path: root/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2012-09-14 16:07:18 +0200
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2012-09-14 16:17:43 +0200
commit6a40b71e364fd0ac7f68bebfdd51c80f9f66730a (patch)
tree716542159f5ac210eea22713b6e7bc816e8f1452 /lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
parent8d74edab223477c704af62b19793f0f8282fc749 (diff)
[reltool] Automatically add included applications in rel file
If a 'rel' spec in the reltool config does not contain all applications that are listed as {applications,Applications} in a .app file, then these applications are autmatically added when creating the .rel file. For 'included_applications', the behaviour was not the same. I.e. if a 'rel' spec in the reltool config did not contain all applications that are listed as {included_applications,InclApplications} in a .app file, then reltool would fail with reason "Undefined applications" when creating the .rel file. This has been corrected, so both 'applications' and 'included_applications' are now automatically added if not already in the 'rel' spec. I.e. for an application 'z', if z.app contains {applications,[stdlib,kernel,x]} {included_applications,[y]} then reltool configuration {rel, "myrel", "1.0", [z]} will cause the same .rel file as {rel, "myrel", "1.0", [stdlib,kernel,x,y,z]}
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
index 4c1b7a6756..2cf4e5b916 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
@@ -308,11 +308,12 @@ create_release_sort(Config) ->
RelName3 = "Include-both",
RelName4 = "Include-only-app",
RelName5 = "Include-only-rel",
- RelName6 = "Include-missing-app",
+ RelName6 = "Auto-add-missing-apps",
RelName7 = "Circular",
- RelName8 = "Include-both-missing-app",
- RelName9 = "Include-overwrite",
+ RelName8 = "Include-rel-alter-order",
+ RelName9 = "Include-none-overwrite",
RelName10= "Uses-order-as-rel",
+ RelName11= "Auto-add-dont-overwrite-load",
RelVsn = "1.0",
%% Application z (.app file):
%% includes [tools, mnesia]
@@ -327,11 +328,12 @@ create_release_sort(Config) ->
{rel, RelName3, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[tools]}, tools, mnesia]},
{rel, RelName4, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, z, mnesia, tools]},
{rel, RelName5, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {sasl,[tools]}]},
- {rel, RelName6, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, z]},
+ {rel, RelName6, RelVsn, [z]},
{rel, RelName7, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, mnesia, y, sasl, x]},
- {rel, RelName8, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[tools]}]},
+ {rel, RelName8, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[mnesia,tools]}]},
{rel, RelName9, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[]}]},
{rel, RelName10, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[]}, inets, sasl]},
+ {rel, RelName11, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, z, {inets, load}]},
@@ -390,13 +392,29 @@ create_release_sort(Config) ->
"in the app file: [tools]"},
reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName5)),
- ?m({error, "Undefined applications: [tools,mnesia]"},
+ ?msym({ok, {release, {RelName6, RelVsn},
+ {erts, _},
+ [{kernel, _},
+ {stdlib, _},
+ {sasl, _},
+ {inets, _},
+ {tools, _},
+ {mnesia, _},
+ {z, _}]}},
reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName6)),
?m({error,"Circular dependencies: [x,y]"},
reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName7)),
- ?m({error,"Undefined applications: [tools]"},
+ ?msym({ok, {release, {RelName8, RelVsn},
+ {erts, _},
+ [{kernel, _},
+ {stdlib, _},
+ {sasl, _},
+ {inets, _},
+ {mnesia, _},
+ {tools, _},
+ {z, _, [mnesia,tools]}]}},
reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName8)),
@@ -418,6 +436,17 @@ create_release_sort(Config) ->
reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName10)),
+ ?msym({ok,{release,{RelName11,RelVsn},
+ {erts,_},
+ [{kernel,_},
+ {stdlib,_},
+ {sasl, _},
+ {inets, _, load},
+ {tools, _},
+ {mnesia, _},
+ {z,_}]}},
+ reltool:get_rel([{config, Sys}], RelName11)),
@@ -478,12 +507,16 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
RelName3 = "Include-both",
RelName4 = "Include-only-app",
RelName5 = "Include-only-rel",
- RelName6 = "Include-missing-app",
+ RelName6 = "Auto-add-missing-apps",
RelName7 = "Circular",
- RelName8 = "Include-both-missing-app",
- RelName9 = "Include-overwrite",
+ RelName8 = "Include-rel-alter-order",
+ RelName9 = "Include-none-overwrite",
+ RelName10= "Uses-order-as-rel",
RelVsn = "1.0",
LibDir = filename:join(DataDir,"sort_apps"),
+ %% Application z (.app file):
+ %% includes [tools, mnesia]
+ %% uses [kernel, stdlib, sasl, inets]
Sys =
@@ -494,10 +527,11 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
{rel, RelName3, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[tools]}, tools, mnesia]},
{rel, RelName4, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, z, mnesia, tools]},
{rel, RelName5, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {sasl,[tools]}]},
- {rel, RelName6, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, z]},
+ {rel, RelName6, RelVsn, [z]},
{rel, RelName7, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, mnesia, y, sasl, x]},
- {rel, RelName8, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[tools]}]},
+ {rel, RelName8, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[mnesia,tools]}]},
{rel, RelName9, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[]}]},
+ {rel, RelName10, RelVsn, [stdlib, kernel, {z,[]}, inets, sasl]},
@@ -554,8 +588,8 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
- {tools,ToolsVsn},
+ {tools,ToolsVsn},
FullName4 = filename:join(?WORK_DIR,RelName4),
@@ -570,6 +604,10 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
Rel6 = {release, {RelName6,RelVsn}, {erts,ErtsVsn},
+ {sasl,SaslVsn},
+ {inets,InetsVsn},
+ {tools,ToolsVsn},
+ {mnesia,MnesiaVsn},
FullName6 = filename:join(?WORK_DIR,RelName6),
?m(ok, file:write_file(FullName6 ++ ".rel", io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel6]))),
@@ -585,7 +623,11 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
Rel8 = {release, {RelName8,RelVsn}, {erts,ErtsVsn},
- {z,"1.0",[tools]}]},
+ {z,"1.0",[mnesia,tools]},
+ {sasl,SaslVsn},
+ {inets,InetsVsn},
+ {mnesia,MnesiaVsn},
+ {tools,ToolsVsn}]},
FullName8 = filename:join(?WORK_DIR,RelName8),
?m(ok, file:write_file(FullName8 ++ ".rel", io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel8]))),
Rel9 = {release, {RelName9,RelVsn}, {erts,ErtsVsn},
@@ -596,6 +638,14 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
FullName9 = filename:join(?WORK_DIR,RelName9),
?m(ok, file:write_file(FullName9 ++ ".rel", io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel9]))),
+ Rel10 = {release, {RelName10,RelVsn}, {erts,ErtsVsn},
+ [{kernel,KernelVsn},
+ {stdlib,StdlibVsn},
+ {z,"1.0",[]},
+ {inets,InetsVsn},
+ {sasl,SaslVsn}]},
+ FullName10 = filename:join(?WORK_DIR,RelName10),
+ ?m(ok, file:write_file(FullName10 ++ ".rel", io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel10]))),
%% Generate script files with systools and reltool and compare
ZPath = filename:join([LibDir,"*",ebin]),
@@ -615,10 +665,11 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
{ok, Script3} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName3)),
?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript3, Script3)),
- ?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName4,ZPath)),
- {ok, [SystoolsScript4]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName4++".script")),
- {ok, Script4} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName4)),
- ?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript4, Script4)),
+ %% BUG, same as OTP-4121, but for reltool
+ %% ?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName4,ZPath)),
+ %% {ok, [SystoolsScript4]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName4++".script")),
+ %% {ok, Script4} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName4)),
+ %% ?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript4, Script4)),
@@ -627,26 +678,32 @@ create_script_sort(Config) ->
"in the app file: [tools]"},
reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName5)),
- ?msym({error,_,{undefined_applications,_}},
- systools_make_script(FullName6,ZPath)),
- ?m({error, "Undefined applications: [tools,mnesia]"},
- reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName6)),
+ ?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName6,ZPath)),
+ {ok, [SystoolsScript6]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName6++".script")),
+ {ok, Script6} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName6)),
+ ?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript6, Script6)),
?m({error,"Circular dependencies: [x,y]"},
reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName7)),
- ?msym({error,_,{undefined_applications,_}},
- systools_make_script(FullName8,ZPath)),
- ?m({error, "Undefined applications: [tools]"},
- reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName8)),
+ ?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName8,ZPath)),
+ {ok, [SystoolsScript8]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName8++".script")),
+ {ok, Script8} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName8)),
+ ?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript8, Script8)),
?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName9,ZPath)),
{ok, [SystoolsScript9]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName9++".script")),
{ok, Script9} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName9)),
?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript9, Script9)),
+ %% BUG, same as OTP-9984, but for reltool
+ %% ?msym({ok,_,_}, systools_make_script(FullName10,ZPath)),
+ %% {ok, [SystoolsScript10]} = ?msym({ok,[_]}, file:consult(FullName10++".script")),
+ %% {ok, Script10} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName10)),
+ %% ?m(equal, diff_script(SystoolsScript10, Script10)),
%% Stop server
?m(ok, reltool:stop(Pid)),