path: root/lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl
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authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
commit6f0b3bd3fc28de703490470630922873775c97f5 (patch)
tree520b662b4459499e8c58b658285368d81334d326 /lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl
parent0b68c48630311c5c97db50159c3076fa5b17a43d (diff)
parent560f73141afbc1ef41d6c8acb3974b3632ad6f25 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/remove-gs-apps/OTP-10915'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl b/lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 276407a0f1..0000000000
--- a/lib/pman/src/pman_process.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose : A front-end to the erlang:process_info() functions, that
-%% can handle processes on different nodes in a transparent
-%% way.
-%% Also some convenience functions for process info, as well
-%% as some application specific functions for process
-%% classification.
--export([pinfo/1, pinfo/2,
- r_processes/1,
- function_info/1,
- get_name/1, msg/1, reds/1, psize/1,
- is_running/1,
- is_pid_or_shell/1,
- get_pid/1,
- is_system_process/1,
- is_hidden_by_module/2
- ]).
-%% List of registered name that will make a prodcess a "SYSTEM"-process
- [
- %% kernel
- application_controller,
- erl_reply,
- auth,
- boot_server,
- code_server,
- disk_log_server,
- disk_log_sup,
- erl_prim_loader,
- error_logger,
- file_server_2,
- fixtable_server,
- global_group,
- global_name_server,
- heart,
- inet_gethost_native,
- inet_gethost_native_sup,
- init,
- kernel_config,
- kernel_safe_sup,
- kernel_sup,
- net_kernel,
- net_sup,
- rex,
- user,
- os_server,
- ddll_server,
- erl_epmd,
- inet_db,
- pg2,
- %% stdlib
- timer_server,
- rsh_starter,
- take_over_monitor,
- pool_master,
- dets,
- %% sasl
- sasl_safe_sup, sasl_sup, alarm_handler, overload,
- release_handler,
- %% gs
- gs_frontend
- ]).
-%% List of module:function/arity calls that will make the caller a
-%% "SYSTEM"-process.
- [{application_master,init,4},
- {application_master,start_it,4},
- {inet_tcp_dist,accept_loop,2},
- {net_kernel,ticker,2},
- {supervisor_bridge,user_sup,1},
- {user_drv,server,2},
- {group,server,3},
- {kernel_config,init,1},
- {inet_tcp_dist,do_accept,6},
- {inet_tcp_dist,do_setup,6},
- {pman_main,init,2},
- {pman_buf_printer,init,2},
- {pman_buf_converter,init,2},
- {pman_buf_buffer,init,1},
- {gstk,init,1},
- {gstk_port_handler,init,2},
- {gstk,worker_init,1}
- ]).
-%% List of module:function/arity calls that will make the executing
-%% process a "SYSTEM"-process.
- [{file_io_server,server_loop,1},
- {global,loop_the_locker,1},
- {global,collect_deletions,2},
- {global,loop_the_registrar,0},
- {gs_frontend,request,2},
- {shell,get_command1,5},
- {shell,eval_loop,3},
- {io,wait_io_mon_reply,2},
- {pman_module_info,loop,1},
- {pman_options,dialog,3},
- {pman_options,loop,1},
- {pman_relay_server,loop,1},
- {pman_shell,monitor_loop,1},
- {pman_shell,safe_loop,2}
- ]).
-%% pinfo(Pid) -> [{Item, Info}] | undefined
-%% pinfo(Pid, Item) -> Info | undefined
-%% A version of process_info/1 that handles pid on remote nodes as well.
-pinfo({_, Pid}) -> % Handle internal process format
- pinfo(Pid);
-pinfo(Pid) when node(Pid)==node() ->
- process_info(Pid);
-pinfo(Pid) ->
- case rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid]) of
- {badrpc, _} -> undefined;
- Res -> Res
- end.
-pinfo({_, Pid}, Item) -> % Handle internal process format
- pinfo(Pid, Item);
-pinfo(Pid, Item) when node(Pid)==node() ->
- case process_info(Pid, Item) of
- {Item, Info} -> Info;
- "" -> ""; % Item == registered_name
- undefined -> undefined
- end;
-pinfo(Pid, Item) ->
- case rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid, Item]) of
- {badrpc, _} -> undefined;
- {Item, Info} -> Info;
- "" -> ""; % Item == registered_name
- undefined -> undefined
- end.
-%% function_info(Pid) -> {M, F, A}
-%% Returns the initial function for the specified process.
-function_info(Pid) ->
- case pinfo(Pid, current_function) of
- {Module, Function, Arity} ->
- {Module, Function, Arity};
- undefined ->
- {unknown, unknown, 0}
- end.
-%% r_processes(Node) -> Pids
-%% Return a list of all processes at Node.
-%% If there is a problem with getting information from a remote
-%% node, an empty list is returned.
-r_processes(Node) ->
- ordsets:from_list(r_processes1(Node)).
-r_processes1(Node) ->
- if
- Node==node() ->
- processes();
- true ->
- case rpc:block_call(Node, erlang, processes, []) of
- {badrpc, _} ->
- [];
- Pids -> Pids
- end
- end.
-%% is_running(Object) -> {true, {shell,Pid}} | {true, Pid} | false
-%% Object = {shell, Pid} | {link, Pid, ?} | Pid
-is_running({shell,Pid}) ->
- case is_running(Pid) of
- {true,Pid} ->
- {true,{shell,Pid}};
- false ->
- false
- end;
-is_running({link,Pid,_}) ->
- is_running(Pid);
-is_running(Pid) ->
- case is_pid_or_shell(Pid) of
- true ->
- case pinfo(Pid) of
- undefined -> false;
- _PInfo -> {true, Pid}
- end;
- false ->
- false
- end.
-%% is_pid_or_shell(Object) -> bool()
-%% Checks if the argument is an pid or a tuple {shell, Pid}.
-is_pid_or_shell({shell,Pid}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- true;
-is_pid_or_shell(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- true;
-is_pid_or_shell(_) ->
- false.
-%% get_pid/1 - returns the Pid of the object provided that
-%% it is a proper process specifier.
-%% Arguments:
-%% Object A process specifier
-%% Returns:
-%% The Pid.
-get_pid({shell,Pid}) ->
- Pid;
-get_pid(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Pid.
-%% is_system_process(Pid) -> bool()
-%% Returns true if Pid is a "system process".
-%% This is a prototype version, use file configuration later.
-is_system_process(Pid) ->
- catch is_system_process2(Pid).
-is_system_process2(Pid) ->
- %% Test if the registered name is a system registered name
- case pinfo(Pid, registered_name) of
- undefined -> ignore;
- "" -> ignore;
- Name ->
- case lists:member(Name, ?SYSTEM_REG_NAMES) of
- true -> throw(true);
- false -> ignore
- end
- end,
- %% Test if the start specification is a "system start function"
- MFAi = case pinfo(Pid, initial_call) of
- {proc_lib, init_p, 5} ->
- proc_lib:translate_initial_call(Pid); % {M,F,A} | Fun
- Res -> Res % {M,F,A} | undefined
- end,
- case lists:member(MFAi, ?SYSTEM_INIT_CALLS) of
- true -> throw(true);
- false -> ignore
- end,
- %% Test if the running specification is a "system running function"
- case pinfo(Pid, current_function) of
- undefined -> false;
- MFAc ->
- lists:member(MFAc, ?SYSTEM_RUNNING_CALLS)
- end.
-%% is_hidden_by_module(Pid, Modules) -> bool()
-%% Checks if Pid is to be hidden because it executes code from one
-%% of Modules
-is_hidden_by_module(Pid, Modules) ->
- case pinfo(Pid, current_function) of
- {Module, _Function, _Arity} ->
- lists:member(Module, Modules);
- undefined -> false
- end.
-%% get_name(Pid) -> Name | " "
-%% Returns the registered name of a process, if any, or " " otherwise.
-get_name(Pid) ->
- case pinfo(Pid, registered_name) of
- undefined -> " ";
- "" -> " ";
- Name -> Name
- end.
-%% msg(Pid) -> int()
-msg(Pid) ->
- case pinfo(Pid, messages) of
- undefined -> 0;
- Msgs -> length(Msgs)
- end.
-%% reds(Pid) -> int()
-reds(Pid) ->
- case pinfo(Pid, reductions) of
- undefined -> 0;
- Reds -> Reds
- end.
-%% psize(Pid) -> int()
-%% Returns the total process size (stack + heap).
-psize(Pid) ->
- Stack = pinfo(Pid, stack_size),
- Heap = pinfo(Pid, heap_size),
- case {Heap, Stack} of
- {undefined, undefined} -> 0;
- {undefined, Sz} -> Sz;
- {Sz, undefined} -> Sz;
- {Sz0, Sz1} -> Sz0 + Sz1
- end.