path: root/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d58b39e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Se specification here:
+%% http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/crypto_apps_infra/pki/pkitesting.html
+-define(error(Format,Args), error(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)).
+-define(warning(Format,Args), warning(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)).
+-define(CERTS, "pkits/certs").
+-define(MIME, "pkits/smime").
+-define(CONV, "pkits/smime-pem").
+-define(NIST1, "2.16.840.").
+-define(NIST2, "2.16.840.").
+-define(NIST3, "2.16.840.").
+-define(NIST4, "2.16.840.").
+-define(NIST5, "2.16.840.").
+-define(NIST6, "2.16.840.").
+all(doc) ->
+ ["PKITS tests for RFC3280 compliance"];
+all(suite) ->
+ [signature_verification,
+ validity_periods,
+ verifying_name_chaining,
+ %% basic_certificate_revocation_tests,
+ verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates,
+ verifying_basic_constraints,
+ key_usage,
+%% certificate_policies,
+%% require_explicit_policy,
+%% policy_mappings,
+%% inhibit_policy_mapping,
+%% inhibit_any_policy,
+ name_constraints,
+%% distribution_points,
+%% delta_crls,
+ private_certificate_extensions].
+signature_verification(doc) -> [""];
+signature_verification(suite) -> [];
+signature_verification(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(signature_verification()).
+validity_periods(doc) -> [""];
+validity_periods(suite) -> [];
+validity_periods(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(validity_periods()).
+verifying_name_chaining(doc) -> [""];
+verifying_name_chaining(suite) -> [];
+verifying_name_chaining(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(verifying_name_chaining()).
+basic_certificate_revocation_tests(doc) -> [""];
+basic_certificate_revocation_tests(suite) -> [];
+basic_certificate_revocation_tests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(basic_certificate_revocation_tests()).
+verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates(doc) -> [""];
+verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates(suite) -> [];
+verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates()).
+verifying_basic_constraints(doc) -> [""];
+verifying_basic_constraints(suite) -> [];
+verifying_basic_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(verifying_basic_constraints()).
+key_usage(doc) -> [""];
+key_usage(suite) -> [];
+key_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(key_usage()).
+certificate_policies(doc) -> [""];
+certificate_policies(suite) -> [];
+certificate_policies(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(certificate_policies()).
+require_explicit_policy(doc) -> [""];
+require_explicit_policy(suite) -> [];
+require_explicit_policy(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(require_explicit_policy()).
+policy_mappings(doc) -> [""];
+policy_mappings(suite) -> [];
+policy_mappings(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(policy_mappings()).
+inhibit_policy_mapping(doc) -> [""];
+inhibit_policy_mapping(suite) -> [];
+inhibit_policy_mapping(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(inhibit_policy_mapping()).
+inhibit_any_policy(doc) -> [""];
+inhibit_any_policy(suite) -> [];
+inhibit_any_policy(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(inhibit_any_policy()).
+name_constraints(doc) -> [""];
+name_constraints(suite) -> [];
+name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(name_constraints()).
+distribution_points(doc) -> [""];
+distribution_points(suite) -> [];
+distribution_points(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(distribution_points()).
+delta_crls(doc) -> [""];
+delta_crls(suite) -> [];
+delta_crls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(delta_crls()).
+private_certificate_extensions(doc) -> [""];
+private_certificate_extensions(suite) -> [];
+private_certificate_extensions(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run(private_certificate_extensions()).
+run() ->
+ catch crypto:start(),
+ Tests =
+ [signature_verification(),
+ validity_periods(),
+ verifying_name_chaining(),
+ %%basic_certificate_revocation_tests(),
+ verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates(),
+ verifying_basic_constraints(),
+ key_usage(),
+ %%certificate_policies(),
+ %%require_explicit_policy(),
+ %%policy_mappings(),
+ %%inhibit_policy_mapping(),
+ %%inhibit_any_policy(),
+ name_constraints(),
+ %distribution_points(),
+ %delta_crls(),
+ private_certificate_extensions()
+ ],
+ run(lists:append(Tests)).
+run(Tests) ->
+ File = file(?CERTS,"TrustAnchorRootCertificate.crt"),
+ {ok, TA} = file:read_file(File),
+ run(Tests, TA).
+run({Chap, Test, Result}, TA) ->
+ CertChain = sort_chain(read_certs(Test),TA, [], false),
+ try public_key:pkix_path_validation(TA, CertChain, []) of
+ {Result, _} -> ok;
+ {error,Result} when Result =/= ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error,Error} when is_integer(Result) ->
+ ?warning(" ~p~n Got ~p expected ~p~n",[Test, Error, Result]);
+ {error,Error} when Result =/= ok ->
+ ?error(" minor ~p~n Got ~p expected ~p~n",[Test, Error, Result]);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ ?error(" ~p ~p~n Expected ~p got ~p ~n", [Chap, Test, Result, Error]),
+ fail;
+ {ok, _} when Result =/= ok ->
+ ?error(" ~p ~p~n Expected ~p got ~p ~n", [Chap, Test, Result, ok]),
+ fail
+ catch Type:Reason ->
+ Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ io:format("Crash ~p:~p in ~p~n",[Type,Reason,Stack]),
+ io:format(" ~p ~p Expected ~p ~n", [Chap, Test, Result]),
+ exit(crash)
+ end;
+run([Test|Rest],TA) ->
+ run(Test,TA),
+ run(Rest,TA);
+run([],_) -> ok.
+read_certs(Test) ->
+ File = test_file(Test),
+ %% io:format("Read ~p ",[File]),
+ {ok, Ders} = public_key:pem_to_der(File),
+ %% io:format("Ders ~p ~n",[length(Ders)]),
+ [Cert || {cert,Cert,not_encrypted} <- Ders].
+test_file(Test) ->
+ file(?CONV, lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")) ++ ".pem").
+file(Sub,File) ->
+ TestDir = case get(datadir) of
+ undefined -> "./pkits_SUITE_data";
+ Dir when is_list(Dir) ->
+ Dir
+ end,
+ AbsFile = filename:join([TestDir,Sub,File]),
+ case filelib:is_file(AbsFile) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ ?error("Couldn't read data from ~p ~n",[AbsFile])
+ end,
+ AbsFile.
+sort_chain([First|Certs], TA, Try, Found) ->
+ case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(First,TA) of
+ true ->
+ [First|sort_chain(Certs,First,Try,true)];
+ false ->
+ sort_chain(Certs,TA,[First|Try],Found)
+ end;
+sort_chain([], _, [],_) -> [];
+sort_chain([], Valid, Check, true) ->
+ sort_chain(lists:reverse(Check), Valid, [], false);
+sort_chain([], _Valid, Check, false) ->
+ Check.
+signature_verification() ->
+ %% "4.1", "Signature Verification" ,
+ [{ "4.1.1", "Valid Signatures Test1", ok},
+ { "4.1.2", "Invalid CA Signature Test2", {bad_cert,invalid_signature}},
+ { "4.1.3", "Invalid EE Signature Test3", {bad_cert,invalid_signature}},
+ { "4.1.4", "Valid DSA Signatures Test4", ok},
+ { "4.1.5", "Valid DSA Parameter Inheritance Test5", ok},
+ { "4.1.6", "Invalid DSA Signature Test6", {bad_cert,invalid_signature}}].
+validity_periods() ->
+ %% { "4.2", "Validity Periods" },
+ [{ "4.2.1", "Invalid CA notBefore Date Test1", {bad_cert, cert_expired}},
+ { "4.2.2", "Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2", {bad_cert, cert_expired}},
+ { "4.2.3", "Valid pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3", ok},
+ { "4.2.4", "Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4", ok},
+ { "4.2.5", "Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5", {bad_cert, cert_expired}},
+ { "4.2.6", "Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6", {bad_cert, cert_expired}},
+ { "4.2.7", "Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7", {bad_cert, cert_expired}},
+ { "4.2.8", "Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8", ok}].
+verifying_name_chaining() ->
+ %%{ "4.3", "Verifying Name Chaining" },
+ [{ "4.3.1", "Invalid Name Chaining EE Test1", {bad_cert, invalid_issuer}},
+ { "4.3.2", "Invalid Name Chaining Order Test2", {bad_cert, invalid_issuer}},
+ { "4.3.3", "Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test3", ok},
+ { "4.3.4", "Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test4", ok},
+ { "4.3.5", "Valid Name Chaining Capitalization Test5", ok},
+ { "4.3.6", "Valid Name Chaining UIDs Test6", ok},
+ { "4.3.7", "Valid RFC3280 Mandatory Attribute Types Test7", ok},
+ { "4.3.8", "Valid RFC3280 Optional Attribute Types Test8", ok},
+ { "4.3.9", "Valid UTF8String Encoded Names Test9", ok},
+ { "4.3.10", "Valid Rollover from PrintableString to UTF8String Test10", ok},
+ { "4.3.11", "Valid UTF8String Case Insensitive Match Test11", ok}].
+basic_certificate_revocation_tests() ->
+ %%{ "4.4", "Basic Certificate Revocation Tests" },
+ [{ "4.4.1", "Missing CRL Test1", 3 },
+ { "4.4.2", "Invalid Revoked CA Test2", 23 },
+ { "4.4.3", "Invalid Revoked EE Test3", 23 },
+ { "4.4.4", "Invalid Bad CRL Signature Test4", 8 },
+ { "4.4.5", "Invalid Bad CRL Issuer Name Test5", 3 },
+ { "4.4.6", "Invalid Wrong CRL Test6", 3 },
+ { "4.4.7", "Valid Two CRLs Test7", ok},
+ %% The test document suggests these should return certificate revoked...
+ %% Subsquent discussion has concluded they should not due to unhandle
+ %% critical CRL extensions.
+ { "4.4.8", "Invalid Unknown CRL Entry Extension Test8", 36 },
+ { "4.4.9", "Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test9", 36 },
+ { "4.4.10", "Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test10", 36 },
+ { "4.4.11", "Invalid Old CRL nextUpdate Test11", 12 },
+ { "4.4.12", "Invalid pre2000 CRL nextUpdate Test12", 12 },
+ { "4.4.13", "Valid GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate Test13", ok},
+ { "4.4.14", "Valid Negative Serial Number Test14", ok},
+ { "4.4.15", "Invalid Negative Serial Number Test15", 23 },
+ { "4.4.16", "Valid Long Serial Number Test16", ok},
+ { "4.4.17", "Valid Long Serial Number Test17", ok},
+ { "4.4.18", "Invalid Long Serial Number Test18", 23 },
+ { "4.4.19", "Valid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test19", ok},
+ { "4.4.20", "Invalid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test20", 23 },
+ %% CRL path is revoked so get a CRL path validation error
+ { "4.4.21", "Invalid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test21", 54 }].
+verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates() ->
+ %%{ "4.5", "Verifying Paths with Self-Issued Certificates" },
+ [{ "4.5.1", "Valid Basic Self-Issued Old With New Test1", ok},
+ %%{ "4.5.2", "Invalid Basic Self-Issued Old With New Test2", 23 },
+ %%{ "4.5.3", "Valid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test3", ok},
+ %%{ "4.5.4", "Valid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test4", ok},
+ { "4.5.5", "Invalid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test5", 23 },
+ %%{ "4.5.6", "Valid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test6", ok},
+ { "4.5.7", "Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test7", 23 },
+ { "4.5.8", "Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test8", {bad_cert,invalid_key_usage} }].
+verifying_basic_constraints() ->
+ [%%{ "4.6", "Verifying Basic Constraints" },
+ { "4.6.1", "Invalid Missing basicConstraints Test1",
+ {bad_cert, missing_basic_constraint} },
+ { "4.6.2", "Invalid cA False Test2", {bad_cert, missing_basic_constraint}},
+ { "4.6.3", "Invalid cA False Test3", {bad_cert, missing_basic_constraint}},
+ { "4.6.4", "Valid basicConstraints Not Critical Test4", ok},
+ { "4.6.5", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test5", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.6", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test6", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.7", "Valid pathLenConstraint Test7", ok},
+ { "4.6.8", "Valid pathLenConstraint Test8", ok},
+ { "4.6.9", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test9", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.10", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test10", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.11", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test11", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.12", "Invalid pathLenConstraint Test12", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.13", "Valid pathLenConstraint Test13", ok},
+ { "4.6.14", "Valid pathLenConstraint Test14", ok},
+ { "4.6.15", "Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test15", ok},
+ { "4.6.16", "Invalid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test16", {bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}},
+ { "4.6.17", "Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test17", ok}].
+key_usage() ->
+ %%{ "4.7", "Key Usage" },
+ [{ "4.7.1", "Invalid keyUsage Critical keyCertSign False Test1", {bad_cert,invalid_key_usage} },
+ { "4.7.2", "Invalid keyUsage Not Critical keyCertSign False Test2", {bad_cert,invalid_key_usage} },
+ { "4.7.3", "Valid keyUsage Not Critical Test3", ok}
+ %%,{ "4.7.4", "Invalid keyUsage Critical cRLSign False Test4", 35 }
+ %%,{ "4.7.5", "Invalid keyUsage Not Critical cRLSign False Test5", 35 }
+ ].
+%% Certificate policy tests need special handling. They can have several
+%% sub tests and we need to check the outputs are correct.
+certificate_policies() ->
+ %%{ "4.8", "Certificate Policies" },
+ [{"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy anyPolicy -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST1 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST2 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST1 -policy ?NIST2 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates No Policies Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates No Policies Test2", "-policy anyPolicy -explicit_policy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Different Policies Test3", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
+ {"", "Different Policies Test3", "-policy anyPolicy -explicit_policy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Different Policies Test3", "-policy ?NIST1 -policy ?NIST2 -explicit_policy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.4", "Different Policies Test4", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.5", "Different Policies Test5", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Overlapping Policies Test6", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "Overlapping Policies Test6", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "Overlapping Policies Test6", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", ?NIST1, "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.7", "Different Policies Test7", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.8", "Different Policies Test8", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.9", "Different Policies Test9", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test10", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test10", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test10", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST1:?NIST2", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "$apolicy", "$apolicy", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "$apolicy", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.8.12", "Different Policies Test12", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test13", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2:?NIST3", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test13", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2:?NIST3", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policies Test13", "-policy ?NIST3", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2:?NIST3", "?NIST3", 0},
+ {"", "AnyPolicy Test14", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "AnyPolicy Test14", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.8.15", "User Notice Qualifier Test15", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.8.16", "User Notice Qualifier Test16", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.8.17", "User Notice Qualifier Test17", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "User Notice Qualifier Test18", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "User Notice Qualifier Test18", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"4.8.19", "User Notice Qualifier Test19", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.8.20", "CPS Pointer Qualifier Test20", "-policy anyPolicy -explicit_policy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0}].
+require_explicit_policy() ->
+ %%{ "4.9", "Require Explicit Policy" },
+ [{"4.9.1", "Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test1", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
+ {"4.9.2", "Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
+ {"4.9.3", "Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test3", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.9.4", "Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test4", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.9.5", "Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test5", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.9.6", "Valid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test6", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
+ {"4.9.7", "Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test7", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.9.8", "Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test8", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43}].
+policy_mappings() ->
+ %%{ "4.10", "Policy Mappings" },
+ [{"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test1", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test1", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test1", "-policy anyPolicy -inhibit_map", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Invalid Policy Mapping Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Invalid Policy Mapping Test2", "-policy anyPolicy -inhibit_map", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test3", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST2", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test3", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST2", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"4.10.4", "Invalid Policy Mapping Test4", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test5", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test5", "-policy ?NIST6", "True", "?NIST1", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test6", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test6", "-policy ?NIST6", "True", "?NIST1", "<empty>", 43},
+ { "4.10.7", "Invalid Mapping From anyPolicy Test7", 42 },
+ { "4.10.8", "Invalid Mapping To anyPolicy Test8", 42 },
+ {"4.10.9", "Valid Policy Mapping Test9", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.10.10", "Invalid Policy Mapping Test10", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.10.11", "Valid Policy Mapping Test11", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ %% TODO: check notice display
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test12", "-policy ?NIST1", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST1", 0},
+ %% TODO: check notice display
+ {"", "Valid Policy Mapping Test12", "-policy ?NIST2", "True", "?NIST1:?NIST2", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"4.10.13", "Valid Policy Mapping Test13", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ %% TODO: check notice display
+ {"4.10.14", "Valid Policy Mapping Test14", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0}].
+inhibit_policy_mapping() ->
+ %%{ "4.11", "Inhibit Policy Mapping" },
+ [{"4.11.1", "Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test1", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.2", "Valid inhibitPolicyMapping Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.11.3", "Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test3", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.4", "Valid inhibitPolicyMapping Test4", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST2", "?NIST2", 0},
+ {"4.11.5", "Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test5", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.6", "Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test6", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.7", "Valid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test7", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"4.11.8", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test8", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.9", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test9", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.10", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test10", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.11.11", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test11", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43}].
+inhibit_any_policy() ->
+ %%{ "4.12", "Inhibit Any Policy" },
+ [{"4.12.1", "Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test1", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.12.2", "Valid inhibitAnyPolicy Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "inhibitAnyPolicy Test3", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "?NIST1", "?NIST1", 0},
+ {"", "inhibitAnyPolicy Test3", "-policy anyPolicy -inhibit_any", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.12.4", "Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test4", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.12.5", "Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test5", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.12.6", "Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test6", "-policy anyPolicy", "True", "<empty>", "<empty>", 43},
+ {"4.12.7", "Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test7", ok},
+ {"4.12.8", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test8", 43 },
+ {"4.12.9", "Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test9", ok},
+ {"4.12.10", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test10", 43 }].
+name_constraints() ->
+ %%{ "4.13", "Name Constraints" },
+ [{ "4.13.1", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test1", ok},
+ { "4.13.2", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test2", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.3", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test3", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.4", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test4", ok},
+ { "4.13.5", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test5", ok},
+ { "4.13.6", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test6", ok},
+ { "4.13.7", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test7", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.8", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test8", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.9", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test9", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.10", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test10", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.11", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test11", ok},
+ { "4.13.12", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test12", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.13", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test13", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.14", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test14", ok},
+ { "4.13.15", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test15", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.16", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test16", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.17", "Invalid DN nameConstraints Test17", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.18", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test18", ok},
+ { "4.13.19", "Valid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test19", ok},
+ { "4.13.20", "Invalid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test20", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.21", "Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test21", ok},
+ { "4.13.22", "Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test22", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.23", "Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test23", ok},
+ { "4.13.24", "Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test24", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.25", "Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test25", ok},
+ { "4.13.26", "Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test26", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.27", "Valid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test27", ok},
+ { "4.13.28", "Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test28", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.29", "Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test29", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.30", "Valid DNS nameConstraints Test30", ok},
+ { "4.13.31", "Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test31", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.32", "Valid DNS nameConstraints Test32", ok},
+ { "4.13.33", "Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test33", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.34", "Valid URI nameConstraints Test34", ok},
+ { "4.13.35", "Invalid URI nameConstraints Test35", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} },
+ { "4.13.36", "Valid URI nameConstraints Test36", ok},
+ { "4.13.37", "Invalid URI nameConstraints Test37", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
+ { "4.13.38", "Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test38", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted} }].
+distribution_points() ->
+ %%{ "4.14", "Distribution Points" },
+ [{ "4.14.1", "Valid distributionPoint Test1", ok},
+ { "4.14.2", "Invalid distributionPoint Test2", 23 },
+ { "4.14.3", "Invalid distributionPoint Test3", 44 },
+ { "4.14.4", "Valid distributionPoint Test4", ok},
+ { "4.14.5", "Valid distributionPoint Test5", ok},
+ { "4.14.6", "Invalid distributionPoint Test6", 23 },
+ { "4.14.7", "Valid distributionPoint Test7", ok},
+ { "4.14.8", "Invalid distributionPoint Test8", 44 },
+ { "4.14.9", "Invalid distributionPoint Test9", 44 },
+ { "4.14.10", "Valid No issuingDistributionPoint Test10", ok},
+ { "4.14.11", "Invalid onlyContainsUserCerts CRL Test11", 44 },
+ { "4.14.12", "Invalid onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test12", 44 },
+ { "4.14.13", "Valid onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test13", ok},
+ { "4.14.14", "Invalid onlyContainsAttributeCerts Test14", 44 },
+ { "4.14.15", "Invalid onlySomeReasons Test15", 23 },
+ { "4.14.16", "Invalid onlySomeReasons Test16", 23 },
+ { "4.14.17", "Invalid onlySomeReasons Test17", 3 },
+ { "4.14.18", "Valid onlySomeReasons Test18", ok},
+ { "4.14.19", "Valid onlySomeReasons Test19", ok},
+ { "4.14.20", "Invalid onlySomeReasons Test20", 23 },
+ { "4.14.21", "Invalid onlySomeReasons Test21", 23 },
+ { "4.14.22", "Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test22", ok},
+ { "4.14.23", "Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test23", 23 },
+ { "4.14.24", "Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test24", ok},
+ { "4.14.25", "Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test25", ok},
+ { "4.14.26", "Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test26", 44 },
+ { "4.14.27", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test27", 3 },
+ { "4.14.28", "Valid cRLIssuer Test28", ok},
+ { "4.14.29", "Valid cRLIssuer Test29", ok},
+ %% Although this test is valid it has a circular dependency. As a result
+ %% an attempt is made to reursively checks a CRL path and rejected due to
+ %% a CRL path validation error. PKITS notes suggest this test does not
+ %% need to be run due to this issue.
+ { "4.14.30", "Valid cRLIssuer Test30", 54 },
+ { "4.14.31", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test31", 23 },
+ { "4.14.32", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test32", 23 },
+ { "4.14.33", "Valid cRLIssuer Test33", ok},
+ { "4.14.34", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test34", 23 },
+ { "4.14.35", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test35", 44 }].
+delta_crls() ->
+ %%{ "4.15", "Delta-CRLs" },
+ [{ "4.15.1", "Invalid deltaCRLIndicator No Base Test1", 3 },
+ { "4.15.2", "Valid delta-CRL Test2", ok},
+ { "4.15.3", "Invalid delta-CRL Test3", 23 },
+ { "4.15.4", "Invalid delta-CRL Test4", 23 },
+ { "4.15.5", "Valid delta-CRL Test5", ok},
+ { "4.15.6", "Invalid delta-CRL Test6", 23 },
+ { "4.15.7", "Valid delta-CRL Test7", ok},
+ { "4.15.8", "Valid delta-CRL Test8", ok},
+ { "4.15.9", "Invalid delta-CRL Test9", 23 },
+ { "4.15.10", "Invalid delta-CRL Test10", 12 }].
+private_certificate_extensions() ->
+ %%{ "4.16", "Private Certificate Extensions" },
+ [{ "4.16.1", "Valid Unknown Not Critical Certificate Extension Test1", ok},
+ { "4.16.2", "Invalid Unknown Critical Certificate Extension Test2",
+ {bad_cert,unknown_critical_extension}}].
+convert() ->
+ Tests = [signature_verification(),
+ validity_periods(),
+ verifying_name_chaining(),
+ basic_certificate_revocation_tests(),
+ verifying_paths_with_self_issued_certificates(),
+ verifying_basic_constraints(),
+ key_usage(),
+ certificate_policies(),
+ require_explicit_policy(),
+ policy_mappings(),
+ inhibit_policy_mapping(),
+ inhibit_any_policy(),
+ name_constraints(),
+ distribution_points(),
+ delta_crls(),
+ private_certificate_extensions()],
+ [convert(Test) || Test <- lists:flatten(Tests)].
+convert({_,Test,_}) ->
+ convert1(Test);
+convert({_,Test,_,_,_,_,_}) ->
+ convert1(Test).
+convert1(Test) ->
+ FName = lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")),
+ File = filename:join(?MIME, "Signed" ++ FName ++ ".eml"),
+ io:format("Convert ~p~n",[File]),
+ {ok, Mail} = file:read_file(File),
+ Base64 = skip_lines(Mail),
+ %%io:format("~s",[Base64]),
+ Tmp = base64:mime_decode(Base64),
+ file:write_file("pkits/smime-pem/tmp-pkcs7.der", Tmp),
+ Cmd = "openssl pkcs7 -inform der -in pkits/smime-pem/tmp-pkcs7.der"
+ " -print_certs -out pkits/smime-pem/" ++ FName ++ ".pem",
+ case os:cmd(Cmd) of
+ "" -> ok;
+ Err ->
+ io:format("~s",[Err]),
+ erlang:error(bad_cmd)
+ end.
+skip_lines(<<"\r\n\r\n", Rest/binary>>) -> Rest;
+skip_lines(<<"\n\n", Rest/binary>>) -> Rest;
+skip_lines(<<_:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
+ skip_lines(Rest).
+init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ put(datadir, Datadir),
+ Config.
+fin_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
+ %% Nodes = select_nodes(all, Config, ?FILE, ?LINE),
+ %% rpc:multicall(Nodes, mnesia, lkill, []),
+ Config.
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ crypto:start(),
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ crypto:stop().
+error(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
+ File = filename:basename(File0),
+ Pid = group_leader(),
+ Pid ! {failed, File, Line},
+ io:format(Pid, "~s(~p): ERROR"++Format, [File,Line|Args]).
+warning(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
+ File = filename:basename(File0),
+ io:format("~s(~p): Warning "++Format, [File,Line|Args]).