path: root/lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-11-07 15:42:36 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-11-07 15:42:36 +0100
commitd45950d46037d169d5efd969ac2e3b7477481f9c (patch)
tree0e3916a1cf5f2a44eab36f491485505dd199f641 /lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl
parentebd380903569c2ae254849128542297629946feb (diff)
Remove pman
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 789 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl b/lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f51284293..0000000000
--- a/lib/pman/src/pman_main.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}}]).
-%% Main process and window
--record(state, {win, % GS top window
- frame, % GS top frame
- grid, % GS process info grid
- size, % int() No. of displayed procs
- w, % int() Window width
- h, % int() Window height
- hide_system=false, % bool() Auto-hide system procs
- hide_new=false, % bool() Auto-hide new processes
- hide_modules, % ordset() Excluded modules
- hide_all=[], % [{node(), bool()}] Hide all
- hide_pids=[], % [{node(), Ordset}] Processes
- % explicitly to hide, per node
- show_pids=[], % [{node(), Ordset}] Processes
- % explicitly to show, per node
- shown_pids=[], % [{node(), Ordset}] Processes
- % actually shown, per node
- node, % node() Current node
- nodes=[], % [node()] All known nodes
- focus=1, % int() Grid line with focus
- focus_pid=undefined, % pid() | undefined Proc in focus
- noshell, % bool() Noshell mode on
- options}). % term() Trace options settings
--define(REQUIRES_FOCUS, % List of menus that should
- ['Trace Process', % be disabled if no process
- 'Kill', % is in focus
- 'Hide Selected Process',
- 'Module']).
-%%--Process init and loop-----------------------------------------------
-init(PidCaller, OSModuleExcluded) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- %% Monitor all nodes in a distributed system
- case is_alive() of
- %% We have a distributed system
- true -> net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true);
- %% No distribution
- false -> ignore
- end,
- Nodes = [node()|nodes()],
- %% Create the main window
- %% For some extremely strange reason, the frame must be resized
- %% or the grid won't be visible...
- GridSize = length(processes()) + 61,
- {Window, Grid, Frame, Visible, W, H} =
- pman_win:pman_window(GridSize, OSModuleExcluded, Nodes),
- gse:resize(Frame, ?WIN_WIDTH, ?WIN_HEIGHT-?MENU_HEIGHT),
- Noshell = case pman_shell:find_shell() of
- noshell -> true;
- _ -> false
- end,
- State1 = #state{win=Window, frame=Frame, grid=Grid,
- size=Visible,
- w=W, h=H,
- hide_modules=OSModuleExcluded,
- node=node(),
- noshell=Noshell},
- State2 = lists:foldl(fun(Node, State) -> add_node(Node, State) end,
- State1,
- Nodes),
- State3 = refresh(State2),
- %% Notify caller that the process appears
- %% to have been started.
- PidCaller ! {initialization_complete, self()},
- %% Initiate a 'catch all' trace pattern so call tracing works
- erlang:trace_pattern({'_', '_', '_'}, true, [local]),
- %% Read default options file
- Options = restore_options(State3),
- loop(State3#state{options=Options}).
-add_node(Node, State) ->
- pman_win:add_menu(node, [Node], "Show"),
- State#state{hide_all=nl_update(Node, false, State#state.hide_all),
- hide_pids=nl_update(Node, [], State#state.hide_pids),
- show_pids=nl_update(Node, [], State#state.show_pids),
- shown_pids=nl_update(Node, [], State#state.shown_pids),
- nodes=[Node|State#state.nodes]}.
-%% Restore saved options from default file
- File = options_file(),
- case pman_options:read_from_file(File) of
- {ok, Options} ->
- Options;
- {error, ReasonStr, DefOptions} ->
- Parent = State#state.win,
- Msg = io_lib:format(
- "Problems reading default option file~n~s:~n~s",
- [File, ReasonStr]),
- tool_utils:notify(Parent, Msg),
- DefOptions
- end.
-options_file() ->
- {ok, [[Home]]} = init:get_argument(home),
- filename:join([Home, ".erlang_tools", "pman.opts"]).
-loop(State) ->
- receive
- {nodeup, Node} ->
- case nl_exists(Node, State#state.hide_all) of
- true ->
- pman_win:add_menu(node, [Node], "Show"),
- loop(State#state{nodes=[Node|State#state.nodes]});
- false ->
- loop(add_node(Node, State))
- end;
- {nodedown, Node} ->
- pman_win:remove_menu([Node]),
- Msg = io_lib:format("Node~n~p~ndown.", [Node]),
- spawn_link(tool_utils, notify, [State#state.win, Msg]),
- %% We remove Node from the list of nodes but not from
- %% the other lists of State, in case Node reappears later
- Nodes = lists:delete(Node, State#state.nodes),
- State2 = State#state{nodes=Nodes},
- %% If it was the shown node that went down,
- %% change overview to this node
- if
- Node==State#state.node ->
- State3 = execute_cmd({node,node()}, State2, [], []),
- loop(State3);
- true ->
- loop(State2)
- end;
- %% Ignore EXIT signals from help processes
- {'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason} ->
- loop(State);
- %% GS events
- {gs, _Obj, _Event, _Data, _Args} = Cmd ->
- case gs_cmd(Cmd, State) of
- stop ->
- exit(topquit);
- State2 ->
- loop(State2)
- end
- after ?REFRESH_TIME ->
- State2 = refresh(State),
- loop(State2)
- end.
-%% gs_cmd(Event, State) -> stop | State'
-gs_cmd(Event, State) ->
- case Event of
- %% --- Window manager commands ---
- %% Window is moved or resized
- {gs, _, configure, _Data, Args} ->
- configure(Args, State);
- %% Window closed, stop Pman
- {gs, _, destroy, _, _} ->
- stop;
- %% --- Dynamic commands ---
- %% Click in any object where the GS Data field is a 2-tuple
- {gs, _, click, Data, Args} when is_tuple(Data), size(Data)==2 ->
- execute_cmd(Data, State, [], Args);
- %% Single click in the grid sets focus to selected process
- {gs, _, click, {pidfunc,_,_}, [_,Row|_]} when is_integer(Row) ->
- focus(Row, State);
- %% Double click in the grid starts tracing of selected process
- {gs, _, doubleclick, {pidfunc,_,_}, [_Col,Row| _]} when is_integer(Row) ->
- execute_cmd('Trace Process', State, [], []);
- %% Click in named GS objects
- {gs, Cmd, click, Data, Args} when is_atom(Cmd);
- is_atom(element(1, Cmd)) ->
- execute_cmd(Cmd, State, Data, Args);
- %% --- Keyboard accelerator commands ---
- %% Move focus up and down
- {gs, _, keypress, [], ['Up',_,0,0]} ->
- execute_cmd(focus_previous, State, [], []);
- {gs, _, keypress, [], ['Down',_,0,0]} ->
- execute_cmd(focus_next, State, [], []);
- %% Other keyboard shortcuts
- {gs, _, keypress, [], ['Return',_,0,0]} ->
- execute_cmd('Trace Process', State, [], []);
- {gs, _, keypress, [], [Key,_,0,1]} ->
- execute_cmd(shortcut(Key), State, [], []);
- %% Ignore all other GS events
- _Other ->
- State
- end.
-%% Keyboard shortcuts
-%% File menu
-shortcut(o) -> 'Default Options';
-shortcut(e) -> 'Exit';
-shortcut(z) -> 'Exit';
-%% View menu
-shortcut(i) -> 'Hide All';
-shortcut(u) -> 'Hide Modules';
-shortcut(d) -> 'Hide Selected Process';
-shortcut(m) -> 'Module';
-shortcut(r) -> 'Refresh';
-%% Trace menu
-shortcut(k) -> 'Kill';
-shortcut(t) -> 'Trace Process';
-shortcut(s) -> 'Trace Shell';
-%% Help menu
-shortcut(h) -> 'Help';
-%% Keyboard command only
-shortcut(l) -> 'All Links';
-%% Process grid traversal
-shortcut(p) -> focus_previous;
-shortcut(n) -> focus_next;
-shortcut(_) -> dummy.
-%% configure([W,H,X,Y|_], State) -> State'
-%% Window has been moved or resized
-configure([W,H|_], State) ->
- if
- W==State#state.w, H==State#state.h ->
- ignore;
- true ->
- gse:resize(State#state.frame, W, H-?MENU_HEIGHT),
- Grid = State#state.grid,
- case abs(W - gs:read(Grid,width) - 6) of
- 0 ->
- ok; %% Avoid refreshing width if possible
- _Anything ->
- Cols = pman_win:calc_columnwidths(W-6),
- gs:config(Grid, Cols)
- end,
- pman_win:configwin(Grid, W, H)
- end,
- State.
-%% focus(Row, State) -> State'
-%% Row = int() Grid row
-%% User has selected a row in the grid.
-%% Row==1 means header row.
-focus(Row, State) ->
- Pid = case get_pid_in_focus(Row, State#state.grid) of
- {true, {pidfunc,Pid0,_}} ->
- pman_win:change_colour(State#state.grid,
- State#state.focus, Row),
- enable_pid_actions(),
- Pid0;
- false ->
- disable_pid_actions(),
- undefined
- end,
- State#state{focus=Row, focus_pid=Pid}.
-%% get_pid_in_focus(Row, Grid) -> {true, Data} | false
-%% Data = {pidfunc, Pid, Func}
-%% Func = {Mod,Name,Arity} | term()
-%% Return the data associated with the process in focus if there is one,
-get_pid_in_focus(1, _Grid) ->
- false;
-get_pid_in_focus(Row, Grid) ->
- case gs:read(Grid, {obj_at_row,Row}) of
- undefined -> false;
- GridLine ->
- Data = gs:read(GridLine, data),
- {true, Data}
- end.
-%% execute_cmd(Cmd, State, Data, Args) -> stop | State'
-%% Checkbutton "Hide System Processes"
-execute_cmd('Hide System', State, _Data, Args) ->
- [_Text, _Group, Bool|_Rest] = Args,
- State2 = State#state{hide_system=Bool},
- refresh(State2);
-%% Checkbutton "Auto-Hide New"
-execute_cmd('Auto Hide New', State, _Data, Args ) ->
- [_Text, _Group, Bool|_Rest] = Args,
- refresh(State#state{hide_new=Bool});
-%% File->Options...
-execute_cmd('Default Options', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- OldOptions = State#state.options,
- NewOptions = pman_options:dialog(State#state.win,
- "Default Trace Options",
- OldOptions),
- case NewOptions of
- {error, _Reason} ->
- State;
- Options ->
- State#state{options=Options}
- end;
-%% File->Save Options
-%% Save the set default options to the user's option file
-execute_cmd('Save Options', State, _Data, _Args)->
- Options = State#state.options,
- File = options_file(),
- Parent = State#state.win,
- case pman_options:save_to_file(Options, File) of
- ok ->
- tool_utils:notify(Parent, "Options saved to\n" ++ File);
- {error, ReasonStr} ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Could not save options to~n~s:~n~s",
- [File, ReasonStr]),
- tool_utils:notify(Parent, Msg)
- end,
- State;
-%% File->Exit
-%% Exit the application
-execute_cmd('Exit', _State, _Data, _Args) ->
- stop;
-%% View->Hide All Processes
-execute_cmd('Hide All', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- Node = State#state.node,
- HideAll = nl_update(Node, true, State#state.hide_all),
- ShowPids = nl_del_all(State#state.node, State#state.show_pids),
- State2 = State#state{hide_all=HideAll, show_pids=ShowPids},
- refresh(State2, true);
-%% View->Hide modules...
-%% Opens a dialog where the user can select from a list of
-%% the loaded modules.
-%% The selected module is added to the list of hidden modules.
-execute_cmd('Hide Modules', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- %% Get all loaded modules that are not already hidden
- AllModules = lists:map(fun({Module, _File}) -> Module end,
- code:all_loaded()),
- ModulesSet = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(AllModules),
- State#state.hide_modules),
- %% Let the user select which of the loaded modules to exclude from
- %% the process overview
- Title = "Module selection",
- case pman_tool:select(State#state.win, Title, ModulesSet) of
- Modules when is_list(Modules) ->
- HideModules = ordsets:union(State#state.hide_modules,
- ordsets:from_list(Modules)),
- refresh(State#state{hide_modules=HideModules});
- cancelled -> State
- end;
-%% View->Hide Selected Process
-%% The process in focus should explicitly be hidden
-execute_cmd('Hide Selected Process', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case State#state.focus_pid of
- undefined -> State;
- Pid ->
- Node = State#state.node,
- HidePids = nl_add(Node, Pid, State#state.hide_pids),
- ShowPids = nl_del(Node, Pid, State#state.show_pids),
- refresh(State#state{hide_pids=HidePids, show_pids=ShowPids})
- end;
-%% View->Module Info...
-%% Open window with module information.
-execute_cmd('Module', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case get_pid_in_focus(State#state.focus, State#state.grid) of
- {true, {pidfunc, _Pid, {Module,_Name,_Arity}}} ->
- pman_module_info:start(Module);
- _ -> % false | {true, {pidfunc, Pid, Other}}
- ignore
- end,
- State;
-%% View->Refresh
-%% Refresh the main window.
-%% (Called automatically every ?REFRESH_TIME millisecond)
-execute_cmd('Refresh', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- refresh(State);
-%% View->Show All Processes
-%% Makes all processes visible except system processes and new
-%% processes, if those buttons are checked.
-%% Note: Also un-hides all hidden modules!
-execute_cmd('Show All', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- Node = State#state.node,
- HideAll = nl_update(Node, false, State#state.hide_all),
- HidePids = nl_del_all(State#state.node, State#state.hide_pids),
- ShowPids = nl_del_all(State#state.node, State#state.show_pids),
- State2 = State#state{hide_modules=ordsets:new(), hide_all=HideAll,
- hide_pids=HidePids, show_pids=ShowPids},
- refresh(State2, true);
-%% View->Show Processes...
-%% Open a list of all hidden processes, if the user selects one this
-%% process should explicitly be shown
-execute_cmd('Show Selected', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- Node = State#state.node,
- All = pman_process:r_processes(Node),
- Hidden = case nl_lookup(Node, State#state.hide_all) of
- true ->
- All;
- false ->
- Shown = nl_lookup(Node, State#state.shown_pids),
- ordsets:subtract(All, Shown)
- end,
- %% Selection window
- Title = "Select Processes to Show",
- Tuples =
- lists:map(fun(Pid) ->
- {M,F,A} = pman_process:function_info(Pid),
- Str = case pman_process:get_name(Pid) of
- " " ->
- io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p",
- [M, F, A]);
- Name ->
- io_lib:format("[~p] ~p:~p/~p",
- [Name, M, F, A])
- end,
- {Pid, Str}
- end,
- Hidden),
- case pman_tool:select(State#state.win, Title, Tuples) of
- Pids when is_list(Pids) ->
- HidePids = nl_del(Node, Pids, State#state.hide_pids),
- ShowPids = nl_add(Node, Pids, State#state.show_pids),
- refresh(State#state{hide_pids=HidePids,show_pids=ShowPids});
- cancelled -> State
- end;
-%% Trace->Kill
-execute_cmd('Kill', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case State#state.focus_pid of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- exit(Pid, kill);
- undefined ->
- ignore
- end,
- State;
-%% Trace->Selected Process
-execute_cmd('Trace Process', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case State#state.focus_pid of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- pman_shell:start({Pid,self()}, State#state.options);
- undefined ->
- ignore
- end,
- State;
-%% Trace->Shell Process
-execute_cmd('Trace Shell', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case pman_shell:find_shell() of
- noshell ->
- State;
- Shell ->
- pman_shell:start({{shell,Shell},self()},
- State#state.options),
- State#state{noshell=false}
- end;
-%% Nodes->Show <Node>
-%% Change shown node
-execute_cmd({node,Node}, State, _Data, _Args) ->
- gse:config(State#state.win,
- [{title,lists:concat(["Pman: Overview on ", Node])}]),
- gse:disable(Node),
- catch gse:enable(State#state.node), % Menu may not exist any more
- refresh(State#state{node=Node}, true);
-%% Help->Help
-execute_cmd('Help', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- Win = State#state.win,
- HelpFile =
- filename:join([code:lib_dir(pman),"doc","html","index.html"]),
- tool_utils:open_help(Win, HelpFile),
- State;
-%% Keyboard shortcut Ctrl-l
-execute_cmd('All Links', State, _Data, _Args) ->
- case State#state.focus_pid of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- case process_info(Pid, links) of
- {links, Pids} ->
- pman_shell:start_list(Pids, self(),
- State#state.options);
- undefined ->
- ignore
- end;
- undefined -> ignore
- end,
- State;
-%% Keyboard shortcuts for process grid traversal
-execute_cmd(focus_previous, State, _Data, _Args) ->
- focus(previous_row(State), State);
-execute_cmd(focus_next, State, _Data, _Args) ->
- focus(next_row(State), State);
-%% Keyboard combinations that are not shortcuts
-execute_cmd(dummy, State, _Data, _Args) ->
- State.
-%% Convenience functions for disabling/enabling menu items that require
-%% that a process is selected.
-disable_pid_actions() ->
- lists:foreach(fun(X) -> gse:disable(X) end, ?REQUIRES_FOCUS).
-enable_pid_actions() ->
- lists:foreach(fun(X) -> gse:enable(X) end, ?REQUIRES_FOCUS).
-%% refresh(State) -> State'
-%% refresh(State, ForceP) -> State'
-%% Refreshes the main window.
-refresh(State) ->
- refresh(State, false).
-refresh(#state{node=Node} = State, ForceP) ->
- %% Update shown processes
- %% First, get an ordset of all processes running at the current node
- All = pman_process:r_processes(Node),
- Shown = nl_lookup(Node, State#state.shown_pids),
- ExpShown = nl_lookup(Node, State#state.show_pids),
- {Show, State2} =
- case nl_lookup(Node, State#state.hide_all) of
- %% If the user has selected "Hide All Processes", only
- %% explicitly selected processes which still exist should
- %% be shown
- true ->
- {ordsets:intersection(ExpShown, All), State};
- false ->
- %% Compute which processes should be hidden according
- %% to the flags/menu items selected
- Hidden = hidden_pids(All, State),
- NotHidden = ordsets:subtract(All, Hidden),
- Show0 = case State#state.hide_new of
- %% If the user has selected "Auto-Hide New",
- %% then only those processes in NotHidden
- %% which are already shown, should be shown,
- %% together with explicitly selected
- %% processes which still exist
- true ->
- ordsets:union(
- ordsets:intersection(NotHidden,Shown),
- ordsets:intersection(ExpShown, All));
- %% Otherwise, show all processes in
- %% NotHidden, together with explicitly
- %% selected processes which still exist
- false ->
- ordsets:union(
- NotHidden,
- ordsets:intersection(ExpShown, All))
- end,
- ShownPids = nl_update(Node, Show0,
- State#state.shown_pids),
- {Show0, State#state{shown_pids=ShownPids}}
- end,
- NoOfHidden = length(All) - length(Show),
- if
- Show==Shown, not ForceP ->
- pman_win:update(NoOfHidden),
- State;
- true ->
- ShowInfo = display_info(Show),
- pman_win:update(State#state.grid, ShowInfo, NoOfHidden),
- %% Set the focus appropriately
- State3 = case State2#state.focus_pid of
- undefined ->
- disable_pid_actions(),
- State2;
- Pid ->
- Row = get_row(Pid, Show),
- focus(Row, State2)
- end,
- trace_shell_possible(State3),
- Size = length(Show),
- case Size of
- 1 -> gse:disable('Hide All');
- _ -> gse:enable('Hide All')
- end,
- State3#state{size=Size}
- end.
-%% hidden_pids(All, State) -> Hidden
-hidden_pids(All, State) ->
- %% Processes hidden because they are system processes
- HideSys = case State#state.hide_system of
- true ->
- lists:filter(
- fun(Pid) ->
- pman_process:is_system_process(Pid)
- end,
- All);
- false ->
- []
- end,
- %% Process hidden because they are executing code in a hidden module
- Mods = State#state.hide_modules,
- HideMod =
- lists:filter(fun(Pid) ->
- pman_process:is_hidden_by_module(Pid, Mods)
- end,
- All),
- %% Explicitly hidden processes
- HideExp = nl_lookup(State#state.node, State#state.hide_pids),
- %% All hidden processes
- ordsets:union([HideSys, HideMod, HideExp]).
-display_info(Pids) ->
- lists:map(fun(Pid) ->
- Func = pman_process:function_info(Pid),
- Name = pman_process:get_name(Pid),
- Msgs = pman_process:msg(Pid),
- Reds = pman_process:reds(Pid),
- Size = pman_process:psize(Pid),
- {Pid, Func, Name, Msgs, Reds, Size}
- end,
- Pids).
-get_row(Pid, List) ->
- get_row(Pid, List, length(List)+1).
-get_row(Pid, [Pid | _], Row) ->
- Row;
-get_row(Pid, [_ | T], Row) ->
- get_row(Pid, T, Row-1);
-get_row(_Pid, [], _Row) ->
- 1.
-next_row(#state{size=Size, focus=Row}) ->
- check_row(Row+1, Size).
-previous_row(#state{size=Size, focus=Row}) ->
- check_row(Row-1, Size).
-check_row(1, Size) ->
- Size+1;
-check_row(Row, Size) when Row==Size+2 ->
- 2;
-check_row(Row, _Size) ->
- Row.
-%% Check if node is running in noshell mode and if so disable the
-%% 'Trace Shell' menu option.
-trace_shell_possible(#state{noshell=true}) ->
- gse:disable('Trace Shell');
-trace_shell_possible(_) ->
- ok.
-%% -- Functions for manipulating {Node, Data} lists --
-%% nl_add(Node, Elem|Elems, NList) -> NList'
-nl_add(Node, Elems, [{Node, Ordset} | T]) when is_list(Elems) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:union(Elems, Ordset)} | T];
-nl_add(Node, Elem, [{Node, Ordset} | T]) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:add_element(Elem, Ordset)} | T];
-nl_add(Node, Elem, [H | T]) ->
- [H | nl_add(Node, Elem, T)];
-nl_add(Node, Elems, []) when is_list(Elems) ->
- [{Node, Elems}];
-nl_add(Node, Elem, []) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:add_element(Elem, ordsets:new())}].
-%% nl_del(Node, Elem|Elems, NList) -> NList'
-nl_del(Node, Elems, [{Node, Ordset} | T]) when is_list(Elems) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:subtract(Ordset, Elems)} | T];
-nl_del(Node, Elem, [{Node, Ordset} | T]) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:del_element(Elem, Ordset)} | T];
-nl_del(Node, Elem, [H | T]) ->
- [H | nl_del(Node, Elem, T)];
-nl_del(_Node, _Elem, []) ->
- [].
-%% nl_del_all(Node, NList) -> NList'
-nl_del_all(Node, [{Node, _Ordset} | T]) ->
- [{Node, ordsets:new()} | T];
-nl_del_all(Node, [H | T]) ->
- [H | nl_del_all(Node, T)];
-nl_del_all(_Node, []) ->
- [].
-%% nl_update(Node, Val, NList) -> NList'
-nl_update(Node, Val, [{Node, _OldVal} | T]) ->
- [{Node, Val} | T];
-nl_update(Node, Val, [H | T]) ->
- [H | nl_update(Node, Val, T)];
-nl_update(Node, Val, []) ->
- [{Node, Val}].
-%% nl_lookup(Node, NList) -> Val
-nl_lookup(Node, NList) ->
- {value, {_Node,Val}} = lists:keysearch(Node, 1, NList),
- Val.
-%% nl_exists(Node, NList) -> bool()
-nl_exists(Node, NList) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Node, 1, NList) of
- {value, _Val} ->
- true;
- false ->
- false
- end.