path: root/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
diff options
authorJohn Högberg <[email protected]>2018-01-10 13:34:05 +0100
committerJohn Högberg <[email protected]>2018-01-11 10:39:57 +0100
commitd468fcbb1dfeef6c68f6033df9bff57dfcd748af (patch)
tree7e033d92e9b838d04404acda2bbdcf72b50af57d /lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
parent6e8a91b5d3a47e4f1b5be4ce1b213f0175b23062 (diff)
Reduce memory use of system_information:to_file/1
The previous implementation generated a term, converted it to plain text with io_lib:format/2, and then converted that to a binary before writing it to disk. We now emit the term as we go, which should make it a bit safer to extract this information under load.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
index df25297eb9..6a9f3ff58a 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
@@ -75,43 +75,37 @@ load_report(file, File) -> load_report(data, from_file(File));
load_report(data, Report) ->
ok = start_internal(), gen_server:call(?SERVER, {load_report, Report}, infinity).
-report() -> [
- {init_arguments, init:get_arguments()},
- {code_paths, code:get_path()},
- {code, code()},
- {system_info, erlang_system_info()},
- {erts_compile_info, erlang:system_info(compile_info)},
- {beam_dynamic_libraries, get_dynamic_libraries()},
- {environment_erts, os_getenv_erts_specific()},
- {environment, [split_env(Env) || Env <- os:getenv()]},
- {sanity_check, sanity_check()}
- ].
+report() ->
+ %% This is ugly but beats having to maintain two distinct implementations,
+ %% and we don't really care about memory use since it's internal and
+ %% undocumented.
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open([], [ram, read, write]),
+ to_fd(Fd),
+ {ok, _} = file:position(Fd, bof),
+ from_fd(Fd).
-spec to_file(FileName) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
FileName :: file:name_all(),
Reason :: file:posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit.
to_file(File) ->
- file:write_file(File, iolist_to_binary([
- io_lib:format("{system_information_version, ~p}.~n", [
- ]),
- io_lib:format("{system_information, ~p}.~n", [
- report()
- ])
- ])).
+ case file:open(File, [raw, write, binary, delayed_write]) of
+ {ok, Fd} ->
+ try
+ to_fd(Fd)
+ after
+ file:close(Fd)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
from_file(File) ->
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, Data} ->
- case get_value([system_information_version], Data) of
- get_value([system_information], Data);
- Vsn ->
- erlang:error({unknown_version, Vsn})
- end;
- _ ->
- erlang:error(bad_report_file)
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [raw, read]),
+ try
+ from_fd(Fd)
+ after
+ file:close(Fd)
applications() -> applications([]).
@@ -457,61 +451,151 @@ split_env([$=|Vs], Key) -> {lists:reverse(Key), Vs};
split_env([I|Vs], Key) -> split_env(Vs, [I|Key]);
split_env([], KV) -> lists:reverse(KV). % should not happen.
-%% get applications
+from_fd(Fd) ->
+ try
+ [{system_information_version, "1.0"},
+ {system_information, Data}] = consult_fd(Fd),
+ Data
+ catch
+ _:_ -> erlang:error(bad_report_file)
+ end.
-code() ->
- % order is important
- get_code_from_paths(code:get_path()).
+consult_fd(Fd) ->
+ consult_fd_1(Fd, [], {ok, []}).
+consult_fd_1(Fd, Cont0, ReadResult) ->
+ Data =
+ case ReadResult of
+ {ok, Characters} -> Characters;
+ eof -> eof
+ end,
+ case erl_scan:tokens(Cont0, Data, 1) of
+ {done, {ok, Tokens, _}, Next} ->
+ {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
+ [Term | consult_fd_1(Fd, [], {ok, Next})];
+ {more, Cont} ->
+ consult_fd_1(Fd, Cont, file:read(Fd, 1 bsl 20));
+ {done, {eof, _}, eof} -> []
+ end.
-get_code_from_paths([]) -> [];
-get_code_from_paths([Path|Paths]) ->
- case is_application_path(Path) of
- true ->
- [{application, get_application_from_path(Path)}|get_code_from_paths(Paths)];
- false ->
- [{code, [
- {path, Path},
- {modules, get_modules_from_path(Path)}
- ]}|get_code_from_paths(Paths)]
+%% Dumps a system_information tuple to the given Fd, writing the term in chunks
+%% to avoid eating too much memory on large systems.
+to_fd(Fd) ->
+ EmitChunk =
+ fun(Format, Args) ->
+ ok = file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(Format, Args))
+ end,
+ EmitChunk("{system_information_version, ~p}.~n"
+ "{system_information,["
+ "{init_arguments,~p},"
+ "{code_paths,~p},",
+ init:get_arguments(),
+ code:get_path()]),
+ emit_code_info(EmitChunk),
+ EmitChunk( "," %% Note the leading comma!
+ "{system_info,~p},"
+ "{erts_compile_info,~p},"
+ "{beam_dynamic_libraries,~p},"
+ "{environment_erts,~p},"
+ "{environment,~p},"
+ "{sanity_check,~p}"
+ "]}.~n",
+ [erlang_system_info(),
+ erlang:system_info(compile_info),
+ get_dynamic_libraries(),
+ os_getenv_erts_specific(),
+ [split_env(Env) || Env <- os:getenv()],
+ sanity_check()]).
+%% Emits all modules/applications in the *code path order*
+emit_code_info(EmitChunk) ->
+ EmitChunk("{code, [", []),
+ comma_separated_foreach(EmitChunk,
+ fun(Path) ->
+ case is_application_path(Path) of
+ true -> emit_application_info(EmitChunk, Path);
+ false -> emit_code_path_info(EmitChunk, Path)
+ end
+ end, code:get_path()),
+ EmitChunk("]}", []).
+emit_application_info(EmitChunk, Path) ->
+ [Appfile|_] = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path, "*.app")),
+ case file:consult(Appfile) of
+ {ok, [{application, App, Info}]} ->
+ RtDeps = proplists:get_value(runtime_dependencies, Info, []),
+ Description = proplists:get_value(description, Info, []),
+ Version = proplists:get_value(vsn, Info, []),
+ EmitChunk("{application, {~p,["
+ "{description,~p},"
+ "{vsn,~p},"
+ "{path,~p},"
+ "{runtime_dependencies,~p},",
+ [App, Description, Version, Path, RtDeps]),
+ emit_module_info_from_path(EmitChunk, Path),
+ EmitChunk("]}}", [])
+emit_code_path_info(EmitChunk, Path) ->
+ EmitChunk("{code, ["
+ "{path, ~p},", [Path]),
+ emit_module_info_from_path(EmitChunk, Path),
+ EmitChunk("]}", []).
+emit_module_info_from_path(EmitChunk, Path) ->
+ BeamFiles = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path, "*.beam")),
+ EmitChunk("{modules, [", []),
+ comma_separated_foreach(EmitChunk,
+ fun(Beam) ->
+ emit_module_info(EmitChunk, Beam)
+ end, BeamFiles),
+ EmitChunk("]}", []).
+emit_module_info(EmitChunk, Beam) ->
+ %% FIXME: The next three calls load *all* significant chunks onto the heap,
+ %% which may cause us to run out of memory if there's a huge module in the
+ %% code path.
+ {ok,{Mod, Md5}} = beam_lib:md5(Beam),
+ CompilerVersion = get_compiler_version(Beam),
+ Native = beam_is_native_compiled(Beam),
+ Loaded = case code:is_loaded(Mod) of
+ false -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end,
+ EmitChunk("{~p,["
+ "{loaded,~p},"
+ "{native,~p},"
+ "{compiler,~p},"
+ "{md5,~p}"
+ "]}",
+ [Mod, Loaded, Native, CompilerVersion, hexstring(Md5)]).
+comma_separated_foreach(_EmitChunk, _Fun, []) ->
+ ok;
+comma_separated_foreach(_EmitChunk, Fun, [H]) ->
+ Fun(H);
+comma_separated_foreach(EmitChunk, Fun, [H | T]) ->
+ Fun(H),
+ EmitChunk(",", []),
+ comma_separated_foreach(EmitChunk, Fun, T).
is_application_path(Path) ->
case filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path, "*.app")) of
[] -> false;
_ -> true
-get_application_from_path(Path) ->
- [Appfile|_] = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path, "*.app")),
- case file:consult(Appfile) of
- {ok, [{application, App, Info}]} ->
- {App, [
- {description, proplists:get_value(description, Info, [])},
- {vsn, proplists:get_value(vsn, Info, [])},
- {path, Path},
- {runtime_dependencies,
- proplists:get_value(runtime_dependencies, Info, [])},
- {modules, get_modules_from_path(Path)}
- ]}
- end.
-get_modules_from_path(Path) ->
- [
- begin
- {ok,{Mod, Md5}} = beam_lib:md5(Beam),
- Loaded = case code:is_loaded(Mod) of
- false -> false;
- _ -> true
- end,
- {Mod, [
- {loaded, Loaded},
- {native, beam_is_native_compiled(Beam)},
- {compiler, get_compiler_version(Beam)},
- {md5, hexstring(Md5)}
- ]}
- end || Beam <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path, "*.beam"))
- ].
hexstring(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [V]) || <<V>> <= Bin]).