this function are copied
-%%% to the crashdump_viewer_server when the function is completed (see
-%%% background_done/1).
-read_file(File) ->
+%%% Progress is reported during the time and MUST be checked with
+%%% crashdump_viewer:get_progress/0 until it returns {ok,done}.
+do_read_file(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
- {ok,#file_info{type=regular,access=FileA}} when FileA=:=read;
- FileA=:=read_write ->
+ {ok,#file_info{type=regular,
+ access=FileA,
+ size=Size}} when FileA=:=read; FileA=:=read_write ->
Fd = open(File),
- case read(Fd) of
+ init_progress("Reading file",Size),
+ case progress_read(Fd) of
{ok,<<$=:8,TagAndRest/binary>>} ->
{Tag,Id,Rest,N1} = tag(Fd,TagAndRest,1),
case Tag of
@@ -1197,41 +774,40 @@ read_file(File) ->
- Status = background_status(processing,File),
- background_status(Status),
+ end_progress(),
- initial_menu(),
- Binaries = read_binaries(Fd),
- R = crashdump_viewer_html:start_page(),
+ [{DumpVsn0,_}] = lookup_index(?erl_crash_dump),
+ DumpVsn = [list_to_integer(L) ||
+ L<-string:tokens(DumpVsn0,".")],
+ Binaries = read_binaries(Fd,DumpVsn),
- background_done({R,File,Binaries});
+ {ok,Binaries,DumpVsn};
_Other ->
- R = crashdump_viewer_html:error(
+ R = io_lib:format(
"~s is not an Erlang crash dump~n",
- background_done({R,undefined,undefined})
+ {error,R}
{ok,<<"<Erlang crash dump>",_Rest/binary>>} ->
%% old version - no longer supported
- R = crashdump_viewer_html:error(
+ R = io_lib:format(
"The crashdump ~s is in the pre-R10B format, "
"which is no longer supported.~n",
- [File]),
+ [File]),
- background_done({R,undefined,undefined});
+ {error,R};
_Other ->
- R = crashdump_viewer_html:error(
+ R = io_lib:format(
"~s is not an Erlang crash dump~n",
- background_done({R,undefined,undefined})
+ {error,R}
_other ->
- R = crashdump_viewer_html:error("~s is not an Erlang crash dump~n",
- [File]),
- background_done({R,undefined,undefined})
+ R = io_lib:format("~s is not an Erlang crash dump~n",[File]),
+ {error,R}
indexify(Fd,Bin,N) ->
@@ -1244,7 +820,7 @@ indexify(Fd,Bin,N) ->
nomatch ->
- case read(Fd) of
+ case progress_read(Fd) of
{ok,Chunk0} when is_binary(Chunk0) ->
{Chunk,N1} =
case binary:last(Bin) of
@@ -1272,7 +848,7 @@ tag(Fd,<<Char:8,Rest/binary>>,N,Gat,Di,tag) ->
tag(Fd,<<Char:8,Rest/binary>>,N,Gat,Di,id) ->
tag(Fd,<<>>,N,Gat,Di,Now) ->
- case read(Fd) of
+ case progress_read(Fd) of
{ok,Chunk} when is_binary(Chunk) ->
eof ->
@@ -1304,21 +880,12 @@ find_truncated_proc({Tag,Pid}) ->
is_proc_tag(Tag) when Tag==?proc;
- Tag==?debug_proc_dictionary;
Tag==?proc_heap ->
is_proc_tag(_) ->
-%%% Inform the crashdump_viewer_server that a background job is completed.
-background_done(Result) ->
- Dict = get(),
- cast({background_done,Result,Dict}).
-background_status(Status) ->
- cast({background_status,Status}).
%%% Functions for reading information from the dump
general_info(File) ->
@@ -1330,22 +897,18 @@ general_info(File) ->
WholeLine -> WholeLine
- GI0 = get_general_info(Fd,#general_info{created=Created}),
- GI = case GI0#general_info.num_atoms of
- ?space -> GI0#general_info{num_atoms=get_num_atoms(Fd)};
- _ -> GI0
- end,
+ GI = get_general_info(Fd,#general_info{created=Created}),
{MemTot,MemMax} =
case lookup_index(?memory) of
[{_,MemStart}] ->
Memory = get_meminfo(Fd,[]),
- Tot = case lists:keysearch("total",1,Memory) of
+ Tot = case lists:keysearch(total,1,Memory) of
{value,{_,T}} -> T;
false -> ""
- Max = case lists:keysearch("maximum",1,Memory) of
+ Max = case lists:keysearch(maximum,1,Memory) of
{value,{_,M}} -> M;
false -> ""
@@ -1408,269 +971,210 @@ get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo) ->
-get_num_atoms(Fd) ->
- case lookup_index(?hash_table,"atom_tab") of
- [{_,Pos}] ->
- pos_bof(Fd,Pos),
- skip_rest_of_line(Fd), % size
- skip_rest_of_line(Fd), % used
- case line_head(Fd) of
- "objs" ->
- val(Fd);
- _1 ->
- get_num_atoms2()
- end;
- [] ->
- get_num_atoms2()
- end.
-get_num_atoms2() ->
- case lookup_index(?num_atoms) of
- [] ->
- ?space;
- [{NA,_Pos}] ->
- %% If dump is translated this will exist
- case get(truncated) of
- true ->
- [NA," (visible in dump)"]; % might be more
- false ->
- NA
- end
- end.
count() ->
%% Page with all processes
-%% If there are less than ?max_sort_process_num processes in the dump,
-%% we will store the list of processes in the server state in order to
-%% allow sorting according to the different columns of the
-%% table. Since ?max_sort_process_num=:=?items_chunk_size, there will
-%% never be more than one chunk in this case.
-%% If there are more than ?max_sort_process_num processes in the dump,
-%% no sorting will be allowed, and the processes must be read (chunk
-%% by chunk) from the file each time the page is opened. This is to
-%% avoid really big data in the server state.
-procs_summary(SessionId,TW,_,State=#state{procs_summary=too_many}) ->
- chunk_page(SessionId,State#state.file,TW,?proc,processes,
- {no_sort,State#state.shared_heap,State#state.dump_vsn},
- procs_summary_parsefun()),
- State;
-procs_summary(SessionId,TW,SortOn,State) ->
- ProcsSummary =
- case State#state.procs_summary of
- undefined -> % first time - read from file
- Fd = open(State#state.file),
- {PS,_}=lookup_and_parse_index_chunk(first_chunk_pointer(?proc),
- Fd,procs_summary_parsefun()),
- close(Fd),
- PS;
- PS ->
- PS
- end,
- {SortedPS,NewSorted} = do_sort_procs(SortOn,ProcsSummary,State),
- HtmlInfo =
- crashdump_viewer_html:chunk_page(processes,SessionId,TW,
- {SortOn,
- State#state.shared_heap,
- State#state.dump_vsn},
- SortedPS),
- crashdump_viewer_html:chunk(SessionId,done,HtmlInfo),
- State#state{procs_summary=ProcsSummary,sorted=NewSorted}.
-procs_summary_parsefun() ->
- fun(Fd,Pid) ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,fun main_procinfo/4,#proc{pid=Pid})
- end.
+procs_summary(File,WS) ->
+ ParseFun = fun(Fd,Pid) ->
+ Proc = get_procinfo(Fd,fun main_procinfo/5,
+ #proc{pid=list_to_pid(Pid)},WS),
+ case Proc#proc.memory of
+ undefined -> Proc#proc{memory=Proc#proc.stack_heap};
+ _ -> Proc
+ end
+ end,
+ lookup_and_parse_index(File,?proc,ParseFun,"processes").
%% Page with one process
-get_proc_details(File,Pid,DumpVsn) ->
+get_proc_details(File,Pid,WS,DumpVsn,Binaries) ->
case lookup_index(?proc,Pid) of
[{_,Start}] ->
Fd = open(File),
- pos_bof(Fd,Start),
- Proc0 =
- case DumpVsn of
- [0,0] ->
- %% Old version (translated)
- #proc{pid=Pid};
- _ ->
- #proc{pid=Pid,
- stack_dump=if_exist(?proc_stack,Pid),
- msg_q=if_exist(?proc_messages,Pid),
- dict=if_exist(?proc_dictionary,Pid),
- debug_dict=if_exist(?debug_proc_dictionary,Pid)}
+ {{Stack,MsgQ,Dict},TW} =
+ case truncated_warning([{?proc,Pid}]) of
+ [] ->
+ {expand_memory(Fd,Pid,DumpVsn,Binaries),[]};
+ TW0 ->
+ {{[],[],[]},TW0}
- Proc = get_procinfo(Fd,fun all_procinfo/4,Proc0),
+ pos_bof(Fd,Start),
+ Proc0 = #proc{pid=Pid,stack_dump=Stack,msg_q=MsgQ,dict=Dict},
+ Proc = get_procinfo(Fd,fun all_procinfo/5,Proc0,WS),
- {ok,Proc};
+ {ok,Proc,TW};
_ ->
- case maybe_other_node(File,Pid) of
- {other_node,Type,Node} ->
- Info = "The process you are searching for was residing on "
- "a remote node. No process information is available. "
- "Information about the remote node is show below.",
- {other_node,{Type,Info,Node}};
- not_found ->
- not_found
- end
- end.
-if_exist(Tag,Key) ->
- case count_index(Tag,Key) of
- 0 ->
- Tag1 =
- case is_proc_tag(Tag) of
- true -> ?proc;
- false -> Tag
- end,
- case truncated_here({Tag1,Key}) of
- true -> truncated;
- false -> ?space
- end;
- _ ->
- expand
+ maybe_other_node(Pid)
-get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc) ->
+get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"State" ->
State = case val(Fd) of
"Garbing" -> "Garbing\n(limited info)";
State0 -> State0
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{state=State});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{state=State},WS);
"Name" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=val(Fd)},WS);
"Spawned as" ->
IF = val(Fd),
case Proc#proc.name of
- ?space ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=IF,init_func=IF});
+ undefined ->
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=IF,init_func=IF},WS);
_ ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{init_func=IF})
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{init_func=IF},WS)
+ "Message queue length" ->
+ %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{msg_q_len=list_to_integer(val(Fd))},WS);
+ "Reductions" ->
+ %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{reds=list_to_integer(val(Fd))},WS);
+ "Stack+heap" ->
+ %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_heap=
+ list_to_integer(val(Fd))*WS},WS);
+ "Memory" ->
+ %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{memory=list_to_integer(val(Fd))},WS);
+ {eof,_} ->
+ Proc; % truncated file
+ Other ->
+ Fun(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,Other)
+ end.
+main_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,LineHead) ->
+ case LineHead of
+ "=" ++ _next_tag ->
+ Proc;
+ "arity = " ++ _ ->
+ %%! Temporary workaround
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS);
+ _Other ->
+ skip_rest_of_line(Fd),
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS)
+ end.
+all_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,LineHead) ->
+ case LineHead of
+ %% - START - moved from get_procinfo -
"Spawned by" ->
case val(Fd) of
"[]" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc);
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS);
Parent ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{parent=Parent})
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{parent=Parent},WS)
"Started" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{start_time=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{start_time=val(Fd)},WS);
"Last scheduled in for" ->
{"Last scheduled in for",
- val(Fd)}});
+ val(Fd)}},WS);
"Current call" ->
get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{current_func={"Current call",
- val(Fd)}});
- "Message queue length" ->
- %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{msg_q_len=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
- "Reductions" ->
- %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{reds=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
+ val(Fd)}},WS);
"Number of heap fragments" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{num_heap_frag=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{num_heap_frag=val(Fd)},WS);
"Heap fragment data" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_frag_data=val(Fd)});
- Stack when Stack=:="Stack+heap"; Stack=:="Stack" ->
- %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_heap=
- list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_frag_data=val(Fd)},WS);
"OldHeap" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap=val(Fd)});
+ Bytes = list_to_integer(val(Fd))*WS,
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap=Bytes},WS);
"Heap unused" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_unused=val(Fd)});
+ Bytes = list_to_integer(val(Fd))*WS,
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_unused=Bytes},WS);
"OldHeap unused" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_unused=val(Fd)});
+ Bytes = list_to_integer(val(Fd))*WS,
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_unused=Bytes},WS);
"New heap start" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_start=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_start=val(Fd)},WS);
"New heap top" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_top=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_top=val(Fd)},WS);
"Stack top" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_top=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_top=val(Fd)},WS);
"Stack end" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_end=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_end=val(Fd)},WS);
"Old heap start" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_start=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_start=val(Fd)},WS);
"Old heap top" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_top=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_top=val(Fd)},WS);
"Old heap end" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_end=val(Fd)});
- "Memory" ->
- %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{memory=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
- {eof,_} ->
- Proc; % truncated file
- Other ->
- Fun(Fd,Fun,Proc,Other)
- end.
-main_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,LineHead) ->
- case LineHead of
- "Stack dump" ->
- %% This is the last element in older dumps (DumpVsn=0.0)
- Proc;
- "=" ++ _next_tag ->
- %% DumpVsn=0.1 or newer: No stack dump here
- Proc;
- "arity = " ++ _ ->
- %%! Temporary workaround
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc);
- _Other ->
- skip_rest_of_line(Fd),
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc)
- end.
-all_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,LineHead) ->
- case LineHead of
- "Message queue" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{msg_q=size_or_term(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_end=val(Fd)},WS);
+ %% - END - moved from get_procinfo -
"Last calls" ->
- R = case size_or_term(Fd) of
- SizeThing when is_tuple(SizeThing) ->
- Proc#proc{last_calls=SizeThing};
- Term ->
- Proc#proc{last_calls=replace_all($ ,$\n,Term,[])}
- end,
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,R);
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{last_calls=get_lines_to_empty(Fd)},WS);
"Link list" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{links=val(Fd)});
+ {Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy} = parse_link_list(val(Fd),[],[],[]),
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{links=Links,
+ monitors=Monitors,
+ mon_by=MonitoredBy},WS);
"Program counter" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{prog_count=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{prog_count=val(Fd)},WS);
"CP" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{cp=val(Fd)});
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{cp=val(Fd)},WS);
"arity = " ++ Arity ->
%%! Temporary workaround
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{arity=Arity--"\r\n"});
- "Dictionary" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{dict=size_or_term(Fd)});
- "$Dictionary" ->
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{debug_dict=size_or_term(Fd)});
- "Stack dump" ->
- %% This is the last element in older dumps (DumpVsn=0.0)
- get_stack_dump(Fd,Proc);
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{arity=Arity--"\r\n"},WS);
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
- %% DumpVsn=0.1 or newer: No stack dump here
Other ->
unexpected(Fd,Other,"process info"),
- get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc)
+ get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS)
+ end.
+parse_link_list([SB|Str],Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) when SB==$[; SB==$] ->
+ parse_link_list(Str,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy);
+parse_link_list("#Port"++_=Str,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ {Link,Rest} = parse_port(Str),
+ parse_link_list(Rest,[Link|Links],Monitors,MonitoredBy);
+parse_link_list("<"++_=Str,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ {Link,Rest} = parse_pid(Str),
+ parse_link_list(Rest,[Link|Links],Monitors,MonitoredBy);
+parse_link_list("{to,"++Str,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ {Mon,Rest} = parse_monitor(Str),
+ parse_link_list(Rest,Links,[Mon|Monitors],MonitoredBy);
+parse_link_list("{from,"++Str,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ {Mon,Rest} = parse_monitor(Str),
+ parse_link_list(Rest,Links,Monitors,[Mon|MonitoredBy]);
+parse_link_list(", "++Rest,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ parse_link_list(Rest,Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy);
+parse_link_list([],Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Links),lists:reverse(Monitors),lists:reverse(MonitoredBy)}.
+parse_port(Str) ->
+ {Port,Rest} = parse_link(Str,[]),
+ {{Port,Port},Rest}.
+parse_pid(Str) ->
+ {Pid,Rest} = parse_link(Str,[]),
+ {{Pid,Pid},Rest}.
+parse_monitor(Str) ->
+ case parse_link(Str,[]) of
+ {Pid,","++Rest1} ->
+ case parse_link(Rest1,[]) of
+ {Ref,"}"++Rest2} ->
+ {{Pid,Pid++" ("++Ref++")"},Rest2};
+ {Ref,[]} ->
+ {{Pid,Pid++" ("++Ref++")"},[]}
+ end;
+ {Pid,[]} ->
+ {{Pid,Pid++" (unknown_ref)"},[]}
-get_stack_dump(Fd,Proc) ->
- %% Always show stackdump as "Expand" link
- Pos = get(pos),
- Size = count_rest_of_tag(Fd),
- Proc#proc{stack_dump={size,true,Size,Pos}}.
+parse_link(">"++Rest,Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc,">"),Rest};
+parse_link([H|T],Acc) ->
+ parse_link(T,[H|Acc]);
+parse_link([],Acc) ->
+ %% truncated
+ {lists:reverse(Acc),[]}.
-maybe_other_node(File,Id) ->
+maybe_other_node(Id) ->
Channel =
case split($.,Id) of
{"<" ++ N, _Rest} ->
@@ -1688,99 +1192,77 @@ maybe_other_node(File,Id) ->
case ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,Ms) of
- [] ->
+ [] ->
- [{Type,Pos}] ->
- Fd = open(File),
- NodeInfo = get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Pos),
- close(Fd),
- {other_node,Type,NodeInfo}
+ [_] ->
+ {other_node,Channel}
-expand_memory(File,What,Pid,Binaries) ->
- Fd = open(File),
+expand_memory(Fd,Pid,DumpVsn,Binaries) ->
+ BinAddrAdj = get_bin_addr_adj(DumpVsn),
- Dict = read_heap(Fd,Pid,Binaries),
- Expanded =
- case What of
- "StackDump" -> read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,Dict);
- "MsgQueue" -> read_messages(Fd,Pid,Dict);
- "Dictionary" -> read_dictionary(Fd,?proc_dictionary,Pid,Dict);
- "DebugDictionary" -> read_dictionary(Fd,?debug_proc_dictionary,Pid,Dict)
- end,
+ Dict = read_heap(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Binaries),
+ Expanded = {read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict),
+ read_messages(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict),
+ read_dictionary(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict)},
- close(Fd),
+%%% This is a workaround for a bug in dump versions prior to 0.3:
+%%% Addresses were truncated to 32 bits. This could cause binaries to
+%%% get the same address as heap terms in the dump. To work around it
+%%% we always store binaries on very high addresses in the gb_tree.
+get_bin_addr_adj(DumpVsn) when DumpVsn < [0,3] ->
+ 16#f bsl 64;
+get_bin_addr_adj(_) ->
+ 0.
%%% Read binaries.
-read_binaries(Fd) ->
+read_binaries(Fd,DumpVsn) ->
AllBinaries = lookup_index(?binary),
- read_binaries(Fd,AllBinaries, gb_trees:empty()).
-read_binaries(Fd,[{Addr0,Pos}|Bins],Dict0) ->
- pos_bof(Fd,Pos),
- {Addr,_} = get_hex(Addr0),
- Dict =
- case line_head(Fd) of
- {eof,_} ->
- gb_trees:enter(Addr,'#CDVTruncatedBinary',Dict0);
- Size0 ->
- {Size,_} = get_hex(Size0),
- if Size > ?max_display_binary_size ->
- gb_trees:enter(Addr,{'#CDVTooBig',binary,Pos},Dict0);
- true ->
- pos_bof(Fd,Pos),
- Line = val(Fd),
- parse_binary(Addr,Line,Dict0)
- end
- end,
- read_binaries(Fd,Bins,Dict);
-read_binaries(_Fd,[],Dict) ->
- Dict.
-parse_binary(Addr, Line0, Dict) ->
- case get_hex(Line0) of
- {N,":"++Line1} ->
- {Bin,Line} = get_binary(N, Line1, []),
- [] = skip_blanks(Line),
- gb_trees:enter(Addr, Bin, Dict);
- {_N,[]} ->
- %% If the dump is truncated before the ':' in this line, then
- %% line_head/1 might not discover it (if a \n has been inserted
- %% somehow???)
- gb_trees:enter(Addr,'#CDVTruncatedBinary',Dict)
- end.
+ AddrAdj = get_bin_addr_adj(DumpVsn),
+ Fun = fun({Addr0,Pos},Dict0) ->
+ pos_bof(Fd,Pos),
+ {HexAddr,_} = get_hex(Addr0),
+ Addr = HexAddr bor AddrAdj,
+ Bin =
+ case line_head(Fd) of
+ {eof,_} -> '#CDVTruncatedBinary';
+ _Size -> {'#CDVBin',Pos}
+ end,
+ gb_trees:enter(Addr,Bin,Dict0)
+ end,
+ progress_foldl("Processing binaries",Fun,gb_trees:empty(),AllBinaries).
%%% Read top level section.
-read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,Dict) ->
+read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict) ->
case lookup_index(?proc_stack,Pid) of
[{_,Start}] ->
- read_stack_dump1(Fd,Dict,[]);
+ read_stack_dump1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[]);
[] ->
-read_stack_dump1(Fd,Dict,Acc) ->
+read_stack_dump1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,Acc) ->
%% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid}
case val(Fd) of
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Line ->
- Stack = parse_top(Line,Dict),
- read_stack_dump1(Fd,Dict,[Stack|Acc])
+ Stack = parse_top(Line,BinAddrAdj,Dict),
+ read_stack_dump1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[Stack|Acc])
-parse_top(Line0, D) ->
+parse_top(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D) ->
{Label,Line1} = get_label(Line0),
- {Term,Line,D} = parse_term(Line1, D),
+ {Term,Line,D} = parse_term(Line1, BinAddrAdj, D),
[] = skip_blanks(Line),
@@ -1788,27 +1270,27 @@ parse_top(Line0, D) ->
%%% Read message queue.
-read_messages(Fd,Pid,Dict) ->
+read_messages(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict) ->
case lookup_index(?proc_messages,Pid) of
[{_,Start}] ->
- read_messages1(Fd,Dict,[]);
+ read_messages1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[]);
[] ->
-read_messages1(Fd,Dict,Acc) ->
+read_messages1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,Acc) ->
%% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid}
case val(Fd) of
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Line ->
- Msg = parse_message(Line,Dict),
- read_messages1(Fd,Dict,[Msg|Acc])
+ Msg = parse_message(Line,BinAddrAdj,Dict),
+ read_messages1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[Msg|Acc])
-parse_message(Line0, D) ->
- {Msg,":"++Line1,_} = parse_term(Line0, D),
- {Token,Line,_} = parse_term(Line1, D),
+parse_message(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D) ->
+ {Msg,":"++Line1,_} = parse_term(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D),
+ {Token,Line,_} = parse_term(Line1, BinAddrAdj, D),
[] = skip_blanks(Line),
@@ -1816,26 +1298,26 @@ parse_message(Line0, D) ->
%%% Read process dictionary
-read_dictionary(Fd,Tag,Pid,Dict) ->
- case lookup_index(Tag,Pid) of
+read_dictionary(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict) ->
+ case lookup_index(?proc_dictionary,Pid) of
[{_,Start}] ->
- read_dictionary1(Fd,Dict,[]);
+ read_dictionary1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[]);
[] ->
-read_dictionary1(Fd,Dict,Acc) ->
+read_dictionary1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,Acc) ->
%% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid}
case val(Fd) of
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Line ->
- Msg = parse_dictionary(Line,Dict),
- read_dictionary1(Fd,Dict,[Msg|Acc])
+ Msg = parse_dictionary(Line,BinAddrAdj,Dict),
+ read_dictionary1(Fd,BinAddrAdj,Dict,[Msg|Acc])
-parse_dictionary(Line0, D) ->
- {Entry,Line,_} = parse_term(Line0, D),
+parse_dictionary(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D) ->
+ {Entry,Line,_} = parse_term(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D),
[] = skip_blanks(Line),
@@ -1843,16 +1325,16 @@ parse_dictionary(Line0, D) ->
%%% Read heap data.
-read_heap(Fd,Pid,Dict0) ->
+read_heap(Fd,Pid,BinAddrAdj,Dict0) ->
case lookup_index(?proc_heap,Pid) of
[{_,Pos}] ->
- read_heap(Dict0);
+ read_heap(BinAddrAdj,Dict0);
[] ->
-read_heap(Dict0) ->
+read_heap(BinAddrAdj,Dict0) ->
%% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid}
case get(fd) of
end_of_heap ->
@@ -1863,68 +1345,18 @@ read_heap(Dict0) ->
put(fd, end_of_heap),
Line ->
- Dict = parse(Line,Dict0),
- read_heap(Dict)
+ Dict = parse(Line,BinAddrAdj,Dict0),
+ read_heap(BinAddrAdj,Dict)
-parse(Line0, Dict0) ->
+parse(Line0, BinAddrAdj, Dict0) ->
{Addr,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
- {_Term,Line,Dict} = parse_heap_term(Line1, Addr, Dict0),
+ {_Term,Line,Dict} = parse_heap_term(Line1, Addr, BinAddrAdj, Dict0),
[] = skip_blanks(Line),
-do_sort_procs("state",Procs,#state{sorted="state"}) ->
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#proc.state,Procs)),"rstate"};
-do_sort_procs("state",Procs,_) ->
- {lists:keysort(#proc.state,Procs),"state"};
-do_sort_procs("pid",Procs,#state{sorted="pid"}) ->
- {lists:reverse(Procs),"rpid"};
-do_sort_procs("pid",Procs,_) ->
- {Procs,"pid"};
-do_sort_procs("msg_q_len",Procs,#state{sorted="msg_q_len"}) ->
- {lists:keysort(#proc.msg_q_len,Procs),"rmsg_q_len"};
-do_sort_procs("msg_q_len",Procs,_) ->
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#proc.msg_q_len,Procs)),"msg_q_len"};
-do_sort_procs("reds",Procs,#state{sorted="reds"}) ->
- {lists:keysort(#proc.reds,Procs),"rreds"};
-do_sort_procs("reds",Procs,_) ->
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#proc.reds,Procs)),"reds"};
-do_sort_procs("mem",Procs,#state{sorted="mem",dump_vsn=DumpVsn}) ->
- KeyPos = if DumpVsn>=?r16b01_dump_vsn -> #proc.memory;
- true -> #proc.stack_heap
- end,
- {lists:keysort(KeyPos,Procs),"rmem"};
-do_sort_procs("mem",Procs,#state{dump_vsn=DumpVsn}) ->
- KeyPos = if DumpVsn>=?r16b01_dump_vsn -> #proc.memory;
- true -> #proc.stack_heap
- end,
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(KeyPos,Procs)),"mem"};
-do_sort_procs("init_func",Procs,#state{sorted="init_func"}) ->
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#proc.init_func,Procs)),"rinit_func"};
-do_sort_procs("init_func",Procs,_) ->
- {lists:keysort(#proc.init_func,Procs),"init_func"};
-do_sort_procs("name_func",Procs,#state{sorted="name_func"}) ->
- {lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#proc.name,Procs)),"rname_func"};
-do_sort_procs("name_func",Procs,_) ->
- {lists:keysort(#proc.name,Procs),"name_func"};
-do_sort_procs("name",Procs,#state{sorted=Sorted}) ->
- {No,Yes} =
- lists:foldl(fun(P,{N,Y}) ->
- case P#proc.name of
- ?space -> {[P|N],Y};
- _other -> {N,[P|Y]}
- end
- end,
- {[],[]},
- Procs),
- Result = lists:keysort(#proc.name,Yes) ++ No,
- case Sorted of
- "name" -> {lists:reverse(Result),"rname"};
- _ -> {Result,"name"}
- end.
%% Page with one port
get_port(File,Port) ->
@@ -1936,46 +1368,59 @@ get_port(File,Port) ->
[] ->
- case maybe_other_node(File,Port) of
- {other_node,Type,Node} ->
- Info = "The port you are searching for was residing on "
- "a remote node. No port information is available. "
- "Information about the remote node is show below.",
- {other_node,{Type,Info,Node}};
- not_found ->
- not_found
- end
+ maybe_other_node(Port)
%% Page with all ports
-get_ports(SessionId,File,TW) ->
- ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_portinfo(Fd,#port{id=Id}) end,
- chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,?port,ports,[],ParseFun).
+get_ports(File) ->
+ ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_portinfo(Fd,#port{id=port_to_tuple(Id)}) end,
+ lookup_and_parse_index(File,?port,ParseFun,"ports").
+%% Converting port string to tuple to secure correct sorting. This is
+%% converted back in cdv_port_cb:format/1.
+port_to_tuple("#Port<"++Port) ->
+ [I1,I2] = string:tokens(Port,".>"),
+ {list_to_integer(I1),list_to_integer(I2)}.
get_portinfo(Fd,Port) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Slot" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{slot=val(Fd)});
+ %% stored as integer so we can sort on it
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{slot=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
"Connected" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{connected=val(Fd)});
+ %% stored as pid so we can sort on it
+ Connected0 = val(Fd),
+ Connected =
+ try list_to_pid(Connected0)
+ catch error:badarg -> Connected0
+ end,
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{connected=Connected});
"Links" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{links=val(Fd)});
+ Pids = split_pid_list_no_space(val(Fd)),
+ Links = [{Pid,Pid} || Pid <- Pids],
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{links=Links});
"Registered as" ->
"Monitors" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{monitors=val(Fd)});
+ Monitors0 = string:tokens(val(Fd),"()"),
+ Monitors = [begin
+ [Pid,Ref] = string:tokens(Mon,","),
+ {Pid,Pid++" ("++Ref++")"}
+ end || Mon <- Monitors0],
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{monitors=Monitors});
"Port controls linked-in driver" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=["Linked in driver: " |
- val(Fd)]});
+ Str = lists:flatten(["Linked in driver: " | val(Fd)]),
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str});
"Port controls external process" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=["External proc: " | val(Fd)]});
+ Str = lists:flatten(["External proc: " | val(Fd)]),
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str});
"Port is a file" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=["File: "| val(Fd)]});
+ Str = lists:flatten(["File: "| val(Fd)]),
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str});
"Port is UNIX fd not opened by emulator" ->
- get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{
- controls=["UNIX fd not opened by emulator: "|
- val(Fd)]});
+ Str = lists:flatten(["UNIX fd not opened by emulator: "| val(Fd)]),
+ get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str});
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Other ->
@@ -1983,17 +1428,27 @@ get_portinfo(Fd,Port) ->
+split_pid_list_no_space(String) ->
+ split_pid_list_no_space(String,[],[]).
+split_pid_list_no_space([$>|Rest],Acc,Pids) ->
+ split_pid_list_no_space(Rest,[],[lists:reverse(Acc,[$>])|Pids]);
+split_pid_list_no_space([H|T],Acc,Pids) ->
+ split_pid_list_no_space(T,[H|Acc],Pids);
+split_pid_list_no_space([],[],Pids) ->
+ lists:reverse(Pids).
%% Page with external ets tables
-get_ets_tables(SessionId,File,Heading,TW,Pid,WS) ->
- ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{pid=Id},WS) end,
- chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,{?ets,Pid},ets_tables,Heading,ParseFun).
+get_ets_tables(File,Pid,WS) ->
+ ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) ->
+ get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{pid=list_to_pid(Id)},WS)
+ end,
+ lookup_and_parse_index(File,{?ets,Pid},ParseFun,"ets").
get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable,WS) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Slot" ->
- get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{slot=val(Fd)},WS);
+ get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{slot=list_to_integer(val(Fd))},WS);
"Table" ->
"Name" ->
@@ -2002,15 +1457,18 @@ get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable,WS) ->
"Buckets" ->
- get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{buckets=val(Fd)},WS);
+ %% A bug in erl_db_hash.c prints a space after the buckets
+ %% - need to strip the string to make list_to_integer/1 happy.
+ Buckets = list_to_integer(string:strip(val(Fd))),
+ get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{buckets=Buckets},WS);
"Objects" ->
- get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{size=val(Fd)},WS);
+ get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{size=list_to_integer(val(Fd))},WS);
"Words" ->
Words = list_to_integer(val(Fd)),
Bytes =
case Words of
- -1 -> "-1"; % probably truncated
- _ -> integer_to_list(Words * WS)
+ -1 -> -1; % probably truncated
+ _ -> Words * WS
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
@@ -2036,16 +1494,17 @@ get_internal_ets_tables(File,WS) ->
%% Page with list of all timers
-get_timers(SessionId,File,Heading,TW,Pid) ->
- ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,#timer{pid=Id}) end,
- chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,{?timer,Pid},timers,Heading,ParseFun).
+get_timers(File,Pid) ->
+ ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,#timer{pid=list_to_pid(Id)}) end,
+ lookup_and_parse_index(File,{?timer,Pid},ParseFun,"timers").
get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Message" ->
"Time left" ->
- get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer#timer{time=val(Fd)});
+ TimeLeft = list_to_integer(val(Fd) -- " ms"),
+ get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer#timer{time=TimeLeft});
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Other ->
@@ -2054,6 +1513,28 @@ get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer) ->
+%% Page with information about a node in the distribution
+get_node(File,Channel) ->
+ Ms = ets:fun2ms(
+ fun({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?visible_node, Ch=:=Channel ->
+ {visible,Start};
+ ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?hidden_node, Ch=:=Channel ->
+ {hidden,Start};
+ ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?not_connected, Ch=:=Channel ->
+ {not_connected,Start}
+ end),
+ case ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,Ms) of
+ [] ->
+ {error,not_found};
+ [{Type,Pos}] ->
+ Fd = open(File),
+ NodeInfo = get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Type,Pos),
+ close(Fd),
+ {ok,NodeInfo}
+ end.
%% Page with information about the erlang distribution
nods(File) ->
case lookup_index(?no_distribution) of
@@ -2064,28 +1545,29 @@ nods(File) ->
Fd = open(File),
Visible = lists:map(
fun({Channel,Start}) ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Start)
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,visible,Start)
Hidden = lists:map(
fun({Channel,Start}) ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Start)
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,hidden,Start)
NotConnected = lists:map(
fun({Channel,Start}) ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Start)
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,not_connected,Start)
- {Visible,Hidden,NotConnected};
+ Visible++Hidden++NotConnected;
[_] ->
- no_distribution
+ %% no_distribution
+ []
-get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Start) ->
+get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Type,Start) ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,#nod{channel=Channel}).
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,#nod{channel=list_to_integer(Channel),conn_type=Type}).
get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
@@ -2094,21 +1576,27 @@ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod) ->
"Controller" ->
"Creation" ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{creation=val(Fd)});
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{creation=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
"Remote link" ->
Procs = val(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>"
- RemoteLinks = Nod#nod.remote_links,
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_links=[split(Procs)|RemoteLinks]});
+ {Local,Remote} = split(Procs),
+ Str = Local++" <-> "++Remote,
+ NewRemLinks = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_links],
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_links=NewRemLinks});
"Remote monitoring" ->
Procs = val(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>"
- RemoteMon = Nod#nod.remote_mon,
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon=[split(Procs)|RemoteMon]});
+ {Local,Remote} = split(Procs),
+ Str = Local++" -> "++Remote,
+ NewRemMon = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_mon],
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon=NewRemMon});
"Remotely monitored by" ->
Procs = val(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>"
- RemoteMonBy = Nod#nod.remote_mon_by,
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon_by=[split(Procs)|RemoteMonBy]});
+ {Local,Remote} = split(Procs),
+ Str = Local++" <- "++Remote,
+ NewRemMonBy = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_mon_by],
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon_by=NewRemMonBy});
"Error" ->
- get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{error=val(Fd)});
+ get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{error="ERROR: "++val(Fd)});
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Other ->
@@ -2129,10 +1617,11 @@ get_loaded_mod_details(File,Mod) ->
%% Page with list of all loaded modules
-loaded_mods(SessionId,File,TW) ->
+loaded_mods(File) ->
ParseFun =
fun(Fd,Id) ->
- get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,#loaded_mod{mod=Id},
+ get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,
+ #loaded_mod{mod=get_atom(list_to_binary(Id))},
fun main_modinfo/3)
{CC,OC} =
@@ -2146,7 +1635,7 @@ loaded_mods(SessionId,File,TW) ->
[] ->
- chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,?mod,loaded_mods,{CC,OC},ParseFun).
+ {CC,OC,lookup_and_parse_index(File,?mod,ParseFun,"modules")}.
get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{CC,OC}) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
@@ -2164,9 +1653,11 @@ get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{CC,OC}) ->
get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM,Fun) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Current size" ->
- get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{current_size=val(Fd)},Fun);
+ CS = list_to_integer(val(Fd)),
+ get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{current_size=CS},Fun);
"Old size" ->
- get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{old_size=val(Fd)},Fun);
+ OS = list_to_integer(val(Fd)),
+ get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{old_size=OS},Fun);
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
{eof,_} ->
@@ -2229,24 +1720,24 @@ hex_to_dec(N) -> list_to_integer(N).
%% Page with list of all funs
-funs(SessionId,File,TW) ->
+funs(File) ->
ParseFun = fun(Fd,_Id) -> get_funinfo(Fd,#fu{}) end,
- chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,?fu,funs,[],ParseFun).
+ lookup_and_parse_index(File,?fu,ParseFun,"funs").
get_funinfo(Fd,Fu) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Module" ->
"Uniq" ->
- get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{uniq=val(Fd)});
+ get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{uniq=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
"Index" ->
- get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{index=val(Fd)});
+ get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{index=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
"Address" ->
"Native_address" ->
"Refc" ->
- get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{refc=val(Fd)});
+ get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{refc=list_to_integer(val(Fd))});
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
Other ->
@@ -2256,45 +1747,54 @@ get_funinfo(Fd,Fu) ->
%% Page with list of all atoms
-atoms(SessionId,File,TW,Num) ->
+atoms(File,NumAtoms) ->
case lookup_index(?atoms) of
[{_Id,Start}] ->
Fd = open(File),
- case get_atoms(Fd,?items_chunk_size) of
- {Atoms,Cont} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:atoms(SessionId,TW,Num,Atoms),
- atoms_chunks(Fd,SessionId,Cont);
- done ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:atoms(SessionId,TW,Num,done)
- end;
+ get_atoms(Fd,NumAtoms);
_ ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:atoms(SessionId,TW,Num,done)
+ []
-get_atoms(Fd,Number) ->
- case get_n_lines_of_tag(Fd,Number) of
- {all,_,Lines} ->
- close(Fd),
- {Lines,done};
- {part,_,Lines} ->
- {Lines,Number};
- empty ->
- close(Fd),
- done
+get_atoms(Fd,NumAtoms) ->
+ case get_chunk(Fd) of
+ {ok,Bin} ->
+ init_progress("Processing atoms",NumAtoms),
+ get_atoms(Fd,Bin,NumAtoms,[]);
+ eof ->
+ []
-atoms_chunks(_Fd,SessionId,done) ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:atoms_chunk(SessionId,done);
-atoms_chunks(Fd,SessionId,Number) ->
- case get_atoms(Fd,Number) of
- {Atoms,Cont} ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:atoms_chunk(SessionId,Atoms),
- atoms_chunks(Fd,SessionId,Cont);
- done ->
- atoms_chunks(Fd,SessionId,done)
- end.
+%% Atoms are written one per line in the crash dump, in creation order
+%% from last to first.
+get_atoms(Fd,Bin,NumAtoms,Atoms) ->
+ Bins = binary:split(Bin,<<"\n">>,[global]),
+ get_atoms1(Fd,Bins,NumAtoms,Atoms).
+get_atoms1(_Fd,[<<"=",_/binary>>|_],_N,Atoms) ->
+ end_progress(),
+ Atoms;
+get_atoms1(Fd,[LastBin],N,Atoms) ->
+ case get_chunk(Fd) of
+ {ok,Bin0} ->
+ get_atoms(Fd,<<LastBin/binary,Bin0/binary>>,N,Atoms);
+ eof ->
+ end_progress(),
+ [{N,get_atom(LastBin)}|Atoms]
+ end;
+get_atoms1(Fd,[Bin|Bins],N,Atoms) ->
+ update_progress(),
+ get_atoms1(Fd,Bins,N-1,[{N,get_atom(Bin)}|Atoms]).
+%% This ensures sorting according to first actual letter in the atom,
+%% disregarding possible single quote. It is formatted back to correct
+%% syntax in cdv_atom_cb:format/1
+get_atom(<<"\'",Atom/binary>>) ->
+ {Atom,q}; % quoted
+get_atom(Atom) when is_binary(Atom) ->
+ {Atom,nq}. % not quoted
%% Page with memory information
@@ -2317,7 +1817,7 @@ get_meminfo(Fd,Acc) ->
{eof,_last_line} ->
Key ->
- get_meminfo(Fd,[{Key,val(Fd)}|Acc])
+ get_meminfo(Fd,[{list_to_atom(Key),val(Fd)}|Acc])
@@ -2345,7 +1845,7 @@ get_allocareainfo(Fd,Acc) ->
AllocInfo =
case split(Val) of
{Alloc,[]} ->
- {Key,Alloc,?space};
+ {Key,Alloc,""};
{Alloc,Used} ->
@@ -2361,7 +1861,7 @@ allocator_info(File) ->
AllAllocators ->
Fd = open(File),
R = lists:map(fun({Heading,Start}) ->
- {Heading,get_allocatorinfo(Fd,Start)}
+ {Heading,get_allocatorinfo(Fd,Start)}
@@ -2370,17 +1870,19 @@ allocator_info(File) ->
get_allocatorinfo(Fd,Start) ->
- get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[]).
+ get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[],0).
-get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,Acc) ->
+get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,Acc,Max) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"=" ++ _next_tag ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
+ pad_and_reverse(Acc,Max,[]);
{eof,_last_line} ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
+ pad_and_reverse(Acc,Max,[]);
Key ->
Values = get_all_vals(val(Fd),[]),
- get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[{Key,Values}|Acc])
+ L = length(Values),
+ Max1 = if L > Max -> L; true -> Max end,
+ get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[{Key,Values}|Acc],Max1)
get_all_vals([$ |Rest],Acc) ->
@@ -2390,6 +1892,16 @@ get_all_vals([],Acc) ->
get_all_vals([Char|Rest],Acc) ->
+%% Make sure all V have the same length by padding with "".
+pad_and_reverse([{K,V}|T],Len,Rev) ->
+ VLen = length(V),
+ V1 = if VLen == Len -> V;
+ true -> V ++ lists:duplicate(Len-VLen,"")
+ end,
+ pad_and_reverse(T,Len,[{K,V1}|Rev]);
+pad_and_reverse([],_,Rev) ->
+ Rev.
%% Calculate allocator summary:
%% System totals:
@@ -2473,7 +1985,8 @@ allocator_summary(Allocators) ->
{TBS,TCS} ->
- {{"Summary",["blocks size","carriers size","mseg carriers size"]},
+ {"Allocator Summary",
+ ["blocks size","carriers size","mseg carriers size"],
[{"total",[TotalBS,TotalCS,TotalMCS]} |
@@ -2673,142 +2186,120 @@ get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable) ->
-%% Expand a set of data which was shown in a truncated form on
-get_expanded(File,Pos,Size) ->
- Fd = open(File),
- R = case file:pread(Fd,Pos,Size) of
- {ok,Bin}->
- binary_to_list(Bin);
- eof ->
- ?space
- end,
- close(Fd),
- R.
-replace_all(From,To,[From|Rest],Acc) ->
- replace_all(From,To,Rest,[To|Acc]);
-replace_all(From,To,[Char|Rest],Acc) ->
- replace_all(From,To,Rest,[Char|Acc]);
-replace_all(_From,_To,[],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
%%% Parse memory in crashdump version 0.1 and newer
-parse_heap_term([$l|Line0], Addr, D0) -> %Cons cell.
- {H,"|"++Line1,D1} = parse_term(Line0, D0),
- {T,Line,D2} = parse_term(Line1, D1),
+parse_heap_term([$l|Line0], Addr, BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Cons cell.
+ {H,"|"++Line1,D1} = parse_term(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D0),
+ {T,Line,D2} = parse_term(Line1, BinAddrAdj, D1),
Term = [H|T],
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D2),
-parse_heap_term([$t|Line0], Addr, D) -> %Tuple
+parse_heap_term([$t|Line0], Addr, BinAddrAdj, D) -> %Tuple
{N,":"++Line} = get_hex(Line0),
- parse_tuple(N, Line, Addr, D, []);
-parse_heap_term([$F|Line0], Addr, D0) -> %Float
+ parse_tuple(N, Line, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D, []);
+parse_heap_term([$F|Line0], Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Float
{N,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
{Chars,Line} = get_chars(N, Line1),
Term = list_to_float(Chars),
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("B16#"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Positive big number.
+parse_heap_term("B16#"++Line0, Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Positive big number.
{Term,Line} = get_hex(Line0),
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("B-16#"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Negative big number
+parse_heap_term("B-16#"++Line0, Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Negative big number
{Term0,Line} = get_hex(Line0),
Term = -Term0,
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("B"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Decimal big num (new in R10B-something).
+parse_heap_term("B"++Line0, Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Decimal big num
case string:to_integer(Line0) of
{Int,Line} when is_integer(Int) ->
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Int, D0),
-parse_heap_term([$P|Line0], Addr, D0) -> % External Pid.
+parse_heap_term([$P|Line0], Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> % External Pid.
{Pid0,Line} = get_id(Line0),
- Pid = "#CDVPid"++Pid0,
+ Pid = ['#CDVPid'|Pid0],
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Pid, D0),
-parse_heap_term([$p|Line0], Addr, D0) -> % External Port.
+parse_heap_term([$p|Line0], Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> % External Port.
{Port0,Line} = get_id(Line0),
- Port = "#CDVPort"++Port0,
+ Port = ['#CDVPort'|Port0],
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Port, D0),
-parse_heap_term("E"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Term encoded in external format.
+parse_heap_term("E"++Line0, Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Term encoded in external format.
{Bin,Line} = get_binary(Line0),
Term = binary_to_term(Bin),
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("Yh"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Heap binary.
+parse_heap_term("Yh"++Line0, Addr, _BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Heap binary.
{Term,Line} = get_binary(Line0),
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("Yc"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Reference-counted binary.
- {Binp,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
- {First,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1),
+parse_heap_term("Yc"++Line0, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Reference-counted binary.
+ {Binp0,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
+ {Offset,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1),
{Sz,Line} = get_hex(Line2),
+ Binp = Binp0 bor BinAddrAdj,
Term = case gb_trees:lookup(Binp, D0) of
- {value,<<_:First/binary,T:Sz/binary,_/binary>>} -> T;
- {value,{'#CDVTooBig',binary,Pos}} -> cdvbin(Sz,Pos);
- {value,'#CDVTruncatedBinary'} -> '#CDVTruncatedBinary';
+ {value,Bin} -> cdvbin(Offset,Sz,Bin);
none -> '#CDVNonexistingBinary'
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_heap_term("Ys"++Line0, Addr, D0) -> %Sub binary.
- {Binp,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
- {First,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1),
+parse_heap_term("Ys"++Line0, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D0) -> %Sub binary.
+ {Binp0,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
+ {Offset,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1),
{Sz,Line} = get_hex(Line2),
+ Binp = Binp0 bor BinAddrAdj,
Term = case gb_trees:lookup(Binp, D0) of
- {value,<<_:First/binary,T:Sz/binary,_/binary>>} -> T;
- {value,{'#CDVTooBig',binary,Pos}} -> cdvbin(Sz,Pos);
- {value,'#CDVTruncatedBinary'} -> '#CDVTruncatedBinary';
+ {value,Bin} -> cdvbin(Offset,Sz,Bin);
+ none when Binp0=/=Binp ->
+ %% Might it be on the heap?
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Binp0, D0) of
+ {value,Bin} -> cdvbin(Offset,Sz,Bin);
+ none -> '#CDVNonexistingBinary'
+ end;
none -> '#CDVNonexistingBinary'
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0),
-parse_tuple(0, Line, Addr, D0, Acc) ->
+parse_tuple(0, Line, Addr, _, D0, Acc) ->
Tuple = list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)),
D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Tuple, D0),
-parse_tuple(N, Line0, Addr, D0, Acc) ->
- case parse_term(Line0, D0) of
+parse_tuple(N, Line0, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D0, Acc) ->
+ case parse_term(Line0, BinAddrAdj, D0) of
{Term,[$,|Line],D} when N > 1 ->
- parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, D, [Term|Acc]);
+ parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D, [Term|Acc]);
- parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, D, [Term|Acc])
+ parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, BinAddrAdj, D, [Term|Acc])
-parse_term([$H|Line0], D) -> %Pointer to heap term.
+parse_term([$H|Line0], BinAddrAdj, D) -> %Pointer to heap term.
{Ptr,Line} = get_hex(Line0),
- deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, D);
-parse_term([$N|Line], D) -> %[] (nil).
+ deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, BinAddrAdj, D);
+parse_term([$N|Line], _, D) -> %[] (nil).
-parse_term([$I|Line0], D) -> %Small.
+parse_term([$I|Line0], _, D) -> %Small.
{Int,Line} = string:to_integer(Line0),
-parse_term([$A|_]=Line, D) -> %Atom.
+parse_term([$A|_]=Line, _, D) -> %Atom.
parse_atom(Line, D);
-parse_term([$P|Line0], D) -> %Pid.
+parse_term([$P|Line0], _, D) -> %Pid.
{Pid,Line} = get_id(Line0),
- {"#CDVPid"++Pid,Line,D};
-parse_term([$p|Line0], D) -> %Port.
+ {['#CDVPid'|Pid],Line,D};
+parse_term([$p|Line0], _, D) -> %Port.
{Port,Line} = get_id(Line0),
- {"#CDVPort"++Port,Line,D};
-parse_term([$S|Str0], D) -> %Information string.
+ {['#CDVPort'|Port],Line,D};
+parse_term([$S|Str0], _, D) -> %Information string.
Str = lists:reverse(skip_blanks(lists:reverse(Str0))),
-parse_term([$D|Line0], D) -> %DistExternal
+parse_term([$D|Line0], _, D) -> %DistExternal
{AttabSize,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0),
{Attab, "E"++Line2} = parse_atom_translation_table(AttabSize, Line1, []),
@@ -2848,7 +2339,7 @@ parse_atom_translation_table(N, Line0, As) ->
-deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, D0) ->
+deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, BinAddrAdj, D0) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Ptr, D0) of
{value,Term} ->
@@ -2860,10 +2351,10 @@ deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, D0) ->
case val(Fd) of
"="++_ ->
put(fd, end_of_heap),
- deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, D0);
+ deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, BinAddrAdj, D0);
L ->
- D = parse(L, D0),
- deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, D)
+ D = parse(L, BinAddrAdj, D0),
+ deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, BinAddrAdj, D)
@@ -2901,13 +2392,16 @@ get_chars(0, Line, Acc) ->
get_chars(N, [H|T], Acc) ->
get_chars(N-1, T, [H|Acc]).
-get_id(Line) ->
- get_id(Line, []).
+get_id(Line0) ->
+ [$<|Line] = lists:dropwhile(fun($<) -> false; (_) -> true end,Line0),
+ get_id(Line, [], []).
-get_id([$>|Line], Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc, [$>]),Line};
-get_id([H|T], Acc) ->
- get_id(T, [H|Acc]).
+get_id([$>|Line], Acc, Id) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Id,[list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc))]),Line};
+get_id([$.|Line], Acc, Id) ->
+ get_id(Line,[],[list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc))|Id]);
+get_id([H|T], Acc, Id) ->
+ get_id(T, [H|Acc], Id).
get_label(L) ->
get_label(L, []).
@@ -2925,19 +2419,26 @@ get_label([H|T], Acc) ->
get_binary(Line0) ->
{N,":"++Line} = get_hex(Line0),
- get_binary(N, Line, []).
+ do_get_binary(N, Line, []).
+get_binary(Offset,Size,Line0) ->
+ {_N,":"++Line} = get_hex(Line0),
+ do_get_binary(Size, lists:sublist(Line,(Offset*2)+1,Size*2), []).
-get_binary(0, Line, Acc) ->
+do_get_binary(0, Line, Acc) ->
-get_binary(N, [A,B|Line], Acc) ->
+do_get_binary(N, [A,B|Line], Acc) ->
Byte = (get_hex_digit(A) bsl 4) bor get_hex_digit(B),
- get_binary(N-1, Line, [Byte|Acc]);
-get_binary(_N, [], _Acc) ->
+ do_get_binary(N-1, Line, [Byte|Acc]);
+do_get_binary(_N, [], _Acc) ->
-cdvbin(Sz,Pos) ->
- "#CDVBin<"++integer_to_list(Sz)++","++integer_to_list(Pos)++">".
+cdvbin(Offset,Size,{'#CDVBin',Pos}) ->
+ ['#CDVBin',Offset,Size,Pos];
+cdvbin(Offset,Size,['#CDVBin',_,_,Pos]) ->
+ ['#CDVBin',Offset,Size,Pos];
+cdvbin(_,_,'#CDVTruncatedBinary') ->
+ '#CDVTruncatedBinary'.
%% Functions for accessing the cdv_dump_index_table
@@ -2947,29 +2448,15 @@ reset_index_table() ->
insert_index(Tag,Id,Pos) ->
+lookup_index({Tag,Id}) ->
+ lookup_index(Tag,Id);
lookup_index(Tag) ->
lookup_index(Tag,Id) ->
-lookup_index_chunk({'#CDVFirstChunk',Tag,Id}) ->
- ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,
- [{{{Tag,'$1'},Id},[],[{{Id,'$1'}}]}],
- ?items_chunk_size);
-lookup_index_chunk(Cont) ->
- ets:select(Cont).
-%% Create a tag which can be used instead of an ets Continuation for
-%% the first call to lookup_index_chunk.
-first_chunk_pointer({Tag,Id}) ->
- {'#CDVFirstChunk',Tag,Id};
-first_chunk_pointer(Tag) ->
- first_chunk_pointer({Tag,'$2'}).
count_index(Tag) ->
-count_index(Tag,Id) ->
- ets:select_count(cdv_dump_index_table,[{{{Tag,'_'},Id},[],[true]}]).
@@ -2979,7 +2466,6 @@ tag_to_atom("allocated_areas") -> ?allocated_areas;
tag_to_atom("allocator") -> ?allocator;
tag_to_atom("atoms") -> ?atoms;
tag_to_atom("binary") -> ?binary;
-tag_to_atom("debug_proc_dictionary") -> ?debug_proc_dictionary;
tag_to_atom("end") -> ?ende;
tag_to_atom("erl_crash_dump") -> ?erl_crash_dump;
tag_to_atom("ets") -> ?ets;
@@ -2995,7 +2481,6 @@ tag_to_atom("mod") -> ?mod;
tag_to_atom("no_distribution") -> ?no_distribution;
tag_to_atom("node") -> ?node;
tag_to_atom("not_connected") -> ?not_connected;
-tag_to_atom("num_atoms") -> ?num_atoms;
tag_to_atom("old_instr_data") -> ?old_instr_data;
tag_to_atom("port") -> ?port;
tag_to_atom("proc") -> ?proc;
@@ -3010,37 +2495,133 @@ tag_to_atom(UnknownTag) ->
-%%% Create a page by sending chunk by chunk to crashdump_viewer_html
-chunk_page(SessionId,File,TW,What,HtmlCB,HtmlExtra,ParseFun) ->
+%%% Fetch next chunk from crashdump file
+lookup_and_parse_index(File,What,ParseFun,Str) when is_list(File) ->
+ Indices = lookup_index(What),
+ Fun = fun(Fd,{Id,Start}) ->
+ pos_bof(Fd,Start),
+ ParseFun(Fd,Id)
+ end,
+ Report = "Processing " ++ Str,
+ progress_pmap(Report,File,Fun,Indices).
+%%% Convert a record to a proplist
+to_proplist(Fields,Record) ->
+ Values = to_value_list(Record),
+ lists:zip(Fields,Values).
+%%% Convert a record to a simple list of field values
+to_value_list(Record) ->
+ [_RecordName|Values] = tuple_to_list(Record),
+ Values.
+%%% Fold over List and report progress in percent.
+%%% Report is the text to be presented in the progress dialog.
+%%% Acc0 is the initial accumulator and will be passed to Fun as the
+%%% second arguement, i.e. Fun = fun(Item,Acc) -> NewAcc end.
+progress_foldl(Report,Fun,Acc0,List) ->
+ init_progress(Report, length(List)),
+ progress_foldl1(Fun,Acc0,List).
+progress_foldl1(Fun,Acc,[H|T]) ->
+ update_progress(),
+ progress_foldl1(Fun,Fun(H,Acc),T);
+progress_foldl1(_Fun,Acc,[]) ->
+ end_progress(),
+ Acc.
+%%% Map over List and report progress in percent.
+%%% Report is the text to be presented in the progress dialog.
+%%% Distribute the load over a number of processes, and File is opened
+%%% on each process and passed to the Fun as first argument.
+%%% I.e. Fun = fun(Fd,Item) -> ItemResult end.
+progress_pmap(Report,File,Fun,List) ->
+ NTot = length(List),
+ NProcs = erlang:system_info(schedulers) * 2,
+ NPerProc = (NTot div NProcs) + 1,
+ %% Worker processes send message to collector for each ReportInterval.
+ ReportInterval = (NTot div 100) + 1,
+ %% Progress reporter on collector process reports 1 percent for
+ %% each message from worker process.
+ init_progress(Report,99),
+ Collector = self(),
+ {[],Pids} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(_,{L,Ps}) ->
+ {L1,L2} = if length(L)>=NPerProc -> lists:split(NPerProc,L);
+ true -> {L,[]} % last chunk
+ end,
+ P = spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ progress_map(Collector,ReportInterval,File,Fun,L1)
+ end),
+ erlang:monitor(process,P),
+ {L2,[P|Ps]}
+ end,
+ {List,[]},
+ lists:seq(1,NProcs)),
+ collect(Pids,[]).
+progress_map(Collector,ReportInterval,File,Fun,List) ->
Fd = open(File),
- case lookup_and_parse_index_chunk(first_chunk_pointer(What),Fd,ParseFun) of
- done ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:chunk_page(HtmlCB,SessionId,TW,HtmlExtra,done);
- {Chunk,Cont} ->
- HtmlInfo = crashdump_viewer_html:chunk_page(
- HtmlCB,
- SessionId,TW,HtmlExtra,Chunk),
- chunk_page_1(Fd,HtmlInfo,SessionId,ParseFun,
- lookup_and_parse_index_chunk(Cont,Fd,ParseFun))
- end.
-chunk_page_1(_Fd,HtmlInfo,SessionId,_ParseFun,done) ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:chunk(SessionId,done,HtmlInfo);
-chunk_page_1(Fd,HtmlInfo,SessionId,ParseFun,{Chunk,Cont}) ->
- crashdump_viewer_html:chunk(SessionId,Chunk,HtmlInfo),
- chunk_page_1(Fd,HtmlInfo,SessionId,ParseFun,
- lookup_and_parse_index_chunk(Cont,Fd,ParseFun)).
-lookup_and_parse_index_chunk(Pointer,Fd,ParseFun) ->
- case lookup_index_chunk(Pointer) of
- '$end_of_table' ->
- close(Fd),
- done;
- {Chunk,Cont} ->
- R = lists:map(fun({Id,Start}) ->
- pos_bof(Fd,Start),
- ParseFun(Fd,Id)
- end,
- Chunk),
- {R,Cont}
+ init_progress(ReportInterval, fun(_) -> Collector ! progress end, ok),
+ progress_map(Fd,Fun,List,[]).
+progress_map(Fd,Fun,[H|T],Acc) ->
+ update_progress(),
+ progress_map(Fd,Fun,T,[Fun(Fd,H)|Acc]);
+progress_map(Fd,_Fun,[],Acc) ->
+ close(Fd),
+ exit({pmap_done,Acc}).
+collect([],Acc) ->
+ end_progress(),
+ lists:append(Acc);
+collect(Pids,Acc) ->
+ receive
+ progress ->
+ update_progress(),
+ collect(Pids,Acc);
+ {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, {pmap_done,Result}} ->
+ collect(lists:delete(Pid,Pids),[Result|Acc])
+%%% Help functions for progress reporting
+%% Set text in progress dialog and initialize the progress counter
+init_progress(Report,N) ->
+ observer_lib:report_progress({ok,Report}),
+ Interval = (N div 100) + 1,
+ Fun = fun(P0) -> P=P0+1,observer_lib:report_progress({ok,P}),P end,
+ init_progress(Interval,Fun,0).
+init_progress(Interval,Fun,Acc) ->
+ put(progress,{Interval,Interval,Fun,Acc}),
+ ok.
+%% Count progress and report on given interval
+update_progress() ->
+ update_progress(1).
+update_progress(Processed) ->
+ do_update_progress(get(progress),Processed).
+do_update_progress({Count,Interval,Fun,Acc},Processed) when Processed>Count ->
+ do_update_progress({Interval,Interval,Fun,Fun(Acc)},Processed-Count);
+do_update_progress({Count,Interval,Fun,Acc},Processed) ->
+ put(progress,{Count-Processed,Interval,Fun,Acc}),
+ ok.
+%% End progress reporting for this item
+end_progress() ->
+ end_progress({ok,100}).
+end_progress(Report) ->
+ observer_lib:report_progress(Report),
+ erase(progress),
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
index 2e0ea5cf96..ae288ed573 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
--define(space, "&nbsp;").
+-define(space, undefined).
-define(unknown, "unknown").
-define(r16b01_dump_vsn, [0,2]). % =erl_crash_dump:0.2
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@
- slogan=?space,
- system_vsn=?space,
- compile_time=?space,
- taints=?space,
- node_name=?space,
- num_atoms=?space,
- num_procs=?space,
- num_ets=?space,
- num_timers=?space,
- num_fun=?space,
- mem_tot=?space,
- mem_max=?space,
- instr_info=?space}).
+ slogan,
+ system_vsn,
+ compile_time,
+ taints,
+ node_name,
+ num_atoms,
+ num_procs,
+ num_ets,
+ num_timers,
+ num_fun,
+ mem_tot,
+ mem_max,
+ instr_info}).
%% Initial data according to the follwoing:
- %% msg_q_len, reds and stack_heap are integers because it must
+ %% msg_q_len, reds, memory and stack_heap are integers because it must
%% be possible to sort on them. All other fields are strings
- %% for old dumps start_time, parent and number of heap frament
- %% does not exist
+ %% for old dumps start_time, parent and number of heap framents
+ %% do not exist
%% current_func can be both "current function" and
%% "last scheduled in for"
@@ -54,100 +54,102 @@
%% displayed as a link to "Expand" (if dump is from OTP R9B
%% or newer)
- name=?space,
- init_func=?space,
+ name,
+ init_func,
- state=?space,
- current_func={"Current Function",?space},
+ state,
+ current_func,
- msg_q=?space,
- last_calls=?space,
- links=?space,
- prog_count=?space,
- cp=?space,
- arity=?space,
- dict=?space,
- debug_dict=?space,
+ msg_q,
+ last_calls,
+ links,
+ monitors,
+ mon_by,
+ prog_count,
+ cp,
+ arity,
+ dict,
- heap_frag_data=?space,
+ heap_frag_data,
- old_heap=?space,
- heap_unused=?space,
- old_heap_unused=?space,
- new_heap_start=?space,
- new_heap_top=?space,
- stack_top=?space,
- stack_end=?space,
- old_heap_start=?space,
- old_heap_top=?space,
- old_heap_end=?space,
+ old_heap,
+ heap_unused,
+ old_heap_unused,
+ new_heap_start,
+ new_heap_top,
+ stack_top,
+ stack_end,
+ old_heap_start,
+ old_heap_top,
+ old_heap_end,
- stack_dump=?space}).
+ stack_dump}).
- slot=?space,
- connected=?space,
- links=?space,
- name=?space,
- monitors=?space,
- controls=?space}).
+ slot,
+ connected,
+ links,
+ name,
+ monitors,
+ controls}).
- slot=?space,
- id=?space,
- name=?space,
+ slot,
+ id,
+ name,
- buckets=?space,
- size=?space,
- memory=?space}).
+ buckets,
+ size,
+ memory}).
- msg=?space,
- time=?space}).
+ msg,
+ time}).
- {module=?space,
- uniq=?space,
- index=?space,
- address=?space,
- native_address=?space,
- refc=?space}).
+ {module,
+ uniq,
+ index,
+ address,
+ native_address,
+ refc}).
- {name=?space,
+ {name,
- controller=?space,
- creation=?space,
- remote_links=?space,
- remote_mon=?space,
- remote_mon_by=?space,
- error=?space}).
+ conn_type,
+ controller,
+ creation,
+ remote_links=[],
+ remote_mon=[],
+ remote_mon_by=[],
+ error}).
- current_size=?space,
- current_attrib=?space,
- current_comp_info=?space,
- old_size=?space,
- old_attrib=?space,
- old_comp_info=?space}).
+ current_size,
+ current_attrib,
+ current_comp_info,
+ old_size,
+ old_attrib,
+ old_comp_info}).
- size=?space,
- used=?space,
- objs=?space,
- depth=?space}).
+ size,
+ used,
+ objs,
+ depth}).
- size=?space,
- used=?space,
- limit=?space,
- rate=?space,
- entries=?space}).
+ size,
+ limit,
+ used,
+ rate,
+ entries}).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer_html.erl b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer_html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c1a842b5..0000000000
--- a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer_html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1440 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2013. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% This module implements the HTML generation for the crashdump
-%% viewer. No logic or states are kept by this module.
- read_file_frame/0,
- redirect/1,
- start_page/0,
- filename_frame/1,
- menu_frame/0,
- general_info/1,
- pretty_info_page/2,
- info_page/2,
- proc_details/4,
- expanded_memory/2,
- expanded_binary/1,
- port/3,
- internal_ets_tables/2,
- nods/2,
- loaded_mod_details/2,
- atoms/4,
- atoms_chunk/2,
- memory/2,
- allocated_areas/2,
- allocator_info/2,
- hash_tables/2,
- index_tables/2,
- error/2,
- chunk_page/5,
- chunk/3]).
-%%% Welcome frame
-welcome() ->
- header(body(welcome_body())).
-welcome_body() ->
- table(
- "WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=60%",
- [tr("VALIGN=middle",
- td("ALIGN=center",
- font("SIZE=6",
- ["Welcome to the Web Based",br(),
- "Erlang Crash Dump Analyser"]))),
- tr("VALIGN=middle",
- td("ALIGN=center",
- form(["name=load_new ACTION=\"./read_file_frame\""],
- input(["TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Load Crashdump\""]))))]).
-%%% Present a form to enter file name of erlang crash dump
-read_file_frame() ->
- header("Read File",body(read_file_frame_body())).
-read_file_frame_body() ->
- %% Using a plain text input field instead of a file input field
- %% (e.g. <INPUT TYPE=file NAME=pathj SIZE=40">) because most
- %% browsers can not forward the full path from this dialog even if
- %% the browser is running on localhost (Ref 'fakepath'-problem)
- Entry = input("TYPE=text NAME=path SIZE=60"),
- Form =
- form(
- "NAME=read_file_form METHOD=post ACTION=\"./read_file\"",
- table(
- "BORDER=0",
- [tr(td("COLSPAN=2","Enter file to analyse")),
- tr(
- [td(Entry),
- td("ALIGN=center",input("TYPE=submit VALUE=Ok"))])])),
- table(
- "WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=60%",
- tr("VALIGN=middle",
- td("ALIGN=center",Form))).
-%%% Display "Please wait..." while crashdump is being read
-redirect(Status) ->
- Head = ["<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"3; URL=./redirect\">"],
- header("Please wait...",Head,body([Status,br(),"Please wait..."])).
-%%% Frameset containing "filename", "menu", and "main" frames
-start_page() ->
- header("Crashdump Viewer Start Page",start_page_frameset()).
-start_page_frameset() ->
- frameset(
- "ROWS=\"70,*\"",
- [frame(["NAME=\"filename\" SRC=\"./filename_frame\""]),
- frameset(
- "COLS=\"200,*\"",
- [frame(["NAME=\"menu\" ",
- "SRC=\"/cdv_erl/crashdump_viewer/menu_frame\""]),
- frame("NAME=\"main\" SRC=\"./initial_info_frame\"")])]).
-%%% Topmost frame presents the filename of the crashdump currently
-%%% viewed
-filename_frame(File) ->
- header("Filename",body(filename_body(File))).
-filename_body(File) ->
- p("ALIGN=center",[b("Crashdump currently viewed:"),br(),File]).
-%%% Left frame displays the menu
-menu_frame() ->
- header("Menu", body(menu_body())).
-menu_body() ->
- [p(format_items(1,ets:info(cdv_menu_table,size),true)),
- p([br(),
- form(["name=load_new ACTION=\"./read_file_frame\" ",
- "TARGET=app_frame"],
- input("TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Load New Crashdump\""))])].
-format_items(I,Max,_ParentState) when I>Max->
- [];
-format_items(I,Max,ParentState) when I=<Max->
- case ets:lookup(cdv_menu_table,I) of
- [] -> [];
- [#menu_item{state=false,children=0}] ->
- format_items(I+1,Max,ParentState);
- [#menu_item{state=false,children=Children}] ->
- format_items(I+Children+1,Max,arentState);
- [Item=#menu_item{state=true,children=0}] when ParentState ->
- This = format_item(Item),
- [This|format_items(I+1,Max,ParentState)];
- [Item=#menu_item{state=true,children=Children}] when ParentState ->
- This = format_item(Item),
- Ch = format_items(I+1,I+Children,true),
- [[This | Ch] | format_items(I+Children+1,Max,ParentState)]
- end.
-format_item(Item) ->
- [lists:duplicate(Item#menu_item.depth*5,?space),
- format_picture(Item#menu_item.index,
- Item#menu_item.picture,
- Item#menu_item.children),
- format_title(Item#menu_item.text,Item#menu_item.target),
- br()].
-format_picture(_Index,Picture,0) ->
- img(Picture);
-format_picture(Index,Picture,_Children) ->
- href( ["./toggle?index=", integer_to_list(Index)], img(Picture)).
-format_title({Link,Text},Target) ->
- href(["TARGET=\"",Target,"\""],Link,Text);
-format_title(Text,_Type) ->
- Text.
-%%% Display the general information
-general_info(GenInfo) ->
- Heading = "General Information",
- header(Heading,body(general_info_body(Heading,GenInfo))).
-general_info_body(Heading,GenInfo) ->
- TruncatedInfo =
- case get(truncated) of
- true ->
- p(font("SIZE=\"+1\" COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",
- b(["WARNING:",br(),
- "The crashdump is truncated",br(),
- "Some information might be missing",br()])));
- false ->
- ""
- end,
- [heading(Heading,"general_info"),
- TruncatedInfo,
- table(
- [tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Slogan"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.slogan)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Node name"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.node_name)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Crashdump created on"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.created)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","System version"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.system_vsn)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Compiled"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.compile_time)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Taints"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.taints)]),
- case GenInfo#general_info.mem_tot of
- "" -> "";
- MemTot ->
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Memory allocated"),
- td([MemTot," bytes"])])
- end,
- case GenInfo#general_info.mem_max of
- "" -> "";
- MemMax ->
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Memory maximum"),
- td([MemMax," bytes"])])
- end,
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Atoms"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.num_atoms)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Processes"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.num_procs)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","ETS tables"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.num_ets)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Timers"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.num_timers)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"","Funs"),
- td(GenInfo#general_info.num_fun)])]),
- case GenInfo#general_info.instr_info of
- old_instr_data ->
- [br(),br(),
- font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",
- ["Instrumentation information is found at the end of ",br(),
- "the dump. The information has an old format, and ",br(),
- "is not presented in this tool. Please read the ",br(),
- "crashdump manually to see this information."])];
- instr_data ->
- [br(),br(),
- font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",
- ["Instrumentation information is found at the end of ",br(),
- "the dump. The information is not presented in this ",br(),
- "tool. Please read the crashdump manually to see",br(),
- "this information."])];
- false ->
- []
- end].
-%%% Display an error message
-error(Text,Args) ->
- Str = io_lib:format(Text,Args),
- header(body(error_body(Str))).
-error_body(Str) ->
- [h1("An error occured:"),Str,"\n"].
-%%% Display the given information as is
-info_page(Heading,Info) ->
- info_page(Heading,Info,[]).
-info_page(Heading,Info,TW) ->
- header(Heading,body(info_body(Heading,Info,TW))).
-info_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No information was found\n"];
-info_body(Heading,Info,TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- pre(href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Info)))].
-%%% Pretty print the given information
-pretty_info_page(Heading,Info) ->
- header(Heading,body(pretty_info_body(Heading,Info))).
-pretty_info_body(Heading,[]) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- "No information was found\n"];
-pretty_info_body(Heading,Info) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- pre(pretty_format(Info))].
-%%% Print details for one process
-proc_details(Pid,Proc,TW,SharedHeap) ->
- Script =
-"<SCRIPT type=\"text/javascript\">
- function popup() {
- window.open(\"\",\"expanded\",'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes')
- Heading = ["Process ", Pid],
- header(Heading,Script,body(proc_details_body(Heading,Proc,TW,SharedHeap))).
-proc_details_body(Heading,Proc,TW,SharedHeap) ->
- Pid = Proc#proc.pid,
- Name = if Proc#proc.name==Proc#proc.init_func -> ?space;
- true -> Proc#proc.name
- end,
- [help("processes"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- "BORDER=4 COLS=4 WIDTH=\"100%\"",
- [tr(
- "BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",
- [td("COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=center",Heading)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Name")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Name),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("Spawned as")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.init_func)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("State")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.state),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b(element(1,Proc#proc.current_func))),
- td("COLSPAN=1",element(2,Proc#proc.current_func))]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Started")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.start_time),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("Spawned by")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",href_proc_port(Proc#proc.parent))]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Reductions")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",integer_to_list(Proc#proc.reds))] ++
- case Proc#proc.memory of
- undefined -> []; % before R16B01
- Mem ->
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Memory (bytes)")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",integer_to_list(Mem))]
- end),
- if SharedHeap ->
- Stack = case Proc#proc.stack_heap of
- -1 -> "unknown";
- S -> integer_to_list(S)
- end,
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Stack")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Stack)]);
- true ->
- [tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Stack+heap")),
- td(integer_to_list(Proc#proc.stack_heap)),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("OldHeap")),
- td(Proc#proc.old_heap)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Heap unused")),
- td(Proc#proc.heap_unused),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("OldHeap unused")),
- td(Proc#proc.old_heap_unused)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Number of heap fragments")),
- td(Proc#proc.num_heap_frag),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("Heap fragment data")),
- td(Proc#proc.heap_frag_data)])]
- end,
- case Proc#proc.new_heap_start of
- ?space -> "";
- _ ->
- %% Garbing
- [tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("New heap start")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.new_heap_start),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("New heap top")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.new_heap_top)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Stack top")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.stack_top),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("Stack end")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.stack_end)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Old heap start")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.old_heap_start),
- td("NOWRAP=true",b("Old heap top")),
- td("COLSPAN=1",Proc#proc.old_heap_top)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Old heap end")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Proc#proc.old_heap_end)])]
- end,
- case Proc#proc.prog_count of
- ?space -> "";
- _ ->
- [tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Program counter")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Proc#proc.prog_count)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Continuation pointer")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Proc#proc.cp)]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Arity")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Proc#proc.arity)])]
- end,
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Link list")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",href_proc_port(Proc#proc.links))]),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b("Msg queue length")),
- td("COLSPAN=3",integer_to_list(Proc#proc.msg_q_len))]),
- %% These are displayed only if data exist
- display_or_link_to_expand("MsgQueue",Proc#proc.msg_q,Pid),
- display_or_link_to_expand("Dictionary",Proc#proc.dict,Pid),
- display_or_link_to_expand("DebugDictionary",Proc#proc.debug_dict,Pid),
- display_or_link_to_expand("LastCalls",Proc#proc.last_calls,Pid),
- display_or_link_to_expand("StackDump",Proc#proc.stack_dump,Pid)]),
- p([href(["./ets_tables?pid=",Proc#proc.pid],
- "ETS tables owned by this process"),
- "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",
- href(["./timers?pid=",Proc#proc.pid],
- "Timers owned by this process")])].
-display_or_link_to_expand(Heading,Data,Pid) ->
- case Data of
- expand ->
- link_to_read_memory(Heading,Pid);
- truncated ->
- Text = font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",
- "The dump is truncated, no data available"),
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true VALIGN=top",b(Heading)),
- td("COLSPAN=3",Text)]);
- ?space ->
- "";
- {size,Truncated,Size,Pos} ->
- %% Too much data, or truncated data -
- %% display a link to expand it
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b(Heading)),
- td("COLSPAN=3",
- href("TARGET=\"expanded\" onClick=popup()",
- ["./expand?pos=",integer_to_list(Pos),
- "&size=",integer_to_list(Size),
- "&what=",Heading,
- "&truncated=",atom_to_list(Truncated)],
- ["Expand (",integer_to_list(Size)," bytes)"]))]);
- _ ->
- %% Not too much Data - display it
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true VALIGN=top",b(Heading)),
- td("COLSPAN=3",pre(format(Heading,Data)))])
- end.
-link_to_read_memory(Heading,Pid) ->
- tr(
- [td("NOWRAP=true",b(Heading)),
- td("COLSPAN=3",
- href("TARGET=\"expanded\" onClick=popup()",
- ["./expand_memory?pid=",Pid,
- "&what=",Heading],
- ["Expand ", Heading]))]).
-format("LastCalls",Data) ->
- Data;
-format("StackDump",Data) ->
- Data;
-format(_Heading,Data) ->
- pretty_format(Data).
-%%% Expanded memory
-expanded_memory(Heading,Expanded) ->
- header(Heading,body(expanded_memory_body(Heading,Expanded))).
-expanded_memory_body(Heading,[]) ->
- [heading(Heading,"processes"),
- case Heading of
- "MsgQueue" -> "No messages were found";
- "StackDump" -> "No stack dump was found";
- "Dictionary" -> "No dictionary was found";
- "DebugDictionary" -> "No debug dictionary was found"
- end];
-expanded_memory_body(Heading,Expanded) ->
- [heading(Heading,"processes"),
- case Heading of
- "MsgQueue" ->
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Message"),
- th("SeqTraceToken")]) |
- lists:map(fun(Msg) -> msgq_table(Msg) end, Expanded)]);
- "StackDump" ->
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Label"),
- th("Term")]) |
- lists:map(fun(Entry) -> stackdump_table(Entry) end, Expanded)]);
- _ ->
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Key"),
- th("Value")]) |
- lists:map(fun(Entry) -> dict_table(Entry) end, Expanded)])
- end].
-msgq_table({Msg0,Token0}) ->
- Token = case Token0 of
- [] -> ?space;
- _ -> io_lib:fwrite("~w",[Token0])
- end,
- Msg = href_proc_port(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Msg0]))),
- tr([td(pre(Msg)), td(Token)]).
-stackdump_table({Label0,Term0}) ->
- Label = io_lib:format("~w",[Label0]),
- Term = href_proc_port(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Term0]))),
- tr([td("VALIGN=top",Label), td(pre(Term))]).
-dict_table({Key0,Value0}) ->
- Key = href_proc_port(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Key0]))),
- Value = href_proc_port(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Value0]))),
- tr([td("VALIGN=top",pre(Key)), td(pre(Value))]).
-%%% Display an expanded binary, i.e. the whole binary, not just the
-%%% size of it.
-expanded_binary(Bin) ->
- Heading = "Expanded binary",
- header(Heading,body(expanded_binary_body(Heading,Bin))).
-expanded_binary_body(Heading,Bin) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- pre(href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Bin))),
- br(),br(),
- href("javascript:history.go(-1)","BACK")].
-%%% Print info for one port
-port(Heading,Port,TW) ->
- header(Heading,body(port_body(Heading,Port,TW))).
-port_body(Heading,Port,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"ports"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr([th(Head) || Head <- port_table_head()]), ports_table(Port)])].
-%%% Print table of internal ETS tables
-internal_ets_tables(InternalEts,TW) ->
- Heading = "Internal ETS tables",
- header(Heading,body(internal_ets_tables_body(Heading,InternalEts,TW))).
-internal_ets_tables_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No internal ETS tables were found\n"];
-internal_ets_tables_body(Heading,InternalEts,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"internal_ets_tables"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Description"),
- th("Id"),
- th("Name"),
- th("Type"),
- th("Buckets"),
- th("Objects"),
- th("Memory (bytes)")]) |
- lists:map(fun(InternalEtsTable) ->
- internal_ets_tables_table1(InternalEtsTable)
- end,
- InternalEts)])].
-internal_ets_tables_table1({Descr,InternalEtsTable}) ->
- #ets_table{id=Id,name=Name,type=Type,buckets=Buckets,
- size=Size,memory=Memory} = InternalEtsTable,
- tr(
- [td(Descr),
- td(Id),
- td(Name),
- td(Type),
- td("ALIGN=right",Buckets),
- td("ALIGN=right",Size),
- td("ALIGN=right",Memory)]).
-%%% Print table of nodes in distribution
-nods(Nods,TW) ->
- header("Distribution Information",body(nodes_body(Nods,TW))).
-nodes_body(no_distribution,_TW) ->
- [heading("Distribution Information","distribution_info"),
- "Not alive\n"];
-nodes_body({Type,Info,Node},TW) when is_record(Node,nod) ->
- %% Display only one node - used when a pid or port on a remote
- %% node is clicked.
- [heading("Remote Node","distribution_info"),
- warn(TW),
- Info,
- make_nodes_table(Type,[Node])];
-nodes_body({Visible,Hidden,NotConnected},TW) ->
- %% Display all nodes - this is the complete distribution info
- [heading("Distribution Information","distribution_info"),
- warn(TW),
- make_nodes_table("Visible Nodes",Visible),
- make_nodes_table("Hidden Nodes",Hidden),
- make_nodes_table("Not Connected Nodes",NotConnected)].
-make_nodes_table(Text,[]) ->
- p(["No \"",Text,"\" were found"]);
-make_nodes_table(Text,Nodes) ->
- p(table(
- [nodes_table_heading(Text),
- lists:map(fun(Node) -> nodes_table_row(Node) end, Nodes)])).
-nodes_table_heading(Text) ->
- [tr("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",[th("COLSPAN=6",Text)]),
- tr([th("Name"),
- th("Channel"),
- th("Controller"),
- th("Creation(s)"),
- th("Links/Monitors"),
- th("Extra info")])].
-nodes_table_row(Node) ->
- #nod{name=Name,channel=Channel,controller=Controller,creation=Creation,
- remote_links=Links,remote_mon=Mon,remote_mon_by=MonBy,error=Error}=Node,
- tr(
- [td(maybe_refcount(Name)),
- td("ALIGN=right",Channel),
- td(href_proc_port(Controller)),
- td("ALIGN=right",break_lines_creation(Creation)),
- td(format_links_and_monitors(Links,Mon,MonBy)),
- td(format_extra_info(Error))]).
-maybe_refcount(Name) ->
- maybe_refcount(Name, []).
-maybe_refcount([$ ,$( | Rest], Acc) ->
- [lists:reverse(Acc),br(),[$(|Rest]];
-maybe_refcount([Char | Rest], Acc) ->
- maybe_refcount(Rest, [Char | Acc]);
-maybe_refcount([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-break_lines_creation(Creation) ->
- break_lines_creation(Creation,[]).
-break_lines_creation([$ ,$( | Rest1], Acc) ->
- {RefCount,Rest2} = to_end_par(Rest1,[$(,$ ]),
- [lists:reverse(Acc),RefCount,br(),break_lines_creation(Rest2)];
-break_lines_creation([$ | Rest], Acc) ->
- [lists:reverse(Acc),br(),break_lines_creation(Rest)];
-break_lines_creation([Char | Rest], Acc) ->
- break_lines_creation(Rest, [Char | Acc]);
-break_lines_creation([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-to_end_par([$),$ | Rest], Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse([$) | Acc]),Rest};
-to_end_par([$) | Rest], Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse([$) | Acc]),Rest};
-to_end_par([Char | Rest], Acc) ->
- to_end_par(Rest, [Char | Acc]);
-to_end_par([],Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),[]}.
-format_links_and_monitors(?space,?space,?space) ->
- ?space;
-format_links_and_monitors(Links,Mon,MonBy) ->
- [format_links_and_monitors(Links," is linked to "),
- format_links_and_monitors(Mon," is monitoring "),
- format_links_and_monitors(MonBy," is monitored by ")].
-format_links_and_monitors(?space,_Text) ->
- "";
-format_links_and_monitors([{Local,Remote}|Rest],Text) ->
- [[href_proc_port(Local),Text,href_proc_port(Remote),br()] |
- format_links_and_monitors(Rest,Text)];
-format_links_and_monitors([],_Text) ->
- [].
-format_extra_info(?space) ->
- ?space;
-format_extra_info(Error) ->
- case Error of
- ?space -> "";
- _ -> font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",["ERROR: ",Error,"\n"])
- end.
-%%% Print detailed information about one module
-loaded_mod_details(ModInfo,TW) ->
- header(ModInfo#loaded_mod.mod,body(loaded_mod_details_body(ModInfo,TW))).
-loaded_mod_details_body(ModInfo,TW) ->
- #loaded_mod{mod=Mod,current_size=CS,current_attrib=CA,
- current_comp_info=CCI,old_size=OS,
- old_attrib=OA,old_comp_info=OCI} = ModInfo,
- [help("loaded_modules"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr(th("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\" COLSPAN=3",
- ["Module: ",Mod])),
- tr([td(?space),th("Current"),th("Old")]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left","Size (bytes)"),
- td(CS),
- td(OS)]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left","Attributes"),
- td(pre(CA)),
- td(pre(OA))]),
- tr([th("ALIGN=left","Compilation info"),
- td(pre(CCI)),
- td(pre(OCI))])])].
-%%% Print atoms
-atoms(SessionId,TW,Num,FirstChunk) ->
- Heading = "Atoms",
- case FirstChunk of
- done ->
- deliver_first(SessionId,[start_html_page(Heading),
- h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No atoms were found in log",br(),
- "Total number of atoms in node was ", Num,
- br()]);
- _ ->
- deliver_first(SessionId,[start_html_page(Heading),
- heading(Heading,"atoms"),
- warn(TW),
- "Total number of atoms in node was ", Num,
- br(),
- "The last created atom is shown first",
- br(),
- start_pre()]),
- atoms_chunk(SessionId,FirstChunk)
- end.
-atoms_chunk(SessionId,done) ->
- deliver(SessionId,[stop_pre(),stop_html_page()]);
-atoms_chunk(SessionId,Atoms) ->
- deliver(SessionId,Atoms).
-%%% Print memory information
-memory(Memory,TW) ->
- Heading = "Memory Information",
- header(Heading,body(memory_body(Heading,Memory,TW))).
-memory_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No memory information was found\n"];
-memory_body(Heading,Memory,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"memory"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",
- [th(?space),
- th("Bytes")]) |
- lists:map(fun(Entry) -> memory_table(Entry) end, Memory)])].
-memory_table({Key,Value}) ->
- tr([th("ALIGN=left",Key),td("ALIGN=right",Value)]).
-%%% Print allocated areas information
-allocated_areas(AllocatedAreas,TW) ->
- Heading = "Information about allocated areas",
- header(Heading,body(allocated_areas_body(Heading,AllocatedAreas,TW))).
-allocated_areas_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No information was found about allocated areas\n"];
-allocated_areas_body(Heading,AllocatedAreas,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"memory"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",
- [th(?space),
- th("Allocated (bytes)"),
- th("Used (bytes)")]) |
- lists:map(fun(Entry) -> allocated_areas_table(Entry) end,
- AllocatedAreas)])].
-allocated_areas_table({Key,Alloc,Used}) ->
- tr(
- [th("ALIGN=left",Key),
- td("ALIGN=right",Alloc),
- td("ALIGN=right",Used)]).
-%%% Print allocator_info information
-allocator_info(Allocators,TW) ->
- Heading = "Allocator Information",
- header(Heading,body(allocator_info_body(Heading,Allocators,TW))).
-allocator_info_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No information was found about allocators\n"];
-allocator_info_body(Heading,Allocators,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"memory"),
- warn(TW),
- p(b("Sizes are in bytes")),
- lists:map(fun({Head,Allocator}) ->
- TableHead =
- case Head of
- {SubTitle,Columns} ->
- tr("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",
- [th("ALIGN=left",
- font("SIZE=+1",SubTitle)) |
- lists:map(
- fun(CH) ->
- th("ALIGN=right",CH)
- end,
- Columns)]);
- SubTitle ->
- tr("BGCOLOR=\"#8899AA\"",
- th("COLSPAN=10 ALIGN=left",
- font("SIZE=+1",SubTitle)))
- end,
- [table(
- [TableHead |
- lists:map(
- fun({Key,Values}) ->
- tr([th("ALIGN=left",Key) |
- lists:map(
- fun(Val) ->
- td("ALIGN=right",Val)
- end,Values)])
- end,
- Allocator)]),
- br(),br()]
- end,
- Allocators)].
-%%% Print informatin about internal tables
-hash_tables(HashTables,TW) ->
- Heading = "Hash Table Information",
- header(Heading,body(hash_tables_body(Heading,HashTables,TW))).
-hash_tables_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No hash table information was found\n"];
-hash_tables_body(Heading,HashTables,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"internal_tables"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Name"),
- th("Size"),
- th("Used"),
- th("Objects"),
- th("Depth")]) |
- lists:map(fun(HashTable) -> hash_tables_table(HashTable) end,
- HashTables)])].
-hash_tables_table(HashTable) ->
- #hash_table{name=Name,size=Size,used=Used,objs=Objs,depth=Depth}=HashTable,
- tr(
- [td(Name),
- td("ALIGN=right",Size),
- td("ALIGN=right",Used),
- td("ALIGN=right",Objs),
- td("ALIGN=right",Depth)]).
-index_tables(IndexTables,TW) ->
- Heading = "Index Table Information",
- header(Heading,body(index_tables_body(Heading,IndexTables,TW))).
-index_tables_body(Heading,[],TW) ->
- [h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- "No index table information was found\n"];
-index_tables_body(Heading,IndexTables,TW) ->
- [heading(Heading,"internal_tables"),
- warn(TW),
- table(
- [tr(
- [th("Name"),
- th("Size"),
- th("Limit"),
- th("Used"),
- th("Rate"),
- th("Entries")]) |
- lists:map(fun(IndexTable) -> index_tables_table(IndexTable) end,
- IndexTables)])].
-index_tables_table(IndexTable) ->
- #index_table{name=Name,size=Size,limit=Limit,used=Used,
- rate=Rate,entries=Entries} = IndexTable,
- tr(
- [td(Name),
- td("ALIGN=right",Size),
- td("ALIGN=right",Limit),
- td("ALIGN=right",Used),
- td("ALIGN=right",Rate),
- td("ALIGN=right",Entries)]).
-%%% Internal library
-start_html_page(Title) ->
- [only_http_header(),
- start_html(),
- only_html_header(Title),
- start_html_body()].
-stop_html_page() ->
- [stop_html_body(),
- stop_html()].
-only_http_header() ->
- ["Pragma:no-cache\r\n",
- "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"].
-only_html_header(Title) ->
- only_html_header(Title,"").
-only_html_header(Title,JavaScript) ->
- ["<HEAD>\n",
- "<TITLE>", Title, "</TITLE>\n",
- JavaScript,
- "</HEAD>\n"].
-start_html() ->
- "<HTML>\n".
-stop_html() ->
- "</HTML>".
-start_html_body() ->
-stop_html_body() ->
- "</BODY>\n".
-header(Body) ->
- header("","",Body).
-header(Title,Body) ->
- header(Title,"",Body).
-header(Title,JavaScript,Body) ->
- [only_http_header(),
- html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body)].
-html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body) ->
- [start_html(),
- only_html_header(Title,JavaScript),
- Body,
- stop_html()].
-body(Text) ->
- [start_html_body(),
- Text,
- stop_html_body()].
-frameset(Args,Frames) ->
- ["<FRAMESET ",Args,">\n", Frames, "\n</FRAMESET>\n"].
-frame(Args) ->
- ["<FRAME ",Args, ">\n"].
-start_visible_table() ->
- start_table("BORDER=\"4\" CELLPADDING=\"4\"").
-start_visible_table(ColTitles) ->
- [start_visible_table(),
- tr([th(ColTitle) || ColTitle <- ColTitles])].
-start_table(Args) ->
- ["<TABLE ", Args, ">\n"].
-stop_table() ->
- "</TABLE>\n".
-table(Args,Text) ->
- [start_table(Args), Text, stop_table()].
-tr(Text) ->
- ["<TR>\n", Text, "\n</TR>\n"].
-tr(Args,Text) ->
- ["<TR ", Args, ">\n", Text, "\n</TR>\n"].
-th(Text) ->
- ["<TH>", Text, "</TH>"].
-th(Args,Text) ->
- ["<TH ", Args, ">\n", Text, "\n</TH>\n"].
-td(Text) ->
- ["<TD>", Text, "</TD>"].
-td(Args,Text) ->
- ["<TD ", Args, ">", Text, "</TD>"].
-b(Text) ->
- ["<B>",Text,"</B>"].
-em(Text) ->
- ["<EM>",Text,"</EM>\n"].
-start_pre() ->
- "<PRE>".
-stop_pre() ->
- "</PRE>".
-pre(Text) ->
- [start_pre(),Text,stop_pre()].
-href(Link,Text) ->
- ["<A HREF=\"",Link,"\">",Text,"</A>"].
-href(Args,Link,Text) ->
- ["<A HREF=\"",Link,"\" ",Args,">",Text,"</A>"].
-img("") ->
- "";
-img(Picture) ->
- ["<IMG SRC=\"", Picture, "\" BORDER=0>"].
-form(Args,Text) ->
- ["<FORM ",Args,">\n",Text,"\n</FORM>\n"].
-input(Args) ->
- ["<INPUT ", Args, ">\n"].
-h1(Text) ->
- ["<H1>",Text,"</H1>\n"].
-font(Args,Text) ->
- ["<FONT ",Args,">\n",Text,"\n</FONT>\n"].
-p(Text) ->
- ["<P>",Text,"</P>\n"].
-p(Args, Text) ->
- ["<P ", Args, ">",Text,"</P>\n"].
-br() ->
- "<BR>\n".
-%% In all the following, "<" is changed to "&lt;" and ">" is changed to "&gt;"
-href_proc_port(Text) ->
- href_proc_port(Text,[]).
-href_proc_port([$#,$R,$e,$f,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% No links to refs
- href_proc_port(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&,$f,$e,$R,$#|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$#,$F,$u,$n,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% No links to funs
- href_proc_port(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&,$n,$u,$F,$#|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$#,$P,$o,$r,$t,$<|T],Acc) ->
- {[$#|Port]=HashPort,Rest} = to_gt(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&,$t,$r,$o,$P,$#]),
- href_proc_port(Rest,[href("TARGET=\"main\"",
- ["./port?port=",Port],HashPort)|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$<,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% No links to binaries
- href_proc_port(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&,$;,$t,$l,$&|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$<,C|T],Acc) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
- %% Pid
- {Pid,Rest} = to_gt(T,[C,$;,$t,$l,$&]),
- href_proc_port(Rest,[href("TARGET=\"main\"",
- ["./proc_details?pid=",Pid],Pid)|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$",$#,$C,$D,$V,$B,$i,$n,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% Binary written by crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
- {SizeAndPos,[$"|Rest]} = split($>,T),
- {Size,Pos} = split($,,SizeAndPos),
- href_proc_port(Rest,[href("TARGET=\"expanded\"",
- ["./expand_binary?pos=",Pos],
- ["&lt;&lt; ",Size," bytes &gt;&gt;"]) | Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$",$#,$C,$D,$V,$P,$o,$r,$t,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% Port written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...)
- {[$#|Port]=HashPort,[$"|Rest]} = to_gt(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&,$t,$r,$o,$P,$#]),
- href_proc_port(Rest,[href("TARGET=\"main\"",
- ["./port?port=",Port],HashPort)|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$",$#,$C,$D,$V,$P,$i,$d,$<|T],Acc) ->
- %% Pid written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...)
- {Pid,[$"|Rest]} = to_gt(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&]),
- href_proc_port(Rest,[href("TARGET=\"main\"",
- ["./proc_details?pid=",Pid],Pid)|Acc]);
- Acc)->
- %% The heap is incomplete! Written by crashdump_viewer:deref_pts(...)
- IH = lists:reverse(
- lists:flatten(
- "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">...(Incomplete Heap)</FONT>")),
- href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc);
- |T], Acc)->
- %% A binary which is truncated! Written by
- %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
- IH = lists:reverse(
- lists:flatten(
- "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">&lt;&lt;...(Truncated Binary)&gt;&gt;"
- "</FONT>")),
- href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc);
- $y,$'|T], Acc)->
- %% A binary which could not be found in the dump! Written by
- %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
- IH = lists:reverse(
- lists:flatten(
- "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">&lt;&lt;...(Nonexisting Binary)&gt;&gt;"
- "</FONT>")),
- href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc);
-href_proc_port([$<|T],Acc) ->
- href_proc_port(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([$>|T],Acc) ->
- href_proc_port(T,[$;,$t,$g,$&|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([H|T],Acc) ->
- href_proc_port(T,[H|Acc]);
-href_proc_port([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-to_gt(Str,Acc) ->
- {Match,Rest} = to_gt_noreverse(Str,Acc),
- {lists:reverse(Match),Rest}.
-to_gt_noreverse([$>|T],Acc) ->
- {[$;,$t,$g,$&|Acc],T};
-to_gt_noreverse([H|T],Acc) ->
- to_gt_noreverse(T,[H|Acc]);
-to_gt_noreverse([],Acc) ->
- {Acc,[]}.
-split(Char,Str) ->
- split(Char,Str,[]).
-split(Char,[Char|Str],Acc) -> % match Char
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Str};
-split(Char,[H|T],Acc) ->
- split(Char,T,[H|Acc]).
-warn([]) ->
- [];
-warn(Warning) ->
- font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",p([Warning,br(),br()])).
-heading(Heading,HelpMarker) ->
- [font("SIZE=+2",b(Heading)),?space,?space,help(HelpMarker)].
-help(HelpMarker) ->
- [href("TARGET=doc",
- ["/crashdump_doc/crashdump_help.html#",HelpMarker],
- "Help"),
- br(),br()].
-%%% This function pretty formats a string which contains erlang
-%%% terms (e.g. the message queue).
-%%% In all the following, "<" is changed to "&lt;" and ">" is changed to "&gt;"
-pretty_format(In) ->
- case catch scan(In,[],initial,[]) of
- {'EXIT',_Reason} ->
- %% Probably a truncated file, so the erlang term is not complete
- [font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"","(This term might be truncated)"),
- href_proc_port(lists:flatten(In))];
- {[R],_,Insrt} ->
- InsrtString = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[R])),
- lists:flatten(replace_insrt(lists:reverse(InsrtString),Insrt,[]))
- end.
-%% Finish term
-scan(In,Acc,list,Insrt) when hd(In)==$] ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),tl(In),Insrt};
-scan(In,Acc,tuple,Insrt) when hd(In)==$} ->
- {list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)),tl(In),Insrt};
-scan(In,Acc,atom,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- {list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Acc)),In,Insrt};
-scan(In,Acc,float,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- {list_to_float(lists:reverse(Acc)),In,Insrt};
-scan(In,Acc,integer,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- {list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)),In,Insrt};
-scan([$"|In],Acc,string,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),In,Insrt};
-scan([$>|In],Acc,special,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- %% pid, ref, port, fun
- {lists:reverse([$;,$t,$g,$&|Acc]),In,Insrt};
-scan([$}|In],Acc,special,Insrt) when In==[];hd(In)==$,;hd(In)==$];hd(In)==$} ->
- %% bignum integer, e.g. #integer(2) = {2452,4324}
- {lists:reverse([$}|Acc]),In,Insrt};
-scan([$,|In],Acc,Cur,Insrt) when Cur/=string,Cur/=special ->
- scan(In,Acc,Cur,Insrt);
-%% In the middle of an atom
-scan([$'|In],Acc,Cur,Insrt) when Cur==atom ->
- %% all $' are removed. They are added again by list_to_atom,
- %% so if we don't remove them we will get two of them.
- scan(In,Acc,Cur,Insrt);
-%% A $. in the middle of an integer - turn to float
-scan([C|T],Acc,integer,Insrt) when C==$. ->
- scan(T,[C|Acc],float,Insrt);
-%% In the middle of an atom, integer, float or string
-scan([$<|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt) when Cur==atom;Cur==string;Cur==special ->
- scan(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-scan([$>|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt) when Cur==atom;Cur==string ->
- scan(T,[$;,$t,$g,$&|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-scan([C|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt) when Cur==atom;Cur==integer;Cur==float;Cur==string;Cur==special ->
- scan(T,[C|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Start list
-scan([$[|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- {L,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[],list,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,[L|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Star tuple
-scan([${|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- {Tuple,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[],tuple,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,[Tuple|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Star string
-scan([$"|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- {String,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[],string,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,[String|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Start atom
-scan([$'|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- %% all $' are removed. They are added again by list_to_atom,
- %% so if we don't remove them we will get two of them.
- {Atom,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[],atom,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,[Atom|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-scan([C|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) when C>=$A,C=<$Z;C>=$a,C=<$z;C==$'->
- {Atom,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[C],atom,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,[Atom|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Start integer or float
-scan([C|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) when C>=$0,C=<$9;C==$- ->
- {Num,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[C],integer,Insrt0), % can later change to float
- scan(Rest,[Num|Acc],Cur,Insrt);
-%% Start Pid/Port/Ref/Fun/Binary
-scan([$<|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- {Special,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[$;,$t,$l,$&],special,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,['$insrt'|Acc],Cur,[Special|Insrt]);
-scan([$#|T],Acc,Cur,Insrt0) ->
- {Special,Rest,Insrt} = scan(T,[$#],special,Insrt0),
- scan(Rest,['$insrt'|Acc],Cur,[Special|Insrt]);
-%% done
-scan([],Acc,initial,Insrt) ->
- {Acc,[],Insrt}.
-replace_insrt("'trsni$'"++Rest,[H|T],Acc) -> % the list is reversed here!
- Special =
- case H of
- "&lt;&lt;" ++ _Binary ->
- H;
- "&lt;" ++ _Pid ->
- href("TARGET=\"main\"",["./proc_details?pid=",H],H);
- "#Port&lt;" ++ Port ->
- href("TARGET=\"main\"",["./port?port=","Port&lt;"++Port],H);
- "#" ++ _other ->
- H
- end,
- replace_insrt(Rest,T,[Special|Acc]);
-replace_insrt([H|T],Insrt,Acc) ->
- replace_insrt(T,Insrt,[H|Acc]);
-replace_insrt([],[],Acc) ->
- Acc.
-%%% Create a page with one table by delivering chunk by chunk to
-%%% inets. crashdump_viewer first calls chunk_page/5 once, then
-%%% chunk/3 multiple times until all data is delivered.
-chunk_page(processes,SessionId,TW,{Sorted,SharedHeap,DumpVsn},FirstChunk) ->
- Columns = procs_summary_table_head(Sorted,SharedHeap,DumpVsn),
- chunk_page(SessionId, "Process Information", TW, FirstChunk,
- "processes", Columns, fun procs_summary_table/1);
-chunk_page(ports,SessionId,TW,_,FirstChunk) ->
- chunk_page(SessionId, "Port Information", TW, FirstChunk,
- "ports", port_table_head(), fun ports_table/1);
-chunk_page(ets_tables,SessionId,TW,Heading,FirstChunk) ->
- Columns = ["Owner",
- "Slot",
- "Id",
- "Name",
- "Type",
- "Buckets",
- "Objects",
- "Memory (bytes)"],
- chunk_page(SessionId, Heading, TW, FirstChunk,
- "ets_tables", Columns, fun ets_tables_table/1);
-chunk_page(timers,SessionId,TW,Heading,FirstChunk) ->
- chunk_page(SessionId, Heading, TW, FirstChunk, "timers",
- ["Owner","Message","Time left"], fun timers_table/1);
-chunk_page(loaded_mods,SessionId,TW,{CC,OC},FirstChunk) ->
- TotalsInfo = p([b("Current code: "),CC," bytes",br(),
- b("Old code: "),OC," bytes"]),
- Columns = ["Module","Current size (bytes)","Old size (bytes)"],
- chunk_page(SessionId, "Loaded Modules Information", TW, FirstChunk,
- "loaded_modules", TotalsInfo,Columns, fun loaded_mods_table/1);
-chunk_page(funs,SessionId, TW, _, FirstChunk) ->
- Columns = ["Module",
- "Uniq",
- "Index",
- "Address",
- "Native_address",
- "Refc"],
- chunk_page(SessionId, "Fun Information", TW, FirstChunk,
- "funs", Columns, fun funs_table/1).
-chunk_page(SessionId,Heading,TW,FirstChunk,Type,TableColumns,TableFun) ->
- chunk_page(SessionId,Heading,TW,FirstChunk,Type,[],TableColumns,TableFun).
-chunk_page(SessionId,Heading,TW,done,Type,_TotalsInfo,_TableColumns,_TableFun) ->
- no_info_found(SessionId,Heading,TW,Type);
-chunk_page(SessionId,Heading,TW,FirstChunk,Type,TotalsInfo,TableColumns,TableFun) ->
- deliver_first(SessionId,[start_html_page(Heading),
- heading(Heading,Type),
- warn(TW),
- TotalsInfo,
- start_visible_table(TableColumns)]),
- chunk(SessionId,FirstChunk,TableFun),
- TableFun.
-no_info_found(SessionId, Heading, TW, Type) ->
- Info = ["No ", Type, " were found\n"],
- deliver_first(SessionId,[start_html_page(Heading),
- h1(Heading),
- warn(TW),
- Info,
- stop_html_page()]).
-chunk(SessionId, done, _TableFun) ->
- deliver(SessionId,[stop_table(),stop_html_page()]);
-chunk(SessionId, Items, TableFun) ->
- deliver(SessionId, [lists:map(TableFun, Items),
- stop_table(), %! Will produce an empty table at the end
- start_visible_table()]). % of the page :(
-%%% Deliver part of a page to inets
-%%% The first part, which includes the HTTP header, must always be
-%%% delivered as a string (i.e. no binaries). The rest of the page is
-%%% better delivered as binaries in order to avoid data copying.
-deliver_first(SessionId,String) ->
- mod_esi:deliver(SessionId,String).
-deliver(SessionId,IoList) ->
- mod_esi:deliver(SessionId,[list_to_binary(IoList)]).
-%%% Page specific stuff for chunk pages
-procs_summary_table_head(Sorted,SharedHeap,DumpVsn) ->
- MemHeading =
- if DumpVsn>=?r16b01_dump_vsn ->
- "Memory (bytes)";
- true ->
- if SharedHeap ->
- "Stack";
- true ->
- "Stack+heap"
- end
- end,
- [procs_summary_table_head1("pid","Pid",Sorted),
- procs_summary_table_head1("name_func","Name/Spawned as",Sorted),
- procs_summary_table_head1("state","State",Sorted),
- procs_summary_table_head1("reds","Reductions",Sorted),
- procs_summary_table_head1("mem",MemHeading,Sorted),
- procs_summary_table_head1("msg_q_len","MsgQ Length",Sorted)].
-procs_summary_table_head1(_,Text,no_sort) ->
- Text;
-procs_summary_table_head1(Sorted,Text,Sorted) ->
- %% Mark the sorted column (bigger and italic)
- font("SIZE=\"+1\"",em(href("./sort_procs?sort="++Sorted,Text)));
-procs_summary_table_head1(SortOn,Text,_Sorted) ->
- href("./sort_procs?sort="++SortOn,Text).
-procs_summary_table(Proc) ->
- #proc{pid=Pid,name=Name,state=State,
- reds=Reds,stack_heap=Stack,memory=Memory,msg_q_len=MsgQLen}=Proc,
- Mem =
- case Memory of
- undefined -> % assuming pre-R16B01
- case Stack of
- -1 -> "unknown";
- _ -> integer_to_list(Stack)
- end;
- _ ->
- integer_to_list(Memory)
- end,
- tr(
- [td(href(["./proc_details?pid=",Pid],Pid)),
- td(Name),
- td(State),
- td("ALIGN=right",integer_to_list(Reds)),
- td("ALIGN=right",Mem),
- td("ALIGN=right",integer_to_list(MsgQLen))]).
-port_table_head() ->
- ["Id","Slot","Connected","Links","Name","Monitors","Controls"].
-ports_table(Port) ->
- #port{id=Id,slot=Slot,connected=Connected,links=Links,name=Name,
- monitors=Monitors,controls=Controls}=Port,
- tr(
- [td(Id),
- td("ALIGN=right",Slot),
- td(href_proc_port(Connected)),
- td(href_proc_port(Links)),
- td(Name),
- td(href_proc_port(Monitors)),
- td(Controls)]).
-ets_tables_table(EtsTable) ->
- #ets_table{pid=Pid,slot=Slot,id=Id,name=Name,type=Type,
- buckets=Buckets,size=Size,memory=Memory} = EtsTable,
- tr(
- [td(href_proc_port(Pid)),
- td(Slot),
- td(Id),
- td(Name),
- td(Type),
- td("ALIGN=right",Buckets),
- td("ALIGN=right",Size),
- td("ALIGN=right",Memory)]).
-timers_table(Timer) ->
- #timer{pid=Pid,msg=Msg,time=Time}=Timer,
- tr(
- [td(href_proc_port(Pid)),
- td(Msg),
- td("ALIGN=right",Time)]).
-loaded_mods_table(#loaded_mod{mod=Mod,current_size=CS,old_size=OS}) ->
- tr([td(href(["loaded_mod_details?mod=",http_uri:encode(Mod)],Mod)),
- td("ALIGN=right",CS),
- td("ALIGN=right",OS)]).
-funs_table(Fu) ->
- #fu{module=Module,uniq=Uniq,index=Index,address=Address,
- native_address=NativeAddress,refc=Refc}=Fu,
- tr(
- [td(Module),
- td("ALIGN=right",Uniq),
- td("ALIGN=right",Index),
- td(Address),
- td(NativeAddress),
- td("ALIGN=right",Refc)]).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer.app.src b/lib/observer/src/observer.app.src
index 6d5259624c..f14f0ee849 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer.app.src
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer.app.src
@@ -20,12 +20,32 @@
[{description, "OBSERVER version 1"},
{vsn, "%VSN%"},
{modules, [crashdump_viewer,
- crashdump_viewer_html,
+ cdv_atom_cb,
+ cdv_bin_cb,
+ cdv_detail_wx,
+ cdv_dist_cb,
+ cdv_ets_cb,
+ cdv_fun_cb,
+ cdv_gen_cb,
+ cdv_html_wx,
+ cdv_info_wx,
+ cdv_int_tab_cb,
+ cdv_mem_cb,
+ cdv_mod_cb,
+ cdv_multi_wx,
+ cdv_port_cb,
+ cdv_proc_cb,
+ cdv_table_wx,
+ cdv_term_cb,
+ cdv_timer_cb,
+ cdv_virtual_list_wx,
+ cdv_wx,
+ observer_html_lib,
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl
index 72bafcc5e0..a8ace10275 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
Main = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel)},
- {style, ?wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE},
+ {style, ?SASH_STYLE},
{id, 2}
Apps = wxListBox:new(Splitter, 3, []),
@@ -178,11 +178,16 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=Id, event=_Sz=#wxSize{size=Size}},
{noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{event=#wxMouse{type=Type, x=X0, y=Y0}},
- S0=#state{app=#app{ptree=Tree}, app_w=AppWin}) ->
- {X,Y} = wxScrolledWindow:calcUnscrolledPosition(AppWin, X0, Y0),
- Hit = locate_node(X,Y, [Tree]),
- State = handle_mouse_click(Hit, Type, S0),
- {noreply, State};
+ S0=#state{app=App, app_w=AppWin}) ->
+ case App of
+ #app{ptree=Tree} ->
+ {X,Y} = wxScrolledWindow:calcUnscrolledPosition(AppWin, X0, Y0),
+ Hit = locate_node(X,Y, [Tree]),
+ State = handle_mouse_click(Hit, Type, S0),
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ {noreply, S0}
+ end;
State = #state{sel=undefined}) ->
@@ -190,8 +195,8 @@ handle_event(#wx{event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
{noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_PROC_INFO, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
- State = #state{panel=Panel, sel={#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}}) ->
- observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Panel, self()),
+ State = #state{sel={#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}}) ->
+ observer ! {open_link, Pid},
{noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_PROC_MSG, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
@@ -337,8 +342,8 @@ code_change(_, _, State) ->
handle_mouse_click(Node = {#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}, Type,
State=#state{app_w=AppWin,panel=Panel}) ->
case Type of
- left_dclick -> observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Panel, self());
- right_down -> popup_menu(Panel);
+ left_dclick -> observer ! {open_link, Pid};
+ right_down -> popup_menu(Panel);
_ -> ok
observer_wx:set_status(io_lib:format("Pid: ~p", [Pid])),
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_defs.hrl b/lib/observer/src/observer_defs.hrl
index 586e7bbff9..3adc358b95 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_defs.hrl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_defs.hrl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -35,13 +35,16 @@
check = false
--record(attrs, {even, odd, deleted, changed, searched}).
+-record(attrs, {even, odd, searched, deleted, changed_odd, changed_even, new_odd, new_even}).
-define(EVEN(Row), ((Row rem 2) =:= 0)).
-define(BG_EVEN, {230,230,250}).
-define(BG_ODD, {255,255,255}).
-define(BG_DELETED, {100,100,100}).
--define(FG_DELETED, {240,30,30}).
+-define(FG_DELETED, {230,230,230}).
--define(BG_CHANGED, {230,230,250}).
+-define(BG_CHANGED, {184,207,184}).
+-define(BG_NEW, {123,168,123}).
-define(LCTRL_WDECR, 4). %% Remove some pixels in column width to avoid creating unnecessary scrollbar
+-define(SASH_STYLE, ?wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE bor ?wxSP_NOBORDER bor ?wxSP_3DSASH).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_html_lib.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_html_lib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f77891426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_html_lib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% This module implements the HTML generation for the crashdump
+%% viewer. No logic or states are kept by this module.
+ expandable_term/3,
+ warning/1]).
+%%% Display the given information as is, no heading
+%%% Empty body if no info exists.
+warning(Info) ->
+ header(body(warning_body(Info))).
+warning_body(Info) ->
+ [warn(Info)].
+%%% Display the given information as is, no heading
+%%% Empty body if no info exists.
+plain_page(Info) ->
+ header(body(plain_body(Info))).
+plain_body(Info) ->
+ [pre(href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Info)))].
+%%% Expanded memory
+expandable_term(Heading,Expanded,Tab) ->
+ header(Heading,body(expandable_term_body(Heading,Expanded,Tab))).
+expandable_term_body(Heading,[],_Tab) ->
+ [case Heading of
+ "MsgQueue" -> "No messages were found";
+ "Message Queue" -> "No messages were found";
+ "StackDump" -> "No stack dump was found";
+ "Dictionary" -> "No dictionary was found";
+ "ProcState" -> "Information could not be retrieved,"
+ " system messages may not be handled by this process."
+ end];
+expandable_term_body(Heading,Expanded,Tab) ->
+ [case Heading of
+ "MsgQueue" ->
+ table(Attr,
+ [tr(
+ [th("WIDTH=70%","Message"),
+ th("WIDTH=30%","SeqTraceToken")]) |
+ element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Msg, Even) ->
+ {msgq_table(Tab, Msg, Even),
+ not Even}
+ end,
+ true, Expanded))]);
+ "Message Queue" ->
+ table(Attr,
+ [tr(
+ [th("WIDTH=10%","Id"),
+ th("WIDTH=90%","Message")]) |
+ element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Msg, {Even,N}) ->
+ {msgq_table(Tab, Msg, N, Even),
+ {not Even, N+1}}
+ end,
+ {true,1}, Expanded))]);
+ "StackDump" ->
+ table(Attr,
+ [tr(
+ [th("WIDTH=20%","Label"),
+ th("WIDTH=80%","Term")]) |
+ element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) ->
+ {stackdump_table(Tab, Entry, Even),
+ not Even}
+ end, true, Expanded))]);
+ "ProcState" ->
+ table(Attr,
+ [tr(
+ [th("WIDTH=20%","Label"),
+ th("WIDTH=80%","Information")]) |
+ element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) ->
+ {proc_state(Tab, Entry,Even),
+ not Even}
+ end, true, Expanded))]);
+ _ ->
+ table(Attr,
+ [tr(
+ [th("WIDTH=30%","Key"),
+ th("WIDTH=70%","Value")]) |
+ element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) ->
+ {dict_table(Tab, Entry,Even),
+ not Even}
+ end, true, Expanded))])
+ end].
+msgq_table(Tab,{Msg0,Token0}, Even) ->
+ Token = case Token0 of
+ [] -> "";
+ _ -> io_lib:fwrite("~w",[Token0])
+ end,
+ Msg = all_or_expand(Tab,Msg0),
+ tr(color(Even),[td(pre(Msg)), td(Token)]).
+msgq_table(Tab,Msg0, Id, Even) ->
+ Msg = all_or_expand(Tab,Msg0),
+ tr(color(Even),[td(integer_to_list(Id)), td(pre(Msg))]).
+stackdump_table(Tab,{Label0,Term0},Even) ->
+ Label = io_lib:format("~w",[Label0]),
+ Term = all_or_expand(Tab,Term0),
+ tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",pre(Label)), td(pre(Term))]).
+dict_table(Tab,{Key0,Value0}, Even) ->
+ Key = all_or_expand(Tab,Key0),
+ Value = all_or_expand(Tab,Value0),
+ tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",pre(Key)), td(pre(Value))]).
+proc_state(Tab,{Key0,Value0}, Even) ->
+ Key = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s",[Key0])),
+ Value = all_or_expand(Tab,Value0),
+ tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",Key), td(pre(Value))]).
+all_or_expand(Tab,Term) ->
+ Preview = io_lib:format("~P",[Term,8]),
+ Check = io_lib:format("~P",[Term,100]),
+ Exp = Preview=/=Check,
+ all_or_expand(Tab,Term,Preview,Exp).
+all_or_expand(_Tab,_Term,Str,false) ->
+ href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Str));
+ when not is_binary(Term) ->
+ Key = {Key1,Key2,Key3} = now(),
+ ets:insert(Tab,{Key,Term}),
+ [href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Preview), false), $\n,
+ href("TARGET=\"expanded\"",
+ ["#Term?key1="++integer_to_list(Key1)++
+ "&key2="++integer_to_list(Key2)++
+ "&key3="++integer_to_list(Key3)],
+ "Click to expand above term")];
+all_or_expand(Tab,Bin,PreviewStr,true) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ <<Preview:80, _/binary>> = Bin,
+ Size = byte_size(Bin),
+ Hash = erlang:phash2(Bin),
+ Key = {Preview, Size, Hash},
+ ets:insert(Tab,{Key,Bin}),
+ [href_proc_port(lists:flatten(PreviewStr), false), $\n,
+ href("TARGET=\"expanded\"",
+ ["#OBSBinary?key1="++integer_to_list(Preview)++
+ "&key2="++integer_to_list(Size)++
+ "&key3="++integer_to_list(Hash)],
+ "Click to expand above term")].
+color(true) -> io_lib:format("BGCOLOR=\"#~2.16.0B~2.16.0B~2.16.0B\"", tuple_to_list(?BG_EVEN));
+color(false) -> io_lib:format("BGCOLOR=\"#~2.16.0B~2.16.0B~2.16.0B\"", tuple_to_list(?BG_ODD)).
+%%% Internal library
+start_html() ->
+ "<HTML>\n".
+stop_html() ->
+ "</HTML>".
+start_html_body() ->
+stop_html_body() ->
+ "</BODY>\n".
+header(Body) ->
+ header("","",Body).
+header(Title,Body) ->
+ header(Title,"",Body).
+header(Title,JavaScript,Body) ->
+ [%only_http_header(),
+ html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body)].
+html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body) ->
+ [start_html(),
+ only_html_header(Title,JavaScript),
+ Body,
+ stop_html()].
+only_html_header(Title,JavaScript) ->
+ ["<HEAD>\n",
+ "<TITLE>", Title, "</TITLE>\n",
+ JavaScript,
+ "</HEAD>\n"].
+body(Text) ->
+ [start_html_body(),
+ Text,
+ stop_html_body()].
+start_table(Args) ->
+ ["<TABLE ", Args, ">\n"].
+stop_table() ->
+ "</TABLE>\n".
+table(Args,Text) ->
+ [start_table(Args), Text, stop_table()].
+tr(Text) ->
+ ["<TR>\n", Text, "\n</TR>\n"].
+tr(Args,Text) ->
+ ["<TR ", Args, ">\n", Text, "\n</TR>\n"].
+th(Args,Text) ->
+ ["<TH ", Args, ">\n", Text, "\n</TH>\n"].
+td(Text) ->
+ ["<TD>", Text, "</TD>"].
+td(Args,Text) ->
+ ["<TD ", Args, ">", Text, "</TD>"].
+start_pre() ->
+ "<PRE>".
+stop_pre() ->
+ "</PRE>".
+pre(Text) ->
+ [start_pre(),Text,stop_pre()].
+href(Link,Text) ->
+ ["<A HREF=\"",Link,"\">",Text,"</A>"].
+href(Args,Link,Text) ->
+ ["<A HREF=\"",Link,"\" ",Args,">",Text,"</A>"].
+font(Args,Text) ->
+ ["<FONT ",Args,">\n",Text,"\n</FONT>\n"].
+p(Text) ->
+ ["<P>",Text,"</P>\n"].
+br() ->
+ "<BR>\n".
+%% In all the following, "<" is changed to "&lt;" and ">" is changed to "&gt;"
+href_proc_port(Text) ->
+ href_proc_port(Text,true).
+href_proc_port(Text,LinkToBin) ->
+ href_proc_port(Text,[],LinkToBin).
+href_proc_port("#Ref<"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% No links to refs
+ href_proc_port(T,["#Ref&lt;"|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("#Fun<"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% No links to funs
+ href_proc_port(T,["#Fun&lt;"|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("#Port<"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ {Port0,Rest} = split($>,T),
+ Port = "#Port&lt;"++Port0 ++ "&gt;",
+ href_proc_port(Rest,[href(Port,Port)|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("<<"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% No links to binaries
+ href_proc_port(T,["&lt;&lt;"|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("<"++([C|_]=T),Acc,LTB) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
+ %% Pid
+ {Pid0,Rest} = split($>,T),
+ Pid = "&lt;" ++ Pid0 ++ "&gt",
+ href_proc_port(Rest,[href(Pid,Pid)|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("['#CDVBin'"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% Binary written by crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
+ href_proc_bin(cdv, T, Acc, LTB);
+href_proc_port("['#OBSBin'"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% Binary written by crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
+ href_proc_bin(obs, T, Acc, LTB);
+href_proc_port("['#CDVPort'"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% Port written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...)
+ {Port0,Rest} = split($],T),
+ PortStr=
+ case string:tokens(Port0,",.|") of
+ [X,Y] ->
+ Port = "#Port&lt;"++X++"."++Y++"&gt;",
+ href(Port,Port);
+ Ns ->
+ "#Port&lt;" ++ string:join(Ns,".") ++"...&gt;"
+ end,
+ href_proc_port(Rest,[PortStr|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port("['#CDVPid'"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ %% Pid written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...)
+ {Pid0,Rest} = split($],T),
+ PidStr =
+ case string:tokens(Pid0,",.|") of
+ [X,Y,Z] ->
+ Pid = "&lt;"++X++"."++Y++"."++Z++"&gt;",
+ href(Pid,Pid);
+ Ns ->
+ "&lt;" ++ string:join(Ns,".") ++ "...&gt;"
+ end,
+ href_proc_port(Rest,[PidStr|Acc],LTB);
+ %% The heap is incomplete! Written by crashdump_viewer:deref_pts(...)
+ IH = lists:reverse(
+ lists:flatten(
+ "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">...(Incomplete Heap)</FONT>")),
+ href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB);
+ %% A binary which is truncated! Written by
+ %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
+ IH = lists:reverse(
+ lists:flatten(
+ "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">&lt;&lt;...(Truncated Binary)&gt;&gt;"
+ "</FONT>")),
+ href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB);
+ %% A binary which could not be found in the dump! Written by
+ %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...)
+ IH = lists:reverse(
+ lists:flatten(
+ "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">&lt;&lt;...(Nonexisting Binary)&gt;&gt;"
+ "</FONT>")),
+ href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB);
+href_proc_port("<"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ href_proc_port(T,["&lt;"|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port(">"++T,Acc,LTB) ->
+ href_proc_port(T,["&gt;"|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port([H|T],Acc,LTB) ->
+ href_proc_port(T,[H|Acc],LTB);
+href_proc_port([],Acc,_) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+href_proc_bin(From, T, Acc, LTB) ->
+ {OffsetSizePos,Rest} = split($],T),
+ BinStr =
+ case string:tokens(OffsetSizePos,",.| \n") of
+ [Offset,Size,Pos] when From =:= cdv ->
+ Id = {list_to_integer(Offset),10,list_to_integer(Pos)},
+ {ok,PreviewBin} = crashdump_viewer:expand_binary(Id),
+ PreviewStr = ["&lt;&lt;",
+ [integer_to_list(X)++"," || <<X:8>> <= PreviewBin],
+ "...(",
+ observer_lib:to_str({bytes,Size}),
+ ")&gt;&gt;"],
+ if LTB ->
+ href("TARGET=\"expanded\"",
+ ["#Binary?offset="++Offset++
+ "&size="++Size++
+ "&pos="++Pos],
+ PreviewStr);
+ true ->
+ PreviewStr
+ end;
+ [Preview,Size,Md5] when From =:= obs ->
+ PreviewBin = <<(list_to_integer(Preview)):80>>,
+ PreviewStr = ["&lt;&lt;",
+ [integer_to_list(X)++"," || <<X:8>> <= PreviewBin],
+ "...(",
+ observer_lib:to_str({bytes,list_to_integer(Size)}),
+ ")&gt;&gt;"],
+ if LTB ->
+ href("TARGET=\"expanded\"",
+ ["#OBSBinary?key1="++Preview++
+ "&key2="++Size++
+ "&key3="++Md5],
+ PreviewStr);
+ true ->
+ PreviewStr
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ "&lt;&lt; ... &gt;&gt;"
+ end,
+ href_proc_port(Rest,[BinStr|Acc],LTB).
+split(Char,Str) ->
+ split(Char,Str,[]).
+split(Char,[Char|Str],Acc) -> % match Char
+ {lists:reverse(Acc),Str};
+split(Char,[H|T],Acc) ->
+ split(Char,T,[H|Acc]).
+warn([]) ->
+ [];
+warn(Warning) ->
+ font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",p([Warning,br(),br()])).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
index f7712cf3da..e0f7bf482b 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -19,17 +19,26 @@
- display_info_dialog/1, user_term/3, user_term_multiline/3,
+ display_info_dialog/1, display_yes_no_dialog/1,
+ display_progress_dialog/2, destroy_progress_dialog/0,
+ wait_for_progress/0, report_progress/1,
+ user_term/3, user_term_multiline/3,
interval_dialog/4, start_timer/1, stop_timer/1,
display_info/2, fill_info/2, update_info/2, to_str/1,
create_menus/3, create_menu_item/3,
- set_listctrl_col_size/2
+ set_listctrl_col_size/2,
+ create_status_bar/1,
+ html_window/1, html_window/2
get_wx_parent(Window) ->
Parent = wxWindow:getParent(Window),
case wx:is_null(Parent) of
@@ -96,11 +105,19 @@ setup_timer(Bool, {Timer, Old}) ->
setup_timer(Bool, {false, Old}).
display_info_dialog(Str) ->
- Dlg = wxMessageDialog:new(wx:null(), Str),
+ display_info_dialog("",Str).
+display_info_dialog(Title,Str) ->
+ Dlg = wxMessageDialog:new(wx:null(), Str, [{caption,Title}]),
+display_yes_no_dialog(Str) ->
+ Dlg = wxMessageDialog:new(wx:null(), Str, [{style,?wxYES_NO}]),
+ R = wxMessageDialog:showModal(Dlg),
+ wxMessageDialog:destroy(Dlg),
+ R.
%% display_info(Parent, [{Title, [{Label, Info}]}]) -> {Panel, Sizer, InfoFieldsToUpdate}
display_info(Frame, Info) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame),
@@ -108,24 +125,50 @@ display_info(Frame, Info) ->
Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
wxSizer:addSpacer(Sizer, 5),
Add = fun(BoxInfo) ->
- {Box, InfoFs} = create_box(Panel, BoxInfo),
- wxSizer:add(Sizer, Box, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
- {border, 5}]),
- wxSizer:addSpacer(Sizer, 5),
- InfoFs
+ case create_box(Panel, BoxInfo) of
+ {Box, InfoFs} ->
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, Box, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {border, 5}]),
+ wxSizer:addSpacer(Sizer, 5),
+ InfoFs;
+ undefined ->
+ []
+ end
InfoFs = [Add(I) || I <- Info],
wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(Panel, Sizer),
{Panel, Sizer, InfoFs}.
+fill_info([{dynamic, Key}|Rest], Data)
+ when is_atom(Key); is_function(Key) ->
+ %% Special case used by crashdump_viewer when the value decides
+ %% which header to use
+ case get_value(Key, Data) of
+ undefined -> [undefined | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ {Str,Value} -> [{Str, Value} | fill_info(Rest, Data)]
+ end;
fill_info([{Str, Key}|Rest], Data) when is_atom(Key); is_function(Key) ->
- [{Str, get_value(Key, Data)} | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ case get_value(Key, Data) of
+ undefined -> [undefined | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ Value -> [{Str, Value} | fill_info(Rest, Data)]
+ end;
+fill_info([{Str,Attrib,Key}|Rest], Data) when is_atom(Key); is_function(Key) ->
+ case get_value(Key, Data) of
+ undefined -> [undefined | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ Value -> [{Str,Attrib,Value} | fill_info(Rest, Data)]
+ end;
fill_info([{Str, {Format, Key}}|Rest], Data)
when is_atom(Key); is_function(Key), is_atom(Format) ->
case get_value(Key, Data) of
- undefined -> [{Str, undefined} | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ undefined -> [undefined | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
Value -> [{Str, {Format, Value}} | fill_info(Rest, Data)]
+fill_info([{Str, Attrib, {Format, Key}}|Rest], Data)
+ when is_atom(Key); is_function(Key), is_atom(Format) ->
+ case get_value(Key, Data) of
+ undefined -> [undefined | fill_info(Rest, Data)];
+ Value -> [{Str, Attrib, {Format, Value}} | fill_info(Rest, Data)]
+ end;
fill_info([{Str,SubStructure}|Rest], Data) when is_list(SubStructure) ->
[{Str, fill_info(SubStructure, Data)}|fill_info(Rest,Data)];
fill_info([{Str,Attrib,SubStructure}|Rest], Data) ->
@@ -146,23 +189,49 @@ update_info([Fields|Fs], [{_Header, _Attrib, SubStructure}| Rest]) ->
update_info([], []) ->
+update_info2([undefined|Fs], [_|Rest]) ->
+ update_info2(Fs, Rest);
+update_info2([Scroll = {_, _, _}|Fs], [{_, NewInfo}|Rest]) ->
+ update_scroll_boxes(Scroll, NewInfo),
+ update_info2(Fs, Rest);
+update_info2([Field|Fs], [{_Str, {click, Value}}|Rest]) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setValue(Field, to_str(Value)),
+ update_info2(Fs, Rest);
update_info2([Field|Fs], [{_Str, Value}|Rest]) ->
- wxStaticText:setLabel(Field, to_str(Value)),
+ wxTextCtrl:setValue(Field, to_str(Value)),
+ update_info2(Fs, Rest);
+update_info2([Field|Fs], [undefined|Rest]) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setValue(Field, ""),
update_info2(Fs, Rest);
update_info2([], []) -> ok.
+update_scroll_boxes({_, _, 0}, {_, []}) -> ok;
+update_scroll_boxes({Win, Sizer, _}, {Type, List}) ->
+ [wxSizerItem:deleteWindows(Child) || Child <- wxSizer:getChildren(Sizer)],
+ BC = wxWindow:getBackgroundColour(Win),
+ Cursor = wxCursor:new(?wxCURSOR_HAND),
+ add_entries(Type, List, Win, Sizer, BC, Cursor),
+ wxCursor:destroy(Cursor),
+ wxSizer:recalcSizes(Sizer),
+ wxWindow:refresh(Win),
+ ok.
to_str(Value) when is_atom(Value) ->
+to_str({Unit, X}) when (Unit==bytes orelse Unit==time_ms) andalso is_list(X) ->
+ try list_to_integer(X) of
+ B -> to_str({Unit,B})
+ catch error:badarg -> X
+ end;
to_str({bytes, B}) ->
KB = B div 1024,
MB = KB div 1024,
GB = MB div 1024,
- GB > 10 -> integer_to_list(GB) ++ " gB";
- MB > 10 -> integer_to_list(MB) ++ " mB";
+ GB > 10 -> integer_to_list(GB) ++ " GB";
+ MB > 10 -> integer_to_list(MB) ++ " MB";
KB > 0 -> integer_to_list(KB) ++ " kB";
- true -> integer_to_list(B) ++ " B "
+ true -> integer_to_list(B) ++ " B"
to_str({time_ms, MS}) ->
S = MS div 1000,
@@ -207,27 +276,23 @@ create_menus(Menus, MenuBar, Type) ->
create_menu(Tag, Ms, Index, MenuBar, Type)
[{First, _}|_] = Menus,
- OnMac = os:type() =:= {unix, darwin},
Index = if Type =:= default -> 0;
First =:= "File" -> 0;
- OnMac -> 0;
true -> 1
wx:foldl(Add, Index, Menus),
create_menu("File", MenuItems, Index, MenuBar, Type) ->
- OnMac = os:type() =:= {unix, darwin},
- if OnMac, Type =:= default ->
- Index;
- not OnMac, Type =:= plugin ->
+ if
+ Type =:= plugin ->
MenuId = wxMenuBar:findMenu(MenuBar, "File"),
Menu = wxMenuBar:getMenu(MenuBar, MenuId),
lists:foldl(fun(Record, N) ->
create_menu_item(Record, Menu, N)
end, 0, MenuItems),
Index + 1;
- true ->
+ true ->
Menu = wxMenu:new(),
lists:foldl(fun(Record, N) ->
create_menu_item(Record, Menu, N)
@@ -279,36 +344,188 @@ create_attrs() ->
#attrs{even = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, ?BG_EVEN, Font),
odd = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, ?BG_ODD, Font),
deleted = wxListItemAttr:new(?FG_DELETED, ?BG_DELETED, Font),
- changed = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, ?BG_CHANGED, Font),
+ changed_even = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, mix(?BG_CHANGED,?BG_EVEN), Font),
+ changed_odd = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, mix(?BG_CHANGED,?BG_ODD), Font),
+ new_even = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, mix(?BG_NEW,?BG_EVEN), Font),
+ new_odd = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, mix(?BG_NEW, ?BG_ODD), Font),
searched = wxListItemAttr:new(Text, ?BG_SEARCHED, Font)
+mix(RGB,_) -> RGB.
+%% mix({R,G,B},{MR,MG,MB}) ->
+%% {trunc(R*MR/255), trunc(G*MG/255), trunc(B*MB/255)}.
get_box_info({Title, List}) when is_list(List) -> {Title, ?wxALIGN_LEFT, List};
get_box_info({Title, left, List}) -> {Title, ?wxALIGN_LEFT, List};
get_box_info({Title, right, List}) -> {Title, ?wxALIGN_RIGHT, List}.
+add_box(Panel, OuterBox, Cursor, Title, Proportion, {Format, List}) ->
+ Box = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL, Panel, [{label, Title}]),
+ Scroll = wxScrolledWindow:new(Panel),
+ wxScrolledWindow:enableScrolling(Scroll,true,true),
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(Scroll,1,1,0,0),
+ ScrollSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ wxScrolledWindow:setSizer(Scroll, ScrollSizer),
+ BC = wxWindow:getBackgroundColour(Panel),
+ wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(Scroll,BC),
+ add_entries(Format, List, Scroll, ScrollSizer, BC, Cursor),
+ wxSizer:add(Box,Scroll,[{proportion,1},{flag,?wxEXPAND}]),
+ wxSizer:add(OuterBox,Box,[{proportion,Proportion},{flag,?wxEXPAND}]),
+ {Scroll,ScrollSizer,length(List)}.
+add_entries(click, List, Scroll, ScrollSizer, BC, Cursor) ->
+ Add = fun(Link) ->
+ TC = link_entry(Scroll, Link, Cursor),
+ wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(TC,BC),
+ wxSizer:add(ScrollSizer,TC,[{flag,?wxEXPAND}])
+ end,
+ [Add(Link) || Link <- List];
+add_entries(plain, List, Scroll, ScrollSizer, _, _) ->
+ Add = fun(String) ->
+ TC = wxTextCtrl:new(Scroll, ?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE},
+ {value,String}]),
+ wxSizer:add(ScrollSizer,TC,[{flag,?wxEXPAND}])
+ end,
+ [Add(String) || String <- List].
+create_box(_Panel, {scroll_boxes,[]}) ->
+ undefined;
+create_box(Panel, {scroll_boxes,Data}) ->
+ OuterBox = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ Cursor = wxCursor:new(?wxCURSOR_HAND),
+ AddBox = fun({Title,Proportion,Format = {_,_}}) ->
+ add_box(Panel, OuterBox, Cursor, Title, Proportion, Format);
+ ({Title, Format = {_,_}}) ->
+ add_box(Panel, OuterBox, Cursor, Title, 1, Format);
+ (undefined) ->
+ undefined
+ end,
+ Boxes = [AddBox(Entry) || Entry <- Data],
+ wxCursor:destroy(Cursor),
+ MaxL = lists:foldl(fun({_,_,L},Max) when L>Max -> L;
+ (_,Max) -> Max
+ end,
+ 0,
+ Boxes),
+ Dummy = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, [{style, ?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE}]),
+ {_,H} = wxWindow:getSize(Dummy),
+ wxTextCtrl:destroy(Dummy),
+ MaxH = if MaxL > 8 -> 8*H;
+ true -> MaxL*H
+ end,
+ [wxWindow:setMinSize(B,{0,MaxH}) || {B,_,_} <- Boxes],
+ wxSizer:layout(OuterBox),
+ {OuterBox, Boxes};
create_box(Panel, Data) ->
{Title, Align, Info} = get_box_info(Data),
- Box = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL, Panel, [{label, Title}]),
- Left = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
- Right = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
- Expand = [{flag, ?wxEXPAND}],
- ExpAlign = [{flag, Align}],
- AddRow = fun({Desc, Value}) ->
- wxSizer:add(Left, wxStaticText:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, Desc ++ ":"), Expand),
- Field = wxStaticText:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, to_str(Value)),
- wxSizer:add(Right, Field, ExpAlign),
- Field
+ Box = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL, Panel, [{label, Title}]),
+ LeftSize = get_max_size(Panel,Info),
+ LeftProportion = [{proportion,0}],
+ RightProportion = [{proportion,1}, {flag, Align bor ?wxEXPAND}],
+ AddRow = fun({Desc0, Value0}) ->
+ Desc = Desc0++":",
+ Line = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ wxSizer:add(Line,
+ wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE},
+ {size,LeftSize},
+ {value,Desc}]),
+ LeftProportion),
+ Field =
+ case Value0 of
+ {click,"unknown"} ->
+ wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE},
+ {value,"unknown"}]);
+ {click,Value} ->
+ link_entry(Panel,Value);
+ _ ->
+ Value = to_str(Value0),
+ TCtrl = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE},
+ {value,Value}]),
+ length(Value) > 50 andalso
+ wxWindow:setToolTip(TCtrl,wxToolTip:new(Value)),
+ TCtrl
+ end,
+ wxSizer:add(Line, 10, 0), % space of size 10 horisontally
+ wxSizer:add(Line, Field, RightProportion),
+ {_,H,_,_} = wxTextCtrl:getTextExtent(Field,"Wj"),
+ wxTextCtrl:setMinSize(Field,{0,H}),
+ wxSizer:add(Box, Line, [{proportion,0},{flag,?wxEXPAND}]),
+ Field;
+ (undefined) ->
+ undefined
InfoFields = [AddRow(Entry) || Entry <- Info],
- wxSizer:add(Box, Left),
- wxSizer:addSpacer(Box, 10),
- wxSizer:add(Box, Right),
- wxSizer:addSpacer(Box, 30),
{Box, InfoFields}.
+link_entry(Panel, Link) ->
+ Cursor = wxCursor:new(?wxCURSOR_HAND),
+ TC = link_entry2(Panel, to_link(Link), Cursor),
+ wxCursor:destroy(Cursor),
+ TC.
+link_entry(Panel, Link, Cursor) ->
+ link_entry2(Panel, to_link(Link), Cursor).
+link_entry2(Panel,{Target,Str},Cursor) ->
+ TC = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, [{style, ?SINGLE_LINE_STYLE}]),
+ wxTextCtrl:setForegroundColour(TC,?wxBLUE),
+ wxTextCtrl:appendText(TC, Str),
+ wxWindow:setCursor(TC, Cursor),
+ wxTextCtrl:connect(TC, left_down, [{userData,Target}]),
+ wxTextCtrl:connect(TC, enter_window),
+ wxTextCtrl:connect(TC, leave_window),
+ ToolTip = wxToolTip:new("Click to see properties for " ++ Str),
+ wxWindow:setToolTip(TC, ToolTip),
+ TC.
+to_link(Tuple = {_Target, _Str}) ->
+ Tuple;
+to_link(Target0) ->
+ Target=to_str(Target0),
+ {Target, Target}.
+html_window(Panel) ->
+ Win = wxHtmlWindow:new(Panel, [{style, ?wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO}]),
+ %% wxHtmlWindow:setFonts(Win, "", FixedName),
+ wxHtmlWindow:connect(Win,command_html_link_clicked),
+ Win.
+html_window(Panel, Html) ->
+ Win = html_window(Panel),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(Win, Html),
+ Win.
+get_max_size(Panel,Info) ->
+ Txt = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, []),
+ Size = get_max_size(Txt,Info,0,0),
+ wxTextCtrl:destroy(Txt),
+ Size.
+get_max_size(Txt,[{Desc,_}|Info],MaxX,MaxY) ->
+ {X,Y,_,_} = wxTextCtrl:getTextExtent(Txt,Desc++":"),
+ if X>MaxX ->
+ get_max_size(Txt,Info,X,Y);
+ true ->
+ get_max_size(Txt,Info,MaxX,MaxY)
+ end;
+get_max_size(Txt,[undefined|Info],MaxX,MaxY) ->
+ get_max_size(Txt,Info,MaxX,MaxY);
+get_max_size(_,[],X,_Y) ->
+ {X+2,-1}.
set_listctrl_col_size(LCtrl, Total) ->
wx:batch(fun() -> calc_last(LCtrl, Total) end).
@@ -326,10 +543,7 @@ calc_last(LCtrl, _Total) ->
scroll_size(LCtrl) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, nt} -> 0;
- {unix, darwin} ->
- %% I can't figure out is there is a visible scrollbar
- %% Always make room for it
- wxSystemSettings:getMetric(?wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
+ {unix, darwin} -> 0; %% Always 0 in wxWidgets-3.0
_ ->
case wxWindow:hasScrollbar(LCtrl, ?wxVERTICAL) of
true -> wxSystemSettings:getMetric(?wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
@@ -430,3 +644,102 @@ ensure_last_is_dot(String) ->
false ->
String ++ "."
+%%% Status bar for warnings
+create_status_bar(Panel) ->
+ StatusStyle = ?wxTE_MULTILINE bor ?wxTE_READONLY bor ?wxTE_RICH2,
+ Red = wxTextAttr:new(?wxRED),
+ %% wxTextCtrl:setSize/3 does not work, so we must create a dummy
+ %% text ctrl first to get the size of the text, then set it when
+ %% creating the real text ctrl.
+ Dummy = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY,[{style,StatusStyle}]),
+ {X,Y,_,_} = wxTextCtrl:getTextExtent(Dummy,"WARNING"),
+ wxTextCtrl:destroy(Dummy),
+ StatusBar = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY,
+ [{style,StatusStyle},
+ {size,{X,Y+2}}]), % Y+2 to avoid scrollbar
+ wxTextCtrl:setDefaultStyle(StatusBar,Red),
+ wxTextAttr:destroy(Red),
+ StatusBar.
+%%% Progress dialog
+display_progress_dialog(Title,Str) ->
+ Caller = self(),
+ Env = wx:get_env(),
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ progress_handler(Caller,Env,Title,Str)
+ end),
+ ok.
+wait_for_progress() ->
+ receive
+ continue ->
+ ok;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+destroy_progress_dialog() ->
+ report_progress(finish).
+report_progress(Progress) ->
+ case whereis(?progress_handler) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {progress,Progress},
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+progress_handler(Caller,Env,Title,Str) ->
+ register(?progress_handler,self()),
+ wx:set_env(Env),
+ PD = progress_dialog(Env,Title,Str),
+ progress_loop(Title,PD,Caller).
+progress_loop(Title,PD,Caller) ->
+ receive
+ {progress,{ok,done}} -> % to make wait_for_progress/0 return
+ Caller ! continue,
+ progress_loop(Title,PD,Caller);
+ {progress,{ok,Percent}} when is_integer(Percent) ->
+ update_progress(PD,Percent),
+ progress_loop(Title,PD,Caller);
+ {progress,{ok,Msg}} ->
+ update_progress_text(PD,Msg),
+ progress_loop(Title,PD,Caller);
+ {progress,{error, Reason}} ->
+ finish_progress(PD),
+ FailMsg =
+ if is_list(Reason) -> Reason;
+ true -> file:format_error(Reason)
+ end,
+ display_info_dialog("Crashdump Viewer Error",FailMsg),
+ Caller ! error,
+ unregister(?progress_handler),
+ unlink(Caller);
+ {progress,finish} ->
+ finish_progress(PD),
+ unregister(?progress_handler),
+ unlink(Caller)
+ end.
+progress_dialog(_Env,Title,Str) ->
+ PD = wxProgressDialog:new(Title,Str,
+ [{maximum,101},
+ {style,
+ ?wxPD_APP_MODAL bor
+ ?wxPD_SMOOTH bor
+ ?wxPD_AUTO_HIDE}]),
+ wxProgressDialog:setMinSize(PD,{200,-1}),
+ PD.
+update_progress(PD,Value) ->
+ wxProgressDialog:update(PD,Value).
+update_progress_text(PD,Text) ->
+ wxProgressDialog:update(PD,0,[{newmsg,Text}]).
+finish_progress(PD) ->
+ wxProgressDialog:destroy(PD).
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_perf_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_perf_wx.erl
index 54c98f3ba3..8173349ed7 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_perf_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_perf_wx.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -283,7 +283,12 @@ mem_types() ->
lmax([]) -> 0;
lmax(List) ->
- lists:max([lists:max(tuple_to_list(T)) || T <- List]).
+ Max = [lists:max(tuple_to_list(T)) || T <- List,
+ tuple_size(T) > 0],
+ case Max of
+ [] -> 0;
+ _ -> lists:max(Max)
+ end.
calc_delta([{Id, WN, TN}|Ss], [{Id, WP, TP}|Ps]) ->
[100*(WN-WP) div (TN-TP)|calc_delta(Ss, Ps)];
@@ -301,25 +306,23 @@ draw(Offset, Id, DC, Panel, Paint=#paint{pens=Pens, small=Small}, Data, Active)
{X0,Y0,WS,HS} = draw_borders(Id, NoGraphs, DC, Size, Max, Paint),
Last = 60*WS+X0-1,
Start = max(61-Len, 0)*WS+X0 - Offset*WS,
- case Hs of
- [] -> ignore;
- [_] -> ignore;
- _ ->
+ Samples = length(Hs),
+ case Active andalso Samples > 1 andalso NoGraphs > 0 of
+ true ->
Draw = fun(N) ->
Lines = make_lines(Hs, Start, N, {X0,Max*HS,Last}, Y0, WS, HS),
setPen(DC, element(1+ ((N-1) rem tuple_size(Pens)), Pens)),
strokeLines(DC, Lines),
- [Draw(I) || I <- lists:seq(NoGraphs, 1, -1)]
- end,
- case Active of
+ [Draw(I) || I <- lists:seq(NoGraphs, 1, -1)];
false ->
- NotActive = "Service not available",
+ Info = case Active andalso Samples =< 1 of
+ true -> "Waiting on data";
+ false -> "Information not available"
+ end,
setFont(DC, Small, {0,0,0}),
- drawText(DC, NotActive, X0 + 100, element(2,Size) div 2);
- true ->
- ignore
+ drawText(DC, Info, X0 + 100, element(2,Size) div 2)
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
index 9aaf648ea2..0be8c18893 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
-record(holder, {parent,
+ etop,
@@ -191,20 +192,16 @@ dump_to_file(Parent, FileName, Holder) ->
start_procinfo(undefined, _Frame, Opened) ->
start_procinfo(Pid, Frame, Opened) ->
- %% This code doesn't work until we collect which windows have been
- %% closed maybe it should moved to observer_wx.erl
- %% and add a global menu which remembers windows.
- %% case lists:keyfind(Pid, 1, Opened) of
- %% false ->
- case observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Frame, self()) of
- {error, _} -> Opened;
- PI -> [{Pid, PI} | Opened]
+ case lists:keyfind(Pid, 1, Opened) of
+ false ->
+ case observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Frame, self()) of
+ {error, _} -> Opened;
+ PI -> [{Pid, PI} | Opened]
+ end;
+ {_, PI} ->
+ wxFrame:raise(PI),
+ Opened
- %%;
- %% {_, PI} ->
- %% wxFrame:raise(PI),
- %% Opened
- %% end.
call(Holder, What) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Holder),
@@ -235,9 +232,14 @@ handle_info(refresh_interval, #state{holder=Holder}=State) ->
handle_info({procinfo_menu_closed, Pid},
#state{procinfo_menu_pids=Opened}=State) ->
- NewPids = lists:delete(Pid, Opened),
+ NewPids = lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Opened),
{noreply, State#state{procinfo_menu_pids=NewPids}};
+handle_info({procinfo_open, Pid},
+ #state{panel=Panel, procinfo_menu_pids=Opened}=State) ->
+ Opened2 = start_procinfo(Pid, Panel, Opened),
+ {noreply, State#state{procinfo_menu_pids=Opened2}};
handle_info({active, Node},
#state{holder=Holder, timer=Timer, parent=Parent}=State) ->
create_pro_menu(Parent, Holder),
@@ -378,8 +380,7 @@ handle_event(#wx{event=#wxList{type=command_list_col_click, col=Col}},
#state{panel=Panel, procinfo_menu_pids=Opened,
- sel={_, [Pid|_]}}=State)
- when Pid =/= undefined ->
+ sel={_, [Pid|_]}}=State) ->
Opened2 = start_procinfo(Pid, Panel, Opened),
{noreply, State#state{procinfo_menu_pids=Opened2}};
@@ -435,13 +436,14 @@ set_focus([Old|_], [New|_], Grid) ->
init_table_holder(Parent, Attrs) ->
Backend = spawn_link(node(), observer_backend,etop_collect,[self()]),
- info=#etop_info{procinfo=[]},
+ etop=#etop_info{},
+ info=array:new(),
-table_holder(#holder{info=#etop_info{procinfo=Info}, attrs=Attrs,
+table_holder(#holder{info=Info, attrs=Attrs,
node=Node, backend_pid=Backend}=S0) ->
{get_row, From, Row, Col} ->
@@ -488,7 +490,8 @@ table_holder(#holder{info=#etop_info{procinfo=Info}, attrs=Attrs,
From ! {self(), S0#holder.accum == true},
{dump, Fd} ->
- etop_txt:do_update(Fd, S0#holder.info, #opts{node=Node}),
+ EtopInfo = (S0#holder.etop)#etop_info{procinfo=array:to_list(Info)},
+ etop_txt:do_update(Fd, EtopInfo, #opts{node=Node}),
stop ->
@@ -498,23 +501,23 @@ table_holder(#holder{info=#etop_info{procinfo=Info}, attrs=Attrs,
-change_sort(Col, S0=#holder{parent=Parent, info=EI=#etop_info{procinfo=Data}, sort=Sort0}) ->
+change_sort(Col, S0=#holder{parent=Parent, info=Data, sort=Sort0}) ->
{Sort, ProcInfo}=sort(Col, Sort0, Data),
- Parent ! {holder_updated, length(Data)},
- S0#holder{info=EI#etop_info{procinfo=ProcInfo}, sort=Sort}.
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(Data)},
+ S0#holder{info=ProcInfo, sort=Sort}.
change_accum(true, S0) ->
-change_accum(false, S0=#holder{info=#etop_info{procinfo=Info}}) ->
+change_accum(false, S0=#holder{info=Info}) ->
self() ! refresh,
- S0#holder{accum=lists:sort(Info)}.
+ S0#holder{accum=lists:sort(array:to_list(Info))}.
S0=#holder{parent=Parent, sort=Sort=#sort{sort_key=KeyField}}) ->
{ProcInfo1, S1} = accum(ProcInfo0, S0),
{_SO, ProcInfo} = sort(KeyField, Sort#sort{sort_key=undefined}, ProcInfo1),
- Parent ! {holder_updated, length(ProcInfo)},
- S1#holder{info=EI#etop_info{procinfo=ProcInfo}}.
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(ProcInfo)},
+ S1#holder{info=ProcInfo, etop=EI#etop_info{procinfo=[]}}.
accum(ProcInfo, State=#holder{accum=true}) ->
{ProcInfo, State};
@@ -532,12 +535,18 @@ accum2([PI|PIs], Old, Acc) ->
accum2(PIs, Old, [PI|Acc]);
accum2([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
+sort(Col, Opt, Table)
+ when not is_list(Table) ->
+ sort(Col,Opt,array:to_list(Table));
sort(Col, Opt=#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=Bool}, Table) ->
- {Opt#sort{sort_incr=not Bool}, lists:reverse(Table)};
+ {Opt#sort{sort_incr=not Bool},
+ array:from_list(lists:reverse(Table))};
sort(Col, S=#sort{sort_incr=true}, Table) ->
- {S#sort{sort_key=Col}, lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table)};
+ {S#sort{sort_key=Col},
+ array:from_list(lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table))};
sort(Col, S=#sort{sort_incr=false}, Table) ->
- {S#sort{sort_key=Col}, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table))}.
+ {S#sort{sort_key=Col},
+ array:from_list(lists:reverse(lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table)))}.
@@ -552,40 +561,50 @@ col_to_element(?COL_FUN) -> #etop_proc_info.cf;
col_to_element(?COL_MSG) -> #etop_proc_info.mq.
get_pids(From, Indices, ProcInfo) ->
- Processes = [(lists:nth(I+1, ProcInfo))#etop_proc_info.pid || I <- Indices],
+ Processes = [(array:get(I, ProcInfo))#etop_proc_info.pid || I <- Indices],
From ! {self(), Processes}.
get_name_or_pid(From, Indices, ProcInfo) ->
Get = fun(#etop_proc_info{name=Name}) when is_atom(Name) -> Name;
(#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid}) -> Pid
- Processes = [Get(lists:nth(I+1, ProcInfo)) || I <- Indices],
+ Processes = [Get(array:get(I, ProcInfo)) || I <- Indices],
From ! {self(), Processes}.
get_row(From, Row, pid, Info) ->
Pid = case Row =:= -1 of
true -> {error, undefined};
- false -> {ok, get_procinfo_data(?COL_PID, lists:nth(Row+1, Info))}
+ false -> {ok, get_procinfo_data(?COL_PID, array:get(Row, Info))}
From ! {self(), Pid};
get_row(From, Row, Col, Info) ->
- Data = case Row+1 > length(Info) of
+ Data = case Row > array:size(Info) of
true ->
false ->
- ProcInfo = lists:nth(Row+1, Info),
+ ProcInfo = array:get(Row, Info),
get_procinfo_data(Col, ProcInfo)
From ! {self(), observer_lib:to_str(Data)}.
get_rows_from_pids(From, Pids0, Info) ->
- Res = lists:foldl(fun(Pid, Data = {Ids, Pids}) ->
- case index(Pid, Info, 0) of
- false -> Data;
- Index -> {[Index|Ids], [Pid|Pids]}
- end
- end, {[],[]}, Pids0),
+ Search = fun(Idx, #etop_proc_info{pid=Pid}, Acc0={Pick0, {Idxs, Pids}}) ->
+ case ordsets:is_element(Pid, Pick0) of
+ true ->
+ Acc = {[Idx|Idxs],[Pid|Pids]},
+ Pick = ordsets:del_element(Pid, Pick0),
+ case Pick =:= [] of
+ true -> throw(Acc);
+ false -> {Pick, Acc}
+ end;
+ false -> Acc0
+ end
+ end,
+ Res = try
+ {_, R} = array:foldl(Search, {ordsets:from_list(Pids0), {[],[]}}, Info),
+ R
+ catch R0 -> R0
+ end,
From ! {self(), Res}.
get_attr(From, Row, Attrs) ->
@@ -594,7 +613,3 @@ get_attr(From, Row, Attrs) ->
false -> Attrs#attrs.odd
From ! {self(), Attribute}.
-index(Pid, [#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid}|_], Index) -> Index;
-index(Pid, [_|PI], Index) -> index(Pid, PI, Index+1);
-index(_, _, _) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_procinfo.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_procinfo.erl
index 98d0403139..988e04993c 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_procinfo.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_procinfo.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
-record(state, {parent,
- pages=[]
+ pages=[],
+ expand_table,
+ expand_wins=[]
-record(worker, {panel, callback}).
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ start(Process, ParentFrame, Parent) ->
init([Pid, ParentFrame, Parent]) ->
+ Table = ets:new(observer_expand,[set,public]),
Title=case observer_wx:try_rpc(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid, registered_name]) of
[] -> io_lib:format("~p",[Pid]);
{registered_name, Registered} -> io_lib:format("~p (~p)",[Registered, Pid]);
@@ -60,11 +63,11 @@ init([Pid, ParentFrame, Parent]) ->
Notebook = wxNotebook:new(Frame, ?ID_NOTEBOOK, [{style, ?wxBK_DEFAULT}]),
- ProcessPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Process Information", Pid, fun init_process_page/2),
- MessagePage = init_panel(Notebook, "Messages", Pid, fun init_message_page/2),
- DictPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Dictionary", Pid, fun init_dict_page/2),
- StackPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Stack Trace", Pid, fun init_stack_page/2),
- StatePage = init_panel(Notebook, "State", Pid, fun init_state_page/2),
+ ProcessPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Process Information", [Pid], fun init_process_page/2),
+ MessagePage = init_panel(Notebook, "Messages", [Pid,Table], fun init_message_page/3),
+ DictPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Dictionary", [Pid,Table], fun init_dict_page/3),
+ StackPage = init_panel(Notebook, "Stack Trace", [Pid], fun init_stack_page/2),
+ StatePage = init_panel(Notebook, "State", [Pid,Table], fun init_state_page/3),
wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window),
wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected),
@@ -73,7 +76,8 @@ init([Pid, ParentFrame, Parent]) ->
{Frame, #state{parent=Parent,
- pages=[ProcessPage,MessagePage,DictPage,StackPage,StatePage]
+ pages=[ProcessPage,MessagePage,DictPage,StackPage,StatePage],
+ expand_table=Table
catch error:{badrpc, _} ->
observer_wx:return_to_localnode(ParentFrame, node(Pid)),
@@ -83,10 +87,10 @@ init([Pid, ParentFrame, Parent]) ->
{stop, normal}
-init_panel(Notebook, Str, Pid, Fun) ->
+init_panel(Notebook, Str, FunArgs, Fun) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook),
Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
- {Window,Callback} = Fun(Panel, Pid),
+ {Window,Callback} = apply(Fun,[Panel|FunArgs]),
wxSizer:add(Sizer, Window, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL}, {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
true = wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Panel, Str),
@@ -99,13 +103,58 @@ handle_event(#wx{event=#wxClose{type=close_window}}, State) ->
handle_event(#wx{id=?wxID_CLOSE, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}}, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
-handle_event(#wx{id=?REFRESH}, #state{frame=Frame, pid=Pid, pages=Pages}=State) ->
+handle_event(#wx{id=?REFRESH}, #state{frame=Frame, pid=Pid, pages=Pages, expand_table=T}=State) ->
+ ets:delete_all_objects(T),
try [(W#worker.callback)() || W <- Pages]
catch process_undefined ->
wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, io_lib:format("*DEAD* ~p",[Pid]))
{noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxMouse{type=left_down}, userData=TargetPid}, State) ->
+ observer ! {open_link, TargetPid},
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{obj=Obj, event=#wxMouse{type=enter_window}}, State) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setForegroundColour(Obj,{0,0,100,255}),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{obj=Obj, event=#wxMouse{type=leave_window}}, State) ->
+ wxTextCtrl:setForegroundColour(Obj,?wxBLUE),
+ {noreply, State};
+ #state{frame=Frame,expand_table=T,expand_wins=Opened0}=State) ->
+ {Type, Rest} = case Href of
+ "#Term?"++Keys -> {cdv_term_cb, Keys};
+ "#OBSBinary?"++Keys -> {cdv_bin_cb, Keys};
+ _ -> {other, Href}
+ end,
+ case Type of
+ other ->
+ observer ! {open_link, Href},
+ {noreply, State};
+ Callback ->
+ [{"key1",Key1},{"key2",Key2},{"key3",Key3}] = httpd:parse_query(Rest),
+ Id = {observer, {T,{list_to_integer(Key1),
+ list_to_integer(Key2),
+ list_to_integer(Key3)}}},
+ Opened =
+ case lists:keyfind(Id,1,Opened0) of
+ false ->
+ Win = cdv_detail_wx:start_link(Id,Frame,Callback),
+ [{Id,Win}|Opened0];
+ {_,Win} ->
+ wxFrame:raise(Win),
+ Opened0
+ end,
+ {noreply,State#state{expand_wins=Opened}}
+ end;
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxHtmlLink{linkInfo=#wxHtmlLinkInfo{href=Info}}}, State) ->
+ observer ! {open_link, Info},
+ {noreply, State};
handle_event(Event, _State) ->
error({unhandled_event, Event}).
@@ -116,10 +165,15 @@ handle_info(_Info, State) ->
handle_call(Call, From, _State) ->
error({unhandled_call, Call, From}).
+handle_cast({detail_win_closed,Id}, #state{expand_wins=Opened0}=State) ->
+ Opened = lists:keydelete(Id,1,Opened0),
+ {noreply,State#state{expand_wins=Opened}};
handle_cast(Cast, _State) ->
error({unhandled_cast, Cast}).
-terminate(_Reason, #state{parent=Parent,pid=Pid,frame=Frame}) ->
+terminate(_Reason, #state{parent=Parent,pid=Pid,frame=Frame,expand_table=T}) ->
+ T=/=undefined andalso ets:delete(T),
Parent ! {procinfo_menu_closed, Pid},
case Frame of
undefined -> ok;
@@ -139,58 +193,37 @@ init_process_page(Panel, Pid) ->
observer_lib:update_info(UpFields, Fields)
-init_text_page(Parent) ->
- Style = ?wxTE_MULTILINE bor ?wxTE_RICH2 bor ?wxTE_READONLY,
- Text = wxTextCtrl:new(Parent, ?wxID_ANY, [{style, Style}]),
- Font = observer_wx:get_attrib({font, fixed}),
- Attr = wxTextAttr:new(?wxBLACK, [{font, Font}]),
- true = wxTextCtrl:setDefaultStyle(Text, Attr),
- wxTextAttr:destroy(Attr),
- Text.
-init_message_page(Parent, Pid) ->
- Text = init_text_page(Parent),
- Format = fun(Message, Number) ->
- {io_lib:format("~-4.w ~p~n", [Number, Message]),
- Number+1}
- end,
+init_message_page(Parent, Pid, Table) ->
+ Win = observer_lib:html_window(Parent),
Update = fun() ->
case observer_wx:try_rpc(node(Pid), erlang, process_info,
[Pid, messages])
- {messages,RawMessages} ->
- {Messages,_} = lists:mapfoldl(Format, 1, RawMessages),
- Last = wxTextCtrl:getLastPosition(Text),
- wxTextCtrl:remove(Text, 0, Last),
- case Messages =:= [] of
- true ->
- wxTextCtrl:writeText(Text, "No messages");
- false ->
- wxTextCtrl:writeText(Text, Messages)
- end;
+ {messages, Messages} ->
+ Html = observer_html_lib:expandable_term("Message Queue", Messages, Table),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(Win, Html);
_ ->
- {Text, Update}.
+ {Win, Update}.
-init_dict_page(Parent, Pid) ->
- Text = init_text_page(Parent),
+init_dict_page(Parent, Pid, Table) ->
+ Win = observer_lib:html_window(Parent),
Update = fun() ->
case observer_wx:try_rpc(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid, dictionary])
- {dictionary,RawDict} ->
- Dict = [io_lib:format("~-20.w ~p~n", [K, V]) || {K, V} <- RawDict],
- Last = wxTextCtrl:getLastPosition(Text),
- wxTextCtrl:remove(Text, 0, Last),
- wxTextCtrl:writeText(Text, Dict);
+ {dictionary,Dict} ->
+ Html = observer_html_lib:expandable_term("Dictionary", Dict, Table),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(Win, Html);
_ ->
- {Text, Update}.
+ {Win, Update}.
init_stack_page(Parent, Pid) ->
LCtrl = wxListCtrl:new(Parent, [{style, ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_HRULES}]),
@@ -236,58 +269,58 @@ init_stack_page(Parent, Pid) ->
{LCtrl, Update}.
-init_state_page(Parent, Pid) ->
- Text = init_text_page(Parent),
+init_state_page(Parent, Pid, Table) ->
+ Win = observer_lib:html_window(Parent),
Update = fun() ->
- %% First, test if sys:get_status/2 have any chance to return an answer
- case rpc:call(node(Pid), proc_lib, translate_initial_call, [Pid])
- of
- %% Not a gen process
- {proc_lib,init_p,5} -> Misc = [{"Information", "Not available"}];
- %% May be a gen process
- {M, _F, _A} ->
- %% Get the behavio(u)r
- I = rpc:call(node(Pid), M, module_info, [attributes]),
- case lists:keyfind(behaviour, 1, I) of
- false -> case lists:keyfind(behavior, 1, I) of
- false -> B = undefined;
- {behavior, [B]} -> B
- end;
- {behaviour, [B]} -> B
- end,
- %% but not sure that system messages are treated by this process
- %% so using a rpc with a small timeout in order not to lag the display
- case rpc:call(node(Pid), sys, get_status, [Pid, 200])
- of
- {status, _, {module, _}, [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg,
- [Header,{data, First},{data, Second}]]} ->
- Misc = [{"Behaviour", B}] ++ [Header] ++ First ++ Second;
- {status, _, {module, _}, [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg,
- [Header,{data, First}, OtherFormat]]} ->
- Misc = [{"Behaviour", B}] ++ [Header] ++ First ++ [{"State",OtherFormat}];
- {status, _, {module, _}, [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg,
- OtherFormat]} ->
- %% Formatted status ?
- case lists:keyfind(format_status, 1, rpc:call(node(Pid), M, module_info, [exports])) of
- false -> Opt = {"Format", unknown};
- _ -> Opt = {"Format", overriden}
- end,
- Misc = [{"Behaviour", B}] ++ [Opt, {"State",OtherFormat}];
- {badrpc,{'EXIT',{timeout, _}}} ->
- Misc = [{"Information","Timed out"},
- {"Tip","system messages are probably not treated by this process"}]
- end;
- _ -> Misc=[], throw(process_undefined)
- end,
- Dict = [io_lib:format("~-20.s ~tp~n", [K, V]) || {K, V} <- Misc],
- Last = wxTextCtrl:getLastPosition(Text),
- wxTextCtrl:remove(Text, 0, Last),
- wxTextCtrl:writeText(Text, Dict)
+ StateInfo = fetch_state_info(Pid),
+ Html = observer_html_lib:expandable_term("ProcState", StateInfo, Table),
+ wxHtmlWindow:setPage(Win, Html)
- {Text, Update}.
+ {Win, Update}.
+fetch_state_info(Pid) ->
+ %% First, test if sys:get_status/2 have any chance to return an answer
+ case rpc:call(node(Pid), proc_lib, translate_initial_call, [Pid]) of
+ %% Not a gen process
+ {proc_lib,init_p,5} -> [];
+ %% May be a gen process
+ {M, _F, _A} -> fetch_state_info2(Pid, M);
+ _ -> throw(process_undefined)
+ end.
+fetch_state_info2(Pid, M) ->
+ %% Get the behavio(u)r
+ I = rpc:call(node(Pid), M, module_info, [attributes]),
+ case lists:keyfind(behaviour, 1, I) of
+ false -> case lists:keyfind(behavior, 1, I) of
+ false -> B = undefined;
+ {behavior, [B]} -> B
+ end;
+ {behaviour, [B]} -> B
+ end,
+ %% but not sure that system messages are treated by this process
+ %% so using a rpc with a small timeout in order not to lag the display
+ case rpc:call(node(Pid), sys, get_status, [Pid, 200])
+ of
+ {status, _, {module, _},
+ [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg,
+ [Header,{data, First},{data, Second}]]} ->
+ [{"Behaviour", B}, Header] ++ First ++ Second;
+ {status, _, {module, _},
+ [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg,
+ [Header,{data, First}, OtherFormat]]} ->
+ [{"Behaviour", B}, Header] ++ First ++ [{"State",OtherFormat}];
+ {status, _, {module, _},
+ [_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg, OtherFormat]} ->
+ %% Formatted status ?
+ case lists:keyfind(format_status, 1, rpc:call(node(Pid), M, module_info, [exports])) of
+ false -> Opt = {"Format", unknown};
+ _ -> Opt = {"Format", overriden}
+ end,
+ [{"Behaviour", B}, Opt, {"State",OtherFormat}];
+ {badrpc,{'EXIT',{timeout, _}}} -> []
+ end.
create_menus(MenuBar) ->
Menus = [{"File", [#create_menu{id=?wxID_CLOSE, text="Close"}]},
@@ -301,6 +334,7 @@ process_info_fields(Pid) ->
{"Registered Name", registered_name},
{"Status", status},
{"Message Queue Len",message_queue_len},
+ {"Group Leader", {click, group_leader}},
{"Priority", priority},
{"Trap Exit", trap_exit},
{"Reductions", reductions},
@@ -311,11 +345,10 @@ process_info_fields(Pid) ->
{"Suspending", suspending},
{"Sequential Trace Token", sequential_trace_token},
{"Error Handler", error_handler}]},
- {"Connections",
- [{"Group Leader", group_leader},
- {"Links", links},
- {"Monitors", monitors},
- {"Monitored by", monitored_by}]},
+ {scroll_boxes,
+ [{"Links", {click, links}},
+ {"Monitors", {click, filter_monitor_info()}},
+ {"Monitored by", {click, monitored_by}}]},
{"Memory and Garbage Collection", right,
[{"Memory", {bytes, memory}},
{"Stack and Heaps", {bytes, total_heap_size}},
@@ -365,3 +398,9 @@ get_gc_info(Arg) ->
GC = proplists:get_value(garbage_collection, Data),
proplists:get_value(Arg, GC)
+filter_monitor_info() ->
+ fun(Data) ->
+ Ms = proplists:get_value(monitors, Data),
+ [Pid || {process, Pid} <- Ms]
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
index 31800cf12a..f989f9cf97 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
wxSizer:add(TopSizer, FPanel0, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND}, {proportion, 1}]),
wxSizer:add(TopSizer, FPanel1, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND}, {proportion, 1}]),
BorderFlags = ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT,
- MemoryInfo = create_mem_info(Panel, AllocInfo),
+ {MemPanel, MemoryInfo} = create_mem_info(Panel, AllocInfo),
wxSizer:add(Sizer, TopSizer, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxTOP},
{proportion, 0}, {border, 5}]),
- wxSizer:add(Sizer, MemoryInfo, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxBOTTOM},
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, MemPanel, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor BorderFlags bor ?wxBOTTOM},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer),
Timer = observer_lib:start_timer(10),
@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ update_syspage(#sys_wx_state{node = Node, fields=Fields, sizer=Sizer, alloc=Allo
update_alloc(AllocCtrl, AllocInfo),
-create_mem_info(Panel, Fields) ->
+create_mem_info(Parent, Fields) ->
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(Parent),
+ wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(Panel, {255,255,255}),
Style = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_SINGLE_SEL bor ?wxLC_HRULES bor ?wxLC_VRULES,
Grid = wxListCtrl:new(Panel, [{style, Style}]),
Li = wxListItem:new(),
@@ -103,7 +105,12 @@ create_mem_info(Panel, Fields) ->
lists:foldl(AddListEntry, 0, ListItems),
update_alloc(Grid, Fields),
- Grid.
+ Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ wxSizer:add(Sizer, Grid, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT},
+ {border, 5}, {proportion, 1}]),
+ wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(Panel, Sizer),
+ {Panel, Grid}.
update_alloc(Grid, AllocInfo) ->
Fields = alloc_info(AllocInfo, [], 0, 0, true),
@@ -167,9 +174,12 @@ info_fields() ->
{"Async thread pool size", thread_pool_size}
{"CPU's and Threads",
- [{"System Logical CPU's", logical_processors},
- {"Erlang Logical CPU's", logical_processors_online},
- {"Used Logical CPU's", logical_processors_available}
+ [{"Logical CPU's", logical_processors},
+ {"Online Logical CPU's", logical_processors_online},
+ {"Available Logical CPU's", logical_processors_available},
+ {"Schedulers", schedulers},
+ {"Online schedulers", schedulers_online},
+ {"Available schedulers", schedulers_available}
Stat = [{"Memory Usage", right,
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
index f2a1084f85..2878842c23 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ create_window(Notebook, ParentPid) ->
%% Create the window
Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Notebook)}]),
Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
- Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel)}]),
+ Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel)},
+ {style, ?SASH_STYLE}]),
{NodeProcView, NodeView, ProcessView} = create_process_view(Splitter),
{MatchSpecView,ModView,FuncView} = create_matchspec_view(Splitter),
wxSplitterWindow:setSashGravity(Splitter, 0.5),
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ create_process_view(Parent) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Parent),
MainSz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
Style = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_HRULES,
- Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, []),
+ Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{style, ?SASH_STYLE}]),
Nodes = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?NODES_WIN}, {style, Style}]),
Procs = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?PROC_WIN}, {style, Style}]),
Li = wxListItem:new(),
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ create_matchspec_view(Parent) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Parent),
MainSz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
Style = ?wxLC_REPORT bor ?wxLC_HRULES,
- Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, []),
+ Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{style, ?SASH_STYLE}]),
Modules = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?MODULES_WIN}, {style, Style}]),
Funcs = wxListCtrl:new(Splitter, [{winid, ?FUNCS_WIN}, {style, Style}]),
Li = wxListItem:new(),
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
index b4832d9599..59fe5b5670 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ init([Parent, Opts]) ->
ets -> "TV Ets: " ++ Title0;
mnesia -> "TV Mnesia: " ++ Title0
- Frame = wxFrame:new(Parent, ?wxID_ANY, Title, [{size, {800, 300}}]),
+ Frame = wxFrame:new(Parent, ?wxID_ANY, Title, [{size, {800, 600}}]),
IconFile = filename:join(code:priv_dir(observer), "erlang_observer.png"),
Icon = wxIcon:new(IconFile, [{type,?wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG}]),
wxFrame:setIcon(Frame, Icon),
@@ -261,11 +261,12 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_EDIT}, State = #state{selected=Index}) ->
handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_DELETE}, State = #state{selected=undefined}) ->
{noreply, State};
- State = #state{pid=Pid, status=StatusBar, selected=Index}) ->
+ State = #state{grid=Grid, pid=Pid, status=StatusBar, selected=Index}) ->
Str = get_row(Pid, Index, all),
Pid ! {delete, Index},
wxStatusBar:setStatusText(StatusBar, io_lib:format("Deleted object: ~s",[Str])),
- {noreply, State};
+ wxListCtrl:setItemState(Grid, Index, 0, ?wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED),
+ {noreply, State#state{selected=undefined}};
handle_event(#wx{id=?wxID_CLOSE}, State = #state{frame=Frame}) ->
@@ -279,8 +280,8 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?GOTO_ENTRY, event=#wxCommand{cmdString=Str}},
State = #state{grid=Grid}) ->
Row0 = list_to_integer(Str),
- Row1 = min(0, Row0),
- Row = max(wxListCtrl:getItemCount(Grid)-1,Row1),
+ Row1 = max(0, Row0),
+ Row = min(wxListCtrl:getItemCount(Grid)-1,Row1),
wxListCtrl:ensureVisible(Grid, Row),
catch _:_ -> ok
@@ -289,7 +290,9 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?GOTO_ENTRY, event=#wxCommand{cmdString=Str}},
%% Search functionality
- State = #state{sizer=Sz, search=Search}) ->
+ State = #state{grid=Grid, sizer=Sz, search=Search, selected=Index}) ->
+ is_integer(Index) andalso
+ wxListCtrl:setItemState(Grid, Index, 0, ?wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED),
wxSizer:show(Sz, Search#search.win),
@@ -321,7 +324,7 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?SEARCH_ENTRY, event=#wxCommand{type=command_text_enter,cmdS
Pid ! {mark_search_hit, false},
case search(Pid, Str, Pos, Dir, Case) of
false ->
- wxStatusBar:setStatusText(SB, "Not found"),
+ wxStatusBar:setStatusText(SB, io_lib:format("Not found (regexp): ~s",[Str])),
Pid ! {mark_search_hit, Find#find.start},
wxListCtrl:refreshItem(Grid, Find#find.start),
{noreply, State#state{search=Search#search{find=Find#find{found=false}}}};
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ handle_event(#wx{id=?SEARCH_ENTRY, event=#wxCommand{cmdString=Str}},
Pid ! {mark_search_hit, false},
case search(Pid, Str, Cont#find.start, Dir, Case) of
false ->
- wxStatusBar:setStatusText(SB, "Not found"),
+ wxStatusBar:setStatusText(SB, io_lib:format("Not found (regexp): ~s",[Str])),
{noreply, State};
Row ->
wxListCtrl:ensureVisible(Grid, Row),
@@ -402,8 +405,11 @@ handle_info({new_cols, New}, State = #state{grid=Grid, columns=Cols0}) ->
Cols = add_columns(Grid, Cols0, New),
{noreply, State#state{columns=Cols}};
+handle_info({refresh, Min, Min}, State = #state{grid=Grid}) ->
+ wxListCtrl:refreshItem(Grid, Min), %% Avoid assert in wx below if Max is 0
+ {noreply, State};
handle_info({refresh, Min, Max}, State = #state{grid=Grid}) ->
- Max > 0 andalso wxListCtrl:refreshItems(Grid, Min, Max),
+ wxListCtrl:refreshItems(Grid, Min, Max),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(refresh_interval, State = #state{pid=Pid}) ->
@@ -426,10 +432,14 @@ handle_info(_Event, State) ->
terminate(_Event, #state{pid=Pid, attrs=Attrs}) ->
%% ListItemAttr are not auto deleted
- #attrs{odd=Odd, deleted=D, changed=Ch, searched=S} = Attrs,
- wxListItemAttr:destroy(Odd),
+ #attrs{odd=Odd, even=Even, deleted=D, searched=S,
+ changed_odd=Ch1, changed_even=Ch2,
+ new_odd=New1, new_even=New2
+ } = Attrs,
+ wxListItemAttr:destroy(Odd), wxListItemAttr:destroy(Even),
- wxListItemAttr:destroy(Ch),
+ wxListItemAttr:destroy(Ch1),wxListItemAttr:destroy(Ch2),
+ wxListItemAttr:destroy(New1),wxListItemAttr:destroy(New2),
exit(Pid, window_closed),
@@ -473,7 +483,7 @@ search(Table, Str, Row, Dir, Case) ->
-record(holder, {node, parent, pid,
- table=[], n=0, columns,
+ table=array:new(), n=0, columns,
source, tabid,
@@ -507,6 +517,7 @@ table_holder(S0 = #holder{parent=Parent, pid=Pid, table=Table}) ->
S1 = handle_new_data_chunk(Data, S0),
{sort, Col} ->
+ Parent ! {refresh, 0, S0#holder.n-1},
table_holder(sort(Col, S0));
{search, Data} ->
table_holder(search(Data, S0));
@@ -530,11 +541,14 @@ table_holder(S0 = #holder{parent=Parent, pid=Pid, table=Table}) ->
What ->
io:format("Table holder got ~p~n",[What]),
+ Parent ! {refresh, 0, S0#holder.n-1},
handle_new_data_chunk(Data, S0 = #holder{columns=Cols, parent=Parent}) ->
- S1 = #holder{columns=NewCols} = handle_new_data_chunk2(Data, S0),
+ S1 = #holder{n=N,columns=NewCols} = handle_new_data_chunk2(Data, S0),
+ Parent ! {no_rows, N},
+ Parent ! {refresh, 0, N-1},
case NewCols =:= Cols of
true -> S1;
false ->
@@ -543,15 +557,12 @@ handle_new_data_chunk(Data, S0 = #holder{columns=Cols, parent=Parent}) ->
- S0 = #holder{parent=Parent, sort=Opt,
- key=Key,
+ S0 = #holder{sort=Opt0, key=Key,
table=Old, temp=New}) ->
- Table = merge(Old, New, Key),
- N = length(Table),
- Parent ! {no_rows, N},
- sort(Opt#opt.sort_key, S0#holder{n=N, pid=undefine,
- sort=Opt#opt{sort_key = undefined},
- table=Table, temp=[]});
+ Merged = merge(array:to_list(Old), New, Key),
+ {Opt,Sorted} = sort(Opt0#opt.sort_key, Opt0#opt{sort_key = undefined}, Merged),
+ SortedA = array:from_list(Sorted),
+ S0#holder{sort=Opt, table=SortedA, n=array:size(SortedA), temp=[], pid=undefined};
handle_new_data_chunk2(Data, S0 = #holder{columns=Cols0, source=ets, temp=Tab0}) ->
{Tab, Cols} = parse_ets_data(Data, Cols0, Tab0),
S0#holder{columns=Cols, temp=Tab};
@@ -566,10 +577,9 @@ parse_ets_data([Recs|Rs], C0, Tab0) ->
parse_ets_data([], Cols, Tab) ->
{Tab, Cols}.
-sort(Col, S=#holder{n=N, parent=Parent, sort=Opt0, table=Table0}) ->
- {Opt, Table} = sort(Col, Opt0, Table0),
- Parent ! {refresh, 0, N-1},
- S#holder{sort=Opt, table=Table}.
+sort(Col, S=#holder{sort=Opt0, table=Table0}) ->
+ {Opt, Table} = sort(Col, Opt0, array:to_list(Table0)),
+ S#holder{sort=Opt, table=array:from_list(Table)}.
sort(Col, Opt = #opt{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=Bool}, Table) ->
{Opt#opt{sort_incr=not Bool}, lists:reverse(Table)};
@@ -597,7 +607,7 @@ keysort(Col, Table) ->
lists:sort(Sort, Table).
search([Str, Row, Dir0, CaseSens],
- S=#holder{parent=Parent, table=Table0}) ->
+ S=#holder{parent=Parent, n=N, table=Table}) ->
Opt = case CaseSens of
true -> [];
false -> [caseless]
@@ -607,32 +617,26 @@ search([Str, Row, Dir0, CaseSens],
false -> -1
Res = case re:compile(Str, Opt) of
- {ok, Re} ->
- Table =
- case Dir0 of
- true ->
- lists:nthtail(Row, Table0);
- false ->
- lists:reverse(lists:sublist(Table0, Row+1))
- end,
- search(Row, Dir, Re, Table);
+ {ok, Re} -> re_search(Row, Dir, N, Re, Table);
{error, _} -> false
Parent ! {self(), Res},
-search(Row, Dir, Re, [ [Term|_] |Table]) ->
+re_search(Row, Dir, N, Re, Table) when Row >= 0, Row < N ->
+ [Term|_] = array:get(Row, Table),
Str = format(Term),
Res = re:run(Str, Re),
case Res of
- nomatch -> search(Row+Dir, Dir, Re, Table);
- {match,_} -> Row
+ nomatch -> re_search(Row+Dir, Dir, N, Re, Table);
+ {match,_} ->
+ Row
-search(_, _, _, []) ->
+re_search(_, _, _, _, _) ->
get_row(From, Row, Col, Table) ->
- case lists:nth(Row+1, Table) of
+ case array:get(Row, Table) of
[Object|_] when Col =:= all ->
From ! {self(), format(Object)};
[Object|_] when Col =:= all_multiline ->
@@ -647,14 +651,15 @@ get_attr(From, Row, #holder{attrs=Attrs, search=Row}) ->
What = Attrs#attrs.searched,
From ! {self(), What};
get_attr(From, Row, #holder{table=Table, attrs=Attrs}) ->
- What = case lists:nth(Row+1, Table) of
+ Odd = (Row rem 2) > 0,
+ What = case array:get(Row, Table) of
[_|deleted] -> Attrs#attrs.deleted;
- [_|changed] -> Attrs#attrs.changed;
- [_|new] -> Attrs#attrs.changed;
- _ when (Row rem 2) > 0 ->
- Attrs#attrs.odd;
- _ ->
- Attrs#attrs.even
+ [_|changed] when Odd -> Attrs#attrs.changed_odd;
+ [_|changed] -> Attrs#attrs.changed_even;
+ [_|new] when Odd -> Attrs#attrs.new_odd;
+ [_|new] -> Attrs#attrs.new_even;
+ _ when Odd -> Attrs#attrs.odd;
+ _ -> Attrs#attrs.even
From ! {self(), What}.
@@ -665,19 +670,29 @@ merge(Old, New, Key) ->
merge2([[Obj|_]|Old], [Obj|New], Key) ->
[[Obj]|merge2(Old, New, Key)];
-merge2([[A|_]|Old], [B|New], Key)
+merge2([[A|Op]|Old], [B|New], Key)
when element(Key, A) == element(Key, B) ->
- [[B|changed]|merge2(Old, New, Key)];
-merge2([[A|_]|Old], New = [B|_], Key)
+ case Op of
+ deleted ->
+ [[B|new]|merge2(Old, New, Key)];
+ _ ->
+ [[B|changed]|merge2(Old, New, Key)]
+ end;
+merge2([[A|Op]|Old], New = [B|_], Key)
when element(Key, A) < element(Key, B) ->
- [[A|deleted]|merge2(Old, New, Key)];
+ case Op of
+ deleted -> merge2(Old, New, Key);
+ _ -> [[A|deleted]|merge2(Old, New, Key)]
+ end;
merge2(Old = [[A|_]|_], [B|New], Key)
when element(Key, A) > element(Key, B) ->
[[B|new]|merge2(Old, New, Key)];
merge2([], New, _Key) ->
[[N|new] || N <- New];
merge2(Old, [], _Key) ->
- [[O|deleted] || [O|_] <- Old].
+ lists:foldl(fun([_O|deleted], Acc) -> Acc;
+ ([O|_], Acc) -> [[O|deleted]|Acc]
+ end, [], Old).
delete_row(Row, S0 = #holder{parent=Parent}) ->
@@ -691,7 +706,7 @@ delete_row(Row, S0 = #holder{parent=Parent}) ->
delete(Row, #holder{tabid=Id, table=Table,
source=Source, node=Node}) ->
- [Object|_] = lists:nth(Row+1, Table),
+ [Object|_] = array:get(Row, Table),
case Source of
ets ->
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
index 47740581f0..4c385b76aa 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
-define(ID_PING, 1).
-define(ID_CONNECT, 2).
-define(ID_NOTEBOOK, 3).
+-define(ID_CDV, 4).
-define(FIRST_NODES_MENU_ID, 1000).
-define(LAST_NODES_MENU_ID, 2000).
@@ -131,6 +132,9 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected),
+ %% Freeze and thaw is buggy currently
+ DoFreeze = [?wxMAJOR_VERSION,?wxMINOR_VERSION] < [2,9],
+ DoFreeze andalso wxWindow:freeze(Panel),
%% I postpone the creation of the other tabs so they can query/use
%% the window size
@@ -154,9 +158,12 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
TracePanel = observer_trace_wx:start_link(Notebook, self()),
wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, TracePanel, ?TRACE_STR, []),
- %% Force redraw (window needs it)
+ %% Force redraw (windows needs it)
+ DoFreeze andalso wxWindow:thaw(Panel),
+ wxFrame:raise(Frame),
+ wxFrame:setFocus(Frame),
SysPid = wx_object:get_pid(SysPanel),
SysPid ! {active, node()},
@@ -206,6 +213,10 @@ handle_event(#wx{event=#wxNotebook{type=command_notebook_page_changing}},
handle_event(#wx{event = #wxClose{}}, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id = ?ID_CDV, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State) ->
+ crashdump_viewer:start(),
+ {noreply, State};
handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_EXIT, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
@@ -340,6 +351,22 @@ handle_info({nodedown, Node},
create_txt_dialog(Frame, Msg, "Node down", ?wxICON_EXCLAMATION),
{noreply, State3};
+handle_info({open_link, Pid0}, State = #state{pro_panel=ProcViewer, frame=Frame}) ->
+ Pid = case Pid0 of
+ [_|_] -> try list_to_pid(Pid0) catch _:_ -> Pid0 end;
+ _ -> Pid0
+ end,
+ %% Forward to process tab
+ case is_pid(Pid) of
+ true -> wx_object:get_pid(ProcViewer) ! {procinfo_open, Pid};
+ false ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Information about ~p is not available or implemented",[Pid]),
+ Info = wxMessageDialog:new(Frame, Msg),
+ wxMessageDialog:showModal(Info),
+ wxMessageDialog:destroy(Info)
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
io:format("Child (~s) crashed exiting: ~p ~p~n",
[pid2panel(Pid, State), Pid,_Reason]),
@@ -517,9 +544,11 @@ create_connect_dialog(connect, #state{frame = Frame}) ->
default_menus(NodesMenuItems) ->
+ CDV = #create_menu{id = ?ID_CDV, text = "Examine Crashdump"},
Quit = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_EXIT, text = "Quit"},
About = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_ABOUT, text = "About"},
Help = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_HELP},
+ FileMenu = {"File", [CDV, Quit]},
NodeMenu = case erlang:is_alive() of
true -> {"Nodes", NodesMenuItems ++
[#create_menu{id = ?ID_PING, text = "Connect Node"}]};
@@ -528,15 +557,15 @@ default_menus(NodesMenuItems) ->
case os:type() =:= {unix, darwin} of
false ->
- FileMenu = {"File", [Quit]},
+ FileMenu = {"File", [CDV, Quit]},
HelpMenu = {"Help", [About,Help]},
[FileMenu, NodeMenu, HelpMenu];
true ->
%% On Mac quit and about will be moved to the "default' place
%% automagicly, so just add them to a menu that always exist.
%% But not to the help menu for some reason
- {Tag, Menus} = NodeMenu,
- [{Tag, Menus ++ [Quit,About]}, {"&Help", [Help]}]
+ {Tag, Menus} = FileMenu,
+ [{Tag, Menus ++ [About]}, NodeMenu, {"&Help", [Help]}]
clean_menus(Menus, MenuBar) ->
@@ -550,13 +579,6 @@ remove_menu_items([{MenuStr = "File", Menus}|Rest], MenuBar) ->
Menu = wxMenuBar:getMenu(MenuBar, MenuId),
Items = [wxMenu:findItem(Menu, Tag) || #create_menu{text=Tag} <- Menus],
[wxMenu:delete(Menu, MItem) || MItem <- Items],
- case os:type() =:= {unix, darwin} of
- true ->
- wxMenuBar:remove(MenuBar, MenuId),
- wxMenu:destroy(Menu);
- false ->
- ignore
- end,
remove_menu_items(Rest, MenuBar)
remove_menu_items([{"Nodes", _}|_], _MB) ->